Sunny Part 4 - Demonic Practices
#4 of Streetwalker's Tale
Sunny adjusts to his new life as a demon following his deal with Jack, the powerful Hellish stallion. Choosing styles of power and utilizing them as desired.
"Sunny....? SUNNY??!! IS THAT YOU?!" Catherine escalated into a high volume that was outside of her control due to how flabbergasted and excited she had become. Her hand clasped over her muzzle with an audible slap as tears immediately started pouring out.
Sunny's younger brother, Jeremy, went to speak but the older brother halted whatever was to come by raising a shaky hand and sharing first, "I.. hold... Wait! We only have a minute or so! I'm so sorry!" His own waterworks began as he apologized, "I'm sorry you... died.... I didn't see... I'm just so sorry!!" Fortunately, Sunny was already kneeling because he started to wobble in place as weakness took hold.
Jeremy, with the knowledge of the limited and passing time, opened up with almost pure joy, "Sunny!! Holy shit! It's really you?! Don't be sorry, bro... It's okay. It's not your fault.." Following his quick segment the younger nuki swiped an arm forward through the tunnel between dimensions, resulting only in the section of his arm vanishing on the other end.
Noticing the lack of crossover demonstrated by his brother's action, Sunny concentrated on his loved ones, taking in every physical detail that he could. The two smiling and tear saturated faces sat above the clothing they wore on the day of Jeremy's graduation, just as he remembered them. Emotions shook him in the very essence of his being as he once again recalled the closing temporal window, "Baby, I love you! I've missed you both so much... I love you little bro... It's been so damn hard to make it through each day... You're... uhhmmm.... You're like... okay? Are you happy..?" Wet noises filled the soundless arena as the collapsed nuki sniffed repeatedly to prevent mucous from dripping from his nostrils.
Catherine's face had reshaped in a melancholic mood, lightened mildly by the love and care her husband expressed. "Sweetheart... It truly wasn't your fault. It happened so fast, you couldn't have reacted in time... Don't hold yourself responsible for the accident.. We love you too! We're okay, and very happy here. What is.. how... are we doing this..?" Adoration poured over and through the red panda when her surviving partner visibly experienced relief and liberation from some of the guilt he had lived with for the past few years.
Sunny momentarily glanced over at the dark equine being serving as the conduit between worlds, who seemed to already be straining more by the second. Feeling uncomfortable about disclosing his deal with Jack, the freshly demonic tanuki swallowed audibly before resigning himself to sharing the truth, "I... A man... Demon.. Urghh... I made a deal with a demon so I could see you once more. I didn't know what else to do... I couldn't go on any longer.." It suddenly became apparent that Sunny had no clue what the deal entailed beyond becoming one with the dark kin. A rising guilt, shame, and fear turned his stomach in a bout of nausea that was concealed, minus a hint of a grimace primarily expressed at the corner of the man's muzzle.
Both residents of a wonderful afterlife turned wide eyed and developed somber expressions in reaction to this monumental development. The crossed over red panda made an attempt at comforting her lost husband yet failed to entirely hold back the swelling alarm seeking to burst forth. Lifting her hand up, Catherine tugged at some of her rusty colored fur to self soothe while addressing Sunny, "...Oh.. What does.. What's that mean? Are you okay? What's gonna happen? What does this mean?? I *am* glad that you're alive and doing... okay? It's amazing to see you Sunny!"
Sunny slid his hand over his heart as sharp pangs ripped through it, despairing at his extremely limited vortex duration and desire to convey the uncertain situation the best he could. Pinching his lip between his teeth, the tanuki furrowed his brow and let a depressed sigh loose, "I'm better than I was. I was going to.... Well, nevermind. I kinda allowed myself to become a demon... I don't know what that means... I'm just so happy to see you both too!!! I'll do everything I can to see you again!!" At this point, to the dismay of all members other than an indifferent Jack, a haze between each side of the dimensional connection commenced.
Jeremy seized what was likely to be the last opportunity for anyone to utilize the window between worlds as the confusion was shaken away for the purpose of a more present share. Voice wavering moderately out of sadness with the impending second loss of his brother, the younger nuki spouted the sentiments held in his heart, "Sunny?! It's getting foggy.. We love you so much! You're not to blame, don't hold onto it. Hope to see you again!"
The rift through worlds iced over as the fog solidified and the last thing Sunny was fortunate enough to witness was his darling wife blowing a kiss while exuding devastation and joy in equal parts. Fully glazed over, the portal collapsed in on itself with a deafening slam that startled Sunny into falling over. Silence once again conquered the eerie bubble he and Jack inhabited. The corrupted tanuki's strength was bolstered through an immediate sensation of partial closure and being relieved of the mistaken guilt held for too long.
Having arrived at the conclusion of the obligatory rite, as per the deal made with the desert dweller, Jack dropped his buff upper limbs and rolled his shoulders. An incredible stretch followed with the delightful sensations and relaxation amplified under the influence of the still escalating power intoxication. The elder demon's style had always been to obtain what he desired and then leave immediately. Having gotten what he wanted from the deal, Jack was eager to depart from the insignificant being recently seduced into sullying his soul.
Swishing his shiny black mane side to side before allowing all of it to settle wherever it fell, Jack spoke indifferently and more openly impatient, "Alright. I've done my end of the bargain. Look at me." His prey turned, tears still streaming down their darkened face and sloppy noises projecting from his nose, and locked dissociated eyes with those of the stronger of the two. "Pay attention and listen up. I don't care all that much to stay around and educate you on anything, so here..."
Sunny struggled at mindfully bringing himself back into the present moment and clearing his mind to focus. The dark aligned stallion's behavior and speech pierced through Sunny's awareness and frightened him into sharpening his attention towards the demon. Conjured into the mottled grey hand in a burst of prismatic sparks and black flames was a dark grey book with a metallic pentagram flipped upside down upon the cover. The equine entity magically lowered the book until it was captured between Jack's palm and digits. Sunny had managed to achieve an impeccable degree of detailed concentration as it felt paramount for his continued survival moving forward.
Jack noticed the strong attention and sighed leading up to his bland and disinterested resumption, "This book has everything you need for living on this... heh, OUR, side." He flicked his crimson eyes onto the hefty tome, inspecting it's fresh and unused state prior to tossing it haphazardly at the studious tanuki's brand new paws. Finally finished with all required of him by the Demon Code, Jack flashed an exhilarated grin and returned to his earlier flamboyant tone of voice, "Thanks for the good time, honey! You really got me off! Mmmm... Bye, slut!"
Sunny put great effort into processing the scenario as best he could, frozen where he lay, with his freshly colored eyes darting between the sand covered open literature and the increasingly concerning character. The visitor of the encampment disturbed Sunny as the satanic horse revealed the true intentions behind the entire offer. The transformed tanuki was stunned with the sudden shift which left him wide eyed with a slack jaw as Jack bid his "farewell" and slut comment. Further distressing Sunny, he observed Jack walk back towards the flame with a giddy and malicious expression, leading to the campfire once again expanding into a doorway within a 20 foot inferno. As the otherworldly being disappeared through the flames, the heat source shrank to it's original size and the dark bubble popped to reveal that Sunny had merged back with the original environment.
Sunny sat up on his rump with his strange new legs tucked against his chest with his slightly altered upper limbs wrapped snugly around them. A tremendous effort was performed to integrate the unbelievable experience that had undeniably occurred. In addition, the darkened tanuki locked his sight on the strange summoned book with unwavering focus. More or less an hour transpired as Sunny relived the entire experience on repeat, evaluating every detail and contemplating what this all meant for his future. Whether it would affect his ability to see Catherine and Jeremy also occupied the anxious nuki's thoughts.
The hour passed by as though only 10 minutes, though Sunny had no method of knowing the time, and he lifted himself up. The book, cold to the touch and coruscating with energy, was gathered which infused it's owner with a degree of vitality. Staggering mildly on his odd lower appendages, Sunny padded a path toward the center of camp and slumped down against the random desert log the camp had been chosen to be set up near.
Cracking the tome open to the first page unveiled the beginning of an introductory tutorial regarding demon life, powers, and spells. Though absorbing additional energy from the arcane manual, the day had thoroughly wrecked the solo camper and he closed it to turn in for the night. As Sunny unzipped the flap on his tent, which was colored bright orange on the top half and deep grey on the bottom half, a reflection of the day initiated. While snuggling into the thick and puffy sleeping bag, the adventuring nuki explored his feelings and discovered that the unbearable, all encompassing pain actually *had* been reduced to a survivable level. Whatever magic Jack had used, in combination with the closure from speaking with his loved ones, had worked as described in the dark covenant.
Sweet, sweet comfort arose from the distinct element of peace and ease washing over the weary traveler. For the first time in years, Sunny found that the desire to end his life had faded and he felt cautiously optimistic about proceeding onward through the years. On the forefront of his mind was the dedication in hopefully discovering the mystical path back to his darling Catherine and his brother Jeremy. For right now sleep was required and well earned. The night, however, was a deluge of horrifying nightmares: Gory, fiery, fear filled. Corpses, violence, all varieties of malicious demon species screaming and crying. Dreams unlike anything the sleeping man had ever thought imaginable tore through his psyche in an endless parade of terror.
Despite the scary beginning of new life gifted to him, Sunny woke up well rested every day. Through exploration, the dreamscape was discovered to be an excellent training ground for lessons undetectable in the earthly realm. Whether awake or asleep, the novice demon relentlessly studied his manual and strove to refine his occultic powers. Several years came to pass, during which time Sunny grasped a firm understanding of much of what the hellish volume had to offer. Near the end of the tome, a plethora of specializations were disclosed to all those who possessed a copy. The options engrossed the adept dark entity and prompted his selection of a couple of less malicious avenues than the corrupter Jack had demonstrated.
Years in the future, a 19 year old shy border collie stood near a tree nursing a drink in hopes of relaxing enough to join the college end of the year party. Devin was blessed with high intelligence, however, he also suffered from social awkwardness and frequently found himself on the outskirts of most communities. Though not particularly close with the other occupants of the dorm room, they had nonetheless offered to bring Devin along in hopes that a better bond might develop if he loosened up. So far, unfortunately, not much progress had been made. Having little experience in drinking, he found the flavor and sensation of ethanol based beverages to be quite offensive.
The soon-to-be sophomore stared down into the red plastic cup half filled with bitter ale that had been forced on him upon arrival. Devin's long, shaggy black hair dangled down, blocking his brown eyed view of most of the area as he frowned in displeasure. Having momentarily drifted off, when a hand slapping onto his back shook him, he grew an awareness of thundering bass driven electronic dance music blasting and echoing in the forest.
One of the room mates, the individual who had offered the invitation, stood with a goofy grin looking perplexed. Shawn, a lanky, brown furred Belgian hare, took initiative with pulling the shy dog into the mix. With a slight giggle peppering the inquiry, he addressed the young man, "Devin!! Whatchhhaa doinnn? Why ya over here by yourself??"
Devin pulled his head up and swished the black mop out of the way and sullenly responded with, "Ahhh.... I dunno man. This tastes pretty gross and I'm having trouble getting it down. I wanna get drunk and have fun, but it's really hard, man...." Bracing for some type of teasing, his black facial fur, separated by a pristine white brushstroke up the middle, tensed in anticipation.
Processing his glum roommate's troubles, the solid brown hare drooped a little before popping up with fresh optimism and resolution, "Bahhh, I get it! Honestly, still not a big fan of that shit. I'll be right back, okay?! Stay right here!" Shawn sprung off rapidly, as characteristic for the species, bouncing and weaving through the crowd with exceptional agility minus the occasional instant of light wobble. True to the declaration of a speedy return, the enthusiastic rabbit hopped onto a spot in close proximity to his roommate. Supplies had been procured from a fold up table close to the vehicle responsible for bumping the booming tunes. A bottle of cheap 50% vodka and a third full half gallon jug of orange juice appeared out from behind Shawn's back.
The bottle of alcohol transferred into the same brown furred hand that possessed the orange juice and, with the other hand now free, the ale filled party cup was smacked out of the glum collie's grip. "Screw that shit, man! I gotchyer back! Just take a drink of juice, chug the booze, then chase it hella quick with the juice again. Let's get you in the spirit, dude!" The containers found their way into the other male's custody, who remained apprehensive, and Shawn stuck around within a couple of feet of his acquaintance he wished to bond with. Eagerly awaiting for his recommendation to be taken, the enthusiastic hare beamed with a beautiful smile, bright white front teeth presented as his turquoise eyes shimmered with a glassy quality.
Having somebody be so friendly, welcoming, and supportive of him increased Devin's willingness to push through any discomfort in order to join the party. The moment the drunken hare put his arm around Devin, courage and determination rampaged through him, leading to the process being followed several times back to back. Though uncomfortable and gross, he managed to ingest around four shots of vodka in total. Upon completing the administration of inhibition lowering substance, Devin belched loudly and then expressed his thanks, "You're awesome, man! I really appreciate that! I'm gonna let this kick in and then I'll see ya around, yeah?" The liquids were held out to Shawn and were taken with a brief adorable smile again, accompanied by a nod that flopped his bunny ears forward and back.
The cute little border collie spent some time leaning against the tree, letting the booze take hold, and feeling the music vibrate throughout his body. A euphoria developed alongside a liberation from the typical inhibitions that restrained his behavior and desires. After passing time by enjoying the bass and some party lights someone had brought out, the border collie made the enticing decision to join the party. A few steps towards the main activity, Devin stumbled slightly causing an amused giggling to himself and realized his level of inebriation. Suddenly, the party had lost the intimidating aspect and instead was now a wonderland of fun and beautiful people to interact with.
For the first time in his life, Devin found himself mingling amongst a large crowd of his peers, and *enjoying* it! Being drunk also enabled the ability to continue consuming additional drinks without reacting with disgust. This had to have been one of the absolute *best* times of his life! Engaging in some dancing escalated the fantastic pleasure surging through his body in wild flares. With head buzzing, the impulse to pour himself another drink led Devin towards the table holding the entire party's drinks. A silly drunken grin graced his face as the collie wobbled mildly over but, before making it to the destination, a sight stopped him in his tracks.
Positioned several feet apart from the plastic surface was Vivian, the woman he happened to have been crushing quite hard on all year long. Vivian was an attractive vixen, several months short of turning 21 years old, and was semi popular with her peers. The upcoming year was to be taken on as a senior. Merely catching a glimpse of the grey fox resulted in a full flush of hot, sweaty anxiety in the young canine. Devin wobbled extra hard for a moment and made a bee line for the table to sturdy himself. Both palms landed flat upon the white plastic surface and he breathed through the heavy rush overwhelming him. An idea took shape in his inebriated mind, one that would otherwise not have a chance at coming to fruition.
Although much less inhibited, Devin still experienced deep apprehension and utilized some time to alleviate tension through another drink along with enjoying the hard house beats. Several minutes elapsed as the colorful dog danced freely and with immense enthusiasm until he felt the plan could be undertaken. A swift side eye from the dance area informed Devin that the woman he found deeply attractive was currently still located in the spot near the booze laden table.
Having steeled himself, the shaggy haired man assumed a confident stride and casually closed the distance between himself and the one who held his affection. The fact that Devin noticed Vivian directing her amber colored eyes at him made his approach much more intimidating but, nevertheless, his feet carried his body onward. Ultimately, the timid collie accomplished the unthinkable action, finding himself tentatively leaning against the table attempting to give the impression of being cool and collected. Detecting the unmistakable signs indicating the grey, pretty fox, who remained with a content smile and apparent anticipation, was awaiting the beginning of an impending conversation.
With a hard swallow, Devin brushed his black hair from his face and disguised all the anxiety swirling inside with a surprisingly chill manner of speech, "Hey, Vivian. How's it going? Pretty fun party, eh?" To his delight, more or less half of the tension melted away when a warm smile graced the perception held behind Devin's dark brown and glassy eyes.
Vivian hadn't interacted with the introverted border collie much except for one day when he was new to the campus and requested help with directions to a class. The well liked fox initiated an introduction between the two alongside providing the information for how to find his class. Other than that, she simply saw Devin from time to time in classes or around the college grounds. The smile lighting her face came from the quiet loner coming out of his shell and engaging others. Desiring to encourage the cautiously outgoing demeanor, Vivian brightly spoke in a pitch that was lower than most of her female peers, "Oh, hey!! Umm.... Devin.. Right?" Joy filled the previously freshman's face and his tail wagged like crazy purely from his name being remembered by his crush.
A subdued giggle at the collie's enthusiasm and happiness broke free from her little muzzle leading into her follow-up, "Ahh, I remembered! Haha. Yeah, great party! I've been looking forward to blowing off some steam after the end of school and finals and stuff. You seem like you're having fun. It's crazy to see you all social like this!"
Devin recognized the lighthearted facial expression plus Vivian's perked up tannish ears and excitedly replied, "Heh. Yeah! I really wanted to cut loose and put myself out there to meet people. Umm.. Speaking of which... Would you maybe wanna hit the dance area with me..?" Terrifying as it was, Devin felt equally proud of himself for taking such an out of character step towards his development. The pause in between the question and reply felt quite long, so the temporarily extroverted collie threw in an extra to improve his chances, "I'll fix you up a drink if you'd like, too!"
An intrigued Vivian couldn't help but accept the offers and answered eagerly, "That sounds great! Thank you! Make it light, please. I like to actually enjoy my drinks. Hehe!"
Devin silently exhaled and became aware that he had been holding his breath the entire wait period. "Sure thing! Coming right up!" A rushed job resulted in a light screwdriver, since he had no knowledge of alcoholic beverages or mixing up drinks. In less than ten seconds the party cup had been filled and offered to the receptive fox woman. "Here you go! Umm... I hope it's okay. I don't really know drinks, so I made what I've been drinking. Just vodka and orange juice." After transferring the container, the male border collie set upon the task of making the same cocktail, only a bit stronger. It was unfavorable to even entertain the idea of losing the buzz that had enabled the wonderful scenario in the first place.
The gray furred woman consumed a medium sized gulp to test for quality and licked her lips with a content sigh, "It's perfect! Thank you very much! How about we head out there?" Vivian's head cocked diagonally in genuine interest at continuing to dancing along to some energizing bass waves.
Citrus drink and liquor were poured in a rush and was vigorously stirred with one of a plethora of black plastic utensils which was subsequently tossed without consideration. The cutlery skittered off the table with a scratching plastic noise as Devin spun around to answer positively. Once the rotation had completed and the drunk freshman stopped, the world continued to carousel around for a couple of moments. Shaking his head to center himself again, Devin found his focus and grinned towards the woman for whom he felt such attraction, "Awesome, you're welcome! Sounds good to me!"
A brisk journey led the pair to the outside edge of the informal dance floor, with sufficient distance from the sound system allowing for conversation to be rather feasible. Dialogue naturally adhered to more in depth introductory information and achieved the desired outcome for both parties. Getting acquainted with one another in concert with exultant celebratory vibes, nice drinks, and each finding a companion they enjoyed kept their moods synced up on an elated plane. Mutual probing revealed family structures, with Vivian having a large family and Devin the opposite, different hometowns, obviously Devin being much more of an introvert with less of a social life than the smiling girl had frequently had.
General life information, while enjoyable, paled in comparison to one particular disclosure. The fox and dog were apparently studying for the same degree! Archeology had been each of their dream fields for many years, in fact, and it felt peculiar that the two had never discovered one another's majors despite having fairly identical class schedules. Devin reflected, which led to all the pieces coming together. This was fantastic news! Embarrassment and self consciousness flared as his tail flailed wildly from side to side and he started a sentence with a boisterous yipe, "AEEIIP! Ugh.. I'm so sorry. I just really think it's cool to have someone else with the same objective like this.. Plus you're really cool and easy to get along with.."
Vivian popped out an adorable chuckle and her amber eyes lit up in a hazy appreciation of the praise directed at her. The youthful and outgoing woman reciprocated with genuine appraisal, "Awhh. Don't be sorry. That was cute! Hehe. It's totally rad to have someone else taking the same courses and stuff. I'd love to get together sometime and talk about archeology some more sometime. Maybe do some studying?"
The attention paid to Devin by this gorgeous fox caused him to blush hot and heavy. The border collie had never been flirted with to his knowledge but every bit of input being gathered painted the picture of the cheerful grey fur mere feet from him as showing additional interest. To compensate for an awkward pause, Devin shifted on his feet and willed himself to soften the anxious tension that had overcome his lean body. "Oh, uhh.. Sure thing! That would be great! Lemme give you my number so we can organize a study session." Practically the exact moment that their phone numbers had exchanged, to Devin's horror, the words fell from his maw with uncontrolled haste, "Awesome! And could-I-takeyououtonadatesometime??" Recoiling within his mind, the collie dropped his snout towards the ground with his eyes perked up, tinted with a pained expression, and suddenly felt the desire to run.
Uneasiness bled into the atmosphere between the two party goers. Despite the vibe, Vivian perceived the matter at hand for what it was, which was a nervous introvert asking out a girl he really liked. Treading carefully, the rough furred canid's voice maintained a sweet and empathetic tone, "Oh, no, I don't think so. I just don't feel that way. I'm sorry, but I believe direct and honest is the best route to address these things. If you're still interested in studying and friendship, I'm still really into that idea!"
A few steps, prevented by the music from being heard, brought Vivian right up to the withdrawn canine and enabled her to gift a tight and sweet hug. The emotions exuding out of the young man communicated the degree of hurt being experienced. Devin's head was pulled into her shoulder, with her attentive fingers affectionately petting and scratching at his head and ears, whispered at enough volume to be heard over a blaring rave style celebration, "You okay? I know, from experience, how it feels. Need anything?"
Nausea and tears welled up in unrelenting waves, distressing Devin further, and culminated in planning a necessary feeling exit. Hardly reigning in the wavering, the blotchy dog vocalized, "I'm... Don't be sorry. Thank you. I think I'll go calm down for a bit in the woods. I won't be gone too long. I'm sorry to put you through this..." Sensations of warmth and comfort countered at least some degree of suffering, especially once it felt acceptable to engage with the embrace.
It sounded promising to the fox, who now swished her own long tail, with a unique mixture of orange, grey, and black, and squeezed much more tightly as she offered, "It's okay! I'll be fine, sweetie. That sounds lovely. Come back soon. And if you want, I'd love it if you'd come find me. I enjoy your company!" Both of the fox's hands rusty colored hands slid gingerly up and down her new friend's back and neck up until the point the act of affection was broken and pulled slightly away from.
Though no crying had occurred, Devin sniffled at the liquid that had drained into his nasal passages. Departing from the shared contact, the mildly comforted canine kept his muzzle aimed down and to the left, with his eyes timidly directed almost onto Vivian's sweet and concerned goldish eyes. Feeling defeated, but somewhat relieved, a hefty sigh deflated the canine before addressing his second friend made during the night, "Well, okay. Thanks. I'll come find you. You're great company too." It felt wonderful to have someone, other than family, that made him feel seen and cared about. Even if a romantic relationship was out of the question, Vivian was still highly desirable as a friend and Devin was grateful to be presented with the opportunity.
After returning a tentative stroke on the fox's back, smiles were flashed to indicate there were no hard feelings on either side. The canids parted ways in the exact opposite directions, with Vivian rejoining the main festivities and Devin heading into the woods. Almost immediately, about ten meters into the thinly forested landscape, a root rising out of the ground snagged his foot and caused him to trip. Unprepared for the event, Devin hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind from his lungs. Dazed, the intoxicated and dejected collie lie frontside down violently coughing off to the side and avoiding dirtying too much of his face with dirt. An agitated growl expressed the displeasure brewing within and impulsively threw the shiny red cup, which has been emptied of it's contents, out into the woods.
The flimsy container, designed with little aerodynamics, flipped pitifully in an arc until reaching it's landing spot and bouncing near a thick trunked evergreen tree. As the hollow synthetic material clattered to a stop, a gentle and sweet sounding voice projected from behind the dense plant, "Aw man. You don't seem the type to litter.. Rough night, eh?" The anonymous male sounding entity crunched fallen leaves and twigs as he rounded the circumference of the obstacle until fully in view. The unfamiliar man posted up against the tree with arms crossed in a relaxed fashion and faint purple lights sparkling from the black void lying below his hood.
Startled by realizing his behavior was observed, Devin popped up dusting his frontside off, developing an awareness of the small patch of alcohol soaked clothing. Unsure of how to act, the colorful dog stumbled out of embarrassment, "I.. uhh.. no.. Sorry... I guess a little tough. Eating shit from tripping over that damn root definitely didn't help things. No... I'm not usually like that. Wanna hand that back to me?" Under the impression that he was in the presence of a fellow classmate, Devin casually strolled over to collect his trash, with the handoff occurring once in close proximity to the stranger.
Furrowing his brow, with little white eyebrow patches, his eyes squinted in the poorly lit area of forest in an effort to identify the dark and hooded figure. In hopes of creating a more friendly and comfortable interaction and potentially foster a friendship, Devin requested details, "Umm.. Who are you? I can't really see." Awaiting further info, the shaggy haired dude stood more at ease attributed to the genuine care detected in the new voice.
Relaxed and confidently, the shrouded male straightened up off the tree and removed the covering from off of his head. "The name's Sunny. We haven't met yet. It's nice to meet you! Hmmmm... How about we sit down and talk through your troubles or whatever you'd like to chat about. I've been told I'm easy to talk to." Sunny lowered himself down into a cross legged position and audibly patted the ground in between the two in anticipation of acceptance meeting his extended offer.
Without hesitation or effort, Devin dropped his rump to the dirt and moss covered floor in front of the seemingly foxlike party attendee. A soothing sensation coursed through the saddened dog's veins purportedly as a byproduct of encountering the fascinating newcomer.
With unusual ease, Devin found the explanation venting from his small muzzle, "Huh. Nice to meet you, Sunny. I'm Devin. Ugh... Well, I've been so used to not hanging out with anyone because I'm so damn anxious around people, even my room mate who's kinda cool... I finally got drunk enough to have fun with the others here. There's this girl... Vivian.. I've been falling for her all year and I've been so shy. We danced together for a bit after I asked if she wanted to, then I accidentally asked her if she would go on a date with me and I got shot down... She was nice about it and still wants to hang out. I just wish I hadn't asked... I've never gone out with anybody before or even asked and it sucks... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to share so much.."
Sunny tilted forward and ruffled the boy's scruffy black hair prior to addressing the glum interyear student's share, "No, no. I asked you because I wanted to hear it. I already kinda knew, because I caught the last part. I'm sorry, Devin. I actually wanted to offer an opportunity for the alternative outcome. What if she were to reconsider her answer?" Sunny's purple rings grew brighter in the dark as his head tilted to communicate interest in his companion's view on the subject.
It truly felt like a cruel joke at Devin's expense from this odd newcomer. A painful frown distorted the young man's face and was accompanied by a frustrated exhalation. His upset inner state emerged in the tone of his dubious reply, "Oh yeahhhh, sure. Dude, I didn't need that..." An earnest search of this unusual fellow detected zero ill will and actually additional concern honed in on the canine. Sighing loudly as an expression of regret, Devin continued, "Uhhhmmm.. Sorry man. I took that the wrong way... So like what... Are you friends or something? How would that happen? She already said she doesn't feel that way about me..." Doubting any actual resolution he desired, his head fell downward until his muzzle rested upon his chest.
Sunny calmly lulled, "Hush now. Just hear me out, okay? I am not attending your party. I have... unordinary abilities beyond general knowledge. What I'm putting on the table are options: In one, you turn down the offer and return to the party. In the second option, however, we make a deal and Vivian gets an opportunity to reconsider her feelings for you. Thoughts?" The mystical being tilted backwards until he rested against the wide trunk.
A dismissive scoff erupted out of Devin as he felt led on and foolish. Nevertheless, the impulse to continue won him over as he flatly probed, "Sounds ridiculous. I mean, I'd love to have a chance with her... But... You have abilities? What're you gonna do, hypnotize her and force her to love me? No way I would EVER do that to someone. That's fucked up dude!" Irritation flooded the young man's mind, causing his white eyebrow spots to slide down into a hint of a scowl.
Sunny raised his hands and exhibited a mellow demeanor as he worked to placate the drunken, agitated collie, "Whoa, whoa my man. First and foremost, I would never rob someone of their free will. I'm not a monster. Couldn't do that anyways cause it's not possible or allowed. Second. I'm not going to hypnotize her. I'll just open her mind a teeny bit to where she sees what a great partner you can be. Trust me, I can see it in you. You're a sweetheart and a helluva man, it just isn't apparent yet. Here, lemme show you something." With hardly a flick of the wrist, a crackling sphere of blackened mixed flame and bright indigo electrical chains appeared half a foot above his palm.
Devin mumbled a shell-shocked sequence of failed words as he scrambled to reconcile the spectacle playing out before his eyes with everything his world had consisted of up to this point. "I.. wh... y.. can't... not... be real..? What....?" The collie had been rendered speechless beyond this point and communicated only through silent lip movements and bulging wide eyes.
Sunny rolled his eyes, not sarcastically but in simple amusement at the comedic reaction. The conjuration held it's place, illuminating the two beings in a low light that revealed his face to the bewildered ex-freshman. Attempting to reign the situation back where it was desired, the purple eyed demon resumed where he left off, "I know, I know... Devin, let me help you out. I'd like to make a deal with you. Let me explain the terms that apply. I'll use my abilities to enable Vivian to see you in the context of how you feel for her. I can almost guarantee success. It will simply shift her perspective, making your love able to be sensed and generally attractive. All I ask, and this sounds much worse than it actually is, is for a sliver of your soul. One percent is all."
The new development in this unreal interaction somehow snapped Devin back from paralysis in order to ask, "My.. my... soul..? God, I love Vivian.. I really do... But my soul?" At this time his gaze dropped down to the tanuki's chest, only to process the flipped pentagram emblazoned on a red, hooded poncho style covering. Fear bubbled up from the deepest depths of Devin and his voice spiked in a sharp squeak, "Uuuhhheeee! Are you the Devil?? Or a demon from the Devil?? Would I be giving up my soul and kept out of.... heaven..?" The young man commenced heavy terrorized breathing, verging on an anxiety attack.
Sunny jumped into action as he had in previous similar scenarios by disarming the overwhelming alarm, "Whoa, now. Shhhh. Just breathe, it's okay. You're fine! Allow me to explain. I am not the Devil. Hehe. Nor do I work for 'him'. That is not a real entity. I had similar concerns, but I learned that it is only a collective of elder demonic spirits. It is all misunderstood. Souls *do* exist in a way, but cannot be taken in sufficient quantities enough to bar one from the so called 'good' afterlife. All I am is a man who bonded his soul with the demonic realm in a moment of desperation. I do have spells or powers or abilities, or whatever best describes them for you to understand, but I choose how I use them during my eternal life. I choose to do good for those that could benefit from it. Little bits of soul fuel my vitality and grow my capacity and knowledge. That's all, my friend. Shall I go?"
World shattering disclosures hit in waves and were unbelievably hard to swallow. For some unknown reason, Devin knew one hundred percent that Sunny was sharing with absolute honesty. It aided in his recovery and progressed into unexpected desire to keep the demon at his access, "No... No. You help others out like this? Well.... Umm... Maybe.. What uhh... What's it like? Giving you that? And how do I know I can trust you to only take a tiny bit..?" The reasonable questions came out with escalating fascination and even excitement as the tantalizing opportunity turned more understandable and within reach.
Sunny grinned a sparkling smile in the dim light of the summoned orb, an affectionate smile, while the explanation took form, "Excellent questions, my man! I do help others. Contrary to most initial perceptions of my appearance and general spooky nature, bahaha!, I've always had a good heart. I came to be what I am because I missed my wife and brother dearly after they died, and another demon offered to let me see them again in return for bonding my soul to the netherworld. It scored him a gigantic power boost. I don't care to do those kind of deals, this suits me just fine plus I get the chance to influence other's lives for the better. As for what it's like.. It'll hurt a bit in a strange way. And for trusting me, I'll show you how to push me out of the connection I'll create, so you know you can stop me in case you feel I've gone too far, or if you wish to back out. How's that sound?"
Devin remained wary of the concepts expounded to him, but his pining after Vivian influenced him to accept the only option in achieving his favored outcome. A minor tremble seasoned the tentative acceptance of, for now, the practice offered, "Umm...... uhh... Yeah, okay. If you teach me how to stay safe first, I'll do it."
The lesson was simple enough that it was conveyed in mere minutes. Devin received instructions in blocking and ejecting Sunny from the ethereal world within. It was rather easy, and in little time the collie felt safe and strong enough in his capability that the time to proceed had arrived. A still drunk Devin chuckled at this strange turn of events before expressing, "Heh! So weird.... Thanks dude. Okay. I'd like to do this."
Sunny loved when others felt safe around him, especially in such sensitive dealings. "Glad you're feeling better! I promise it'll be smooth and easy and you'll be on your way to be with your pretty vixen. Hehe. Here we go! Again, will hurt in a way. You'll be fine though." Reaching out with his darkened spirit, the tanuki crossed into the mottled and patchy canine's contained soul. The scene appeared to both parties as an expansive shimmering fabric of a spectrum of blending colors. Heedful of Devin's comfort, Sunny mindfully kept a slow pace to provide a continuing sense of ease, control, and safety. Without opening his eyes, the collie's hand was clasped in solidarity while his defaced spirit pinched onto the clean essence and began pulling.
Inside of their respective heads, an ear-piercing tearing noise thundered as a result of the slim shred of soul was pulled away. Sunny did the best he could to minimize the metaphysical suffering, and pet the top of Devin's hand with his thumb and was rewarded with the grunting and shallow breathing easing off. Finally, a swift yank severed the last connecting patch and threads left remaining and the piece immediately incorporated itself into Sunny's own accumulated spirit. This concluding yank caused the college student to gasp and grit his teeth in pain that struck sharply and tailed off over twenty seconds.
The tanuki allowed Devin to process what had transpired and to breathe the pain away before checking in and moving forward, "Not the worst thing in the world, eh? Definitely a unique sensation though. You did great, Devin. I'll get right to my end of the deal." Sunny had cracked open his eyes only to confirm the collie's recovery was coming along. The glowing indigo rings disappeared behind their curtains in order to focus on the mystical alteration of the vixen's perception. Unbeknownst to Vivian, a demonic yet benevolent entity felt out through the unseen world and began precisely fine tuning a modification of her perception regarding the lovestruck border collie.
Minutes elapsed with Sunny immersed in giving his all to live up to his half of the bargain. Minor twitches of his closed eyes and face drew an unfaltering gaze from Devin's scintillating brown eyes in a sense of believe in the caring stranger. Without warning, the cloaked nuki fell loose against the evergreen trunk to his rear alongside a full exhale of immense force, as if he had been winded in a similar fashion to his young companion. Swirling and mixing in the limp nuki was an exhausted sensation and rising from beneath was a narcotic-like euphoria and melting puddle of warmth.
Recognizing the fact that an eager new friend waited on the edge of his seat, Sunny restored his vision and summoned the energy necessary to mention, "It's best to give it about five minutes for my work to integrate with her psyche fully, if it does. Honestly, I am highly confident in this case! I'm just gonna rest a bit. Performing this type of work uses a ton of energy, and the bit of soul you let me transfer gave *quite* the rush. Just hang back, alright? Good luck man!" The depleted and high demon permitted his lids to close as they desired in a surrendering into a shallow dozing.
In a hushed tone, to respect Sunny's desire for rest, the hopeful and antsy collie shared his affirmation, "Sure thing! Hey.. Thanks Sunny. For doing this and giving me a shot. Enjoy your rest." An antsy Devin witnessed the demonic figure close their eyes and used an amount of the interlude to inspect Sunny in full. In the lingering sphere of light, beginning at the top, a white scar crossing down across the nuki's left eye was taken note of, along with the overwhelming ratio of black fur to the minute patch of tannish fur from snout and up the side and bridge into the top of his head. The unsettling blood red cloaked attire had already been observed, and the devilish pentagram remained imprinted with an entrancing allure to it. Scanning lower revealed something brand new.
The captivated partygoer made out a pair of leggings, black with thin with vertical grey-white tie dye streaks. All relatively ordinary compared to what lie further lower. Though supernatural powers and interdimensional beings had just been revealed to Devin, the feral features of Sunny's legs and paws startled the young collie nearly as much. There was something about their ancient and dark appearance that instilled an overall disconcerting reaction in observers. Resistance to a strong impulse to assess them in a more tactile manner succeeded, leading instead to Devin switching into a kneeling position in wait.
Against expectation, the minutes sped by until Devin remembered to check his phone and discovered that nearly ten minutes had elapsed in what felt to be a minute or two. A visual scan showed the kindhearted demon slumped precisely as he had fallen. Having waited more than was supposedly long enough, the white split faced collie shook himself of stress and rose to his feet. Steadying himself with several long, deep breaths, Devin attempted to convince his inner self that the contract could be trusted to provide the desired outcome.
Along the path leading back to the party area, Devin contemplated the description of Sunny's otherworldly influence upon Vivian's perception. Her statement expressing genuine interest in spending further time together set the freshman's heart at ease. The singular reason for concern was the potential disappointment associated with raising his hopes only for his crush to still not reciprocate the feelings held for her. Light padding on the moss and dirt pathway was drowned out by a thundering heartbeat that visibly shook the young man's shirt.
Devin's experience had tunneled down and very little input was penetrating his awareness until arriving onto the dance area. The narrow view explosively expanded as the heavy bass house music vibrated the dog at his core. Falling upward into the moment, Devin once again sensed the level of intoxication and found himself enjoying the looseness and euphoria. He focused intently on the feelings in order to lessen the jittery nerves surrounding the impending interaction. The anxious yet exhilarated border collie grinned as he surveyed the party scene. Rather effortlessly, his dark chocolate eyes picked up the sight of his beautiful new companion. Energy was utilized to suppress the impulse to jog over, and the young man strode over in a partially calm and collected manner.
Nearing the end of his approach, Devin studied the sweet hearted fox and picked up her attention being directed at him. On the surface nothing stuck out that might indicate any change in the way she felt towards him. Lacking this evidence gave rise to disheartening fear which was only mildly dissuaded from taking full footing inside his mind. Being in the alluring Vivian's welcoming presence assisted tremendously in dissolving the unpleasant thoughts gnawing at his mind. Devin needed to know whether or not his contract with the odd demon had actually done anything whatsoever. The tone of his voice concealed his concern, especially under the authentic happiness from being in proximity to his crush, "Hey you! How's it going?"
Vivian remained behaving as she had before, still quite happy to see her new friend and study buddy though, "Hey Devin! Been a little bit. You alright?" Concern accented her foxy face and her soothing voice as their last interaction flashed through her mind. Her hands clasped together in front of her as she swung cheerfully to and fro.
Devin's heart fluttered at the sweet, grey furred woman's use of his name and in a tense hopefulness at exploring the unknown potential ahead. The wheels of his mind spun with shocking acuity, considering his degree of both intoxication and angst, and the emboldened college student found himself contently responding, "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I just needed a little extra time. But enough about that. Heh! How are you? Anything exciting happening while I was away? "
Oddly, Vivian appeared to grow tense as her amber eyes fell downward. Her voice dripped with timidity while speaking just above a mumble, "Oh, yeah yeah. I mean, no. Nothing exciting really.... Just hanging out and stuff.. Umm.. Could we talk like... over there maybe..?" She lifted her soft furry arm and gestured clumsily with her whole hand to suggest a more secluded area, actually where Devin had been conversing with Sunny.
It dawned on the collie that there was a strong possibility that Sunny's magic, or whatever it was, had created the result he desired. It was either that or potentially a less pleasant outcome, something along the lines of being rejected even as a friend or study buddy. Regardless, this opportunity HAD to be taken, if for nothing other than to have a definitive answer. The majority notion happened to be of the favorable probability, so Devin grinned at his sheepish companion while agreeing, "Of course! Lead the way!"
Vivian expressed more discomfort by the second especially once she found herself locking hands and escorting Devin at a brisk pace away from the noise and partygoers. The journey took minimal time along the quite familiar path and the two came to a small clearing, adjacent to Sunny's spot, face to face in the darkness of the night filled forest. The abnormally shifty grey fox cleared her throat prior to slipping her hands into her pockets. "Uhhmmm.... I'm sorry.. I. I've spent some time thinking about what you asked earlier. I hope it's not too bad for me to flip like this, but.... I dunno. Would you maybe wanna still take me out on a date or something..?"
Devin's eyes drank in the picture of his crush showing immense vulnerability, looking so sweet and hopeful. The covenant entered into with a demon had apparently been fulfilled on both ends and the price paid felt like he was actually the party who received the highest benefit. Setting aside these contemplations for the moment, Devin squeaked out another yipe that developed into his gushing agreement, "AEEIIIPP! Ugh, sorry." The tail behind him audibly swished at his rear. "I've just thought you're really cute and sweet ever since I first met you. I hope I'm not oversharing.. I like you so much and am just excited! I'd love to take you out sometime!"
Relieved sighing made itself known as it released from the woman's lungs with a whoosh. The wooded area suddenly felt as if it was excluding every decibel of sound crashing outward from the lively scene only fifteen meters away. In the strange silence, Vivian's tiny noise erupted, "eeeeepp! Heh, sorrryyy. Don't be sorry about that, it's seriously adorable! You're so fucking sweet! Ugh. I wish we had talked more earlier in the year. Well, how about you gimme a hug and we rejoin the party?" Her amber ringed eyes looked upward at Devin before taking the embrace she wished for and pressing her face into his chest with a hum of joy.
With their joyful development all settled, Devin wrapped Vivian up in his arms and applied a comforting pressure while sniffing the scent that made his heart skip beats. His eyes captured an image of the top of his favorite fox's head before drifting up and out into the darkness. Two vibrantly violet rings shone directly at him without any hint of Sunny's form visible. One of the lights disappeared and flashed open once again in an obvious wink and an unmistakable comment rang in the awestruck collie's mind, silent to the outside world, "I'm really happy for you two. Have a wonderful life, Devin!"
The moment Sunny's statements concluded, the tanuki's eyes vanished and the presence of the benevolent demon's departure was actually sensed in some extrasensory feature. Speaking quietly enough so as to not be heard, Devin expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Sunny. Thank you so, so much." To finalize everything he had been through and been blessed with, the delighted and hopeful border collie pressed his lips delicately to Vivian's head and reveled in the feeling of being able to kiss his crush in any form. After several seconds of petting the grey fox's back, he gently and reluctantly pulled back to meet her face and inquire, "How about we head back? To be continued..?"
She hadn't even the slightest idea of what had transpired that led her to this drastic turnaround, but the fox knew she was quite happy with what had come to be. A warming glow, separate from the effects of alcohol, hummed within as affection poured over her. Vivian flashed a giant grin as the agreeance was vocalized in the deeper feminine tone, "Hehe. Yes! To be continued. Thank you for hearing me out. Let's go have some fun!!!" The warm and fuzzy fox woman felt the arm of her newly developed crush lay across her shoulders as the pair strolled without any hint of rush back down the trail. In the moment, both new friends were filled with an odd sensation. Their shared journey returning to the lively, exciting, and colorful party felt almost a metaphor for the bright future ahead of them in life, and a serenity washed over each canid.
A further four years down the line, at the 33rd year of Sunny's life, the experienced male demon had settled into a comfortable manner of living. How he continued living his new life was through transactions akin to his dealings with Devin and others, as well as adopting the incubus/succubus role and receiving sexual energy from those seeking to strike an accord.
Tiny brass bells attached to the shop door jingled brightly in announcement of an entering potential customer. The two sales associates on shift for the moment looked up concurrently to check out the visitor and greeted him, "Ayyyy, Dante!! Been a bit. How are ya?"
Dante was a 26 year old sand cat and he visited this store, a musical instrument shop, on a very regular basis. His father, an avid musician, had passed away a little under a year ago and music had been the only thing the two connected over. Though he had tried as hard as possible to learn how to play any instruments, it just didn't seem to ever click. The two deeply loved each other, despite their mismatch, and every visit to this shop was a way to feel a connection with his dad. This store in particular had possessed Dante's father's undying loyalty, and the two spent much quality time at this location.
Dante's mostly white face, with some sandy streaks crossing it, lifted from it's generally mopey state into a lightly forced smile at the two greeting him. The feline derived some enjoyment out of the company of the two associates, a pair of coyote brothers, who were the owner's sons. As melancholic nostalgia warmed him in a strange way, the tan furred cat replied in an artificially happy tone, "Yeah it has! Well, holidays and all that. You guys been doing anything fun lately?"
The older of the two, Ozzy, was engaged in answering some questions and fulfilling a purchase for a customer and simply directed a warm, friendly nod towards his friend. The younger brother, Kai, happened to be free for the time being and enthusiastically shared, "Ahh, well I hope your holidays have been good to ya! Yeahyeah! We took a train across the country, rented a cabin, and hit the slopes with some family. Got back yesterday. Happy to be back! What you been up to?" Along with the ending question, the young man bent over the counter and rested his chin on his hands that had been angled upward to support himself.
The low-spirited feline flicked his tail sharply during his response, "Oooh, that sounds incredible! I'm really glad you got to do that. Just been spending time with family for the holidays. Aunt, uncle, and cousins came over so we've been eating a ton, heh, and getting outside occasionally. Board games and holiday movies and the like, y'know? Haha." Around this time, the door once again rang out to indicate a new visitor, a punk rock looking blue jay, had entered. The avian lined up behind Dante and waited patiently for the two to finish up. Dante took note of the change in situation and concluded his interaction with the musical salesperson and friend, "Anyways, I'll letcha get back to it. I'll be around for a little bit. Good to hear you had a great holiday!'
The cat, anxious to move on to his usual activities at the store, detected an amiable acknowledgement and goodbye as he moved about his routine. During this segment of the day, around 2 p.m. on a Saturday, tended to host the store's main rush hour and today was no different as the crowd flooded in. Dante enjoyed this and weaved in and out to inspect every detail of every individual instrument and accessory held on racks, walls, and shelves. Having completed his rounds, the sand cat wrapped up and, feeling much better, heartily waved over to the brothers and flashed a grin towards them. The act was met with a nearly identical, yet somewhat rushed due to the long lines of customer, response as Dante heard one last sounding of the bell upon his exit.
The pull of sentimental memories within the building had a way of holding the sandy colored feline in close proximity even after departing the premises. His original plan was to head out and make a direct path back to his mother's house to rejoin his family who were staying until the next day. Turning the corner outside the lightweight door, it appeared that this time may be one of the rare occasions of an easy escape. Holding firm in his conviction to proceed onward without being dragged back, his head was held straight ahead with sharp focus pointed at the next block. The nostalgic metal ringing of the door's attachment struck a nerve, triggering a turning of Dante's head until it permitted his eyes to glance over his left shoulder back.
A heavy sigh and groan of surrender preceded a rotation and a slumped and defeated trudge backtracked the desert cat until he found himself in front of the display window. From this vantage point, it was still possible to observe most of the interior and it's inventory. Dante had peered in wistfully for another couple of minutes when a surprisingly sudden and powerful gust of wind battered him, flinging his fur in every direction. When then odd wind blast tapered off almost instantly, the feline shook himself and set about straightening out his disheveled appearance until a voice made it's way into his ears.
"Something special got your eye? Seen you here often. Always looking, never buying. I get the feeling it's because of someone, eh?" The voice had a wholesome and sweet tone that characterized the question.
Dante turned towards the stealthy stranger and took in the picture of a taller tanuki with a look of genuine interest shimmering in his violet eyes. A mixture of both alarm and a disarming vibe radiated outwards from the stranger, though the easier feeling prevailed in the cat. For some reason, the words erupted unrestrained from his maw, "Yeah, my dad loved it here! We spent a lot of time here and I loved when he would play. He was great! He passed though.... I was never quite able to learn it.. I wish I could though, so I could play in his memory.. umm..... Holy shit! I'm so sorry! That was way too much and you're some stranger! I'm sorry..." During the last half of his uncensored share, Dante felt streams dripping down his face as the recollection of his father dug into his heart like an icy claw.
Sunny, who had disguised his unusual features in the light of day, was dressed in a simple black hoodie with the same pentagram (looking like a generic metal style hoodie) and some black loose jeans and some red sneakers. As he replied to the young sand cat, his hood was tossed back and he moved to face Dante, "Hey dude, it's okay. I could tell it was something like that. Would you like a hug?"
A meek nod from the downturned face expressed confirmation as Dante stepped up and gave into the offer of comfort and sniffled loudly. Holding the grieving desert cat, Sunny stroked his back and continued in his pitch, "Shh, shhhh. It's all okay. Look.... I sympathize with your loss and your desire to follow in your father's footsteps. I'd like to express my condolences. He sounds like a great man."
Sunny felt a nodding against his chest, sensing that their interaction was positive. "Alright. I'd just like to offer a session with me. I don't want to come off as cocky and arrogant, but I've helped some pretty musically inept students to some surprising results. As many sessions as you'd like. No charge. I see something good in you that truly deserves it. Is that of any interest to you?"
Dante had melted into the consoling embrace and felt, for some reason, entirely comfortable unleashing the maelstrom of emotion that had apparently been repressed somewhere despite a plethora of full blown releases. The support he received warmed the core of the sensitive sand cat, but the offer extended to him twisted something inside. Reining in the tears and sniffles, he responded in a mild tremble of sadness, "Thanks so much. For being here.. But.. I'm really bad at it... I suck... No matter how hard I've tried.. How could you help someone like that..?"
Detecting the door opening, Sunny smiled and vaguely suggested, "I know this is odd, but I've done it before. You don't strike me as hopeless and unteachable. I'll just provide you with my card and if you feel like taking me up on it, you'll know how to reach me. I'm free essentially all the time, so whenever. Sound okay? If not, no worries." Already sensing that it was enticing enough to accept, the demon took a deep breath and let it out contently.
Dante had a faint and peculiar trust in Sunny's confidence in him and his capacity to be taught musical skills in his dream to emulate his father and carry on his legacy. This, in tandem with the clawing desperation and need for the opportunity, caused a wary expression of intrigue, "Umm..... Shh... Sure. I'll take it. Thanks uhh....." His head fell back from the unfamiliar tanuki's chest and the awareness grew of a rigid, glossy business card placed into his cream colored hand. Rather than meet the dark clothed Sunny's face, Dante scanned the item for information relevant to the current moment. Printed in the deepest black imaginable, on the shiny red 3.5" x 2" card, was the phone number and name of the less anonymous entity, "...Sunny?" Having gathered enough to proceed, the smaller feline raised his gaze to meet his possibly future instructor.
Sunny grinned down at the new prospect and met the man's sparkly orangish eyes, now with a tinge of freshly cultivated hope, and gently answered, "That's me! Just call me whenever. You gonna be alright? Seemed like you have somewhere you needed to get back to." Patting the cat's shoulders, the disguised demonic being's heart constricted inside his chest with empathy towards the visibly embarrassed Dante.
After slipping the paper deep into the bottom of his jeans pocket, the uncertain sand cat wiped his face with the back of his hand to create a greater sense of ease in connecting with the well groomed man. Less self conscious of his tear soaked face, Dante smiled shyly at the heartwarming gift and shared the gratitude filling his center, "Thank you so much, Sunny! I'm Dante. It's been nice meeting you. I.. Yeah, I was actually gonna head back to my ma's place before I got... pulled back. I'll give you a call sometime!" Without notice, the white faced feline wrapped himself snugly around the black clad man with the strange scintillating eyes. In return the new acquaintance's upper limbs laid gingerly over Dante's back in solidarity until both men separated.
The tanuki of greater stature placed his palm on the top of the cat's head and ruffled the fur on it. "Sounds good, Dante! Enjoy your holidays. I'm always around whenever you'd like to meet up. Off you go now!" Sunny grew a cheerful smile at his new focus's upswing in mood while ushering Dante away in the originally intended direction.
Dante's feet carried him away in a relieved glide down the block. The informational item in his pants had drawn his hand in unconsciously and the card was stroked and felt on repeat. Setting his mind at ease was the potential Sunny's business card represented in his future. The daydream that had ensnared the tan furred cat was cleared away as another whirlwind whipped around him at the end of the sidewalk. Jostled back to reality by the gust that had already dissipated, Dante craned his head around over his shoulder only to find zero trace of the dark and delightful tanuki. It seemed suspicious in a way but the feline had been carried away for an unknown quantity of time, so it was assumed that Sunny had either entered the establishment or that his departure was completely missed. It didn't matter which it was, so Dante shrugged and set his path along the scenic route to his mother's home as his mind reflected on the peculiar turn of events.
Several days elapsed, days filled with family bonding and festivities. Dante's out-of-town family members eventually packed up, rode to the airport, and flew back to their hometown.
Back at home and after a few work days, Dante had gone about his typical first day off routine involving food and coffee and leading into the task of starting laundry. Mug of coffee in hand and clad in only a pair of grey fleece pajama bottoms, he arrived at the machines where the large wicker basket of laundry already rested atop. The steaming drink was carefully set on the windowsill of the designated room and the white faced sand cat performed the first piece of the process, which was to check all pockets of every garment for objects not desired to be washed. Over the years, he had developed a strong instinct to ensure very little remained in his pockets, but occasionally something would be left. Halfway through this procedure, he lifted out the pants he had been wearing the day he met Sunny and slid a hand inside each pocket, the second one coming out with the entrancing card.
A rush of adventurous excitement overwhelmed the still groggy feline as he absorbed the image of the paper he had somehow forgotten about. In an odd way, even though the entire day wearing those pants Dante had been roughly fidgeting with the gift, the red and black rectangle held no sign of damage or wear. This fact had minimal impact as it was far overshadowed by what was represented in terms of opportunity. Purely automatic, the other light tan furred hand freed the phone from the fleece pocket and immediately dialed every digit in Sunny's phone number.
With heart escalating into a hard thumping while the phone trilled noisily in his hand, the sand cat paced the small area designed for laundry. When the third ring began, it was cut short by the call being answered and connected and was followed by a familiar and excited voice, "Hello?"
Dante swallowed hard leading into a response, trying to mask his anxiety a bit, "Hey umm. Is this Sunny? This is Dante. We met the other day..?"
Sunny, already possessing the knowledge of who the caller was even before the call, answered in a relaxed and casual tone, "Dante, of course! How are you? I assume I know why you're calling, so forgive me for being a little excited. When do you wanna meet up??" The last couple of sentences escalated in overt happiness that addressed the disclaimer.
The fact that the charitable raccoon dog had delight seasoning his sweet words put the soft furred feline much at ease. He instantaneously knew this was an authentic enthusiasm to receive his call. After mulling it over, Dante inquired, "I have a couple things I need to do, so maybe two or three hours? If that's cool?"
Sunny's smile was heard through the speaker, "Sure thing! Shall I come to you, or would you like to drop by my place?"
The feline clad in sweatpants considered momentarily before disclosing his preference, "Umm. It'd be cool if you could come here. Drop by around noon? 1515 Agate street. Is that alright?"
The planned time and location was agreed upon by the other person on the call and the two bid each other goodbye. The following few hours were filled up with various chores, completing laundry, tidying up, having lunch, and generally attempting to pass the time and ensure the space felt welcoming to Sunny.
The anticipation grew exponentially as the appointment approached, peaking at a restlessness that resulted in Dante aimlessly pacing around his home. After an unknown amount of time, a knock jolted the cat which caused him to look over just in time to see the clock turn noon precisely. A strange feeling overcame the man from noticing this occurrence, but was chased away by a hopeful sensation glowing up within.
Despite every doubt swirling around in his head, the optimism and admiration for the recent stranger lifted Dante's spirit and colored his greeting following the door being pulled ajar, "Hey Sunny! Umm. Come in!"
The visitor, outfitted in a pair of grey slim fit jeans and usual hoodie, scanned the new environment he found himself in and greeted the host while wiping his shoes on the welcome mat outside, "Hiya! Thank you very much!" He developed a wide grin that accompanied the inquiry, "Shall I take my shoes off?" The feline nodded and gestured in the direction where footwear was kept. "Perfect! Mind if we go sit down so we can get things started?"
The sandy furred resident retained the smile plastered on his white face as he guided Sunny into the living room to sit down. A speedy departure resulted in the delivery of two clear glasses of orange juice. "I hope that's okay. If not, I can get something else." The cheerful houseguest merely shook his head with his charming smile on display. "Oh, good! So, uhh.. I'm really curious on how you plan to make a musician out of me.. heh.." The skepticism held inside made itself known, in spite of all efforts to conceal the full tone shift.
The unrevealed demon slid over on the burgundy velvet couch he found himself on, until only at the edge of the feline's comfort zone. Rather confident, Sunny extended his right arm out and over Dante's shoulders. "Ahhhhh... Welllll... Since I've already gathered you've tried all avenues... I generally don't just jump right to it, but... You know the whole "making a deal to become a musical star cliché story..?"
Dante chuckled at what seemed to be a well executed joke, "Of course, of course! So, you must be... The devil? Alright, Mr. Morningstar, what's your angle here? Hehe." The general vibe of the room lifted into a lighthearted feeling and defused nearly every bit of tension or pessimism in the cat.
Not only did relaxation play in Sunny's favor when attempting to persuade someone into making a deal, but he genuinely enjoyed making others comfortable and happy with his presence. To further bring the mood up, the dark nuki steered into the humor, "At your service! Although, it's Professor Morningstar these days. I teach a class or two every now and then. Hehe." The result was wild amusement from the otherwise generally depressed sand cat. "Hey, can I show you something interesting..?" Along with the question, the intensely focused nuki raised his eyebrows and the purple coloring in his eyes shimmered much brighter than usual.
Dante had already come to trust his new companion and enjoyed the company, so his response flowed forth easily, "Sure thing, dude! I mean... Professor Lucifer! Haha!" Excitement and laughter lit up the cat's tan and white face in a way that hadn't occurred in many months.
This moment seemed as good of an opportunity as was possible to reveal a taste of the reality of the situation at hand. Sunny took a few breaths and braced himself for the always potential freak out that occasionally arose in these type of dealings. While keeping his awareness on Dante from the corner of his violet eyes, the demon stretched out his free hand and flicked his wrist, engulfing it in only void-black flames. For the time being, the display remained in full view for a frozen and astonished mortal.
A previously unsuspecting Dante grew wide-eyed and felt his respiration accelerate in response to something so spectacular and unbelievable that an ache developed in his mind. It seemed impossible, and squaring things with his prior understanding of reality created a disconnect. Suddenly, it was understood that Sunny may not have been joking, and perhaps this tanuki in his house may be something dark, horrid and malicious in nature.
With such a delicate matter at hand, Sunny knew to address it in a timely fashion, "Before you ask, no, I'm not 'the devil' haha! Doesn't exist in the way commonly believed. I *do* make deals, and am here to offer my services. I actually care to make others' lives better. May I have an opportunity to make my offer to you? By the way, you can touch this stuff if you wanna check it out. Heh!" The young man remained unreadable, keeping an alert tanuki slightly tensed but entirely hopeful.
With immense caution, Dante found his hand automatically closing the distance between him and the otherworldly spectacle before him. "I.. I...What do...?" the young cat stumbled over his words until finally managing to mumble, "Better? How? Why..?" By the time his barely passable communication had trailed off, his digits rested mere inches from the flames.
A door had opened, generating a tiny suppressed smile on the tanuki's muzzle. He mindfully kept a comforting and reassuring tone in his voice as he shared, "To sum it up... I *am* a 'demon'. But all that means is we've rejected mortality and embraced supernatural powers. I made a deal because I was in tremendous pain and couldn't handle it anymore, becoming what I am. I'm not required to do evil or anything. What I do is up to me, and I choose to help people enjoy their lives. I can gift you with musical talent, if you accept my offer, which has multiple options."
Dante's pointed ears captured every single word in perfect detail while finally succumbing to the compulsion to make contact with the dark fire. The instant the lightly crackling energy touched the feline hand, it became wrapped in a cold chill that swiftly rushed up his forearm and above the elbow. In a confused state, the appendage retreated surprisingly slowly, ending with both hands wringing together to relieve tension and in a futile attempt to speed up the return of warmth.
"Oh, umm...." a clarified intrigue swelled inside Dante, prompting a guarded path of questions, "That.... seems really nice.. You do that? You can do that for me? Fuck... this is so weird.. How can I trust you? What ummm... What options..?" Deep outward huffs punctuated the conclusion of the inquiries. Anxious orange eyes darted around, being torn between avoiding Sunny out of fear, while also being unable to stop them from locking onto the demon now revealed to the sand cat.
Resulting in a momentary flinch, Sunny rubbed Dante's back in consolation while simultaneously extinguishing the black energy from his other hand with a hissing noise. Exhibiting the same genuine kindness that characterized their first interaction, the benevolent demon cooed, "I know it's weird. Hehe. I, and everyone I've encountered, have felt the same. As for how you can trust me..?" A sweet, gentle smile emerged in full as the deathless entity quieted his own mind and utilized the learned powers and channeled a vibrant energy through the sandy furred host's back.
Dante caught what Sunny had shared and as soon as the spirit work began, a loud low-pitched humming filled the younger male's head and static overlaid everything in sight. Fear and comfort poured over him in a strange and confusing mixture, but faded rapidly and returned to normal. "S..w.. What was that..? What did you do??" Terror overwhelmed the small feline due to having no knowledge of what this demonic tanuki may have done to him.
Aiming for the quickest and most relieving resolution, Sunny caringly stated, "I just gave you a little bit of what's possible. No strings attached, if you reject my offer, you'll still have that. Go grab a guitar and come try it out!" The tanuki's hand patted his companion on the back out of excited encouragement and beamed with a brilliant sparkle in his violet pools.
Something felt different in the younger male, and it felt promising. Having retreated into his own mind, the hope and blossoming trust in the handsome canid ushered the slender feline body automatically into the other room. One of his father's acoustic instruments, the man's first and generic black guitar, was removed gingerly from it's wall mount in his bedroom and path back to the main room of the apartment. Upon entering the living room, Dante's orange cat eyes observed the unassuming demon sitting politely on the velvety couch with his hands folded politely in his lap with an endearing glimmer in his purplish eyes.
Sunny utilized one of his hands to gesture for Dante to retake the spot by patting the cushion happily. Patiently waiting, the aspiring musician was allowed to complete his relocation until Sunny resumed his sales pitch of sorts. "Alright, since I worked a little bit of my 'magic', or whatever you choose to describe it as, give that a little try. It won't be a huge difference, so focus on any improvements you previously couldn't make happen. I believe you'll be impressed." The tanuki's demeanor was calm and collected, but his violet windows beamed with excitement and anticipation of what was guaranteed to follow.
The forehead of the sandy colored cat crinkled out of inner tension, but he forged onward into adjusting the instrument on his lap and preparing his left hand into fingering position. He admitted, quite honestly, to himself that a belief was growing that something wonderful was about to unfold. Without further hesitation, the feline strummed slowly while testing out different fingerings in exploration of chords. The beginning was clumsy and often dissonant notes that created embarrassing tension but, before long, things started to truly click. The combinations became more harmonic and solid and transformed into extremely basic progressions which required much less effort and came with skill previously unthinkable to the musically inept man.
Soul-deep wonder overflowed into Dante's gushing words, "Holy fuck! I've... I've never been able to do this... I haven't even played in months now.. You seriously did this... fuck.. I... I want to be better. What do you want in return for helping me..?" A loud clicking gulp reverberated in an otherwise dead-silent room while considering the possibilities most others had considered. Trading away his soul? What else could it be?? It at least couldn't hurt to hear the options.
Delight spread over Sunny's face as his covenant was further elaborated upon, "I'm so happy you like it! I bet you already feel closer to your dad, yeah? My offer has two options on your end. One, you give me a tiny piece of your soul. Not enough to cause any problems whatsoever, but accumulating soul energy is how I become more powerful and keep my vitality up. Second option, though, is you.... You have sex with me. Dunno how to phrase it better. Heh! Demons can choose how they make their deals and mine are soul trades and succubus work where I receive, umm... another type of energy. That one is obviously replenished in time and is easier on you. It *is* more time consuming though. I make sure of it!" A firm and fiery wink punctuated the nuki's meaning and desire. Sunny already sensed the option that would be chosen and had already slipped into a more sexual mode. "So.... Whatcha think about these options?"
It felt unimaginably strange to be faced with such an extreme decision. Dante tensed his fingers into his palm, pinching his grey sweatpants tightly while taking in the image of a black clad raccoon dog with a cocked head and piercing eyes. Though it felt a short time, the feline had been deep in thought for about 30 seconds before popping into a more aware state. A loud and dry clearing of the throat preceded a clarifying investigation, " I think I know but like.... I'm straight.. I dunno if I could like... do you? Heh heh.." Dante's face and body flushed hot at the simple act of discussing sex with another man, much less a male demon.
All that Sunny needed to hear had been disclosed to him and the next stage of the plan was at hand. A blinding flash of indigo light exploded forth from his corporeal form, temporarily blinding his new business partner and allowing for a more surprising transformation. What the tanuki had done was changed his appearance to one of a female version of himself. He had become slim, busty, and drop dead gorgeous as a woman. A quick, yet sensual, lick of his lips was followed by a sexy and begging question in a much more feminine voice, "Aww.... C'mon Dante... You wouldn't turn me down, would you? You'd fuck me, right?" The newly female tanuki release a sweet giggle at a quite obviously shocked and interested mortal sand cat.
Many moments passed as a thoroughly stunned desert cat processed yet another unnatural spectacle and drink in the sight of an incredibly beautiful canid with an increasingly seductive and pleading gaze. "I.. I... Are you... Do you have..?" Sunny nodded in confirmation that he was now anatomically a woman. "Y.. uh.. YES! You're so hot..." A heavy and hot quality filled the breaths taken and released from within his lungs.
Yet another giggle escaped from Sunny before he cooed, "Mmmm, good boy. So I'm assuming we have a deal?" Slow nodding translated the agreement to the ethereal covenant. "Mmmfff... Then give this good girl what she wants." Sunny cautiously removed the important instrument from the lap of the feline and delicately set it on the nearby coffee table for safe keeping. At the moment, Dante remained immobilized except for his head, which had swiveled and locked onto the freshly altered woman as she slid down onto her knees and in front of him.
The thrill of seducing this man had Sunny's breath speeding up, especially as she removed both her hoodie and t-shirt in one go and causing the breasts on her chest to jiggle lightly. Next, she reached up and slipped her slim fingers under the waistband of the male desert cat's grey sweatpants and erotically slid down until they lay around his ankles. A sweet purring emanated from the succubus upon noticing the lack of exposed anatomy, "Aww, Dante.. Am I not a good girl? You think I'm sexy, don't you?" The demon's lip stuck out in a pleading pout intended to drive her partner even hotter. Sitting in place, Sunny arched her back and slid her hands erotically from her lower belly up to her tits, toying playfully with her black nipples capping the supple C cups and moaning deeply.
Having had time to process on this unbelievable event unfolding before him, Dante's mind caught up and a wave of heat crashed and swirled around him. There was now a stunning and topless woman kneeling down and sniffing the air for any hint of his scent with an eager electricity lighting up her less purple and more red eyes. A design identical to the pentagram on her hoodie was seemingly burning with a glow on her chest, which he intented on seeking understanding of later, but it reminded the feline that the succubine being was a demon. A smoking hot demon. He was about to fuck a demon, and the realization dawned on Dante that that fact had him flushing with powerful lust. Falling clumsily out of the aspiring musician's maw, "G... Good... girl... nngghhh.."
Sunny delighted in the development in this young man's demeanor and the overt enthusiasm emanating off of him. Receiving the poorly constructed praise actually stirred her wildly into sexual craving, especially when finally detecting the desired scent and sight of a stiffening cock poking it's way out of Dante's white furred sheath. With a thick purr, the kneeling tanuki affectionately shared, "Awwhh, thank you! I'm glad this form is to your liking. I'm actually loving it too. Maybe not quite as much as you though. Hehheh."
During her share, the canid had sensually run her fingers and hands up the calves and thighs of the male in temporary master status over her. Full, mindful attention was given to the current task, leading further upward until reaching the now fully erect 6" dick. Sunny assumed a little bit of a take charge duty and, while beginning to stroke Dante, nudge the feline to guide him until lying against the soft backrest of the couch. For succubi the true scent of harvestable sexual energy, wholly undetectable by mortals, was the ultimate aphrodisiac and it was driving Sunny uncomfortably horny to the point of noticing this body's thighs saturated in fluids from her pussy.
Presenting her best, and quite genuine, sexy voice, the female tanuki suggested, "Mmm, just lie back master... Well, if that's something you enjoy being called..?" Feeble nodding from the wide, orange eyed cat shared a confirmation and communicated a stoked lust as a result of the title. "Mmm, good. I'll take great care of you." Leaning forward, the succubus released the pinkish dick from her hand and sniffed a path up the slunped back male's thighs. The final moments were dragged out to build anticipation, with the woman snuffling at Dante's balls and slowly up to the tip of her master's cock where a tiny droplet of pungent pre had collected. A long, slow lick from the base of the hard on and up culminated in the clear fluid being slurped into the hungry muzzle and finally the cock as well.
Saliva produced by the slutty specialized class of otherworldly beings had the trait of greatly enhancing tactile sensations wherever it made contact. Sunny ensured that all exposed surface area was thoroughly coated by taking the entire length into her muzzle, humming a moan from her chest as her throat was probed into. As was a guaranteed result of such an act, her temporary master squeaked at high volume that turned into a weak whine in reaction to a degree of sexual pleasure not previously experienced. Sliding her lips back slowly and deliberately, the slender servant removed the throbbing dick and captured it in her palm and held it against her face. Giving a powerful display of lust and desire to please, beautiful and airy words were smoothly directed at Dante, "Mmmmfuck.. You've got an amazing essence.. I'm going to enjoy draining it into me.. Mmmm... Also, feel free to use me as you wish. Soft, slow, rough, hard, sucking or fucking.. I love it all.."
With extra required effort, a shaky sand cat managed to understand every single detail of the compliment and full permissions to play out any fantasy or desire. Gazing towards his crotch at the gorgeous woman essentially worshiping his member inspired action immediately. An inability to speak for the time being encouraged the taking of his craving by firmly gripping the fur on either side of Sunny's face, an action which elicited an exhilaration in her now glowing eyes, and moved her without resistance into position.
Wishing to release the caged thoughts in his head, Dante shared, "God damn... You ARE an amazing girl. Ffff... How about you just open up your whore mouth for me?" The fact that his sex toy shuddered and whined without control brought a certain degree of ecstasy to the feline's experience. Sunny did as commanded and lowered her jaw while flopping a glistening tongue out in preparation. The desert feline rushed with delight, as the opportunity to unleash the pent up dominant side had finally come. It had been a desire long held and yet never permitted by any girlfriend he had had a relationship with.
Absolute need burned inside with immense intensity and Dante pulled the succubus' head down, forcing her to envelope his manhood with her expert cocksucking maw. Electric sensations of tactile pleasure brought on a storm of dopamine and hormones that only stoked the now inferno of erotic demand. Very little time elapsed before the tannish, pointy eared cat had adjusted to everything and had sat more upright. Sunny's head was quickly worked into a quick pace of face fucking as her snout was smooshed repeatedly into her owners pubic area.
Echoing throughout the room was a repeated "glkglkglk" tracing it's source as Sunny masterfully handling the rock hard feline cock while providing no resistance to the act. The male had almost immediately hit the point of feeling ready to bust his load down into the exquisite seductress's stomach, prompting her head to be urgently lifted up and away. Dante, now with a rapid pant and a member throbbing at nearly the same pace, managed to groan out an apology, "Hahhhnn... Fuck! I'm sorry.. I was just about to cum.. I... That's not how long I usually last... heh... it felt so fucking GOOD though! How..?"
Wiping her lips of the saliva and pre mixture that had dribbled out, Sunny again let out an affectionate laugh prior to providing requested information, "Mmmhhmmm.... Don't worry master. You think a demon like me doesn't have a few tricks up her sleeve? First of all, I know it felt that way. I've got sensation enhancing spit! Second! I wasn't going to let you pop off yet. We may have this deal, but I'm going to have my fun until I'm happy! Hehe. I'll, of course, make sure you enjoy it too.... Though I think I'm already good there, don't you think?"
Reassurance set Dante, who had been riddled with self consciousness surrounding the premature load blowing concern, back at ease. With tensions lowered, he sighed out a chuckle, "Ahh shit! Heh. That would have been nice to know ahead of time! I would have kept going if you had told me. That's a bad girl!" The sand cat swung his hand with moderate force to swat his concubine's snout while returning to a more serious demeanor. Sunny's purple eyes burst with an actual flare of intense light in craving from the impact.
Purring out a near growl, a refocused Dante firmly dictated, "Though I'm sure you'll make it up to me, won't you? I want that fine demon ass bent over the couch. Right. Now." Rising to his feet and stepping out of his sweats, Dante aggressively gripped a patch of canid facial fur in his fist and gave a harsh tug. High pitched whining rewarded an already rushing feline as it filled the pointed ears crowning his white face.
In little time, Sunny's feminine form had slipped from her grey denim jeans and pair of men's black spandex underwear and bent herself over the soft textured couch from the front. Keeping aware of Dante's every move, she felt his presence creeping up behind her so a pleading question was raised before the scene could fully start, "Umm, Dante? Sir..? Might I take more of my true shape? It just takes energy to conceal some of it that I could be using for our enjoyment. I can hide it again if you wish it..." Sunny's head rotated around her shoulder with a curious appearance shining in her eyes with a flash of red that came around during heightened arousal.
The sandy furred feline held his own feelings of curiosity out of seeing some unknown traits hidden by some sort of mystical power. Compounding the interest was the total submission given to him by his succubus visitor. "Fuck. You're good! Sure, give me a show. I can't imagine it *that* awful. Maybe it's something even hotter that you've been hiding from me, eh?? Go on, then."
Thrilling feelings coursed through Sunny at the allowance and now command given in such a way. Truly, it *did* take extra concentration and energy to mask her more unnatural features. Plus, not everyone who participated in these dealings was accepting of these matters and it dampened the enjoyment on the demon's end. Sunny took a deep breath and braced for the potential rejection before releasing the captured wind within and dropped the stressful illusion. A certain relief ran through her while at the same time a different tension rose up in direct inverse proportion.
Orange eyes drank in an event nearly beyond belief, had it not been for recent discoveries revealed to Dante. He stood wide eyed as the space around the woman seemed to warp and bend in strange ways while Sunny's legs shifted into their primal shape, teeth became more sharp, digits and ears became longer and more slender. Weakness dusted the hopefully comforting share, "Unnh... Let me just adjust to this okay?" To further attempt to put a visibly nervous demon at ease, he set his role aside in order to fully examine the changes. Dropping down onto his knees behind the self conscious temporary female and started assessing from the bottom up.
Calming sounds of a tickled giggle were the result of light poking, prodding, and exploring right away at the contact made with soft toe pads and fur between them. Gentle humming vibrated out of Dante's stripey furred chest to communicate lack of disapproval, which was met with a whisper level sigh of easement. Hands glided mindfully onward along the path of Sunny's body, caressing affectionately and with unfathomable interest along strange calves and thighs. An almost unnatural black fur was able to be perceived now that the clouding feelings of fire and desire thinned out. Both hands laid wrapped around the slim thighs and slipped up to cup each ass cheek and pat and squeeze.
Suddenly, Dante felt a connected experience developing between the two of them. Grounding himself in the physical contact, something inside him pushed to stretch forward. The motion resulted in his stiff erection, that he had forgotten about during this more tender time, hooking up underneath Sunny and resting on her frontside. Chuckling in a shushed tone, he murmured, "I suppose I find it's not exactly the worst, eh? Hehe. Just... lemme..." Though unable to see the woman's expression or hear much, there was a sense that the caring and sweet scene playing out was appreciated in a previously unexperienced way.
Moving forward from the unintended interruption cause by the presence of Dante's hard feline dick, the man's hands traced over the curvy hips and waist and up to the warmed succubus' shoulders. From this point the body's explorer's fingers traced delicately downward until reaching those of his personal concubine, proceeding into intertwining their digits together. Unbeknownst to the giver of the caring affection, Sunny had gone years without a single expression of the type and for this particular reason a nearly inaudible whimper was detected. After a scan of the body under him the time had arrived in which to proceed in a much more carnal manner, "Hmmm... Honestly, I like it. You're beautiful this way! Umm... Can we maybe get back to the other fun..? Heh."
Sunny nodded and, now fully at ease and at an even happier state, shortly thereafter loosed a sharp gasp at the wonderful touch of the cat's hands on both of her breasts. "Uhhnnn... Thank you. Yes. Fuck yes! I'm yours." In a flash one palm left her chest, in order to align the owner's cock into place and ram in with force enough to rob the breath from each party. Always unusual was the experience of being fucked in a supernaturally conjured pussy. Such an abrupt and forceful invasion of her new entrance made both people lose strength, yet Sunny received a much greater effect as to involuntarily going limp. Silky velvet upholstery made contact at is brushed solidly against the submissive houseguest's face while her lid-hidden eyes rolled up into the head they resided in.
Little did he know, the tactile enhancing drool slicking Dante's 6" cock actually affected Sunny herself. A collection of noises were generated by the barely conscious succubus, feeble gasps and moans, meek cries of pleasure originated from her. The mindblowing fact that he was capable of pleasuring a creature such as a sexual demon overwhelmed and delighted Dante to no end. Already having adjusted and acclimated to the experience of heightened stimulation, and after the initial sequence of knee wobbling thrusts, he managed to establish a steady and firm pace. Between panting, grunts, and the slaps of impact from his vigorous humping, Dante checked, "You... ummff... all good..?" before craning his sandy face off to the side in observation.
Fluttering open, Sunny's eyes made their appearance and displayed their fully red aroused color. In sync with her vision returning, the words of the mortal feline pounding her slit perked up the soft tanuki ears and were processed unexpectedly quick. An uncoordinated series of nods was accompanied by a euphoric mumbling, "Ffff... fine.. go.. nngg.. Am good! mmm....."
With the establishment that all was well, Dante took full control and use of his little demon bitch. Unusual vitality rippled throughout the dominant desert cat's essence and he fell into a groove that continued for approaching an hour and a half, feeling as though they were each riding the edge the entire time. Whatever connection the two had built suddenly seemed to communicate that Sunny had received the bare minimum amount of fun and satisfaction required for the deal and the other partner in covenant could conclude any time he felt like it.
Satisfying a whorish succubus..? Fucking AWESOME! Dante smirked to himself and reached out to the back of this woman's head for a fistful of thick black fur to pull her back to his muzzle. During this action, the thrusting was throttled back to a full stop and with Sunny's feminine face hanging downward from her fur, the master spoke with a heat charged accusatory tone, "Why do I feel like you've actually been enjoying this more than I have..? Hmm..?" The question was met mostly with silence, apart from panting and a pleading whine, and an attractive shameful drop of her eyes to the floor.
"Hmmpphhh. I thought so... Tsk. That won't do, will it..?" Jarringly, Dante had whipped Sunny by her hair down to the floor with a thumping noise. The still wobbly tanuki was pressed down hard with her chin and throat flat against the carpet while the male cat also manipulated his demon's curvy hips into a useful location. The woman was once again aggressively entered, though less disabling this time around it still provoked a shocked inhale. Quite apparent was the fact that the true end was nearing for Dante so he steered into the speedily approaching event. Furious passion burned inside Dante, the likes of which he had never experienced before, and he let himself get carried away into primal exertion in pounding away at Sunny's tight otherworldly pussy.
Their orgasms somehow felt as though they were interconnected and by the bliss Dante felt in combination with Sunny's squeaking breaths, it was about over. He was too deeply immersed in this final stretch to even notice the vibrant and noisy sparks and bolts crackling through the air around the mating pair. Finally, and without notice, the white furred pouch containing feline balls tightened violently and unleashed a torrent of semen and, most importantly, the valuable sexual essence desired by the demonic entity. Such an insane degree of pleasure exploded through Dante that an actual roar burst free from his lungs, "RRRRAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRnnnnnggggg....."
Sunny registered the exclamation, but only at the bare minimum and simply remained bend down with her face on the floor fighting to catch up and proceed with things as many others had impatiently desired in the past. It took nearly half a minute to muster up the energy required to even mumble, "g.. give... need some time... Will try to hurry.."
Peculiar gut instincts provided the feline with an accurate understanding of where Sunny was at mentally and the reason for being so. Sliding his dick out from the succubus made him moan from feeling like he was cumming all over again, then he made a gesture of comfort and assurance by saying, "No need to hurry.. heh.. nnnn.. I think you've earned a... a break. Come, girl. Hehe. I'll take you to my room and we can recover as long as we need. How's that sound?" Like someone who had had too much to drink, the response Dante received was jumbled and nonsensical but the general vibe suggested that of acceptance. Giggling from sweet affection, Dante managed to lift up the woman lying on his living room floor and assisted her along the way to the apartment's bedroom, carrying the stumbling and nude tanuki and laying her softly on the cushiony surface.
With his guest laid out somewhere more comfortable, Dante crawled his feline body up next to her and laid his head on the heaving chest, watching it rise and fall. A moment of reflection on the surreal occurrence was cut through by an almost worried sounding murmured statement, "I.. sorrhy.. Can't hold form... any longer.... barely..." The fact that this delightful being could be worried and self conscious over his/her shape state saddened the soft featured cat out of the dawning realization that Sunny had encountered unpleasant, or worse, reactions. Placing his tan little hand on her belly and petting it, he cooed some reassurance, "Hey.. It's okay. After rocking my world that fucking hard, I don't think I can be upset when you're too exhausted to be my hot ass woman anymore. Hehe. Just relax."
Though initially skeptical, Sunny lowered her guard and dropped the background use of entirely depleted energy. This was proceeded by yet another, this time dimmer, flash of violet that marked the instant transformation back to the demon's original form. In addition to the return of his typical anatomy was a resonant groan that upswept into a shuddering breath woven with an escalating whimper. A surprising feature of the transformation powers was that all pleasure experience by his female orifice was experienced equally yet all at once when regaining his manhood. The result being that it returned to his body fully stiff and hours of enhanced fucking caught up and, basically convulsing, a load larger than Dante had ever seen erupted all over Sunny's belly, chest, and the feline's hand.
Sunny's breath shivered in his chest, where his master's head remained calm and still. The deposit of essence from earlier had rejuvenated an exhausted demon enough to apologize, "Fuck... I'm sorry... I couldn't warn you about that."
Dante couldn't stop himself from laughing a little bit while joking to ease the mood, "Hehe! Damn dude... Quite the load you've got there! Like... More than I've seen in most porn I've watched. Just chill out, okay? Now...." The cum painted hand then rose up to the more cheerful face of the tanuki. "Lick this up like good little demon and then I'll bring you a towel. Or shop vac or something. Ha!" To the joy of Dante, a humorous eye roll was picked up followed by a warm and wet licking by a masterful tongue until all was clean. Sunny's purple eyes sparkled at the kindness and the praise while he was being tended to, "Great job! You are *very* good! I'll clean you up real quick."
Sunny followed the apartment's courteous host with his post-ecstatic half lidded eyes until a fluffy grey towel had been retrieved and utilized to wipe as much of the sticky fluid, glowing brightly in contrast with shadowy fur, from the tanuki tummy. Purring softly, Sunny expressed his appreciation, "Mmmm... Thank you very much. As a.. well... demon doing my thing, you're the best host I've ever encountered. Hehe. Lie back down."
The request addressed to Dante was fulfilled by the feline nimbly crawling and flopping on the bed before rolling onto his back. Sharp claws tipping demonic hands pressed carefully against skin beneath sand colored fur in preparation for the fulfillment of Sunny's half of the deal. Just like the sample of magical potential from earlier affected the cat's senses earlier, the same occurred only much to a greater degree. The static in his vision grew until all was blacked out into a void while the hum intensified up to a painfully loud resonance and briefly instilled heart pounding fear that was set somewhat at ease by the unusual level of trust Sunny had earned.
Floating in the space outside of the tangible world continued for what felt like hours when, in reality, only about a minute had transpired. Upon resurfacing, Dante shook his head in a rapid attempt to restore mental clarity. "Heh. Heh... Did you.. was that?" The dopey looking demon with patches of semen matted fur on his belly contently shook his head up and down in affirmation of the incomplete question. Brilliant thrill ran it's way up the feline host's spine, culminating in a euphoric blast at it's peak. Popping out of bed like a child on a holiday morning in search of presents, he exclaimed, "Ohmygosh! I'm gonna get my thing! My.. my thing!" Humorously, the aspiring musician had completely spaced the word 'guitar'.
Springing in large, agile bounds ended shortly after having obtained the black glossy instrument left behind and bouncing into his bedroom once again. One unexpected and spectacular difference in the room upon passing through the doorway was that Dante returned to a dreamy eyed demon back in female form and flaunting herself in a beautiful pose. Encouraging words rang in the sharply pointed ears atop his head, "C'mon, Dante. Serenade me. Hehe. Or whatever you wish, I'm just excited!" Wagging excitedly between Sunny's unclothed legs was a fluffy tail while eager violet eyes glued themselves in Dante's direction in a way that conveyed the lack of judgment held within.
Anxious energy tingled through the man, culminating in a deep and long breath to settle his nerves while lifting the faded white instrument strap over his head and onto his shoulder. As soon as Dante strummed the first chord it was as if every bit of information he had been unable to integrate and put into practice, knowledge of notes, chords, scales, finger picking, and musical composure, all became accessible and almost natural feeling. The end result was a surprisingly beautiful composition that actually seemed to sync up and reveal the many emotions the feline stewed in. So much so that tears welled up and broke out into full streams of joy, grief, sadness, and relief. Only a couple of minutes in, the song faded off into completion with the final note resonating solidly until it fell silent.
Several silence filled moments passed, breaking only when Sunny began clapping her hands enthusiastically and cheering, "Bravo! That was fantastic Dante! Truly wonderful. Very moving. So.... Are you happy..?" True to his/her benevolent nature, this inquiry was always given out of genuine interest in making those who made deals were reasonably satisfied with their end of the exchange.
Dante's orangish eyes darted around in disbelief while calmly pacing to the wall mount and delicately hanging his father's acoustic guitar and closing the guard. Wholly stunned, the pointy eared fellow couldn't express his feelings of gratitude for Sunny's gift in words, so all that was possible was to return to the bed, crawl up and over to the woman, and cuddle up with his white face laid atop her breast.
Comforting humming reverberated in Sunny's chest in addition to returning the display of affection and appreciation and began stroking the tearful man's head and ears. Allowing for time to process, Sunny transitioned to a more embracing position and wrapped one of her legs over Dante. A sweeping compulsion overwhelmed the tanuki, causing her to share, "Hey, umm. I just wanted to say.. this is really nice. And earlier when you held my hands..? Was great. I haven't gotten that much, and it really made my day. Plus you fucked my brains out like I haven't had in a long time!! Heh. So thank you for that. That's all." Further gathering sweet contact, the demon nuzzled her partner for the moment with her black lipped muzzle.
This expression sparked Dante's sentimental reply to the woman, "You're welcome! It *is* nice, isn't it? Well, *sniffle*, I'd just like to thank you for this opportunity. I was really scared at first. I'm sure you know that. But I truly feel closer to my dad, and I'm so freaking excited for the future. I'm gonna make him proud, if he can see or sense me. You're amazing Sunny! Never expected I'd make a deal with a demon. Hehe." The mortal creature accentuated the words by gifting a return nuzzle to the black furred chest.
Sunny fully experienced the authentic gratitude directed at him which generated a significant well of tears barely retained in her eyes. "Aww, Dante.. You're welcome! I understand the concern. Not everyone accepts my offers. With the reputation we demons have, I don't blame don't them. I'm certain your dad is quite happy and proud of you! You're gonna do fantastic, dude. Umm... Before I leave.... Would it be too much to ask to stay here like this for a bit?" Slow, caring pets combed their way over the feline's midsection in appreciation and hopefulness.
Sunny's wish was granted and the two laid in bed together, maintaining physical contact and sharing their life experiences with one another. The immortal tanuki took great interest in Dante's tale, and Dante was enamored with the captivating story of his journey from youth to prostitution to wealthy philanthropist to tragedy and eventual fall into the demonic realm. It touched the demon at his very core to have sweetness and interest in him for once as opposed to those who, even if kind people, took their benefits and bailed. Eventually, Sunny reclaimed his true form, aside from feral attributes, got dressed and then took his leave with a warm farewell and a promise to visit at some point. Feeling rather satisfied with things, he sauntered off into the city and returned to his home.
ringing became unbearable. Relief from the piercing note came only when a man slumped by a dumpster was perceived. Draped in a loose blouse, similar to what a pirate might wear, and wrapped in a sarong, with some light grey boots, was a woman. As Sunny stood before her gazing downward, dark red eyes blinked sluggishly and in a dazed fashion in reaction to her observer. The overwhelming conclusion was that Sunny had finally located another of his kind, in terms of being corrupted by the same influence as he was.
Waiting uncertainly, the dark tanuki finally gathered more information about this odd stranger. Lifting her head offered the image of a deep black she-wolf that gave the impression of being quite intoxicated. From this point, he mustered the courage to introduce himself and carefully maneuver the conversation until the two could bridge the connection into disclosing their secret. Jane had been corrupted more than two hundred years prior, and had eventually turned to her two best friends, opium and booze (particularly rum) to handle immortal demon life. Of course, the wolfess made deals and infrequently performed succubus work but emptiness and boredom had taken their toll.
Sunny and Jane spent a few weeks hanging out, but the tanuki had difficulty enjoying the company who so often was rather loaded. Despite this, he had made a friend who could relate to him and that could share the life of the otherworldly entity together. Even more so, the tanuki found that the wolf was extremely sympathetic to the loss of his family. In the end, Sunny chose to continue away around the world to continue his nomadic lifestyle while Jane remained behind. Both parties promised to stay in touch and held their promises, along with making a deal that they would meet again.