Shrunken Fun: Misadventures pt. 1

~" she giggles. "i'm hades~" she smiles and her tails swish and sway. "w-well it's a pleasure to meet you." i say relaxing. "i know i can smell you~" she giggles. "n-not what i meant!" i say blushing.

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Once, In a Blue Moon

Byohazard giggled to himself and tugged at dusk's shoulders. "come on, come on! it's your birthday! you have to get up!" he giggled again, the younger dragon was always in an extatic mood, especially when he got to be with dusk.

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The Beach House

The white bunny giggled and beamed at the raccoon over his shoulder. "oh, so that's what you call this, huh?" richie beamed back at kevin and gave his hips a little squeeze. "yup yup! deep cleaning!" he declared. kevin giggled.

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Cass remembered more than I thought (2)

Cass was just watching me, giggling as he saw such a weird thing, but he knew why i was doing it.

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Don't Tease Girls

Sally read it, giggling to herself. "awesome! get him again!" now that was an excellent idea. she set her phone down, still giggling. then she went back to playing max's game, though now she was using it for cover.

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Victoria's Tales

Arlo giggles and kissed william on the cheek, "i am glad to hear that.....william." she giggles, she strokes william's fur on his chest.

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The Three Cubs - Part I

He continued on for a while, as the panther eventually let out a short 'purrr', causing the coyote to giggle at him, and almost causing him, himself, to run into a fit of giggles.

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The fall of two heroines

"right where she belongs~" she giggles and begins to twist her hips back and forth. "like i said i was practicing just for this moment~" she giggles and clenches her lower abdomen.

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Mav and Wessy Make A Porno

Beau giggled and looked up at the wolf. "can we make a movie about a knight?" he asked. the wolf grinned. "sure," he said. maverick giggled as he pulled on a wizard robe.

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Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (chapter four)

Radar giggles "you're such a creeper! how long ago did you draw this?" jade throws a pillow at her friend and giggles. thinking that she found her new hobby.

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Destined Lovers

Sonkun's giggles and says "oh ok. well do you want to sit in the jacuzzi and talk then?" husky look's at him. "i don't know... will you be there if i droned?" husky giggles.

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Stripper Harem: First and Second Impressions

**giggle**"you're so cute when you're nervous babe. trust me, you're in good hands", giggled lexi as she pulled scott into another passionate kiss.

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