The Emperor's New Tail

Finally the light of digivolution faded, leaving a very confused salamon standing in front of her. he yelped as he saw gatomon, trying to back away but tripping over his unfamiliar feet.

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The Last Renamon: Chapter One - First Day of Summer Vacation

He removed the sheets to see a blue digicard (like the ones in the series that helped with digivolution...,he thought) "hang on renamon! i'm coming to help!" \end part 1 next part 2 the gift of love (and more :)

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Chapter 14

#14 of next generation- the digivolution saga i would like to put forward a little competition type thing to all my readers.

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Chapter 12

#12 of next generation- the digivolution saga woah, finally managed to finish the next chapter of this story.

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Chapter 18

#18 of next generation- the digivolution saga next chapter! woot me! anyway, uni has just gotten damn hard, so i've got even less time to write than before.

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Digital Bracelet

Her digivolution was soon to compete, and she relished the change to become...digivolution? where were these words coming from? the alien impulses and drives were powerfully conflicting in her mind. all she knew was what felt right in the moment.

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Digimon Defenders FINAL CHAPTER Part 2

She consulted several of her subprograms, trying to figure out how much longer she could maintain her mega digivolution at this rate of energy consumption.

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Synthetic Serenade

It was time for another digivolution! digivolution was a fascinating thing.

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Chapter 13

#13 of next generation- the digivolution saga i apologize for the somewhat sloppy writing in places, not to mention the period of time it has taken for me to post something, but yeah, here's the next chapter of tng, hope you like it.

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Chapter 11

#11 of next generation- the digivolution saga and with this we come to the end of the completed chapters. if enough people like this, i'll try to continue it.

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Chapter 10

#10 of next generation- the digivolution saga so the garumon from the last chapter turned out to be useful after all, and craig gets to field test his new upgrade on another citadel agent. ---------------------------------------------------------

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Chapter 7

#7 of next generation- the digivolution saga at this point i'm not sure whether this is turning into a harem story or otherwise.

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