Nightwalkers Part 3

Story by Darkfang Magus on SoFurry

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#3 of Nightwalkers.


By: Darkfang Magus.

Part 3.


Night 4

Amid the bleak cityscape, a gunshot echoes, soon to be followed by a second. Nearby persons take little notice. It is the way of this city; they learn to forget about those unlucky few who don't live to survive the wretched nights.

In an alley, behind a broken down club, a blue-haired woman stares in awe at the colt .45 gripped in her hand. Before her, a young woman is cringing. A flaming aura hovers between Kitty and her would be slayer. At the flame's center, the lead chunk of a hollow-point round floats briefly before dropping to the ground. As the metal pings on asphalt along with its casing, Kitty, the young blonde, flees.

Meanwhile, Quicksilver stands, gun in hand, stunned. She is Catrai. I didn't even know there were any in the city... I can't believe I almost killed one of my own.

The wail of sirens invades their alleyway. A squeal of rubber on asphalt, and then the grinding of brakes. The cruisers' doors open, but cops who are too well-groomed step out. They are nearly synchronous while shutting the car doors. Their movements are mechanicalâ€"trained.

While the fireball fades away, Quicksilver studies the newcomers. All clean-shaven even though it is the middle of the night... Each man has a speaker in his left ear. The stripes on the car are the wrong colorâ€"not copsâ€"not good.

They draw their guns, aiming for her, but Quicksilver seems to fade into the dark. Using the little magic she knows, Quicksilver become not quite invisible, but rather clear. Behind her there is a howl as an engine revs and rubber turns over asphalt. Whipping about quickly, Quicksilver barely misses being sideswiped by a Mercury Cougar that comes barreling down the alley.

Kitty's mind is a scrambled madness as she drives her car toward the imitation cops. They level their guns at her. Bullets begin to pelt the windshield, meant for her head. Kitty lies over the passenger seat, her foot never leaving the gas pedal.

Still stunned, Quicksilver backs into a puddle while watching Kitty's mad escape. The wetness under her shoe, she realizes is blood, But where is the body? A bullet ricochets near her, sending a spray of crushed brick into the lioness' face, No time to worry about the bloodâ€"I had better get out of here before I get shot.

Kitty doesn't look ahead, even when she hears the wet sound of a body being crushed against her bumper. As she slams into the side of the police cruiser, her head knocks painfully against the glove-box. Kitty, look where you are going, or you might hit a wall. The thoughts aren't hers, she wonders if Shadow is somehow talking to her, But he was shotâ€"that woman shot him. Kitty takes the advice anyway, and floors it down the street. Barely rising above the curve of her steering wheel, Kitty attempts to avoid smashing into anything. Her reckless speed soon draws the attention of a police cruiser. Afraid that they too will fire at her Kitty veers off the main road.

"PULL OVER!" the officer blares out over his intercom. It soon begins to nag at Kitty's mind to the point that she cranks up her radio to drown it out. The DJ cheerily announces the upcoming songs.

"We will be playing some U2 for you soon, but first, here is Black Sabbath's Children of the Grave".

Her pursuer is soon followed by a second car. Kitty is steadily pulling away, but in the traffic she cannot take advantage of her car's superior horsepower. Kitty sees a familiar road, and takes it at too high a speed. The screech of rubber echoes in Kitty's ears as she spins out. Her world a blur, Kitty catches a glimpse of a small Toyota, before she hits it broadside. Nearly two tons of American muscle car barely loses momentum as the subcompact is thrown into a wall. Kitty's driver-side window shatters, causing her to duck away from the glass. One of the police cars hits Kitty's Mercury hard, sandwiching her against the Toyota. Kitty peers out of her cracked windshield. Over the twisted mess of her hood, an empty country road promises freedom.

The sudden stop makes her engine cough and finally stall. Hands shaking, Kitty bumps the starter. To her right, one of the cops pulls his gun out while approaching her car. The import's driver is looking around, probably not quite sure what had happened. One moment he was cruising down the road half asleep, and the next, his car had tried to trade places with a brick wall.


Kitty cries out with joy when her engine roars to life. She pops the clutch, causing smoke to billow from her spinning tires as the rending metal around her gives way. Pressed against her seat, the fugitive flees into the night. In the now still air, rock music drifts.**

"Oh my god! She shot me in the FACE!", Bleeding profusely, The shadow stumbles across rooftops. He wickedly claws at his forehead, trying to dig out shreds of metal. His unnatural strength had prevented the round from actually penetrating through his skull. Instead, the hollow-point had shattered, digging into the bone.

"ARGG. Feels like someone stabbed me in the brain". Disoriented, the Shadow falls flat on his face. Moron

"Who said that?", he rolls onto his back, but clouded vision reveals nothing.

I said you are a moron, the voice taunts him.

"I am not, I'm just sort of dying is all".

You are dying because you are a moron

"Who the hell are you!"

I could be anyone, I could be the moon for all you know

The shadow views the sky's glowing orb suspiciously. Clenching his fist up into the night, he rises to his feet. "You just come down here and say that. Then we'll see". A mocking laughter drowns out the world as he fades into the darkness. Unbeknownst to the Shadow, the laughter is his own.

In their beds, people who are accustomed to gunfire cower at the sound of his mirth. No sane creature could ever utter such sounds. It becomes the cackle of one driven mad.**

Kitty's heart is still beating fast, but she is now able to at least entertain rational thoughts. She's so confused... What is going on? She can't go back home, not now. The police are after her, and so is that crazy blue-haired woman. The low fuel light blinks on.

Looking into the dark expanse of road before her, Kitty remembers that she still has one friend left to turn to. Wary of pursuers, she heads to the zoo. Alissa will be able to help... somehow.

Kitty looks around nervously as her Mercury Cougar rolls up to the back entrance of the zoo. Afraid to make noise, but more afraid to stay out alone, Kitty parks her car. Exhaust comes through open windows, and Kitty becomes worried as she detects the heavy scent of fuel as well. Either the carburetor is getting screwy, or there's a gas leak. A quick search through the junk and broken glass on the floorboard, and Kitty comes back up with a plastic keycard.

"Gotcha!" She had borrowed it from Alissa a while back, but now is glad she forgot to return it. Kitty lets herself into the complex, grateful that they couldn't afford security cameras. Management was confident in their system of electronic locks. Kitty swipes the card, and waits for the LED to blink green before pulling the door-handle.

Dawn is coming. If I just hide here for a few hours Alissa will show up, and then I can decide what to do. It does not occur to Kitty that Alissa might not believe her story. She opens the service door to the big cat complex. The blonde cringes as rusted hinges betray her actions. Ever since they built a new zoo in the middle of the city, this establishment had been falling apart. Kitty rather likes the seclusion though.I wish I could see Aztec, I wouldn't feel so alone then. Kitty shivers involuntarily. Her soft cat-feet pad down the corridor, as she heads to the cages.

She pops open a key-box on the wall. Kitty doesn't realize that it is pitch black while she uses her keen feline vision to find the key for Aztec's pen. Her eyes dart at every ominous object she crosses paths with. It seems that the world is out to get her, and this oppressive silence only makes it worse. Kitty bumps into a stray mop-bucked and squeals as it clatters down the hallway. Afraid of her own voice, she cowers in a ball, her face just visible past the arms she raises to shield herself. Kitty's breathing is heavy in her ears, the cold cement leeches warmth from her toes. Stray hairs drift along her brow like a veil.

Summing up courage she doesn't possess, Kitty enters the big cat housing area. Luminescent eyes study her questioningly as she locks the door behind. Aztec is not the only cat in here, a young lion slinks into the corner of his cage and watches her with suspicion. Across the way, she hears the huff of the big tiger; they wonder what another animal is doing uncaged. As Kitty approaches Aztec's cage, her tail flicks absently. Her eyes reflect the jaguar's image. Fumbling with the keys briefly, Kitty releases the lock, and smoothly enters the pen. Aztec lovingly nuzzles her legs as the door swings ajar.

"Oh Aztec, at least you can be trusted." for a brief moment, a smile teases the edge of her mouth. Kitty wraps her arms around the jaguar's powerful shoulders; his fur is musky, somehow sweet; she sinks into it. At peace, a tear wets the corner of her eye.

"Aztec, what is happening to me?

He doesn't answer, just sits.

"Everything is falling apart around me. I am covered in fur, people want me dead. What have I ever done to deserve this? That thing that happened in my past, I didn't mean for it to be. Will I pay for that sin with my dying breath!" Breaking completely, Kitty sobs into his fur. The jaguar seems to understand, she is one of his own. In what way he can, the felid comforts her. In time, tears wash the pain from her soul. Relieved, Kitty slumbers protected by her ever vigilant feline guardian.

Kitty awakens in the jaguar's warm furry embrace. She had left the door open, but he made no attempt to escape. Kitty places a thankful kiss on the top of his head. Foggy from her nap, the golden haired girl stretches her arms upward, yawning heavily.

"Humph, still fuzzy. Last time I went to bed I was normal in the morning. I wonder why it didn't work today." She absently feels Aztec grooming her fur. A soft purr reverberates in her throat, enlivening her. She returns the favor by running her rough tongue through the dense fur on his back. It feels good to be grooming his fur and she does it lovingly, knowing that he is enjoying it greatly. She has to admit that she is thrilled by the feeling of his rough tongue on her fur.

They do this for some time, and Kitty is surprised that when he licks her rump she impulsively lift it high, presenting. There is warmth between her legs, and she doesn't understand it. She has not gotten used to being a jaguaress in heat. A basal need seems to drive her. She growl low in her throat imagining a great cat straddling her. Never before, would she have thought of doing such a thing, but now it seems somehow Natural.

Kitty is lost in the moment until she sees where her attentions have gone. She pulls back as her hungry tongue brushes Aztec's left testicle. What was I thinkingâ€"what am I thinking. This is bestial, but... why do feel a need to explore this animal's tool.. Kitty balks for a moment in contemplation, but still she is driven by a powerful desire to be intimate with the cat. How much further will I go before I am no more than an animal myself... Even so...

Kitty looks at him questioningly, "Could I?" She is sure he understands her as he spreads his thighs wider. "Will I?" Her tongue slides tentatively from trembling lips. She is hungry, and her mouth waters in anticipation. Animal desires are stronger than her will to resist. Deep in her throat, Kitty hears herself growl softly. I must... Kitty leans downward with excruciating slowness. Finally, within an inch of touching him, she slides her tongue outward. She can smell the sweet muskiness of his fur, and hears the gentle rhythm of his breathing. There is no turning back, never really was.

Kitty's long pink tongue traces his testicle, and she finds the fur to be unexpectedly soft. Further she travels, until getting the courage to place a gentle kiss at the base of his shaft. He twitches and she can clearly see the pink tip of his shaft sliding from its sheath. His ball are actually quite large, but furthermore she is interested in seeing him erect.

Tentatively, she draws her fingertips along the inside of his thigh. Aztec murrs pleasantly, and she works her courage up. Still traveling, she cups her hand around his soft furry balls. His member twitches again, exposing more pink. Kitty's hand is trembling and her mind is conflicted, but something pushes her onward. Whether it is curiosity, or something else, she cannot be sure. Biting down on her tongue slightly, Kitty moves her hand upward to gently feel his furry sheath.

It is extremely soft as well, but with an underlying hardness. Aztec gives a pleased growl as Kitty circles her hand around his sheath. Fluidly, his erection slides free, and Kitty is given a view of his pulsing shaft. It is now harder that any man's dick she had ever known, and turning a reddish color. Kitty's finds herself gaping in awe and her mouth is wet with a strange hunger. The jaguaress cannot turn back now, she must taste him.

Kitty is now more nervous than ever before in her life. With ears perked and tail flicking back and forth erratically, she leans forward. It is only now that Kitty notices she has been holding her breath, with a deep inhalation she is immersed in the scent of him. It is a wild smell, not unpleasing to her, in fact she finds herself turned on by it. Kitty tightens her grip on Aztec's member and gets close enough to plant a gentle kiss on the base of his shaft.

His rod jumps in her hand, and she can see a dribble of pre-cum slowly running down from the tip. Without thinking much anymore, Kitty simply leans forward and draws her tongue up his penis, licking up the salty-sweet fluid. She rolls it on her tongue and finds the taste pleasant, but it only makes her that much more interested in how he would really taste. With a deviant smile, Kitty begins to pump him. She holds her hand firmly around his sheath and works up and down with an excruciating slowness at first. Aztec growls again, low in his throat, but she knows that to be his growl of contentment. it is a deeper version of the sound he would make when she cuddled up and petted his head on lazy evenings.

It is a good thing that Kitty is on her knees already, because her legs feel so rubbery from nervousness and excitement that she doubts she could stand at all. He lies on his side with legs splayed apart, while she stays crouched between his paws with her left hand down for support and the other working him. Kitty's arm is trembling due to her nervousness, but not remotely enough to stop her. Kitty is actually doing it, she has her hand around Aztec's rod, pumping it without shame. Her senses are filled with him, and she can tell that he is enjoying it as much as she, if not more. Kitty has fleeting thoughts cross her mind, about what she is really doing, but in the moment it matters little.

After a few minutes of Kitty's pumping, Aztec is breathing heavily. In fact, Kitty is gasping in expectation as well. She is scared, she is nervous, what if Allisa comes in, what if somebody else comes, and do those weird cops know she is here? Kitty's head swims and she feels faint, she is scared enough that she almost has to pee, but also she is filled with livid excitement. The jaguaress is unable to really judge what will happen next, all she can be sure of is her hunger, her hand gripping Aztec , and his growls of ecstasy. Kitty's ear twitches and her tail is flicking about aimlessly. She is breaking a taboo, and yet... It doesn't feel wrong. Right here, being intimate with her best companion, she is an animal, and she is free.

Aztec... not just a pet, certainly a friend, just an animal?, my father? Kitty's thoughts are interrupted as Aztec begins to moan and thrust rapidly into her encircling hand. His movements are so very powerful, something about it excites her. Again, without wasting time to think about it, Kitty leans forward and quickly takes him into her mouth. He is so hot, unexpectedly so, that her eyes go wide in shock for a moment. The taste is salty, but not bad, his reddish shaft is incredibly hard and smooth against her lips. Absently, Kitty rubs her legs together, feeling the warmth there, and closes her eyes reveling in the feel of him moving within her mouth. Then, in several powerful thrusts, she feels him pulse. Before Kitty can move, he ejaculates; the first few bursts are burning hot honey on her tongue. Kitty revels in it and swallows the cream while sucking on him to draw out every single drop. The big cat claws at the air and calls out masterfully, in his most sensitive spot his little jaguaress mewls happily.

The moment is overwhelming but at last Aztec calms. While Kitty sits up to wipe the back of a paw over her sticky lips., she watches with interest to Aztec licking himself back into his sheath. Mesmerized, she finishes cleaning her face as his phallus slowly slips from view. Licking her lips one more time, Kitty crawls alongside him to nuzzle his cheek against her own. The big cat mewls satedly and drapes a protective arm over her form. Now, all is silent again. Kitty has a chance to think.

Had I actually been on my knees committing bestiality? Or perhaps not, because now I'm not sure if I am actually human. Then again, if I'm not human, then it means that this cat is my father... did I just suck off my father? That only raises more questions, and Kitty's whole view of how the world works is getting fuzzy. Had my mother done this exact same thing in the past. Like mother like daughter... come to think of it had my mother been some strange jaguar girl too? Kitty then decides that it is best to stop thinking, because she really doesn't know what to tell herself.

"I wish you could tell me something... anything to help." Aztec just looks at her silently.

With a sigh, she cuddles close to him closing her eyes. Sleep is best, perhaps the morning will have some answers for her; however unlikely. Aztec murr's contentedly and watches as Kitty slips off to sleep. As she does so, her fur fades and her tail disappears. Come morning, all of this will seem like some strange dream.

Night 5

"It should be dark enough to leave now." Kitty slips on the shoes Allisa had given her.

"Where will you go?" Allisa queries.

"Somewhere far away, maybe out west." Allisa's friend hugs her tightly.

"Goodbye Katrina."

"Goodbye and thanks again for the clothes". Kitty walks out into the moonlit night. She runs the plan over in her head. First, she needs to head to her apartment and get the money she has hidden. Then... Well, then she starts her life over. With a little trouble, she gets her car started, and then heads into town.


In an abandoned industrial complex, a dark shape sits up suddenly. His blackish fur is stained maroon with blood, his own blood. The wound on his forehead is now no more than another twisted scar. The shadow's ears turn, perceiving something amiss amongst the cast-aside junk. There is a light scraping sound, imperceptible to the human ear. Outside, a woman carefully works a pick set on the building's lock, while a pair of expressionless men flank her. Each man wears a black cloth trench-coat, and wields a suppressed mp7 sub-machine-gun equipped with a light under the barrel.

The shadow slinks from his spot, investigating the sound. Not quite sure if it is actually real, his curiosity make him forget caution. Agile true to his breed, he steps around the piles of steel pipe and tin. Three meters from the door, his feline eyes cut thought the darkness to reveal that the door-handle is moving slightly. Suspicious, he stands at the ready.

Outside, the woman gives her companions a signal, and they hold their guns level as she pushes the door open. Through the opening, a creature's form is just visible under their lights. Astounded to find their quarry standing in-front of them, the men hesitate before opening fire. It is all the time that the shadow needs to jump clear. Though their guns are silenced, the deafening clang of lead on steel pipes rises to such a crescendo than the shadow has his ears laid flat as he snarls.

Deafened, the men hurriedly reload their weapons. Halfway through, one of them disappears. The remaining man holds his reloaded weapon at the ready, as his female companion draws a pistol. Hardened killers both of them, but still their hands tremble at the sound coming from the complex. Unholy screams for mercy are mixed with demonic growls and the wet sound of ripping flesh. There is a soft patter, much like rain, as blood falls from the rafters.

The assassins stand back-to-back while entering the complex, their stomachs curdle as the screams stop, now all that remains is the snarling creature who tears apart their associate. Flashlights dart wildly, searching. With a sickening crack, their companion's body falls two feet from the woman. Losing her composure completely, she cowers on the ground holding her gun above her head like a shield.

From behind, the shadow hits the remaining man hard. He tumbles forward over the scrap and crashes halfway through a window. Bleeding profusely, the man lifts his gun only to have it torn from his arm along with a good bit of meat. The gun spins on the floor setting off the room with a strobe-light effect. The shadow sinks bloodied claws into his prey while wrapping vicious jaws around the man's neck. A flurry of gunshots erupts behind him. Taking two in the back, both of them tip over the ledge. Shaking, the woman tries to reload, but only manages to drop her weapon.

Two floors down, a gasping tiger lies dazed, on the corpse of his would be assassin. Howling in pain he digs a chunk of metal out of his shoulder-blade. The other round lies deep in his left lung, stopped by one of his ribs, just having missed piercing his heart. Thankful to have avoided any broken bones, he stands up coughing heavily. A spray of blood coats the grimy concrete. His body will heal hopefully, but his energy reserves are low. The shadow must feed first. Snarling, he tears into the pile of fresh meat at his feet.

Above, the woman peeks over the window-frame, and has to turn back and retch from what she sees. My god, this is inhuman. Not able to stand, she crawls to her gun. Trembling, she pulls a clip from her side pocket. It seems to take an eternity to line it up with the handle.Come onâ€"he could be back anyâ€"what was that soundâ€"damn gun. She grips the slide to pull it back but finds her hands have no strength "I'm deadâ€"I'm deadâ€"dead, dead"

"Soon maybe, if you tell me the truth", the voice resonates in her head. Holding the nearly loaded gun to her brow, she put her hands to her face. A pair of foreign paws grab the sides of her head. Shrieks of terror seem to grow as she is pulled deeper into the unforgiving darkness, into the shadow's world.**

Quicksilver sits quietly-invisible as she thinks over the situation. She is waiting in Kitty's apartment, where she has spent the last 24 hours. Maybe this girl is smarter than I give her credit for. Waiting for her to show up is probably a waste of time. While considering this, the door eases open, and a very nervous Kitty steps inside. Hmph, idiot.

"Ahh good old room 508."

Still transparent, Quicksilver shuts the door. Kitty jumps, but seeing nothing, continues into the room.

"Kitty stay calm, I have something to tell you".

A small "eep" comes from the blonde's mouth as she looks around wildly.

"I know about your transformation, because it is an ability I too share. But we mustn't stay here, it is not safe."

"You don't sound like shadow, show yourself." Kitty is surprised by how forceful her voice sounds.

"Very well, just know I have not any intention of hurting you. My weapons are on your nightstand. If I were to kill you, you would already be dead."

Kitty looks toward the nightstand to see a pair of high caliber pistols which she knows don't belong to her. When she turns back to the room. A silver-furred lioness stands before her. Recognizing her build and blue-hair, Kitty backs away. "Get away from me, you killer".

"Aren't we all." Quicksilver replies solemnly.

"I'm not!"

"That is why you need my protection... Coming to this apartment, after last night; it was suicide." Quicksilver reaches out a silver paw, "You must trust me."

Kitty finds she has backed up into the nightstand, the Blued Colt .45 falls onto the carpet with a soft thunk. Is she lyingâ€"if so why am I still aliveâ€"even if I went alone, how far would I make it. Those cops, they were shooting at me. Me, for no reason. "Why did you kill my friend"?

Quicksilver nonchalantly brushes her hair aside, "That used to be my job. Regardless, he escaped last night as well, so I highly doubt the wound was mortal. He is Catrai as well, is he not?"

"Well.. Whatever a Catrai is, I guess so. What does that have to do with it."

"The blood of the world's most powerful hunters runs in our veins. Think hard on this Katrina, have you ever been sick, did you ever do things beyond explanation? Each of us has some gift per say. The ability to do superhuman things. Looking over his record, there were events in Shadow's life that I could not quantify. His being Catrai explains it. He is simply capable of accelerated tissue regeneration. You too must have some abilities."

The fire?

"Have you ever felt as if you could speak on the same level as the animal kingdom. We are very special and far too rare these days. I know of none others in this country. I have heard tales of them in South America, but how you found yourself here is a mystery to me."

Kitty stands confused, all the information seems to flood her system; putting together the pieces just to find they were all part a much larger picture. "Fine, I will trust you for now, just take it slow. This is all new to me."

"Very well, go get what you need from here and I will secure the area." Quicksilver leans over gracefully, with a slight creak of leather she grabs her pistol from the floor, an action that makes Kitty give her a wary glance. Once her guns are holstered, Quicksilver walks through the broken French doors, and checks the balcony for intruders. At five floors up, the likelihood is low.

On the roof of a building across the street, in the very place where Quicksilver was sitting a few nights past, a grim man holds his eye to a riflescope. The British L96A1, sits perfectly balanced in his hands. Quicksilver is perhaps four floors below his position. His cross-hairs lie centered on her face. Gently, he squeezes the trigger, "Gotcha".**

The shadow sits studying his victim. She knows something, but refuses to reveal it. Her resistance to pain was quite impressive, a neat stack of fingernails stood as proof of that. Now though, after the screaming had ebbed, they glared at one-another.

"Just give me something to go on and this nonsense can end."

With her arms tied above her, she is unable to lash out. She makes do by spitting at him. "You will kill me if I say anything, so what motivation do I have".

"There are things worse than death." His inhuman eyes gleam with wickedness.

The woman makes no sound, but her fear is evident. Hope had long since fled, now all that remains is a desperate defiance of her tormenter. Her hands are chafed from the wire wound around her wrists. Sweat, salty and slick, leaves its shine on her face.

The shadow glares at her again while his mind spins. Why have they put me through thisâ€"you helped them, you turned me into this. Living on the run defending myself, too much, too often. Now I am not even sure what's right or wrong. Damn, what has happened to me anyway, what is my name again? It's all so hazy. Doesn't matter, information's what I need. Retribution has to be dealt.

The woman is perturbed by his silence and somehow it scares her worse than any amount of questioning. The shadow twitches slightly as if remembering where he is, then turns back to look at her.

"Fine... If you aren't going to be any use to me, then at least you can be of some amusement." He stalked behind the woman, grabbing her by the nape of the neck. "I don't see why you will need these."

Her legs are so weak that she would have fallen flat if not strung up by her arms. The sensation of a quartet of blades pricks her neck. The blades slide down her back, easily slicing through her jumpsuit, and leaving a bloody trail down her spine. The shadow yanks her clothing hard, pulling the stitches free from her sleeves, and lets the ruined suit pool around her ankles.

"There, isn't that better."

She merely glares.

The shadow kneels over one of her companions' corpses. "You know, this gal might not be much of a conversationalist, but at least she's good to look at." He continues his banter while beginning to eat from the man's flesh.

Ten minutes of holding her eyes closed does nothing to interrupt the sounds. This is horrible, will I too become nothing more than a meal for this beast. The dam that withheld her emotions is only so strong. Like a torrent, tears began to fall. She hangs limp, sobbing and cursing everything around her.

The shadow turns around lazily, and wipes blood from his maw, with a forearm. "Ahh not bad, almost a smoky aftertaste. Must have been a smoker, weren't you?" He queries the body.

She swears he acts like he received an answer from the corpse. Too weak to struggle anymore, fate bears down on her as the feline approaches licking his lips.

"Do you know what I like after a good meal? Something you are in a perfect position to give." He strokes her back as if inspecting a prime cut of beef, "ahh yes". The wires around her wrists creak, as she clenches her hands.

She shivers, pulling away from his touch. Somehow, to her this is a fate far worse than death. As a strong woman accustomed to having her way, being helplessly at the mercy of an animal isn't something she can deal with very well. NO no no God no..

The tiger spreads her legs as he stands behind her. He leans his chin on her shoulder, smearing the skin with blood. The smell is acridâ€"metallic, but to her surprise his breath is odorless. With a grunt, he slides the tip of his penis into her tight nethers. The prick of his chitinous barbs makes the woman bite down on her lower lip. The coitus doesn't last long, but time is relative and to her it surpasses an eternity. At the end, her sweat soaked body is heaving and his wet tongue runs along her neck, tasting it.

He grips the woman forcefully, as his cock bucks in her vagina. Semen, hot and strong, floods her. It is then that she knows what it is to be broken. Nothing matters anymore, she has only her life, and even that is in his homicidal hands.

Against his lips, blood courses through her neck. Licking his jaws the shadow whispers in her ear, "do you know what I like best... fresh living meat", he pricks her skin with his fangs. There is no sound but his slow intake of breath.

Like ice-water, her blood turns cold. Wide-eyed she begins to beg, "Don't, please for the love of God don't. I know where the agency is, I know where the other operatives went. They were assigned to eliminate the Mien girl, and Quicksilver. Don't kill me, I want to live."

The shadow pauses, "What girl?"

The Catrai Jaguarâ€"Kitty-Katrina whatever her name is. They are waiting at her apartment. She and the other Catrai, agent Quicksilver, are to be eliminated.

The shadow steps away from her, not Kitty, they were after me. Why kill her. "I will deal with you later." The shakes start again, stronger than ever. Growling, he goes into his jacket to pop open a pill-bottle and dry-swallow two tablets. Donning the leather jacket and jeans, he becomes human. Just another stranger now, he flees from his hideout.

The woman remains where she is, having little choice in the matter. Silently she ponders her fate. She does not want to admit it, but the thought is there. Had being taken by the beast felt good in some way? Perhaps, if I don't fight him... maybe he will take me again. "That creature, he is a beast, he is horrible, he is an animal"... and she had liked it. Yes, he had killed her companions, and he had done terrible things to her. Still, she can't help the feelings. Right now she can feel his warm liquid dripping between her thighs. I... I really don't know what to think.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" she whispers, to nobody except herself.**

Above empty city streets, a sniper pops off his first shot. Quicksilver's ears are sensitive though, she hears the click of a rifle mechanism and steps back. The movement only serves to land the round in her chest rather than head. Her Kevlar vest prevents the bullet from penetrating, but it still has a significant amount of impact. The force sends her ricocheting off a wall and over the side rail of the balcony. Her left leg catches the next rail down. The angle is all wrong though, forced to bend in a way it was never meant to, the bone gives way. Hanging from her broken leg, Quicksilver's eye roll back. The pain nearly causing her to faint.

"Nice trick girl, but I have plenty more bullets". His silencer looks good, so he pops the bolt back sliding another round into the chamber. He puts his eye to the scope but is unable to focus. Pulling his head back, he stumbles over in surprise. Standing on the edge of the roof is a crazed looking man in a leather jacket, That guy looks just like our other target. But we were told they weren't working together. He contemplates this as his head tumbles to the street. Unfortunately, leaving the body behind.

Kitty hears a sound as someone walks up to her apartment door. Frightened, she backs away. With a great shower of splintered wood, the door crashes inward. The intruder lets loose with a silenced Mp5. Covering her head, Kitty cowers on the floor. The man watches perplexed as lead rounds drop out of his gun and clatter to the floor. Suddenly the weapon detonates, vaporizing him and most of the wall. The fireball surrounds Kitty but never touches her. Soon the strain from such an act becomes too much. Blood trickles from her nose as she passes out.

Quicksilver pulls herself over the rail. Must get to cover. The lioness smashes a porch window with the butt of her gun, and crawls inside. Gasping, she opens her med-kit, and pulls out a scalpel, Quickly, she slits the leather free from her pant-leg and finds splintered bone protruding from the side of her leg. Looking away in disgust, she opens a morphine needle. The shot makes her pain subside and allows her to concentrate on fixing her leg. She takes a quick glance around to make sure she is alone, then gets back to work. Quicksilver slides the bone back into place, and is surprised by how little it hurts, I wonder if I took too much of that morphine?. She grabs a small clamp and binds the bone together. Wiping the pool of blood free, she stitches the wound shut. Once that is done, she grabs an antibiotic syringe and gives herself a shot for good measure. Lost a lot of blood. Need to avoid passing out.

Seeing a broken window, the stranger walks inside looking for Kitty. An L96A1 sniper-rifle is slung over his shoulder. Instead of Kitty, he finds Quicksilver half-unconscious crawling along the floor. Serves you right after shooting me. Hearing him, she rolls onto her back only to have a foot planted firmly on her abdomen. Now the shadow again, he grabs her guns as she fumbles to stop him. Tossing the smaller one across the room, he cocks the .45. Placing the barrel to her forehead, sinister words roll off his tongue.

"Where is Kitty! You had better tell me quick because I have a hunch that this will be more effective against you than it was me."

"You're on the wrong floor, she is up a level."

"Oh good, now to take care of a little grudge I've had." He begins to squeeze down on the trigger, only to have his hand spasm. The gun rolls free and he grips his wrist. Thankful to be given the moment she needed, Quicksilver launches him into the air. As Shadow hits the bed, his rifle goes flying across the room. While he rolls off the mattress, she transforms to her true for. Now a Catrai, she prays she can quell his rage. Shadow comes up in a flurry of claws, but pauses upon seeing her. huh.

"You, me, and Kitty are the same. If we intend to survive, we must work together." Quicksilver holds her hands clasped to her chest.

"Why shoot me then!" he bellows.

"I didn't know the facts. It was... it was a mistake."

"We shall see." He approaches menacingly and grabs the sides of her head. "Show me". His thoughts rush into her mind.

Quicksilver can feel her mind, her very soul being invaded by the foreign thoughts. As he can read her, she too can read him. What she finds makes her mind turn away in horror. Deepest secrets, are splayed out like a magazine. It is as if her spirit is being raped of all privacy. Each part of her being wants to resist, but she allows it to be. If this discomfort can save them then so be it.

Shaking his head moments later, Shadow drops her. All the pieces he spent a lifetime looking for, now come together. Her agency is one and the same with all those he has searched for. Possibly with her help, I can end this. I want it to endâ€"I want the running to end. "Do you smell smoke".

Quicksilver points to the roof where paint has begun to shrivel from intense heat.

His concern evident, Shadow rushes to the balcony and scales the next level. Kitty's room is ablaze. Through the flame he makes out a body spread eagle. Unconcerned about the fire, he marches in. The cross on Shadow's chest shines with an inner light, as the flames pass over his body. He kneels above Kitty, who is in an ever shrinking ring of fire. Her feet are being blistered by the heat, and her hair is singed badly, starting to ignite in places.

Shadow feels at peace when near her. She is possibly the only thing he loves. He certainly doesn't love his life, but perhaps her. Knowing what will surely happen, he lifts the silver cross from his neck. It feels odd not to have its weight against his breast. Gently, he clasps it around Kitty's slender neck. Shadow's cotton jeans are aflame, and his Jacket gives off an acrid chemical odor.

Smalls bit off cloth and singed fur fall from him as he lifts Kitty. Blinded by the fire, he walks by memory. Burning alive, he experiences the most intense pain of his life. He doesn't falter, if I do one good thing before death's cruel hand grips me; let it be this. Through fire, and lashing flame, he carries Kitty out of the room. Though she remains unscathed as they leave behind their burning world, Shadow falls to his knees sinking into soft carpet.

Wheezing, he gently lays her out in the hallway. There is a small ping as the elevator door opens. Quicksilver hobbles out, using Shadow's discarded rifle as a crutch. She rushes toward them and checks Kitty who lies motionless. "She's not breathing!"

Shadow falls to his hands and knees, So very weak, so very... tired. "Help her", he chokes out in a gravely whisper. He can feel that the insides of his lungs are burned, breathing does nothing to slake his need for air.

Immediately, Quicksilver begins to perform CPR. Just as Kitty coughs her way back to life, Shadow falls on his side. Hacking, and gagging, Kitty sits up. Quicksilver turns to Shadow who now has stopped breathing as well. She tries to resuscitate him but gets no result. After a desperate couple of minutes, she checks his pulse. Nothing.

"Kitty we have to go." She grabs the girl's arm. Shadow lies motionless, with the flames encroaching upon him.

"We can't leave him!"

"There is nothing more I can do. Either we leave now, or we burn to death and throw away what good he tried to accomplish."

Kitty is still reaching toward her dark furred savior as Quicksilver drags her into the elevator. "Shadow". The elevator's double doors slide shut, and he is gone. Minutes later, Kitty's car is heading out of town.

In the broken-down firetrap of an apartment complex where Kitty once lived, there is a fleeting sound overwhelmed by crackling wood. Nonetheless the sound continues. Ever so softly, another bump. Stronger now, it continues in defiance of the consuming fire.

A shadow moves in the yellow glow. Steadier now, the beating resumes. Out of the living hell of fire the shadow stumbles. Past the ruined elevator, he meanders to the stairwell, his heartbeat strengthening with each step. At long last, he falls into the street and breathes life's air. With each breath his lungs regenerate a little more. Rubbernecks and passers-by stare at him as he lies before the building. A middle-aged man puts a hand on the ruined leather of this newcomer's coat. The shadow turns to glare at him, but can see naught but a blur.

Onlookers recoil from the milky-eyed beast that lays before them wearing the clothing of a man. Even in the night there is enough light from the fire to reveal his feline nature. He looks extremely starved, with muscles standing out vividly, as if he had not eaten in weeks. They don't know that his body was degrading itself to keep him alive in absence of energy reserves. Growling, he stumbles through the crowd. Moments later he is but a bad dream to the denizens, and is soon lost from their minds entirely. Into the night, the shadow slinks, seeking refuge.To be Continued...


Nightwalkers Part 4

# Nightwalkers By: Darkfang Magus * * * ## Part 4 Dampness fills the air as evening approaches. The sun's last feeble rays feather a red horizon. Amid this, muddy rivers course through rusted gutters of the broken-down...

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Amura Daughter of the Cat

**Amura** _By: Darkfang Magus._ **Part 1.** **Daughter of the Cat.** * * * !["Amura"](%5C) ## Prologue. ## In a past long forgotten by man, there lived many bestial races. The most revered of these beasts...

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Lady of the Lake

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