Anthropia: Food Chain and Slavery
**food chain:** the dreaded food chain system was established when the beast folk began to create their own societies, and the carnivores realized they still needed meat in order to maintain healthy eating habits.
Stripes and Chains 5 - Claudius
He dropped, the chains holding him off his feet unbolted from the wall. he was free. he could end this worthless lump of scales and then go back to his cell.
Stripes and Chains 4 - The Alternative
#6 of stripes and chains benjamin has learned his lesson with use of the trap jaw, but mistress kelsura feels his attitude could still use some adjusting.
Stripe and Chains 2 - Measurments
#4 of stripes and chains this story takes place in the same world as fates of the unicorns by dragontalon this story is unrelated and is a work of fanfiction.
Everwinter Ch2: Weight of chains
# chapter 2 - weight of chains ## 787 i.c, may 15, everwinter: underworks, morning the underworks, a grand network of tunnels below the castle reaching deep into the mountains.
Shae's Journey - Chained and Changed
Shae grunted as the dragons threw her against the hard stone wall. There was some kind of glyph on it, right up against her back now, but she hadn't had a good chance to see what it looked like. She lunged at the slaver with a loud and angry neigh, but...
A Highly Improbable Chain of Events
It required a chain of coincidences the likely hood of which approached the magnitude of calling a coin toss incorrectly thirteen times in a row.
Chapter 10: The Chains of a Nightmare
Xenorosth was standing in a cave. There didn't seem to be any exit. It was dark except for the small torch in the center of the room. He walked toward the light, not sure what he should do. He grabbed the torch in his maw, and then started walking the...
For all it's Worth 2: Chains
Dear readers. The warning is being raised a bar for this story. Although it is a sequel to one of my previous stories it is increasingly more violent and contains several death scenes. If this offends you or it just isn't your cup of tea you might...
Chains of the Soul, First Link
chains of the soul ~first link: that fateful moment~ as the sun rises above the horizon setting off a streak of light that pierces the dark just as a baby's cries breaks the silence of the room why does the baby yearn for answers so?
Forbidden Affairs - Of Chains and Temptation
The feline rushed over to the panther and stopped when the metal collar around her neck strained it's large chain that linked to the stone wall.
Chained Ogre (Short Story)
Posted using postybirb chained ogre by olemgar/rodrigulino (cw: slavery, mind-influence and non-consensual themes.) this wasn't supposed to happen.