Teenage Loves
So live hap'ly with them, live without strife.
I'm Here (I)
You say you're at the brink as you grab another drink you say to follow his life and not your road of strife you say this path of pain will give us nothing to gain you cry and scream you're done as you holster another gun you
I am the Enemy
I have turned into the enemy i fear i may have ruined your life i have caused you so much strife with this i can't even begin to help you i don't know what it is i'm supposed to do i'm so sorry for what i've done it seems i can't ever win, no
The Soul in the Fishbowl.txt
Tis a soul, swimming in that metephorical fishbowl, living its life on the wings of strife. to guide its path it seeks to suffer darkness's wrath. its suffering shielding, those who's weakness is unyielding.
Karelian Strength
Despite all the dour hardships and strife, the young maiden courageously chose life; embraced by those whom she held dear, hope had a place with everyone near.
Scales of Colour
All dragons however are the same and through our trouble and strife we all chant while we still have flame; hail fire, hail scales, hail life!
Special Exception: Connected Darkness
Look at empty seats something is supposed to be but grief gets the best of me they are supposed to aid i should not be afraid yet alone i sit in dread my hands slowly hope they shred piece by piece death shreds my life only i know my inner strife
Between the Elements
Where angels and demons strife through an endless siege, i watch.
The classroom with ease, the other feels stress and pain without a breeze, the bets go around until a victor is found, let the next hand begin, and we shall see who wins, to one goes a loving wife, to the other a cheater and strife
You have become the most important person in my life the one i cherish and hold most dearly i can never lose you as that would cause me great strife you are the one who helps me see clearly.
One without hatred or strife. please go. leave me alone! you cannot help me. my heart is stone! please don't make me do it. fine! i've come to it! i'm done with you! every bit! you're so full of lies! so full of shit!
Beautiful Scars
That just makes you feel like shit every moment as you look them in the eye with a practiced fake smile and a smooth worn lie and they know that they are winning, controlling your life while you sit there trying to be perfect while dealing with all your strife