It's Coming to Get You

The huge blue bear reached his padded mitten-paws under your arms one more time, and laid you down on the conveyor belt.

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Fütterungszeit IV - Nur ein Spielzeug

Der stier spuckte ihm aufs gesicht, mitten ins auge. danach holte er zu einem weiteren schlag aus. mitten ins gesicht, direkt auf die schnauze. dem fuch wurde es schwarz vor augen.

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The Gem [Collab]

The dragon brought his newly mittened paws up to his face in disbelief as he observed the ghost hands' handiwork, his appearance now looking like that of a baby princess.

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A Bump in the Night Special: Crossing Spots (Repost)

mittens says it was on the other side of the entire earth." "what, fiji?! or australia?" she looked incredulous. "and who's mittens?" he tipped his head curiously. "mittens. that black cat i came home with.

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The Long Weekend (Preview)

Michael demanded, crossing his arms over his chest and looking rather ridiculous in his sleeper and mittens as he tried to seem serious and imposing.

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH17

"mmph.", she grunted, pawing at the leather muzzle strapped to her face with her mittened hands.

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Careful What You Wish For | Chapter 1 [Comm]

Muaruader's nanny, a considerably taller-than-average female deer, had recently decided that the wolf's mittens would now become a permanent addition to the wolf's outfit.

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The Curse | Chapter 6 [Comm]

He moved his other mittened hoof to the front of his diaper, gently patting the soaked material as he gurgled in delight.

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Nanali complained, pushing her mittens together in futility before rubbing one of them between her hind legs for the millionth time.

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Feisty Dragoness

I look at my mittened paws; how am i supposed to take off any of this gear without using my claws? "oh hush; i took the keys off the buckles of your mittens, so it's not impossible to escape... it just might take you a while."

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The Balloon Fraternity

His pants had come off so easily, which was odd considering those large mittens of buzz's. wasn't his name alex?

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The day after

He pulled out from the top two leather wrist cuffs that had mittens attached, locks jingling off of them as he pulled them from under the mattress.

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