Hypnovember 2023 - Chime, Tone

The pause before the vole answered said 'no'. but that was of little concern to bastien. the chimes were more important to him.

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Limits: Chapter 10

The vole held her phone to her ear and paced around as it rang. jewel kept her girlfriend close as she watched. the wolf pulled her in and didn't let go.

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Limits: Chapter 5

The vole loved to talk. and helga loved reprimanding her little attention whore with a playful smack in their sessions. but now, with every mistake falling to the other girl, amy had lost her ability to be a brat.

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Elemental Guardians and The Ring of Fire

She grabbed a mouse and sat down to eat as flametail grabbed the vole and settled down beside her. "hmm," he thought as he dug in, "delicious."

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Scourge Second Life part 5

Scourges claw whipped out, caught the vole in the side of the head, the voles neck snapped from the impact and it's limp body flew from the crack and scourge landed on it. "caught one." scourge meowed, the vole hung limply from his jaws.

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Folsom Chapter 1: The Trip

The vole looked up to helga from the bench as she tied her red and black sneakers, her giddy little smile made the older pig's own confident smirk all the stronger.

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Into the Pit Chapter 6: Sins of the Father

How could she have known that the vole dated someone twice her age? why did it have to be that bitch though? why couldn't rebecca get a win once and a while?

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A Jewel in the Ruff Chapter 8

The vole nuzzled into her butch lover, "i don't think they're gonna stay for that, mama. that wolf girl looks too terrified of everything." "can't blame her, not after i talked to that mink."

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Beyond Mundane Horizons: A Change of Pace

She had neatly laid out a brace of fat voles for herself, and a thoughtfully selected stack of vegetable foods for her guest.

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Folsom Chapter 9: The Truth

She cried into the vole's chest. arms tight as she held onto amethyst for comfort while the vole held her. held her like all the times helga did for her.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 6

Tegast looked down at the branch a couple of feet below him and waited until the scruffy vole showed himself. "hey." tegast flared his nostrils. "hey." "i, uh...you couldn't sleep?" tegast shook his head.

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Healing With Love

The vole took his time. he knew, by now, what she liked. what felt good to hear, and ... he took his slow, sweet time. just suckling. no hurry. no hurry ... right? no ... no ... mm ... mmm ...

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