Warm And Fuzzy (2/5)

An invitation to do something like that...about as un-char-like an activity as he could imagine. "i...uh..."

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Xenomorph 4

It tore away at viper's chest and belly armour and was just about to run its tail through his guts when char blasted the alien with his gun. viper, scared stiff, and char were outnumbered and in danger of being killed.


Die Drachenherz-Krise

char. und zwar liegt das daran, dass ich mir zu viele gedanken um die anderen chars gemacht habe und surasshu dadrin hab untergehen lassen, wofür ich mir entschuldigen möchte, hoffe ihr nehm es mir nicht übel. 4.


The Dragon's Toy

The char along the man's form began to crack hard char flaking off, revealing more quivering black scales. velk struggled, breath huffing against the scaled slit as his face was ground forcefully against it.

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Taste of Fire: Settling Dust

"just a bunch of stubborn char wanting power over others." "my brother was a good person. he was more like my father than i could ever hope to be. he taught me the ways of the char and he often asked me of the things harith would teach me.

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Charmander and Friend.doc M/M

Mmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the orgasm filled the mouth of baby char..and char got hard too from it,and started feeling a dry orgasm coming on. both moan in pleasure the baby fur laid there feeling exhausted.

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Hot Shift

"the place you found is the actual charred cave - called that because when you enter, you get charred. as in, turned into a charmander.

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Lucky Dragon

I'm blaze, and that's char!" the dragoness speaking featured scales of a luminescent neon green, while the last, char, was a dark and smoky umber color - perhaps the most muted thomas saw so far, with pale and thoughtful eyes like distant moons.

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"char, char!" it jumped up and down in an attempt to answer his question.

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The Kocher Recordings: Entry One

char was gonna have a heyday when he heard about this.

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Charlie barkins gay encounter part 11

Of him putting his cock in charlies ass and pounding it good.

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