Full Circle - Part 2

A guard occasionally walked by his cell with echoed footsteps. he wanted to be angry at the guards, but he knew he couldn't; it wasn't their fault. suddenly one unlocked his cell. "you have a call, come on."

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Diplomacy on the Side

He leaned against the barrier in his cell, looking across. in the cell on the other side, sat a lone sangheili.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 15-Progress

"agent 41's immune system works like this, when a white blood cell tries to attack it in an otherwise healthy person, the cell releases it's own cells that attack the white blood cell before it can dissolve it.

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Stolen property

The co's moved up the stairs to the second floor and raided each cell. they stopped in lorenzo's cell and marcus beamed from ear to ear as they shredded through his things.

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The Path Less Traveled, Part 6

Occasionally the guards would haul a screaming prisoner out of their cell, but the same cell was quickly filled with a new prisoner. of course the prisoners who left their cells never came back.


Conversion Co.: Male Sector

A second chime echoed through the hall, cell "#2" must have just been gassed. i glanced across the two guys beside our cell to cell two, there were two guys in that one.

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Chapter 1: Escape of the Cardinals

Larona walks up to the barred window to her cell and watches as a meal fit for a king is given to the prisoners in cell thirteen.

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Possum Prison Pussy - Part 1

"yeah, and look where that got ya," crux shot back and closed the cell door behind him. the latching of that door cell made everything come into focus.

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Halo: Survival Instinct

They stopped a little ways down from his own cell, and faced one of the sturdier armoured cells across from him.

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Meant to Be, Ch 1

As for the cell to the left, cory didn't recall who the last resident was... that prisoner had only been there for three days before succumbing to some kind of sickness, and the cell had been unoccupied ever since.

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Loyal Dogs: The Traitor Chapter 1

Despite the cell's exaggerated size, there were no windows, plunging the cell into a constant state semi-darkness. the only light came from the small grate on his cell door where the light of a nearby wall sconce shone through.

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The case of Rupert Nelson -part one-

For now, why wouldn't you just describe your roo- well, your cell for me ?'' asked the badger, switching the subject, because he felt it wouldn't put the bear at ease. ''hmm... well. i picture my first cell... right after... well, my first cell.

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