Watcher of Arceus Chapter 9

The day i turn sixty, she will reincarnate and then when her next body turns sixty, i will reincarnate. this pattern helps to provide balance. following this pattern, my clan came up with the numbers nine, eighteen, and twenty-seven.

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The Fireborn: Prologue

   Disclaimer: Hopefully this goes without saying, but if you are not 18 or 21 or older you shouldn't be on this website. This is a place for adult fantasy and is supposed to be run and inhabited by adults. It is not my job nor...

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After the “dead list” – I’m a deer

Are all aliens just reincarnated humans? "no. most are born on other planets." "here, let me show you this." "touch your computer to turn it on." okay. i turned to face my terminal, which was off.

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El fin de una etapa

Gracias a todos los que habeis leido la historia. Aquí está el último capítulo de esta... temporada por así decirlo. Se lo dedico a todos los que me dejaron sus personajes para que los metiera, entre ellos, mi hermanito Nacho y a su novio Vic, que...

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The Lone Dinosaur Return

" my reincarnation." a wave of shock almost knocked petrie right out of the sky. "i will never forget that horned sharptooth. his horns weren't that impressive at all. puny actually.

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Chapter 58: Between a Rock and Hard Cock

And even though he is the reincarnated son of a supreme being," she said with a laugh, "there was no way for him to come to s'pru without it resulting in his immediate death. s'pru was created for foxes and only for foxes."

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Chapter 18: Pump

For the cycle would only continue, and this latest reincarnation would die like the others before her, taking with her anyone who was at her side. someone had already made her mortal: it was only a matter of time.

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 3: Bandits

I was given the chance to be reincarnated in this world. but i refused unless my husband would also be reincarnated here. i was a noble bastard and when i was five i was replaced by my brother.

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Finding My Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 4: Desert Job

reincarnations were common in this world? "no, my only quest is to find my mate and live out our lives however we see fit." "great, you got one of the chaotic ones.

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Chapter 4 - Mark's Reborn

"no mark, you've been reincarnated by the council of twelve." hei bai said. "hei bai?? is that you??? what do you mean reincarnated???" i said. "not now mark, you must wake up now..." hei bai said. "hei bai, answer me...." i yelled.


The Legend of Zelda: The Totem King- ch 3 Kidnapped

I sipped that sweet nectar while reading a story of one of link's reincarnations. this one was about the twilight princess, where he became a wolf to destroy a great demon, and saved the twilight princess. "link!" that was zelda's voice.

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A sample scene

After reincarnation? an aroma grew thick, wet, nearly tangible to inhale. an offering even the dullest sniffer could gander at. the choir arrive, ripe for the taking. a creature so young, so fresh, chittering toward abyss.

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