Experiment 261 Chapter 9

He payed them using a prepaid credit card, but he didn't know about the metadata on the credit card.

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 35

"they tracked his credit cards?" denton asked. "yes." "what's wrong?" martin asked. "i don't like it. anyone with a hint of common sense doesn't use credit cards if they're going to do anything illegal.

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The Beloved Pet Ch8

He said that i cost him 345,000 credits and then also offered several comparisons.

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Furnace of Stars, part 1

"incoming credits, begin: zero credits from working for three days. ten credits transferred as a gift from technician 17-17. transfer note, begin: 'don't tell anyone, can't risk panic". transfer note, end. incoming credits, end.

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The Lone and Level Sands

Well he knew, as he knew the sun would rise hot and dry tomorrow, he could ask a lot of credits for any cloth woven of these.

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Experiment 261 Chapter 1

He then took a closer look at the credit card he had been given. it was a non-secured, single use type of card; the kind that is given a set amount of credit at a bank. anyone could use it, but no one could add credit back to it.

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Unemployed, Ch. 10: So Deep

Outside, the metal was so fine that if you touched the brass handles without gloves on, the guards would fine you a hundred credits and knock fifty points off your social credit.

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Time Measure Money

Your credit card would also count too, as your available credit is money you can rightfully spend. and if you can spend it, it's yours. maybe the bank tells you you're eligible for a loan. that's money you can spend, too.

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"i have to do credit, this time." "alright," jacob said. "it's ready when you are."

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The Society, CH 31

"you think damian wouldn't consider credit cards can be tracked?" "yes, especially if you consider all he did before he was caught.

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A Daughter's Return

She shuddered at the thought of how many credits were on her credit stick. it was more than all of the credits that she had made as a forensic accountant at her old firm. there were also her new friends who never cared about the collar around her neck.

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Playdog IV - Play Harder

But what about these game credits, what are they?" "game credits are used to unlock stages and to play stages that are available to you." "so, i used game credits to play this one?" she nodded. "yes, you used five credits to play this scenario."

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