The Hayashi clan and Mayumi.

**dreams for the future:** to become the fastest ninja alive and to one day surpass minato namikaze in speed(only physical speed mind you, there's no way i could hope to beat the hiraishin) **eyes:** was born with bright yellow eyes, the irises covering entire

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North and South Chapter 13: A Lead

Did you guys have minato with you?" "no, actually, it was master zheng's brother, chen, who saved him," said volcan. "which leads into something else we learned. dark-type pokémon are apparently immune to the shadow curse.

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Arc 5 Chapter 2: The Road to the South

For volcan and minato to not be on a mission together felt wrong to caulin - the two had always worked together since forming their team. never had they been apart.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 3: Fury of Drake

The lucario was named minato, then there's a vaporeon named serena and an aggron named tristan," volcan recalled.

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Pokemon Team Valiant: Brother's Reunion

He still fought back, even after my friends minato and lashanne freed him, but in the end he surrendered.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 9: Mad with Grief

Then, the day he had seen minato fall by sash's blades, stolen from death's clutches only by the power of zacian granted to him... but coming to azure to find that another life had been claimed by the gallade - the life of victor...

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 4: Clearing the Roads (Pt 1)

"instead it was minato that saved him... it's always been him who stood by his side, when i should've been." eagle eye could sense the pain coming from lighris' tone.

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North and South Chapter 4: Calygrad

"and hey, if you need a sword training partner, you know you could ask minato. he loves a good sparring partner." "i will remember to ask him when we return." katsu nodded. "truth be told, i do not think i have seen him fight yet.

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North and South Chapter 3: The Lone Island

The coat reminded kage slightly of minato back home - it certainly looked like something phalanx's sword would wear. "how does it feel?" skyler asked. "like i am significantly overdressed," shamshir replied flatly.

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 4: Clash

"well, minato always did say your muscle memory was scarily accurate," he returned. "but i'm getting off topic. honestly, volc, i only know a wee bit about your personal life myself, but i _can_recount some of our missions together on team phalanx."

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 1: Competition

"i do remember that minato wears a long, black coat, but that's only because i saw him in that flash of memory the other day, when we fought that hypno out in the woods." he crossed his arms, shutting his eyes and deliberating.

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