The Sweet Treat and The Rising Sun

Story by Sn1ck on SoFurry

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Hey this a story I wrote to go along with a piece of art I got and wanted to give a little background of it so here it is! It is NSFW but pretty basic and not too fetishy.

It was warm summer afternoon with the faintest smell of fresh cut grass in the air. The sounds of chirping birds that made a song that would carry through the rustling green leaves until a similar call would sound back as a beautiful dance of birdsong in the treetops. Snick was walking down the sidewalk he had walked for what seemed like countless times from his summertime job that he was working to give him some spending money before starting college that fall. He listened to the sweet birdsong and felt the warm air rustling through his forest green fur with the feeling of freedom that this weekend would bring. Finally, able to relax after working his nine to five shift at the library just a few blocks behind him. He was off to meet his friend Drew that lived just a slight detour out of the way of his normal route back to his apartment. Snick was looking forward seeing Drew, It was his birthday after all even though he explicitly stated he didn't want a party this year he was sure one awaited him. It was an important milestone in his lifetime he was turning 18 this afternoon after all. He was sure that Drew had invited a bunch of his friends from school and girls he had various crushes on throughout the years mostly to just mock him since he had never been a hot topic with girls. Mostly enveloping himself in books and various games. Startled by a sudden horn from a nearby car as he realized he had wandered into the street lost in thought before jumping back onto the curb and waiting for the cross light to turn back green. Snick continued his walk making it to Drew's street before checking his appearance in the reflection of a nearby car. Hmm Snick muttered to himself still can't get the damn matt out from behind my ears. Snick ran his fingers through his fur and sleeked back his ears before shrugging and continuing up the stairs to his close friend's house. Well here goes nothing Snick ran his claws through his hair one last time put on a smile and knocked on the door. he heard shuffling of feet and quieting voices before Drew appeared in the doorframe. "Hey, it's the man of the hour" before embracing him in a quick hug "I told you no party today" Snick said with a smile. "Well you know me" said Drew with a quick smile back before gesturing him inside. The house was a nice two-story family home what you'd expect from a nice suburban house. Snick could see a few muzzles he recognized around from his high school years and a few he knew from the town. Everybody in their own groups talking and listening to the music Drew had put on as a nice accompaniment to the already lively atmosphere. People would notice Snick and give him a wave and a smile which he would return to them before walking around with Drew by his side. He noticed some people he recognized like Doppler and Jathic before drifting his eyes to someone that shouldn't catch his eye as much as she did. Dawn, Drew's mom she was wearing a nice pair of short cut jeans, stockings and a top that was way too small for her. Her light green fur blended with the smooth white in the middle reminded him of a nice minty ice cream and it complemented her nicely. While his eyes were wandering, she bent down to pick up some cups that had been abandoned by their owners probably an hour ago. Snick's eyes couldn't help but follow her sleek form down her side and ending on her butt that was pronounced through the tight short jeans before he followed her swishing tail like a cat looking at a ball of yarn before he snapped back into reality and followed Drew who was a few steps in front of him past Dawn's bent over form. While Snick passed her, he couldn't help but take a second quick look and catching a whiff of her sweet perfume and scent. Lavender, she has good tastes Snick muttered to himself before continuing almost in a trance caught in the sweet smells before breaking out after passing into the kitchen. Drew handed him a plastic red cup with some mysterious liquid inside. Snick lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip. Fruity, but not alcoholic Snick thought to himself before exchanging pleasantries with Drew and basic conversation for the next few minutes nurturing his drink while Drew was talking. "You should see the way Arci and Luna look at each other" Drew said gesturing to the two that were in a lively conversation in the living room smiling and laughing. "Yeah how long have they been talking to each other" Snick said slyly "Probably a few weeks now I wonder when they'll get over the small talk and just make it a thing already" Drew said before taking a sip from his drink. "Well you know Arci guy likes to work on his girls take his time you know how he is" Snick responded. Drew nodded in agreement "Yeah I know and what's up with you dude you're never talking to girls didn't you have a huge crush on Freyea in high school?" Drew teased "Yeah I just never got the guts to talk to her way too pretty and is always hanging out with her friends its hard to get her alone and have the courage at the same time you know?" Snick said with a slightly more mellow tone before looking around at the various people that were talking around them. "What about you Drew who is your eyes on tonight" Drew laughed at that remark before looking around and then shrugging. "I don't know yet well see who interests me later in the evening." They both smiled at that before continuing with their mundane conversation. A few more minutes passed before Snick excused himself to go to the bathroom. Snick walked up the stairs pass the first door and noticed that one of the bedroom doors was cracked open slightly about three to four inches and as he was walking by his eyes wandered through the crack in the door. He saw dawn there folding laundry in her short cut jeans, black stockings and the top that was too tight for her but pronounced her large features nicely he admitted to himself. Snick couldn't help but stand there mesmerized as she bent over picked up a piece of clothing and folded it while swishing her tail back and forth like a metronome. Snick's eyes wandered up and down her back end trying to see every curve and inch before her large end began to bounce left and right. Snick's eyes trailed back to see that her eyes had met his and he had pushed the door a few more inches open. He could feel the blood rushing in his ears and his heart pounding. Thump Thump Thump. Before he scurried down the hall to the bathroom as quick as he could before closing the door behind him. I'm such a pervert what is wrong with me, she saw me! She saw me! Snick's mind was racing, and he felt the bulge in his pants growing and pulsing. No, No, No I can't like her its Drew's mom for god's sake. Snick took care of his business tried to be able to zip up his pants with his growing boner making it difficult. _ Okay breathe and calm down deep breathes. In and out._ Snick collected himself and opened the door back into the hallway and his heart skipped a beat for a quick moment before resuming. Dawn was waiting on the other side of the door with a smile on her face, leaning on the wall with her shoulder. Snick was face to face with her now no more than one foot apart. Oh, crap Snick thought to himself before Dawn spoke "I saw you looking at me in the bedroom" She said with a smile. All Snick could do was swallow. Dawn leaned in close no more than a few inches from his face. "Did you like what you saw" she whispered her hot breath on his face. "I..I wasn't looking at that I swear I was just trying to see what you were doing" Snick said "Oh I don't think that was it Snick" She said inching closer "I better get going" Snick said shakily before trying to get past her but she blocked his path. She put a hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his neck. Her perfume and scent filling the air and overwhelming his senses. "Well who wouldn't want to stare at this" she said before running a paw slowly through her light green fur. She leaned in slowly towards his lips tilting her head and meeting her lips with his and embracing him in a long kiss. Her lipstick leaving the taste of cherry in his mouth. She withdrew slowly and lifted her paw and wiped the saliva from her lips while running her claws through the fur on his cheek, before leaning in again for another kiss. Snick leaned in this time himself and ran his paw along her cheek while mixing his lips with hers. He worked his hands down her back with the lively party so far in the background his main focus the pounding of his heart in his chest and the feeling of Dawns fur against his own. She broke from the kiss and grabbed his hand in hers and lead him down the hallway back to were he had just been snooping. Snick's eyes couldn't help but drift up and down her back and settle on her swishing hips as she took the final steps into the room. She gently pushed him into the room turned around and locked the door sealing the two of them from the rest of the lively party. The music just a gentle hum through the door with the faintest laughs in the distance. Snick was standing in the middle of Dawn's bedroom with half a basket of laundry still next to the bed. Dawn walked over to him and leaned into him and kissed him aggressively wrapping her tongue into his Snick could help but be a little taken aback and let out a slight moan before embracing her and working his tongue around her mouth. Dawn broke from the kiss that left them both panting before she grabbed the bottoms of her shirt and lifted it off and tossed it across the room and gave her hair a shake. Snick now couldn't help but stair at her now shirtless figure with a lacy bra that didn't leave a lot to his imagination. Her breasts were dazzling two hypnotic objects that Snick couldn't help but getting lost in before he noticed her coming closer to him. She pushed him onto the bed playfully. Snick's pants were becoming cumbersome with his dick pulsing against his jeans waistband only held together by his leather belt. Dawn embraced him in a long kiss while pushing him onto his back. Her hands worked to undo his belt that came off with a large Thwack and was tossed aside by Dawn, she undid his pants button and slowly worked his pants down his legs until he could kick them off to join the other articles of clothing hastily tossed around the room. Snick broke the kiss and lifted his shirt off before embracing in another aggressive kiss. Dawn worked her short jeans down her legs and kicked them off in between quick kisses that they let out small moans in between. Snick leaned further back and dawn slowly climbed on top of him not breaking the kiss. Their bare fur touching each other and Dawn' sweet scent filling his nostrils. She's so, beautiful... Snick thought to himself. Dawn was over of him their lips locked in a sensual dance that felt so natural Snick ran his hands down her back to her bra's buckle before unlocking it with a Click and letting her bra fall off graciously before he tossed it to some unknown corner of the room. Snick ran his paws through her soft fur exploring every exposed inch before giving her breast a gentle squeeze, which Dawn let out a soft moan before breaking the kiss and meeting her forehead with his and looking into his lime green eyes with them both exhaling rapid breathes they stayed there for what felt like an eternity but only lasted a few seconds before Dawn gave him one long soft kiss and then slowly moved her head down his exposed chest with slow kisses down every inch of his body until reaching his groin and his bulge that was probably at its limit. She ran a single finger down his length through his underwear up and down before leaning in and giving it a gentle kiss. "Lets see what we have under here shall we" Dawn said, Snick tensed up. Dawn shuffled his underwear slowly down his legs before tossing it over her shoulder where it landed with a small Thump. Snick was now fully exposed his dick upright like a Christmas tree. Dawn leaned close to it and grabbed his length with one hand and rubbed his growing knot with the other and Snick couldn't help but grab the sheets tight and let out a small growl. She slowly worked his length while moving her head closer to his and locking her lips with his. He let out small moans in between kisses as she moved her paws up and down his length slowly and firmly. He worked his hands up and down her fur along her back. She broke away before slowly taking off her silky underwear and straddled him, his dick inches away from her wet pussy. Snick ran his hands along her hips and inner thigh slowly before moving one hand to massage her clit which she let out a small growl before leaning in for a kiss. Snick and Dawn sat in this position Dawn straddling him and leaned over his body making out with rapid kisses and long drawn out tongue kissing. She got off from on top of him after what seemed like forever but could only have been a minute or two. She gestured for him to sit up and she leaned her back on his chest before grabbing his dick and slowly guiding it into her waiting wet pussy. As she started to take every inch slowly and slowly the wet walls feeling like it had a mind of its own trying to milk him for everything he had, he couldn't but let out a small howl. I don't know how much of this I can take but it feels better than I could have imagined_Snick thought to himself as Dawn took every inch of his cock inside of her. She let out a deep breath when it was finally up to his knot and began to grind her hips back and forth moving his dick to every inch and corner inside her. Snick moved his paws up and down her sides and giving her breasts the occasional squeeze while she slowly and methodically rid him. Her scent and perfume mixing with his and overwhelming his senses to the point where he could only close his eyes and enjoy the smells and feeling of his lover on top of him. She stopped just for a moment before turning her head to give him a long drawn out kiss before thrusting down on top with all her weight and he couldn't help but yelp at the sudden pleasure that resonated along his pulsing shaft. Dawn would go up slowly and sensually before smacking down on top of him. She contuined to pleasure him this way for however long Snick didn't keep track of time only focusing on her scent and the sexy frame on his lap. Snick grabbed her hips to steady them and began to thrust up into her wet pussy eliciting excited moans and yelps from Dawn. He could feel the end of their endeavor rising up in him and he thrust faster. Excited moans came from his lover as he pushed as deep as he could and then out again over and over for what was only a minute at most before he flipped her over onto her back and stood over her and ran his paws up and down his length with his onlooker encouraging him to finish. He felt it rising and in one last hard stroke felt the sweet release and couldn't help but let out a long and soft howl and he dumped his load all over Dawn's gorgeous breasts, it felt like a never ending stream but was only a few seconds before he collapsed beside her utterly spent and all he could do was pant. Dawn leaned over and gave him along kiss behind his twitchy ears. "I need to get cleaned up and you still have a party to be at" She said playfully before bouncing up walking over to her bathroom. Snick watched her bare ass all the way to the bathroom before it disappeared behind a wooden door with a last flick of her tail and a laugh. Snick laid there for another minute or two utterly spent trying to get his breathing under control but couldn't help but pant rapidly. _What just happened he wondered to himself _I just lost my virginity to my friends' mom, It was totally worth it though...... _Snick sat up on top of the bed looked around listening to the sound of running water as Dawn took her shower in the room next to his. He gathered himself tried to wipe the juices off his receding length with a napkin and located his clothes. He picked them up one by one and got dressed as he was about to head back into the party downstairs he heard the door creak behind him saw a wet Dawn blow him a kiss through the gap "Come back soon" she whispered and Snick hoped this would be the first of many occasions with the girl named after the rising sun.