Horsin' Around

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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#5 of Elliot's Worlds

Part 4 of Elliott's Adventure pick's up right where we left off as the repercussions of Elliott's romp in the shower come to a head. If you enjoyed this story please drop a fave and/or leave a comment.

I woke up later, startled and sprung up vertically feeling a noticeable lack in porcelain below me. Instead I felt the plush padding of carpet below my now fully clothed rear and, finally looking around, I found myself in my room, or at least the one I shared with Leon. I also found, taped to my t-shirt, a scrap of paper tucked and folded into a fancy square. Delicately unfolding the little paper, I found a note, left for me by Kajan, reading:

_Thanks for the fun bud, hehe, hope we'll get to see more of you soon. Corey was totally into you, and he wasn't they only one <3. We made sure to get you back to your room after the fact and I left you a little gift in your pocket. Anyway, catch ya around. ~Kajan _

P.S. Olly did all the folding, he's really skilled with his fingers if you catch my drift.

At the bottom of the note was a crude sketch of the black jackal and the bear double teaming Corey, I assumed sketched by Kajan. I fumbled around in my pants pocket retrieving another small pack, dyed black with a red accent stripe running along it's outside. The little pack smelt distinctly of berries, similar to the scent wafting through the showers. Opening it I found a number of neatly rolled cigarettes and written on the inside flap a phone number with a small red heart. I almost forgot all about my phone, rushing over to my bag I fumbled with the number of small flaps on it's side until I found the small device. Unlocking the phone, I noticed the alarming number of notifications and messages.

After responding to a handful of "urgent" messages from a few friends from back home and a quick call to my parents I finally plugged in the number Kajan had left for me. It rang for a few seconds before the familiar sultry voice came over the receiver. "Hello?"

"Hi Kajan, it's Elliott, thought I'd follow up with..." I said before the Jackal cut me off in a hushed tone.

"That's right, Elliot, listen I actually really need to talk with you face-to-face, can you meet me in the market later?" Kajan was lackadaisical in his speech but his attitude cut through the crap of normal chit chat.

"Uh, sure, any specific time?" I asked remembering a message from Chen explaining my registration would have to wait until tomorrow and it was only 3 PM so I had some time to kill.

"Sunset, I'd love to see you in the dark."

"Yeah, that works, call it a date!" I said, chirping a little more than I wanted, hearing Kajan chuckle over the receiver.

"Of course, as long as I get to be on top." His sultry tone sinking slightly lower as a low heat spread across my face. He laughed a bit from his end before ending the call with a swift "See ya," and the phone fell quiet. I sat there for a second, the clear blush across my face, just as Leon arrived, tail swishing as he stood in the door way.

"What are you blushing about?" Leon said, his usual sour tone showing through. "Boy troubles?" I blushed even harder hearing him ask, Kajan was probably kidding but my mind was racing. 'What if he wasn't?' 'What if this was all a charade?' 'What if this was all some elaborate scam to embarrass me?'

"Hey, idiot," My dazed and rambling thoughts were broken as Leon tossed a small scrap of paper at me, grazing the side of my cheek. "I don't care what drama you've got going on but I cannot have you moping around here all day." Leon sat on his bed, his soft orange and red throw giving way to the lithe lizard. He motioned for me to sit across on my own bed, the scratchier cotton comforter not nearly as inviting. I did and explained my situation to him, my first encounter with Kajan at the market, the little packets of weed, even the steamy encounter late yesterday. For some reason I found Leon surprisingly easy to talk to, he nodded, listening to the story before sighing. "Well that is quite the situation, and you're supposed to meet up with Kajan tonight?"

"Yeah, what do you think I should do Leon?"

"Well start by trying to find Corey and Oliver, whatever they're doin' in the dark seems to be working and they know Kajan." Leon said rifling through the messenger bag he used during his day-to-day before pulling out his phone. He snatched mine up and played with both before handing it back. "Alright I gave you a number to a close friend of mine, he'll set you up with some 'supplies' in case you need them, my numbers in there too, emergency use only."

"Wow, thanks Leon, that's really helpful!"

"Yeah, yeah, just keep your filth out of this room. I really don't need dirty boy stench permeating every fiber of this room." Leon said. "Now go take a shower, you smell." He packed a handful of supplies from his desk into the bag and walked out of the room leaving me alone again.

Taking a quick whiff of myself I was pretty rank, seeing as my shower was... complicated earlier. I grabbed some shampoo and other arranged soaps from my desk, heading to take my second shower of the day.

Stepping out of the small room I felt weirdly naked all of the sudden, like a bunch of little eyes were staring at me. It only hit me now but the good times we had earlier wasn't exactly a private affair and a blush was slowly beginning to form again, worsening when a familiar voice grabbed at my ears. "Howdy." Turning I was greeted by the tall and husky Cordova staring down at me, a goofy smile on his face. "So, sounds like y'all had a good time this morning'?" He asked as I wondered if I could blush any deeper.

"Oh, yeah, hey Cordova, did you hear us, sorry about that." I let out an awkward laugh and scratched at the fur on the back of my neck.

"It ain't a big deal, hell I experiment myself I while back, love is love and all that, do what you do." He said, it was nice to see I wasn't the only awkward one in this dorm. "Yeah Corey and Oliver ain't exactly shy about their relations."

"Oh, you know them?" This was just what I was looking for.

"Yeah, they're from B dorm next door, showers was busted a couple weeks ago and they made a habit of sneakin' in ours real early now." He explained. "I could help ya find em, I ain't all that busy right now."

"That'd be awesome Cordova, thanks!" I said, hopping on the opportunity to avoid being alone. "I just need a shower real fast..."

"Oh, I'm headin' down right now, I'll join you!" He said, holding up a small basket with cleaning supplies. The two of us laughed and walked off, heading to the wash room as we rambled back and forth. I felt a low warmth in my gut at the idea of seeing the large horse male bare and vice versa. Today was a rollercoaster of new and exciting experiences, the sight of stark equine being no different.

Entering the shower, we separated finding two separate lockers. I placed my clean clothes in the locker locking it firmly and then undressed. It felt nice removing my clothes, my fur exposed slowly, first my chest, slender with some chubbiness around my stomach. I rubbed my hands over the small bump and down into my shorts unbuttoning and letting them drop to the floor. Next was my favorite part as I slowly felt down the softer fur around my sheath and balls hidden only by my thin cotton boxers which slid down to join my other discarded clothes. As the cool air struck my now exposed body I stretched and breathed deeply before tossing the pile into a small cloth-net bag I had brought along. I heard the shower start, assuming it was Cordova, and felt blood rush to my loins, pulsing ever so slightly.

Stumbling I finally stepped into the shower area with all my supplies and, as I looked over at Cordova, I had to struggle to hold my jaw closed and keep myself from dropping my soaps. The tall equine stood below a shower head, gray fur glistening softly covered in water. My eyes dragged down the horse's body admiring his muscular form, his pecs and abs strong but softened by a slight pudginess. Of course, dropping slightly lower and he was just as impressive as I had assumed his thick powerful thighs supporting a solid package, still soft and easily eight or nine inches long. His hair and mane caught my attention, unbound Cordova's hair flow, long and beautiful over his broad shoulders and down his back almost glowing a fluorescent blue. He looked over at me and delicately smiled, melting what little inhibition I had left as my dick finally began to harden poking ever so slightly from my plumped sheath. I covered my hardening member as best I could with my hand and joined the stallion, turning the knob of the faucet next to him.

I poured some shampoo into my hand and began lathering over my fur as best I could my free hand as I stole peeks at the massive man next to me. Even from behind Cordova was gorgeous his back firm and substantial from the top of his shoulder all the way down to his firm ass. The blue of his mane even reached all the way down to the base of his tail switching to black from there to the tips of the shear hair. I couldn't help it as my cock reacted, now fully erect and exposed form it's sheath. Fidgeting with a knotted tuft of fur on my back, I had caught the attention of Cordova who was looking over my way.

"Here let me give ya a hand with that." He said, his firm hand nearing the small area between my shoulder blades. Gently rubbing the area with deep soft motions, the equine unknotted my fur in seconds and elicited a small moan from me. I squeaked slightly when I heard the soft noise but Cordova either didn't notice or could care less as he continued. His fingers dug deep as the equine continued to rub at the muscles in my back, I could feel him moving lower massaging my sides slowly and carefully. Suddenly the burly arms grabbed around my sides and lifted me, turning me in a quick motion and pushing me up against the wall gently.

"I want ta help ya out a bit more if you want me to continue." He said, voice low and quiet as I felt one of his hands trail down a rub along my ass cheek. The hand massaged gently over the plump area sending slight shivers over my body. I looked into Cordova's eyes and simply nodded, afraid if I opened my mouth I wouldn't be able to help but moan. He smiled a little bit and I felt a thick finger probe around my entrance, teasing me gently as my dick grew even harder. As he penetrated my entrance I shoved a hand up to my mouth, biting down on a finger to keep from crying out in pain as I felt the plumb finger spread me open. As he dug deeper I felt shots and twinges like he was trying to tear me open. Suddenly the thick finger was moved away and looking down I could see the look of concern in the colt's big brown eyes. "Sorry bout' that, I did not know you were still pretty fresh to all this." Cordova said before lifting me slightly higher and probing the sensitive area with his snout.

I jumped a little as his slick and semi-cold nose brushed up against my anus but then I felt it. Cordova's thick and warm sliding across the ever slightly raw area felt soothing and I felt myself fill with pleasure. He explored every inch of the rim before finally delving deeper and I gripped his burly arms still wrapped around me as the long organ pushed its way into me. I was racked with ecstasy as his tongue found the glorious little spot inside me and it didn't take long or much motion before I felt a familiar tight feeling in my stomach and balls. Shaking with pure stupor, my legs and arms tensed as, I shot my load over Cordova's neck and back. Shot after shot ran down the equines back and through his fluorescent blue mane.

Moments after my orgasm simmered Cordova finally peeked his head up from beneath me, his face aglow and happy. Coming down from the orgasmic high I pressed my hand softly on the top of the horse's head. "Oh, man, that was great. Thanks Cordova, should I return the favor now?" I said as his grip loosened and returned me to the tile floor.

"Nah, I'm fine, I'm actually real sensitive, just that little bit got me goin'." He said indicating behind me. Turning I noticed that the horse was right as I saw the splattered seed he had left on the wall behind me. The two of us awkwardly chuckled as we worked to clean up our mess and each other. He scrubbed me down thoroughly, getting ever nook and cranny with a heavy and delicate touch. Cordova stopped as he brushed soap into the scruff on my shoulders and asked. "So, what is all this? Tattoo, birthmark, dye?" He pressed his hands into my left arm as he spoke indicating to large dark spots running down the outside of my left arm.

Running back through the events of the day I realize that I hadn't noticed the lasting mark the last dream left on me. The areas burned by the liquid tentacle from earlier, my left shoulder and forearm, were dotted by dark sucker shaped marks. I tugged my arm away in response, almost instinctually, and looked back up at Cordova. "Honestly, I'm not even sure what these are, or understand half of what goes into them." I rubbed at the markings, seeming to burn more as I became more uncomfortable. "Maybe we can sit down later and I will explain it?" I said, mostly hoping to delay the conversation a bit. He nodded a bit reluctantly before continuing to scrub and in no time, I was returning the favor running my hand over every soft edge and muscle.

His fur was soft and I took some comfort having the attention drawn away from me for a bit. Continuing to scrub I finally got around to his mane, gently working the sticky goo from the soft blue hair I worked up the courage and said. "So, Cordova, what's up with your mane, any particular reason for blue?"

"Aw, that, well everyone does some stupid shit in their teens. Chemistry was always fascinatin' to me, and I was broke, so one misstep later and my hair was permanently 'Uranus blue'." The horse blushed a bit and brushed at the hair on the back of his neck. "You can call me Basil by the way."

"That's really cool, I've never had a friend with any dyed hair before!" I said, carefully brushing out the rest of the soap in Basil's fur. The two of us made small talk as we rinsed off, the hot water felt nice and my muscles relaxed.

* * *

After we dried off and redressed I followed Basil out into the hall still mostly vacant. He led me a short distance out into the daylight as I squinted in the natural light. "Alright so B-Dorm is just over there." The tall equine pointed toward a building across from us, similar to the dorm we left but colored deep purple instead of a rocky beige. "I'll come with ya but we gotta be careful and respect their privacy." As he finished his thought and pressed to open the door to the dorm I saw the two gents I was looking for. Corey was splayed out, fully nude, under Oliver grunting and thrusting in unison on the floor just inside, a haze flowed through the air.