Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 2

Who the fuck hadn't heard of any of the porn or sexual terminology. 'anna' would have been the perfect straight-woman for a comedy duo about anything to do with any kind of bodily function.

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Code Drop: Gaining Access - An Official Heat Anthology Teaser

I knew you had porn. granted, i didn't know you had gay porn..." she laughed. the golden didn't. "rikki..." she touched his tail. "i'm only teasing. everybody has porn." his fluffy tail slid from her paw to press tight against his leg.

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Things get hot

My father seemed not to be upset at the pornography movie. he had said nothing to me about it at all. mike was still my best friend, and my mom and sister seemed not to notice when my member would accidentally get hard.

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High Tail Productions:First Porno

#4 of a doctor's visit high tail productions: first porno by horse\_furry ========================================================= this story is the continuation of the "a doctor's visit" stories with ann and vicki.

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Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 3

We got every male off the street, every porn star, and even stage hands to volunteer. we are all full of piss right now, and we are going to take turns walking up and pissing on you while you two do your business. "how many does that make?"

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Einfach Nur Timo (Timo Und Ming 2)

Peinlich war es ihm nicht, sich einen porno auszuleihen, aber er musste sich auch nicht irgendwelche kommentare anhören.

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The Club

The film was rather artistic for pornography, keeping them interested and aroused at the same time. none of them noticed the slight hissing of the apparatuses at the dozen holes in the walls.

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Wolf boy's 'Fun Time'

My first story...sorry if it sucks --------------------------------------------------------- Sayomi is alone at home bored as all his friends are away for the summer, with family. His family left him years ago, but he loves to be alone for his 'Fun...

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CH 2. Self Discovery

She pulled the lap top into her bare lap and searched the porn site for more women, lesbians, solo, it all excited her, she watched videos for what seemed like hours, intrigued and wishing it was her.

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Standard Equipment (Pundamentals 3)

"i never knew a porn site to have a live guide on it."

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Perils of the Closet

The Perils of the Closet Wasn't sure whether to post this in the M/M or just the M section. Update 8/15/10: gave the story a once-over and changed a lot of stuff. Jason and Mason, The Two Foxes, had lived...

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The size of evil

(Military camp, northern border of Svarta) (A Svartan stoat soldier approaches to a tent. Inside the tent, there is Sigurd Gunnarson, Commander of the Svartan army) Soldier: Sir, the Garm high-rank prisoner has been secured. We wait for your orders,...

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