A Heated Evening

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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A group of Pokemon attempt to enjoy a warm and relaxing evening on the tropical islands of Alola. But something in the air has got the companions all hot and bothered, and they can't seem to ignore the feral call of nature.

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"What a beautiful sunset." Wyste commented as he watched the sun slowly sink beneath the horizon. The Decidueye smiled as he took in the colors, particularly enjoying the darker blues and purples as day turned to night in Alola. He much prefered the evening, and was looking forward to a relaxing one with his trusted companions as they took a break from their adventures to simply enjoy the tropical paradise. That was the plan anyway, but admittedly something felt just a bit off that evening. Wyste couldn't quite explain it, but something in the air had his feathers ruffled, as if there was some building tension that he couldn't find the source of.

The leafy bird decided to try and push the oddness from his thoughts, simply wanting to enjoy the evening. A smile creased his beak as the last light of the sun finally faded away, allowing the myriad of stars above to shine to their full potential. Wyste gazed up at those stars, allowing himself to get lost in them. As such, he never noticed the movement right in front of him, his attention returning to Alola only when a fuzzy mass of brown and white fur tackled him to the ground. On his back, Wyste's view of the sky was completely obscured by the toothy grin and red eyes of a familiar Lycanroc.

"Good evening, Lyra." Wyste sighed, mentally chastising himself for letting her get the drop on him.

"You let your guard down." She replied with a playful grin. "Just because we're taking a break doesn't mean you're safe out here."

"But I know I'm always safe with you skulking about in the shadows." He teased right back. "Any ne'er-do-wells will be so distracted with me, they'll never see you coming."

"Damn straight." The Lycanroc woman sat up proudly, a smile beaming on her face. "You're lucky I'm around to watch your back."

"Yes, very." He rolled his eyes. "Speaking of, would you mind letting me up now?"

"No." Lyra growled, the ever mischievous grin still in place. "I pinned you down, so now you're mine to play with til I'm done with you."

"Play with?"

"Can't you feel it in the air, Wyste?" Lyra growled hungrily. "The night is warm, the air is charged, and my blood is pumping. It's time for some fun."

"You're in heat." Wyste elaborated, groaning slightly as he finally noticed the humidity between her legs. "And what, you're just going to have your way with me?"

"That's the plan, bird boy." She grinned. "Rock beats Flying every time."

"True, but you're forgetting one thing: I'm not Flying anymore."

Suddenly, Wyste's body faded away, Lyra falling to the ground with a grunt. Before she could recover, the ghostly bird was behind her, a set of spectral arrows set in his makeshift bow. "Spirit Shackles." He cooed, firing the specially modified bolts her way.

Lyra tried to run, but the arrows were faster. They flew about her body as ghostly shackles formed about her. With a sudden snap, she collapsed to the ground, her wrists tied to her ankles with spectral chains and her ass presented high up in the air.

"Well isn't this a pleasant turn of events."

"Cheater!" Lyra protested, trying to break free from the bindings. "You Ghost types don't play fair!"

"Turnabout is always fair play, dear Lyra." The Decidieye cooed, kneeling down to get a closer look at what was now his prize. Presented as she was, Lyra's swollen mound was in full view. The soft flesh was engorged, her musk dripping from her flesh and soaking into her fur with a nearly overwhelming scent. "My goodness, you really are in heat. What's got you all hot and bothered?"

"Tis the season?" Lyra chuckled, wiggling her ass enticingly. She no longer struggled for freedom, hoping Wyste would give her what she really wanted if she played along. "You're not gonna leave a poor, helpless 'mon all tied up and drooling like this, are you?"

"Funny, just a few moments ago I was the helpless one." Wyste chuckled, pushing a few feathered fingers into her soaked snatch. Lyra's body shivered in response, her comeback lost to a lewd mewl. "Goodness, it's hot as an oven in there. Perhaps I should call Hailey to come and cool you down?"

"You're so cruel." Lyra whimpered. "C'mon Wyste, you know what I want. Don't make me beg for it."

"Actually, I'd love to hear you beg." Wyste countered, slowly fingering her needy cunt. "Come now, Lyra. Tell me exactly what you want. If you don't, I really will leave you here all night."

"Bastard..." She whimpered, her hips thrusting back against his hand of their own accord. "Fine. Please Wyste, fuck me. Fuck me hard. Shove that bird dick of yours deep inside my cunt and breed me like the horny bitch I am."

"Wow, that was... I didn't expect you to cave that quickly."

"I really need it, Wyste." Lyra growled. "And if you don't fuck me now, I swear I will break out of these chains of yours and ride you until the sun comes up."

"Noted." Wyste chuckled, rising to his talons ones more. "But that won't be necessary. I'm not quite as cruel as you might think."

With one hand still teasing her snatch, Wyste took a firm grasp of his own, now hard dick in the other. In truth, the sight of her loins had been enough to get him hard, and her scent alone had him leaking a few drops of pre. But Wyste wasn't going to let Lyra know that his own need had grown so significantly, and he had no intention of leaving her there without giving her a good dicking first.

Lyra gasped when she felt Wyste's long, slender dick press against her heated mound. She instantly started rocking against him, wanting him deep inside her without any more delay. Wyste grinned at her desperation, taking a firm hold of her hips as he slowly rubbed the length of his shaft against her. "Patience, Lyra. I've got to make sure I'm nice and lubed up before going in."

"I'm wet enough for a Mudsdale." She insisted. "Just stick it in already! I can't wait any longer!"

"Fine." Wyste snorted, not quite caring for the comparison but too horny to make a fuss about it. Satisfied his dick was well coated in her juices, the Decidueye finally pressed in, piercing her tight cunt all the way to his base.

Lyra howled with pleasure, her red eyes rolling up in her head as she rocked her hips, her snatch squeezing at every inch of his length hungrily. "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."

"I haven't even started yet." Wyste huffed. He took a firm grasp of her hips and pulled back, gasping as her folds desperately tried to pull him back in. The ghostly bird was quick to comply, thrusting back in and setting off another howl of pleasure from the wolf. "The whole island is going to know what we're up to if you keep that up."

"I can't help it!" Lyra whimpered, rocking her hips back against every one of Wyste's thrusts. "You feel so good! Harder, bird boy! I want all of Alola to know when I cum!"

"I'd rather not." Wyste suddenly pulled out, Lyra whimpering as her snatch was left empty and wanting. That whimpering turned into a surprised gasp as she was suddenly pulled into the air by her ghostly bonds, flipped over so she could look Wyste in the eyes. He was moving his wings about, manipulating the Spirit Shackles so she was somehow suspended in the air. Before she could question him, more shackles appeared, wrapping around her muzzle and clamping her jaw shut.

"That's better." Wyste grinned, stepping between her legs as he pushed his way back into her needy cunt. "I prefer a little privacy after all."

Lyra growled through her muzzle, but her fight was taken as Wyste started thrusting, her need for hard sex overpowering her pride. She could deal with being bound and gagged so long as Wyste scratched her every itch.

And Wyste certainly intended to try. His own lust building rapidly, the Decidueye thrust with a nearly feral passion. He could feel her satiny folds squeezing every inch of his shaft, milking him for his seed. Her cervix seemed to kiss the tip of his prick with every thrust, begging for him to fill her up with every drop he could muster. And when he looked into her eyes, he could see her own pleasure building with every wet slap, the Lycanroc managing to whimper loudly through her gag.

She thrust back the best she could, given her bindings. Lyra clamped down tight, feeling the pressure building with each and every thrust. Her mind was lost to the breeding, her juices drooling freely to run down Wyste's feathered legs and splatter on the ground below. She couldn't think clearly any longer, giving herself to her heat and enjoying every moment of it.

"Oh fuck." Wyste gasped, his own heat building. His muscles tensed as he thrust even harder, his dick seeming to grow just a bit more as he held back for as long as he could. Lyra let out a muffled howl, her body quaking against the shackles and her muscles clamping down almost painfully as she finally came. It was the last push for Wyste, who let out a shout of his own as his thick seed rushed forth, painting the inside of her cunt as he pumped Lyra full of his cum.

Wyste pressed against Lyra's body for some time, emptying all his rich seed deep inside her. Breathing heavily, he managed to pull away, taking a moment to admire his handiwork. Her mound continued to pulse as the Lycanroc danced along the edge of her high. His cum slowly leaked free, drooling down through her fur before dripping to the ground below. It was a satisfying sight for him, and with a smile on his beak he released the bindings, gently lowering Lyra to the ground before freeing her.

"There. All better now?"

"Almost." With surprising speed, Lyra recovered from her climax and pounced Wyste once more, pinning him to the ground yet again. "But not quite."

"How?" Wyste gasped as he felt her hot, sticky cunt rubbing against his shaft, working him to full arousal once more. "But we just..."

"I told you," Lyra growled, firmly gripping Wyste's dick and pushing it inside her once more. "I'm gonna ride you til sunrise, and I want all of Alola to know how good it feels."

"So much for a quiet night." Wyste chuckled, unable to find the focus or desire to escape as Lyra began bucking her hips. She was still just as hot and tight as before, her folds clinging hungrily to his length and eagerly taking him all the way to the base. Lyra was already howling with pleasure, her voice carrying in the night sky without even a hint of shame.

"Fucking bitch." Ferra growled, watching through the bushes as Lyra howled at the sky, riding Wyste hard and refusing to stop. The Salazzle narrowed her eyes, scowling at her companions as they mated beneath the stars. A pair of her own slender fingers were buried deep within her drooling pussy, angrily fingering herself as she watched from the shadows.

"That was supposed to be MY dick to ride." She fumed, her muscles tightening up as she came once again. But it wasn't quite enough to truly satisfy her. She had been discreetly wafting her musk Wyste's way for the better part of an hour, trying to get him all heated up before casually strolling by. She had wanted him to fuck her til sunrise, to paint her womb with his cum. She hadn't expected Lyra to beat her too him, or to try and hog his dick for so long.

"I need a real dick." Ferra sighed, licking the hormone saturated juices from her fingers. "And I'm not gonna get it here. Hmm, I wonder what Pancake is up to right now."

A devious smile spread across her face, and the Salazzle skittered off to hunt the Snorlax down as another climactic howl filled the night air.

Pancake chuckled to himself as he heard another howl echo through the early night sky. The Snorlax recognized the cry well enough, the satisfied mating call of his Lycanroc friend unmistakable. "Someone's having a good evening." He mused, slowly ambling his way down an otherwise quiet beach. "I guess the tropical heat was a bit too much for her."

Still amused, the amiable Snorlax continued his leisurely stroll. Truthfully even he had felt the need to breed building, but not strongly enough to interrupt his usual naps or quiet walks. It seemed like such a waste of energy that could be better spent elsewhere. Like enjoying a starlit stroll on the beach.

A stroll that was proving to be noisier than Pancake had anticipated. Along with the distant howling, he heard a series of gasps and whimpers which seemed to be coming from behind a nearby outcropping of rocks. Curious and concerned that someone could be in trouble, Pancake approached the rocks. Just beyond them he found an Alolan Sandslash crouched down in the sand, seemingly struggling to sit all the way down. A Sandslash he recognized quite well. "Hailey?"

The female glanced over her shoulder when she heard her name, then let out a panicked squeak. In her flailing she managed to fall over, exposing herself and revealing just what all the noise was about. An icicle was buried partway in the female's snatch, slowly slipping its way out as Hailey's face turned a bright purple in embarrassment. "I-It's not what it l-looks like!"

"Oh really?" Pancake chuckled. "Then I'd love to hear an explanation."

"W-well, I..." She suddenly gasped as the icicle popped free, rolling across the sand to stop at Pancake's feet. "I was t-trying out a new m-move, and..."


"A-a-and... Okay, i-it's exactly what it l-looks like!" The Sandslash admitted, covering her face in her claws. "I was just so p-pent up! I needed to do s-something! I'm s-sorry."

"Sorry for what?" The Snorlax asked, coming to sit beside the ice mouse. "We all have to deal with such needs, especially during mating season. No need to be embarrassed about it."

"B-but you saw me t-trying to..." Hailey continued to stammer, refusing to uncover her face. "Oh, this is humiliating."

"Now don't be like that." The big Pokemon offered, gently patting one of her spines. "Everybody's taken care of business like that when the need rises. Heh, well not everyone, anyway. Point is, it's normal."

"Really?" The Sandslash finally looked up, though her face was still a bright purple. "So, you f-feel the n-need to b-breed too?"

"Well, yeah."

"And to f-fill a girl up with some n-nice, heavy eggs?"

"Eggs?" Pancake was taken aback for a moment, as Hailey began climbing onto his large stomach. "You, uh... what's this about eggs?"

"I. Want. Eggs." Hailey breathed, though she seemed to shrink back as soon as she realized what she'd said. "I m-mean... I'd l-like an egg s-someday. Oh, it's so h-hard to think straight."

"Well, maybe we can help each other out then." Pancake offered. "You're clearly in heat, bad. And I can't really take care of my needs. We might as well work together to help each other out, right?"

"You m-mean breed? R-right here, now?"

"We wouldn't be the only ones." The Snorlax chuckled as another howl pierced through the night. "But only if you want to."

"I've n-never..." Blushing heavily, the Sandslash turned her attention to Pancake's nethers. His balls hung heavy between his legs, filled with the seed she desperately craved. His thick shaft was already growing with arousal, as a heavy musk began to saturate the air. Gently, Hailey ran a paw along the side of his dick, feeling his pulse in his veins as she partially pulled back his foreskin, further exposing the tip and releasing more potent musk. "It's s-so big, and smells so s-strong..."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Pancake shrugged. His attention was elsewhere, as Hailey's slit was once again in full sight. The Snorlax dared to run a finger along the edge of her blushing pussy, spreading her lips apart and causing her to squeak in surprise. "I hope it fits."

"I'm s-sure it'll be fine." Hailey breathed, still admiring Pancakes sizeable equipment. "Eggs are b-bigger than this. I just have to g-get it ready."

Fighting to overcome her nerves, Hailey took a firmer grip of Pancake's cock, angling it closer to her blushing face. The potent smell was nearly overwhelming, but it only drove her instincts even further. She licked her lips, before opening her mouth wide and swallowing the tip of that throbbing dong. The taste flooded her mouth, a strong, salty sensation that sent a shiver through her body. She tried to push deeper, to get as much of that Snorlax cock into her mouth as she could. But the deeper she went, the thicker he seemed to get, stretching her small jaw to its limit.

Pancake winced as he heard her start to cough, concerned both for her safety, and the safety of his manhood. "Hailey, don't push yourself too hard, okay?"

She simply waved a hand at him, trying to ease his concerns. But a moment later she was pulling back, sputtering and gasping for air. "Too... big..." She managed to get out. "Can't... take it..."

"It's alright." Pancake assured her, picking the smaller Pokemon up and turning her around. "I might be a bit too big for you. Maybe we should try something else."

"No!" Hailey insisted, determined despite her obvious embarrassment. "I c-can't have eggs any other way! I w-want this. I need this."

Pancake let out a heavy sigh, knowing that she wouldn't let this go so easily. Hailey may be a bit on the meek side, but he knew nothing would stop her once she set her mind to something. "Alright. We'll try. But if it doesn't fit, or it hurts too much, then we stop."

"O-okay." Hailey agreed, already grinding her heated nethers along Pancakes length. It was surprisingly cool for someone who was supposedly in heat, he thought, but she was certainly wet enough. A slick coating of her juices was already sticking to his cock, lubing him up nicely for the tight fit that was to come. Satisfied with her work, or perhaps simply unable to wait any longer, Hailey carefully angled that thick meat up, pressing the tip of his dick right against her soft, drooling slit.

"Just take it slow." Pancake encouraged her, watching with a heavy breath as he let the Sandslash take him at her own pace. She let out a breath of her own before slowly pushing down. They both winced at just how tight a fit it was, her pussy lips stretching around his tips and forcing his foreskin back as she descended. Hailey was also far colder on the inside than he had expected, but the chill was surprisingly pleasant, as if soothing any pain the tightness might cause.

Hailey continued to breath as she pushed down, not stopping until he was half buried in her, a small bulge already visible on her stomach. "It's so b-big..."

"You don't have to take it all if it's too much."

"But it feels s-so good!" Hailey suddenly looked up, a wide and goofy grin on her face as she rocked her hips. "Oh I f-feel so full! And it's n-not even in all the way! I had no idea it would f-feel this good! I want it all!"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

Before he could stop her, Hailey began bouncing along his length. Her muscles tugged and twisted at his dick, Pancake left speechless at the sudden waves of pleasure that assaulted him. Her cool pussy was gripping him tighter than anything he'd ever felt before, and with each thrust she managed to get just a bit deeper, somehow fitting more of his girth into her small body. There was nothing he could do to stop her at this point, aside from physically pulling her off of him. But with how good she felt, and how pent up he was, that idea simply seemed too cruel to both of them.

Hailey was already lost in ecstasy. The Sandslash continued to cry out as she bounced on Pancake's cock. She had somehow managed to get his full length buried inside her, her stomach bulging obscenely with every downward thrust. Her need to breed had taken over, and short of outside interference there was no stopping her.

"Oh, P-Pancake! You're big thing is stirring up my insides!" She mewled, practically drooling as she lost all control. "I want more! Stir me up even m-more!"

"But you're doing... all the... work." Pancake gasped. Even if he had wanted to, and in truth a part of him did, there was little the Snorlax could do to push her even further. Since he couldn't thrust his hips up, he instead decided to try and help push her down. Pancake grabbed her shoulders, helping to push her down nice and deep, then pull her up the length of his cock. It seemed to do the trick, as Hailey suddenly squeezed even tighter, her tongue occasionally hanging out of her mouth as she gasped with pleasure.

"Yesh! Harder! Stir me up h-harder!" She cried out, all of her shame lost to her lust. "Fill me up, Pancake! G-give me your batter! I want to have your egg! Let me have your egg!"

"Shit!" Pancake grit his teeth as he felt his balls tightening against his body. His cock was getting even harder, the Snorlax on the verge of losing his mind. "I'm gonna cum! I can't hold it!"

"Give it to me!" Hailey pleaded, thrusting with all her might as her pussy squeezed his dick. "Give it all to me! Get me pregnant! I'm gonna cum too, so give me an egg!"

"Fuck!" Pancake suddenly roared, his deep voice echoing through the trees as he came. He pulled Hailey down, impaling her as his thick seed coated her pussy and flooded into her womb. Hailey cried out with him, milking his dick for every drop of seed in his balls. And there was a lot to milk out. His thick length managed to plug her tight pussy up nicely, much of his cum filling her womb, her stomach swelling with every pump. Hailey simply smiled up at the stars above as she lost her mind to her orgasm, cumming with each pulse of his dick and already imagining being full of eggs.

Pancake let out a long, heavy breath as he finally came down from his high. His balls still pulsed, though his softening dick now allowed a bit of thick cum to spill freely from Hailey pussy, coating his balls and the ground below in a thick, white coating. The Snorlax couldn't help but smile to himself, feeling a relief he hadn't even known he needed. Maybe mating was worth the energy after all.

His head snapped up when he felt Hailey collapse against his stomach. He was still buried within her, too large to fall out even at half mast. Still, the Sandslash seemed twice as pleased as he was. A wide smile was plastered on her face, her eyes a bit glossy but filled with joy. If Pancake hadn't known better, he would have assumed she was high. "You alright, Hailey?"

"Yesh..." She managed to say, gently rubbing her face against his large stomach. "I feel so full. A bet a get a whole clutch of eggs from this."

"Yeah, I bet." Pancake chuckled, gently patting her head. He wasn't quite sure it worked like that, that a Snorlax could actually get a Sandslash pregnant. But then again he'd never heard of beasts coming from another world until only recently, so why not? "Anything's possible."

A long hiss escaped Ferra's lips, the female scowling as she watched Hailey snuggle contently into Pancake's stomach. The Salazzle had found the Snorlax just in time to watch him stuff the ice covered mouse with that delicious looking cock of his. This just wasn't her night, and now her lust had built to excruciating levels from watching back to back sex shows from the shadows. Her juices dripped freely from her snatch, her thighs glistening from the thick coating.

"Fucking bitches." She muttered as she skulked away. "I can't handle all this competition. Maybe I should just start my own harem, like the wild Salazzle. Then I could have all the dick I want whenever I want it."

Frustrated beyond reason, Ferra simply skittered through the trees, planning to pounce on the first male, or even female at this point, that she came across. Hell, she'd even settle for a thick mushroom or long, smooth stone. Anything she could use to get off and satisfy her heat. In her distracted wandering she stumbled upon a small clearing, where she found the last of her companions curled up and resting quietly.

Latté the Kommo-o had, in typical fashion, found himself a quiet spot away from everyone else where he could relax in his own fashion. It was the perfect opportunity for Ferra to try and quench her thirst, so long as she could rouse the dragon without pissing him off. She was sure her pheromones were already saturating the air; she could practically hear herself dripping at this point. She just needed to find a way to get him in the mood enough to take the bait, and take her for a ride.

Taking a moment to regain her composure, Ferra casually strode into the clearing, offering Latté a friendly smile when he popped an eye open to regard her. "Good evening, Latté. Nice night, isn't it?"

"What do you want?" He grumbled back.

Ferra scoffed, feigning insult over his gruff reply. "What? I can't come and say hi to a member of my team?"

The Kommo-o raised his head, taking a few short whiffs of night air. A sly grin spread across his face as he turned his full attention to Ferra once more. "I know what you want. And it's not just to say hi."

Ferra simply shrugged as she padded about the clearing. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm as innocent as a Fairy."

"Only if you're a Mimikyu." Latté retorted. "You're in heat, bad. This whole clearing started to stink of your musk the moment you stepped inside. What is it; Wyste and Pancake rejected you so you came here looking for me?"

Ferra winced at his insight, but quickly put on her most innocent smile. "Do you really think I would choose a bird or a giant paperweight over a dragon? If that's what I was doing, which it's not."

Latté chuckled, seemingly amused by her antics. "You poor Salazzle. Burdened with such potent pheromones. Go into heat and soon everyone around you wants to fuck. And you have to try and get to the males before someone else does."

A howl echoed through the night sky, and Latté's smile grew even wider. "Sounds like you were too slow."

"Okay, so maybe I am in heat." She finally admitted with a casual shrug. "Can you blame me? It's that time of year, and Lyra's howls have been going on for quite some time now. Anyone would be feeling a little pent up."

"And you expect me to help you scratch your itch?"

"We can scratch each others' itches." Ferra offered, approaching the dragon with a provocative swagger. "Or are you going to sit there and pretend you aren't feeling the heat too?"

Latté finally sat up, spreading his legs to show Ferra just how not aroused he was. "Unlike you, and the others apparently, I have some self control."

"Well, perhaps I can relieve you of some of that self control." Ferra cooed, stepping even closer. "I can be quite persuasive when I want to be."

"Persuade me? To do what, satisfy you?" Latté smirked, doing nothing to impede the woman. "It'll take more than your words and musk to get me going. Show me just how persuasive you can be."

Ferra cocked her head, unsure of what he meant until he pointed down between his legs. A nervous smile etched across her face as she took the hint, bowing low to crawl between the dragon's legs. Despite his words, she could smell a faint trace of his own musk. She found a thin yet noticeable slit between his scales where the musk emanated from, Ferra licking her lips before pressing them against it. Gently at first, she kissed around the slit, teasing him before letting her long tongue drag over the opening.

Latté gasped softly as he felt her tongue slip into his sheath, teasing the shafts hidden within. "Not a bad opening statement." He muttered, gently petting her head as her tongue coiled around his swelling shafts. "You might be able to convince me after all."

"I always do my best." She winked, smiling as his twin dragon shafts finally emerged. Her fingers continued to tease at his scales and flesh as he grew. The twin dicks, Latté's hemipenis, grew to an impressive length and girth. A bright yellow with orange highlights, Ferra was momentarily breathless at the sight before her. "They're so... big."

"Too much for you?" Latté grinned, keeping a firm hand on the back of her head. "I hope the negotiations aren't breaking down already. You've still got a lot of persuading to do."

Ferra nodded, taking a deep breath as she felt the Kommo-o pushing her head closer to his dicks. Giving in, she opened her maw wide, letting one of the dragon dicks slip through her lips as her long fingers wrapped around the other. Her tongue immediately coiled around his thick shaft, writhing about the sensitive flesh as she swallowed his length down to the base. As she sucked, her other hand gently massaged the other shaft. She could hear his breath growing heavier already, his pulse quickening as she worked.

"Oh, you're better at this than I expected." Latté moaned, smiling as he guided her head with his hand, up to the top then back down to the base. Her tongue remained coiled around his cock the entire time, laced about his spines and gently squeezing his length. Her long fingers teased his other dick almost as nicely, gripping and tugging his flesh as his precum began to leak freely from the tip. She swallowed it down hungrily, while using what she could to help lube her palm. Ferra kept teasing him, moving faster to match his heightening pulse and bring him to the edge as quickly as possible. She wanted him to lose his mind with lust before letting him fill her with every drop of his dragon cum.

"Ah fuck!" Latté growled, both hands gripping the sides of Ferra's head as he indeed began to lose control. His dicks began to swell as he neared his limit. Taking control, Latté began to use Ferra's head as his own personal sextoy, fucking her throat instead of leaving her to get the job done. Ferra was already choking on his considerable length, holding on to the other for dear life as she tried to break free. But the Kommo-o's strength was too great, and with a roar he hilted in her mouth. His thick cum poured down her throat, Ferra's eyes wide in shock as she tried to swallow it all down. His other dick pulsed in her hand, painting her back and shoulders white with his sticky seed.

He continued to cum for quite some time, Ferra nearly passing out as it began to back up and coat the inside of her mouth, leaking past her lips to drool down her chin. With one last gasp Latté pulled Ferra's head back, letting out a content sigh as the poor Salazzle gasped for her every breath. His seed dripped from her body, coating her in his scent as she regained her breath.

"Oh, now that was some nice persuading." Latté admitted, chuckling at the dripping sight before him. "Hmph, guess I was more backed up than I thought. Looks like you need a bath."

"Later." Ferra scowled, turning around and raising her hind quarters high in the air. Her pussy was literally drooling with her femcum, rivulets of her juices running down her thighs as a small puddle formed beneath her. "I persuaded. Now it's your turn. Or are you a one and done kinda guy?"

Latté snorted at that remark, pressing up behind her as he took a firm grip of her tale. "I'll show you one and done." He grumbled, rubbing his still hard dicks against her nethers. Ferra shivered as she felt those spines grind against her sensitive flesh. He didn't waste much time, angling one of his dicks down and forcing it deep within her soaked snatch. They both gasped, Latté's dick stretching out Ferra's tight pussy, which in turn gripped every inch of his length tightly.

"Oh, now this is what I've been waiting for." Ferra sighed, her entire body shivering as she supported her hands on a nearby tree. "Don't hold back, big guy. Give me everything you got."

"I intend to." With a devious grin, Latté pulled out, then pressed his well lubed shaft against her tailhole, while his other dick refilled her gaping cunt. Without warning he buried his twin shafts within her, Ferra letting out a yelp as both her holes were stuffed.

"You could warn a girl!" Ferra scowled, though the pleasure soon replaced her annoyance. Latté, still grinning, had begun thrusting as soon as he was in, his spines tugging and pleasuring her nerves better than her fingers ever could. Ferra was left mewling with pleasure, her eyes rolling up in her head as the dragon forced her against the tree. The wet slapping of their bodies accompanied her cries, Latté using her for his own pleasure once again. But this time, Ferra got to enjoy it as well, thrusting her hips right back against the dragon.

Small bursts of fire escaped her muzzle with every thrust, her holes already milking his shafts as his precum helped lube her wet passages even further. "So close! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" Her cry was coupled with a bright flame, blackening the tree as her body clamped down down on his dicks. She writhed in his grip, her climax driving her wild as Latté continued to pound her holes.

"Take it all!" The Kommo-o growled. His cocks pulsed as he thrust in deep, more of his thick seed flooding deep into her body. Her womb and stomach took it all, her belly quickly swelling as he pumped more dragon cum deep within her. Despite having already came, Latté seemed to have plenty to give, the fullness heightening Ferra's pleasure even further.

"Oh sweet Arceus." Ferra mewled, sliding down the tree to collapse in a puddle of sweat and cum. "Oh yeah... so good..."

Latté smiled proudly as he pulled free, giving his dicks a few last strokes and spraying out the last bit of his seed onto her back as she quivered in her pleasure. Seeing her so thoroughly pleasured filled the dragon with no end of smug satisfaction. With a chuckle he returned to his side of the clearing, curling up to return to a much needed rest.

Ferra didn't mind. She didn't even notice. The Salazzle was already fingering herself once more, riding out the last few quakes of pleasure as dragon seed drooled from her holes. She had finally gotten the pleasure she sought, her heat temporarily satisfied thanks to the aloof dragon. Still coated in cum, Ferra curled up in her own ball of bliss, letting the potent musk surround her as she slowly drifted off to sleep, with one last howl echoing through the warm night sky.

The Trials of Inkblot Fox - Part 2

A myriad of feelings and vague images flashed through Inkblot's mind. Faint voices speaking as though they were a great distance away, and the occasional glance at what may have been people moving around her, but in her state it was difficult to tell....

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Rain and Snow, Chapter 6

Jessica soon learned just how unpleasant a hangover could be. She woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and somersaulting stomach. It was a far worse experience than she had expected, certainly worse than her period, not that those were any...

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The Trials of Inkblot Fox - Part 1

A soft groan issued forth from beneath the bundle of soft blankets atop the large bed, the woman within trying to cling to her comfortable sleep. But despite her desires her mind and body urged her to open her eyes, and with reluctance Inkblot emerged...

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