Drako Tygon- chapter 6

He was seen buying a hotel, with a bunch of goons in tactical gear carrying monitors and hard drives. i think he's setting up a "burner" base, one that can be "burned" when he wants. i found the hotel. nothing fancy.

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The Unintended Curse ch7

It was about this time that i realized that this was one of the goons that had capture the elf and resulted in my current predicament.

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Chapter Ten

Before the rangers had a chance to react, they were each caught and held by a different fat cat goon. chip was held by newt, gadget by a rat in typical brox attire.

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Kitty Rehab Chapter 4

Had he grabbed arean by the wrists it would have signalled to uncle missel's goon squad that arean was in trouble. that's what she'd been told but seemingly the client knew about this.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 12

I rush down the alley, forgoing any more stealth in order to deliver a nice flying kick to the side of the closest goon's head.

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Super Slime Saga, Finale

Unable to hold herself back, julie bounced off of the wall and pounced the goon, engulfing him in her slimy form, forcing the girl to be pushed towards luther, who was knocked down under her.

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My Gun Is Cute

Vinnie and the goons waited a split second before firing because clams was still in the way. i shot vinnie in the head, then rolled over and put two slugs into the nearest goon. i got the third one in the arm and he dropped his gun.

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Some guy and his wife were in greece doing the tourist thing, and she got snagged by some dickhead's goons. you know the deal, kidnapping rich american women for fun and profit.

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 15

You may have gotten the drop on my goons last night but there were only two, this time there are twelve. think you can still win?"

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Fade to Black Chapter 2 "The Goofball Duo"

His goon let julie go as he ran to his partners side, helping him up. "are you ok?" he asked helping him up. "alright, daren, time to die." his plan had worked, both daren and jerel took off down the street with the two goons behind them.

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of Bliss - Coevolution 007

Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Espen runs into Levi at the campus hub, completely by chance. Totally. **TRIGGER** **WARNING!** Contains:...

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From Trainer to Breeder

"goon," clay whispered before settling back on top of samael. he shifted his weight to his knees, spreading samael's thighs and grabbing the bat's hips in both paws.

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