Broken Toys Part 3

Story by Wolf With Pen on SoFurry

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#3 of Broken Toys

The third part of a five part series of stories written in the Nex_Canis "My Life is Super Universe". I really liked the world he created and he graciously agreed to let me write something in it. It takes place after the events of My Life is Super - Issue 3. It does contain several of his characters used with his permission.

Thanks to a lot of help (both physical and mental) from Frost, Salvatore has gotten his mind right and is set to hunt down the people who hurt his friends and tore apart his life apart as he at last sets off for West Californian Island. Looking for Gene Stealers isn't as easy as it sounds but things get complicated fast with one of them finds him before he even arrives! He may be strong enough to survive the fight but is he strong enough to survive the revelations that come afterward?

Please enjoy!

"Broken Toys Part 3"

Salvatore lay on his belly, with his long black furred body draped over the largest couch in Frost's apartment. His eyes were closed and his head rested on his arms as he let out a low grunt. A second or two later the big horse hissed then let out a low nicker as his body shivered.

"Not so hard Robby," growled the stallion in his deep southern drawl as the leopard behind him looked down the wide mountainous planes of the horse's back before giving the equine's bare rump a slap.

"Quit being such a baby, you know you like it," said Frost as his paw got a surer grip on the plume of silky black horse tail sticking up just above the mounds of Salvatore's ass. The comb in his paw bit into the stallion's tail as he pulled up and back making the horse shiver again, before repeating the motion.

The leopard found that he enjoyed grooming his new tenant very much and sometimes they would sit for hours doing just this while chatting our just enjoying each other's company in silence. Neither really wanted to talk about what both knew was coming as the stiff bristled brush swept again through the glossy strands of the stallion's tail. Salvatore couldn't stop himself from letting out another satisfied nicker as the morning sun though the giant windowed wall of Frost's penthouse warmed them both.

It had been a little more than two weeks since the feline had found the horse in that dingy ally, and since that time they had spent most of their time with each other. Salvatore had taken to calling the massive apartment Shangri La, which they had barely left. Room service and takeout containers littered the large room, since neither of them liked to do much cooking. They also couldn't seem to keep their paws off of each other for very long either as Robby jerked the brush though a tangle hard enough to make the stallion wince.

"Don't make me come back there," said Salvatore as his tail whipped at the felines face.

"I would like to see you try," said Frost as he gave the horse another hard ringing slap on the rump. The horse came off the couch in a blur as he tackled the laughing leopard to the carpet and pinned him there.

"I would have though last night and this morning would have taught you," growled Salvatore as he felt the cat beneath him grind his rapidly hardening cock against the horse's thickening sheath. The horse took the leopard right there on the floor until both of them were sweaty and covered in carpet burns. Afterward the stallion threw the purring cat over his shoulder and carried him into his huge walk in shower. They didn't make very far until they were going at it again slick with soap as they finished off another bout of furious lovemaking.

After drying off it was strangely silent as Frost stood watching the nude horse towel off in the bathroom.

"You don't have to go you know," said the leopard suddenly as Salvatore stopped. "There is a place for you here. The High Rollers could use you."

"We've talked about this before," said Salvatore in a tired tone. "This is something I have to do. This time you've given me. I needed it. Probably more than I want to admit, but we both know that this can't last forever."

"Yeah and why not?" said the feline almost angry as he stared at the larger male.

"Because no matter how good this is between us, you still love your Rino. I can hear it in your voice when you talk about him, and if he feels the same way about you I can't stand in the way of that. I'm just a... a pleasant distraction," said Salvatore in a solemn tone. "You helped me put my life back together. I won't help you tear yours apart, no matter how much you want me to."

The leopard growled and stormed out swearing but the horse knew he had gotten through to Frost. They had both been trying to buy time and ignore what they knew was inevitable. When Robby was in his arms he could forget about almost everything, but neither of them could live the rest of their lives like that.

He slowly dressed and made his way to the kitchen where the leopard was sitting at the table, clothed and looking at something on a tablet. He still looked angry but didn't get up as his finger brushed over the screen.

"When the hell did you become a shrink," grumbled the cat not looking up as Salvatore chuckled.

"Not so fun is it," he said looking down at the tablet.

"No it is not," said Frost. "He called yesterday you know. He wants to meet and patch things over.

"Does he know about me?"

"He knows that I have barely set foot outside my apartment in two weeks and someone is probably up here with me."

"I should have left sooner," said Salvatore softly.

"Oh no it's not about the sex, were not always er... well... exclusive in that regard and sometimes we... play with others... sometimes. He's not the jealous type really. It's probably the reason that we have lasted this long. Its... its sweet really," said Frost as he trailed off.

"Sounds like a great guy," said the horse as the leopard nodded.

"He really is. Sometimes though I wish he got jealous and was a bit more assertive. He would probably even like you. Maybe the three of us could-

"And I am going to stop you right there," said Salvatore. "I don't think a threesome is the foundation on which a lasting relationship is built on, but I'm no expert."

"You're no fun," grumbled Frost as he flipped the tablet he was viewing around for Salvatore to see. "Now it's time for me to give you a little advice. Forget the Gene Stealers because they are bad news. They are currently near the top of the Elemental Alliance's shit list and but the Alliance still can't find them."

"So what?" shrugged the horse.

"Do you know how villains get found?" asked Frost with a serious expression. "The answer is money and personnel. A hidden volcano hideout costs a lot to keep up and henchmen require a payroll. Henchmen also have families, friends, and neighbors who they often brag to about working for Professor Evil. Then there are jobs, heists, and general 'I'm evil look at me' grandstanding that these types of guys always do and the Gene Stealers are doing none of. There isn't even a whiff of a trail to these guys. It's like they're ghosts. The Alliance is as good as anyone at finding guys like this. If they can't do it, I don't think your chances are good."

"They can't find them because they are treating them like some new flavor of the week baddy," grumbled Salvatore. "They are not here to knock over banks, kidnap reporters, then brag about their exploits on the six o'clock news. They want something else."

"Yeah apparently they want to turn innocent people into sex mad furs," said Frost.

"And yet the Alliance keeps finding a cure for each of the attacks like clockwork," said the horse. "I mean if the goal is terror, why not bombs, or chemical attacks. Why go to all the effort to make something so sophisticated when fertilizer and diesel fuel would do the same thing?"

"Does it really matter why?" asked the leopard.

"I think so," muttered Salvatore. "Either way I have to try and get my hands on one of them."

"And do what exactly?"

"Beat the shit out of them till they tell me what I want to hear. Fine out why they are doing it and stop it from happening to others," said the horse.

"Well since I can't stop you take this," said Frost holding the tablet out to the other male. "It has everything we know about them. And take this too since you lost yours, and maybe call if you feel like you need some help or just want to talk," said the leopard as he passed the stallion a dark blue colored smart phone with a snowflake etched on the back.

"Fancy," said the horse.

"They gave me a whole box of them when we did a promo Frost edition phone. I got to pay for this place somehow-

The smaller leopard was swept into a back popping hug a grateful Salvatore lifted him off his seat.

"I won't forget all you've done," he said as Frost smiled and returned the hug.

"Well if you need a ride I can zip you over there. The portal terminal is also functional again, and rates to California Island are pretty cheap," said the feline as they let go.

"Nah I've already got transportation."

"Do you have somewhere to say when you get there?"


"Any plans on how you're going to fund your one horse manhunt?"

"Sell my body probably."

"That won't... well it could.... Please don't do that," said Frost with a concerned expression.

"Stop worrying. I'll figure out something," Salvatore said slapping him one the back. "I could use some help getting my stuff down to the garage though."

"Alright but I have one last thing for you," said Frost as he padded back to his room before returning with something in his paws. "There isn't much in your size but I got you this," he said as he handed a large shirt to the stallion. Salvatore slowly unfolded the black tee shirt and spread it in front of him as he looked at it for a moment before asking a question.

"What does MLP stand for?"

"Major league player," said Frost with a shit eating grin.

"Oh," said the horse as he slipped the one he had off and put the new one on. "Thanks."

"No, thank you," said Frost as they got up from the table and began to collect the horse's things.

Fifteen minutes later both males were down in a sub-basement of the garage were the permanent residents kept their vehicles as they moved toward a low slung vehicle shielded by a tarp. Frost stopped and stared at it as Salvatore dropped his things and began pulling up a corner of the cover. A sinister black two door muscle car emerged slowly as he peeled the sheet back before folding it up gently.

The leopard stared at the old looking vehicle for a moment before scratching his head. He knew Salvatore had gone back to his home for a few things and had parked a vehicle down here but hadn't seen it yet. It looked almost like some of the retro styled rides that populated the roads but it had an air of authenticity they seemed to lack. He moved closer toward the passenger side only to find that the car was left hand drive which seemed odd, and had what looked like metal cage that crossed in an 'X' shape in the back seat before running along the headliner of the car and vanishing into the dash. The interior was also very spartan with little more than a small steering wheel, several large analog gauges and an eight ball capped shifter jutting out of the center console. Other than a small stereo headset Frost couldn't see any other modern looking amenities in the vehicle.

Salvatore reached though the driver's side window and placed the key in the ignition as his fingers slowly turned it. The vehicle coughed and sputtered for a moment before a deep loping rumble bellowed from the machine making every hair on Frost stand on end. He looked up to see the horse grinning at him as if waiting patiently.

"You want me to ask about it don't you," he said looking at the stallion.


"Fine. What is it?"

"So glad you asked. This is a 100% reproduction of a 1973 Ford Falcon XB hardtop coup."

"1973?!? As in the 20th century?" asked the startled cat.


"So this thing is powered by gasoline?"

"Only the finest dinosaur blood for my girl," said Salvatore as patted the roof.

"Well it doesn't look that safe. How did they incorporate all the modern safety features and auto drive systems?"

"They didn't, but it does have a roll cage," said the horse as he reached inside the driver's window down toward the floor and pulled something as the hood sprung up about an inch or two. He moved to the front of the car as his fingers groped around under the hood for a moment before there was a click. He lifted the hood until it rose in under its own power as Frost stared at the unidentifiable lump in the middle of the open hood.

The motor was roughly vee shaped with eight trumpet shaped looking spouts crisscrossing over the top of the engine and a bundle of snake like pipes branching off of either side. Salvatore reached in and pushed something on top of the motor that made it roar. The sound suddenly jumped from unnerving to downright scary as the beast roared. A blast of hot air from the open hood hit Frost in the face as his tail went ridged. The horse laughed as the smaller male frowned slowly.

"So_this_ is what you've been spending spare time down here doing?" asked Robby as Salvatore nodded.

"It's got a 351 cubic inch V8 bored out to around 400 CID. Worked over heads, lumpy camshaft, long tube headers, and a valve train that will keep everything were it is supposed to be unless you spin it higher than 9 grand," said the stallion beaming. "She needed a bit of work before she started to run right again."

"Well where did you get this... thing?" asked Frost as he took a step backward.

"Australia mate. Bought it when I was stationed down under and had it shipped to the west coast after I got out of the hospital. It's got modern tires, custom front A arms, a modified watts link rear, and adjustable shocks at every corner. I did slip in a 6 speed trany and ceramic disk brakes to make it a bit more fun to drive though."

"I don't even know what any of that means," said the leopard as he turned back to look at the horse. "How far does it go before it needs a recharge?"

"You don't charge it, you fill it up," said Salvatore. "It will make it about a thousand miles on a tank before you need more gasoline. You can still buy it at hobby stores and it goes a lot further these days since all the old oil companies don't get to formulate it anymore."

"But why would you want to strap yourself into one of these death traps when you have a modern car?" asked the cat as he scratched his head.

"Cause it's fun," said Salvatore. "How about I give you a ride to the edge of town? You can call your little jet to come pick you up."

"Well I guess so," said Frost as the horse popped the trunk so they could put his things inside. He closed it with a slam as the both got into the car and the leopard watched Salvatore fold his large body into the vehicle. His seat looked like it had been hastily modified and bolted to the floor as far back as it could go, pushing against the seat behind them as he fastened his seat belt and turned to look at Frost.

"Buckle up for safety," said the equine as Frost grumbled but complied as the horse let out the hand brake. "It might be a little bumpy since, I've only driven stick with hooves one time."

"Driven what?" asked the leopard as Salvatore gunned it and slammed the car into first.

How the horse managed to keep the car sideways through the tight parking garage without hitting anything Frost never knew as he screamed and clutched at anything he could hold onto. The sound of the pissed off V8 reverberating through the underground garage along with the squeal of tires made the cat feel like some ancient dragon was chasing them out of his cave as they burst forward into daylight.

Salvatore then proceeded to attack the Neo Vegas strip like someone who had just robbed a casino. Never in the entire time that Frost had lived there had he ever caught so many green lights as the blasted down the strip the neon clad landscape blurred around them. Not until they reached the iconic Neo Vegas sign did they slow down and pull off to the side.

Frost opened the door and stepped out, finding that his legs were a bit shaky as the car fell silent. That seemed to reassure him some as Salvatore slowly extracted his large frame from the vehicle. He stared for a moment back at the city as the cat found his way to the horse's side and stared with him for a moment.

"My offer still stands," said Frost looking up at Salvatore who slowly turned his head.

"I wish I could but I can't. This will always be home but I need to put some things to rest first," he said.

"Well then at least have this before you go," said the leopard as he pulled the stallion down into a long slow smoldering kiss. As they broke apart each of them was breathing hard as the horse opened his mouth first.

"I'll miss you cat. Call me if that boyfriend of yours gives you any trouble."

"Will do, and don't be a stranger horse. Everyone needs a weekend in Vegas every so often."

"I'll remember that," said Salvatore as he opened the door of his car and slid into the driver's seat. The engine rumbled to life as he shifted into first and began to pull away. He caught Frost waving in his rear view mirror as he suck his paw out the window. The sight of the leopard and his home city disappearing behind him pulled at something deep inside him as he silently rowed through the gears.

Few times in his life had he ever felt such a physical connection with another person like Frost, however despite how good it felt, it took more than just raw lust to build a relationship on. Frost was an empathetic soul. He was kind and sweet, and Salvatore doubted that he had a mean bone in his body. He didn't understand and probably couldn't understand about the way he felt towards the people responsible for the death of his friends.

Inside he was not kind and warm like the leopard. Life had seen fit to snuff most of that out of him even as Frost had tried to restore it. If he had stayed long enough he might have even began to love the snow leopard, but making Frost chose between the relationship he already had and himself would have been among the cruelest things he could have done to him.

The horse's hoof moved making the needle on the speedo climb higher as he tried to let the drone of the eight thundering pistons drown out the buzzing thoughts in his head while he flew down the mostly empty Interstate 15. It was lonely on the open road but soothing. Very few people chose to drive long distances since the advent of cheap air travel and portal technology had revolutionized transportation. The government still maintained the ancient interstate system for emergencies and for those who wanted to travel over land, even if not many still did.

About an hour out of LA he got off the interstate and turned north taking some of the scenic highways thought the mountains and the Sequoia National Forest. An hour or two of nothing but wilderness passed by him before he at last had to stop for something to eat at a touristy type place just off the road. The joint had very delicious chimichangas of which the horse had four before getting up and stepping outside again.

He was greeted by a black scaled dragon in a worn pair of blue jeans and forest green shirt staring intently at his car. The dragon had a pair of black horns that jutted out just above his brow and also a pair of wings that looked large enough to be functional but appeared to fold in tight to his back almost like a cape. Modern dragons didn't possess wings of any real size or actual flight capability so he seemed to stand out as the horse stared. He had heard of prosthetics designed to allow limited flight, but the leathery wings on this drake looked very real.

"I haven't seen one of these in years," the dragon said as he turned to look at the horse with a pair of very intense green eyes. "It's yours isn't it?"

"Yeah," said Salvatore as something in him twitched at the sound of the dragon's voice.

"You don't see many Falcons in the states. Did you have it imported?"

"It followed me home a few years back," said the horse.

"Still a gasser?"

"Yeah, none of that electric restomod crap."

"So she is still trying to punch a hole in the ozone layer?"


"Fuel injected?"

"Nope. I found some old blueprints for an eight barrel weber manifold and had it made."

"Mmm, a man of taste. Do you mind?" asked the dragon as he motioned to the front of the car.

"Sure," said Salvatore as he opened the driver's side door and popped the hood. The black scaled dragon ran his fingers under the hood and found the release as he opened it up. Salvatore stepped up next to him. The hairs on his neck seemed to prickle as he glanced over at the dragon briefly while the smaller male let out a whistle.

"Rare to meet someone who still appreciates the classics. I'm Salvatore Monti," he said as he extended his right paw. Most people would often hesitate after seeing his bionic arm and paw, but the dragon didn't and quickly extended his own rough scaled hand.

"Erik Aloysius," said the black drake as he stared up at Salvatore and smiled. Something in the horse seemed to twitch again as he let go of the handsome dragon's paw and started to close the hood.

"You from around here?" asked the horse as the dragon shook his head.

"Nah just hitching my way west."

"Hitchhiking, huh? Seems like that might be pretty slow these days."

"You'd be surprised. I get around pretty well and you get to meet so many interesting people this way. You wouldn't happen to be headed west would you?" asked the dragon.

"Actually I am. Headed to West California Island."

"Huh, how about that. So am I. Would it be too much to ask you for a ride?" asked the dragon with a smile as he slowly closed the hood.

Salvatore's initial reaction was to say no to the charming dragon. Involving some random person in his affairs seemed like a good way to get them hurt but his mouth blurted out a "Sure, why not," before he could even think. Erik smiled and thanked him as a few butterflies stirred in the horse's stomach.

Soon the pair were climbing into his car as he pulled out of the restaurant and back onto the road. It wasn't long before his new passenger was chatting him up either out of politeness or some other reason as they drove along.

"So how did you make it to Australia to pick this bad girl up?" asked the dragon as he ran a clawtip along the window sill. Salvatore paused for a moment wondering just how much to tell the stranger about himself as he glanced over at the passenger seat. The dragon had the seat almost all the way back till it was almost reclining. Both paws were behind his head as he lay back with his feet resting lightly on the dash.

"I was stationed there."

"I kinda figured you for ex-military," said the drake as Salvatore glanced at him again.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah it's the way you stand," said Erik.

"Huh. I guess there are some things you can't forget."

"Accents more deep south than Oz though."

"Yeah, another thing you can't forget."

"Your parents just pick up and move one day or-

"No you got me pegged right," said Salvatore as he glanced up from the road. "I joined the UN after high school. Served with their peace keeping forces."

"Must have been exciting though," said the dragon as the horse chuckled.

"Sometimes a little too much. I wouldn't trade parts of it though."

"Is that when you picked up that arm?" asked Erik as the horse's eyes caught his in the mirror again.

"It was."

"You pay the bastard back who did it?" asked the dragon in a slightly lower tone. The question surprised Salvatore for a moment before his head slowly nodded.

"The other guy came out worse."

"Good to know," said the dragon, cheery tone back in his voice. So how did you end up in Vegas?" That question made the studs paw on the wheel jerk just a fraction as they crested a hill.

"How'd you know I was from there?"

"Tags," said the dragon as he stretched slowly. "Sorry if I'm nosey. I get my snout stuck in things from time to time."

"Nah it's all right. I retired there till I picked up a new gig to pay the bills."

"Oh what did you do?"

"I was a stripper," said Salvatore deadpan as he heard the dragon move next to him.

"What no way?"

"You don't believe me?" asked Salvatore with a grin.

"No I mean you've got the body for it I just didn't... what club did you dance in?" asked the dragon as he sat up.

"The Savannah," said Salvatore quickly spitting out one of the all male clubs along the strip.

"No WAY! I I've been there!" shouted Erik as Salvatore almost jerked the wheel again. "I don't remember you though. What was your stage name?" Momentarily stumped Salvatore racked his brain till at last he hit on something.

"They called me Warhorse. I use to dress up in cut off fatigues and a pair of dog tags Use to have an act with another guy, a leopard who would always be my cold hard assed superior till I seduced him. The crowd always loved it."

"I must have gone there on the wrong night. I bet you were something to see," said Erik with a lecherous grin that make more butterfly's dance in the stallions belly. "So why the sudden need to travel to the land of sun and surf?" he asked as he laced his fingers back behind his head.

"Some personal business I need to take care of," said Salvatore.

"Eh I understand," said the dragon. "We all have our secrets to keep." Erik seemed to settle back down and close his eyes as Salvatore focused on the road again. Thirty minutes later the dragon seemed to be asleep as the horse's eyes shifted over to his passenger, examining him for a moment. Something about the other male made his eyes keep drifting back to the gently sleeping dragon.

His passenger was good looking with sharp and statuesque facial features that gave him an almost regal air despite his semi-shabby appearance. His shirt had ridden up on his body exposing several inches of tightly toned scaled stomach as Salvatore's arms kept flicking back to it. He also couldn't help but notice the way that the dragon's thin t-shirt hugged his upper body or the way his jeans seemed to cling to his lower body outlining the sizeable bulge at his groin. It wasn't long until he was imagining the black scaled reptile naked and in his arms as he ran his paws all over that smooth body.

Like a virus, the thought seemed to take hold inside his mind as his body began to respond. His cock slowly started to thicken within his sheath as he tried to ignore it. A heavy feeling seemed to grip his balls as if they were reading themselves for any sweaty dirty deed he might perform with the dragon next to him while he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Even Erik's scent seemed to be turning him on as he found himself breathing a bit harder than he should. It was a dry arid sent with notes of musk and sandalwood that seemed to cloud his mind further as he cracked a window to get some air.

It helped a little bit, but his body still felt strange as he glanced at the dragon again. The hair on the back of his neck seemed to prickle some more as a slight feeling of unease settled in. There was something about his passenger that he just couldn't quite put his finger on. The sudden arousal he was feeling was also very puzzling. It was true that his new libido was greatly expanded, but this felt almost forced somehow as if he had been slipped a roofie. This wasn't the gradually building heat he often experienced when he was with Frost, but an urgent aching need like he had never felt before.

His cock swelled again in his now over stuffed sheath as he struggled to keep it from dropping while a bit of his own musk filled the car. The dragon's tail twitched as a sign for a public rest stop appeared. The horse rolled down his window a bit to let some more air in as he flicked on his blinker and turned off the road and into the rest stop. Relics of a bygone time, few saw much traffic anymore especially on an out of the way highway like this one as Salvatore pulled into the empty parking lot. The dragon stirred and sat up as the horse stopped the car and unbuckled his seat belt.

"Just need to make a quick stop," he mumbled before getting out of the car and taking a deep breath. He walked slowly towards the building as he entered the men's side and the automated lights flicked on. Most of these buildings had been completely automated long ago so everything looked spotless as he walked toward the long bay of faucets.

He turned one on wetting his paws and splashing some on his face as he scrubbed it and tried to clear his head. He hadn't had this much trouble controlling his body since he first woke up, and after his bouts with Frost that very morning he shouldn't have been this horny. The urge to simply paw off was maddening as he placed palms down on the cool countertop and leaned towards the mirror.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked his reflection as stared at for a moment before as someone answered.

"Not a damn thing from what I can see," said a voice from behind him as one paw slid down into his pants and another griped a paw full of his mane. Erik's head appeared over his shoulder as the lower paw wrapped around his sheath and he seemed to freeze. Even with his enhanced hearing he hadn't heard the dragon approach. He should have easily been able to throw the dragon across the room and threw the wall but as Erik gave his mane a light tug he did nothing but stand still as if his hooves were rooted into the ground.

A nicker slipped from his lips as the dragon gave his sheath a rough squeeze and bent closer to his neck to scent him.

"Oh gods where have you been all my life," growled the dragon in a dominant tone that make Salvatore shiver as the black drake stared into the mirror. "Mmm just look at you! It was all I could do to keep my paws off of you in the car but now I just can't help myself with you looking so pent up." The horse scrambled to try and find some wits to arm himself with as he grabbed the wrist of the paw down his shorts and went for the one in his hair.

The dragon responded by gently bumping the back of both his knees as his legs nearly came out from under him. His paws grabbed onto the counter, cracking it in two places as he caught himself as he felt his cock pop free of his sheath right into the dragon's waiting paw.

"Oh my you're a pawful!" purred the dragon as the paw wrapped in his mane jumped quickly to his fly. Erik's nimble fingers had him unbuttoned in an instant making his cock spring forth like a jack-in-the-box, as the stallion growled and at last opened his mouth.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" he yelled turning and jerking away from the dragon. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE Doing...." He slurred as his eyes lit on the completely nude dragon in front of him. Everything about the male in front of seemed to draw him as his gaze glided over those black glossy scales.

Erik seemed to have the body of an accent Adonis. His wasn't a modern and massively pumped vascular physique like Salvatore's but rather the body of a true athlete. There was not a scrap of fat anywhere on his body, but neither was there an unneeded bulk. He was thick and corded where it matted but still so streamlined he looked fast standing still as his muscular tail twitched back and forth. Like a magnet Salvatore's eyes were drawn down his body till they rested on the thick maleness hanging an impressive distance down the inside of his legs.

His smile at catching the horse looking was almost too much as Salvatore angrily jerked his eyes back to the dragons own. He wanted to say something biting and smart but the instant their eyes met it took all his strength not to look away. The stallion felt suddenly weak as a kitten as the dragon stalked forward wrapping his hand around the horse's bobbing erection as he gently pushed the equine up against the wall.

All Salvatore's life he had been a leader in his daily life and in the bedroom. Dominance seemed to be hammered into his bones, and after his transformation that urge to dominate had only grown, but somehow with just his presence Erik seemed to be able to wipe that entire part of his personally out and turn him into a quivering submissive ball of need. A slim calloused paw reached up and ran a sharp claw tip down the middle of Salvatore's shirt splitting it in half. The paw then started to move back upward tracing fingers up over each one of the horse's chiseled abdominals as Erik purred.

"H-how are you doing this to me?" stammered Salvatore as Erik cocked his head again.

"Doing what?"

"You- this- I'm not like this! I don't-

"You don't what? Didn't you stop here for this? Don't you want this?" said the dragon as the horse started to open his mouth. A finger was placed on his lips as the dragon shook his head and whispered the words, "of course you do," as if that settled things and moved in for the kill.

His lips met the stallion's and cut off anything more the stud might say. It also obliterated any lingering resistance he had left as every part of him needed the dragon in front of him like he needed air itself. Erik seemed more than content to have his way with Salvatore's mouth as his paw slowly pumped at the horse's steely erection. The smell of the male in his arms seemed to fill the stallion's senses till it was hard to focus on anything but the pleasurable sensations that the dragon was giving him.

Salvatore's eyes had a glazed look to them as he let out a series of kickers and moans while Erik nibbled his way down the stud's broad chest till he reached his goal. A long thin tongue shot out as it sampled a bit of the studs plentiful precum directly from the source and made a slow lap of the stallions cockhead. After finishing he murmured his approval before opening his jaws wide and engulfing the whole thing.

Salvatore was paralyzed with pleasure as the dragon slowly tongued his wide cockslit before slipping even more the stallions maleness down his throat. He seemed to have a surprisingly elastic jaw as he hummed sending vibrations deep into the churning pair between the horse's legs. More and more thick equine dick slipped down the long gullet of the dragon as he somehow managed to keep breathing.

His paws soon began to knead at the pump pawfilling coltmakers that hung beneath Salvatore's cock as the flow of pre down the dragon's throat increased. The stallion's legs were shaking as he let out a long heated nicker as his paws clutched at the wall behind him for purchase. A smooth scaled paw began to trail up and down his inner thigh moving further and further into the cleft of the horse's rump before a finger began to slowly ring the entrance there.

Salvatore had never enjoyed having that part of him toyed with, but the longer Erik did it the harder it was to think as the dragon inserted a single finger into the horse. He hit the right sport on the first try as the Stallion's body immediately reacted. His eyes screwed up tight as his body clenched and the tip of his cock flared wide. He let out a great roar of ecstasy as the dragon pulled back leaving the widest part of the other male just inside his lips. He sucked hard as the equine's heavy balls pulled up into his groin and pumped a thick wave of spunk into his quivering member. The underside of the onyx black tool bulged as cum was forced into the dragon's waiting mouth where he guzzled it down greedily.

Several pints of heavy horse cream were fed into the drakes belly as he savored each drop while his finger continued to press on that magic spot inside of the equine. Just as the flow began to abate he pressed another finger inside the horse and began to hammer the stallions prostate mercilessly. The slowly softening cock in his mouth began to harden again as the horse began to grunt and shiver with each thrust while his oversensitive body began to peak again.

It took less than a minute before Salvatore's balls coughed up another fresh load for the dragon to lap up. Went he finished with his second round the mighty horse could barely stand as he fell off the wall He was seeing two of everything as the double shot of endorphins pounded his mind flat. He was so relaxed it was a wonder that he remembered to breathe as Erik managed to catch him, holding him for a moment as mouth moved close to the stud's ear.

"My beautiful horse. You deserve nothing less than this every single day," he whispered as Salvatore was struck by his seemingly heartfelt and intimate tone.

"Ah don't even know you," said the horse in a slurred tone as the dragon continued.

"But I know you. One can't truly know another until he sees them fight, and I have wanted you since I saw you that day on that dusty road."

As the words slipped from his lips Salvatore's entire body went stiff with shock as if he had been thrown into frozen lake.

"The way you fought the mercenary even as your body was being torn in two. I knew right then that you and I were made for one another," said the dragon as his muzzle moved within a hairs breath of the stallion's own. "And that I would not rest until I made you mine."

The slightest of muscle twitches was all the warning that the dragon got as Salvatore's arm snapped up and the blade in his forearm sprang outward as he took a swing at the other males head. Like an acrobat, the nimble reptile flung himself backward, clear of Salvatore's reach and vanished into a shimmering blue portal that appeared out of thin air.

The stallion gawked as the portal disappeared and a new an orange portal appeared 15 feet in front of him. The dragon slipped though the orange ring holding a plain looking broadsword in one hand as his wings slowly spread behind him.

"Well now that escalated quickly," said the dragon as he stared at Salvatore. "You could hurt someone with that." The words had scarcely left his lips as the stallion launched himself at faster than anything his size should have been able to move. His metal arm shot forward like a snake striking clearing the distance between them with the tip of his blade aimed squarely at the black scaled reptile's throat. A large shimmering blue portal appeared just in front to the dragon as Salvatore tried desperately to stop. His momentum caused him to crash thought the gateway and have the unnerving experience of watching himself enter the blue portal as he reappeared though an orange one where he started his charge.

"My my you've grown into that body quite well. You could surprise someone with that kind of speed," said the dragon as Salvatore began to edge closer slowly, keeping his sword arm up as his mind raced.

"No questions? No bold threats?" asked the drake looking a bit hurt as the stallion inched closer. He was within five feet now as the dragon held his sword up to meet the horse's own. The horse's free hand balled into a first as he shoved it forward as a super dense pocket of air formed around it and rocketed straight towards the other male's chest. Almost the same instant a blue portal opened up the size of a basketball inches from the drakes body. Completely black inside, it make a howling, sucking sound as Salvatore's attack was voided into the vacuum of space an instant before the portal winked out of existence.

"That won't work. I will have nothing less than a true test of your steel Salvatore," said the dragon as he eyed his opponent. The horse's body seemed to twitch when the black dragon said his name as he slowly squared his shoulders with his adversary.

"You're a Gene Stealer aren't you, and one of the ones who was there that day. You were the one I couldn't see," said the horse as the dragon grinned.

"I had hoped you would remember my master saving you. You owe him so much as we all do, and seeing you right after you rebirth was such a glorious thing. It is a day I shall never forget."

"Who are you?" spat Salvatore as he tried to gage the reach of the dragon's sword.

"I didn't lie to you before my horse. There shall be no untruths between us ever. My name is Erik Aloysius, though no one but you has called me by that name in a long time. Most know me as Dragon Knight."

Salvatore said nothing as he stuck with all his strength in a cleaving downward stroke while his opponent's sword moved upward at angle parrying the strike before sending his own blade zipping forward like a cobra. The point slammed squarely into the stallion's upper bicep as Salvatore felt a lance of pain though his metal arm. The tip of Dragon Knight's sword bounced off but before Salvatore could take advantage of the opening, his defense was back up.

The enraged stallion began to whip his bladed arm around like a fencing foil attaching in all directions however each attack was met with a simple counter or parry. Dragon Knight seemed to operate with an extreme economy of movement, locking his body in perfect alignment with his blade before each strike and angling his wrists and sword in such a way that the brunt of Salvatore's force was always deflected away from him.

When the horse began adding piercing lunges to his attacks the dragon's body was never where the horse was aiming. In the short instant that the horse's arm would draw back before it flew forward Dragon Knight would simply sidestep leaving the stallion to stab at nothing but air. After one of these attacks he slammed his hilt wrapped fist into the horse's muzzle in a savage right cross as the pair disengaged. Almost the same thing happened when Salvatore tried a quick feint as his leg shot out in a sweeping motion. Erik merely hoped upward, his wings beating in a brief flap, as his scaled foot slammed into the underside of the stud's jaw.

The pair crashed about the bathroom in a blur of movement as the impact from the force of their blows destroyed everything around them. Several times Salvatore tried to hurl something at the smaller male, including a urinal he ripped from the wall only to have the missiles vanish though shimmering blue portals. He tired closing to within arm's reach of the black scaled swordsman only to have the dragon weave walls of steel to block him. He tried herding the warrior towards corners in order to restrict his movement only to have the flight capable reptile leap straight over his head and bounce off the high ceiling.

His high pressure air blasts did nothing as the dragon ether dispersed them with his blade or vented the ones he couldn't slice into space with tiny portals that would appear around his body. All too soon the stallion's muscles burned, his enhanced stamina flagging while his body struggled to keep up with the furious rate of his attacks.

It was soon very clear that he would never win against the dragon in a battle of swordsmanship. Dragon Knight's skill with a blade made the Rippers paltry efforts look like a child's in comparison. More importantly he was barely expending any energy in keeping up his defense. Salvatore knew that his own stores would run dry and he would be helpless against his opponent who had barely even attacked.

An idea for a single desperate gamble slipped into his mind as their battle wore on as he at last gave himself over to it. He threw his arms wide and roared at the dragon who only raised his sword as Salvatore threw himself at Dragon Knight once more. Salvatore aimed for the point of the other warrior's sword, as Erik prepared himself to block another strike.

No swing came though as the equine's body drew closer. For a small moment it looked as if the stallion had decided to gore himself though the heart on Dragon Knight's blade. Erik's green eyes widened as he drew the point of his sword up and away from the horse as the stallion's metallic paw darted out. Five metal fingers wrapped around the bottom of blade in a death grip holding it still as his left paw balled into a fist and aimed for a point in the middle of the dragon's skull.

Dragon Knight's paws let go of his sword the instant he saw what was happening, but even he wasn't fast enough to avoid the supersonic fist that crashed into his forehead. The impact rocked his whole body as he went skidding backward towards one of the walls, only vanish though a large blue portal an instant before he hit it.

Salvatore roared loud enough to shatter any remaining unbroken glass in the restroom as an orange portal appeared in front of him. The center of the portal was black save for a white hot dot that was moving rapidly towards him. He only had time to cross his arms over his chest and put up a single air shield before a comet the size of a large microwave slammed into him.

The small space rock had been peacefully zipping towards its icy home in the OURT cloud when a shimmering blue portal appeared in front of it and it finally got to do what all comets dream of doing their entire lives. Hit something.

The concussive force from the space rock slamming into Salvatore's chest was enough to level the part of the building he was in as his body went flying through the cement wall behind him. He crashed through the barrier taking a good chunk of it with him as he landed out in the empty parking coved in dust from the wall and bleeding from everywhere.

He couldn't move either of his arms but breathed a sigh of relief when he tried to twitch his fingers and both paws responded. Next he tried to lift his head only to find that anything that required the use of his core muscles was a no go. The horse found he could still take full breaths with a moderate amount of pain as his body slowly began to nit itself back together.

A black scaled foot paw stepped up an onto the wide expanse of bare his chest as its partner followed soon after making the horse wheeze out in pain as his eyes snapped opened and he stared up. Dragon Knight was dressed again in the clothes he had met Salvatore in and held a full tanged knife in one paw. He bent down as the stud tried to breathe with his weight atop his chest and placed the tip of the knife on the throat of the defeated horse.

"I was sure that you were the one I wanted, but now I know you are. You hold nothing back, and will do anything to win won't you?" The horse merely glowered at his opponent as dragon continued. " That was a very clever trick. You figured out the one chink in my defense, the fact that I wasn't willing to kill you.'" he said looking down at the horse while Salvatore said nothing and he tried to work some feeling back into his arms. Dragon Knight's gaze went slowly to the stud's right arm as it twitched and tried to move before he looked back at the horse. He gently placed one foot on Salvatore's wrist as he smiled back down at his prize.

"You don't ever stop do you?"

"No. And when I get up I am going to make you pay for every one of the friends I lost because of you!" snarled Salvatore as he tried to lift the other paw. Dragon Knight placed his other foot on the horse's left wrist as his brow furrowed.

"I had nothing to do with the deaths of your friends."

"LIAR!" shouted Salvatore as he jerked and strained trying to throw the dragon off of him.

"Ah so you think it was one of us that hired the brute who killed them. Tell me, why would I hire someone to steal something for me when there is nowhere in this world or the next I cannot go?"

Salvatore's eyes widened as he watched the dragon snap his fingers and a tiny portal appeared above his free paw. The second vial they had been transporting and identical to the one that had been shoved down Salvatore's throat fell out of the air and into Dragon Knight's palm as he looked down at the Stallion again.

"If I know where something is, it is but the work of a moment before it is wherever I happen to be," said Erik as he spun the vial though his fingers.

Salvatore's mind reeled as he shook and at last garnered the strength to throw the reptile off of him. Dragon Knight merely stepped backward and tossed the vial in his paw straight upward and through another blue portal as he watched the horse scramble to his feet.

"NO....NO! IT HAS TO BE YOU!" yelled the stallion as he fought to remain standing.

"I am afraid you are incorrect. The person who hired the Ripper to steal the virus that changed you, was the very people who made it. What better way to prove to your superiors that the Gene Stealers are a real threat to your program than have a Gene Stealer 'agent' steal one of your formulas. Losing a pair of foot soldiers is a small price to pay when you know that their deaths will ensure that even more money is poured into your operation."

Salvatore fell to his knees as the blade in his arm slid back into his sheath and his paws clutched at the ground shaking. The weight of the dragon's words bore down on him as everything at last clicked firmly into place. It should have been impossible for the Ripper to find them unless he already knew where they were. His knowledge of the vials than their contents hadn't come from the Gene Stealers, it had come directly from the source.

"It hurts me to see you this way my horse but now that you understand I can make your pain go away," said Erik as he drew close. His paw reached out to stroke the top of Salvatore's head as the horse suddenly grabbed both his wrists. He stood quickly bringing the one that held the knife to the dragon's black scaled throat.

"You're not innocent in this! The Gene Stealers have destroyed countless lives, and had it not been for your schemes and plans my friends would still be alive! None of this would have ever even happened to me!" growled the horse in a deadly serious tone as he pressed the knife point to the hollow of Dragon Knight's neck.

"If you think yourself strong enough to kill me and take you revenge then go ahead. Try it," said the dragon as he smiled sweetly and looked up at the horse.

A murderous gleam flashed in Salvatore's eyes as his arm started to tremble. The point of the knife pushed forward just a fraction nicking the dragon's neck, as a single drop rolled out and down the blade. The horse watched it go as the trembling in his arm suddenly grew worse. Dragon Knight wasn't even trying to stop him as he passed the knife into the stallions paw and spread his arms wide as the horse's fingers began to cramp and his head began to pound.

He could see himself sinking the knife into the soft skin of the dragon's neck and spilling his life blood everywhere. A dark part of him knew that it would make bits and pieces of him feel better but the harder he tried to do it more his arm shook.

"Something wrong Salvatore? Having second thoughts?" said the dragon as the stallion roared and threw the knife away. The sword in his right arm flicked outward and he pressed it too the underside of Erik's chin. Soon as he did, his right arm began to shake as the ache in his head grew worse till he felt he might vomit. His vision blurred and sweat beaded all over his body as the world around him seemed to spin and Dragon Knight steeped away.

The black scaled male then raised a single finger up to the point of Salvatore's quivering blade as he pressed the pad of his finger into the needle like point piercing it. The big stud's whole body jerked as he saw the blood began to weal but Dragon Knight kept pressing harder as a strange thing happened. The harder he pressed, the further Salvatore's sword retreated until it was all the way back in its sheath.

"How," croaked the horse as the trembling in his limbs stopped.

"When they designed the virus responsible for your rebirth, they wanted a guarantee than anyone receiving so much power would remain utterly loyal so they designed it in a way that anyone changed would be susceptible to control by another who carried a controller virus that could be given to those in command. I borrowed several samples and dosed myself quite heavily so now my pheromones and sent, my voice, and everything else about me is designed to entice, attract, and command you. The fact that you were exposed to an overdose of the transformative virus makes out bond incredibly strong. Your very body prevents you from truly hurting me now," said Dragon Knight as he moved in closer to Salvatore. "It's why even now you burn for me."

The horse shut his eyes trying to block out the words, but something in him knew that the dragon wasn't lying. Even though the pain and anger he felt, his lust for the dragon was already starting to rekindle. Like a fever bubbling up inside of him their seemed to be nothing he could do to stop it as his body began to react to the other male's mere presence and sent. The newfound submissive ache inside of him seemed to throb harder and harder as he stared down at Erik.

"You aren't strong enough to fight it yet. Maybe someday you will be, but until that day I will own you, body and soul."

"I won't be your slave," said Salvatore though clenched teeth as he tried to keep himself from becoming hard.

"You misunderstand. I have no need for a slave. I plan to mold you into my equal, my mirror half. We are more alike that you chose to release," said the dragon as his paw moved to gently stroke the underside of stallion's chin. "I'm going to push you beyond you limits until you can break my hold over you. Then you will come to me willingly, and you shall be mine as I am yours."

"That is NEVER going to happen!" shouted Salvatore as he fought not to lean into the touch. "I'm going to break every one of your carefully laid plans! Then I'm going to drag every one of the Gene Steals kicking and screaming into the light of day and burn down everything you have ever created till I am the bane of your very existence." The dragon merely purred as he pressed his body against that of the tall chiseled male in front of him and looked up straight into the stud's eyes.

"I expect nothing less from you, but do take care that you don't fall for your opponent," said Dragon Knight as he drew the horse down into forced kiss.

Salvatore tried to fight it. In that very moment he didn't think he had every hated anyone more that he did the dragon pressed against him, but fire danced through his veins as his body grave itself over to Erik. He was soon holding the other male tight enough to bruise as if he never wished to let go as a spark of something blossomed deep within him.

The dragon saw it go off, reflected in Salvatore's eyes, as he purred into the kiss letting the other male know he knew, even as he felt the same spark in his heart. The stallion jerked away with an angry whinny as if he had been stung as Dragon Knight smiled.

"Be seeing you soon horse," said the dragon as he stepped backward through a shimmering blue portal that appeared behind him leaving the furious horse alone in the parking lot naked and alone with his thoughts.


The rotund razorback stared up at the dilapidated four story condo before looking back at the blueprint on the hood of his truck. The building had been scheduled for demolition over a month ago, but the hog's struggling construction company hadn't gotten around to it thanks to several unexpected and expensive delays on some other projects. Now they were deep into the red this month all because this dump was still standing.

He had been scrambling for an answer when a friend in the industry had slipped him the name and number of a guy who could apparently work magic on a site like this. Supposedly he worked fast, cheap, and would take cash. All of it sounded like a godsend for the boar pig who was growing just a bit nervous about the meet as he waited by his truck.

A low slung black car pulled into the fenced up lot and slowly rolled its way towards the pig with throaty rumble before it stopped in front him. The door of the car opened as the largest horse the pig had ever seen stepped out. He was dressed in a very ratty pair of work clothes and one of his thickly muscled arms appeared to be bionic.

"Are you, uh, Sal?" asked the pig as he looked up at the black furred horse.

"Yep," said Salvatore as he stuck out his metal paw. The razorback shook it carefully before moving to the back of his truck and lifting a small sealed crate out of the bed of the truck.

"I got you the, ah, materials you asked for but if anyone asks about them..."

"Don't worry about it," said the horse as he took the crate and peeked inside to see several bricks of shapeable C7 synthetic explosive. "If anyone asks I don't know you."

"And, uh how many days you think this job is going to take you? I guess you know we are already behind but-"

"Come back at five. It will be done by then," said the horse as the pig snorted.

"You- You're serious? You'll be done at the end of the day?"

"If I don't get any interruptions," said Salvatore as he stared at the pig.

"Well then, I will just leave you to it," said the razorback as he slipped back into his truck and pulled out of the lot. Salvatore watched him go before placing the explosives in the trunk of his Falcon. He then lifted a massive steel handled sledgehammer out the back of his trunk and threw it over his shoulder as he popped the knuckles in both paws before striding towards the dilapidated building.

The razorback was very skeptical that the job would be done in the time the horse had promised him. He had been in the business almost his whole life and knew it took days to raze a building like that and plenty of heavy equipment. The amount of explosives he had given the stallion was only a good start for how much it should have taken to do the job.

The cement superstructure of buildings like that one had to be broken down into small enough a chunks where they could be fed into a recycling machine which would then allow the old materials to become the foundation and materials of the new building. The only reason he had even conceded hiring the horse was the price, his own desperation, and the fact that he didn't have to pay until the job was completely finished.

So when he pulled into the lot and not a trace of the building remained, save a huge pile of gravel sized rubble his jaw literally fell open. The horse was sitting on the ground in front of where the building had once stood beside a sledgehammer so big the hog doubted he could lift it at all. At some point he had lost his shit and as pants seemed to be hanging on by just a thread.

The stallion's entire body was wet with sweat and streaked with dust to the point that it was hard to tell his original color. Every muscle and vein on his body looked pumped to busting as his chest heaved with his heavy breathing. The boar felt a twinge of embarrassment as his own physique when looking at the rippling male form of the horse as he stepped out of his truck.

"I- I can't believe you actually-

"Is that full?" asked Salvatore as he pointed a finger at a large yellow water cooler on the back of the pig's truck.

"Uh yeah," said the smaller male as the stallion lifted it off the truck and unscrewed the round top of the container. He tipped it up and proceeded to guzzle half of it then promptly dumping the rest of the water over his body. He let out a satisfied nicker as steam began to rise from his fur as he shook himself before walking over to the sledge and picking it up. He placed it carefully back in his trunk before reaching into the passenger's seat and pulling out two large towels. The stud briskly began to dry himself while the pig looked on, still a bit shocked at the whole scene.

"Everything look alright to you?" asked the horse as he turned back to the other male.

"Uh yeah it looks great but how did you-"

"Then I'll just be going then," said Salvatore as he held a paw. The boar stared at it a minute before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a very fat envelope and giving it to the stud who opened it with a finger. The horse leafed through the cash inside before he was apparently satisfied as the pig spoke up again.

"If you are, uh, available I might have more of this work for you in a week or two. My company has been contracted to repair a lot of the damage that the Gene Stealer attacks caused."

"You don't say."

"Yeah, we are stretched pretty thin right now and I guy with your... skills could come in real handy," he said smiling as the horse snorted.

"You think anyone's going to be able to stop them," asked Salvatore as boar slowly crossed his arms.

"I sure hope so. I had two workers get caught in those attacks; two guys with families. They're ok now thanks to the cure that got distributed, but you're never the same after something like that happens to you. If anyone stops them it will be Arsenal though. They have their heads on straight."

"I keep hearing a lot about them," said the horse.

"You must not be from around here then," said the razorback. "Best super team in the states if you ask me."

"Mmm, well call me if you need any more work done," said Salvatore as he tossed the pair of towels back into his car and crawled into the driver's sear before the pig could say anything else. The car rumbled to life as the horse put it into gear and slowly pulled out of the lot.

Salvatore stopped at a retro style diner on his way home and ordered one of everything as a few of the patrons sat and watched the shirtless horse consume a freighting amount of food. He tipped the waiter heavily before leaving and stopped at a convenience store next. The stud walked out of the store with six pack of his favorite brew in tow before getting into his car and making his way back to his new apartment. It was a nice-ish place even if it was a bit small, but the ceilings where high and it was cheap enough to suit his tastes. He took a quick shower, washing several pounds of dirt out of his fur before putting on a pair of fresh gym shorts and taking a step out onto his balcony to sit down.

His paw found its way to one of the beers as he opened it and stared out at his favorite feature of the apartment. The view off his balcony was amazing with the sun slowly sinking into the ocean in the distance casting numerous hues all over the horizon. It was better than TV as the horse gazed out at the setting sun and finished his first beer.

His sensitive ears twitched as his neighbor opened his front and stepped inside the apartment next to him and began to put down his things. The German Shepard next door was named Mike Swayne and happened to be a local police officer. Some days he would come home in the evenings with a younger human who Salvatore hadn't met. If the sounds that drifted from the other apartment at night were to be believed the pair was quite in love, even if he had never heard two people giggle and laugh so much during sex.

Mike slowly opened the glass sliding door that led out onto his own balcony and stepped outside in his police blues as his head swiveled to the left and he greeted his new neighbor.

"Long day Salvatore?" he asked as he stared across small gap that separated their units.


"Geez you look like you've been breaking rocks all day."

"Something like that," said the horse as he turned to regard the canine. Mike seemed outwardly like a genuinely nice guy and had even offered to help him move his stuff up to his apartment a little over a week ago. The dog seemed to like staring at the California sunset almost as much as the horse did so Salvatore flicked a beer in his direction. He caught the frosty beverage almost without looking nodding his thanks.

"You know I got a friend that could set you up with something a little bit easier that construction if you wanted. It might involve showing off a bit more fur than you are used to though.

"Nah this keeps me in shape," said the stud.

"Just saying. You could always lay off it if you wanted to make the rest of us feel better you know." Salvatore just snorted as Mike plopped down into a chair on his own porch as he opened his beer.

"Tonight a date night?" asked Salvatore after a moment's pause as the Shepard nodded.

"Yeah, I'm meeting him there."

"Tell me something Mike, how did you know he was the one," asked the horse suddenly serious as he turned to look at the canine.

"That's a pretty heavy question," he said as he took a slow sip of his beer. "Why do you want to know? Haven't found someone special have you?"

"Nope, just wondering."

"Sure, you are," said Mike.

"Seriously how did you know he was the one?" asked the stallion as he put his beer down. The German Shepard scratched his chin for a moment before saying anything as he slowly began to speak.

"When you can't stop thinking about them no matter how much you try, and you think you will be sick if you go a moment more without them, that's when you know," he said as he finished his beer and got up. "Good luck with that," he said as he stepped back inside. Salvatore finished the rest of the beer as he heard the canine hop in his shower and then leave a short while later.

He sat there watching the sun as the light around them grew darker and darker. At some point a familiar scent reached his nose as he snorted and swore. His paws gripped at the sides of his chair till the brittle plastic started to buckle as a fiery hunger started in his belly that had nothing to do with food.

"You can't stay out there forever," said a voice from inside his apartment as he felt the pull of those words. His ears flattened on the top of his head as he prepared himself for what was coming.

"Come inside horse," said the dragon in a silky smooth tone. The urge to obey stared to rise in the stallion as he shoved it right back down until his head was pounding. His balls had stared to ache the second he had scented the dragon and his cock was already fully erect, sticking straight up out of his gym shorts giving anyone watching a show. When he could take it no more he got up stiffly and stepped inside shutting the door.

As soon as he entered the apartment the pain in his head receded as his eyes focused on the nude dragon lying on his bed. Erik had a pair of shiny metal handcuffs in one paw as he spun them with a finger. The sight made his chest tighten and his cock thump against his chest as he saw the dragon smiled at his reaction.

Two days after he arrived on West California Island the dragon had appeared in his apartment while he had been unpacking his things wearing nothing but a smile. Salvatore hated himself for it, but he had wanted the black scaled male more than he remembered wanting anything. Nearly a week of seeing him almost every night had changed nothing, and it was an effort just not to drool as the dragon stood up and walked towards him.

The horse stood still as a pair of black paws began to examine his body, studiously avoiding the needy parts of him. One paw ran over his abs and the other the bicep of his left arm slowly before he looked up.

"Did you think about me today horse?" asked the dragon as Salvatore snorted and lied.


"Well I thought of you. You looked so lonely today swinging that hammer that I almost had to come down and say hello. I saw that you only used your left arm today didn't you?" asked the dragon as Salvatore's eyes widened.

"Oh didn't think I knew about your job? Knocking down old buildings for money is a waste of your talents, but it seems to be excellent training," he said as he ran a thumb of the horse's bicep. "You know well how much I would enjoy an even larger horse to play with. Still if you really wanted to become stronger could always learn from the best. All you have to do is ask."

"I don't want or need anything from the likes of you," said Salvatore as Erik ran a finger up his twitching cock. The touch made the big equine shiver as the dragon chuckled.

"Now we both that's not true," he said as he drew the taller male down for a kiss. The contact broke whatever faltering will the stallion had left. His body felt as if it would boil as his paws roamed all over the smooth body of his partner as he crushed their bodies together. The pair quickly found themselves on the bed as Salvatore tried to taste every single part of the dragon. Soon his mouth found its way to the reptiles cock as he swallowed in one go. Dragon Knight hummed as he felt his sap began to rise then burst forth as the stallion's head bobbed up and down. He drank the dragon's seed down with relish as hoped for more as he kept sucking and teasing at the softening cock in his mouth.

Erik grabbed a handful of the horse's black mane as he pulled the other's mouth off his tool, letting it flop against his thigh. His other paw found the cuffs as he snapped them over the wrists of the stud as Salvatore let out a surprised whinny. Erik quickly stood up and positioned him so his paws where against the wall and his rump was high in the air. Both males knew that the horse could snap the cuffs with little more than a thought, but because Salvatore knew the dragon didn't want him to escape the silver bracelets might as well have been unbreakable.

"I'm not generally a top but this would make anyone flip," he said giving the stud's muscled hindquarters a hard slap. The glassy eyed equine only moaned as he savored what was coming. When he was like this, all his anger and everything else seemed to fade away. It was an emotional release as he got to at last lay down his guard and simply let the dragon make him feel wonderful. In his sober moments this state of ecstasy terrified him like a drug addict fears his own addiction. Every day that pasted he got a little stronger, a little faster, and a little better at resisting the dragon's power. But each time he experienced this and woke up in the morning with Erik curled around him he had to remember why he hated him.

He felt the dragon slide his thick cock along his crease as he tensed and shivered as the tip of Erik's tapered cock brushed against his hole. The male behind him continued to toy with him as his own cock bucked and dribbled a steady stream of thick clear precum onto the bed beneath them. He felt the dragon bend over his broad back and lean in closer to his ear, and he knew what the other male wanted.

"Tell me who you belong to," whispered the dragon as Salvatore responded immediately.

"I- I belong you," he said simultaneously ashamed and aroused as the dragon growled in approval.

"That's right, you belong to me body and soul. Now for your reward!" he hissed as he pressed the tip of his ebony rod to the stallion's entrance. In a single violent motion the dragon hilted him as he began to ride the stallion into the ground.

The horse came buckets as Erik rode him deep into the night, cuming inside him again and again till his pearly white spunk dripped from Salvatore's well used hole. At some point the pair stopped as he felt the smaller male removed the cuffs curl up in his arms before drifting off. Slowly the rational Salvatore began to return, his mind once again becoming his own, but tonight just like all the previous times part of him didn't want to go back. It was then that he became sure for the first time what was happening to him. He was falling for his captor and there seemed to be nothing he could do to stop it.

As he stared up at the ceiling and his arm gripped the other male tighter, the stubborn part of him was just as determined as ever to stop the Gene Stealer's plans, but that mission was becoming fuzzier by the day. At some point he was going come up against the creature beside him and settle things between them once and for all, and he didn't know if all of him could survive that. He let the heavy thoughts weighing down his tied mind drift away as he closed his eyes giving in to his tied body and surrendering, at least for the night, to the dragon beside him who clung so possessively to his hard won prize and perhaps held the keys to his heart.