Learning to Swim - Part XVII

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#17 of Entropy Series

The gang gets set for surgery.

Sorry if it took a while for this entry, but there's a lot of stuff going on due to the holidays that's dividing my attention. I do try and force myself to write every day, but if my mind's not in the right place that seems to do more damage than good. Regardless, I had a bit of fun writing this chapter. I got to flourish upon a character and progress the plot more than a little, so I'm quite happy.

As always, this story contains adult themes and explicit sexual imagery. If you can't or aren't allowed to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged, especially to improve the story!

"Aww! You can't lock me up all day!"

Robyn drooped her head as she leaned against Ilaria's bedroom door. She stared at the others in the hallway for a few seconds and then slumped further to the floor. Ilaria dropped to her good knee and gave the girl a rub on the shoulder, ignoring the light thuds on the door.

"She's right, you know." Adrian sat down against the adjacent wall and asked, "So what's the thing to do when... this... happens?"

"Not sure there's much you can do," Iolvin answered, grinning our an additional, "unless you'd volunteer to give her pups, hon."

"Ick..." the otter responded as he bopped his mate's leg.

"No, not that. And we certainly don't need to get her hooked up in our little mess." Ilaria huffed as she pulled out her phone. "Sprite, you got any ideas? I don't think Robyn's little lockup idea will work out."

"Hey, that's what I always did," Robyn protested. "Sucks, but it gets the job done."

"Yeah, and you were an only child. We've got a lot of... male... in this house." A message chirped on Ilaria's phone and she clicked on the screen while saying, "We need a more immediate solution, hon."

<Miss Holmwilt appears to be at the peak of her fertility cycle. Our knowledge of this subject appears to be imprecise due to individual variance of subjects. Preliminary calculations place her at less than a day remaining of chemical imbalance. Pheromone levels are unusually high however, perhaps due to the unknown substance Miss Holmwilt ingested.> Sprite hovered into view and then landed on Ilaria's shoulder, another message blinking on the screen. <Earlier self care seemed to place Miss Holmwilt's internal chemistry in line with recorded clinical tests. Without further data, we suggest replicating that chemistry for sufficient time to allow her condition to subside.>

"Guys, I've heard of this but is there any truth to it?" Ilaria held out her phone and then passed on the idea. "Can you really screw someone hard enough to break their heat?"

"My parents wouldn't let me near guys like that. No clue," Robyn answered first.

"Yeah, and we're not exactly girls Lulu," Yoyo said next. "And I think we can both say we've never done the nasty with a girl in heat, either..."

"Well... it's worth a shot though, right?" Dee chimed in as he leaned forward. "I mean, at worst it'll make a couple of furs feel good. And if it helps Ashe out..."

"So you're gonna fuck her after all?" Yoyo chortled.

"Well, no... and I'm not sure I like the idea of you doing that with her either..." Dee huffed a breath of air as he tried to think of a way to make the plan work with another fur. "Ari, maybe?"

"I told her she could rely on me earlier." Ilaria looked at the door and then back clarifying, "I can't betray her trust in me, not after that. She'll think I'm just taking advantage of her situation..."

"Okay, then... ick," Robyn paused as she started her own idea. "Well don't get mad or anything but... Maybe Vasily?..."

The twins stared at the squirrel and then each other, simultaneously letting out a bellowing "Hell no."


"Our dad? Really?" Ari complained.


"That's just a bit... gross, Robyn." Yoyo shook his head at the thought and added, "I mean, the age difference alone..."

"Hey, please guys..."

Sprite raised the volume on the phone and quite loudly chirped a new message repeatedly. <Mistress, Master Rustfelt wishes to speak.>

"Hey, sorry Dee. What's up?" Ilaria said as she wiggled the phone for the others to see.

"I think... uh, maybe..." Dee hesitated and stumbled on his own words. "Well... Maybe I could call Ellie?"

"Ellie?" Iolvin gawked. "Wait, isn't he gay like you?"

"No, SHE's... complicated." Adrian stood slowly and leaned against Yoyo's side. "She likes other girls, I know that much. Not afraid of the occasional guy, but I've never known her to actually sleep with any. Mostly just playing around I think."

"But Ellie might help out?" Robyn asked as she rose to her own footpaws. "I mean, it'd be great if he... she... uh..."

"It's confusing, I know. Elliot likes to be known as a girl though, hon," Dee cleared up as he took out his phone. "And she's gotta drop by to help for surgery tomorrow so I've gotta call her anyway."

"Well if we can get Ashe settled that would be help enough," Ilaria commented quietly as Dee dialed his phone.

"Hey guys," Elliot said as he rounded the top of the stairs. "Sorry it took so long. I got held up by an accident that rolled into the hospital last minute."

"Hey sis. Glad you came." Adrian stood up from the group huddle outside Ilaria's room and gave Ellie a hug.

"So, you think you could take a look at Ashe for us?" Ilaria stood and helped Robyn up as well, their blockade on the door not necessary anymore. "We would have taken her somewhere but I don't think the homeless get the best of treatment..."

"Yeah, I got ya'. I'll take a look, but if it's serious a hospital is still the place to go." Ellie placed a paw on the still-sitting Iolvin's head and ruffled his hair in a playful greeting. "So I'm guessing she's in there?"

"Yeah," Robyn confirmed.

"But she's blind so remember to watch yourself if you... touch her or anything..." Ilaria went for the handle and quietly opened the door. "She's all yours."

"Sure, I'll just be a minute."

Elliot walked into the room and took a look around, finding a dog on the bed and little else. As he shut the door behind himself Ellie started walking toward the bed so he could peer into the bathroom, thinking the girl had gone to relieve herself. Just as he got into range however, he was tackled from behind and forced upon the bed on his front.

"Gods, that smell..." Ashe cooed into the otter's neck. "I ~love~ that scent."

"Woah, hold on there honey!" Ellie pushed himself over and forced the wolf to his side. "The hell's going on?"

Ashe shot out her paws and started feeling and kneading Elliot's shoulders and chest. "Mmm, you'll do just fine."

"What?" Ellie started to resist the girl but found himself frozen in thought when he noticed she was wearing nothing but a pair of panties, a pair of absolutely drenched panties. As his instincts started getting the best of him he snapped himself out of his trance and said, "Shit, don't need any more examination than that..."

A paw slipped up to cup Ellie's face as the other slowly trailed down to the tent in his clothing. "So you didn't know? I could use a man right now. A handsome one like you..." Ashe's paw found what it was looking for and grasped the otter's growing length through the fabric. "I won't force you... but I ~really~ need this. Wait, is that a skirt?"

"Y-yeah... I dress like that..." Elliot tried to wriggle his way out of the girl's grip but had to settle for stopping her paw from playing with his erection. "Shit, no meds and no mate..."

"Pleeeeease?" Ashe pleaded as she brought her other paw to help the first. "I'll make it worth it. I'm pretty good with some things..."

With a sigh the otter gave in to the wolf's demands. "Okay, okay. It's just... I've never..."

"Oh, you're a virgin? Well I was a day ago too." Ashe leaned forward and gave Ellie a deep kiss. "And really I don't care. I just need someone inside me or I'll freaking kill myself."

"Yeah, I can see that honey. But could you, uh... ease off a bit?" Elliot squirmed a bit more as his skirt was lifted and his panties yanked down. "Shit, give me a minute. I don't want to--"

Ashe soon understood what the girly boy was trying to say when she started moving her paws over his length again. As he suddenly spasmed and spewed warm and while all over her paws she grunted, "Aww, that was too fast! Now what?!"

Elliot simply sat himself up on his elbows and breathed. "It's not that bad. Just blew a fuse, not the whole circuit."

Sure enough, Ashe found the rod in her paws still quite hard. "Thank the gods!" She slowly stroked the little guy back to life, using Elliot's cum as a warm lube. Kicking off her own panties she then laid out flat on her back and said, "Fuck me, lover boy. Can't see so you take the lead."

Ellie rolled to lean over the wolf girl and looked into her empty eyes. "I don't care if you're blind, honey. But you need to excuse me if I'm a bit..." He reached down and pressed a few digits into Ashe's moist petals, using the other to wipe his cock clean of his potent cream. "You want me to take it easy or--?"

Unable to wait any longer Ashe wrapped her legs around Elliot's rump, lined him up with a paw, and pulled his entire weight into her. "G-godssss..." she wheezed out as the otter bottomed out inside of her, nearly setting her off then and there. "G-go... Do it!"

Elliot didn't understand at first, both because he wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment and because he couldn't connect her words with the movement they implied. As he slowly got his wits back he groaned, "Right," and started lightly rocking his hips.

"Yes... like that, but harder..." Ashe growled out as she pulled herself into her lover with her legs. Every time he pulled out, she waited until he just began moving forward again and gave his ass a tug. "Ah, yeah! Fuck me like that!"

Ellie began to find a rhythm and once he did, he drove himself home into the girl as hard as he could. Once he didn't require any assistance he simply collapsed atop the wolf and rutted like there was no tomorrow, finding that a combination of power and speed were causing her to clamp down on his cock like a vise every time he went to withdraw. "Fuck, that's tight... You getting close, honey? Because I can't... go much longer..."

"Yes! Cum with me then!" Ashe shouted as she wrapped her paws around Elliot's back and held him close against her. She leaned upward just enough to plaster the boy with licks and kisses each thrust until she finally couldn't think straight, wincing her face into a tight expression and her wet tunnel even tighter. "Ah! Give me your pups while I cum!"

Elliot almost let himself go then and there, but upon realizing the weight of Ashe's words he fought against the girl's legs. He managed to pull himself free by a very slim margin, bucking into her crotch when her legs pulled him back. "Fuck!" he screamed as he shot rope after sticky rope of white into the girl's belly fur. Even as his orgasm subsided he was still squeezed harshly against the wolf, the two sharing his mess and staining his skirt. "Damn, that was a close one..." the otter panted as he felt his partner shiver and shake. "And apparently a damn good one for you, hee hee."

Practically gasping for air in her afterglow, Ashe partitioned, "That was... Holy crap... That was great!..."

"Mmm, I'm glad I could help."

"Shit... Where are my manners?..." Ashe gently pushed her lover to the side and presented a paw even before her aftershocks had subsided. "I'm Ashe. Sorry we had to meet this way."

With a giggle Ellie returned the paw with his own. "And I'm Ellie, at your service. Glad I could help you keep your wits, even if it's a little awkward."

"A little? Damn, I just screwed a total stranger!" As common sense finally started returning to her Ashe ducked her head down between the two to hide her embarrassment. "I'm gonna go kill myself now."

"Shouldn't joke about that, hon. Besides, it was sort of fun." Ellie tried to pull the girl's muzzle up for a quick afterglow kiss but she resisted and kept her head down. "So I take it you're shy when you're not sex-crazed, hee hee. Well, we'll get to know each other better in time. No worries."

"Time... Time..." Ashe mumbled to herself quietly. Popping her head up suddenly she then broke away from Elliot's embrace and found her way to the edge of the bed. Grabbing her laptop after a few searching reaches and popping in her earbuds she said, "Ooh, almost there! Thanks for the help, silly girl!"

"Well, I'm proud to... help..." Elliot started to respond until he realized the girl was speaking to herself. "Well, doesn't change a thing I guess." He stood up and collected his panties from the floor, trying his best to ignore the wet stain in the front of his skirt. After his garments were in relative order he went for the door and exited the room, being careful to hide Ashe's naked form from view. "Okay, that was a hell of a... prob... lem..."

Before the otter sat a giggling group of misfits, all except Adrian trying their best to stifle full on laughter. The much more ashamed Dee meekly looked up at his sibling and said, "Sorry, sis. Don't be mad at me, please."

It took Ellie a second or so to figure out what was going on, the otter quirking his head at Dee's words. "Wait... Don't tell me you guys... planned this?"

"Hey, it sounded like you two were having a blast," Yoyo commented with a toothy grin.

"Sweetie, it's not funny. I don't like tricking my sister like that. We just don't do that." Adrian stood up and gave his sister another hug. "I'm so sorry, but the poor girl--"

"I know, DeeDee. And she's doing better now. Well, I think so anyway." Ellie ruffled his sister's hair and then pat it back down. "And though it's not really my thing, it was sort of fun."

"Yeah, and I'm not done with you yet," Ashe added as she cracked open the door. "I've still got an itch that needs scratching. I figure we can kill two birds with one stone and hit the shower. Care to get it going for us, Ellie?"

"Gods, help me..." Elliot complained lightly, but trudged back into the room regardless to fulfill the request. "Only because you're in need, right?"

"Absolutely. I appreciate the professionalism," Ashe confirmed as she poked her head out the room but hid the rest of herself behind the door. "Oh and speaking of help, where's that little AI of yours? She did me a favor so I only figure repaying in kind is the right thing to do."

"A favor?" Ilaria got herself off the floor and took out her phone again, suddenly realizing it wouldn't help the wolf with her eyes. "Wait, how'd you even talk to her in the first place?"

"My laptop, Ilaria." Ashe tapped an earbud in her left ear and continued, "I taught her my custom sound system so we could talk. Turns out she's quite helpful when I'm not at my peak."

<Mistress, we apologize for this behavior. We did not intend to aid Miss Holmwilt. She forced us into action through mathematical loops and hacking. However, her actions have had little effect on our normal operations. We thought it best to keep Mistress uninformed since Mistress and Miss Winchester were having relations at the time.> Ilaria quickly deleted the message after reading it, the final line getting her nervous should someone else overlook the screen.

"Okay, that sort of matches what Sprite says." Ari looked for the glowing fairy girl and continued once she spotted her. "So what was it you wanted to do with her again?"

"Ah, apologies for intruding but I came across your designs for the implanted hardware you three are planning on installing soon. I found eighteen minor flaws in the design as well as two larger faults. The details are on my laptop should your AI decide to improve the devices." Ashe was about to duck back into the room but paused for a moment. "Oh, right. She should update her information stores. The two major faults are because she didn't know there was a half-life for tritium. The internal contacts would have degraded after fourteen years maximum."

A new message chirped on the phone. <Mistress, our information is comprised of the most current information available through your 'Internet'. If our data is inaccurate, it is due to lack of proper source information. We apologize for our failures and will amend our designs immediately.>

"Sprite, will we still be good for surgery tomorrow?" Ari questioned with a fair bit of concern.

"Wait, that's what you're doing tomorrow? Let me tag along. There's no way you can manufacture that elaborate... Oh..." Ashe stopped herself as she placed a paw to her open ear for a moment. "Well, you might have nano-scale manufacturing but I'd still like to be there in case. If I'm not trying to hump anyone's leg at least."

Sprite passed, <Mistress, redesigned plans according to Miss Holmwilt will be applied in approximately four hours, eight minutes, and seventeen seconds. Shall we confirm upon completion?> to the phone.

Typing out a 'Yes' quickly, Ari said, "Yeah, you can come if you're... however you are now. Why are you acting so... different, by the way?"

"Just hit the right balance of chemistry in my head is all. I usually have to dumb myself down or I'll over-think myself to death. No joke." Ashe perked her ears backward as she heard the water switch from the faucet to the shower head. "Ooh, time to go. I'm going to make sure I quell this fire once and for all. Oh, and I'll clean up our mess when I'm done, Ilaria."

"No, I've--" Ari found herself staring at a shut door before she could finish her sentence. "Uh... was she just...?"

"Crazy smart? Yeah, I think so," Robyn finished for Ilaria.

"Damn, I wish sex boosted my IQ too. My classes would be a cinch," Iolvin jokingly added.

<Mistress, Miss Holmwilt's intelligence quotient did indeed rise as her chemistry balanced. My measurements place the change from approximately eighty two points to one hundred and fifty eight as per the Stanford-Binet scale. However these figures are imprecise, as she is still fluctuating through the scale while her chemistry remains plastic.> Ilaria had to contemplate the numbers she was given in the message before her eyes nearly popped out her head.

"Okay, she's coming with us for sure." Ilaria looked at the door as if she could see through solid material and then back to the others with her phone held out. "Never a bad call to have a genius around."

"Oh, you're already here." Adrian let Iolvin through the rear door of the lab and then led the way to the others, the floor panels lighting up beneath the two as they walked.

Yoyo found a free seat at a work table near the others and sat. "Mornin' Lulu, Robyn. Where's the others?"

"Yeah, we can't be that late," Dee chipped in as he sat in Yoyo's lap.

"Oh, Ellie and Ashe?" Robyn stopped fiddling with an instrument and found a chair herself. "Well we brought Ashe but I lost track of her."

"Yeah, right when Ellie arrived. And I think I heard moaning in the locker room." A smirk spread across Ilaria's muzzle as she walked over to a table full of odd devices. "I figured I'd let those two work things out before we got started. Wanna see what's getting put in us? Sprite says not to touch them though."

"Those the implants? Lemme see." Dee hopped off Yoyo's lap and walked over, leaning so he could get a closer look at he devices. "Damn, there's no seams."

Ilaria leaned in close as well, squinting her eyes. "Really?" She eventually gave up trying to spot the tiny details in them and stood back up. "Well I'll take your word on that I guess."

"You should just wear your glasses, you know," Robyn commented.

"Aww, but I don't like 'em," Ari complained right back. "And it's annoying carrying the damn things just for reading and crap."

"And I think they make you look cute, Ottah." Robyn walked over and pulled Ilaria's glasses from her purse, handing them over when she reached her mate. "Besides, I'm always the one carrying them now anyway."

"Alright, alright. You win, ~Munchkin~," Ari huffed as she took the glasses and rested them on her muzzle.

Taking a closer look at the devices in a newer light revealed they were each in sets of two, but each set was slightly different in size. Each set comprised what appeared to be artificially created vertebrae, made of an unknown allow of metal and indeed without seams. The construction was definitely nano-scale, the very expensive chemical bath and laser kind that didn't publicly exist on this hemisphere of the planet by the impeccable craftsmanship.

"Sprite, you did this? With what? Yourself?"

Just as Ari finished asking her question Ashe walked into the room. "Yeah, her individual components are each fully capable nanites. The first in the world to be reprogrammable if I'm correct." Sitting down in Ilaria's desk chair with a satisfied grin across her muzzle she secured India and finished, "Given enough time and raw matter Sprite could build anything. Within reason of course."

"Well from your... eloquence I'd say you're ready to get started?" Ilaria stated as she sat on an adjacent lab surface that was adorned with a few pillows. "As soon as Ellie gets out here we can get to work."

"Yeah, sorry about that..." Ashe said as she hunched down into her chair, her white facial fur betraying her as it flushed pink.

"Didn't seem that way to me," Ellie groaned as he straightened out the bottom of his sundress from the locker room door. "Seriously, four times this morning alone. You can't tell me all of that's your heat."

"Uh... haha... As much as I like hearing about your two..." Ilaria stripped off her shirt, rolled over on her stomach, and positioned a few pillows beneath her more comfortably. "...we do have work to do. I'll go first since I got us into this mess, then Dee if things go well. He needs this done yesterday."

"Right, we'll just take the other room for a bit then," Iolvin mentioned as he tried not to look at his sister's bra. "You know, blood and all that."

"Nah, shouldn't be much this time," Ilaria assured her brother. "Sprite was pretty clear that she'd be able to do the work herself with minimal mess."

"She can probably make her own sealant clots out of herself. Plus with the nanites dissolving tissue rather than cutting there would be less hemorrhaging from the start." Ashe stood and made her way over to Ilaria. "I'd actually love to study her procedure. Nanites are a surgical wet dream. No infections or the like, clean, safe... They're perfect for this!"

"Well someone's enjoying herself." Robyn took the other side of the table and unfastened the back of Ari's bra just in case, her facade of calmness broken by the trembling in her paws upon Ari's back. "Let's get this done already."

Ilaria wanted to turn over and look into Robyn's eyes, but settled for grabbing her paw. "It'll be alright, Robyn. I'll wake up good as new. You'll see."

Iolvin walked over to his sister, leaned over, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It'll be okay, big sis."

"Love you too, lil' bro."

"Hey, no love for me?" Robyn said as she leaned in for a kiss herself.

"No," Ari cooed back as she met lips with her lover. "...I've got more love for my little Munchkin than ever."

Sprite fluttered onto the table and pointed to Ashe, who in turn repeated a few words through her laptop. "She says we should stand back to keep the area clean."

"Good luck, hon," Dee squeaked out lightly as he went for the exit to the offices.

"Thanks," Ilaria grunted as Sprite's warm and gooey paws started getting to work immediately. "I just might need it..."