Castle in the Sky

Light that guides us to that course, thy king's actions know no remorse. knowing all, learning a passion, eyes filled with great compassion. take thou mind and treasure well for this is where the dragon dwells.

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Public Enemy

They said that clyde showed no remorse when he was sentenced to the chair, and on the day when he faced ole sparky, even seemed to be enjoying himself! some witnesses say that he died with a smile on his face.

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Puppy Love

Words engulf me of our pack leader the one that commands my owners he who keeps me on this solid rock to set me for life author of these hymns that show no remorse the cause of this unending nectar i swallow .

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New Face in ponyville part 2

"great, twilight, i'll see you back at the library" diamond started to skulk away, head hung in remorse, as she arrived back at the front gate there was a van being driven by some earth ponies, "you diamond race?"

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Rein and Sunrise

Suppressed ray through the glass, every mourning without remorse crying to aches of another season, a realization to shrive. admitting my sins, big and small, conscious and unconscious. reliving my past, every painful day after another.

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The Bet, English/Pokemon Version, Part 2

I ended it three hours ago, no remorse." "um... may i ask something?" "hmm? what is it?" at least she's not being a bitch anymore. "may i be your rebound?" **_alright, so what the did i do?

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Roo The Nasty Kangaroo

He looked back on his past behavior with remorse, but he also recognized that he had grown and changed for the better.

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In Medias Res- Hindsight Prologue

He saw pain, sorrow, remorse... and as the purple drake opened it's mouth, he could see flames rolling between its teeth. "i'm sorry...." the purple dragon said, as it used its free front leg to wipe away at its eyes.

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Pantheon. 1

This is the odyssey of the thunder that struck down such a tree, and life anew, life of remorse, that which spawned from hatred. this is a story of gods long lost, champions forever heralded, ages of strife, eons of grief, and decades of joy.

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Feral Dialysis - Prolouge

They got away with a lot, and no hesitation nor remorse was ever questioned. they dodged the unbiased rule of nature only to destroy it; and themselves in the process.


Ninja Kitty (A Poem)

The widow replied, with no remorse. i scuddle on down there, then hide off to the side, what's right before me, i see with my very own eyes. ninja travis, in the flesh, but now that i've found him, he will no longer be fresh!

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Hull Breach (Otherwise Untitled)

~ relief in the moment, remorse in recollection and future.

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