Housewarming in Heat, Chapter 5

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#5 of Housewarming in Heat

Two young dragons learn the consequences of playing around while in heat.

(4,755 words)

They both kept thrusting against each other, and Knaster let out a deep, soft growl. "Grrr... I could put an egg inside you. Though we really shouldn't. Ngggh... So close... Stop saying the naughty things, I'm too damn close. I... wait..." Knaster suddenly froze up and went completely still, but he didn't pull out. "Wait...!"

Reylin was still lost in her lustful trance, and she kept rocking her hips back against Knaster. "Knaster..."

"Reylin, stop, wait...!" Knaster hissed quietly, and something about the tone of his voice made Reylin hesitate.

Suddenly all their intimacy was shattered by the sound of paws against the corridor floor outside, and then there was a loud trio of knocks against the apartment door. "Thump, thump, thump!"

Reylin jerked from surprise and panic. At the firm, authoritative sound of door knocks, the young drakka tried to stand up from her mating crouch and back away from the door, which just slammed her hips down against Knaster's. In that moment his erection went deep, with his knot slipping fully into her, and it just took a split second for nature to take advantage of that mistake.

"Ahhk...!" Knaster let out a choked, hushed groan, and he hurriedly tried to pull back from her, but it was too late--his knot had slipped into her, and with how close he was to release, it did exactly what it was supposed to. "No, don't... You... Oh, no, no, no!" he hissed. That bulb of flesh rapidly swelled with blood and began to bloat up, growing to twice the usual diameter, leaving him unable to pull out and providing those final delightful sensations that would usually trigger orgasm.

The feeling of Knaster's knot bulging thickly and pressing against her sensitive walls made Reylin's muscles clench down around him, and it would have made her moan in most any other situation, but panic crashed through her lust. "What? Oh!! I was just talking dirty. Don't actually knot me!" she hissed quietly. On realizing what had just happened she hurriedly tried to lift her hips away from Knaster's, but all this succeeded in doing was to yank on her partner's knot.

Knaster's whole body jerked forward with her, as he hunched forward as he tried to keep them slit to slit. "Reylin! Don't pull! I'm on the edge. I'm really right on the edge. Stop moving or you're going to set me off!" he said in a frantic, whispered squeak.

"I'm in heat! You can't!"

"Thump, thump, thump!" The door knocks came again as someone slapped their wing against the door. "Maintenance, here! Good evening, is anyone home?" The voice was a cheery loud yell, muffled but still audible through the door.

Reylin glanced over her shoulder and at Knaster, and he looked as panicked as she was. "Pull out!" she hissed at him.

"I can't! Stop moving. I said, stop moving!" Knaster grabbed her hips with his paws, holding her still. "No, no, no, no, no... I'm so close. I don't know if... if I can hold it back..."

"Thump, thump, thump!" came the door knocks again. "Hello! Anyone home?"

Reylin felt like she was going to faint from embarrassment. "Uh, hey! Don't come in! Who's there?!" she yelled, raising her voice.

"Ah, good evening to you. This is Indranis, from the hall office! I've got a maintenance request for your room. There's a report for... a faulty lighting coil that needs replacement?"

Reylin looked up at the ceiling. As they had found earlier, her ceiling light wasn't working. "I... yes?"

"Do you want to let me in so I can fix that?" came the voice through the door.

Reylin glanced back at Knaster. He was hunched over into a ball, curled around her body, brow furled from concentration as he tried to hold back his own inevitable release. His knot was firmly secured inside her slit and his erection was fully stiff, with the tip plunged deep and pointed right at her fertile oviducts, ready to deposit his virile payload at any second. It wasn't exactly a good time for maintenance work. "Uh... can you... can you come back later?!" Reylin yelled, trying to sound casual.

"Sorry but no. It's getting late in the evening, if you hadn't noticed. And you should have noticed, because it must be quite dark in there with the light not working."

Reylin glanced at the window. Even with the curtain drawn, there had been enough translucency in the fabric that daylight had been illuminating her room earlier. But now that natural light was noticeably dimmer and redder as sunset got underway. She'd lost track of time while having fun with Knaster. Her mind raced as she tried to come up with excuse. "I was... I just woke up from a nap. And I only moved in today... and things are everywhere so it's a huge mess inside here. Don't come in."

"Listen--if I don't get this lighting coil replaced, then I won't be back to replace it till next week. It's now or next week. So unless you want to spend the whole weekend in darkness, can you just let me in?"

"Just... just hold on a moment." Reylin glanced back at Knaster, who hadn't moved. "Hey!" she hissed softly at him. "Have you got your knot unstuck yet?"

"Ooohhh... It's a reflex. It's not something I can consciously control," Knaster hissed back at her. "Urrrghhhhhh, that feels so good. Mistakes, were, made!"

Reylin could feel the way Knaster's knot was pressing against her insides--it wasn't entirely his doing which was keeping them tied together, because her slit muscles were also clenching down hard on his knot to keep him secured into her. With force of effort Reylin tried to relax her muscles, and she shifted her hips to see if that was enough. The way they were locked against each other wasn't some incredibly tight connection that was immovable, but quite the opposite--it was warm and soft and squishy, and it felt wonderfully pleasant. Yet the more she tried to tug Knaster's penis out of her, the more his knot rubbed against her insides and made her reflexively clench down on it again. Nature did not want to let her mating partner out of her until he had done what his body had promised it would do.

Knaster's paw on her hips tightened, and his claws pricked her scales lightly. His other paw clenched into a fist, pressing his extended claws into his own paw pads. "Ffff... Reylin, stop moving, I said stop moving! Every time you squeeze and pull on my knot, you make it harder for me to hold back from shooting inside you!"

"If that's the only way to get your knot out, then just do it," Reylin retorted, half in jest, half in seriousness.

"Mggh," Knaster grunted. Either of them could easily have set him off, but they both kept perfectly still. Knaster's penis twitched firmly inside her, but only once--not the rhythmic, repeated ejaculatory pulses that would cause insemination, but just a single throb as his erection sent a small dribble of pre-ejaculate into her depths, adding to all the wetness already there.

Reylin let out a long sigh, and then she raised her voice again. "Hey, could you... leave that lighting coil on the floor outside, and I'll change it myself later when I've finished cleaning up this mess inside me--I mean, inside here?"

There was a short pause, then, "Are you sure? I'm all supportive for you young drakken learning basic house skills, if you're willing. But don't say I didn't offer to help you."

"I'm sure. Just leave it outside, please!" Reylin insisted.

"Alright then. I'm putting the new coil right outside your door. Just take out the old coil and slide the new one into the receptacle until it locks in place. You can come find me in the hall office next week if you have trouble with installing it. Have a good evening, then."

"Thank you. Yes. You too. Have a good evening..." Reylin's voice trailed off and she breathed a slow sigh of relief as she heard fading paw steps going down the corridor.

For a long, long moment there was no movement in the apartment as both young dragons stayed perfectly still, until the whole building sounded quiet around them, and there was no doubt the hall office worker had left. Relief flooded through Reylin, and she broke out into laughter--not because there was so much humour in the situation, but from the emotional intensity of all her nervousness draining away. "Hahahahaha...!"

Knaster laughed too, though he flicked his neck frill and shook his head. "Hahaha... Why are we laughing? Heheh. It's funny but I don't know why. Ah, nullfire, every time you laugh I can feel you clenching down on me. My knot is never getting unstuck if you keep stimulating me."

"Bahahahaaha!" That made Reylin laugh even harder, until she was almost breathless. "Just like... hehe... just like our first time together, isn't it?" The very first time the two young lovers had tried mating with each other, their mutual inexperience and arousal had made something similar occur--Knaster had made one thrust in, then he'd paused just for a short moment and ended up knotted inside her right there and then. Reylin had found the moment thoroughly hilarious. Back then, no matter how both of them had kept still and tried to calm down, they'd both just ended up setting each other off. But then, she hadn't been in heat, whereas now things were different in that regard.

All of a sudden Knaster made a firm backwards jerk of his hips, and he managed to yank his knot out of her. "Oh! Oh, I got it out! Haha, success." Knaster pulled back to half penetrating, with his knot no longer fully inflated, and only part of his erection still inside her. He really should have pulled out entirely, but he didn't.

Reylin snorted. With her anxiety and panic fading away, her lust was flaring back to the forefront, and her arousal was just as high as it had been before. Getting interrupted by an adult drakken wasn't really a crisis, though it had felt like it, and now she just felt relief. She adjusted the way her paws were placed against the ground, widening her stance, and then she shifted back into a mating posture with her upper body lowered and hips raised against Knaster to give him an easy angle for penetration. "Why'd you even bother? Put it back in and fill me with your seed."

"Grrr..." Knaster growled, and he made a partial thrust forward, pushing his penis into her except for that partially inflated knot at his base. He started thrusting at a modest pace, keeping his strokes shallow. "Don't even joke about that. I'll do it. I really will," he growled. There was pride and certainty in his voice, just as there normally was, but now with an undertone of power and deeply aroused need.

"I wasn't joking," Reylin replied. And she shoved her hips backwards, deliberately meeting one of Knaster's thrusts--it didn't take a firm slam or even much force. His anatomy was designed to interlock with hers, and his knot slipped in easily, as it had been meant to. Again it quickly started to bloat up to trap him inside her. After what had just happened a few minutes ago, there was no way either of them missed the slight change in sensation as it happened. And after what had just happened, there was no way either of them didn't know Knaster was right on the edge of orgasm. They should have stopped and pulled out. They did not.

Knaster clutched his paws around her, and his bit down on her shoulder, not enough to damage her scales but just enough to hold on. "I'll mate you. I'll breed you. Reylin... You're so warm. I'm going to..."

Reylin entwined their tails tight, pulling Knaster's hips against hers so he was fully penetrated. She wasn't even thinking about what she was saying or doing. "Give it to me."

Knaster made a few desperate, final thrusts--not trying to pull out, but just grinding deep against her in an extremely stimulating manner. With his knot bloated up, each of his movements rubbed right again Reylin's clitoris, which sent her right to the edge of her own orgasm, as if everything else about the scenario hadn't been enough to put her there. "Reylin... Reylin. Raaaggghhhh!" Knaster moaned her name, and then he voice trailed off into a roar. Dragons normally roared to warn others nearby as they were landing or taking off, and here Knaster's cry was an unrestrained, powerful sound of primal pleasure and victory as he came.

"Ahhhh...!" Reylin didn't roar, but she did moan loudly as the pleasure building within her exploded beyond belief. The young drakka went fully stiff, locking her four legs and throwing open her wings as overwhelming ecstasy rolled through her body. Knaster's erection was so deep within her, but his seed went deeper. His length and girth already made her feel so filled, but his seed filled her even further.

What then followed was the best, and quite possibly longest orgasm she had ever experienced. The two young dragons writhed mindlessly against each other, scales rubbing against scales and with the only point of constant contact being right at their underbellies. They were both moaning and groaning, making incoherent noises of pleasure that didn't have the consistency or volume to be a proper roar.

Reylin's vaginal muscles squeezed down tight against Knaster's length, keeping him fully embedded in her as he pumped repeated shots of his pent-up virility into her. With each spurt he made a small buck of his hips against hers, and Reylin felt her muscles ripple and clench in ways she had no control over, moving in waves of wonderful bliss that were in time with Knaster's movements. Knaster's penis throbbed as it spat more and more of his seed into her, and Reylin's muscles drew that fertile, living liquid ever deeper where it could do its work.

Everything felt warm and wet around her underbelly, but she could distinctly feel an added wetness as Knaster gave her what she had been denied all this time. Both of them were slaves to primal instinct as reflexes rocked through them, with their minds thoroughly blanked out by pleasure, and conscious action entirely impossible.

It seemed to go on for a brief eternity, and maybe it did. The comedown from lofty heights of mindless ecstasy was gradual, as eventually Reylin started to regain her consciousness and rational thought slowly reasserted itself. The pleasure faded away and her body was left feeling satisfied in a way which her previous climaxes hadn't achieved. Her mind was clearer and more lucid than it had been in hours.

Knaster was still mounted over and in her, with his paw clutching her around the waist and his chin resting on her shoulder. He remained fully penetrated and although it no longer felt like his knot was swollen and keeping him inside her, Knaster made no move to pull out--his erection still pulsed intermittently, and a shiver went through the young drake's form as he rested lightly against her back. His eyes were closed, but then suddenly he blinked them open wide and glanced at her. Reylin saw him pant a few times before he spoke. "Oh... I... Woah. Reylin? Reylin!"

Reylin allowed a rumbly, satisfied noise to roll out her throat. "Mhrrmrrnn... I love you."

A muddled collection of emotions crossed Knaster's face--embarrassment but also satisfaction, affection but also anxiety. "And I love you too. But... but we did the thing. Oh, no! We did the one thing we weren't supposed to do!"

"Uh, yes. It seems we did. Hehe, oops," Reylin laughed, which made Knaster just look all the more nervous. "I'm in heat. We should not have been having sex. And you definitely shouldn't have finished inside me."

Knaster shook his head, and his frill drooped completely flat around his neck. "What was I thinking? What were you thinking? Oh, no, no, no. I just... I wasn't thinking at all. It was all instinct and pleasure and I... I just wanted to keep going even though I knew I shouldn't have. I even... there was this moment were I clearly knew I should have stopped, but it felt too good and... I am so, so sorry." With an abrupt motion Knaster stepped back and slid his erection out of her, bringing a small splatter of bodily fluid. "Should have done that earlier. Much earlier. Oh, no..."

Even as her partner pulled out and sat back on his haunches, Reylin noted that Knaster's penis was still almost fully erect, as if he was ready to keep going and mate her again--how much ejaculate was his body still holding in reserve, waiting to be transferred to her during a second mating? Reylin tried to drop that thought from her consciousness, but it was there, in the background of her mind. The young drakka stood up from her mating crouch and stretched her back, then she curled her head around and sniffed at her hindquarters. Sticky, off-white, semi-clear fluid was coating her genital slit and a considerable area of her underbelly, with some of it even smeared onto her tail base or dripped down onto her thighs. "Wow. What a mess we've made."

Knaster's underbelly was similarly stained by the liquid products of their sexual arousal, but especially his erection, which was still standing tall and proud from his slit. Even as Reylin watched, Knaster's erection twitched faintly and a small bead of white liquid oozed from the tip and slowly slid down his length. They had really made a mess of each other and even some of the floor, but the mess that was visible was no match for the mess that couldn't be seen. Knaster sniffed at her underbelly and he brushed his paw against her slit, but there was no way to take out what he had put inside her.

Reylin tried shifting her hips, then she wiggled her body and even made a few small hops up and down. She could feel Knaster's essence inside her--warm, wet, virile seminal fluid that stuck to her insides, containing some ridiculous number of tiny sperm cells that were right now attempting to do something they really should not have been allowed to do. And there was just so much that it was starting to drip back out, especially when she moved about. Perhaps it was her imagination, or perhaps it was her heat, but Reylin felt like she was especially aware of that living, liquid warmth inside her that had just a few minutes ago been stored up inside Knaster. Glancing around, Reylin snatched her bath towel and used it to try and wipe some of their fluids off from the carpeted floor, then she folded it to another side and tried to wipe her underbelly. But there was no way to clean out the ejaculate that had gotten inside of her. Reylin tried clenching her abdominal muscles and some of it dripped out and onto her towel, partially but insufficiently undoing all of their lustful efforts to get it all deep inside her.

"Hehe, what a mess we've made." Reylin chuckled. "This was unscheduled. Maybe I should have listened to that friend who told me not to carry on with my normal plans while I was in heat. But I really thought that we would have enough self-control to handle the situation." She glanced up at Knaster, who looked considerably less calm.

The young, grey-scaled drake had his wings unfurled and wrapped around his body, and his neck frill was still drooped completely flat against his neck. Knaster looked more anxious and uneasy than Reylin had ever seen him before. "You're in heat. We just mated! That means you're going to end up laying an egg. Oh, this was very, very not allowed."

Reylin shrugged her wings. "It was very fun, though."

"This is trouble. We're going to be in so much trouble...!" Knaster leapt to his feet and paced around the room, shaking his head with a panicked, worried expression. "Sky spirits preserve us. I always thought... I was thinking it would be ten years, maybe twenty years more before I even considered having a child. We are very, very not ready for this. You're still in the probation period for your clan scholarship too! The wingleaders are going to have some very stern words for us. I don't even want to think about what my parents will say."

There wasn't much space for Knaster to pace about the apartment room, but he tried. Even as he walked, his erection was still quite rigid and it swung about between his legs, which made Reylin giggle. "Hehehe..."

Knaster turned to her. His expression was worried, but also very intense which made him look especially handsome, at least in Reylin's opinion. "What are you laughing at? This is serious!" But his erection was still stiff between his legs, and it pointed right at her like an accusation--or an invitation--which made Reylin burst out into laughter.

"Hahaha... Knaster, you're very... haha... concerned about this," she said.

Knaster shook his head incredulously. "How are you not concerned about this? We probably just got you gravid! That's a huge thing! We created life. I am very not ready to take care of an egg, let alone a hatchling. How can you be so casual about that?"

Reylin laughed even harder. "Hahaha, Knaster..." Tossing aside the towel, she scampered over to her bed and lay down on top of it. Reaching out her wings and paws, she gathered up the pillow and blanket and hugged it against her sides, before curling into a ball. A deep, primal part of her mind whispered that it would be nice to create a nest, but Reylin ignored it. "You are aware that heat suppressors exist, right? I can just take a suppressor and that will stop me for becoming gravid."

Knaster froze up, and he tilted his head as he peered at her. "What?"

Reylin tilted her head the same way Knaster had. "What?" she replied.

"Did you say... Wait, what? A heat suppressor? I had heard vaguely about medicine that stopped heat, but I wasn't aware that they worked that way." Knaster blinked. "Wait, so you just... you can take a suppressor right now and you won't lay an egg? Just like that?"

"Yes." Uncurling herself, Reylin shimmied over to the edge of the bed so she could stretch out her head and kiss Knaster on the snout. "One day we'll make an egg together... but not today. Definitely not today. I like your timeline better. Ten years. Maybe five? No, ten years is more reasonable. Maybe twenty years, depending on the clan ballot. I definitely want any offspring I ever have to get full clan membership rights from their hatching date, not associate or alliance standards. So no, I won't be getting gravid today."

Knaster returned her kiss, but he was clearly holding himself back, distracted by seriousness and responsibility. "It's that simple? You take the medicine and our mistake is undone? It's that's easy?"

Reylin shrugged. "I wouldn't say it's easy. Suppressors are expensive to buy."

"How much?!" Knaster instantly asked. He still looked so intense.

"I think the price for a dose is... about a hexstring? Twelve hexes," Reylin guessed.

Knaster breathed a long sigh of relief, and he rested his head against hers. "Phheeewww! Ok, no, that's not expensive. That's nothing at all. Yes, ok. Crisis averted."

Reylin snorted, and she opened her jaws to playfully bite at Knaster's chin. "That's not cheap. You fancy drake from your powerful, rich clan..."

"We're in the same clan," Knaster casually replied.

Reylin grinned. "My friend back at the shelter even offered to give me a dose she had left over from her last heat, but I turned her down because I was so sure I wouldn't need it. I guess I underestimated some things."

"I didn't know... I thought that if we mated while you were in heat, we were just doomed to make an egg," Knaster muttered. He frowned, then he glared at her, but not with any real anger. "You knew this all along? Why didn't you tell me this before we started having sex?"

Reylin laughed. "Hahaha. I thought you already knew! Again, I'm assuming your clan, or at least your school should have taught you this under the standardized curriculum? Were you just not paying any attention during the relationship and sexuality classes?"

"I... To be honest, I thought those were the least useful, least important classes we had. It just didn't seem very applicable or useful, unlike language or technology or the other classes. Though that was before I met you," Knaster admitted. He glared at Reylin again, but he appeared to be holding back a grin. "I had the impression that mating while in heat was this irreversible mistake that would cause you to lay an egg. I was so very nervous and cautious about not releasing inside you..."

"But you did it anyway," Reylin said with a grin, and her neck frill perked up. "So let me get this straight--you didn't know that heat suppressors also worked after a mating, and you still just shot your seed into me?"

Knaster looked flustered. "Well... yes, I guess so. Throughout this whole evening, the danger and risk were always in the back of my mind, making me feel worried about what we were doing. Yet when it came down to those last few moments I wasn't thinking about responsibility or safety, I was just... just doing."

"You mean you followed instinct?" Reylin playfully bucked her hips up off the bed. "And clearly your instinct wanted to knot and breed this drakka who was in heat. That's sexy."

Knaster bared his teeth at her, again pretending to be angry though his eyes glinted with amused joy. "Hey! This is not entirely my fault. This is your fault too. If it was entirely up to me, we wouldn't even have done so much as a kiss after you'd told me you were in heat. You kissed me first, then you started humping me from behind, then it was your suggestion to even start having sex. I might be the complicit accomplice to the crime, but you're the mastermind of it."

"True, true. I like being called a mastermind. That makes me feel clever." Reylin nodded agreeably. "I didn't even plan or expect any of this, but in the moment it was what I wanted. You and your bothersome, sexy handsomeness! Look what you made us do!"

Knaster let out a rumble, and he unfurled a wing to rest it over her back. "You seduced me, not the other way around. I love you, Reylin. I really do. You're so clever and driven and beautiful and if you could see yourself the same way I see you... Ok, but no, stop. We got to be serious!" He pulled back, out of her grip. Reylin let out a complaining grunt, but she didn't resist. "I... Let me think. Plan, plan." Knaster did a bit more pacing around the apartment, before he came to a decision. "I'll go buy you that heat suppressing medicine. A general store will stock it, right?"

Reylin nodded lazily. "Yes. It's a very common medicine, because of... well, you know why." She lay down on her side and stretched out, trying to reach for Knaster and pull him into a hug. "Are you going right now?"

Knaster leaned down and licked the side of her snout affectionately, but he resisted lying down in the bed with her. "Yes, I'm going now." He glanced out the window. "It'll be dark soon, and I don't want to delay."

"Ok, that's probably a good idea," Reylin admitted. "Buy me some heat scent blockers too, could you? And maybe you could buy us both some dinner while you're at it."

Knaster nodded his head, quick and sharp. He headed for the door. "I can do that. Although first... I need to take a shower."

Reylin grinned. "That's probably a good idea. We're a mess."