Dragon Dungeon: Mistress Drakina, Slave Havok

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Third chapter of this, out of ten. I hope that you're enjoying it so far. Anyway, Drakina gets some time with FA: DrakeHavok as her slave.

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Iron Author: Dragon's Dungeon Mistress Drakina, Slave Havok For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

"Well, time to bite the bullet..."

Havok blushed as he walked into the dungeon chamber, leaving the noise of the party behind. The white dragon knew that he'd be alright; Draconicon's parties were always kinky, but there was such a high level of magic around protecting the guests that nothing permanent would happen to him.

Still, considering who he'd requested for his domme tonight...

I'll be fine, Havok told himself again as he shut the door. It's just one night, and it's not like she can do anything permanent without Drac helping me out. And you did want this, after all.

Didn't stop him from being nervous about it. Draconicon was a kinky dragon to start with. His sister...well, she took things to a whole new level, and with a completely different sort of personality.

The room he'd picked was something like an arena, almost precisely like the Colosseum he'd seen in another world with the pillars and openings along the wall. The ground had been covered in sand, and he could feel it sliding between his toes with very step he took. He shook his head, his tail already coming up and sliding around his leg with his nervousness, and Havok had to make himself take several deep breaths to calm down.

Knowing that his domme would be here any second, the white dragon walked across the room to the weapon rack. It wasn't much, just a few blunted weapons, but anything would be better than nothing. He picked up a club, testing its weight with a couple of swings, and nodded to himself.

He was about to get his armor when he heard the creak of the door opening, and turned on his heel.


"Heh...Havok, Mistress, please."

The purple dragoness smirked at him, and well she might. She was more than a foot taller than him, and her wings flared out as she shut the door behind her, emphasizing her body all the more. Unlike him, she'd entered the room already naked, her breasts bare and shining as if they were oiled up, and her curvy body completely on display.

It didn't help when she reached down, grabbing her dick, as well. He knew that there were more feminine parts behind that, but the reminder of what was very likely about to go up his ass wasn't helpful.

He blushed as she walked over to him, pressing his chin up with her claw and making him look her in the eyes.

"Are you ready for your beating, little dragon?"

"I'm -"

"Heh, of course you are, slut. I don't even know why you want to fight, first...but if it soothes your ego before you go underfoot, then I'm happy enough to do it."

He shivered as she walked by, her tail stroking along his hip as she walked over to the weapon rack as well. The white dragon hurried over to the armor, stripping down as fast as he could and grabbing one of the outfits from the group. Not much more than a breastplate and a loincloth, but it was something...even if the front of the loincloth was rapidly going up as he started getting harder and harder.

Her chuckles chased him across the room, leaving him blushing worse than ever as he took up a defensive pose, club in both hands and -

"Why aren't you getting any armor?" he asked, blinking.

"Oh, my little slut. If I put on armor, that'd be giving myself a disadvantage."


Fuck. She was right, of course. That body was one hell of a distraction, and with her flaunting it now, he could already feel his cock continuing to grow, begging to be touched as he looked her over. Her purple curves just begged to be touched and used, and he groaned as he reminded himself that he'd have to 'win' against her in order to have the chance.

Even then...he doubted it would happen.

Drakina hefted her own weapon - a smaller club, almost more like a dagger - and spun it between her fingers.

"Go on. I'll let you start us off."

Havok knew that it was a bad idea, knew that he was going to lose in this little play, but...well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The white dragon darted forward, running as fast as his feet would carry him. At the last second, he threw himself into a slide, sweeping his club out at her legs -

Which were no longer there. She jumped over him, giving him a perfect view of her pussy as she did, and as he slid by, she brought her foot down on his face. Her toes grabbed at his nose, pulling him to a stop, and he grunted as he took in a breath of her scent.

"Heh, quick little slut, aren't you?"

His cock throbbing, he swung his arm up, knocking her leg aside, and rolled away to get some space. She didn't even chase him, only chuckling as she circled around him, her cock slapping between her legs like a wet, smacking metronome.

Havok shook his head as he caught his breath, holding the club up defensively as he matched her steps, feeling his cock throbbing harder than ever. It pressed the white loincloth up, and he did his best not to think about how he looked as he tried to think of another move. There had to be something -

"My turn."

Drakina darted forward insanely fast, a purple blur that smacked him with her softened weapon, knocking his around for a few times before she darted sideways -


And almost lifted him off of his feet when she slammed the 'weapon' right up his ass, the rounded tip penetrating his ass in one smooth thrust. He gasped for breath, shivering as his cock throbbed in front of him, and tried to bring his tail around.

She blocked it with her own, and twisted. The toy ground against his prostate, making his cock tremble and twitch, and he bit his lips, trying to turn around, trying to lift himself free, trying to do anything to get away from her.

It didn't work. The dragoness turned him around, shoving him against a nearby wall and pinned him with her shoulder. She loomed over him, one hand pumping the dildo dagger - which was precisely what it was, he realized - in and out of his ass, ramming it into his prostate with every thrust, and making his cock throb beneath the loincloth, even starting to drip against the cloth itself.

He bit his lip, trying to wriggle free, but she anticipated him. A purple hand wrapped around his balls, squeezing them just enough to keep him from getting away, and he shivered as she leaned in, whispering in his ear.

"So hard for me already, Havok? Heh, I told you, you weren't going to win. All that did was get me a little riled up for you..."


"Heh, not likely."

She squeezed, and he hunched forward as the pressure on his balls came near to pain. Not fully there, but just enough to warn him that further disobedience would not be tolerated.

It didn't help that it came with a particularly hard thrust from the dildo in his ass at the same time, ramming itself deep inside of him with a vengeance. He rolled his eyes back in their sockets at the feeling, his cock twitching and bouncing like crazy from the assault.

She pushed him more firmly against the stone wall, his face flattened against the rock as she pumped his cock and ass in time, her fingers moving up to his shaft and milking it as her weapon milked his prostate. In and out, back and forth, and the white dragon whimpered as he was driven right up on tiptoes.

"Heh, you know the terms, little slut. First person to cum is the loser...and then they're the slave for the winner all night."

He remembered, and he'd expected to lose...just not this quickly. Blushing, he moaned as she smacked his ass, paddling him with her tail as she pushed that dildo in and out, in and out, faster, faster, faster. He could feel his balls swaying, smacking back and forth between her fist and his taint, and he could feel his orgasm rising with it. A little bit more, almost there...

She let go of his cock at the last minute, forcing his orgasm out through his ass. Havok moaned, whimpering against the wall as he came hard, spilling his seed all over it in the process, and gasping for breath as he did.

"Hehehe...you lose, slave."

"I...I did, Mistress."

"Good boy."

The dildo slid out of his ass, leaving him feeling more empty than he'd expected. However, that was soon forgotten as she spun him around, her fingers glowing with purple light as she gestured towards the ceiling. Havok looked up just in time to see a series of chains falling down, summoned by her power as they wrapped around his arms. They pulled above his head, leaving him dangling against the wall, and his legs were grabbed by slithering, clinking links on the floor.

They pulled him into a spread eagle position, and he was left there, his cock still pressed half-against his loincloth, soaking it with his seed. He blushed as Drakina grabbed him by it, pulling on his cock and nudging it through the soaked fabric, and making him gasp as she rubbed her palm against the head of his cock.

"Heh, what's the matter, little dragon? Sensitive after your orgasm?"


"Heh...then you will probably not like this."

As she whipped his loincloth off, he knew that it wasn't going to go well for him, and he was right. She grabbed his cock, hard, and started pumping it fast. Her smooth palm and slick fingers stroked over his sensitive head, HARD, and he howled in pained pleasure.

"Ah! NNNNGH! Please, no, mercy!"

"Heh, you could have submitted, slave dragon. And instead, you made me work for it. Oh, no, you get punished for that."

She milked his cock, jerking it off harder and faster, and he shivered and squirmed, turning his hips this way and that to try and pull his cock out of her merciless grip. It was impossible, though, and he could only whimper as she jerked him off, his cock aching with the pleasure forced on it right after cumming already.

The dragoness spat on his cock, rubbing her thumb right over the head, and he curled his toes in the sand as he screamed. Pleasure should never have felt like this, but yet it did, ramming itself into his body as surely as the toy had been slammed up his ass. Up and down, up and down she stroked him, milking him towards another -


Havok arched his back against the rock, thrusting forward by instinct as she suddenly pulled her hand away. He shivered, his body squirming and trying to pull in on itself as the pleasure and pain was abruptly taken away. His balls ached from the lack of full climax, while at the same time he gasped in relief as the pleasure was no longer so all-consuming.

While he caught his breath, he blinked away his tears and looked at his domme. The dragoness stood in front of him, one hand on her hip and the other slowly stroking her cock. A giant, purple cock that dwarfed his own by some way, and he shivered to himself at the lustful look in her eyes.

"What...what do you want, Mistress?"

"Oh, your complete and utter servitude, for one. Then your body. Then your mind. And probably your soul somewhere in there, as well."

She said it so seriously, despite the flippant words, and he shivered. He remembered her power over minds, through magic and through scent. The only saving grace was that she didn't have her brother's talent for using one's eyes to break down a person's mind. If she did, he'd already be lost.

She grabbed his cock again, and he winced, driven back up on tiptoes as she gave it a slow, leisurely stroke. He could feel her soaking her palm in his pre, and as she brought it up to the tip of his cock, his eyes went wide.

"Please...please, I learned my lesson. Don't do it again, please!"

"Heh, don't worry..."

That purple palm pressed against his cock tip, and slowly rolled around it, almost like she was polishing his cock head. Even with most of the sensitivity gone, he still winced at the sheer potency of the pleasure it brought. She smirked at him.

"I'll just go until you lose your mind..."

Her grip on the base of his cock left him without any chance to pull away, and he screamed at the top of his lungs as she polished his cock again and again, grinding her slick palm against the head of his shaft and stroking it, her fingers cupping around it almost like someone holding a joystick. She had total control of his cock, and used it to her total advantage, squeezing him, rubbing him, teasing him.

Every touch pulled him onto his tiptoes, and he whimpered and whined when he didn't have the breath for screaming. She pulled one orgasm out of him after another, always grinding his cum back into his cock head, making it slicker, more sensitive with each passing orgasm. He couldn't take it, his mind cracking with each subsequent one, until -

Havok slumped down, his breath coming in shallow gasps as the dragoness pulled a tenth orgasm out of his cock, grinding her palm against his head again. He didn't even twitch at that, and she slowly stopped. Even the soft draft from her wings as she stood up made him shiver inside, but he couldn't move. His body was so drained, his balls pulled up so tight that they were almost invisible to the naked eye.


"Hehehe, looks like you finally reached your breaking point, slave."


"I bet you don't want to cum again for a while, do you?"

He slowly shook his head, still gasping for breath. The idea of another climax, of any sort of climax, left him whimpering. If she pushed that any further, he was sure his cock would break.

"You want your dick protected, don't you? You want to put it behind something, make it so that you can't cum again for a loooong time. So that nobody can make you cum, for a loooong time."

"Yes, yes, Mistress."

"Heh, good boy."

She snapped her fingers, and he crumpled forward, landing on all fours. Still shivering, he could barely hold himself up as she walked around him, her finger trailing a line down his back, rubbing him and teasing him as she worked her way around to his back end.

She didn't have to do anything. He raised his tail for her, his mind on auto-pilot, desperate to keep her happy so that she didn't make him cum again. His cock hung limp over his balls, dripping and soaked with his own seed, and feeling like it was on fire from all the treatment it had gone through. The white dragon focused on just breathing, just pulling himself together, even as his mistress knelt behind him, grinding her cock against his ass.

"Beg me to fuck you, slave, and maybe I'll protect that cock of yours for you."

"Please, please, Mistress," he gasped. "Please, give me your cock. Let me suck it, let me be your little fuck toy. I'll do anything if you just protect my cock from another orgasm. Anything but another orgasm!"

"Heh, anything?"

"I'll do anything. Please, just make me a toy, make me something to get off on, but don't make me cum again!"

The dragoness laughed, and Havok shuddered. Something in him knew that this wasn't right, knew that he was playing into her hands, but he couldn't stop himself. The idea of another orgasm was too much for him, far too much for him to be able to take. He was barely holding himself together now.

Fear pressed him back against her as she held her cockhead to his hole, and even the feeling of the intense stretch that came from her dick burying itself in his asshole was not enough to deter him. Moaning at the different pleasure that came from something rammed up his ass, Havok ground himself back, focusing on the hot, tense feeling that came from something pushing his ass open, the sensation of being used and filled.

It was better than the idea of a hand on his cock.

The sand beneath him shifted around, almost dropping his cock down into a dune of it from time to time. Every so often, the movement of his hips swung his cock forward, and when it hit his belly, he gasped and whimpered, everything still so sensitive, so filled with pain-pleasure that the simplest sensation was nearly enough to make him black out. He moaned and whimpered, wiggling his hips for the dragoness.

She didn't even have to thrust, and she didn't do it at all. She made him do it, and Havok was happy to prove his loyalty and his prowess for her, fucking himself on her cock as if it was nothing more than a dildo. He could feel her leaking into him, feel her cock molding his ass to be her perfect little toy, and couldn't care less. As long as he was being a good boy -


Her fingers were there, right on his balls. They pulled at the bottom of his sack, making them come back down after they'd retreated into his body for protection, and the white dragon whimpered even louder. They were so sore, so empty, and he didn't dare move as she dragged them down.

"Heh, it's much better fucking a male that's been emptied...I bet they're so sensitive right now, aren't they, Havok?"

"Yes, yes, Mistress! So sensitive, please, please don't..."

"I'm going to use you, slave. I'm going to use you again and again...so you better get used to it..."

She slammed in, this time, pulling him back by his balls. He barely felt the tug as his eyes went back in their sockets, her cock so big that it kept a persistent pressure on his prostate. Against his will, his cock started hardening again, making him shudder, his body on fire as the heat from his oversensitive member went right into the rest of his body.

"P-please, Mistress, I can't take it! I need protection! Please, don't make me cum! Don't make me cum!"

She laughed behind him, but he couldn't help it. Her pounding thrusts were making it ache with pleasure, his body responding when he had nothing left to give. She kept on slamming in, making him rock back and forth, his cock colliding with his belly again and again.

"Please! Please, mercy!"

"You'll do anything I ask, slave?"

"Anything, just please, mercy!"

The dragoness pulled out, though not without glazing his ass with her pre. He nearly collapsed into the sand when she let him go, and only stopped himself by grinding his ass back against the wall, panting and shivering from the pre that ran out of his hole and down his balls.

So close...can't...can't take it...

She came back a few seconds later, using her magic to lift him up and press him against the wall. As he looked down, he saw a cage. An egg-like metal cage that was suited for one purpose, and one purpose only.

Havok didn't even think about it, happily spreading his legs as she held it down to him. If there was a chance to keep from getting hard, he'd take it, no matter how it would feel later. He couldn't deal with any more erections or orgasms.

The metal was cool against the base of his cock and the sides of his shaft, and made him go soft in record time. The egg opened on some sort of hinge on its side, and the bottom 'side' of it wrapped around the base of his cock and balls. Drakina held it there, and slowly closed it, forcing his cock down and holding it over his balls. Despite the coldness of the metal, he welcomed it, as it killed the tension and made him feel better.

It clicked shut around the base of his cock, making it look like he had a fist-sized ball of metal between his legs rather than testicles and a dick. He took a deep breath, looking up at Drakina with a smile.

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Oh, don't thank me yet. I'm not done with you."

She lifted his legs up, more chains coming down to hold him in place before she grabbed his hips. That thick, purple cock found his hole again, and slammed in, and Havok arched his back in bliss as she started fucking him, filling him. This time, without the ability to get an erection, it felt amazing....

He woke up some time later, dangling upside-down from a set of chains, and with something all over his face. Havok groaned, shaking his head a few times as he wiped at his cheeks, and smelled cum on his fingers.

Some sort of facial, I guess, he thought. Though, it didn't smell like -


He shifted his weight, and more cum landed on him. The white dragon bent himself to look upwards, and groaned.

The chastity egg was still on him, and it was his own cum and pre that oozed out of a hole in the bottom, landing on his face every time that he shifted his weight too much. No wonder it didn't smell like Drakina.

Still...even in a chastity cage, he felt pretty good. He looked around for a way out, and saw a piece of paper on the ground. Turning his head a few times, Havok saw that it was some sort of customer satisfaction survey.

It took some wiggling, but he was able to grab it and the pen on it, and he held it to his belly as he started filling it out.

The End

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