Dragon's Path: A New Lesson

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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After his first blissful climax, Vrelgor faces a potential threat. A rogue dragon left conspicuous signs around his new territory, but his bronze friend seems far more eager to put his tongue to a better use and show the young blue just how many other ways there are to achieve a fulfilling climax.

Writing is not only my greatest passion, but also my primary source of income, so please consider supporting me by getting a commission(click for info) orpledging on Patreon(click for link) to help more awesome stories come to life ^^

***Part 1 < Current chapter > Part 3***

Description: After his first blissful climax, Vrelgor faces a potential threat. A rogue dragon left conspicuous signs around his new territory, but his bronze friend seems far more eager to put his tongue to a better use and show the young blue just how many other ways there are to achieve a fulfilling climax.


Vrelgor woke up slightly stiff under his tail. He shifted his wings to dispel the irritation throbbing between his legs, but movement only made it worse.

"Grawrrr..." he blinked his amber eyes to moisten them up, then peeked under an upraised wing to see his tense member poking a generous distance out of his slit.

Vrelgor's nostrils narrowed as he drew in the permeating scent of arousal. He moved around the throbbing member, careful not to get his snout poked by the jerking motion. It seemed as if the flesh snake had a life of its own, slapping up and down between the slimy patch left on the ground and the equally wet belly.

The blue dragon approached further. Warmth embraced his member, forcing it to harden yet again. A stray line of translucent fluid dripped between the soft barbs of his head before it splashed down, adding to the mess stretching on the stone.

Vrelgor's toes stretched with desire. He felt tense, almost on the verge of erupting. His tongue sneaked out of his maw, inching closer and closer towards the highly sensitive tip.

Then, in the last moment, he pulled back, an angry snort blowing through his nostrils. It felt stale, to release inside his own inexperienced maw when his friend brought him so much pleasure before. Vrelgor remembered that moment well. His wings shivered in their joints, claws scratching at the ground as he went back to the intense pulsations traversing the hardening frame of his spurting cock. The pleasure of ejaculating such copious amounts of seed felt more intense than anything he experienced before. Flying was nowhere near as exhilarating. Hunting even seemed boring compared to that moment.

As he looked upon his member, Vrelgor realized he yearned for another release. He just had to slide his tongue forward and push that warmth-loving erection into the damp shelter of his maw.

"Grarrrr..." Vrelgor got onto his feet. He beat his wings down, an unwanted reflex triggered by the irritation rushing through his member. The scales of his belly were too hard, too displeasing compared to the soft embrace of a maw.

Vrelgor knew that well. He also knew how risky it was to take himself in. Right now, he needed Rusturak, yet the bronze dragon seemed to be strangely absent from his own cave.

Vrelgor growled again. No answer came. The cave was silent like an abandoned nest.

"He's probably hunting..." the blue dragon realized. He paced around, snarling every time his hardened member slapped against his belly. "Or maybe he's in his garden again, filling one of his pots with..."

The realization sent a warm surge along his spine. Erection or not, Vrelgor rushed towards the garden, his claws clicking on the stone before they met the cold water of the subterranean river. Vrelgor looked from one wall to the next, nostrils eagerly breathing in the smells of vegetation in search of that one particular scent.

He found absolutely nothing.

Vrelgor made his way towards the cave's exit, beaten and disappointed. He sat on the ledge for a while, watching the clouds, the mountains, and the trees. The peaceful sights cooled his blood somewhat, though his member refused to completely slide inside the shelter offered by the dragon's soaked slit. Part of him still hungered for the overpowering sensation of release. Instincts were like that, fickle and annoying.

Vrelgor's heart skipped a beat. Something approached the cave. The black slits of his eyes narrowed when he made out the form of his bronze friend. He got up, swishing his tail restlessly until the bronze dragon touched the ground with his paws. Then, like an overexcited hatchling, Vrelgor licked and nuzzled his friend, rubbing under his wings, sliding along his sides, growling like a female at the peak of her heat.

"Rrrhhh...mrrrruuurrrr," Vrelgor rumbled when he felt the bronze's warm tongue tickling the underside of his jaw. He reciprocated the affection with greater fervor, swiping his slimy tongue messily along his friend's face.

"You're quite frisky this morning, my dear blue," Rusturak closed his eyes against the assault. "Should I-"

Vrelgor filled that blabbering mouth with his tongue, licking along fangs, embracing his friend in the warmest of ways.

"Nrrhhh..." the dragons pressed their snouts together, enjoying the warm riptides coursing through their forms.

Rusturak enjoyed the kiss thoroughly, even if he was the first one to break it. "That was the best greeting I had in a while."

"I missed you," Vrelgor rubbed along the bronze's neck. "Why were you gone?"

"I heard something."

"The birds?"

"No. They're not as loud."

"Wolves? Stags?"

"Dragons," Rusturak turned his head back towards the forest. "Someone passed through my territory last night. I searched him through the skies for too long, only to realize he left on the ground something a few minutes away from our cave."

"Left what?" Vrelgor tilted his head.

"Come with me."

They took off from their perch. Vrelgor flew around his friend, trying to entice him in an aerial game, but he wasn't particularly successful. A shame. It really was a beautiful day. What could work a confident dragon like Rusturak up so much?

Vrelgor found the answer sharp and displeasing.

"So?" Rusturak walked around the tree in question. "Figured out what it is?"

The blue dragon sniffed a few more times around the roots, then pulled his head, growling his displeasure. "It's urine and...something else. Old enough to dry through the night. Why would a dragon fly here just to pee on a tree?"

"You never marked your territory before?"

"I didn't see the need to," the blue said, licking his nostrils to dispel the unpleasant scents.

"Well, this dragon heartily disagrees with your statement. You noticed what that other scent is, right?"

Vrelgor growled stubbornly. "No. I'm not sniffing pee again."

Rusturak came around. He lowered his head towards the roots, and when Vrelgor nuzzled his neck, his paw pushed the poor blue straight into the source of the scent.

"Nrrrgggrrrr!" Vrelgor flapped his wings and clawed at the ground in a vain attempt to free himself.

"Smell it carefully," Rusturak growled in his ear. "You're a dragon for crying out loud, not one of those stupid humans who can't tell grass from pine needles!"

Vrelgor whipped his tail around. He smacked the bronze straight-on, but the bastard had a really mean grip.

"Smell it. I'm not letting you back off until you solve this pressing mystery. Tell me what it is!"

Vrelgor growled in distress. His nostrils stung, and his tongue accidentally brushed along the soaked bark to befoul his maw with all manner of vicious tastes. One of them stood out though. It was gentler. Somewhat familiar.


The grip receded, and Vrelgor took a few deep breaths to recover. "It's seed, isn't it?"

"Only took you a day and a slap over the head to figure this out," Rusturak said nonchalantly. He approached the roots, took a few deep breaths, then hissed sharply. "He was aroused when he left this marking, but he didn't release his seed. He just brought himself close enough to the edge, then squirted his scent all over these roots. We're not dealing with a lustful juvenile, dear blue. Like I said, this message has been left here with purpose."

"Why? What did he want? There is plenty of prey in these forests. If the animals notice-"

"No, no, no. He wanted more than prey, or a territory. Females," Rusturak licked his snout, looking towards the mountains. "He was after stray females."

"Are there any roaming around?" Vrelgor asked.

"No. I prefer the company of males and know better than to tease young, receptive females with lies like this particular dragon does. He's taunting me. Definitely wants to obtain a confrontation."

"So he's an enemy."

"Perhaps. I can tell for certain this dragon is not fond of my presence here."

Vrelgor's wings fluttered with unease. He flew here to escape trouble, yet it seemed trouble had a way of finding him.

"What can we do?" he rubbed his friend's neck in search of comfort. "I'm not a great fighter. What if-"

Rusturak growled. "You worry too much," he looked at the blue dragon with a glimmering eye. "I won't let anyone hurt you, my blue, so let me worry about this."

"But I live here too!"

"Yes you do! And that's why I'm telling you to relax. It's my territory. I know who my neighbors are. Believe me when I say it. We. Are. Safe."

"Maybe..." Vrelgor whined softly. A moment later, a warm, scaly tail wrapped around his, turning his concerns to a different kind of problems. With Rusturak's body pressed tightly against his and a warm tongue sliding along his neck, Vrelgor quickly found himself going from concerned to aroused.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Helping you relax, of course. Care to come with me? I know a wonderful place that fits exactly what I have in mind."

Vrelgor had no choice but to follow, wrapped under a wing like a naughty hatchling. Rusturak enjoyed this. He constantly talked about how cute aroused dragons were while Vrelgor found nothing particularly amusing in having insects buzz around the most sensitive part of his body or worse, vegetation. The taller plants made his whole body shudder when they brushed against his unsheathed cock. Distraction was the key, yet for a dragon with a hanging malehood, staring at trees was really not the most pleasant activity.

Good thing the place was close. Vrelgor finally tasted freedom in a small sun kissed clearing a hundred or so wing beats away from the marked tree. He immediately dropped on the ground, hind leg lifted above his horned head, tongue washing over his hard yet irritated member. Vrelgor's claws curled inwards with each lick. He didn't want to extract too much pleasure from a simple grooming, yet having his muscular tongue slide over the barbed head was an irresistible treat.

"You're going to fill your maw with something else if you keep that up," Rusturak approached with his big bronze snout. He sniffed a few times around the blue's dripping slit, then poked his own tongue to dab at the lubricated flesh.

"Graarrr!" Vrelgor snapped.

"Two tongues are too much for you to bear?"

"Yes! Licking my slit and staring at my cock isn't my definition of rest and relaxation."

"Of course not. Lay on your back, and I'll show you what I brought you here for."

Vrelgor flinched. Lay exposed with his cock out on display? It almost seemed too easy. "It's one of your tricks again. I'm not falling for it."

"Of course you can...unless you want me to suck the seed out of you."

Vrelgor's legs trembled as the bronze unleashed a gust of hot air upon his privates. He realized just how weak and helpless he was before this bigger, more experienced dragon, so he nodded his head, spreading his wings and holding his paws limp before the bronze's towering form.

"You are such a striking dragon," Rusturak bowed his serpentine neck, pressing his snout against the blue's.

Vrelgor rumbled softly. Oh, how he loved the scent and warmth of his friend. He let his tongue rush out of his maw to slide along patches of pebbly scales that covered the bronze dragon's snout. Rusturak simply nuzzled his lips, then descended towards the neck where he started licking with short, delicate strokes. He was moist, warm, slow like the murmur of a river. Vrelgor's tail shivered with every stroke of that calming tongue. Rusturak was very thorough, swirling around to make sure every scale got a proper treatment. He slid down the blue's exposed chest, then climbed along one of his front paws all the way to the claws, which he cleaned with striking efficiency. Then, he moved lower, towards the bigger and meatier hind legs, where the source of the young dragon's pleasure was located.

Vrelgor curled his claws. A bead of translucent precum met his lighter colored belly scales. Rusturak started licking the inside of his flank, dashing electric webs of hot pleasure with his gentle tongue.

Vrelgor took a deep breath, then moaned when that warm snout spread his paw apart. Each of his toes were pulled in one by one by the agile tongue and dipped into a bath of delicious saliva. Vrelgor's cock tensed harder and harder, pleading for the same kind of attention.

"Mrrraarrrr... lower...Please, lower..." Vrelgor growled as his limbs shivered with rising lust.

"I still have your wings left," Rusturak slid his tongue along a claw's length. "It will take just a minute."

Vrelgor couldn't handle any more teasing. He writhed on the ground, kicked at the air, and growled as his sensitive wing membrane pulsated with heated bliss. A dragon's wing was void of scales, and that made it very susceptible to stimulation. With every lick, the lustful blue became more desperate until his hips thrust his hardening erection against the bronze dragon's chin. The contact sent a sharp surge towards the sensitive cock, causing two squirts of precum to bust out through the bloating hole.

"Raaaahhhhh!" Vrelgor's maw clattered with unspent desire. "Please...please..." he begged for that blissful tongue to wrap around his cock and draw the fire right out of his tensing slit.

Rusturak blinked. He looked towards the dripping member, licking his maw at the appetizing sight draped before his eyes.

"It would be my most intense pleasure to taste your seed upon my tongue again, but before I do so, there is another pleasure I wish to bestow upon you."

"No...no..." Vrelgor moved his head from one side to the other. "I'm close...Just a few licks and I'll...I'll..."

His words slowly dispersed as the trail of heat stopped around his tailhole. Vrelgor had no idea what to expect until that warm, lubricated tongue fell upon the harder muscles of his tailhole.

"Graaawrrrr! Warm...so warm..."

Rusturak kept circling the clenching pucker. Sharp spasms made him linger around the edges, and Vrelgor enjoyed the wet treatment of the circling tongue until it pulled back.

"How was that?"

"Warm..." Vrelgor panted. "Why there? Why lick me under the tail? The scents, the grime...it's..."

A bronze paw clenched around his snout. "Shush that maw," Rusturak said. "That place I just licked is sensitive enough to draw the seed out of any aroused dragon."

Vrelgor shook the paw off. "But it felt lacking...nothing like the heat that engulfed me when you took me inside your maw, the pressure churning inside my slit, or the-"

Rusturak placed his leg on the ground. "True. I will have to probe deeper to unleash true pleasure."

"Deeper?" Vrelgor blinked.

"Yes, my dear blue. I will taste you like you've never been tasted before."

As soon as he spoke, Rusturak put his tongue to use. Like last time, he circled the puckered area, allowing his saliva to pour down upon the spasming ring of flesh. The curtain of added heat felt so good...Vrelgor almost forgot about tongues, tailholes, and what not, simply enjoying the tingling pleasure until his muscles parted sideways.

Rusturak's tongue delved through the ring of muscles, filling the tunnel of flesh with unexpected heat.

Vrelgor's muscles immediately clamped around the intrusion. He squeezed around the tongue, holding it in place while his cock grew tougher than stone for a few blissful moments.

Then, he let go, and Rusturak drew back to sample the tastes.

"You were quick."

"What have you done?" Vrelgor's wings trembled. "You went inside me. I felt...tight! Almost ready to spill!"

"Even a virgin dragon like you is not so quick. You are unaccustomed to this kind of pleasure, so the first time is nothing more than a warm-up exercise for true pleasure," Rusturak began licking the precum off the blue's belly while his nostrils inhaled the scents of his virile cock with great pleasure. "Seed comes from a special place hidden deeper within your tailhole. I call it a seed sack, and it is more sensitive to stimulation than even your cock."

"Why are you telling me this?" Vrelgor asked.

"Because I want you to focus on locating the true source of your pleasure. I will lick you again, and this time, try to relax a bit. The deeper I go, the better it will feel. Consider this your next lesson in pleasure."

Rusturak began his siege with a set of circling motions that soothed the flesh. The blue dragon's spasms became a bit slower. With no direct stimulation to his cock, Vrelgor forced himself to relax until he felt that slimy tongue enter him yet again.

He bit back the upcoming growl, blocked the clenching instinct, allowing the tongue to slither through his virgin hole like a smooth, lubricated cock. He felt his walls shivered under the ripples of stimulation. Rusturak's tongue grew bigger with every moment until the pressure exerted upon his anal ring became too itchy to resist.

Vrelgor clenched, and when he did, a burst of heat rushed through his entire tunnel, forcing his cock to stand at attention. It lasted only a moment, yet the pleasure persisted, taunting his cock with the urge to spill.

"Deep...too deep... I feel...Rawwrrrr!" Vrelgor squeezed his eyes shut as heated tremors banged against his walls. Rusturak's tip started wriggling inside him, and with each motion, a new wave of pleasure rushed through a strange spot nestled just a bit farther from the tongue's wriggling tip. Was that that? The source Rusturak spoke about? Vrelgor focused on it, and when he did, the pleasure increased tenfold. Each spasm of his muscles felt like molten flames dashing through his sensitive hole.

"Too close!" Vrelgor growled in desperation.

Rusturak yanked himself off with a messy slurp. "Did I touch it?"

"What...? Touch what...?" Vrelgor's cock jerked nervously as it painted more lines of pre-seed across his belly.

"You know. I can see feel it in the way you pant, in the way you throbbed...I need to lick you a bit more, my dear blue. I wouldn't want your first penetration to be displeasing."

Vrelgor's tail wrapped around the nearest leg he found. "What are you saying?"

"Just relax. Whatever I do will feel good. I promise."

A promise. That's what Vrelgor had, along with a dripping cock and a burning desire to ejaculate. He was tempted to just take himself inside his maw for a faster finish, but as soon as that soaked tongue returned upon his tailhole, the dragon's thoughts shifted to the intense pleasure he felt a moment ago. Spreading his legs, he relaxed as much as he could, allowing Rusturak to lap at his tailhole like a hungry hatchling tasting his first meat.

The pleasure grew in the same throbbing rhythm as the bronze's green cock. It was a sizable thing with a spaded head and a muscular base. Vrelgor licked his snout at the sight of it. The musky smell wafting from the exposed member only served to increase his arousal, along with the messy licks planted by the bronze's tongue. He lapped lapped lapped, each time going slightly deeper, spurring the blue's rising pleasure.

Rusturak pulled out just before his blue companion cried to the skies. Four separate spurts oozed from his cock, each cloudier than the last. Both dragons knew what that was. Words did not have to be exchanged when smells said everything. Vrelgor closed his eyes. The same tongue that licked his tailhole now slid around his face. He didn't care though. The warmth of a friend felt almost as good as the hot touch of his cock. Both dragons growled and snarled as their members met, two fleshy poles loaded with fertile seed. Rusturak crouched. He aimed his tip at the blue's exposed pucker, then pressed his cock against it until the muscles welcomed him in with a squelch.

"Awwrrr..." Vrelgor's maw hung open while his insides clenched around the hardened cock.

"So warm...so eager..." Rusturak's calm voice washed over his senses just like his tongue, soft and pleasing. "Do what I taught you, my dear blue. Relax. Let me slide in and I will show you how true pleasure feels like."

Vrelgor moaned. That was all he could do when his whole body felt on the verge of being torn apart. Having a cock inside his tailhole felt at least three times more intense than the feeble licks he tasted before. A cock was harder, hotter, more stimulating. It was made to penetrate, sliding like a slimy eel through the trembling corridor.

Vrelgor clenched hard and quick. He couldn't relax with something so big inside him. Each motion triggered innate safeguards that acted before he could think, so he squeezed with all his strength, serving only to increase the bronze's rising pleasure.

"Almost there..." he pushed himself a bit further, spreading the blue's tailhole farther apart as more of his erection slid in. "Almost there, my dragon, almost there..."

Vrelgor growled, snapped his jaws, beat his wing as his virgin muscles welcomed more cock inside their embrace. The ridge surrounding the bronze's head lashed his muscles with pleasure. His muscular length filled him with heat.

And the hard throbs sent quaking triggers along his muscles, prompting them to squeeze as hard as they could, an useless endeavor that could not keep that hard, throbbing beast from making its way deeper inside.

Vrelgor thought he tasted it all. That being taken by a male was the epitome of delight.

He couldn't be more wrong than that. When Rusturak pushed his cock just a bit more inside, his head slid along a small, pebble-like surface. It seemed insignificant. Out of place even.

But that short contact filled Vrelgor with more pleasure than he could ever contain within his tensing body. His whole form seized up. Wings popped in their joints, stretching as far as their span allowed. His legs flexed into the air, spreading their clawed toes to their limits. Vrelgor's maw too snapped shut. Even air refused to enter his nostrils as his whole body froze under the throes of crackling pleasure.

"I found it, didn't I?" Rusturak pulled back.

Vrelgor drew in a sharp breath. He didn't have time for more as that big hot cock pressed against his special place once again. Why did it feel so good? Why? The poor dragon could only snort a sharp onrush of air as the cock's ridge slid over the nugget like a hot tongue sliding over his cock.

Rusturak growled. He put his tongue to use, licking the blue's head while his cock slid back and forth through the tense tunnel, his flaring ridge stimulating the erogenous spot in ways no dragon thought possible. Vrelgor couldn't even breathe from how intense this felt. His cock hardened like a pole, barbs flaring, slit clenching, tailhole remaining locked around the invading cock in a vicious embrace. Only the pounding beats of his heart were loud enough to pass through the haze of pleasure that blanketed his senses, beating inside his ears like a drum, then slowly making their way along his belly to fill his cock with blood and lust.

Tremendous pressure was locked under his slit. Vrelgor tried to keep it caged, yet with each stroke, that hard, ruthless cock sent shivers of weakness down his slit, gnawing away at the resistance. Vrelgor tensed, and tensed, feeling the pleasure build up within him like a raging volcano until the tethers holding back his release broke like a loose river.

Hot seed coursed through his cock, heated by the caress of that special little place. Rusturak's cock kept rubbing, and rubbing, and rubbing, scratching that overly sensitive nugget. Vrelgor tensed harder than ever. Drops of stray seed dribbled from his cock. He felt so pent-up that even releasing felt like a huge burden. The overwhelming stimulation kept his seed at bay, all thanks to that horny bronze dragon who teased him to the far edge of oblivion. His cock rubbed faster along the nugget's surface, increasing the heat to a smoldering blaze. Then, when Vrelgor's special place sizzled with immeasurable pleasure, the abused nugget drew in towards his slit, unleashing a quaking spasm that pushed the seed right out of his stiff, eager cock.

Vrelgor choked on his roar. He burst like a geyser, unleashing a thick, heavy line of hot, restless seed. Air hardly entered his throat. Relief seemed a distant promise.

Yet the wild throbs kept pumping the heat out of him, causing his cock to spasm and spurt its scalding essence.

Rusturak growled with need. He shifted his attention towards the oozing cock and tried to take it inside his maw, yet the distance was too great, so instead he let his tongue loose and his jaws open, catching the streams right as they came.

Vrelgor didn't care one bit where he was hitting. All he felt was the heat of his muscles as they pounded around the cock trapped inside his tailhole. Having that one in added an extra edge to the spurts. He felt the seed right as it came out, oozing from his sensitive nugget, traversing his slit, then escaping through his cock in sharp, messy spurts. Vrelgor tensed hard whenever that happened. His wings furiously beat the grass while his legs grabbed whatever they could, claws curling and scratching along hardened scales.

It felt overpowering, to release so quickly. His cock bloated before every spurt, a dripping, glistening, messy rod that spat its heavy load without any particular aim. Sometimes the jet of seed took Rusturak in the snout, other times a spurt pained the bronze's belly with a load of fertile essence. No dragon cared too much where it went. As the air became heavy with the smell of seed, their growls and roars mixed into a cacophony of lust filled sounds. Each was after his own interest, each throbbing in its own way: Vrelgor trying to spent the entirety of his seed, and Rusturak trying to reach his own climactic ascent inside the blue dragon's spasming insides.

Vrelgor had everything to gain. Each throb within his tailhole empowered his next spurt by quite a hefty amount. Pushing out all that seed, emptying his cock of all the aching burden was just about the most accomplishing feeling in the whole world, and Vrelgor's muscles remained hard at work, pumping spurt after spurt of hot, virile cum until the unsteady dribbles coated his cock in a thin film of ivory seed.

"Awwrrrhh...aaarrhh..arrrr..." Vrelgor's throat vibrated with the finality of his blissful climax. His eyes were all teary and moist. After he cleared his vision, he noticed Rusturak's messy tongue lapping at the small puddles formed on his belly.

"Leave it."

The bronze turned is head around, and by all the flames, he was messy. His jaw supported a good number of messy seed strings, his teeth housed small blobs between them, and his tongue was dribbling worse than a cock. Rusturak slurped the excess into his maw, then cleaned the seed icicles with as best as he could with the help of a paw.

"Happy now?"

"No," Vrelgor growled. "I want a taste too."

The bronze grinned toothily. "All you have to do is pick yourself up."

Vrelgor tried to, only his legs felt like twigs.

"Oh, you can't? Then allow my delicate tongue to return your scales to their shiny color."

"Rrrhhh..." Vrelgor rumbled through his sealed maw. Watching his friend lap away the strings of precious seed made him a bit envious since he never quite had the chance to swallow his own load. Rusturak was a quick worker. After he cleaned the scales, he turned upon the cock, taking it inside his maw in quite the dramatic fashion.

"Mraaawwrrrr!" the blue dragon kicked helplessly as his shaft was embraced and suckled by hot, soaked flesh. Shivers of weakness coursed through his cock instead of seed. With four pitiful throbs he deflated so much even Rusturak had problems keeping him in. He spat the cock back out, letting it drop backwards with a slight squelch.

"That's a threatening dragon right there. Oozes a few times, then rests for a whole night."

"Shut your maw and clean me," Vrelgor hissed.

Rusturak seemed amused. He licked the insides of the slit -much to the blue's sensitive displeasure- then rolled his tongue further back to poke his tip right through the puckered ring of muscles.


"It's forbidden here too, I assume?"

"What do you think?"

The bronze dragon pulled himself up, looking down with a curious gaze. "I think I just offered you the best release of your life at the expense of my own pleasure, of course."

Vrelgor noticed how healthily the green cock throbbed underneath the bronze's blooming slit. "Are you going to do something about it?"

"I had a thought of sucking myself right here so I could spite you, but my seed can be put to much better use inside my lair."

Vrelgor snorted. "Making ointments again?"

"They healed you, didn't they?" another tongue stroke washed over the blue's limp cock. "If I wasn't around, you would have withered like your cock. I think I did a good job judging from how vocally you enjoyed yourself, yes?"

"It was...agreeable," Vrelgor hissed. "Stop licking me now. You missed your chance. If you remained by my side in the morning, I would have fed you without hesitation."

"There are many chances to feast on a warm meal," Rusturak licked again, and again, ignoring the blue dragon's growling please. "Next time I might just take what I want."

"Like you took my tailhole?"

"Quite like that, yes."

Vrelgor was relieved when his cock retreated back within its home. With nothing to pester, Rusturak walked around. Often times he looked between his legs, as if pondering whether the obvious decision.

"Just suck yourself. Your cock will be most grateful."

"It's a waste of seed!"

"Better than flying unsheathed, don't you think?"

The bronze dragon vocally disagreed. With a single leap, he took to the skies.

Vrelgor watched him a bit. It was amusing to see his green cock flopping around under his belly. A few stray drops fell on the grass. Vrelgor sniffed the sweet, fertile musk of an aroused dragon with heightened interest. Then a thought occurred to him. What if he could swallow a spurt or two before the bowl claimed everything?

Vrelgor beat his wings. It took a few tries to take off, but he managed. He fell in line with his bronze companion, then took the lead with an excited growl. A warm meal was exactly what he needed to replenish his energy reserves. He just had to figure out how to earn it.


That was quite an explosive ending to an exciting lesson. What else is Vrelgor going to learn next? Please fav, vote, and let me know your thoughts in the comments! Thank you very much for reading! I love writing stories for a living, and you can help make this dream of mine possible by:

A) Commissioning your own story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/717455

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