4 - Molly helps

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#5 of Am - Windon

Molly loves her growing family, but not everyone else does. Written 2014. Keep watching for Don and Julie Ann's perspective, coming soon.

Morning came again and it was good. She opened her eyes and looked around the still dark room, everything was still where she left it and that was good. She felt the arm of her mate around her and that was very good.

The screen on the desk started beeping and she knew it was time to get up, so she turned her head back and licked her lover's nose. He didn't respond at first, so she licked his face. He laughed, then caught her tongue and kissed her lips. His kisses made her happy and she wagged her tail. This made him happy and he slid closer to her and rubbed her belly. This was very good and she lifted her head as his fingers brushed through her fur and stroked over all her nipples.

He rubbed his face against her neck and she wagged her tail again, flopping it against his body as he was pressed against her back. She knew he liked that and he responded as she hoped. He grabbed her hip and shifted his, then reached between her legs to help his shaft slide into her.

She closed her eyes as he worked it deeper, each gentle thrust giving her more of his wonderful erection. When he got it all in, he started to hump her and she opened her eyes to look around again. Everything seemed even better when her mate was loving her. The walls kept them safe, so she could enjoy him without worry of being interrupted. The roof kept them dry. The bed was comfortable and clean. The shower was waiting for after. It was all very, very good and her wonderful mate humping her in the morning was best of all.

He nuzzled her neck and rubbed her belly as he thrust into her, making her very happy, happier than tail wagging. She knew that soon, she would be full happy. His breath got heavy against her neck and she knew it wouldn't be long. She wanted it so much and she was happy that he wanted to give it to her.

He stopped suddenly, pulling her hip against him and pushing deep inside her, then she felt the pulsing warm flood and it was oh so very good.

He panted softly against her neck and she knew he was happy, too. She turned her head and he slid his paw up her belly and neck to hold her muzzle as he kissed her again. She felt warm all over with his lips on hers, his paw stroking her face, his body pressed against hers, and his shaft and inside her. It was all very good.

He stopped kissing her and smiled, then scritched her chin and it was good. He said the shower was waiting and she was happy and wagged her tail. She didn't want to give up his shaft inside her, but she still had his seed and when he patted her hip, she hopped up and jumped off the bed.

She sat down in front of the shower and licked herself clean as she waited for him. His taste was all over her and it was good. She was almost done when he came in and opened the shower door. She hopped up and into the shower with him, excited for more of his attention.

The water came down and she let it soak into her fur. When she was little, she hated getting wet, because it made her heavy and made the ground too mushy to sleep on, but now she was with her mate and getting wet meant more of his special attention.

She rubbed her cheek against his leg, waiting patiently as he took care of his own fur. Then he bent down and started rubbing her ears and head, then scrubbed down her neck. His fingers scritched through her fur over her shoulders and down her legs, up to her chest and down her back. She was in bliss as he scrubbed her rump and hips and down her hinds and finally her belly, tickling her teats.

She found his balls dangling between his legs and licked them. He froze as he was scrubbing her tail and she continued licking as his shaft emerged again. She licked his length eagerly because she knew it was good. His fingers found her mound and rubbed. He wasn't cleaning her, she knew he was getting her ready. She kept licking, waiting until he decided they were both ready again and he would give her more of his seed.

He stopped rubbing her and she knew it was time. She turned around and presented herself to him. He didn't need anymore encouragement and shifted to his knees as he grabbed her hips and pushed his shaft into her, much easier this time. He humped her as the water fell over them and it was very good. She looked back and saw his ears twitching as he thrust into her. There was more time to savor her mate's shaft moving inside her this time and it was very good. Her paws slid on the wet tile, but he held her up and on his shaft, It was for her and it was good.

He pulled her against him and grunted as his warm seed gushed into her again. She let him enjoy the moment, because she enjoyed it, too. Then she turned around and hopped up to lick his face and get his kisses again. He stroked down her body as he kissed her lips, then smiled and stood up. He let the water rinse them both clean, then opened the door. It was time for another good thing. He grabbed a towel and rubbed it over himself while she watched, then he knelt down and rubbed it over her. He rubbed the wet out of her fur and it was good. She was happy and wagged her tail to show it, then he ruffled her head and went to the bedroom.

She sat down and cleaned herself again, enjoying another chance to taste his flavor, then went to the bedroom and found him sitting at his desk. She sat beside him and rested her head on his thigh as he did things with the screen, occasionally reaching down to scritch around her ears and neck and it was good.

When he was done with his work, he got up and she followed him to the kitchen. She waited patiently as he gathered food. He set her bowl on the floor and it was full. It smelled good and she started eating. It was dry, but it was good. When she finished, she looked up and he picked up her bowl, cleaned it and put it away. Everything was where it should be and it was good.

He rubbed her ears and went back to his bedroom. She followed and watched him put his clothes on. She knew it was time for work and she was ready. He stood in the front room and waited. Something wasn't right. The visitor had come the last three mornings, but she didn't come today. He seemed sad as he rubbed her neck one last time and left for work. This was wrong. The visitor needed to come, so he could be happy. She stared at the door to make sure he had really left, then curled up on the couch to wait until it was time for her rounds.

She watched the sunlight grow in the room and slide down the wall to the floor. It was finally time to check on their home. She hopped off the couch and walked to the end of the hall. All the doors were closed, and she heard no noises, so it was good. She checked the bedroom and nothing had changed. She walked to the front room and everything was still where it was, so she went to the kitchen. It was right, so she pushed through her little door and down the stairs.

She circled the basement, feeling very good. Her mate had filled her, her belly was full, she was clean and everything was where it should be. She trotted happily down the hall with the light following her. She passed the stairs and went to the end, then came back and up to the barn.

She could smell her mate and the visitor mixed in the hay and horses. They had worked out here to make everything clean and where it should be. She checked every stall and upstairs. Everything was right, so she headed back to the house. She curled up on the bed for a nap.

When the sun finally found its way to the bedroom and shone on the floor, she got up for round two. She checked the house and it was good. She went downstairs and raced the light down the hall, then came back and up to the barn. She stepped through her door and stopped, something didn't smell right.

On edge, she cautiously checked around the stalls. Some of the hay had been moved in the middle of the barn and it reeked of unfamiliar smells. She followed the odor upstairs. The door to the room was open, but nothing else had changed. She went back down and noticed that the big door was open. That was wrong. She looked out and saw two men standing by the house. That was very wrong.

She wanted to rush out and run them off, but she knew that her mate had visitors and some were important, so she walked out slowly. They were clearly the source of the stench that had invaded the barn. She stopped a safe distance and watched, warily.

One of the men smashed the window of the door. This was not right. They were not good people and she told them so. She growled angrily and shouted, her barks making them jump and turn around. She showed her teeth and growled some more, warning them to leave.

One of the men smiled and tried to talk to her, but his tone was condescending and after they broke the window, she wasn't in the mood to be friendly. The other man hit his friend's shoulder and said something that made them both laugh. She barked again to show she was serious.

She needed to get them away from the house, so she slowly started to circle around and give them a way out. They didn't take the hint. Instead, they grumbled at each other and came towards her. She told them again that she wasn't interested in making friends, barking and snapping at them.

One of them lunged at her. She ducked his first swing, but he kicked and caught her off balance. She fell and rolled with a sting in her ribs, but quickly found her feet and lunged back, catching the man's arm in her teeth. He flung her to the ground and she rolled and sprung back, snapping again. She wanted them to run away, but they wouldn't. She barked and snapped and snarled and growled, but they just danced around, laughing at her. She bit into the man's thigh and he stopped laughing.

Suddenly something hit her side and knocked her away. She was dazed, but recovered in time to see the other man coming at her with a piece of wood. She jumped and bit the wood before he could swing it again and he flailed about, hitting her head until he gave up and let go of the wood. She took it away and dropped it by the water trough, then turned back to the men. They were shouting at each other and pointing at her, but they were not leaving.

She kept her teeth bared and circled them again, hoping they had had enough. It wasn't working. The man lunged at her again and this time caught her scruff. She tried to bite his arm, but he squeezed tight and she couldn't reach it. He punched her face and she whined. He hit her again and she tried to bite his fist, but she was starting to feel dizzy. Another blow and she couldn't think of anything more to do than whimper. The man threw her to the ground and they both started kicking her. She tried to curl up, but their blows kept coming.

Suddenly they stopped and she heard her mate. She tried to look for him, but another blow to her head stole the thought and she curled again. Then she saw him. He was shouting at the men and they were shouting back. She wanted to tell him that wouldn't work, but it was too late. The man hit Don and then again. The other came and hit him, too. She wanted to jump up and help him, but her body screamed pain. The visitor was beside her, shouting at them, then she knelt down and was gently touching her, but found all her sore spots that made her wince. Finally, her alpha took charge and started hitting back. She watched as he hit them where it hurt and kicked them into submission.

One man went down and the other backed away. Don was shouting and he started to run away, leaving his friend behind. Her heroic alpha checked the man on the ground, then came to check on her. Even though her body ached, she wagged her tail because she was happy to see him. He spoke to the visitor as he stroked her neck, keeping an eye on the bad man. The visitor put her gentle hands on her again and replied. She wasn't a visitor, she cared; she's family; she was Julie Ann.

Don spoke to his block for a while as he stroked her neck. She could smell blood on him and that wasn't good. He put his block in his pocket, then started touching all over her body like Julie Ann had. They were worried about something. She wanted to get up and show them she was okay, but her body ached and didn't want to cooperate.

She felt guilty for not being okay. She felt guilty for not protecting their home. She felt guilty for letting her mate get hurt. She felt guilty for worrying them. She felt guilty that all she could do was whine.

The man moved and Don got up. He found the piece of wood and stood over him. They talked to each other, then the man barked and Don raised the board. The man cringed and crawled to the house and leaned against the door.

Don spoke to his block for a while again, then put it back in his pocket. Soon, she heard a wailing in the distance that grew louder. Don heard it and told Julie Ann, who stroked her fur soothingly.

The man lunged at her mate, but Don whacked him on the head with the board and he fell to the ground again. She heard cars in the driveway and wanted to go see them, but she still hurt. Julie Ann got up and waved to them.

Three men and a woman all dressed the same came rushing around the house. One man shouted at Don and he dropped the board and showed his paws were empty. One man waited by the corner of the house while the other man and woman went to the man on the ground.

There was a lot of talking as another wailing grew closer. Another car in the driveway, but this one was a big box and it drove around the house. Another man and woman got out of the box and hurried to the man on the ground. They touched him while the others stood around.

So many people and she hadn't checked any of them. She wasn't doing her job and whined and apology. Julie Ann stroked her and spoke soothingly. The human didn't understand. Her mate was surrounded by strangers, outnumbered, and she couldn't do anything.

She suffered through the commotion as they took the man away, then another man showed up before everyone else left and talked with Don and everyone.

When everyone was finally gone, Don carefully picked her up and carried her to the barn. He set her on a table, then pulled it away from the wall. He dragged a large box over and moved a smaller box that was attached to it until it was over her. She didn't understand, but she trusted him.

They both hid for a while, then came back. They talked for a while, looking at a screen and he hugged Julie Ann. She could tell it made him feel better and that made her happy. Her tail thumped against the table as it wagged.

Her mate came over and hugged her, saying her name and speaking soothingly, then he took her muzzle in his paws and kissed her lips and stroked her neck. She wanted to jump up for him, but she knew he forgave her and loved her and she wagged for him.

Julie Ann was smiling, her mate was smiling, the bad men and everyone else was gone and she knew she was going to be okay. Things were good again.

They moved her into the house and put her on the bed. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but they clearly didn't want her moving, so she didn't. Her mate knelt down and stroked her neck as he talked with Julie Ann.

They were staring at each other and she started to smell their enticement. It got her excited, too, and she wagged her tail. They looked at her and laughed, then her mate got up and left.

Julie Ann was talking to her and sounded pleasant. She mentioned love and put her nose against hers. She wanted to say she loved her new friend, too, so she licked her.

Julie Ann pulled back suddenly and she wondered if she had done something wrong, but then the girl grabbed her muzzle and kissed her lips and she knew everything was good. She heard her mate and he sounded happy, so she looked at him and wagged her tail.

Julie Ann jumped up, like she was scared, but it made Don laugh. He talked to the girl, then pulled a blanket over her and told her to stay. She sighed and lay her head on the pillow.

Her family was happy and safe and it was good.

Yes, everything was good again.