Thirty Minutes or Free

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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Another little quickie I cooked up. This one got rid of three fetishes in a row, Power Bottoming, leash play, and some D/S, even though is light. D/S is not really my thing but it does make things interesting. This also stars the hot and beautiful IcarusSkyhawk, who's very fun to talk to and I thank him greatly for the chance to pair Devil and him together. I hope you like it Icarus. ^__^ As always, let me know what you think down below. For those still interested in To Love a Hybrid series, I haven't forgotten you. Just bear with me cause there may be one or two more chapters before the end.

IcarusSkyhawk @ himself. Check out the hot picture I used for the story found on his page here:

The car came to a smooth stop on the sidewalk before the driver turned the engine off.

"Let's see, Twenty Five Marshall Rd. This is the place."

The wolf got out, bag in hand as it strolled up the pathway to the two story house. With a smile, the wolf rang the bell as the sound of happy laughter could be heard.

"Just a minute," a voice said inside.

The door opened as a female dragon looked at the wolf with a smile.

"Good evening miss. I have your double pepperoni and green peppers."

"Outstanding. The kids are getting antsy. How much young man?"

"Two pizzas for fifteen sixty."

"One second."

The lady went inside, coming back out with a twenty.

"Here you go cutie, keep the change."

"Thank you miss. You and the little ones have a good night and enjoy," the wolf said with a smile and a short bow of his head.

The wolf left the house before walking back to his car with a smile. Hopping in, he let out a sigh before looking at the time.

"Nice. Made the last one in record time. Nineteen minutes. Let's head on back and call it a night."

With a happy wag of his tail, he started the car and headed back to his job at Nero Nero's. Pulling into the parking lot, he killed the engine and went inside to a bustling restaurant. A lion greeted him behind the counter after helping a customer.

"Have a good night sir. Icarus, good job out there. That must've been a record for you huh?"

"Pretty much. Ten delivers in about an hour and change. That's a record for me at least," Icarus beamed proudly, his light blue eyes shining happily.

"I guess its a good thing I did hire you. You have been the best delivery boy I have ever had the pleasure of hiring."

Icarus's tail wagged happily as his placed the insulated bag on the hanger and went behind the counter. He loved working at Nero Nero's. It was a fun job and he could drive all day long. Plus the tips he got couldn't be beat. Twenty here, ten here. It was like a cash heaven. And with the money he earned, he cold put it away and save for college like his mother told him to. So far, he had about two grand stored up.

"Your shift is almost up Icarus. Why don't you head on home? I'm sure you still have homework you have to finish," the manager said.

Icarus looked at the time seeing it was almost nine.

"Your right. I'll clock out and head on home."

"Okay. Good job today Icarus. Have a good night."

"Thanks Terry."

Icarus walked into the break room, heading over to the clock.

"Hey rainbow, how's its going?"

Icarus's ears turned at the voice to see a husky smiling.

"Hey Baron. You off also?"

"Yeah. I did my eight hours of slave labor. Time to go home and get some loving from Danielle."

"How's she doing? Still trying to go for medical billing and coding?"

"Yep. Almost done with her classes then internship will be starting. Then she'll be making mega bucks."

Icarus chuckled at that before clocking out along with Baron.

"You find somebody to call your own yet?"

"Not yet. I'll find that special someone to complete me," Icarus smiled.

"Well I wish you the best of luck and have a good night."

"You to Baron."

They gave each other a high five before going their separate ways. Hopping into his car, he let out a sigh before heading home. The music was playing an up tempo beat as his tail wagged to the beat. His home appeared after a cool twelve minute drive as he pulled into the driveway next to his dad's car. He got out and walked up the small concrete stairs, sliding the key into the door and unlocking it.

"I'm home," Icarus said.

His mom came out the kitchen, coffee cup in hand and smiled at him.

"Hey son. How was work?" she said with a smile.

"Awesome. Made over hundred dollars in tip money."

"Great. More to add to your account. Go do your homework and get ready for bed."

"Already planned on it."

She smiled, giving him a kiss on the forehead before patting him rear making him jump and giggle. He headed up to his room, hopping on the queen size bed and staring at the ceiling. Sighing, he got up and went to his dresser, grabbing a pair of panties and heading for the bathroom. Turning on the light, he looked into the mirror with a smile. He was a very unique wolf as his mother would say.

His fur was a shade of light blue with his ears white. His paw pads and inside of said ears were a lime green. His chest was white that ended on the inside of his thighs. The tuft of hair on his head was a dull shade of purple. But the most unique thing that stood out was his colorful tail. It held a strip of green, blue, red, yellow, orange, and purple, the very tip being purple and the start of the tail an eggshell white. And to make his setup complete, he had a pink heart tattoo on the left side of his firm rear. People thought it was weird, but he could care less what people thought. He was special, that's all that mattered to him. With a smile, he turned on the water, letting it get hot before hopping in and washing down. Getting clean, he walked out to his room and sat at his desk, digging his homework out.

"Lets get this junk over with."

He sped through his homework with precision accuracy. Once it was all done, he looked at the time seeing it was close to ten thirty. He let out a loud yawn, stretching his arms over his head.

"Guess I better hit the sack."

Turning off his desk light, he slid into his bed, letting out a murr as the cool sheets comforted him. The moon was bright, casting a shadow in his room as the crickets played their song, lulling him into a deep sleep.


Grabbing his bag from the front seat, he let out a sigh as he hoisted it over his shoulder and headed into the dreaded building known as school. He couldn't wait to finish and graduate. He still didn't know what college he wanted to go into but he'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Walking into the double oak doors, he weaved his way through the crowded hall before reaching his locker.

"Icarus, why haven't you answered any of my calls?"

His ear turned at the voice before looking at the grey and white spotted cattle dog to his left.

"You know why Tony. Stop acting like an idiot," Icarus said with a roll of his eyes.

"But nobody else could take care of you like I can. I mean for starters, just look at how hot you dressed today."

Icarus looked at the mirror he had in his locker. He was wearing a pair of tight shorts that were high on his thighs and hugged his waist, showed the tiniest bit of his pink panties. Covering his chest was a simple pink shirt while his arms had matching pink sleeves covering them.

"I know I look hot. What's your point?"

"If you remember, when you first got here, people were hounding you about the way you dressed. If it wasn't for me, you would've been going home everyday with different bruises or worse."

"I can take care of myself Tony. I didn't need you. If people can't accept who I am, fuck'em."

"That's not the point," Tony said with a frustrated growl.

He took a couple of breaths before looking at him.

"Look Icarus, all I want is just another chance. Even you admitted that we had fun during our time together."

"Of course we had fun. But if I recall, you wanted something better and left."

"I made a mistake on that one. Nobody could ever replace the way you made me feel."

Icarus rolled his eyes at that. Closing the locker door, he walked passed him.

"You had your chance and blew it Tony. And FYI, I don't give second chances. Its one and done. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for class."

He could hear the growl Tony gave as he passed him. Oh well, it was his lost. Reaching his class, he took his usual seat in the front, textbook out along with his notebook. A roo walked in and placed her suitcase on the ground before looking at everybody.

"I hope everyone is in good spirits?" the lynx said with a smile.

Everyone nodded at that.

"Good, cause your are going to hate me. Today will be a surprise test I just made last night."

They all groaned at that making her chuckle.

"Sorry. I just want to see if people are really paying attention in my class. Because lately, the grades are looking really sad. And if you want to graduate, you better pick up the pace," she said sternly, losing the smile. "Now come up and get your test."

Icarus stood up and collected his test before sitting back down and looking it over. Twenty questions, all simple problems from the last chapter. How the hell were people failing this class? He shook his head before starting, hearing the scribbling of pens and pencils on paper. With a smile, he finished his test quickly and handed the paper to the teacher. She took it and gave it a quick glance.

"Not bad Icarus. Seems like you and a couple others are paying attention. You can do what you want for the rest of the period."

Icarus gave a giggle before heading back to his seat, seeing the glares he was getting as he brushed them off. Reaching in his bag, he took out one of his favorite fantasy books and started reading, a happy wag to his tail. He didn't even hear the bell ring as all the students got up to leave. The teacher tapped him on the shoulder as he looked up.

"Aren't you going to class hun?"

He blushed before letting out a giggle, tossing his book back in the bag before leaving. That was one of his weaknesses. If he started reading, there was no way to break his flow. He headed to his next class, taking a seat. The teacher walked in, a great dane, and took a seat on his chair. The class looked at him as he dug out a newspaper and started to read. Everybody looked at one another in confusion.

"Um, Mr. Sage?" a gecko spoke up.

Sage's yellow eyes looked at him briefly before back at the paper.

"Yes Mr. Woods."

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. I just feel like I'm wasting my time since nobody in this class is going to pass except for three people. So you guys can do whatever you want. I'm done."

Lucky for Icarus. He was one of the three that was passing. With a smile, he took his book back out and started reading til it was lunch time. Heading to the cafeteria, he scooped out the lunch menu to see if he was either eating or passing.

"Let's see what have they got today. Ooh, tacos today. Jackpot!"

Getting in line, he grabbed his tray and headed out to the picnic area where are the kids were gathered eating and laughing away. He took a seat underneath a tree and crunched down, tail wagging happily. A beaver walked over and took a seat next to him.

"Hey Ic."

"Hey Chuck," Icarus said with a mouthful.

"You have to work today?"

"Yep. You know the only days off I get are Monday and Tuesday."

"Darn. I was hoping you could help me with my biology stuff since you know more then me."

Icarus giggled at that before licking his fingers clean.

"I'll help you as soon as I can Chuck."

"Thanks man."

"Anytime. Now let me have my tacos in peace," Icarus said with a playful growl, crunching into another one.


School went by quickly and Icarus found himself getting dressed for work. Checking himself in the mirror, he fixed the cap on his head that he hated to wear cause it pulled sometimes. Grabbing his keys, he headed for his car.

"I'm gone mom and dad."

"Have a good day at work son," he dad said from the garage.

Getting into his car, he started it up and heading for his job, humming a tune in his head. Today was Thursday so business might be a little slow. Usually was, but he still could make a bit of money on tips. Pulling into the driveway, he found a spot and parked. Walking inside, he found it rather busy at this time of day. His manager greeted him behind the counter.

"There's speed racer now," Terry smiled.

"And proud of it," Icarus grinned.

"You never turned in your reimbursements slips for gas yet. You're slipping."

"I'm not slipping. Just didn't have time. I'll do it before I leave. What have we got so far?"

Terry looked at the computer screen for a few moments.

"Been slow as of late, but they are coming in steady. Got five orders that are almost ready."

"Cool. Let me get the list of addresses and I'll get going once the pies are ready."

Terry nodded, sending the list to the printer as it printed out the list. Icarus scanned the list, determining which was closer and the best way to each of them.

"Damn, they seem scattered apart. No easy way to any of them without hitting tons of stop lights," Icarus huffed annoyed.

"Sounds like the great Icarus can't make them all in record time," Baron chuckled.

Icarus looked at Baron, eyes narrowing.

"Don't count me out that quick. I have never been late on any deliveries and don't plan to now."

"I like that attitude," Terry said, holding ten boxes of pizzas in his arms. "Here you go. It's all you my young padawan."

Icarus rolled his eyes at that before grabbing the boxes and heading to his car. Hopping in, he started the engine as it purred to life and sped off to his first stop. He hit the timer he had on the dashboard and sucked his teeth. He was cutting it close. Getting out, he hurried up the stairs and rang the doorbell. The door opened as a young man looked at him with a grin.

"Sweet. Food's here everybody," he shouted as loud cheers could be heard. "How much my good man?"

"Two extra large double cheese and bacon comes to nineteen seventy five sir."

The man handed him twenty five.

"Keep it my good friend. Have a good night and love your fur color."

"Thank you sir. You have a good night as well," Icarus said with a giggle, blushing a little at the compliment.

Hopping in his car, he sped off to his next stop. After an hour, he was at his last stop which appeared to be a gym. Getting out, he grabbing the last three boxes before walking to the front and opened the door. The front counter was empty as the door leading to the back was open and voices were heard.

"Hello!? Pizza delivery!"

"Ah yes, bring it to the back please."

He headed towards the open door to see a large room. It had mirrors on the far side of the room with a few people practicing. On the back wall stood an assortment of weapons and dummies. In the middle of the large room were tons of blue mats as a wolf stood in the middle, a blindfold over its eyes and in a defensive stance holding a large pole. Surrounding him were at least eight people with a weapon each.

"Are you ready?" an elderly dragon asked.

"Yes master," the wolf replied.

"Good. Begin!"

They advanced on the wolf one at a time as he stood there, countering with ease and disabling them with quick strikes to the wrists or knees. Icarus stood there with an open muzzle as he watched the display.

"Impressive isn't he?" the dragon asked with a smile.

"Impressive ain't the word. Who is that?"

"His name is Devil."

"Devil? Kind of an odd name," Icarus said.

The dragon chuckled at that, rubbing the long white bread that trailed on the floor.

"It may be weird, but its a name he's grown to love."

"What's his first name?"



"Close. Japanese."

When the last body hit the floor, the dragon clapped his hands.

"Good. That's enough for the night. Pizza is here so everybody come eat."

Everybody hurried over, grabbing a paper plate, few slices and sitting on the mat eating and chuckling. Devil walked over and gave Icarus a smile.

"Kon'nichiwa," Devil said.

Icarus looked at him confused making the dragon chuckle.

"That's Japanese for hello."

"Oh," Icarus said, a blush on his cheeks before giggling. "Hello! Does he speak english?"

"Only when needed," Devil replied with a grin. "Thanks for the pizza master," he said, grabbing a slice and joining everybody else.

"How much do we owe you young man?"

Icarus looked at Devil munch away and laugh with the fellow students, a small blush forming on his cheeks. The dragon tapped him on the shoulder making him jump a little.

"How much young man?"

"Oh umm, you have three cheeseburger pizzas with bacon which comes to twenty five twenty two."

The dragon reached into his pocket and pulled out thirty along with a card.

"If you ever want to learn, feel free to come by. We offer classes for all skill types."

"What's the charge?" Icarus asked.

"No charge. This dojo is free. All we ask is that you are respectful and listen to commands."

Icarus's eyes went wide at that.

"How are you affording this place then?"

"Simple. I own the whole block so I'm basically the landlord," the dragon grinned.

"Do you do the teaching?"

"Oh no, Devil does. He's my successor and a little bit more limber if you know what I mean."

They shared a giggle before Icarus noticed the time.

"I better head back. Boss is probably wondering where I'm at."

"Okay young man. Don't forget to give it some thought. Devil is quite skillful and could teach you many things."

Icarus took another look at Devil as he was showing an otter hand movements on a dummy.

"I'll think about it. Have a good night sir."

"Iga. Satoma Iga."

"Icarus. Icarus Skyhawk."

They shook hands before Icarus left, taking a final glance at Devil who waved. He waved back before heading back to his car and the restaurant. Walking in, he saw Terry's fingers drumming on the counter.

"What happened out there Speed Racer?"

"Sorry Terry. Was talking to one of the customers for a bit."

"No matter. I had Charles handle the rest. Your shift is almost done so you can head on home. Just be ready for the weekend."

"Always," Icarus said with a smile.

Icarus went into the back, clocking out before heading to his car. His thoughts went back to Devil. That wolf was interesting. Maybe he would try a few classes. He giggled a little about the idea, blushing before heading back home.


The weekend hit as the restaurant was booming as usual. It was a good thing Icarus asked for the morning shift because he wanted to go to the movies to see the new horror movie that was out. It was supposed to have the greatest jump scares ever made. He parked the car, jumping out and heading up the complex stairs to the fifth floor. Collecting his breath, he walked down the hall to apartment K before knocking.

"Who is it?" a rough voice asked.

"Um, pizza delivery."

The deadbolt unlatched as a bear opened up, a patch over its left eye and looked down at Icarus.

"Ah yes, my pepperoni, sausage, and jalapeno pizza. Good timing to cause I was starving. How much my friend?"

"Twelve even sir."

The bear nodded, leaving for a second before coming back with a twenty.

"Here you go. Thanks again."

"Not a problem. Have a good day sir."

The bear smiled, closing the door as Icarus headed back downstairs. Hopping in his car, he shivered a little just from the voice the bear had.

"Never want to come here again."

Looking at his watch, he had about another hour before his shift ended and he was free for the movies. Heading back, he parked his car before jogging inside. The place was packed with people as they talked and little kids giggled away while eating with their friends. He went behind the counter, hanging up the bag and letting out a sigh.

"Nice work," Terry said coming from the back.

"Thanks. The last delivery scared me a little. That customer was big."

Terry raised an eyebrow at that.


"Not in that way," Icarus giggled, a blush on his cheeks.

Terry chuckled as well.

"Since your shift is almost over, head to the front counter and ring for the last hour."

"You got it."

He went up to the front, ringing up customers and laughing along with them. Soon it came clock out time as he went to the break room. Terry was waiting for him with a smile.

"Think you want to stay for some OT? Andy called out cause his mom came down with something nasty and is staying at the hospital with her."

"Would, but that movie is calling me and its suppose to be the best."

"No problem. Just thought I asked. Enjoy it and let me know how it is."

"Will do," Icarus said, clocking out and heading to his car.

Hopping in, he headed home to prepare for his movie outing. His father was in the living room with his mother watching some fashion show.

"How was work son?" his father asked.

"Busy. But now its movie time and I plan to scream my head off," Icarus giggled, heading up to his room.

Skipping in, he sat on the bed and crossed his arms, feet swinging.

"Hmmm, what to wear? Need to look good in case I spot something good."

With a smile, he knew just what to wear. Heading to the closet, he pulled out a hanger holding a a pink skirt. Rushing to the dresser, he dug into his shirt pile before pulling out a matching shirt with a cute cat sleeping.

"Now that I have the outfit, time for a shower then I'll hit the road. Let me just double check the time the movie is playing so I can catch the late show."

Grabbing his phone, he went to the theater website showing the movie and saw the time. It was showing at nine and it was only five. So he had plenty of time to hang at the mall for a bit and check out any new clothes to wear. Grabbing a some white panties, he took a quick shower before getting dressed. He took a look at himself in the mirror, doing a few spins before frowning.

"Something's missing. Oh, I know!!"

Walking back to the dresser, he pulled out a pair of pink and white stockings, slipping them on as it came up to his thighs. He looked at himself again, a giggle coming out of his mouth as he smiled happily.

"That's better. Now let's go see what's at the mall this week."

With a smile, he headed back down the stairs and into his car. The traffic was stop and go with made Icarus give out a frustrated growl.

"Why can't people drive these days?"

After twenty painful minutes, he finally made it to the Galleria Mall. Now comes the tough part of finding a parking space. Luck was on his side as he found one fairly close to the entrance. Parking, he got out, turning the alarm on his car and made his way inside. The mall was crowded as people walked, talked, and shopped to their hearts content. The mall consisted of three floors which held a variety of different odd and end shops. The main stores the mall held were Clothes R Us, Penny Arcade, Bath Time which he loved cause of all the good smelling soaps and fur shampoo, Gaming Galaxy for all the video game nerds to RP and buy the latest games, and finally there was his favorite store, The Library. It carried all kinds of books, domestic and foreign. If you needed a certain book, more then likely, The Library had it. He let out a girly giggle, trying to decide where to go first.

"Let's hit them all. I have time," he said checking his phone.

So he went to each shop, checking out all the sale items and giggling at some of the fashion clothes. Some people gave him a glance, pointing out the clothes he was wearing and whispering to either their buddies or talking to themselves. All Icarus did was give them a wink or blew a kiss in their direction. Some found it disgusting, others just chuckled. He finally made it to The Library as he walked in, feeling the cool AC.

"Hey there Icarus!"

His ears pivoted at the sound of his name as he turned to see an afghan hound behind the counter. He gave a smile and a happy wag of his tail before walking over.

"Hey Zen. How's it going?"

"Oh, same old thing. How about you?"


She chuckled at that before leaning on the counter.

"We just got in a shipment of new fantasy books yesterday."

"Really?" Icarus said, his blue eyes shining happily.

"I knew that would get your attention. Yeah, I just finished processing them in the computer's inventory not long along. So if you want to check them out, feel free. You already know where the couches are since you are a frequent customer here."

"Thank Zen. You're a real doll," Icarus smiled, grabbing her paw and kissing it making her chuckle.

He headed for the fantasy section, scanning the new arrivals. His eyes lit up as he spotted a book he only heard of from fandom.

"Oh my god, they actually have it. They actually have _The Dragon's Honor_saga. All seven books nonetheless."

He let out a giggle of joy before picking up the first book, admiring the nice cover design.

"Five hundred plus pages. Oh this is so gonna be a great read."

He scanned the first few pages, heading to one of the comfy couches. But he wasn't watching where he was going and bumped into somebody making him yelp and fall to the floor.

"Oh, sumimasen," the person said.

Icarus looked up to see Devil standing there with a smile. A huge blush appeared on his cheeks as Devil held his paw out for him. He accepted, shivering a little from the gentle embrace and warmth of his pads.

"Arigato," Icarus said shyly.

Devil's ears perked when he said that.

"Watashi wa anata ga nihongo o hanasu shirimasendeshita." (I didn't know you spoke Japanese.)

"Hitsuyona baai ni nomi," Icarus replied with a giggle. (Only when needed.)

That made Devil chuckle, causing a heavy blush to come on Icarus's cheek.

"Well I learn something new everyday. What brings you by The Library?"

"Oh, just checking out the new fantasy books they got in. What about you?"

"Checking out the new science fiction myself."

Wow, so this wolf is not only cute, but a reader also, Icarus said to himself. Devil's ears flicked noticing Icarus staring at him.

"Something wrong?" Devil asked.

"Nothing," Icarus said quickly, giggling a little before looking away with a blush.

"Besides picking up reading material, what else brings you outside?"

"Going to see the new horror movie, Bane. Heard it had tons of great jump scares."

Devil's ears perked at that.

"Really? Well if you were planning to go see the nine o'clock showing, it's already sold out."

"You're shitting me?"

"Nope. Check for yourself."

Icarus reached for his phone and checking the movie theater status. Sure enough, the nine o'clock showing was sold out by seven. He let out a whine, ears folding and tail limp.

"Oh no. I wanted to go see that. Well there goes my night ruined."

"Not necessarily."

Icarus looked at him confused.

"I happened to have two tickets on me at the moment. I was waiting for a friend of mine but he couldn't make it due to family problems. Selling them came to mind, but since you mentioned you wanted to see the movie, why not go together? It would be fun, especially with someone as cute as you."

Icarus blush deepened, moving from side to side as he folded his paws behind him.

"That would be great Devil. If you don't mind that is?"

Devil smiled before looking at the time.

"If we want to get good seats, we better leave now. Ikou ka? (Shall we go)"

Icarus nodded with a giggle.

"Tashikani. Isoide mimashou. (Indeed. Let's go)," Icarus giggled.

The movie theater was right across the street which was very convenient. The line was massive as some people left angry, mad that they didn't make it cause the movie sold out. Walking in the lobby, it was crowded as the concession was bustling, dishing out popcorn, soda, and candy. Devil grabbed some popcorn for the both of them along with some soda and a box of gummy worms for Icarus. Walking down the hall, they gave their ticket to the door man and walked in. The theater was stadium seating with lots of leg room and reclining chairs.

"Where do you want to sit?"

"Somewhere in the middle is cool," Icarus said, seeing the massive crowd seated already.

They found two end seats and sat down.

"You don't mind if I scream, like a lot do you?" Icarus said with a blush.

"I would be surprised if you didn't," Devil replied.

The lights dimmed down as the movie started. And boy, were they right about the jump scares. Every few minutes there was one. And when you thought you were safe for a bit, they threw in one more to keep you on your toes. Icarus grabbed Devil's arm through most of the movie, letting out yelps but giggling right after. Their paws touched briefly in the popcorn bin as Icarus looked at him before back at the movie, a constant blush on his cheeks. Once the movie was over, they left the theater laughing and giggling away.

"I never jumped so many times in my life," Icarus said giggling away like a school girl.

"Have to agree with you there. I don't usually jump, but some of those scares had perfect timing to them," Devil chuckled.

The moon was bright in the sky as the stars only added to the beauty of it. Icarus never had a chance to look at Devil but did now. His fur was black all around except for the blue that covered his chest, inside of his ears, and pads. The best part, were his teal eyes. He had a white tattoo on his right shoulder that stood out also.

"Thanks for sharing your ticket with me Devil. It was a huge blunder on my part to forget this was a highly anticipated movie," Icarus said softly.

"Not a problem. It was fun to have somebody with me also. Have a good night and I'll see you again sometime," Devil smiled.

He reached over, holding Icarus's paw gently before giving it a kiss making Icarus's face turn beet red, even through the purple fur. Devil turned to leave before Icarus stopped him.

"Um Devil?"


"Can I come by the dojo one day and do some training with you?" Icarus said, moving side to side again as his tail twitched nervously.

Devil's eyes lit up at that before nodding.

"Our door is always open. Feel free to stop by anytime before close which is nine."

Icarus smiled at that and nodded, watching Devil leave as his blue tip tail wagged happily. He gave a slight lick of his lips before grinning and heading back to his car to head home.


Monday found Icarus sitting in class, going over notes. His mind wondered back to his little movie date with Devil. That wolf was just so cute it made his heart flutter every time he was near him. His eyes were gorgeous also and that was a big plus in his book. A note was slid onto his desk making his ears perk. He opened it up and read the short note.

We need to talk during lunch. Tony

Icarus rolled his eyes at that before balling the note up.

"_He can't take no for an answer it seems."_Icarus thought to himself.

The bell rang signaling lunch time for students. Icarus grabbed his bag before heading to the cafeteria.

"Alright, what do they have today?"

Checking the menu, his muzzle scrunched before sticking his tongue out.

"Meatloaf? No thank you. Looks like it fast food. Blah, I was hoping not to."

It was a five minute walk to the small plaza at the corner which held a Chinese food store along with a sub shop. He walked into the sub shop as the bell on top of the door chimed.

"Welcome to Oreo's," the weasel said behind the counter. "What can I make for you?"

"I'll have a cold cut combo on honey oat with swiss cheese, lettuce, mayo, pickles, and honey mustard."

"Coming right up."

He watched the weasel toss on some gloves before grabbing the meat and cutting it right there before adding it to the bread along with the condiments. Cutting it in half, he wrapped it up before tossing it in a small plastic bag.

"There you go. That'll be seven fifty."

He handed him a ten and said to keep the change. The weasel smiled at that, telling him to grab a free drink. He gave a thank you before walking back to school and sitting down underneath a tree. Unwrapping his sandwich, he took a big bite, tail wagging happily as he murred.

"Mmmm, so good."

Digging into his bag, he pulled out the book he bought and started reading, munching away and drinking the free soda. Sadly his free time didn't last long as Tony walked over, arms crossed.

"What do you want? You're blocking my sunlight and ruining my lunch," Icarus growled.

"Who was that person you were with last night?" Tony growled.

"None of your business," Icarus replied smoothly, turning a page. "In case you've forgotten, we've broken up."

Tony rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"I don't see why you don't give me another chance. We were good together."

"_Were_good. Past tense. Not anymore. To quote your words when we broke up: _Maybe it was a bad idea to hook up Icarus. We can still be friends with benefits though which might be good for both of us. I just need some time to myself and explore other options._You did say that did you not?"

Tony growled, claws digging into his skin to keep calm.

"I said that without thinking fully. Why can't you just let it go?"

"Sorry. That's not how I work. I told you before, you get one shot with me. I'm not just somebody you can rebound back to when you need a fuck."

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch as Icarus finished off his sandwich before tossing his book back into his bag and standing up, dusting the grass off his legs.

"A little word of wisdom for you Tony, forget about me and have that time to yourself you so desperately wanted. Cause I sure as hell have."

With that said, he brushed passed him, tail raised high in defiance. Tony let a snarl work into his throat, watching Icarus leave.

"This ain't over. No matter what it takes, you'll be mine again."

Icarus walked into his class, seeing Chuck wave at him. He smiled before walking over and sitting next to him.

"What up Chuck?"

"Tired man. All these stupid biology terms made me have nightmares," he said with a chuckle.

"I gave you my study sheet. Why didn't you use it?"

"That was the only thing that saved me man. I was pretty much a fish out of water without that sheet."

Icarus chuckled at that as the teacher walked in and began class. Icarus took notes, but his mind began to wonder again.

"Maybe I should take those classes. Would be fun to learn."

He giggled at that, tail wagging happily. Thankful, the school day ended as kids hurried to catch their bus, their parents ride, or to the parking lot. Icarus made it to his car and hopped in. Tossing his bag in the front seat, he took off for home. Arriving, he didn't see his mother's car as he pulled into the driveway. Opening the front door, he saw his father in the front working on bills as he looked up at him.

"Hey son."

"Hey pops."

"How was school?'

"Boring as usual. Can't wait to graduate."

"Ha, I know that feeling. But don't rush it cause once its over, you'll want to go back."

Icarus frowned at that.

"Not likely. Can I ask your opinion on something?"

"Sure son. Ask away."

"What do you think of me taking karate classes?"

"Never hurts to learn self defense. Never know when you're going to need it. Go for it."

Icarus smiled at that before heading upstairs. He tossed his bag onto the bed before changing into something simple and going back down. Hopping back in his car, he couldn't help but wag his tail in excitement. Being next to Devil all day would be fun. And learning martial arts would be an added plus. He reached the dojo in record time as he pulled into a space and got out. He walked to the door, but paused as his heart sped up.

"Why am I so nervous? Come on Icarus, just take deep breaths and relax."

With a deep breath, he opened the door and walked in. He could hear the sound of laughter in the back room.


"Come into the back visitor," Iga said.

Icarus walked into the back to see everybody seated on the blue mat watching Devil preform solo with a katana. He stood next to Iga watching Devil handle the blade like it was nothing.

"How is he doing that so flawlessly?" Icarus asked.

"Years of practice. You should've seen him before. He cut his arm every single time. The hospital got sick of seeing us," Iga laughed.

Devil finished his performance, sliding the blade back into the sheath as the students clapped.

"When can we be able to do that?" a fox asked.

"Not for a long time. Trust me, I learned the hard way with so many trips to the hospital. Just practice with the bamboo sticks and in time, we'll slowly make the transition when I feel you are ready."

All the students nodded their heads before getting up and started practicing. Devil looked over to see Icarus as he tail started to wag and walked over.

"Kon'nichiwa. Futatabi o ai dekite totemo suteki. (Hello. Nice to see you again.)

"Arigatogozaimashita. Doyo ni anata, (Thank you. You likewise), Icarus replied with a blush.

Iga looked at him in a surprised.

"I didn't know you spoke Japanese."

"Only when needed," they both replied making them laugh together.

"What brings you by?" Iga asked.

Icarus blushed before folding his ears.

"Well, I came to take you up on your offer Iga."

"You want to learn?" Iga asked.

Icarus nodded with a slight giggle making Devil smile.

"It would be an honor to teach you. When did you want to start?"

"Right now if possible."

Iga chuckled hearing the eagerness in his voice.

"Well Devil, looks like you can't deny a customer. I'll handle the students if you want to take Icarus to the next room?"

"Sure thing master Iga. This way Icarus."

Icarus's eyes never left that blue tip that was wagging happily. They walked into the next room that held a small weight set and punching bag. The same blue mats covered the majority of the middle as Devil stood on them.

"Now then, what do you know about martial arts in general?"

"Just that they look cool in movies," Icarus said with a giggle.

"Movies and real life are totally different. Let's just start with the basics and we'll go from there. But first, let's stretch our bodies out. Can't move if your cramped."

Icarus nodded and started to stretch. While doing so, he could swear he heard a slight growl from Devil, but it could've been his stomach. Once the warm up was done, Devil showed him the basics. The correct stance, posture, and movement. Icarus was having a blast. Not only was this fun, but being only with this hot wolf was a major plus. In the enclosed room, he could detect his scent. It was strong and made his body burn with want. After a few hours of getting the basics down, it was getting dark outside.

"Well Icarus, I must say you are a quick learner. Most students couldn't catch on as quick as you," Devil said with a smile.

"I guess that's one of my strong suits. I learn quick," Icarus said with a giggle and a small blush.

"I would love to teach you more, but time is short and we'll be closing."

Icarus's ears folded at that. What did the time have to go so fast?

"Okay. It was a great first day. Thank you for everything," Icarus said, bowing his head lightly.

"The pleasure was mine," Devil said bowing also. "Feel free to stop by again and we'll continue where we picked off from."

"Sounds like a date. Catch you later Devil."

Devil gave a wave as Icarus left the back room. The lights were off except a few nightlights plugged into the wall leading to the exit. Walking out, Iga was there with a smile.

"How was your first day?"

"It was so much fun. Thank you again."

"Not a problem young one. I look forward to seeing you again."

"Oh you will. Have a good night."

Icarus headed to his and car and took a seat. He took a deep breath, still smelling some of Devil's scent on his clothes. A slight growl came out his muzzle as he could feel his erection throb in his panties.

"Never been this hard before. I'm going to sleep good tonight," he giggled before putting the car in gear.


Icarus let out a sigh as he stood at the counter near the register. He don't know why he agreed to come in on his day off. He should be practicing with Devil and getting to know him better. Terry walked up to him as Icarus turned his head to look at him.

"What's up Icarus? You don't seem your usual peppy self."

"I wanted to do more self defense today with Devil."

"Since when did you care about self defense?"

"Doesn't hurt to know it," Icarus said with a blush.

Terry chuckled before looking around the restaurant. It was slow so why not.

"Alright Icarus, get going. I think we can handle being one short."

Icarus's ears perked at that, tail wagging happily.

"You mean it boss?"

"Yeah. Go on, scat. But you owe me," Terry grinned.

Icarus let out a happy yip, giving Terry a hug before hurrying into the break room and clocking out. Waving bye, he hurried out to his car and sped off towards the dojo. Finding a park, he hurried out and into the building. Iga was at the front smoking a long pipe when he walked in.

"Welcome back Icarus."

"Thank you."

"If you are looking for Devil, he went out to do some errands. He should be back shortly. Have a seat and wait if you want?"

Icarus nodded his head before taking a seat on one of the chairs. Iga took another puff, blowing the smoke out his nose before chuckling.

"I can see you've taken a fancy towards Devil."

Icarus went red at that before looking at Iga.

"Wh....what are you talking about?"

"No need to be shy about it. We fancy who we fancy."

Icarus giggled nervously, the blush never leaving his face.

"Yeah. I think he's really cute."

"And I bet he thinks the same about you."

"You really think so?"

Iga just smiled before puffing the pipe again. Icarus puffed his cheeks up at that as the front door opened and Devil walked in, grocery bags in hand.

"Icarus? What a pleasant surprise," Devil said with a smile.

"Hey Devil. Do you need a hand with those?" Icarus asked, getting up.

"Thanks," Devil said as Icarus took a few bags.

They walked towards the back before taking a flight of stairs up to an apartment. Devil unlocked the door as they walked in, heading towards the kitchen.

"Just place them anywhere."

"Okay," Icarus said, placing the bags on the kitchen counter before looking around.

The apartment was cozy. It had a simple living room arrangement that housed a blue couch that sat on top of am eggshell white rug. A small end table stood in the middle which held a bowl full of herbs that smelt wonderful. An entertainment stood in the corner with a flat screen TV.

"This is a comfy place," Icarus said.

"Thanks. I live here when not teaching. Master Iga lives next door. He gave this apartment to me since he can't walk up stairs good anymore," Devil replied, head in the fridge as he put stuff away.

Icarus watched as he bent over, tail wagging happily through the pair of white slacks he was wearing. A small whine escaped his throat which caused Devil's ears to flick and stand up to look over at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing," Icarus said looking away quickly, his face a deep red.

"Okay. Now that I got the groceries put away, we can get right to training. That's why you're correct?"

Icarus nodded, tail wagging happily. Devil smiled before leading them both downstairs into the back room.

"Okay. Let's warm up, then we'll begin where we left off."

After their warm up, Devil began to instruct him, smiles on both their muzzles. Soon the front door opened as Iga greeted the guest.

"Welcome! What can I do for......"

"Where is he?" a voice growled.

"I beg your pardon."

Icarus heard the voice and let out a growl of frustration.

"Will he never learn?"

"Is there something wrong?" Devil questioned.

Before Icarus could answer, Tony barged in followed by a cheetah and bull.

"That's the one T. He and Icarus went to see Bane together," the cheetah said.

"Oh my god. You actually had somebody following me?" Icarus said in disbelief.

"Nobody is good enough for you but me," Tony growled. "And it's time you learned that."

He walked forward a little before Devil stepped in front of him.

"I think you three should leave this place and stop harassing my student."

"He's not your student wolf. He belong with me and I'm taking him back. Now step aside or be moved aside. Your choice."

The bull and cheetah flanked him from the left and right. Devil stood there unfazed, eyes narrowing and tail twitching lightly.

"Last chance to leave here walking instead of limping."

"Kick this guy's ass."

They came at Devil from both sides. One minute they were rushing him, the next they were laying on the ground, holding their stomachs in pain and moaning. Tony even couldn't believe how fast it happened as well as Icarus, both their eyes wide. Devil walked up to Tony who folded his ears and whined a little.

"Do you want to be in pain also?" Devil asked softly.

Tony shook his head no quickly.

"Then get out," Devil snarled angrily.

He nodded quickly, hurrying out the front door. His buddies were slow to get up, but followed suit. Devil let out a huff before looking at Icarus who just stood there with an open mouth.

"Better hope no flies enter your mouth," Devil chuckled.

Icarus closed his muzzle before looking away.

"Thanks for that Devil. He's to persistent."

"Jealous ex I take it?"

"Yeah. He said he wanted to be free and explore other options. I gave him what he wanted," Icarus shrugged.

"I see."

Devil rubbed his chin before coming up with an idea.

"Let me show you a move just in case he comes around again. People like that won't learn until they feel pain."

Icarus smiled before walking up to him.

"Now, give me your arm."

Icarus held up his arm. Devil took a hold of it softly, feeling the shivers running through Icarus's body. He twisted it lightly behind his back and pulled up slowly until Icarus grimaced.

"That right there is the pressure point for the shoulder joint. If he keeps giving you trouble, wait until he grabs your arm then do this move. Here, you try."

Icarus blushed but gave it a shot. Now that he was this close to Devil, his scent was truly potent. He tried the arm vice but couldn't keep his head straight. After a few failed attempts, he finally managed to get it right making him smile.

"I think I got it."

"Good," Devil grinned before countering quickly, holding Icarus close as their muzzles were inches from each other.

Icarus could do nothing but stare into those teal eyes, cheeks red. He was so close. His brain told him to make the move but his body refused to move. Devil gave a soft smile before caressing his cheek softly. Icarus leaned into his paw, murring happily.

"Say, what are you doing Friday night?"

"Umm, working til six in the evening," Icarus responded softly.

"Want to come over for dinner? I'll cook us up something good and we can talk, get to know each other better. What do you say?"

"I'll dress for the occasion," Icarus grinned.

Devil smiled before leaning in and rubbing their noses together with a murr. Icarus let out a murr himself as their lips brushed each other softly but not connecting in a teasing way.

"You better leave before I lose control," Devil chuckled.

"Would that be so bad?" Icarus panted softly.

"Yes. I'll see you Friday for our date."

They separated slowly, eyes never leaving each other before Devil bowed his head and headed up to his apartment. Icarus stood there for a few more moments, knees weak and cock throbbing hard. With a sigh, he headed for the front where Iga was waiting for him to close for the night.

"Everything go okay?"

"Oh yeah. Everything couldn't be better."

"Very well. Have a good night and I'll see you again."

Icarus nodded, heading out into the cool night air. He took a deep breath before letting it out.

"_Dinner with the Devil. Talk about a cliche story,"_Icarus thought with a giggle.


Thursday rolled around and Icarus was on pins and needles about his dinner date. He just had to go out and get the right attire. This was a big thing and he wouldn't spoil it by looking like crap. His thoughts were broken up as the light changed and he took off to his delivery stop. He pulled up to his stop and jumped out, bag in hand as he walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

"Who is it?"

"Pizza delivery," Icarus said.

The door opened as a walrus looked at him with a smile.

"Triple anchovies on thin crust?" the walrus said, mouth watering.

"You got it," Icarus said, taking the pizza out the bag. "Total comes to ten ninety five."

The walrus handed him fifteen and told him to keep the change. Icarus tipped his hat with a thank you before rushing back to car. He had a few more stops before he was done for the day. And with time to spare cause the mall wouldn't close for another two hour. Looking at the next stop, he put the car in gear before speeding off. After another hour, he was finally done as he pulled into the restaurant parking lot.

"Good job out there," Terry said. "Ready to call it a night?"


"Okay. Head on home and I'll see you tomorrow."

Icarus nodded before heading to the back, clocking out and rushing back to his car. He made a beeline to the mall, managing to make every single green light. Pulling into a parking spot. He hurried inside and to Clothes R' Us.

"Welcome to Clothes R' Us," a fennec said with a smile. "Are you looking for something particular?"

"Something for a nice dinner and maybe more," Icarus giggled. "And it has to be cute."

The fennec looked at how he was dressed before grinning.

"I think I have just the thing. Come with me."

He followed her to the dress section, going through a rake before pulling out a nice black skirt.

"What do you think? It's silk so it should flow with your body's movement."

"Hmm," Icarus said, drawing a mental image in his head. "Nah, not my style."

They went through a few more dresses before his eyes lit up at an outfit.

"That's the one right here," he said, grabbing it from the rake.

"Ahh, that would suit you just right. Shall I wrap it up for you?"

"That would be great," Icarus said, handing her the outfit and following her to the counter.

After paying for it, he couldn't stop the giggles coming from him until he heard his name from the last person he wanted to hear.

"You're all alone now Icarus," Tony said behind him.

Icarus's hackles raised, lips curled back into a snarl as he turned around.

"I'm sick of this Tony. For the last fucking time, fuck off. We're THROUGH."

"You only think we are through. But once I claim you again, you'll be singing a different tone."

Tony advanced on him before grabbing his arm roughly making him yelp in pain.

"Let go of me Tony."

"Not until you submit to me like you use to."

Just then, that little move that Devil taught him flashed in his head. With a growl, he grabbed Tony's wrist, applying the correct pressure to make him release his arm and yelp. While in motion, he twisted his arm behind his back feeling that pressure point making Tony whine.

"You ever come near me again, I'll break you shoulder. Do you fucking understand me?" Icarus spat out.

Tony could do nothing but whine in pain, nodding his head quickly. Icarus let out a grunt before pushing him towards the small fountain, watching him fall in with a splash. Feeling satisfied, he picked up his bag, leaving a flabbergasted Tony in the fountain as people looked on. Hopping in his car, he let out another giggle before heading home.


The big day came and Icarus's stomach was filled with butterflies. He was giddy all day in school as well as at work. Terry looked at him as he was clocking out, tail wagging non stop.

"What's got you so perked up?"

"My dinner date is tonight with Devil," he giggled happily.

"Ahh, that explains it. Well, enjoy yourself to the fullest."

"Oh believe me, I will."

Icarus hurried home, jumping into the shower to make his appearance as pristine as possible. His mom walked in, watching him dress in the outfit he bought.

"And where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Dinner date with a hot wolf," Icarus said, poofing his hair up. "Probably won't be home tonight either."

"That's fine. As long as said person treats you nice, that's all that matters to me."

Icarus blushed at that, remembering Devil taking out those two guys with ease.

"I'm off. Bye mom," he said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

His heart couldn't stop beating fast as he made his way to the dojo. Parking, he got out and stood at the car. His knees were shaking a little in anticipation. Taking a calming breath, he walked up to the front doors and knocked. Devil appeared from the back, smile on his face.

"Welcome Icarus. Dinner is just about ready. You have" Devil started before noticing what Icarus was wearing.

He was wearing a very cute school girl outfit. The skirt was riding high and the shirt was very tight. On both his legs he had black stockings with red strips with matching arm sleeves. The faintest hint of perfume could be smelt as Icarus stood there, paws behind his back, a huge blush on his face while his tail twitched nervously behind him.

"What do you think?" Icarus asked shyly.

"You look.....beautiful. Please, come in."

Icarus smiled, stepping inside as Devil locked the door behind him. They headed up to his apartment as the smell of food hit his nose making his stomach growl.

"Smells divine Devil."

"Thank you. Please, have a seat."

Devil held the chair out for Icarus, getting a giggle in respond as he pushed the chair in. Walking to the stove, he turned off the burners from the warm setting. He fixed them both a plate before taking a seat.

"You made all this Devil?" Icarus asked in amazement at what was on the plate. It had a portion of tempura, rice, dried seaweed, and mizo soup.

"Yep. I learned from my master. Dig in," Devil said, breaking apart the wooden chopsticks.

They dug in with happy wags of their tails and started talking. Icarus learned a lot about Devil, and was surprised they had so much in common. Almost like a match made in heaven. How come he didn't find him sooner? After dinner they sat in the living room, tea in their paws and still chatting.

"So, do you have that special someone?" Icarus asked, ears folded slightly.

"Nope. Haven't found the right candidate. I've been on a couple of dates, but nothing really clicked," Devil shrugged.

"I know that feeling. Every since that jackass Tony, I thought I would never find that someone......until tonight," he mumbled to himself quietly.

Devil's ears perked, trying to catch that last part.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Icarus blushed, hiding his muzzle in the teacup.

Devil grinned. He put his cup down before looking at Icarus, a small growl forming in his throat.

"I think I have an idea of what you said."


He leaned closer, Icarus's heart beating nonstop. Their muzzles connected softly, murrs forming in both their throats and eyes closing. They broke off with a slow smack, Icarus's face beet red as he opened his eyes, staring into Devil's teal.

"Is that what you want?"

"Mmm, oh yeah," Icarus moaned, locking lips again.

He trailed his paws up Devil's chest, feeling the muscles tense and relax from his touch. He shivered when Devil reached under his shirt and scratch his chest. Icarus let out moans, his body burning with untold want. They broke off panting as Devil's eyes held an evil glint to them.

"Wait here cutie. I have something for you."

Devil got up from the couch and disappeared into the room, coming back a few moments later with a collar and leash. Icarus's tail couldn't stop wagging as he saw the items.

"Here you go cutie, put on the collar for me."

Icarus grabbed the collar, attaching it to his neck making sure it was loose. Devil growled at the sight before taking a seat.

"Stand up and strip."

The tone of Devil's voice made him shiver from head to tail. He stood up on weak knees before standing in front of Devil. Slowly, he reached up and lifted the shirt over his head, showing the white fur he had. Devil murred at the sight, moving one finger in a circle pattern. Icarus blushed before spinning slowly.

"Good boy. Now the skirt."

With a silent nod, the skirt fell in a clump around his feet which was kicked to the side, leaving him exposed in nothing but his white panties with a painful erection pushing through. Devil's nose inhaled sharply, smelling the arousal that was pouring forth from Icarus's body.

"Now, that is sexy. Do you always wear white?"

Icarus nodded slowly, his cheeks burning. Devil patted his lap a couple of times as Icarus moved his body before sitting on his lap. He jumped a little feeling Devil grip his rear, tail moving rapidly.

"I could tell from just looking at you that you wanted me. And now that you have me, what do you plan to do?"

"You tell me master. What do you want me to do?" Icarus said softly.

"First, let me get a taste of that sweet muzzle again."

Icarus giggled before leaning over and kissing softly. Devil broke off first, trailing his muzzle down and nipping his neck. Icarus's ears folded back quickly in submission, whining softly. Devil grinned at that before reaching up and clasping the leash he had into the buckle. He stood up as Icarus took a seat, ears folded and awaiting.

"Let's see how good you are with that sweet muzzle."

Icarus got the idea as he reached up and undid the knot holding Devil's sweatpants up. Once the knot was undid, they fell to the floor, Devil cock springing into the air. His musk was strong making Icarus's head cloudy. Devil grinned, pulling the leash and pulling his head as it smashed into his groin.

"Take a good whiff wolfie."

Icarus inhaled, a loud whine coming from him.

"Now get a taste."

His tongue lashed out quickly, getting a good sample of those furry orbs. His taste buds burned for more as he suckled each one slowly. Drops of liquid were felt on his muzzle from the pre he was teasing out. With a murr, he lifted his muzzle up to that red spike jutting from the black sheath and gave it a lick, feeling the body it was connected to shiver.

"There you go. Keep going."

His tail wagged happily at that as he did another lick from sheath to the tip before opening his muzzle and taking it slowly. Devil let out a groan, eyes closing into slits as he watched Icarus take his cock into that warm, moist muzzle. Icarus's tongue went to work, circling and coiling around the meaty length collecting everything he could as his head started to bob back and forth.

"_Oh god, he tastes so good. And he's thick too. I bet he cums like a water hose as well,"_Icarus thought to himself as he worked Devil over happily.

His cock throbbed angrily in his panties, pre staining the fabric and creating a bigger and bigger spot. Devil looked down with a smile, paw lifting up and rubbing Icarus's ears earning a high pitch whine and quicker movement. As much as Devil wanted to explode in that sweet muzzle, he had other ideas.

"Enough of that cutie."

Icarus released him, giving the tip a final kiss before his blue eyes looked up at Devil.

"Stand up and let me see everything."

Icarus nodded before standing up, discarding the panties as his cock was free. Devil looked at it, licking his lips. Reaching over, he gripped it softly earning pleasant moans as he stroked it up and down.

"You are unique. You don't have a knot to tie which saddens me a bit."

"How come?" Icarus whined, hips bucking into Devil's slow strokes.

"Cause it takes the fun out of topping."

Devil took a seat on the couch, pulling the leash closer so Icarus's penis touched his nosed. He inhaled deeply, letting out a growl before having his tongue draw up slowly on that smooth length, feeling the tiny veins that throbbed. With a murr, he opened his muzzle, taking that hot length and sucking happily. Icarus groaned, eyes closed and toes digging into the carpet. He managed a glimpse down to see Devil's teal eyes looking up at him and a grin on his muzzle making him blush.

"Mmm," Devil said, letting go with a slurp. "I think I'm going to enjoy this. Lay down on the couch."

Icarus nodded, laying down on the couch and stretching his legs out, cock stiff and pointing straight up in the air, pre trailing down and matting his groin. He watched as Devil reached under the couch and pulled out a small bottle and popped the top. The subtle hint of vanilla hit his nose amongst the smell of heavy musk.

"Vanilla ice cream scent. A lot better then the original," Devil grinned.

He applied some to Icarus's cock, watching his hips twitch. Satisfied, he added some more to his paw before reaching behind and coating his tail hole. He saddled Icarus's hips as he looked up at him, ears folded.

"I'm going to ride you hard wolfie. And you're going to give me everything you have to offer," Devil growled, pulling the leash up so they were nose to nose.

Icarus shivered, nodding his head lightly. Devil reached around, lining himself up before pushing down. A slick pop was heard as the head penetrated inside him making him grimace a little and Icarus suck in a breath. After a few moments, Devil was flushed with Icarus's hips and grinned down at him.

"Grr, you seem bigger then you look. But a good fit nonetheless. Now then, let's take that ride."

Devil licked his lips before sliding up, leaving the tip nestled inside before coming back down, coaxing a moan out of Icarus. He did it again, coming down with a little more force making the couch creak. Icarus whined, feeling the tight, clenching tunnel bare down on him with each hilt. Drops of pre splattered onto his groin from Devil's cock as it bounced up and down in the air.

"Tell me wolfie," Devil panted. "How does it feel?"

"Too........good," Icarus whined back.

He reached up to grab Devil's hips to push faster into him. But that plan was a bust as Devil slapped his paws away. Sitting fully on him, Devil pulled the leash up and looked Icarus dead in the eyes.

"You don't get to push little wolf. You are mine tonight."

Icarus's ears folded at that. But it was such a turn on as his cock throbbed harder inside Devil's anal passage. Devil grinned before continuing his slow pace, clenching when he reached the tip and rotating his hips around. The pleasure was overwhelming for Icarus as his claws extended, wanting to tear into anything as he growled in pleasure.

"You want me to go faster wolfie?"

"Yes," Icarus whined.

"Yes what?"

"Yes master."

Devil growled at that, placing his paws on Icarus's chest before moving faster. The slick sounds of Icarus's cock sliding in and out of Devil's rear was delicious. Devil started to moan, the pleasure shooting up his spine like a test your strength game at a fair. Each full hilt rubbed his prostate gloriously making him clench down harder on that cock in him. Icarus was soon hitting his limit. His body shook and tensed with each thrust, eyes clenching shut.

"Do you want to cum wolfie?"

Icarus nodded, tongue hanging out as he panted.

"How badly?"

"Very badly."

Devil growled at that, keeping his pace going as he pulled the leash up, their noses touching.

"Do you think you've earned it?"

"Yes master."

"Prove it then. Take me hard."

Icarus moved fast which shocked Devil a little as he got pushed backwards. Icarus gripped his waist, getting to his knees and started pounding Devil's ass. The loud slaps of their bodies ringing in his ears. Devil let out a snarl of pleasure, teeth bared as his cock throbbed angrily, swaying back and forth. He looked up to see Icarus's muzzle scrunched in a mask of pleasure and concentration. He pulled the leash forward making Icarus whine, losing some of his grip.

"Come on wolfie, surely you can do better then this."

Icarus whined, extending his claws for better leverage and putting his whole body into it. Devil tensed at the new at the angle, feeling his prostate get abused even harder. He felt the heavy pants of air caress his face as the wolf pounding him started to shiver, cock throbbing hard ready to unleash its payload. Icarus's blue eyes opened and looked at Devil.

"I.....need to.....cum master."

"You......haven't.....earned it wolfie," Devil panted back, loving every thrust into his body.

"Please......master," Icarus whined, body shivering as he couldn't hold back any longer then he already has.

Devil let out a whine. He wanted to enjoy this for longer but all things must come to an end. He pulled the leash, touching noses again before speaking softly.

"Good ahead wolfie. Let me feel it."

Icarus's body responded immediately, locking hips before throwing his head back and howling. His cock erupted in pleasure, plastering Devil's walls with every drop of cum his balls had stored up. Each squirt was followed with a grunt and a small thrust of his hips. After a minute, he was drained and plopped tiredly onto Devil's chest, letting his waist go and panting hard. Devil murred, stroking Icarus's back softly making him whine in pleasure and hug him tighter, tail wagging slowly but happily.

"Enjoy yourself wolfie?"

"Mm hmm," Icarus said softly.

"Good. Because it's my turn."

Icarus shivered at that but murr in anticipation. Collecting his breath, he sat up and pulled out of Devil with a slurp, watching his cum seep out his hole. Devil sat up slowly, feeling the slight pain from the heavy rutting he just received. He looked down, seeing the cum mat his tail fur and leak onto the couch.

"Sorry for the mess," Icarus said with a blush.

"Worth it," Devil grinned, collecting a little cum with his finger and giving it a lick. "Now then wolfie, you know what to do."

Icarus giggled before getting to his knees, arms dangling over the back of the couch. His tail was raised high and wagging happily as he looked back with half lidded eyes. Devil growled at that sight before holding those hips and grinding his cock up and down, feeling the soft fur tickle his sensitive skin.

"Mmm, I can tell I'm going to enjoy this very much," Devil growled.

"Mmm, me too."

Devil bent down, nose touching that puckered opening making Icarus meep in shock before letting out girlish moans as he felt that slimy tongue lap at him. That feeling left before a cold sensation replaced it.

"Ready wolfie?"

Icarus nodded before relaxing his body for what was to come. Devil lined himself, feeling the heat around his tip. With a lick of his lips, he pushed in earning a yip from the wolf underneath him. Inch by slow inch he pushed in, feeling the body he was invading shiver. They both let out moans as their groins met again.

"Grr, you are tight my wolfie."

Icarus giggled at that, working his muscles to pleasure the wolf above him. He felt empty when Devil pulled out, only to have that wonderful full feeling return. Devil set a slow pace, pulling out and pushing in slow, rotating his hips when in fully. He felt Icarus tail wrap around his waist and his body push back into his thrust. He pulled the leash back, earning a gasp in surprise as Devil nip his neck.

"Want me to go faster?"

Icarus nodded his head slowly, ears folded. Devil smiled, giving his cheek a kiss before nipping his ear.

"Then prepare yourself."

That was the only warning Icarus got before his upper body was pushed back on the couch. A loud moan escaped his muzzle as Devil engaged fast mode. His body was rocked hard and he was a little scared he would topple over the couch with how hard Devil was pounding him. Drool came down the side of his muzzle, feeling those full pair of balls crash roughly against his.

"This is what you wanted right wolfie?" Devil panted, gripping Icarus tighter and pulling his body into his with every thrust.

Icarus only responded with a loud whine, claws digging into the fabric. Devil growled, shoving himself as deep as possible before feeling that bulge of muscle start to expand little by little. Icarus started to feel it also, yipping a little as it begun to pop in and out. His cock dangled underneath him, squirting pre on the pillows and cloth. Devil could smell and feel how close Icarus was. His tunnel was quivering, convulsing, and tightening up at a rapid pace.

"Are you going cum again?"

"Yes.....master," Icarus panted.

"You know the rules. Not until I tell you."

After he said that, Devil turned speed into power. Their hips slapping together and rocking the couch back and forth, threatening to tip it over. Devil's knot expanded to full and stretching that anal opening making Icarus whine in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Mmm, going to knot you wolfie and fill you good."

Drawing his hips back, he slammed hard into Icarus with a howl as his knot finally gained access. Icarus joined in the howl feeling that huge ball of flesh lock them together. Devil stayed motionless for a few seconds, relishing the tightness surrounding him. Soon his mating instinct kicked in as his hips pushed and pulled as much as they could. He growled, tail raising high in dominance as he leaned over Icarus.

"Here is comes wolfie. Take in everything."

His jaws open wide before clamping down on Icarus shoulder. He gave one final thrust, which almost pushed them both over the couch and let out a whine of relief. The tip flared up before spilling that thick cum into Icarus's bowels. Icarus tensed up, letting out a whine as he felt the heat fill his body. His cock throbbed angrily underneath him, drops of his cum leaking out. He let out a groan as that large knot plugged him good, not letting even a single drop escape. Devil regained his senses, letting go of Icarus's shoulder and standing back up. Reaching under, he trailed a single claw along that slick cock earning a whining gasp from Icarus.

"Feel likes any sudden movement will result in you losing your cool," Devil chuckled.

"Please...." Icarus whimpered.

"Please what wolfie?"

"Let me.....cum."

Devil smiled, pulling him backwards as he trailed his paws up and down that slim body, kissing his cheek as Icarus blushed and let out soft moans.

"Mmm, shall I let you cum now?" Devil murred, kissing his cheek before reaching a paw down and cradling his swollen balls.

"Please," Icarus whimpered.

Devil smiled before gripping his cock.

"Then let yourself go wolfie."

His paw jacked Icarus at a fast pace, which didn't take long to seal the deal. A loud gasp escaped him as his climax hit like a bomb. His body went stiff making Devil grunt at the added tightness from his climax. He watched with a smile as the first two ropes of cum cleared the back of the couch and landed on the floor. The rest coated the pillows and Devil's paw as he milked everything out. Icarus let out a weak moan before passing out in Devil's arm.

Icarus stirred awake, his blue eyes fluttering open. The first thing he noticed was the sun shining through the window. He must've slept through the night. Looking over, he saw Devil with his back on the headboard reading a book. With a smile, Icarus reached over and gripped him through the sheets making Devil jump in surprise.

"Good morning wolfie," Devil said with a smile.

"Morning," Icarus giggled, still fondling Devil through the sheets.

Devil marked his place before sliding next to Icarus as their muzzle met softly.

"I hope I wasn't to mean last night."

"Oh no, you were perfect," Icarus murred, giving him another kiss.

Devil chuckled before running his paw up and down his leg making him shiver and kiss harder, driving his tongue into Devil's muzzle. They broke for air as Icarus giggled.

"I never passed out like that before."

"You had me worried. I thought I hurt you."

Icarus nuzzled into Devil's neck, inhaling the scent that sent shivers through his body. Devil held him close, giving his forehead a kiss before rubbing his back. He still remembered he was wearing the collar and reached for it before Icarus stopped him.

"No, leave it. I look cuter with it on," he giggled.

"As you wish," Devil said, looking at the clock. "As much as I want to stay in bed with you, I need to get ready for my students."

Icarus let out a small whine, burying his face in Devil's chest.

"I don't want to go to work."

"Sorry wolfie, that's the way life goes. Let's grab a shower and get ready for the day."

They took a shower together, teasing each other light gropes and kisses. Feeling fresh, they got dressed and headed downstairs where Iga was waiting for them.

"Good morning," they both said with a bow.

"Good morning to you also. Have a good night?"

"Very," they both responded.

Devil lead him to the front door and unlocked it. Icarus leaned up and gave him a kiss, holding him close as they both murred happily.

"When do you get off work?" Devil asked.

"I work the evening shift today so probably not until seven."

"Want me to wait for you?"

Icarus thought about it before shaking his head.

"Nah. I'll catch you on Monday when I get off from school. Then we can pick up where we left off."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then," Devil nodded.

Icarus giggled, kissing him deeply one last time before breaking off and heading to his car. Getting in, he sat there for a few minutes before reaching up and running his paws over the collar still on his neck. He gave a smile before starting the car.

"Hurry up Monday," he giggled before heading to work.

Getting What He Wants........Again

Huggles stirred softly in his sleep before opening his eyes, seeing his vision go up and down slightly. Looking up, he saw Devil still asleep with his arm around him. Huggles smiled, inhaling Devil scent. Turning his head, he saw the clock which read...

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Getting What He Wants

"Alright you lazy bastards, line it up," the burly bear yelled. All the players on the field huddle together on the grass as the coach started talking. "This is our final three games before the playoffs. If we can win all three, we can by pass the...

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Plug In, Get Connected

Benja let out a sigh as he collected his books from the desk. It's been a long day and his head was hurting. The malamute propped the bag on his shoulder before heading out of the classroom. "Hey Benja, wait up." His ears swiveled to the voice and...

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