4 - Breakthrough

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#5 of Jake

Excitement in the halls, excitement in the room, excitement in the bed. Are you ready for tomorrow? Written 2013.

Classes were simple, especially with Janice's help. In their spare time, they searched through history and legal books, calling every office they could, but nobody knew who was managing the registry program. The listed number was no longer in service and nobody was getting paid for it. Two months passed with no progress.

One Friday after his last class, an excited rabbit nearly knocked him to the ground as she hurried to catch him, "Jake! I found someone!"

"Oh, well that's wonderful for you." He felt a little crushed as he thought they had been getting along very well.

"Its wonderful for you. He's the former assistant to the last director of the registry program. I found his current contact info and sent him a message this morning. He responded and wants to meet you."

"Wait, you found somebody that was actually part of the project? When does he want to meet?" faith restored.

"Tomorrow afternoon. He's down in Perth now, but is going to come up. He wants to show us his old office."

"The registry office still exists?"

"He looked up the address and couldn't find anything using it. He was as surprised as you are. He even thinks the old servers are still running. He sent a request and they responded!"

"What? Its been at least nine years. Why would they still be running?"

"Seven, he stayed for a year and a half with the director position remaining open. Remember the law we found stating the registry could not be abolished or defunded or otherwise halted? Apparently, its still there, but he's not sure anybody has been maintaining the servers. He's eager to see what kind of state they're in."

"I guess we know what we're doing tomorrow." He hugged her tight, "Thank you."

"Want to go celebrate?" Janice hugged his arm and started leading him down the hall.

"We don't know if it is anything to celebrate yet."

"After two months of nothing, we finally got a lead, let's celebrate that. And I want a smoothie."

"Okay, let's celebrate."

They headed to the cafeteria and both got smoothies, then walked to the circle to talk and enjoy them.

"I really hope the servers are intact. I'd love to see where I came from."

"You come from a long line of beautiful, intelligent and happy bunnies."

She giggled, "You wouldn't say that if you met my brothers."

"Well, at least the females of your family..."

"You haven't met any of my family."

"You're so beautiful it had to come from both sides of your family."

She giggled and blushed, "You're just flirting with me now."

"I'm flirting with the danger of being too honest."

"Now you're just being corny."

"I do have your ear for my kernels of truth."

"Careful or you'll get creamed."

"Don't get steamed and pop me."

"Keep it up and you'll get canned," she gave a more serious tone.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be irritatingly silly."

"Its okay, I like you this way." She leaned over and kissed him behind his ear.

Someone was sitting on their usual bench and every bench around the circle, "Popular today."

"That's okay. Let's go back to my room."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, come on," she tugged his arm and lead him to her dorm.

As they entered the lobby, a large, old wolf in a dark blue dress looked sternly at them, "All guests must sign in." Her voice was bristly and commanding.

"Since when?" Janice felt defensive.

"Since now. We don't want another incident."

"Oh." She leaned to Jake, "An intoxicated cougar from ??? was wandering the halls early in the morning, peeing on doors. He had come in with one of the girls and stayed overnight."

"That's disgusting."

"He said he was claiming his territory and all the girls were his now. It would have been funny if he just left when he got caught, but he decided to defend his territory and tried to rape our RA when she called security. She's a pretty good sized wolf, but those guys are muscle freaks."

"My daughter got out of the hospital this morning. He broke two ribs, her tail and dislocated her right arm."

"Ylinee is your daughter?"

"Yes, I am making sure it is safe for her to come back Monday."

"Shouldn't the school be handling it?"

"I volunteered," she almost snarled.

"If you're anything like your daughter, that means you threatened to rip out throats if they didn't do things your way."

The large wolf gave a toothy grin, "I love my daughter, now sign in."

Jake tapped his card to the screen of her tablet and his info popped up.

"Very good, Jake Cohen. Check out time is eight o'clock. If you do not leave before then, you will be removed." Her stern glare gave him chills.

"He won't cause any problems. We're just going to sit for a while because the circle is full."

She smirked and watched them go up the stairs.

Janice pulled Jake into the second door on the second floor and looked to see if her roommate was in. No bear, so she sat Jake on her bed and sat close beside him.

"What's with ???? Do they cause all the trouble around here?"

"No, just most of it. I'm told they used to be a fox only fraternity, but got picked on a lot. About six years ago, they started recruiting other species, but only predators focused on bodybuilding. Now they're the bullies."

"Why doesn't the school do anything about it?"

"They handle incidents on an individual basis, but don't want to punish a group for the actions of a few."

"Is it just a few?"

"No, but there are ??? members on the board."

"Wouldn't they want to fix their fraternity?"

"They probably don't think its broken. I don't want to talk about them anymore. Let's get back to your good news. We're celebrating, remember?"

"I hope it is good news."

She hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder, "We get to talk to someone that was at the center of the program, knew how it all worked. We get to see where it was and maybe even access the database. I would love to know where my family comes from, who they were."

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say they were rabbits."

She sat up and shoved him over.

He rolled onto his back and swung one leg around her, "Do you have some wolf in you?"

"No, but I want to know more than just that." She leaned over and crossed her arms on his belly. "I never met my grandparents on either side. My parents just didn't talk about other family."

"Might be kind of weird to find out why. Or find out we're related."

"Do you have some rabbit in you?" She started tickling his sides, making him squirm and put his hands on her shoulders to push her away.

The door opened and shut quickly as a bear hurried in, making them both stop and look, "Today has been just crazy and I'm ..." She froze in her tracks as she saw them: Jake laying on his back with Janice between his legs, "totally interrupting. I'll just head back out and let you two get on with what you're doing."

"No, Eletta, wait, look, pants." She jumped up, leaving Jake spread on the bed.

The bear turned back from the door with a sly smile, "So, is this Jake or do you have a fetish for humans?"

The taller rabbit gave her a death glare that made the bear step back, "This is Jake. We are friends. Say hi."

"Um, hi Jake." She leaned around her roommate and waved.

"Um, hi."

Janice sighed and sat down on the foot of her bed.

"So, you're the Jake she's been spending all her time with. Not bad."

Jake sat up, "Um, thanks?"

"So, if Janice hasn't mentioned me yet, I'm Eletta." She walked over and offered a paw, tossing her tablet and bag on her bed.

He looked at her claws a moment, then cautiously put his hand out.

She grabbed his hand and shook it firmly, "And now we're not strangers."

"So, you're a bear," He looked her over, "Not bad."

Janice smacked his shoulder, "Jake!"

"Hey, he's allowed to like what he sees." The chubby bear twirled around slowly with her arms in the air to give him a full view.

"Cute tail, but this one's fluffier," He tweaked the bunny tail, making her jump up with a squeak.

She smirked at him, trying to not smile, "You're not improving your position any."

"I like this tail, too," the bear tweaked the rabbit tail, making her jump again and fall onto Jake.

"I'd say my position has improved nicely." he held her and smiled.

She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him, "Okay, I'll give you a pass, this time." She turned to the bear, "You are walking a thin line."

She put her paws up and sat on her own bed in defeat, "So, what brought you two up here today?"

"The circle was full today, so we needed to go someplace to talk."

"Yes, it looked like you were having a real intense conversation when I came in."

Janice threw her pillow at her.

"Okay, so what were you talking about?" she tossed the pillow back.

"I found somebody that can help Jake with his career and we're going to meet with him tomorrow."

"Well, that's good. So you're going on a road trip tomorrow?"

"Just downtown, I think, but we might make a day of it."

"Oh! You should take him to Grimley's. They have a great salad bar and their fish plate is fantastic."

"I know. They also have a good lamb sandwich."

"He's a local."

"Well, maybe he can show you a few things, then."

"He already has."

"Oh, do tell."

"There's a place about an hour bus ride from campus, called The Green Briar, that has some amazing asparagus dishes."

"I know how you love your asparagus."

"Asparagus is good food," Jake defended her.

"Okay, I'm outnumbered. So, what are you guys doing with the rest of your day?"

"We didn't have any plans."

"Well, we were going to hunt down the budgets, but there's no rush if tomorrow works out."

"Besides, we're celebrating."

"Well then, you should have something to celebrate with." Eletta dug into her bag and pulled out four unlabeled bottles of yellow tinted liquid."

"What is that?"

"Gadrey's chemistry project. He's trying to produce alcoholic beverages without fermentation. He thinks he can get rich by speeding up the manufacture process." She handed a bottle to each and stuffed one back in her bag.

"If we get caught with these, we could get expelled."

"I wasn't planning to stay in the dorm, I was going to run out to the gray with Grace."

"Won't she be waiting for you?"

"Nah, she was meeting some of her other friends. I didn't really have a chance with her tonight. Did you tell him about our excitement the other morning?"

"I heard about the cougar from your new gatekeeper."

The bear laughed, "Yeah, Mrs Oplenski. She's great. Did you know she used to teach wrestling?"

"How old is she?"

"She's 60. She could still be in there, but Ylinee was a surprise and she..." Eletta laughed. "She was 6 months pregnant and didn't know it. She was having a rough day with some idiot students. One of them thought it would be funny to stuff his paw down her pants and she bit him. The school didn't think that was funny, so she's retired now."

"I could see that."

"I wouldn't want to see that."

"Well, it wasn't wrestling that was going on in the hall. He was blitzed drunk."

"I slept through most of it, but Eletta was out in it."

"I heard the shouting and looked out. By then, Ylinee had already confronted him. He was shouting at her that this was his floor now and all the girls on it were his to do with as he pleased. Of course, she tried to set him straight. He said he'd prove it, then slammed her against the wall and ripped her pajamas off. She got in a few good hits, even a kick to his balls, but he was too drunk to notice. She's a strong girl, but he flung her around like a doll. He slammed her on the floor and was about to rape her right in front of us. Nobody else was doing anything, so I ran out and kicked him in the face."

"Seriously? You're shorter than me and I've seen some of those guys, he'd be three times your size."

"That's about right. He swatted me like a fly against the wall, but Ylinee used the distraction to try to get away. He chased her a couple steps, yanked her arm and flipped her over. I think that's when he dislocated it. That put me at the other end and when he got lined up again, I kicked his balls, but I don't trim my nails like Ylinee."

Jake winced and cupped his crotch as she lifted her foot to show her claws.

"He jumped forward two doors and lay there holding his junk. That's when a couple other girls finally came over to help Ylinee."

"How did he get up here in the first place?"

"I saw Angela by her room at the end, just standing there with her paws over her mouth. She must have turned him down again."

"How are you doing? He must've knocked you pretty hard."

"Lost my breath for a bit, but I had to do something."

"I'm surprised you were the only one."

"You can bet I would have been right in there with her, if I was awake for it."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't get in there and get hurt. I like having you all in one piece," he kissed his bunny and she giggled.

"What about me?"

"Did you get hurt?"

"Well, not really."

"Then I'm glad you didn't get hurt, too."

"What, no kiss?"

"Hey, he's mine."

"I'd rather have one from you, anyway."

"Maybe if you behave yourself."

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Shall we pop these open and get started?"

"I think we should keep clear headed for tomorrow."

"Okay, but I'm going to enjoy one and we can have the other three tomorrow, after you have your meeting."

"Sounds like a plan. We can get some pizza and other stuff to go with it."

"I like the way you think. I like this one, Jan. You should keep him around for a while," she popped her bottle open and took a swig, wincing at the sudden strong flavor.

"Don't call me Jan and he can stay as long as I like."

"Well, that's ... gck, whoa," she shook her head and looked at the bottle.

"Is it bad?"

"No, I like it. Its just ... intense. Want to taste?" she held out the bottle.

"Tomorrow," she nodded.

"Your loss," she took another swig and grinned. "I've got to get more of this."

"And the next case, he'll charge you a million for."

"Might just be worth it."

"Now don't you get addicted and trash your degree."

"No, no. I'm not giving up on everything, but tonight I'm drinking this," Another big swig had it almost gone and she giggled.

"That stuff works pretty fast."

"I know, right? This is better than the real thing," she finished the bottle, licking the mouth with the tip of her tongue to catch every last drop. "Hey, mind if I get comfy?"

"She means she wants to take off her clothes."

"Oh, I guess so. It is your room. Do you want me to go?"

"Oh no, you're fine. I figure Janice will clip your balls if you try to jump me."

"Eletta," she gave her friend a glare, then turned back to Jake, "You're fine. Eletta's only interested in girls. She's been trying to get me to play her side since we met, but I prefer boys."

"She likes the hairless ones best." The chubby bear stretched out nude on her bed and rubbed her belly.


"Guess I should shave," Jake put his hand on his head.

"No! I like your hair," Janice put her face in Jake's hair and sniffed, "Its just enough. Its you."

"You've got enough fur for both of us," Jake buried his face in her fur covered neck and rubbed her furry back under her shirt.

Eletta smiled, "I should get some popcorn, looks like the show's about to start."

She got hit by the pillow again and laughed, tossing it back, "Aren't kisses weird between you two?"

Jake looked up at Janice and shrugged, "I like 'em."

"Me, too," she smiled and kissed him. The kiss grew passionately and Jake toyed with her tail.

"Sorry I asked," but she wasn't. She watched intently as they groped and fondled each other.

Janice pulled back and smiled, "So, is the naked bear turning you on?"

Jake grinned, never looking away, "What bear?"

She kissed him again and turned to straddle his legs.

Eletta watched that fluffy bunny tail twitch and spread her legs, putting her paw between to rub herself.

Jake leaned back on the bed and Janice sat up on his legs.

"Do you want to get comfy?" he stroked her thighs.

"Oh no, you're not there yet. You still have to earn that privilege with me."

"Ah, well at least I've earned the kissing privilege."

"Yes, you have," she leaned down and kissed him again, her paws roaming over his belly and chest, then pushed herself up and looked down at him. She smiled and stood up, then turned around.

The bear pulled her paw out quickly and closed her legs, but Janice noticed her wet fingers and gave her a knowing smirk.

"So, what does he need to do to earn that privilege? He's already got the able to make babies rule covered."

"Eletta. You're drunk."

"Good stuff," she sucked her thumb and stuck it in the air.

"Its a valid question and one I should know, Ms lawyer."

She smirked at him, "I want a guy that cares for me, not just my body."

"Check," both responded and Eletta giggled.

Another glare, "He needs a stable career. I'm not looking for a pet."

"I'll do whatever it takes."

"Guess you're not getting any for a while, though."

She grabbed her pillow and whapped the bear with it.

"She's worth the wait," Jake nodded at Eletta.

She whapped the bear again, then leaned over to look Jake in the eyes, "And how would you know that?"

He cleared his throat nervously and smiled, "All available evidence suggests that we are compatible and affectionate and your exquisite figure implies a more than satisfactory experience."

As the rabbit pondered his answer, Eletta stared at the fluffy tail in front of her. She eagerly gave in to temptation and grabbed that firm rump making her roommate jump forward into Jake's arms with a squeal.

"You rotten bear!"

"Not rotten, just pickled."

Jake rubbed her butt, "I don't see a problem," he kissed his bunny and she kissed him back. He laid back and she went with him, kissing him passionately.

Eletta spread her legs again and eagerly rubbed herself, watching Jake's hands roam over that gorgeous bunny body. She imagined herself in his place, stroking those firm thighs, rubbing her chubby belly against that fine bunny body, slipping her legs between ... those feet. She licked her lips and stared at those fine, long feet.

Just as she was about to crawl on the floor and get her paws on them, a beep stopped everything.

"Oh no! Its eight o'clock!" Janice jumped up and pulled Jake to his feet, leaving Eletta hanging half off her bed with her fingers on the floor.

They gathered his things and he stepped out the door, face to muzzle with Ms Oplenski.

"Um, I was just leaving."

"Good. I like a boy that can follow rules."


Another door opened and a rat slipped out backwards. He turned around and noticed the large wolf, then comically turned over and around on his tail to run down the hall. Everyone watched as he ran to the end and found no way out.

The wolf spoke, "Valleck. Come. Here. Now."

The rat tensed and walked slowly towards them, his whiskers twitching nervously. When he got close enough, the wolf snatched his shirt and yanked him forward, nose to nose.

"It is time to leave. Are you leaving?"

Valleck nodded vehemently.

"Then there is no problem. Good?"

He nodded again and she released his shirt. He scrambled down the stairs, watching over his shoulder at the wolf.

Ms Oplenski smiled at Jake, "You have a good evening. I will see you again?"

Jake laughed, "Probably tomorrow. Good night, ma'am."

"Yes, Good night."

He headed down the stairs and off to his own dorm.