American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 5, "Young Thing" - Part 2

Story by HeadQuarters on SoFurry

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#27 of American Mustelid Alpha

After the three winners of the last Team Challenge have reaped their rewards, the calm before the storm lulls the mustelids in sharing steamy stories of times past - but it all soon picks up again when the remaining six have to face a strategy-based Individual Challenge, forcing them to lay down their allegiances and dirty laundry for everyone to see. Bad blood will spill around as two unlikely competitors are forced to take each other on in the most grueling Duel to this date.

We want to thank each and every reader for the amazing feedback and support you've given us this far! As usual, you can sound off in the comments and let us know what you think of the characters, the challenges as well as the story itself :)

Episode 6, "Don't Die Frozen Over", will be out on Tuesday, February 2nd and Thursday, February 4th!

Mature for mild violence and sexual themes.

American Mustelid Alpha is the brainchild of HeadQuarters (the joint project of qovapryi and harlow). All mentioned characters belong to them both.

Schott NYC belongs to the Schott family, namely Jason Schott, Steve and David Colin.

After the reward is dealt with, the group goes back to their usual habits - most of them hanging around the training facilities or doing laps in the pool to loosen out their muscles after the morning challenge. Despite the situation, the mood in the Burrow is rather cheerful when William calls the group in to an early dinner - having put together most of the remaining food into a huge, filling salad.

"Billy darn just filled our plates with rabbit food tonight..." Zakee pouts, wolfing down his dish nonetheless.

Crispin chuckles at the hog badger's remark. "I mean Z, doesn't hurt ya to eat vegetables every now and then," he says. "Won't complain if you still insist on clogging up your arteries with fat before tomorrow's challenge..."

"Says the one who spent all of his money on salmon fillets," Z retorts, wiping out the last of his salad with a bit of bread. "Guys, I'm bored..." he suddenly says as he tosses his empty plate in the sink. "Who up for breaking a sweat?"

"If we wrestle again with our stomachs full, it's gonna be a puke-a-thon, Zakee," Chayne answers matter-of-factly, shooting a glare at the mechanic.

"Nahhhh..." the hog badger shakes his head. "Just sayin', we got a huge-ass sauna and we barely broke it in," he says. "Imma turn it up, who wanna join?"

Chalking it up to being Z's umpteenth weird idea, a lot of people shake their heads unconvinced - but Kenneth is suddenly eager to shrug them off. "I'm with pigskin there," the badger says, rubbing the back of his head. "Tomorrow's gonna be a long day, no harm in loosening up a little in advance..."

"Tell you what, guys..." Crispin perks up. "For once, Kenny's right. If we are to lay around and spit BS until late, I'd rather relax in the meantime... and I never used a sauna before, so hey, new shit." A few others soon join in on the idea, the group leaving the table to be cleared as they head towards the communal sauna. "You better tidy up when you get back, 'cause like hell I'm doing it for ya..." John scoffs, heading back to his bedroom instead.

"Stick in the mud..." Greasy Z mutters under his breath. "Alright guys, shall we go?"

"You can go guys, I'm beat..." William yawns. "It's work to feed you lot of mustelids as is..." the weasel says.

"It's really nice for Z to want to have fun and all, but there is an individual challenge for me tomorrow. I know I need to stand out because the last thing I want is to have a crap record as I advance further."

~William, 34, Least Weasel, Personal Trainer

"I'm the one like... yah, let's just try to not go at each other's throats for one second and enjoy this big house, we got shit here that we don't have back home, so let's exploit it!"

~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic

The whole group eagerly disrobes, taking a quick shower and wrapping big white towels around their waists as they wait for the steam room to heat up. Z is the last to step in, closing the door behind himself as the group splays on the wooden benches - some sitting or propping their backs on a wall, others laying down on the top-level, hottest ledge. It doesn't take long for the room to warm up nicely, the tenor of the conversation heating up at the same rate as the mustelids get accustomed to the sauna.

"Anyone regrettin' it so far?" Zakee guffaws, his orange mohawk stuck to the side of his head.

Kenneth turns towards the hog badger, who's sitting at his right with arms splayed out across the upper bench. "I'd be enjoying a lot more if it wasn't for your stinky hide," he snarks, pushing a strand of his long, dark hair off his face.

"Did ah chain ya to the place and force ya to be here?" Z asks back in a sarcastic offense. "And y'all act like you are all fine 'n dandy..."

"Piggy's right," Eddie chuckles from the top bench - his short fur glistening with sweat as he soaks in the heat, back pressed to the wood as he lies down with knees bent and webbed feet to the ledge. "There's an awful lot of male musk flying around in here already... Chayne's likely gonna faint at this rate," the otter points out, shooting a look at the marten who's trying his hardest to mind his own business.

"Speak for yourself, otter. You ain't my kind face wise..." Chayne retorts, making others laugh.

"Oh, but I am elsewhere," Eddie shoots back, giving the marten a knowing wink. "It's fine, dude. We ain't judging or shit, y'know... And I mean, we've all taken a bit of ribbing from time to time here, so you know we're not just picking on ya..."

"I know Eddie doesn't mean it in a mean way, but damn... being locked in a steam room with a buncha hot, straight hunks, which they definitely are, is sorta stretching my comfort limits as is. And that's before they start talking about their sex lives like it's the most natural thing in the world... *the marten sits down, elbows planted on his haunches, his head turned towards Z as the hog badger is holding court*

~Chayne, 28, Beech Marten, Bartender

"Alright, humor me guys... weirdest place you've done it?" Greasy Z asks, ears perking up as the group lets out a collective whistle.

Arron lets out a snort. "Way to ruin your reputation on national TV..."

"Hey you ain't gotta drop any names if you don't wanna!" Eddie chuffs. "And like... you likely popped your cherry on your wedding night, whatcha got to be ashamed of?" the question making Andrew scoff in amusement.

The honey badger leans back, shooting a glance at the lutrine. "You wish, seaman," he says. "If y'all don't mind, there's stuff I'd rather keep between me and my wife. But seriously, go ahead if you want. Do your worst..." he scoffs.

"Anyone want to start this?" Kenneth says, looking around excitedly. "Well if y'all don't mind, I'll do it. I once got laid at a bachelor party." The badger pauses for a second, waiting for the group's reaction, milking the moment for all it's worth as a wave of hot air hits his nostrils. "Obviously not mine, but one of my college pals' - he was the first of our bunch of friends to get hitched. Basically, they got him a few dancers, and this one skunkette was all over me and I mean ALL..." he chuckles. "Poor guy was about to call the whole thing off because we were so fuckin' rowdy. Before the night was over I picked up this girl, led her to the restroom, and the rest is history..."

"Cute... and did anyone call you out on that?" Crispin casually asks, as people jokingly applaud the badger's tale. "I'm sure they never even noticed, 'cause you lasted the length of a regular shit break..."

"Hey I was no groom, no skin off my back!" Kenneth answers.

"My point still stands though," the tall lutrine shrugs, propping his back against the ledge. "I'll tell you guys a thing or two about doing it in a public setting. I'm sure nobody here even got it on behind a big ol' city dumpster in broad daylight, right?"

"I mean, most of us got taste..." Chayne remarks.

Crispin wipes his sweaty brow with a webbed paw. "So do I, but back when I lived on and off the streets, I didn't have much choice..." he says. "And like, we all got needs, right? So what you gonna do when you're 21, high as a kite, horny as a rabbit in mating season, and this cute possum girl starts giving you the look as you're walking around the block?" he asks sarcastically, although the mention of drugs makes Eddie raise an eyebrow. "Turns out San Joaquin is awfully quiet in the middle of the afternoon. I got up to her and asked what's up, she flat out said she wanted to fuck. Three minutes later, she was on all fours and I was railing her from behind..."

"Classy as always, Crispin," Arron remarks with a grossed out wince, ears flattened against his skull as Z throws some water on the stove - an intense rush of wet heat immediately falling all over the group.

"Dude, back in the streets class is something you can't afford," the lutrine retorts, beads of perspiration slowly dripping from his bushy beard. "I'm not necessarily proud of that particular Crispin, but anything I did had a part in building up the otter you know today. And you can bet your ass I'm gonna own it..."

Eddie soon takes over story duty from his fellow lutrine, the Navy veteran recounting in great detail a steamy escapade of him and an old fling at a secluded beach in Thailand. All the while stories are traded around, the polecat barely manages to look over in a side-eye glance - clearly wanting to intervene in the conversation, but seemingly too shy to take the lead.

"Ayo, Drew, what you rollin' your eyes for?" Z asks, noticing his friend's bashfulness.

The polecat turns to his fellow Texan, an embarrassed smile on his face. "I'm just saying... I've seen my share of wild stuff, but I do have a story," he shakes his head.

"Aw, dude, we're all mates now! If you think you can top it, say it..." the hog badger urges him on.

"I mean, at this rate I feel I'm gonna pop one before we're done, but here goes nothing..." the polecat snickers, adjusting his towel. "Well... anyone here knows Alice Cooper?"

"The rock musician? Sure..." Kenneth nods along. "What about him?"

"Long story short... I got the gig to help on some Austin set-up for a show, and them being short-handed and accepting volunteers, I said why the hell not?"

"So you were setting up the stage for one of his shows," the badger interrupts the polecat. "Cool and all, but you taking it awfully far. Cut to the good stuff, dude..."

"Standing in the right place, right time, groupie tugged me to the empty tour bus and... you make the math," Andrew sticks his tongue out. "People were out enjoying the gig, so we had the whole big-ass bus to ourselves. And I tell ya, we got that Prevost shakin' up alright..."

"Attaboy," Eddie chuckles, stretching an arm to pat the polecat's matted hair. "So you two did it to an Alice Cooper set. How romantic..."

"To an Alice Cooper live show," the polecat corrects. "And dude, you'd be surprised how into it the girl was. She was there to nail some big shot musician, but got away with this roadie's number..."

"I take it as she enjoyed the PA experience," Chayne interrupts his friend, a smirk on his face.

"Didn't have it back then!" Andrew laughs. "I could tell ya stories about that as well, but I don't want to put the whole group to shame..."

"Still wouldn't mind hearing 'em," the marten shoots him a wink. "Besides, we still lack the full intel about you and that otter girl in Tampa."

"Wouldn't be fair to go twice," Andrew winks back. "And you can tell yours, I know you dyin' to get it out, no matter who gets the hots for it. If anyone..."

Chayne turns towards the group, clearly eager to take on the polecat's suggestion. "Sure nobody here will get traumatized?" he asks around. "I ain't using safe words once I start."

"Ya can go on, who knows? Maybe someone in this crew is gonna enjoy it!" Z lets out a big laugh, the otters and badgers giving him a side-eye.

"Speak for yourself, piggy..." Kenneth snarks in the hog badger's direction. "If any stinker in here is filthy enough to appreciate the marten's affairs, well that's you..."

Chayne lets out a huff as he tries to remember. "After one of my shifts which turned into me partying as well, me and this otter that kinda looked like Crispin, but about ten inches shorter..." the remark cracking up most mustelids but the lutrine. "We didn't have any money for taxis or hotels and he wanted this whole load like, now. So what do we do? Central Park was right in front of us, so we pretty much had to do it like George Michael... in a bathroom, in the public, so if we got busted both of us would be fucked, but luckily only one of us got fucked..." the double entendre needed a second to fall on most's minds.

"That's worse than Crispin's dumpster story," Arron snorts, mildly annoyed at the blonde marten's candidness.

"I did it at night, and behind at least ONE closed door, thank you very much," Chayne retorts.

"But like, those chemical toilets are probably the dirtiest places on earth... how can you even enjoy the thing?"

"Same as your friend enjoyed wrecking some fur's bachelor?" the marten points at Kenneth. "And besides, if you're standing up and taking the guy from behind, and got enough lube, you don't really have to lean on anywhere..."

"Enough with that," Crispin cuts Chayne. "So like, everyone's gotten around but Z, right? Eddie in a beach cave, Drew and his tour groupie, 'Ron rather "keep it between him and his wife"..." he says, earning a glare from the firefighter. "But the guy asking has done very little answering and a whole lotta stinking the place..."

"Saving the best for last," the hog badger sniggers. "I know I can top all of y'all's stories, dudes. What's fun in killing off the competition by going in first?"

"I tell ya, whole lotta oinkin', for a whole lotta nothin'..." Crispin retorts. "Andrew got his wet on a star's tour bus, so how you gonna one up that?"

Z gives the lutrine a knowing smile, closing his eyes as he reminisces. "So, guys... picture this. I was around nineteen, whole lotta younger, but full of vigor and spunk. Not yet the Boss Hog you know, but a damn good hog alright," he chuckles, tongue running over his incisors. "I was ridin' my first truck back then, a '98 Chevy Silverado. One summer evening, I set off with my crush of back then - a sweet lil' piggy one year younger than me. Don't laugh, guys..." he puts his paws up. "She was cute as a button, homecoming queen at New Caney High, the whole football team goin' after her, yet no one got her. I ain't even joking."

"So like, we rode off a few miles to some back road near the San Jacinto river, lights down to not get any unwanted attention. We stopped somewhere nice and private, I jumped off and set up a big ol' foam roll and a couple blankets on the truck bed, and less than a minute later we were snugglin' under the brightest, most stunning starry sky I've ever seen," he continues. "Hog and piggy, hidden away in the deep of the Texan countryside... can you see where this is going?"

"Go on, dude..." Andrew says, his cheeks visibly flustered.

"Well like, a couple of horny teenagers can't last long in their country clothes, right? Before you even know it, I've tossed a blanket over us and we're spooning, fur to fur, on the back of a Silverado in the middle of nowhere. Lickin' and kissin' each other like two goddamn ferals, I tell ya... I dunno if it was the whole situation, her smell, the couple cans of Coors Light I'd chugged beforehand or what, but I was gettin' positively wild under that blanket," Z chuckles.

"I roll on top of her and press tight to her as she reaches out and guides it in. She was so hot, wet and grippin', I was half sure I'd be losin' my mind right there and then..." By now the whole group is silent, all six hanging to each word coming from the hog badger. "I couldn't fucking believe how good it was. The truck's rockin' under us as we go, moving in time with the music coming off my lil' portable radio. I'm holdin' her tight and pull her into my bucks, thrusting hard and deep even though I can barely move... Suddenly she starts to moan like desperate, and she's clenching and pulling and we're kissing and I'm all over the fucking place and my eyes are rollin' in the back of my head. Legit the first time I made a girl come through my dick alone," Z concludes proudly, leaning his sweaty body back - the whole group clearly more than a little turned on by his tale. Of course, the mechanic takes it as its cue to ruin the mood. "And that, guys, is how I met my wife..:"

"How you WHAT?" Kenneth spits, all mustelids turning towards Z at the sudden revelation. "You never fucking told us you were married, you..." He suddenly stops in his tracks, noticing the usual, insufferable smirk on the hog badger's muzzle. "You're shitting us, aren't you?"

"Of fucking course I am! I ain't tying anything just yet!" the mechanic shoots back, exploding in a laugh as the group lets out a collective sigh. "But anything else was 100%, abso-fucking-lutely true."

"Z's story, dude..." *chuckles embarrassedly, his face flushed* "Like, where did he even pull it out from? He's the very last person in here you'd expect to double down on the sexy, romantic stuff, but damn... This situation's really fucked up if I end up getting the hots over two pigs doing it in a truck bed." *shakes his head*

~Andrew, 22, European Polecat, Roadie

"This badger is a piece of work and a half, man." *Arron shakes his head* "Even though he can be one of the most obnoxious ones ever, you can't help but like the guy. That and he's a jack of all trades, so if he keeps here, I need to be wary of the one who oinks."

~Arron, 28, Honey Badger, Firefighter

"Okay, Mark Twain, nice story and all..." Eddie yawns. "But I am tired and a half now..." He pulls himself in an upright position, his brown-furred body literally dripping with sweat. "We better head out and get a cold drink before we wrinkle up like raisins."

A few people get up, taking the lutrine's words as the cue to head out. "Alrighty guys, time to hit the hay..." Greasy Z says as he fixes his towel before climbing down the ledge. "Who gonna jerk off over young me and piggy tonight?" he grins.

"No I won't, not with this smell..." Kenneth waves the air in an exaggerated way. "Y'all please wash up before walking in, I don't wanna nose up your musk around the place..."

The hog badger chuckles, fingers running between his sweaty hair to style it back into a resemblance of his mohawk. "It still runs my score better than any CrossFit trick ya can think of," he says, playfully bumping Kenneth's side to the Arron's obvious discomfort before making a run for the communal showers.

"To be the big Alpha of the house, ya just gotta be confident of what you have, no ifs, no buts, no regrets. If you ain't with me, fuck off, if you with me you cool." *Z is shown as he lathers his body up, washing off the sweat from the sauna* "I just try to give my best face to everyone I meet, and be proud of who I am. I believe that is the true mark of what this show's lookin' for."

~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic


March 3, 2020

2:00 PM

85° F

The challenge area has been converted into something resembling a shooting range, an open field separating a firing spot from a bunch of dummy-like targets - each bearing the resemblance of one of the mustelids at risk.

"Hello there, winners," Ludwig greets Chayne, John and Andrew as they take seats on the wayside. "Let's welcome our challengers..." he says. "Eddie, William, Crispin, Kenneth and the losing captains, Arron and Greasy Z..."

The group walks in, marveling at the setup before stopping in a line right before the host. "I say my ugly mug looks better in real life, whatcha think?" Z jokes as he playfully elbows William, soon as the group takes notice of the look-alike dummies behind them.

"Seems we're up for a shooting challenge of some kind, and to be fair, that's the opening I've been waiting for." *rubs paws together in glee* "These people don't know it yet, but back in Philly I'm a big name in the paintball scene. I go play almost every weekend in the spring, I know my paintball buddies are missing me right now, but this is my chance to make them proud and claim my Alpha credentials at last."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"So guys, I see you're in a pretty good mood this morning, right?" Ludwig prods the mustelids at risk, the group clapping their paws and letting out a big cheer in response. "William, how do you feel about your status in the Burrow?"

"They don't have any complaints!" the weasel points at the others. "I think I got a good standing, and hopefully that'll help me jump to a challenge win. It ain't pretty taking on all these individuals..."

"Speaking of, we got someone who isn't a stranger to those..." Ludwig replies, turning towards one of the badgers. "Kenneth, do you think this is the day you can turn it around for good?"

"I think so, yeah," the roofer nods. "I know I haven't been all that successful yet, but I haven't gotten the chance to lead my own team either. Every time my back was shoved against the wall, I got out on top - and this is going to continue today."

"And on the other side of the spectrum... Eddie, you being here means now every mustelid in the house went through the individual. What's the situation?"

The giant otter lets out a sigh. "Ain't pretty, Lud..." he says. "Nobody here is invulnerable. The moment you think you're safe, each and everyone of these people are gonna seize on the chance to jump on ya. I might be here once and it may be it for me, but some might be three, four, five, six times and they survive, so..." the last part making Kenneth look down at the line.

"You've been living with this group 24/7 for two weeks now, so it's safe to say you all know well about each other, right?" the host casually comments, addressing another member of the group at risk. "Z, do you think there's some power dynamics at play in the Burrow?"

"Power how?" the hog badger asks back, narrowing his eyes. "Cuz I tell, ya, I'm already done out-wrestled everyone in the house to date!"

Everyone else tries to hold their laughter, even Ludwig cracking a subtle smirk. "What I mean, is someone coming across as a leader yet? Or is anyone doing their own thing when off the challenges?"

"Brushin' aside what I found out while in Tampa, I feel I'm doing a half decent job of keeping in good terms with everyone in the Burrow. I don't really fear any guy here more than everyone else, 'cause we seen how in different days, some people will pop up and others will falter." *shrugs* "Pound-for-pound, I can beat anyone here. Let's just get to it and see where the cards fall."

~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic

"It's half and half I think..." Zakee shifts his feet. "I'm just here to ace it however it goes, I know some of these fellas got like some ooga booga shit goin' on in their minds and strategies and drama and whatever," he says. "I feel at the end of the day, if ya can't beat these people how it's meant to be, mind games aren't gonna help ya one bit."

"I see," Ludwig nods. "And what does the winning team think about it? Andrew?"

"I was conceived on a night, but I wasn't born last night, and neither the guys here were..." the polecat replies, making others turn heads. "I feel like, if you trying to pull something, it'll come to bite you back. So better plan it well."

The stoat host raises a brow. "You're dancing around the question, Andy," he says. "I'll cut to the chase. Is there someone in that group of six you feel threatened by?"

"Psh, all of them," the young roadie scoffs, making John and Chayne turn their heads. "Only one of us will win, Lud, and if you aren't threatened, you're doing it wrong."

"Chayne? John? What about you?"

The blonde marten sighs. "We can't gloss over that there are great guys in there now that may be eliminated. It would be sad, but it would be good for my game."

"Just say it..." Eddie says out loud to no one in particular.

"To complete what Chayne won't say, we can't ignore that Eddie's rudder is at risk for the first time there is," John picks up the question back. "Crispin, Arron... we got some bigshots that need to go home for us to succeed," the white stoat says bluntly. "All I'm sayin' is... I'm happy I'm on this bench and not over there. I know many are not."

"Alright, we finally got to it," Ludwig nods, satisfied. "Today's challenge is called Last One Standing, and will put to test your standings among the rest of the group. To be an Alpha, you got to command respect and support by your peers. This challenge will put all the social ties, bonds and every single detail to the ultimate test. To win this, it'll depend on your competitors."

The stoat points to the field with a claw. "Out there, we put three targets representing each of you six. You'll take turns throwing javelins at the dummies, trying to knock out those belonging to the contestant you want to take out," he says, some of the guys lighting up in anticipation, others wincing. "Each dummy represents the three "lives" each competitor has in this challenge - the moment all of your targets get knocked out, you are out of the game. The first two to lose all their lives will head to the duel where someone will be the fourth to end their journey on American Mustelid Alpha."

"That's brutal..." William comments. "We're at each other's mercy here..." he whispers, noting Eddie's face immediately falling.

"For how the challenge is structured, I can immediately see the biggest threats are going to be targeted first. I know I'm the top marksman here, I know Crispin will have my back, but there's little I can do against four people who likely have me in their sights..."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"This time," the stoat continues, oblivious to the weasel's remark. "You will be playing for a reward. The last player standing will win a chance to earn what you missed out on in the last team challenge - that is, a further $1000 cash tip and a brand new, luxury leather jacket offered by Schott..." he says, the group's expressions changing to that of glee and determination.

"Oh, and one more thing..." Ludwig remarks, making everyone pay attention. "With this challenge being as socially detailed as it is, we think that it is not fair that some will be excluded from participating."

The winners' bench turn their heads to the host in confusion. "Three players will have an extra life - that is, an extra dummy to be knocked out to boot them from the challenge. And it'll fall down to each of the three winners - Andrew, Chayne and John - to decide who they want to give that bonus to."

As soon as the host has pronounced the last words, the entire group's jaws drop at once. "Oh... my god..." Chayne reacts in shock.

"It's all out the window now. This challenge will have ALL of us air the dirty laundry in the form of targets and lances and shit in the house will not be the same. Hey, Ludwig... what the fuck?"

~Chayne, 28, Beech Marten, Bartender

*rubs paws evilly* "This twist couldn't come at a better time. I know if the roles were reversed, no one would raise a paw to help me - but thanks to Andrew, I got my finger on the trigger and need to make the most of this to further my game."

~John, 36, Stoat, Jailer

"So, guys, let's cut to the chase. Chayne, who are you giving an extra life to?" Ludwig asks the marten, who is still processing all the new information.

"So we just going in dry? No foreplay?" the marten blurts out, clearly uneasy with the task given. "Alright, I think this guy's one of the Burrow's lifelines, and I'd be remiss if I don't return the favor somehow. I'm giving my life to... William. You go bud," he says, nodding to the Honduran weasel, who sighs contently.

"Obviously Chayne didn't take a side and decided to help someone who's clearly not a threat. If he wants to play that way, fine, but his time is gonna come sooner or later..."

~John, 36, Stoat, Jailer

"John Blake, your turn. Who will you give your extra life to?"

"This is the way I see it, Ludwig..." the jailer responds, pointing at his rivals. "Eddie, three team wins, Crispin, Zakee, two team wins, William, Arron, one team win. So by elimination that leaves the runt, and on litters, you gotta give the runt a little extra to make it happen else they perish," he says. "My choice is Kenneth."

"This runt can go on rampage without any extra, you dic-" the badger snaps to the stoat, clearly annoyed at being singled out for his perceived weakness, but biting his tongue in the end. "...I'll take it, John."

"Damn, Chayne just saved who I wanted to save..." *shakes head* "Shit, I can't give William five lives... Whoever I save in this moment, will send a message to the whole house about my intentions, and it can either boost me or end me." *sighs*

~Andrew, 22, European Polecat, Roadie

"So for the final lifeline..." Andrew ponders. "It's a hard decision between who I want to save, or who do I think needs it the most. I think some of these guys would be 100% safe, life or not, and I don't want to waste it..." the polecat looks down, then turns towards the group with a serious expression on his face. "Arron, come get your life." he answers.

The honey badger snaps his eyes open in surprise. "Thanks Drew, I owe ya," he says, thanking the polecat with a nod of his head. Behind him, Eddie heavily frowns at the winning team.

"Got it loud and clear..." he whispers to Crispin.

The taller lutrine nods. "Yep, they want us out over the badgers..." he answers, not bothering for anyone else to pick up his words.

"Arron went all over to me saying how shitty Kenneth is... Andrew I helped out with the stone lifting challenge... and now look," Eddie whispers. "It's us against everyone else, dude. You know I got your back anything happens... I can go to the Duel if necessary, but I'm gonna try to shield ya if I get a chance."

"Everything is stacked against me and it fucking sucks. Man, the hypocrisy in here... People buddy up to get something from you, only to stab you in the back as soon as they get their chance to." *Eddie is shown walking out the group, giving his back to Andrew and his team* "I've picked a side and I'm sticking to it. If people see me as the biggest threat in here that's fine, but siding with people who won't give 'em the time of day in order to take me out won't make 'em the Alphas they claim to be."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

Production wheels in an extra dummy for both Kenneth, Arron and William, a huge javelin rack being pushed through next to the runway. "Here's how it'll work," Ludwig says, addressing the group of six. "I'll call you up in rounds, one by one, and you gonna throw your javelin at your target of choice. If you manage to knock a dummy down, you take one life out of the mustelid it belongs," he says. "This challenge will test both your strength, your precision and your strategizing skills. And remember... if you knock out your own dummy, it still counts, so make sure you don't."

"Shooting isn't and never was my forte, and I'm not dim-witted enough to not know my arm strength is inferior to some - so I'm pretty much going in blind. At least I got an extra life, and these guys have been all chill with me so far. So let's see how this unfolds."

~William, 34, Least Weasel, Personal Trainer

Ludwig details the group as they get ready for action, shaking off their arms in anticipation of the throws. "Okay, we've drawn lots to decide the shooting order. So it's going to be Kenneth first, followed by Arron, Eddie, Crispin, Zakee and lastly, William," he says. "Remember, you got fifteen seconds to get in shape and throw."

Kenneth is quick to step up, the badger having tied his hair back in the usual manbun. "Easy as pie, Lud..." he chuckles, unracking a javelin and briefly testing the grip before getting into position.

"I play paintball, I go bow hunting on the regular... There's little doubt to me that I'm among the best marksmen in this group, if not the very best. With an extra life under my belt, I think I can give a certain rudder a run for his money." *Kenneth takes a short run up before flinging the weapon, which sinks in the middle of Eddie's closest dummy with a loud thwack*

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Kenneth connects!" Ludwig yells, raising his paws. "Eddie's down to two lives!"

The giant otter scoffs. "Fucking predictable," he comments, giving a side-eye to the badger.

Arron steps up to the spot. "If the job's started, it needs to be done..." the honey badger mutters as he flings the sharp javelin into Eddie's second dummy, effectively bringing it down. "Eddie's now down to one. One more and he's our first duelist!" Ludwig comments.

"Is it really that easy?" Andrew whispers to Chayne in disbelief at what he was seeing.

"I dunno, buddy..." the marten shrugs as Eddie picks up his own javelin, a determined grin on his features. "I don't think he can take out everyone before they do him..."

"I didn't want my first duel to happen based on how wussied these guys are of me. Sure, Arron can't keep a story straight and everyone else is going to jump on this train against me, but it is a mistake. I'm not going anywhere, duel or not."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

The Navy veteran takes a couple steps then effortlessly slings the javelin, sinking it into Kenneth's target. He walks back, immediately bumping fists with Crispin who's about to step up for his first attempt.

"And Kenneth takes his first hit! John's investment is down, it seems," Ludwig remarks. "Gotta say I'm surprised by how quick you're picking this up..."

"Badgers and otters are going at each other's throat," Chayne comments to Andrew, noticing Crispin is openly targeting another of Kenneth's dummies. "You reckon anyone else can skate through and steal it?"

"It is a matter of best left out..." Andrew shrugs. Meanwhile, Crispin lets out his first javelin, but he slightly overshoots his mark - knocking one of his own targets instead. "Shit," he curses under his breath, the entire group letting out a collective chuckle. "You can't be serious..."

"Crispin's down one of his own," Ludwig says, Kenneth unable to resist a smirk as the lutrine walks back.

It is Greasy Z's turn to approach the runway for the first time, the hog badger stretching his throwing arm with an impenetrable look on his muzzle.

"I don't want to ruffle no feathers... but I ain't going to no fuckin' duel. It ain't personal, it's just how it is. If they choose to take this too personal, tough shit, I guess."

~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic

The mechanic approaches the shooting line with a long running start, letting his javelin loose with a grunt. It flies longer than all the previous attempts before lodging into Eddie's farthest dummy, barely knocking it on the ground. "YES!" Greasy Z shouts, pumping his fist as he realizes he's managed to hit his target.

"And Eddie's last target is out! We got our first duelist. Eddie, you're out of the challenge," Ludwig announces, motioning to the angry lutrine to reach the winners on the bench.

"And the proof's right there, you could do amazing and think the world is at the end of your webbed feet one day, and on the next that world collapses into itself. The mighty need to fall sometimes so one can rise to the occasion."

~John, 36, Stoat, Jailer

John pats Eddie's shoulder as he sits down beside him, the rest looking in disbelief. The giant otter doesn't even turn towards the stoat, clearly pissed off at being ganged up on by the rest of the contestants.

Meanwhile, William attempts his first shot by aiming at Arron's closest target, but his javelin flies astray, a couple metres off side. "William, don't hit us, bro!" Zakee exclaims, mockingly crouching to evade the shot. The weasel shrugs sheepishly, but joins the laughter as he walks back to the group.

"Alright, our first round is through. William and Arron are leading with four targets each, Kenneth and Z got three while Crispin is sitting last with two," Ludwig recaps. "Kenneth, it's your turn to go again."

The badger wastes no time getting into form, a way twice as quick as his competitors, as his javelin flies and hits another of Crispin's dummies straight between its eyes. "Seriously, dude?" the tall lutrine asks, as the roofer walks back with a smug grin plastered on his face.

"Two is less than three or four, and there is one more duelist to be had and it ain't gonna be me!" Kenneth answers back.

"Let it go, Cris," Eddie speaks up, not caring one bit about the badger overhearing him. "It's obvious that vermin wants to pit us against each other. Just go and take him out before he can do you in..."

"Excuse me?" Kenneth abruptly turns towards the giant otter. "Who you callin' a vermin, asshole?"

"I've done it and will do it again," Eddie replies, nonplussed. "You wouldn't ever dare to come at me if it wasn't for all these people backin' ya..."

"Eddie, Ken, just..." Andrew gestures for the tension to end.

"Just what, dude?" the lutrine turns towards the polecat. "You fuckin' saved Arron - way to choose your fucking side and banding together with 'em to take the biggest threat out. Pretty Alpha of you..." he sarcastically claps in the youngster's direction.

"I mean, I..." Andrew instinctively looks to respond, but after a pause, he shrugs off the NAVY veteran. "Let's just focus on the game. That's what I wanted to say."

"Call that a poker face, eh?" Zakee whispers to Arron, not being able to contain an oink.

The challenge goes on. Arron manages to sink one of Greasy Z's dummies, the hog badger returning the favor a few moments later. Meanwhile, Crispin's dig to Kenneth actually manages to take out William's target at its left, while the weasel's second attempt comes a couple meters short of the front line of dummies. "William fails to connect again!" Ludwig snickers, the personal trainer looking sheepish as he returns to his spot.

It's up to Kenneth to return on the firing line for his third shot. Before tossing his javelin, he shoots a cocky look to Eddie, the giant otter returning a murderous leer.

"I'll make ya guys behind me a favor...." Kenneth mutters to the shooters as he takes position.

"Don't you dare..." Eddie whispers under his breath, his eyes almost drilling holes in the badger's back. One second later, Kenneth flings his weapon - the javelin flying all over the row of dummies to sink perfectly in the middle of Crispin's sole surviving dummy.

Zakee exhales relieved, William looking at the scene in suspense as Kenneth lets out a battle cry, his piercing scream startling most of the other contestants. After a second, Ludwig steps up to recap what just happened. "Crispin is our second competitor out of the individual, which means Eddie and Crispin are our duelists for tonight. The rest of you four are safe from elimination, however you are still playing for reward."

The tattooed otter stands in shock with his paws on his hips, still processing the information as he sits next to Eddie. Next to him, the Navy veteran is clenching his fists, struggling to contain his anger as he sees Kenneth bumping fists with the other three surviving contestants.

"To be in the duel is one thing, I've been there before, but to be forced to go against it versus my ally is all kinds of fucked up. I know how strong Eddie is, but he also knows all about me, how much I need this. If I need to, I will, but... why it had to be this fucking way?"

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

"Eddie, first time in the duel. Crispin, at it once again," Ludwig remarks, noticing both lutrines feeling a mix of crestfallen and furious. "And in the hand of all your rivals, as you saw..."

"I'd say... I'd say the cards have fallen," Eddie answers, struggling to contain his anger. "I just wish that if I had to be put in a duel, it would have been in a more noble way, one where I could have been really bested."

Kenneth raises a brow. "We done bested ya, dude," he points out, a mocking smirk on his face. "You can anger and vent all you want, but the tables have turned for good..."

"Eddie's perfect little world is crumbling before his very eyes, and.... this is going to be a shitshow, bitch." *camera shows Chayne shooting a knowing look to Andrew*

~Chayne, 28, Beech Marten, Bartender

"I'm just saying, of course if you had a choice, you'd put two and two together and send one of us home," Crispin frustratedly replies. "Just lucky you all had a choice today, 'cause it's easy to band up and take out the strongest this way. Any other individual, different history."

Kenneth scoffs, brushing away the lutrine's objection. "Says the one who couldn't even ace the swimming one..."

"Says the one who hasn't won a team challenge yet," Eddie interrupts the badger. "Every team you touch dies... Tell him, Arron!"

The firefighter raises his paws. "Don't bring me into this, brother..." he says. "It is what it is. And like... once I lost the stone challenge and I got sent to the duel with J.J., I took it in good stride. You're making a big deal out of this because it happened to you for once. You guys think you running everything!"

"Plus, what if your pal bests ya instead?" Kenneth doubles down, a mocking smirk on his face as he addresses the giant otter. "Last thing I heard, this wasn't a two-winner gig. Now what?"

Eddie turns towards Kenneth, his expression dead serious. "Keep this in mind, badger..." he says. "Laugh all you want now, 'cause if I get a second chance at it, I'm coming at you and your friend over there," he says, motioning to Arron. "And you don't want it to happen, brother. You fucking don't." With that, he turns away from the scene, giving his back to the remaining contestants.

Chayne fixes his hair, looking at the scenario. "He mad, huh?" he deadpan whispers to Andrew.

"You can say that," the polecat nods. "Kenny got the lutrines good..."

Chayne shrugs. "Hear..."

"This ain't the marines anymore, captain. No one's gonna bow down and suck it to you, not with this prize on the line. If you wanna act pissy, go off, but if it's your turn... It's your damn turn, pick your number, get in line."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"Alright, guys, we got a challenge to finish. Arron... shall we continue?" Ludwig asks, in an exasperated manner. The honey badger grabs a javelin, takes a small run-up then flings the weapon, taking out another of Z's dummies. "He ain't missing a shot..." William whispers to the hog badger, who visibly flinches as his target collapses. "C'mon Arron, thought we were cool..." he huffs.

"Someone's gotta win this, right?" the firefighter answers, on the defensive. The mechanic scoffs, then takes his own shot - getting back at him by taking out his second target. Having run out of the easiest target, William also tries to get a stab at Arron, but his javelin comes short once again.

"Okay, here's where we're at," Ludwig tries to recap. "After three shots, Kenneth and William are sitting in the lead with three targets each. Arron has two, while Z is one shot away from elimination," he says. "Kenneth, you up next..."

"I'll leave ya the pig if you wanna, 'Ron. Need to better my chances," the badger says, stepping up to the shooting zone, hitting one of William's targets straight on its shoulder.

"Hey!" the weasel interrupts. "I haven't gotten a single target yet... Why not Arron first? You want him to get the reward?"

"It's cool. I got another one to hit..." Arron interrupts, his shot to Zakee's last dummy taking a dramatic turn, but managing to bring it down.

"And Zakee's head is gone, he's out!" Ludwig remarks, the hog badger mockingly faking being shot in the chest as he collapses on the bench next to Crispin and Eddie - the giant otter still refusing to watch how the challenge progresses.

"I didn't think you were gonna go to duel anyway, extra life or not..." Andrew whispers to the hog badger knowingly.

"Won't lie, seeing Kenneth and Arron band together to take out everyone else sorta bothers me. But you gotta do what you gotta do, and there's bigger fish to fry on the menu right now... *tries to put on a serious face, soon cracking up, clapping and snorting* "Get it? Otters eat fish? Anyone?"

~Greasy Z, 29, Hog Badger, Automobile Mechanic

William takes a running start, tossing out his javelin which strikes the ground dangerously close to one of Arron's mannequins. Immediately, the two badgers shoot a knowing look at each other.

*William pinches the bridge of his nose* "So, history lesson. The javelin was created by the Ancient Greeks for the Olympics like... 2500 years ago? What other stuff did Greeks create? Mathematics, Geography, Democracy, plenty more things that ended up more important than throwing spears for distance." *the weasel snickers after musing, exasperated* "I just hope I can get the lucky shot for once..."

~William, 34, Least Weasel, Personal Trainer

Kenneth walks up to the shooting zone. "At this moment, guys I'm like..." the long-haired badger stretches his hand to William. "What's the point?" he asks ironically, making the remaining competitors laugh.

"I'm just saying... If you want that reward, you gonna turn on your friend sooner or later," John remarks, realizing who the badger is about to target. "You got one over Arron, but what if he turns on you and makes it even?"

"Oh shut up, dude..." Kenneth answers, cockily. "I ain't turning on my buddy for a thousand bucks and a leather jacket... just yet." Without expecting an answer, he sinks his javelin into William's further target - Arron taking quick work of the last one remaining a few seconds later.

"I dunno what game Arron is playing at. The main competition's right there and you decide to let it skate by. This better not be for the long run, badger, else you gonna get whipped around."

~John, 36, Stoat, Jailer

"William is out!" Ludwig announces, the weasel shrugging his shoulders as he joins the group on the bench. "Kenneth is leading on Arron, three remaining targets to two."

"Guess now I should take ya out..." Arron comments to Kenneth.

"No hard feelings, dude," the roofer answers back, before straight out sinking his javelin into Arron's look-alike target. The honey badger is quick to strike back, letting his weapon fly with a powerful swing of his shoulder - its tip lodging itself into the head of his opponent's farthest target. "Alright, Kenneth..." Ludwig points out, as the badger moves on to unrack another javelin. "You still have two targets, while Arron is on his last one. If you can take it out, you win the challenge, the $1000 cash tip and the Schott jacket."

"I only got one dummy to take down, but it's the most difficult one, all the way in the back." *camera shows the Arron look-alike, standing tall in the middle of many targets hit* "Nevertheless, me shooting before Arron will help me net a victory. Nothing personal, just me thirsty for a win."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

Kenneth throws his javelin with all the strength he can muster, but as the spear flows across the air, it goes through the gaps on the arms of Arron's dummy, failing to strike it. The whole bench jeers and gasps in response. "First miss by Kenneth!" Ludwig yells. "This is an opening for Arron - if he gets the next one, he can tie the game up!"

"I knew I told him. I just knew..." John says to Chayne and William by his side.

Arron walks forward, a determined look on his muzzle as he aims at the farthest of Kenneth's targets, the same distance that the badger had failed prior.

"This is varsity football, this is the one last Hail Mary pass I need to net to get my team coming out on top." *the honey badger lets the javelin go, the weapon arching nicely in the air before hitting the target with a loud thwack* "Kenneth, do your best, 'cause I want this reward."

~Arron, 28, Honey Badger, Firefighter

"And Arron ties the score, hitting the one in the distance Kenneth just failed. If Kenneth hits this one, he wins, if he misses, the door's open for Arron..."

The long-haired badger takes his time choosing his weapon, testing the grip and visualizing the trajectory in his head before getting into position to retry his missed shot. "Just like golf, no one dare say shit..." Z quips, to the amusement of the rest.

Eventually Kenneth takes his run-up, slinging his throwing arm all the way back before releasing the javelin. The entire group gasps as the spear arches to precariously land on the hand of Arron's dummy, taking its time to finally drop to the ground.

"And Kenneth wins individual and reward!" Ludwig roars, the roofer pumping his fist in celebration as he takes notice of the winning shot. Most of the group applauds politely the badger's achievement, only the otters failing to join in clear disdain of the winner's strategy.

"YEAH BABY! That's a good thou on my pocket, a killer jacket on my suitcase and a great boost to my Alpha credentials. These people can't deny that team or no team, I'll find a way to not only get out of danger's way, but excel it."

~Kenneth, 24, American Badger, Roofer/CrossFit Instructor

"You guys may go back until it's time for the duel, where Crispin or Eddie will battle, and only one of them will survive to see another day."

"I'm still wondering how things got to the shitter at the drop of a hat, but here we are. Fighting Eddie off will be hard because he's a friend and the one I was looking forward to stick with me to the end, but doubly so because he's one hell of a competitor." *sighs* "Yet man, my loyalty lies with my son first and foremost. I need this a lot more than Eddie does, and I hope that's what carries me over the line once more."

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

"When I made the wild gambit in the team challenge, I did it with the purpose of wanting to send a bigshot home, and here we are. Eddie might have it against me because we left him to dry, but we're all playing the game and at this point, he's the biggest threat. If he leaves the Burrow tonight, many people here will take a sigh of relief. If he doesn't, well, even if Crispin could be dangerous in the long run, it ain't gonna be pretty..."

~Andrew, 22, European Polecat, Roadie

Individual Challenge #4, "Last One Standing"

It's late in the afternoon, the production getting the set ready for the final Duel as Crispin and Eddie are lounging near the challenge area. "Hey, Ed..." the bouncer scoots close to his friend, trying to get his attention. "However this goes, dude, it's all fine..."

"I don't wanna do this," Eddie replies in frustration. "Not like this... The fuck?"

"Rules are rules," Crispin shrugs. "I hate this as much as you do, dude. Should have been me and you at the end," he mutters, avoiding his friend's gaze. "This is a fuckin' nightmare, Eddie. Wish there was a way to get out of this..."

"I do not want to duel against Crispin. He's a man that needs to be here, an otter that deserves this more than any of those safe fuckers... but I will do whatever it takes to remain in this competition."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

The Navy veteran turns towards his friend, his tone suddenly dead serious. "Whatever goes, Cris... whatever the challenge is, whichever crazy stuff they throw at us..." he says. "Let's both give it everything we got. I don't wanna give 'em the satisfaction of seeing us bawling like kids. Aight?"

"100%," Crispin nods. "And whoever stays better make the promise to go the distance."

"Dude, I've been through combat zones with some of the toughest, most badass beasts on this planet. Let it be known that in any tough shit, I'd want to have your back as much as any of those folks," Eddie replies. "Call me after this is over, otter promise that I'll help ya with anything..."

"You don't need to do this, dude," Crispin shakes his head. "I appreciate it, but I don't want you to feel guilty for taking me out, if it happens."

"Don't worry about that. Give me your best fight, and I'll give mine back. Whatever goes, we still a team," the giant otter says, pulling the other lutrine in a hug.


"Biiiiiitch..." Chayne mutters to Andrew as the safe group goes sit by the elevated bench, looking at Eddie and Crispin entering the duel field. "This play's gonna fuck the house up..."

The polecat bites his lip. "I don't envy those two, this is gonna be brutal on 'em..." he says. "But such is life... and life ain't always fair."

"Whoever wins, they ain't gonna be happy," Chayne curls his lip.

Next to the marten, Kenneth can't shake off his biggest grin. "Why should we care about that?" the badger pokes in. "Only one mustie is gonna take this title. It'll get to the point where we'll have to fight off our closest. And to be honest, I rather them being down there than us..."

"Welcome duelists," Ludwig greets the two otters. "Our last two otters standing, soon to fight for the honor of being the last surviving lutrine. Eddie, Crispin... are you ready to find out your duel?"

Eddie looks rather distracted as he peers at the bench where the safe players are sitting, the bouncer looking pensive to the ground instead. "Let's get it done, Lud..." the giant otter mutters, eyes somewhat locked at his rivals.

"Aight," the host nods, motioning to the challenge area where a tall structure resembling a narrow hallway has been built. "Today's duel is named Hallway Fight, and as the name suggests, it will test your tenacity and your combat instinct." The two otters nod, not daring to break eye contact with the stoat as he illustrates the challenge.

"You'll both start at each side of this hallway. At my signal, you'll take off towards your opponent and try to wrestle him out of the other side before he does the same to you. First player to ring the opposite bell wins a point. First player to get to three points wins the duel and keeps the spot, while his opponent will become the fourth eliminated player from American Mustelid Alpha. All clear, guys?"

Both mustelids nod, some of the safe players flinching at Ludwig's description. "This sounds like the most brutal yet..." Arron shakes his head.

"So the two largest players right now in the Burrow are literally tackling each other head to head as in a football match? This is going to be insanity, I do not bet on both walking out of this unscathed."

~Arron, 28, Honey Badger, Firefighter

Eddie and Crispin bump fists one last time before heading off to their corners to get prepped for the challenge. "Who you bettin' on?" Kenneth asks the rest of the group, as the two otters start putting on their protections. "You really think they gonna take it out against each other?"

"Eddie, 100%," Arron waves his paw. "He's at top shape and he's pissed."

"He can be pissed all he wants, he still gotta take out his mate to go forward," the roofer points out. "And Crispin has a bigger drive and reason to be here than the seaman..."

"Yah, but can Crispin handle another near-death experience?" John interrupts. "Can you imagine how's it like to have Eddie coming at you like a freight train?"

"Literally yes," Kenneth huffs, remembering the very first team challenge. "I still hope in a miracle that sends Mr. Caprio packing his bags..."

"This is my challenge to ace and my shot to survive." *the otters are shown fitting their mouth guards and protective gear* "Crispin or not, I'm punching my ticket into the Burrow back again, and they will see just how over the fun and games are."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Eddie, well... he got the body of a linebacker and is steady as a rock. Fighting him bare-pawed is gonna be no joke." *camera shows Crispin taking off his necklace, then walking to the hallway's entrance and planting his paws on each side* "But this is my only chance to greatness and to better myself in life, and don't care if I got even fucking Ludwig in the way, I'm laying it all down."

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

"Alright, guys... Eddie, Crispin, you ready?" Both players grunt menacingly, fangs bared at their opponent as they get ready to pounce. "GO!"

The two lutrines dash to the middle of the hallway in a blur of fur, Eddie immediately tearing into the younger otter's body and pushing him back a couple steps. Helping himself with his rudder, the bouncer manages to stay upright, then pushes back with all his might against the former SEAL - Eddie trying to squeeze past him on his side, but struggling to gain ground as Crispin slams into his body like a possessed otter.

"I'm doing all I can muster, the most I've ever done in my whole life. I'm desperately fighting to stay here."

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

Both lutrines ramp up their aggression as they try to overpower their opponent. Eventually Eddie manages to push Crispin down on the sand, the bouncer's legs faltering as he suddenly finds himself on his back - his rudder tightly wrapped against the giant otter's leg, in a bid to not let him escape out of the hallway. Eddie digs into Crispin's body, his sharp fangs exposed and dangerously close to his opponent's neck as he pulls them back in a threatening snarl.

"As much as it pains me, I'm in war mode right now. I'm giving it all I got, as if there was no one between me and that bell."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

It is clear to Crispin that he can't last much in that position, and he's making no progress whatsoever as Eddie ends up diving past him and starting to drag his body with him as he lunges towards the exit. Eventually the bouncer lets go, falling back on the sand as Eddie jumps forward and dives for the bell, smacking it with a resolute bump of his paw.

"Eddie gets the first point!" Ludwig yells, the whole group clapping both lutrines as the giant otter walks back to his starting spot without a word - his opponent still lying in the middle of the hallway. "Crispin, you alright?" the stoat asks.

The European otter starts coughing, using the halls of the walls to prop himself back up. "I'm..." he says, stopping to hawk out a lump of sand and spit. "I'm fine, let's move on..."

"Okay, second round incoming..." Ludwig announces. "Contenders ready... GO!"

Once more, the two otters race towards each other at full speed, Eddie going for the low tackle as Crispin tries to jump over the bulky veteran. The bouncer's strategy fails, however, as Eddie takes notice of his move and blocks him from jumping past, grasping his midsection and pulling on his shorts before pushing him back with all his might.

"Oh shit..." Andrew mutters, as Crispin is body slammed to the ground like a ragdoll - Eddie using the walls as leverage to pull himself past his fellow lutrine and smacking the bell once more, not even thirty seconds after the round started.

"And Eddie scores a second point, bringing himself up two-to-none!" the stoat host exclaims. Instead of celebrating his score, Eddie briefly bumps his chest before returning to his post, refusing to shoot a glance to either his opponent or the grandstand.

"This is horrible to watch..." Chayne says, elbows leaned on the rail and paws supporting his head, struggling to look at the contenders as Crispin regains composure from the extreme beatdown he just endured - one of the legs of his combat shorts having been literally torn apart by his opponent's fury.

"No, it ain't..." John chuckles, giving the marten a wicked grin.

"Whatever needs to happen needs to happen," *the stoat shrugs* "And for Crispin, he better pray he can pull off another one just like he did on Michael."

~John, 36, Stoat, Jailer

Ludwig awaits for the two otters to collect themselves. "This is the situation. If Eddie wins this next round, Eddie will win the duel and return to the Burrow," he says. "Crispin, you need to win this one to stay alive, got it?"

Crispin looks up at Ludwig, even the act of putting on new shorts is exhaustive. His chest feels like it's going to explode, and his knees seem like they're going to buckle under his weight. "Y-yes sir." he inhales sharply, a mixture of desperation and resolution in his voice.

"I just feel everything fall down on me. The money, the title, all what I could give to Brockton if I manage to turn this around just... disappearing." *Crispin looks away* "This is the worst feeling ever..."

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

"Alright, guys..." the host exclaims. "Eddie, Crispin, you ready?" Both mustelids nod. "GO!"

The crowd watches in apprehension as the two lutrines collide with even more force than before. The sound of their bodies crashing into each other echoes around the arena as Eddie once more gets the upper hand, pushing Crispin a few steps back and smacking the bouncer's ribs with a blow of his thick, crowbar-stiff rudder. Feeling about to be overpowered once more, Crispin tries to cling onto Eddie's waist in a bid to not let his opponent move past him.

With the bouncer's body obstructing the exit, Eddie has just one path to get to the bell. Sighing inwardly, he digs into Crispin with all the energy he can muster - the bouncer slipping back, but never relenting his grip on the Navy veteran as he starts dragging him by weight towards the post. Eddie's muscles contract with the effort, him pulling through the added two hundred pounds before slapping the bell with an adrenaline-filled roar.

"AND EDDIE WINS THE DUEL!" Ludwig yells, Crispin letting go of his opponent as soon as he hears the bell ringing his defeat. The giant otter wastes little time in throwing off his helmet, kneeling on the ground as he recovers - a lot of emotions clearly running through his head.

"I should feel euphoric that I managed to defeat my opponent and a shot to get back at those fools, but... I simply can't." *Eddie is shown as he stands back up, immediately rushing to Crispin to make sure he's fine* "I took out my biggest friend in the Burrow, the only ally I could count on with my life. It had to be done, but now I'm on my own." *sighs*

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Eddie, you survived the duel, you can go back to your fellow competitors..." Ludwig motions to the grizzled veteran.

"I'm staying in here with Cris for a second, Lud..." Eddie pants, helping the dejected European otter to stand back up. "Dude, you alright?" he asks his friend, oblivious to the other competitors' questioning glare.

"I'll live, Ed..." the bouncer groans. "Just... remind me not to face you in an alley fight ever again, will ya?"

"Ya bet," Eddie replies, sensing the catharsis in Crispin's sarcasm. "I'm so fucking sorry, dude. Hit me up when this is over, aight? I'll take care of these people for you too..."

Ludwig can't help but smile at the camaraderie that the otters displayed. "Oh, Crispin. From the nightclubs in California, to one of the toughest experiences there is. You went through hell and came back to fight another day, but unfortunately, your Alpha experience ends here."

"It does..." Crispin shakes his head, fighting to hold tears. "Ludwig, if I may, I'd like to thank you and the whole team for granting me this shot. I've spent a buncha years laying in the rubble, and although I didn't manage to come out on top, my experience here actually gives me the hope to move forward and keep my life on the right path," he says. "It fuckin' hurts to go out this way, but I'm doing that with my head held up high. And I know this guy's gonna continue my work," he says, patting Eddie's back before turning to Ludwig.

"It's been a pleasure to have you here, Crispin," the stoat host smiles, stepping forward to pull the lutrine into a hug. "Say hi to Brockton for me, alright? He's gonna be excited to see you again!"

The tattooed otter turns to his rivals one last time. "Just keep in mind this," Crispin points to the mustelids. "This really is the key to changing your whole existence. My life could have changed, but alas, it wasn't my turn. Act like you want this, and you better fight for it like a true warrior. Fang and claw, that's the Alpha's way." The group claps as he leaves the premises, not before having shared one last hug with Eddie.

*Arron fixes his dreads* "As painful as it might be for those two, I feel the power shifted paws in the Burrow. I'm more confident than ever about my chances with Crispin gone, and Lord, may this symbol a good future for me in this competition."

~Arron, 28, Honey Badger, Firefighter

"It's gonna be hard to go back to the Burrow without Cris." *Eddie reluctantly walks back to the rest of the group, avoiding eye contact as he turns towards Ludwig* Now that my best mate has fallen, there's no point in mincing words, no reason to hold back shit or bite my tongue to save face. I'm truly on my own now, and these people will soon see what's it like to face a lutrine Alpha on the prowl. I'm out for revenge."

~Eddie, 32, Giant Otter, Demolition Foreman

"Guys, I feel we've all learned another big lesson today," Ludwig addresses the eight remaining mustelids. "On our way to the ultimate goal, we can learn a lot about the rivals we find on the way, maybe even form bonds that will last beyond our quests. But let our own goals be our final guide." he says, Eddie nodding knowingly to his words. "You guys can head back to the Burrow and get some rest, I'll see you soon..."

Meanwhile, Crispin is packing up his suitcase, sighing deeply as he gathers his possessions.

"I'm devastated right now, there's really no way to sugarcoat it. I had so much ridin' on this it ain't even funny, and for my one big shot to end in the worst possible way, well... it's gonna be fuckin' hard to come to terms with that." *Crispin is shown as he zips up his gym bag, sitting on his bed as he ponders* "This game was fun, but it was also business to me. I was willing to lay my life on the line to come home with the quarter million. Hell, I almost literally did..." *dry laughs*

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

The otter clutches his necklace tightly, then gives it a kiss before tucking it under his tank top. He doesn't look back as he slings his gym bag over his shoulder, dragging his suitcase behind him as he walks down the stairs.

"I'll always remember this experience as a decisive step towards the stability I've sought for the past seven years. I've proven I'll do whatever it takes to protect my son and make sure he grows better than I did - even going toe-to-toe with the biggest, baddest mustelids in America. I know my strength alone is enough to conquer every single goal I'll ever set forth - get a better job, take Brock on a dream holiday, further my brand as a boxing instructor, literally anything. And for that, I'll always be thankful to AMA."

~Crispin, 29, European Otter, Bouncer

"Brock... I'm coming home," he says, before closing the door behind himself.

Duel #4, "Hallway Fight"