
So what is this judgement that you seek to pass? invisible world, unheard of, unseen. only spoken and written--legacy of a man. thirteen years ripped out. thirteen. twelve of them were yours, one turned on you.



The judgement simply awaits, as it always does, and always will. i cannot fear it. i will change.


Chapter 10 - The Moon

So we made the "judgement" space shuttle crash to cover up the fact that we had actually found this..."


Between the Elements

The wilting eye above my own judgement strays in all directions but mine. if only i could move the hoisted steel away from myself could i find the soft textures withing it. have the rusted ends scraped away and mold it to my liking.

Choose your own Path pt17

"it was a judgement of your character, and i was sufficiently impressed." "so what would had have happened if i had failed?" "depends how badly."the master replies,winking evilly, and you decide to drop the subject.

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Hades and Philos: January

At first, philos remained aloof at his post, confirming each judgement of a soul made by either minos, rhadamanthus or aeacus.

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The WildWood (One Shot)

You will be returned to your cell and await my judgement.' and here we are again. mellisa sighed; sitting with her legs crossed in the centre of the cage. at least she wasn't bound this time. but she was still in a prison. and where had it got her.

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MLP: Six Surprises

Shock, delight, judgement, worry, suspicion. it just felt a whole lot better to walk out of ponyville and find somewhere private to talk about the problem - and perhaps find a solution for protecting rainbow dash."uh-uh. no way."

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Heaven Falls

It's us; we hear and heed the call the need, the want, the hunger to cast judgement and be judged. and so, we bend and twist this world through ill proportion render it a sad and sickened place.


A New Best Friend Preview: Collaboration with Andlat

"your mommy dressed you in boxers this morning, so i'm not sure if i trust her judgement, baby." she teased. "now, who's your favorite princess?" ryan looked at andlat for help, not knowing any except leia, which he offered hopefully. mrs.

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A New Best Friend Preview: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

"your mommy dressed you in boxers this morning, so i'm not sure if i trust her judgement, baby." she teased. "now, who's your favorite princess?" ryan looked at andlat for help, not knowing any except leia, which he offered hopefully. mrs.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 12

Next she swung her left hand, a set of icy claws striking him, "judgment of the chilly command!" malicoe growled in pain before tenchi struck him with her right hand again, a set of shadowy claws hitting him, "judgment of the dark betrayal!"

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