The Unintended Curse ch2

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#2 of The Unintended Curse

How it begins. Please Rate and Especially Comment.


Ch. 2

For a normal blob, the only thing that runs through your non existent mind is food. Food, food, food, and lots of it. I don't remember the first thing that became my first unexpected meal, but it would probably be a safe guess that it was a fly or something just as small. The small thing just landed on me and when it had it's fill of me, it tried to fly off but found it's legs stuck to me. My blob like body seemed to know what to do from this point as it slowly flowed over the insect and quickly devoured the small tidbit.

From that point on, things became pretty simple. Whatever was unlucky enough to touch my body, instantly became stuck to my silverfish glop, and became my next meal. Eventually things started to become a little clearer. Though much of my mind was lost to my blob like nature, I still could think on the most basic of nature. For once I'd had my fill of small bugs and such, I started to work my way up to larger creatures.

I remember my first real meal. I'd gotten tired of the bugs and such so when a small rabbit happened by I took quick notice. I'd been fortunate with my last few meals as they seemed drawn to me and I didn't need to move to get at them. Though this rabbit was obviously not an insect and wasn't drawn to me. It was at this point that I started to learn about moving my body.

Now moving was a little difficult at first, but when I remember what my body had done by covering the meals, I tried something similar. I reached out with a part of my body and then pulled the remainder of it along. Progress was slow at first and the rabbit had taken notice of my actions. Often curious about something new or interesting, the rabbit moved a little closer and with it's twitching nose began to smell me.

Somewhere deep inside of me, I knew that these creatures were fast, and if I wasn't fast or faster my next meal would escape me. So while it sniffed at my body, I slowly began to circle the small thing and then began to move in. All I needed was to attach a portion of my body, the rabbit would become stuck to me, then I'd move the rest of my body in, cover the small thing, the begin the feast.

It seemed that the rabbit had other intentions as it slowly reached out and sunk it's teeth into my form. Now this is one of the times I was glad that I couldn't feel anything, thought that certainly wasn't what the rabbit was thinking at this point. No matter which way the thing moved or squirmed, it couldn't escape my sticky body. It's efforts to frantically escape this insanely sticky substance only managed to put more of it's body into contact with me. So it wasn't long before I began my next meal.

Though this time, things were a little different from my last meals. My last meals of course were insects so I didn't pay them much mind. (If I had one that is.) Though with this rabbit things were quite different. As I began to cover over it's body, I began to feel the things heart, which began to beat faster and faster. By the time I covered over most of it's body it heart was going so fast that I thought it was going to explode. Though that was hardly the only thing that caught me by surprise.

When I got to it's mouth, it accidentally sucked me in, like I was a breath of air or something. This was a new experience for me, so I decided to eat my meal slowly this time and explore what I could really do. Now I'll spare you the gruesome details of what I learned from when I ate/did to the rabbit, but to say the least I learned a lot. Once I'd cut off it's airway from the inside, the rabbit died pretty quickly. Though one of the things I did learn was that I could transfer a large portion of myself within the animal. This proved to be my most valuable bit of knowledge as once I'd spread enough of myself into the body, I was able to move the muscles of the thing.

Now if a regular person were to pass by the rabbit at this point, you'd see the thing twitching at random parts of it's body. Almost like the thing was in the middle of it's death throws. (When a body twitches after it's mind is dead. Mostly used to kick off a predator that is about to eat it.) As well as a silver like liquid coming out of it's mouth.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to actually get the thing up and around due to it's small size because from all my exploring of the animal I'd forgotten how quickly I eat away at my food. Plus since I'd spread myself throughout the things body, I ate away at the thing's insides quicker. Though the thing had quickly become my next meal, the things I'd learned from it proved invaluable.

So after my little rabbit meal, (leaving the bones behind) I began to plan for my next lesson/meal. ‘If I'm able to take over a small animal, then what would I learn about a larger one?' I thought. So in preparation for said task/meal I quickly moved into the trees branches and waited. It didn't take long before said task/meal came along. This time it was a herd of deer. At least fifteen in number.

Since the rabbit, things were starting to become more clear. I was actually thinking, and planning now as I looked over the herd. ‘I'm still new to this. So if I try and take a large one, they'll probably find a way to squash me or throw me off.' Though having a sticky body was still something my mind hadn't actually grasped. ‘And if I take a small or a sickly one, I won't be able to learn much as the body will be eaten away to quickly.' I thought as I continued to look around the herd. I eventually settled on a the thought that I'd take a doe and drop down on one.

Though the problem with that is that I'd have to wait. For some reason I was very impatient and couldn't really find myself to wait for one, but when I quickly moved, the whole herd quickly lifted their heads, sniffed the air, and their ears twitching to and fro. ‘They think something's here. I'd better not move that quickly again, otherwise they'll get spooked and run off.' So settling down I lay across my branch and waited.

It wasn't long until a nice large sized doe finally came under my branch and started to graze there. I slowly let myself flow down from the branch, almost like some thick molasses off a spoon. When I'd stretched myself far enough and still the deer hadn't noticed me, I began to swing myself. ‘If I dropped from the branch right then, I'd end up on the doe's back and have to make my way to the head. In doing so the doe would spook and try everything in it's might to throw me off. But if I attach myself to it's head, I can quickly get inside of it and take control of it.'

Once I had enough of a swing I then let go of the branch and flew at the deer. The doe didn't even suspect a thing and I splattered all over it's head. Obviously spooked now, the doe leapt several feet in the air, and quickly started to shake it's head. ‘Damn, I knew this wasn't going to be easy.' I thought as I clung to the doe for dear life. Eventually I'd had enough and quickly started to move into the things mouth. This obviously confused the doe as she stopped jumping around and then quickly tried to shut it's mouth. This proved for not as I was able to squeeze myself in-between the gaps in it's teeth.

In short order I was in the things mouth and quickly moving down it's throat. I was thankful that this creature was quite similar to that of the rabbit, though larger. It took me twice as long to finally reach the things lungs and seal them off. In short order I felt the things heartbeat quicken, then start to slow as it could no longer take in a breath. Eventually I felt the thing shift then a large thump. ‘I guess it's finally time.' I said to myself as I quickly started to spread out from it's lungs.

Spreading through the doe took a quite a bit of time, but when I finally was in the proper places I began to move things around. Eventually I was shocked to find that when I attached myself to the inside of it's eyes, I could actually see what this creature saw. ‘How interesting.' I thought as I moved the eyes around. ‘I wonder what happens when I do the same to the things head. So moving my way up I eventually found what I was looking for and attached myself to the bottom of it. It was a feeling which was unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

Knowledge started spreading into me like a stream that fills an empty pond. All the doe's thoughts and memories quickly flowed into me and I knew everything about this doe, for all things I was the doe. I remembered my sire as he had left one day and left my dam and I alone forever. I remembered the pest places to feed during the different times of the year, and so much more. It was all like a dream, but it felt so real.

Then something shocked me back to my present predicament. It was a cold nose that was touching this doe's nose. ‘How is this possible? Am I now feeling what this dead doe's feeling?' Shifting it's eyes a little, I eventually looked up and saw that the lead buck was nudging me/this doe.

‘What for is the matter my dear. Have you eaten a thorn or something?' Asked he buck.

‘Am I going insane? Now I can actually understand deer talk.' I knew that if I didn't do something quick that I was going to be in trouble. So moving some of the doe's parts around I was able to finally get this thing to sit with it's legs under it and shook it's head. ‘I may be able to move this doe and understand what they say to one another, but speaking is a whole other matter.' So I looked up at the giant buck and shook my head. I lowered the head and quickly went back to grazing.

‘Thou art a strange one. So be it. Eat your fill, for it shall be a long walk till our resting place.' He said as he walked off and started talking with some of the other deer.

‘That was close. If I'm going to keep these deer from knowing what's truly going on, I'd better find out how to speak and move.' So while the others were finishing with their grazing, I was get the hang of standing and moving. The standing on four legs was quite difficult as I was obviously unfamiliar with it, then there came the moving. Once I'd gotten the hang of standing, I quickly started to move about. It became quite easier to move when I just allowed this body to do so on it's own.

That's when I realized that this doe was still alive. To say the least I was shocked. I though for sure that I'd killed the doe and was now in complete control of it. ‘I guess I must have been so caught up with everything else that I'd failed to notice that this doe had begun breathing again, and waking up. ‘Damn now what am I supposed to do? I just can't...'

‘Well it's good to see you haven't lost your balance completely.' Said a voice. The doe looked over and my eyes saw the lead buck standing next to us.

‘I'm sorry great one. I must have eaten something that did not agree with me.' She said back to him.

‘Think nothing of it my dear one. As long as you are well.' She lowered her head a little as he nuzzled her in the neck.

A shiver ran what I thought was my spine. ‘The way that he just touched this doe's neck must have meant something, if it sent shivers down this does spine.' I thought. ‘I'd better not try and kill this doe again. For if someone were to realize that she is sick they might leave her behind.' So for the better part I decided to remain hidden within the doe's body and began to learn everything on how this doe moved, talked, and acted. ‘This could come in handy later.' I thought as I felt around other parts of her body.