On the Throne

Sword and spell clashed throughout the city as the guard saved as many as they could, and they were succeeding in their endeavor.

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An Unusual Pregnancy

, infused in creativity as line after line exited a mind in such undeterred urgency i labored and strove, delivered and drove nine months, with a week give or take, encountering squirts, occasional spurts of one i endeavored

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Encyclopedia Kyruku - Forwards

As such, i've endeavored to make this document as readily available and easy to understand and absorb as possible, going with a more relaxed approach to the species than an in depth scientific study as i had before.

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7 Months In The Rain Ch 3

So saying "be happy" to someone facing an endeavor is just a dumb idea from the start. austin opened his phone and read the message. "hey baby, you gonna pick me up and take me a fancy dinner tonight?"

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Exquisitely Ruined

I felt tears of anger and helplessness staining my delicate cheeks and the rain began to fall, tears of the sky seemingly sympathizing with my endeavor. the unrelenting limbs mercilessly, ruthlessly pinned my body beneath them painfully.

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They are all more or less the truth, based upon my own recollections of my personal sexual endeavors. i'm not in the business of gloating or showboating, but story telling.

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The Chronicles of Mei: Part 1, Origins

Although he considered himself above such lustful thoughts, to endeavored with his readings to care... his mind still wondered. pondered he often did of, at least in his clan, forbidden thoughts.

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Scibe's Synopsis V-T 324

Returning to the archives to compile my report, i stopped to speak to a colleage about my endeavor.

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Information War: Chapter 1

If you want to support me in my endeavors as a sfw writer, you can donate to my; patreon: https://www.patreon.com/skyclaw and; ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/skyclaweallec while i don't have much in the ways of rewards as of yet, i do hope you consider it.

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Is This What You Wanted?

She searched for a perfect spot for her endeavors, wanting to relax for a while but also to chit-chat with interesting in her eyes people.

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Starting Anew

Two weeks after she joined the herd she was named endeavor, the unendingly grateful one.

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TCN Report - Orr Family/The Society

As usual, if you have more questions, leave them here after the segment and we, at tcn, will endeavor to answer them. welcome to a special tcn segment.