Time for a Change – Part 7

Spurred on by a desperate need to not get caught, Jenny heaved herself back up to the window. She tried to squeeze an arm into to gap. It was tantalisingly close to letting her in. If only she was a little more flexible...well, if only she was a LOT...

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Time for a Change – Part 6

Jenny turned around and fumbled with the door handle, trying to keep her head down. Thankfully the cold meant there were few people on the street, but there were still enough to make her want to get back in as quickly as possible. She gave a little sob...

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Time for a Change - Part 5

Jenny rushed to the door and flung it open, expecting the calm, reassuring sight of a sober-suited government Event task force member. "Oh, thank god you're here..." she began. However she suddenly noticed that things were not quite as she had pictured...

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Time for a Change – Part 4

Jenny shook her head and sat down in front of the TV again, banishing naughty thoughts from her mind for now. She grabbed the phone again and dialled the government hotline. It seemed like the most sensible option, as if this did not go away, or got...

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Time for a Change – Part 3

Jenny bit her lip as her hand poked at her new additions; first the ears, then the horns. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to go to work like this. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to go out like this. She quickly...

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Deep into the Forest (pt 3)

Hours had passed, and it was now dark outside. It had taken that long before John's parents had gotten up to speed with what was happening. When his parents had awaken, they found themselves bound to chairs just has John had been. The she-devil...

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The Lint Bunny

They didn't notice me when I entered the house. Most people don't. Her name is Jill. She's a bit chubbier than she would like, and is a geek, in the quiet, non-"look at me I'm a female geek donate to my Patreon" way. She's currently writing some...

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Aurora Cross character sheet

Project: Aurora Name: Project: Aurora Unofficial Name: Aurora Cross Previous Name: Nicolas Cross Species: Geneticaly, psionicly, Cyberneticly Augmented Fox Gender: Female Occuapation: Mercenary Abilities: Perfect Expertise- Simply touching a...

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Calico Confusion

Irvin wasn't quite sure where he was. Well, that wasn't entirely true; he could quite clearly see he was at a party at a bright, big house filled with all sorts of dancing, drinking, and cavorting humanoid animals, but this only made current events...

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Pills, Part 3

PillsPart III Allison stood waiting beneath a huge cottonwood tree. School had just let out some 15 minutes earlier and Allison's friend Gina had asked that she wait under the old tree for a "Special Surprise" Gina's words. She couldn't imagine what...

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Tale 4-4 - Swagcorp's Colonization Policy 2

Sleep was deep and satisfying. When Smokey finally came to, it was still dark in the cabin. With the tiny windows blocked completely by sand, it was impossible to tell day from night. The blue dragon rolled out of the surprisingly comfortable bunk and...

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New console in town

I grunt and twist my wrist in a funny way to push my key into the lock. I whimper and twist my arm as the weight of the groceries pulls down. "Gah!" I say as I finally unlock the door after several attempts and then turn the knock kicking the door...

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