Blaze of Glory Chapter 6

Stacy simply stared at the flickering representation of her second for a few seconds with a mask of barely-managed curiosity scrawled across her muzzle. she nodded slowly. "yes, i'm fine. dismissed."

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Collared - Chapter 2 - Expanding the Harem

You can have futuristic cities next to a digital representation of the pyramids, to the roman coliseum.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Two

Harper shook his head, "you can't suspend me without union representation. i have my contractual rights." mrs.

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Therian's - A Case Study - Part one - Odocoileus virginianus (Whitetail Deer)

#1 of therian case study this is a fictional representation of a small collection of material to explain the fictional race of therian that i use in some of my tales.

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Radasus vs Jeked 1

"forgive my more analytical representation," the goblin woman said, grabbing a glass handed to her by a three-armed goblinoid. "he often puts business ahead of any sort of pleasure, save for his flair of the theatrics." "and... you are...?"

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Touchpad Technique

Quin's visor finally returned to showing a representation of eyes in front of their optical sensors. "w-was that... orgasm?" meeks grinned breathlessly. "yeah, quin.

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Horizon: Salvaged Heroes, Ch.9

The engineer mentally manipulated the table's hologram, a representation of the _resolution_ appeared next to nebula's base ship. "this is us, you see?" then the new ship shrank until it was 1/100th the size of the older one. "and that's us to scale."

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Between Sun and Moon

On opposite sides of this blue circle of fresh water were two islands, lush with vegetation and two unique statues- untold centuries ago, the tribe had constructed on one island, a granite representation of the sun and its lunar counterpart, an equally-impressive

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WOLF - pt.23

The tears spilled hot and angry as my wolf snarled inside at this disgraceful representation of a wolf. kill! kill! kill! i flexed my hands at my sides.

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Every Artist's Dream: Chapter One

"is my representation of the world we live in." "how?" another judge asked, this time a rather large panda. "all i see is a bunch of abstract shapes and designs." "exactly." avery said, feeling more and more confident.

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Star Wars - Remission - Setting and Prologue

Constituent systems are allowed to create their own guidelines for the appointment of local representation in the g.r. senate. the senate itself is convened under the authority of a president, who has a term of 5 years.

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An Introduction to a New Series

Some half-breeds have as little as enhanced reflexes, strength, and even tails and ears characteristic of mammals, while others are fully hybridized, essentially looking like anthropomorphic representations of their respective mammalian race.

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