SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 9

"that is insubordination. i've never done anything like this but you don't have to tell me how important it is i do this. but i definitely don't like it. leave it to me on how to delay him." the sergeant said grimly.

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Reunion: Chapter 1

insubordination was punished with demotion and latrine duties for the entire deployment. allen sat himself on his couch that was made from more of the polysubstance that was softened to resemble leather, but like the door, failed miserably.

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Zombiology - Grizzly Bear

The king felt relief rather than anger at the insubordination. he finally had a face to the enemy; a tangible target he could overcome.

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Breaking The New Toy

Besides, you don't want me to tell my father about this latest insubordination of yours, right?" ivan walked to the snow leopard. he was grinning. he was fucking grinning. ivan closed his fists. if only, if only... but there was no only.

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Mange Mane: A Day in the Life

\>the insubordinate wretch passes you a murderous glare before turning her nose up away from you. to think that she was even worse when her 'friends' were around.

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Vulpes Lupis Chapter 2: Tales From A Troubled World

"why are you so insubordinate?" "i'm nervous as hell liz, i'm afraid. like i said, i'm 16, i shouldn't be here." "who was your dad?" "my dad? i don't know, my mom was raped by some guy in wolf.

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The Illegitimate Persuasions of a Tiger Prince and a Lady Rat - The Beginning

The rat noticed this insubordination and swiftly moved to the disobedient tiger. the tiger suffered a slight rump slapping before being told to sit in the corner like a bad cub. he obeyed completely.

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The Radical Beginning: Part One

Despite chance normally being the more insubordinate of the pair, it was jake who piped up, angrily demanding an explanation. "why?" he cried. "we've got reno and his boys cold!" "yeah!" said chance.

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A True Shot In the Dark

Now...you're actual property, and we don't take kindly to insubordination any more than the military does. i hope you can appreciate that." confusion might have been an insult to what ted felt in his mind.

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Banging in the Barracks

"so if you're gonna punish me for insubordination, you'd best be rough or else there's no point." her eyes narrowed as she struggled to stifle a laugh. "you shut your whore beak."

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[Commission] Subterfuge, usurpation and vigilante justice

She would begin sowing seeds of mistrust, propagating insubordination towards the two rulers in canterlot, culminating into a civil war.

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Overthrowing Royalty

I have the power to make or break insubordinates, may i remind you." "is that a fact? a thousand pardons. so what are you? like, royalty or something?" "well duh! why do you think we're here, anyways? can't you even see my crown?"

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