Chapter 32

I know she has magic and everything, but i hate the thought of her being alone in the middle of that forest with little sylas . . ." keeno watched kilyan steadily, his arm across his drawn up knee. "i told you i slept with her . . ."

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Chapter 34: Broken

Let sylas have wynn off in some safe place, let the boy at that very moment be in the act of freeing them all! as these desperate thoughts passed through kilyan's mind, the soft rattle of chains made his ears prick forward.

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Chapter 30: Be My Princess

She had lied to her father: wynn was very alone in her flight, for she hadn't heard from sylas since the wastelands. her heart was beating hard in her throat that she would be captured, that the pygmies would have their way with her.

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Five White Feathers (Second Eternity - Eps 9)

sylas nighteyes, a male raccoon technician, is very pleased to see clip, and hugs and snugs him for a long while, before realizing that an audience is present. clip introduces sylas to his human friends.

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The Desert Oasus

The desert oasus written by: sylas graves the unforgiving sun beat down on the sands of the umbran desert as aleksander continued his search for the chimera known as zeal.

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Phade and Natalie - Have Faith

 the second call had been to sylas "sy" grim, friend and bus driver.â he made his rounds from six in the morning to six at night.â he made just over minimum wage, but had so many benefits i was jealous of him.â i asked him where he

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