Turn one's nose

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#56 of Roman Life

Finally the trip to the seaside begins! Also, OMG it really has been five years now???

Hey everyone!

Well, it has been so long since I posted anything, so my apologies for that. I had this chapter ready for forever, but with my policy of posting stories only when I have a backlog stopped me from releashing this chapter sooner.

Then again, today is the fifth anniversary of my series, so I HAVE to post it XD It's... Incredible that it has been so long since the first chapter, which incidentally was also my first true stroy ever. i regret that I don't find the time of writing much nowayddays, but I am happy that I started with listtle story that grew so much!

So, hope you enjoy it, even if isn't really anything special for a celebration.

As always, I thank my editor in chief and love Gritou; for editing this chapter!

"Luca, have you seen my costume1?" The rottie bellowed from his room, his words going through the walls as if they were made of cloth. The lupo's ears flicked as he stood in front of his wardrobe, paw massaging his chin as he scanned the piece of furniture.

"You mean the speedo one?" The restorer shouted back, his eyes finally catching where he had put the pants he wanted for the trip, which were picked and folded in his small trolley in no time. He was almost done with packing, after all he didn't need much for just two days out, and, unlike his friend, all his sea-related stuff was already prepared.

_ _

"NOT THAT ONE, CAZZO, THE OTHER RED ONE!" This time around the shout was a bit louder, probably from embarrassment. Ale had a very brief bodybuilding phase, and he had taken all the possibilities to put on that speedo and flauter his body.

Not that it had bad for Luca... That thing could be barely considered a cover, and it sure left little imagination on the Rottweiler's male anatomy... Hell, sometimes it hadn't covered his ample rump completely, so much that you could have seen where the black fur gave in to the tanned one on his chiappe2!

"CHE NE SO3!" Was his answer as he tried to shake away the memories of clantily dressed rotties. Not that he had never see his friend naked either, even back then, but damn if sometimes a little cover could be more sexy than nudity...

"NEVER MIND FOUND IT!" The rottie replied, silence falling in their apartment as they both got busy with clothes. Luca had picked up almost everything, even the necessity, his beauty case was filled with medicines and creams of any kind... And with room for more too.

_ _

The lupine walked to his nightstand, opening its drawer and quietly pondering as he gazed on its contents. Dare he bring those... supplies? Ale had assured him each of them would have their rooms, or at least, each couple would, Johanna would have to bunk in a very comfortable divano4, it seemed.

Still... Would be it too risky? They would be in a crowded house, and with a rottie that didn't have the habit of knocking on doors before entering a room... Then, it wasn't even sure those supplies would be needed either... On the other paw, he and Edward hadn't done anything for a couple of days so...

Deciding that it would be better to bring them than leave them, he picked up the lube and the condoms, both the canine and the felines ones, rearranging his beauty case to have them hidden even to the most curious scrutiny. Satisfied, Luca threw the last few things inside the trolley before closing it, exiting his room with the baggage rolling behind him.

"I'm done. Where did you put the bag with the lenzuola5?" The beige colored dog asked, peeking his head briefly through his friend's threshold and getting a good view of his shirtless back.

_ _

"Yeah, I put it in the kitchen. You sure you don't want me to bring it?" Ale asked, turning to face him. His own gym bag was empty, its future contents thrown over the bed in various heaps, underwear mixing with shirts mixing with bathing suits and other miscellaneous. The lupo storse il naso6a bit at such display but he resisted saying anything, knowing that it would do no good.

"No big deal, we have room in the car, remember?" The lupine replied, leaning on the frame of the door with his arms crossed. They had discussed about it before, and it irked him to be discussing yet again.

"But it's not logical, we are just two in Clara's car!" The rottie protested as he resumed his back packing, which consisted more in tossing random stuff on the bed than anything else. Luca almost asked him if he remembered bringing his toothbrush, but he refrained from it; the big dog probably did, it was just probably rammed between undies.

"It'd be rude for us guests to impose our linens too." The taller dog rebuked, knowing to be right. It would be very impolite of them to do so, especially since Clara was opening her house to them and such. Plus, it wasn't like they were taking that much space.

_ _

"Fai come ti pare7". The muscled restorer threw his arms in the air, giving in. "When are you supposed to pick them up?" He asked, his triangular ears flicking; he had been told before, of course, but his ever short memory didn't help him remember.

"I'll pick them up in half a hour, at Battistini8." Luca explained, checking quickly his phone to confirm. He was ready at a moment's notice, and it wouldn't take that long to get there, since traffic was next to nothing on a Saturday early morning.

"Shouldn't you be going now?" The rottie kept his interrogation going, though it sounded like he was putting half his mind in it; his brain was too busy with choosing clothes, a greater than needed amount of them.

"Nah, Ed's going to warn me once they reached Termini9." The lupo explained, checking his phone for said text. He wasn't really worried about getting into traffic on the way to Sabaudia, it wasn't August yet after all; still, the sooner they left, the better. "What about you?"

"What about me what?" Ale said, head tilting either because of the question or because he was facing an important decision. The latter became apparent, as he picked up an Hawaiian shirt to throw in the heap.

_ _

"When is Clara gonna pick you up?" The lean restorer clarified, his eyes always on the screen of his phone, waiting for the blink that would put him into motion.

"She is gonna be here soon. I think." The Rottweiler dismissively answered, waving his paw as he turned to his bed.

"You think?" The lupo repeated, amused, watching as his friend stuffed as much things as possible in his bag, with no grace nor time to fold them properly.

"Yeah. She's gonna call me. Or bang at the door. Either of those two." The thicker canine said, grunting as he tried to shove all of his clothes in a tiny, tiny bag. He almost pitied the poor, mishandled thing, but said nothing to save it; it would be hilarious to see it explode at the seams after all.

"Quindi, dove ci vediamo a Sabaudia10?" Luca asked, even if he knew the answer already; he just wanted to be reassured, though the town wasn't that big and they did have phones to call each other.

"The central piazza, where the Townhall is!" His friend said, as he pushed those pieces of cloth inside the bag. "Sara and Franco will be there too!"

_ _

"Capito11. And it seems like you are done!" Luca praised the massive dog as he zipped the bag up, forcefully too, but without much resistance from the bag; there was nothing that could resist those muscles, it seemed.

"YEAHSONO IL MIGLIORE12!" The rottie exclaimed, raising his paws to the air as he turned, lacking only the jumping from being even more comical.

"Yeah yeah you are!" He chuckled his agreement, shaking his head. Ale's child-like enthusiasm was endearing, as always, something that easily lightened up even the darkest of days. He was so engrossed in his merriment that he totally missed his phone vibrating, but the watchful dark dog didn't.

"You've got text." The fellow restorer said, gesturing to the blinky phone with one massive paw, ears flicking. Then, a quiet music arouse from his bag, which agitated the poor dog. "DAMMIT, I PACKED MY PHONE TOO."

"See you in a few hours Ale!" The lupo cheerily said as he watched his best friend delving inside the bag, his paw busy opening the text he just received. As expected, it was Edward warning him, which sent him in a hurry as he picked up his trolley and the bag with the linens, swiftly pocketing his keys and wallet and exited their apartment.

_ _

His lucky strike continued as he managed not to meet the dread Mrs. Bianchini, making as far as the street without a nuisance. Then, the heat hit him, hard even if it was early morning, forcing him to move as quick as possible to where they had parked the car; they had put their motorcycle in their garage, since they were going away for the week-end, it was better than daring the chances in the street.

The bags went in the bagagliaio13 in no time once he reached the car, and he was happily boosting the AC in a few minutes, driving away to reach the appointed place. The streets were almost deserted, which was incredible for July and not at all a good sign; thankfully, they were going to stay for the whole week-end, and at a seaside house too, which meant less time spent in searching for parking and stuff like that.

The driving went smoothly, passing through the various neighborhoods of the Northern quadrant of the city, helped by the efficient and quick shortcut that was the Papal-named tunnel. He still looked at the hour displayed by the car, worrying a bit on the possibility of making the two Americans wait at the metro station.

_ _

The lupo thought to himself, accelerating the pace a bit to win some few minutes. He would prefer not to start on a bad foot with Edward's best friend; he wasn't even sure yet if he wanted to go for a durable relationship, but all would be ruined if Johanna hated him!

Thankfully the small square before the metro was devoid of cougars and their friends, being mostly deserted except for some furs running down the stairs. Luca parked the car, not exactly in a spot where it was allowed but it hardly mattered when all the other cars were parked just like his; plus, he wasn't going to go away, he would see the police come kilometers away!

Not daring to move out in the sun, the wolf sit, waiting patiently for his favorite feline in the world to appear. The AC made the stay quite comfortable, as much as being in the shadows did; it was actually quite agreeable like that, being in a good position to scout the metro's exit, his heart jumping every time a fur came out of there.

Fishing his phone out, he expertly typed a quick "Sn qui14"to his boyfriend, just to warn him. The lupo knew that it would take time going from the middle of the line to the terminus, but still he was impatient to see the cougar. And a bit nervous to meet his best friend. What if she despised him?

The answer arrived swiftly, a simple "Ok" that could mean anything from "Ok, we are stuck" or "Ok we are just arriving". Hopefully it was the second, either way it wasn't like he was going anywhere. There should be any problem with the metro either, not that he knew of at least, but maybe it was just being late and-

_ _

His rounded eared boyfriend just appeared, wearing a t-shirt and some shorts and bouncing up the stairs with a big backpack on his shoulder, surely full of clothes and the likes. Besides him was a short chipmunk, air cut in a tomboyish bob, pink shirt covering her svelte bust with kaki shorts completing her clothing. She sported a backpack almost as big as her, it seemed, and a bright smile over her short muzzle.

Propelling himself out of the car, Luca went to meet them, smiling wearily as they approached them. It was a sort of solace that Johanna was a squirrel, which reminded him his restorer friend; maybe she had the same kind of disposition and character, and maybe she won't reject him for stealing her best friend.

"Hi!" Edward saluted him, planting a quick kiss on his lips along with a squeeze of his elbow, always being the affectionate guy. The lupo answered back, quick to move away and to extend one paw to the third fur of the group.

"Hello, I'm Luca." He said, in what he hoped was a happy tone of voice.

_ _

"Ciao Luca! Piacere di conoscerti15, I'm Giovanna!" The rodent said enthusiastically, grabbing his paw and jerking him so that she could kiss him on both his cheeks; she might be small, but she packed some strength in her!

"H-hi." The lupine repeated, a bit dumbfounded at such warm welcome. "Hope you didn't have problems on the metro."

"No, nothing at all." The mountain lion answered, already padding toward the car.

"Well, no more problems than usual." Johanna pointed out as he followed him. "Nothing that we couldn't handle of course."

"Ah, not an admirer of our public system of transportation?" Luca asked as he opened the trunk, his boyfriend quick to settle his bag there.

"Well, it DOES teach you how to survive... So kinda?" The squirrel giggle, depositing her own weight there. "Where do I sit, Luca?"

"Uhm, wherever you want." The lupine told her as he went to the driver seat; he almost bumped his head on the ceiling as the diminutive rodent shout SHOTGUN before rushing inside, a huge grin splitting her short muzzle.

_ _

"As always, I go behind..." The cougar complained as he placed himself; Luca almost blurted something naughty to remark the other's statement, but hell, that would have been VERY inappropriate with the other passeggiero16


"Well... Let's go!" The dog cheerfully said as they left the square behind them, navigating the streets in silence for a short while as his guests settled down in the car and generally looked around with curiosity.

"So, I googled this town we're staying, was it made by Mussolini?" Johanna finally broke the silent, her head turned to the window as they approached the GRA17


"Yep, it's one of those planned cities that were down for the drainage of the area. You should love it, from an architectural point of view it's an interesting town!" The lupo responded, glad that they had started the conversation on a topic all of them knew a bit.

"A perfect example of Italian Rationalism18, I read!" Edward chimed in, sounding very excited by the subject.

"Yeah! Less monumental than the EUR, but still quite nice. And lately they have renovated the town a bit too!" The driver dog added as they kept going on the big road, luckily without many cars in there yet. Most people were still having their breakfast, it seemed.

_ _

"Oh that sounds interesting! Will we have time to visit the town properly?" The chipmunk asked, practically bouncing at the idea.

"Of course! We're going to meet everyone at the central square; if we are the first we can snoop around a bit. It's not that big of a town after all." Luca answered, being careful to look at the exits; wouldn't be a good thing to take the wrong one, after doing so well so far!

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!" The feminine fur exclaimed in delight, waving her tiny paws up in the air.

"Well done Luca, you excited the child..." The mountain lion said with a straight face before bursting into a laugh.

"I'm not a child... MEANIE!" Johanna pouted for a second before joining his friend, the two of them sharing the laugh as the lupo kept driving, with just a hint of smile on his muzzle.

"If I really wanted to do that I would have said we were going for ice cream once there!" The lupine joked, weirdly killing the laugh on the spot as he got two sets of eyes on him.

"Ice cream?" Edward said, his ears flicking on his skull the way a hungry cat's would; actually, in the same exact way they did when they were about to have sex.

_ _

"Ice cream?" The squirrel repeated as she licked her chomps. Seemed like the Americans really loved ice cream...

"... I guess now we will have to get gelato after all..." The lean canine gave in, for the joy of his guests. He hadn't expected such a reaction to his simple proposal, but he couldn't break their heart and say no now...

"Of course. But maybe we can go this evening, I can't wait to take a swim in the sea!" The rodent proposed with a gentle smile. "I wanna see if it's that much hotter than the lakes back home."

"But I want my ice cream now..." The cougar complained, though his attention went back to what was outside of the car. "Where are we exactly?"

"This is Spinaceto19. Not that interesting as a place." Luca told them, not wanting to show his complete ignorance on that neighborhood; after all, it was on the other side of the city from where he lived, and he couldn't know everything of Rome!

"I guess... And we left the highway. Are we close?" Johanna noticed, as they were driving in a much smaller road now.

_ _

"Unfortunately no. We have another hour or so, there are no highway going directly to Sabaudia." He apologized, knowing fully well how badly connected most of Italy was.

"Oh don't worry, it's not like we are going to get bored in here." The rodent comforted him, even patting lightly on his arm. "Plus, I like to see the scenery, it is hard to do so on faster roads."

"Yeah, plus we're glad that you are giving us a ride there too! And for free!" The mountain lion grinned widely.

"I'm not sure about being free... I think one of us will have to be subjected to an Italian's lust..." Johanna replied in a low, husky tone, winking at the blushing lupine besides her; unfortunately he couldn't hide himself, else risking to get into an accident.

"Oh, what a cruel faith... I'll do it for the cause!" The car burst into laughs, though Luca's was a nervous, embarrassed one.


1) Swimtrunks.

2) Asscheeks/buttocks

3) I DUNNO, literally, WHAT DO I KNOW

4) Couch

5) Bedsheets.

6)Literally translated "turn up one's nose", it is an expression meaning "not liking/finding something disgusting"

_ _

7) Do as you want

8) Terminus of the line A of the Roman metro

9) Main train station of Rome and, incidentally, where the two lines of the metro meet.

10) So, where do we meet in Sabaudia.

11) Understood. The "capish/capiche" often heard in Mafia movies and used by Italoamericans comes from that verb


13) Car trunk.

14) I'm here. "Sn" is often used in texting as a contraction of "sono", similar to are > r

15) Nice meeting/knowing you!

16) Passenger

17) Short of Grande Raccordo Anulare, the highway that circles Rome

18) Architectural style that uses elements of Roman architecture but highly simplified. more herehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationalism_(architecture)

19) Periferic neighborhood of Rome.

Heated Texting

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Clam Spaghetti

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Rotties Beware!

_Hey everyone!_ _So, someone might remember Vinny the rottie from my previous story [![Humptr Meeting](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/thumb?page=983323) Humptr Meeting](/view/983323 "Humptr Meeting"). I had so much fun writing about him that I've...

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