Unknown Addition

Story by JazzFan on SoFurry

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Charlie yawned and stretched as shi got out of bed. Wiping the sleep...

Charlie yawned and stretched as shi got out of bed. Wiping the sleepies from hir eyes and stretching beside hir bed, the coyote futanari cracked hir knuckles, hir back, and hir neck as shi does every morning. Into the bathroom shi went to take care of the hygiene routine. Once finished, shi walked into the living room nude. Shi never bothers with clothing anymore. Shi sauntered into the kitchen and prepared hirself breakfast. Snapping open the newspaper, shi scanned headlines and read the comics. Once done, shi folded it up nicely and shoved section by rolled up section into hir cock. You see, Charlie never had or will never have a trash can or garbage disposal on the sink. Shi had the ability known as cock vore. To turn anything that enters hir scrotum chamber into coyote cum. That's also why shi rarely uses clothing. It gets in the way and sometimes gets pulled in by the cock's "swallowing" muscles. Same ones that're around an esophagus.

Shi murred softly as the melting took place and rubbed hir sac as it got fuller and fuller. Back to the living room shi went to enjoy hir favorite show, Corwin's Quest. Shi always found him funny and kind of had a crush on him. Laughing through another assault of his goofiness, shi nearly elbowed hir cat. Well...Redburr was a cat/dragon hybrid, so he had black dragon wings to match his black fur. He recoiled at the near miss of hir furry elbow and his adorable kitty muzzle, raising a paw to swat at it defensively if it happened again. He let out an annoyed mrowl, letting his master know he was there and almost got bopped. Charlie turned to the source and pet his head. "I'm sorry, Red. I didn't see you there." shi chuckled. "He's so hot and funny." A sigh came out. "I guess you don't know what that's like, huh? Being a dracat and all."

Shi shrugged and pet him more. He purred in forgiveness and curled up into hir lap, enjoying the attention. Soon, hir show had came and went as well as a 3 episode marathon of Miami Animal Police. Shi grew tired and stretched out, yawning, and turned hirself so shi lay lengthwise across the couch. The 'yote smirked to hirself as shi did it without disturbing hir dracat who sat curled on hir belly. Hir heavy eyelids sagged more and more before sliding shut in relaxing bliss as shi dozed off silently. This was like a silent signal for Redburr as he popped his head up with a wide grin and stood up on his master's belly. He sniffed around and pawed hir sac, curious as to where the newspaper went.

That curiosity was soon replaced by being easily amused as the sloshing and lurching of the full sac had caught his attention. He pawed and batted at the cumfilled sac, still entranced by the movement. What he didn't know was that Charlie's cock had gotten hungry again and decided that a dracat was a yummy meal. The cock timed it just right and closed softly around the tip of his tail, slowly swallowing the tail and pulling him in bit by bit, slowly though, so he didn't notice until his enitre tail had been swallowed. He mrowed at the coyote to let him go but shi was in too deep of asleep. The dracat let out a yowl as the cock stretched wide and pulled his ass in, then his hips. Red started clawing at the 'yote to try and pull himself out but the suction fors was rather strong and it slurped his belly in. The struggling made Charlie murr in hir sleep and start to hump the air in pleasure which was unfortunate for Red as this caused him to be pulled in lore and more. Soon he'd been fully engilfed by the cock but instead of sending him straight into the sac, it decided to give him a bit of pleasure before his demise.

The muscles that were right in front of his hips started undulating and rubbing,causing him pleasure.The black dracat started to hump the inner wall of the cock and growl softly as his cock came out and stood erect. He thrust and humped more and more until he finally let out a caterwaul of release. Charlie felt the warmth of the dracat cum and moaned softly, producing a bit of pre. The pre coupled with the dracat cum helped Red slide in more and ker-plunk into the already full sac. He bobbed and swam about in the coyote cum, trapped forever in the pleasure of his last orgasm. He didn't even care when he sharted to melt into cum as the sac gurgled around him. But, because he was alive, the sac employed a new ability. It absorbed his essence, turning hir sac black with his fur and markings appeared on the front of hir sac that resembled a content cat's face complete with his red eyes and light gray lines for whiskers. Black wings sprouted from hir back that were proportionate to hir size as the absorbtion finished. Hours later, Charlie awoke to find Redburr missing and hir sheath fur had become black. When shi saw the kitty face tattoo and felt hir new wings, shi realized what had happened. Shi rubbed hir extra full sac."I'm so sorry, Red. At least you're with your loving master forever. I'll take good care of you." In the back of hir mind, which is where his mind had drifted, came a purr of bliss and contentment. He loved his fate and new life as hir new sheath and wings.

Cumming of Age

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Riley's Change

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