Maid Services; Inside and Out

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - foxra

Writing - Runa

Khloe - klonoap

Ilorek/Oceras - Runa

In this story, little Khloe the Maid gets hired at a ranch that specializes in porn and feral whoring! Guess what Ilorek does to initiate him before his one week tenure starts!

Maid Services; Inside and Out

Khloe sat at the table in the pub, his tiny feet barely poking over the side of the bench seat as he struggled to reach up and grab his drink. The cute little maid fox was celebrating a job well done; his time at the Irithyn Estate having come to a close so it was time for him to gorge himself on a big juicy steak. Problem was, the pub wasn't set up to handle people of his size so he was barely able to poke his stubby little arms up onto the table without standing up on the bench.

"Some help here, darling, could I get a booster seat!" He called out to any of the staff.

A reptilian waitress wearing a similar maid uniform to him came over and bent down close, a platter with three drinks on it in her one hand whole her other one rested against her knee for balance. She wore a frilly red and white maid outfit not unlike Khloes. "Awww, where are your parents, little guy?" She asked, genuine concern in her voice.

He sighed heavily, ears drooping and eyes rolling. This was a common problem for him, as he had the height and body structure of a fox kit despite his age. "I don't know where my parents are, probable vacationing in the Ijimulian or something. I'm not a kid, though, I'm just small. Foxes from my region are tiny like this."

She stood up straight and patted her chest in shame, having realized she had likely exposed her chest to him thanks to the low-cut of the frilly lace of her maid outfit, revealing her cleavage. "Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry darlin', I didn't know! I'll get you that booster seat immediately, and I'll get you a drink; no charge!" She gulped heavily, embarrassed that she had misread him. That wasn't a problem though, he was used to such things so he just accepted the free drink and got to his feet, standing tall so he could eat his steak and potatoes comfortably.

Having spent the last few months flitting from town to town for work as a hired hand, Khloe had finally found what he felt was the hot spot of his profession: Klyneth. He wasn't sure if maybe people there were just more accepting and tolerant of more peculiar things or if the populace was simply richer and more able to indulge in weird fantasies, but as a maid he was busy at both ends of his job's spectrum no matter where he went. Khloe's services officially included only cleaning services in his cute little maid outfit while clients watched, but unofficially included everything on the lewd side of things that his clients requested of him, which sort of made him a whore but also protected him as he was only officially selling his maid services. The rest was just a bonus.

Plus, there seemed to be a segment of the population in Klyneth willing to participate in Vore. Khloe had always been keen on such things, but hadn't often indulged due to how difficult that fetish had become to pull off. Doing vorey things meant he had to find a predator, procure some potions, and form a bond which he could trust, and that was a lot of work. Still, there was word uttered of a house of Vore in the region, so it was definitely something he was keen on checking out sometime in the near future. For now, he was focusing on his job as a sexy maid.

Sure, he was an excellent maid even without the fetish work, but his favorite jobs were the one where the client got intimate with him or demanded he do some really indulgent acts. Ever since coming to Klyneth, however, he had also started getting offers to be in adult videos fetishizing his profession. Since he was already doing that for fun, it made sense to film it and make some extra coin.

Naturally, he was quite happy to indulge this part of his clientele, and at some points had even considered just dropping the actual maid work to focus on the lewd jobs; it paid better and was more fun, anyway, even if the legality of it fluctuated depending on where he went and different regions had different laws regarding the intricate details.

His time in the Irithyn Estate had been especially juicy, as his tailhole remained sore from the equine noble who lived there. Not only was it pleasant in all the right ways physically, it had also paid him well and he was able to go the rest of the month without more work. He could have relaxed at the inn, enjoyed some delicious meals, watched some movies, and went out for drinks with the friends he'd made, but something caught his eye when he was in this tavern: a job board posting for a cleaning gig at a ranch north of town.

Khloe had taken the posting and brought it to his table so he could read it and go over what it said while he ate, glancing down in between bites. As it turned out, some hippogryph was running an 'adult video' studio on the ranch, specializing in 'rural action', whatever that meant. He was looking for some hired hands to help with post-filming cleanup over the next week's shoots and general ranch maintenance as well as someone not averse to being seen on camera in the event the talent desired a maid-themed side-scene. This sounded like it was perfect for what Khloe was looking for and it perfectly matched his skill set, so he was keen on looking into this. He had no shame, and even though he didn't need the money he was happy to earn a little extra if it meant taking advantage of what he could consider to be the perfect job.

There was a twinge of hesitation as it felt almost too good to be true, but given his luck since coming to Klyneth, he was willing to take that risk.

He finished up his meal, enjoyed his extra drink, and started hiking north of town to the ranch, where he would hopefully meet up with the owner and operator of the ranch and offer his services to them. Regardless of what happened, he had a very good feeling about this and was eager to see more.

Spring had sprung in north Klyneth, and the cool chill of winter had been given away to the fresh and warm air of the season of the new year. The trees were blooming, the leaves were growing, and flowers were blossoming with every vibrant color of the rainbow, and Khloe's black maid outfit was proving to not be the most reasonable bit of attire thanks to the light of the sun. The frilly maid's dress was nice and gave him lots of air around his legs, but the top half of it was tight and multi-layered, with a black fabric overcoat that seemed to capture and trap the heat. Looked pretty, but not very functional.

Not a very good situation for him to be in as he was hiking his way up the dirt roads of north Klyneth, and there was very little in the way of shade or water to keep him cool.

Luckily for him, a tall hippogryph bloke jogged up behind him wearing only a thin kilt, which Khloe recognized as clearly more appropriate for the weather. He seemed unique in a way, as his feet were massive black avian talons and his hands were muscled like an equine, with long-hair feathering around his ankles and wrists. This was despite the fact that his upper half was a rusty red, black, and gold avian while his lower half was a roan chestnut stallion. "Hey there!" He called out as he closed the final steps to Khloe, their difference in size becoming quite apparent. Khloe barely came up past this massive stallion's knees, which made him automatically default to defensive mode. "What's a little guy like you doing around these parts?"

Khloe panted a bit as he sighed, oddly defensive in regards to being called little again. Sure, he was tiny compared to the hippogryph and he was average for his race, but he couldn't help but feel that this gentleman was being facetious with him. "Same thing anyone else would be, I guess. I'm not a kid, so why should my presence be any stranger than yours?"

"I know, I said you were small, not young. Anyway, what's up? I see you're wearing a maid uniform, I don't suppose you're here to apply for a job, are you?" He theorized.

Sensing this hippogryph knew about the very maid job application that he was there for, Khloe went ahead and admitted that very thing. "Actually, I am. You know where the ranch is? I fear I'm lost; I've been wandering around north of town for a while and the instructions said it was the last ranch before the great wood, but I don't know what roads to take."

The hippogryph smiled. "I would certainly hope I know how to get there, as it's my ranch and I'm the one looking for workers! The name's Ilorek! Come on, I'll take you there if you want, and I'll even carry you if you don't mind sitting on my shoulders." He got down to his knee and exposed his back to Khloe, happy to take the fox with him to the ranch.

Once again, Khloe couldn't help but think this was all entirely too convenient, so he wasn't as immediately willing to just hop on to what was, at this point, a total stranger. "Wait, I don't need to be carried, I can walk! I appreciate the offer but I'd be happy with instructions and chatting with you on the way!" He smiled and yipped happily, easily stepping a few paces forth until his breathing grew a little heavy. He wanted to be chipper and self-reliant, but the heat and the multiple layers in his dress were making it difficult.

Ilorek reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright hun, you don't need to show off your durability and willingness to suffer; it's a maid job, not a farm work job. I just want to get back to the ranch and help you out. Much as I'm sure you could make it just fine, my legs are much longer and I'm far better equipped for endurance. Seriously, hop on and we can get you some lemonade or something once we get to my place. Talk over a nice drink, you know?"

With a bit of a tentative hesitation, Khloe accepted Ilorek's offer and hopped up onto the hippogryph's feathered back. He was far too thirsty and exhausted to let his pride get in the way of a free ride. Though he was truly capable of handling himself despite being miniscule compared to most others in the region, Khloe remained ever optimistic and chipper and wasn't one to say no to a pleasant helping hand. After fighting with his inner reservations, he sat up on Ilorek's shoulders and draped his legs over the hippogryph's floofy feathered chest, noting how moist and warm the feathers were to the touch.

Once Ilorek stood up straight, Khloe felt like he was a giant, high above the fences as he shifted from being only one meter tall to being three! He raised his hands to the sky and smiled, cheering happily before Ilorek started jogging, his every bounding step making Khloe bounce on his neck.

To Khloe's dismay, Ilorek wasn't the chattiest for the remainder of the trip to the ranch, as he seemed more interested in getting back as fast as he could than being sociable. There was nothing inherently wrong with this, as Khloe also wanted to get to someplace that was air conditioned, but he did feel he missed out on some good opportunities to get to know the stallion-drake who might be his new employer, as he was a naturally social fox. Just seemed the best fit to chat about stuff on the way.

Nary a word was spoken until they approached the final ranch home before the woods, which was completely surrounded on all sides by a tall dirt mound that acted like a barrier. "We're here!" Ilorek declared, raising a hand to the two story tall wall of dirt.

"Is there a ranch in there?" Khloe joked. "What's the purpose of the dirt hill?" Though he'd conceptualized a few different explanations in his mind, he just couldn't figure out what the purpose may have been.

Ilorek grabbed Khloe and set him down on the ground next to him. "Long time ago, it used to have a tall wall on it with barbed wire to keep people out when I went through my introverted phase, but now it's just there to dissuade people from peeking their heads over the mound and watching what we do on the ranch. Since nothing I do is illegal in Saff'Rald but it might still be taboo, I just find a bit of light dissuasion to be effective."

Khloe looked up at him, then glanced down the dirt wall. "The ad said something about 'rural action' scenes, I don't suppose that's the taboo thing you're referring to, is it?"

He clicked his beak and smiled. "Let's go get you something to drink and I'll tell you all about it, mmkay?" After that, he guided Khloe to the break in the wall where his tall concrete and steel gate stood, punching a few buttons on it to open the doors.

Once officially on the property of Ilorek's ranch, Khloe started to take in all the sights, noting the layout of the ranch. To his right and between the lane way and the trees, a large open pasture with a gorgeous looking horse that had feathers on their shoulders and mixed in with its mane. On the left, an even larger field with a massive black and white gryphon that possessed clipped wings. There seemed to be a few more fields with more horses, some ulokar, and all manner of other farm creatures.

In the middle of the property, a split level ranch home with stables on one end and an ornate stone wall on the other, as well as an open yard, a big dark red and black barn, a parking lot, and a two story shack nestled into the woods. Seemed like a simple enough farm and ranch hybrid, so Khloe happily bounced and skipped alongside Ilorek until they made it to the barn.

"So what do I do now? Are we doing an interview?" He asked, ears up and eager to hear more.

Ilorek bowed and nodded. "Sort of. I'm gonna go get you some drinks and a snack. Meet me in the barn and I'll see you there." He parted ways with Khloe, heading for the house while the door to the barn automatically opened.

"Peculiar." Khloe said to himself, referring both to the automatic sliding barn door and the fact that Ilorek seemed so content to leave him alone in the barn. While the fox may not have known everything he needed to know in regards to the job here, he did get the distinct impression by now that there was a lot of animal sex happening on this ranch. Rather than dissuade him, it made him even more anxious and eager to get the job, because he had a thing for both stallions and mares, and there appeared to be at least a few of each on this farm, and their scent permeated the area.

When he stepped into the barn, the lights automatically came on, revealing a simple circular table with a tall seat and a little stepladder leading up to it. That was sort of an ominous feeling level of convenience that made him stop dead in his tracks, but then the horse from the field poked her head over the wooden gate into the barn and whinnied, taking him out of the moment and reminding him about all the delicious animal sex he could be having.

He hopped up onto the chair and sat down, folding his hands over each other on the table while he waited. A moment later, Ilorek and a tiny bat girl stepped through the open door, bringing a jug of lemonade and a few cups. The bat girl was only a head or so taller than Khloe, which eased his mind because it was probably her who sat at the short-person chair. She also had wings for arms, where three of her fingers were attached to the membrane while one finger and thumb were free.

"Oh, you didn't tell me he was cute!" The bat girl chirped at him before leaning up and stepping on the ladder, squeezing his cheek. "Ilorek, darling, you gotta tell me when the applicants are cute. You know I can't resist a cutie." She was quite forthright in her pinching and affections, but Khloe didn't mind as he remained a naturally affectionate fox.

He smiled and extended a paw to her. "I'm Khloe! I take it you're going to be helping Ilorek here conduct the interview? I saw the ad ad knew I had to be a part of this."

She took his hand and gave it a dainty little shake before kissing him on the back of his wrist. Then, she looked over to Ilorek, then back to Khloe. "Oh, that's so sweet, you think this is an interview!"

"It's not?" Khloe probed, now curious.

"No, heavens no. You got the job if you want it, he's just gonna give you the run-down of how things work around here so there's no confusion or overstepping of bounds. Also, my name's Valencia, Ilorek's mate and co-runner of this here ranch studio."

Khloe snorted a bit as his eyes darted from the massive Ilorek to the barely-over-a-meter-tall Valencia and back to Ilorek who had to be two and a half times her height. "You two are mates? I can imagine you two are, uh...." He made a motion of a single finger going into a loop made by the forefinger and thumb of his opposite hand, then just punched a hole through it, indicating the size difference between them could be quite eventful.

Ilorek grinned and nodded, arms crossed over his chest. "You'd think that, but this bitch here takes it like a champ; not even hippogryph mares let me get as rough as I do with her."

"Nobody takes it like I do." Valencia said with pride, balling up her wing-arm into a fist and pounding her chest with it. "But I'll leave you two be. I've got some food to cook, and I'm sure you could use it." With that, she kissed her wing-free fingers and did a 'peace out' before exiting the barn.

"Alright Khloe. So, as my wonderful girl had said, this is really just a formality. I'm here to tell you exactly what you need to know before accepting the role." Ilorek sat across the table and poured two glasses of lemonade - one for him and one for Khloe. "Let's start from the top. This ranch here is my home, I live here. Therefore, whatever I or Valencia say is the law. Don't worry, though, because we're not tyrants or anything; in fact I'm sure you'll find us quite pleasant! Still, it needs to be said that this is my home first and my place of work second."

"Got it!" Khloe nodded eagerly. "Family first."

"Yeah. As for the ranch, we do a few things here. On the weekdays, we're a normal ranch, but it's adults only. I teach riding lessons a bit, but it's really not the primary function of the location. We make most of our money from two other endeavors: the porn studio and brothel. As I'm sure you figured out, the animals here on the ranch are not only for one type of riding, but are also free to be ridden in other ways. You already saw Oceras and Ceylon, our mare and gryphon, but we also have a few others as well. People can come from far away to experience an intimate encounter with our animals, and the reason people come from all over to come here in particular is because our animals are special."

Khloe nodded again, listening intently. "What kind of special? What sets them apart?"

"Well, most of our animals are gender fluid. Oceras is a mare right now, but when her heat cycle ends her body will shift from female to male, same as Ceylon and our dragon Styreks. It's a residual effect from them being experimented on with potions in the past, so now they constantly shift from one gender to another and everywhere in between. With the right application of potion, they can switch mid-act, giving any clients we have access to both male and female versions of the beasts they have chosen to be intimate with. Oceras is known as Oceris when male."

He gulped a bit, trying his best to hold back his excitement. How did he not know about this before? In all his travels and all the time he'd spent in Klyneth, how had nobody told him this? "So, uh, I don't suppose one of the perks of the job would be a chance to fool around with your beasts, would it?" Khloe laughed a bit in a way that insisted he was joking even if he was dead serious.

Ilorek narrowed his eyes. "If you're responsible about it."

"O-oh. Okay. Yeah, I can be responsible."

"Glad to hear it. Now, as I'm sure you know, sex with ferals isn't illegal but it is quite taboo and there are very strict rules in regards to such acts, as zoophilia is highly regulated. That's where the second half of our business comes into play, the porn studio. Every building on the property is rigged with cameras and we have professional camcorders to ensure that our clients aren't abusing the animals. There will be no bondage, no tying animals up against their will, no beating or whips or discipline while mating with the ferals. We don't want them associating the pleasures of sex with such acts."

"No, of course not. But I imagine you do still have to tie your horses down from time to time or bind the gryphon's wings, right? Not during sex, but just for normal actions if the need arises?"

"If the need arises, but it has not for a long time. Now, the reason I started filming actions on the property was because of an investigation a while back with allegations of abuse. Given the government's understandable desire to control zoophilic acts and protect the ferals from the abuse of anthros, I agreed to put up cameras everywhere that way I could monitor and review each client to ensure the rules were upheld. It wasn't until this cute girl named Natasha showed up and suggested I do porn that I realized such a thing could be lucrative. Now, every client that I allow on my property to enjoy the pleasures of a feral gets an opportunity to do so free of charge if they allow me to post the video of their consummation online. Some do, most don't."

Khloe could practically feel the myriad of delicious options swirling around in his head as he fantasized about dancing from one of these beautiful ferals to the next. "So what about me? The ad said that one of the 'stars' could pull me into a scene, is that what this means?"

"Precisely! We're doing a pretty big shoot this weekend with Natasha, Arnika, Trisani, Gauge, Telkop, Ceylon, and Oceris, and we need you to be on hand to help clean up during and after the shoot. I can't guarantee that the talent will ask for your participation, but I need to ensure that all of my employees or temp workers are okay with being seen on camera. I will have to get you to sign an agreement saying so."

"No problem! I've done porn before, and this is far more interesting than naughty maid themed stuff on its own." His legs were kicking in the air under the table, his excitement growing with each passing second.

Ilorek reached into the pocket on his kilt as he took a big drink of the lemonade, pulling up a folded piece of paper and a pen. "That's basically it. For your week long stay, you help with general clean up and maintenance, and if any clients ask for your participation in one of the videos or scenes, you're welcome to join. This contract states that, for the duration of your trip, we can record and publish any actions you participate while here."

Khloe took the paper and pen and eagerly scribbled his name on the bottom of the page without even reading. "Well, I'm in. Let's do this!"

"Not going to read it?" Asked Ilorek as he held his fingers on the contract, testing to see if Khloe was willing to take a second shot at it. When the fox simply shook his head and smiled, Ilorek folded the contract back up and put it in his pocket." Then welcome to my ranch! Clothing optional, but I get the impression you'll be happy to keep the maid outfit on. Feel free to take a look around and get acquainted with the animals here. Like I said, we've got a bunch of different species to play with including horses, a gryphon, a dragon, a wolf pack if you head to the enclosed area of the forest, a big red-furred dog, a herd of deer, a pair of ulokar, and I technically have a monster snake naga but she's really not all that into sex. Good for cuddling, though!"

Khloe's eyes went wide. "That's a lot!"

"Yes it is. Oh, and I forgot to mention, there's a bedroom in the second floor of this here barn for you, it's already furnished and has internet and stuff, so if you wanna go get your belongings from in town and keep them there, then I'd be happy to host you."

"R-really? I get to live here, too? I can night...?"

"Yes, Khloe. Have fun! Your work officially starts tomorrow, so take the rest of the day to get acquainted with the ranch in all its glory. Meet Ceylon, he's particularly pleasant to be around! Also, when you're done, just make sure to clean up after yourself, inside and out if you get my drift. Anyway, I'm going to go back to the house and do some paperwork. Valencia will have a delicious roast ulokar dinner ready in about five hours, and you're welcome to join us." He stood up straight and bowed to Khloe. "Feel free to just walk in; for the next week our home is yours." Then he offered a salute before leaving Khloe alone in the barn, alone with Oceras poking her head over the side of the barn door.

"Well, this is awkward." Khloe said to himself as he glanced around the barn, sipping on his drink. He kicked his legs out and hopped down from the chair with his lemonade cradled in both hands - the glass was so big he couldn't hold it in one - happy to start taking in the sights and sounds and smells of the ranch, everything pulling his mind back to Oceras. The barn he was in seemed elegant and ornate, like a stable for royalty with beautifully designed archways on each of the stable doors and a nice golden highlight over black wood. There were three stalls on either side of the barn, with three more at the far end making a T-shaped passage from where Khloe stood. Oceras still had her head poking in over the side of the barn door, so he went up to see her first.

He cradled the glass of lemonade in one arm as he reached up, leaning in on his tippy toes for added height as he rubbed the mare on the bridge of her snout. "Hey there girl. You like it here? They treat you well, I hope!" He grinned and chuckled at himself a bit. "Who am I kidding, of course they treat you well here." He tried his best to nuzzle into her as she rubbed her cheek against his forearm, but he was a bit too short to get the full effect. While he remained on his tiptoes, he wrapped his lips around the straw of his drink to enjoy a sip before Oceras extended her neck down far, her tongue sticking out in an attempt to get at his drink, too.

Though hesitant to share at first, he stood up straight and grabbed the glass with both hands, holding it up to her so she could get a proper drink. before long, all the lemonade was gone and she had a soaking wet muzzle. It was quite cute to him and he couldn't help but smile; concurrently, his mind started shifting its way down around her haunches and under

"Well, that's that, I suppose." He chuckled as he leaned up again and patted her on the cheek. "I'll come back to you, don't go anywhere!" After giving the mare one last scratch on her chin, he struggled and stretched to put the glass back on the table despite being just a bit too short. once the glass slid over the rim of the table, he used his fingertips to push it gently in to a safer place. Once he was sure all was well, he bounded out into the yard and took in some of the lovely ranch air.

All around him, a dozen or so different fields each with their own creature or herd of creatures within them. The closest was of course the gryphon pen, which housed the black and white feral gryph by the name of Ceylon. Khloe chose that to be the first destination on his personal tour. Across the driveway he skipped, eventually coming to the fence that contained the gryphon. When Ceylon trotted over, Khloe stuck his head through the bottom rungs of the fence to stretch out and give him a big of a pet. "Well you're a big gryph, aren't you?" He cooed at Ceylon, noticing that he was a good head or two taller even than Oceras.

Curious, he leaned over onto his side to check and see what gender Ceylon was at the time; in his head the gryph was male, but given Ilorek's explanation earlier about how the genders worked due to the side effects from the transformation experiments, Khloe knew this could be a drake or a hen. He kept leaning in until he nearly fell over, and that's when he saw that Ceylon was definitely a drake. Definitely.

"Whrr?" The gryphon trilled, nuzzling into Khloe and preening at the fur of his neck and head. He even started plucking at Khloe's frilly headband!

"H-hey, be nice!" He insisted, clutching his headdress and pulling out from the fence slats. "That's my hat; part of my uniform, I can't have it being destroyed!" He gave the gryphon a nice pat on the cere and cheek before heading down and away; while he walked down the fence, Ceylon followed him, bobbing his head and occasionally pecking and preening at the wood of the fence. Khloe thought it was cute, so he offered a gentle pat and a rub every few steps, at least until the end of Ceylon's pasture came and he made it to the next segment of the ranch.

This next one was Styreks, the dragon. He was a tall, raptor-like beast who stood on two legs with a light teal scale color and gentle pink underbelly. He was sleeping in an outdoor stable, though, and Khloe didn't want to wake him. Seemed inappropriate to wake a sleeping dragon, especially one who was out a few dozen meters away. Khloe was eager to meet all the different animals of the ranch one by one, but he wasn't going to make a bad first impression by waking them. Besides, Ceylon still seemed eager to see him, so instead Khloe backtracked a bit to give the gryph some good cuddling.

The ranch property was quite large, nestled in the edge of the forest to the north. From the road, two long pastures with the mare Oceras and gryphon Ceylon on the north and south ones. Then, in the middle of the property came Styreks' pasture, then the ranch home itself and the big barn and the yard. The house had twin stables built right into the side of the building, each connecting to the next two fields - one for the two Ulokar and one for the herd of deer. Khloe didn't see the final field, the one built for the wolves, so he decided to ask by heading into the house.

He meekly knocked on the door, poking his head in. "H-hey Ilorek, I had a question!" He called out as he looked around to take in the interior. The living room to the left was a split level, and that half looked like a lodge while the kitchen on the right was very modern with Valencia standing on a stool to cut and peel some vegetables. Very pretty. Ilorek was in the living room side sitting at a desk underneath a book case that arched over the entire wall with two pillars and a set of shelves connecting them.

"Yes dear?" He asked, looking up from his paperwork at his desk.

"I took some time to enjoy the gryphon, horse, dragon, ulokar, and deer pastures, but I couldn't find the fifth one for the wolves. Whereabouts are they?"

Ilorek paused and got out a map from his desk drawer. "Alright, I'll show you something. Here." He beckoned for Khloe to come and sit next to him. Once they were together, he rolled out the blueprint that showed the entire property. Right dead set in the middle was the ranch home, with the barn a bit to the northeast of it. This seemed peculiar to Khloe, because when looking from outside the house looked like it was on the north end. It wasn't till he saw that nearly half the property was covered in woods that he realized where the canine park was set.

"So the wooded half of the property is where the wolf pack resides?" Asked Khloe.

"Yup. I don't generally recommend going to see them on your own, at least not right now. They're tame and well-adjusted to bipeds being in their territory, but they can be scary." Ilorek advised. "So you can see them if you want, but good luck finding them, they're usually hiding underground in one of their dozen linked dens." He pointed to a few separate locations on the map, showing where the dens resided.

Khloe nodded happily. "Sounds good! I'm going to go and check out the room in the barn! Thanks!" He hopped down from the table and skipped his way back to the door before cheerfully waving. "See you around! This place is great!" Back outside, Khloe immediately headed to the barn, where he was eager to get acquainted with his temporary living quarters. Outside in the brief bit of time between the house and the barn, Khloe was already getting ready to consider taking his maid outfit off. The layers and layers of clothes looked great and were as authentic as could be, but the spring season was roaring into the land and growing far warmer than he'd anticipated.

Inside the barn, he walked past the table and went up the stairs, the entire second level opening up to him under a curved ceiling and roof. The living quarters were the size of the whole barn, with only a small room in the corner as a bathroom; the whole area bigger than any inn room he'd rented and even bigger than the house he'd lived at before going on his quest for personal fulfillment that led him to Klyneth. He had been worried that this part of the barn would be hot and stuffy, but there seemed to be a very light breeze and cool air cycling through the room.

"Perfect." HE said to himself before unzipping the dress at the back and stepping out of the maid uniform to kick it up onto the bed, which was as tall at the mattress as he was in total. Not a problem, as there was a foot stool. Overall the living quarters were somewhat barren, with a bed and dresser along one wall, with another wardrobe, a television set, and a bunch of random video game consoles and a computer. There were a few windows looking out over the ranch, but most importantly there was one looking out over Oceras' paddock. Aside from a throw rug in the middle of the room, the floor was all smooth hardwood.

Ilorek had mentioned that the ranch was clothing optional, so Khloe didn't bother getting dressed again before meekly heading to the end of the barn that overlooked the horse pasture. He slipped out through the sliding door and onto the balcony over top where Oceras stood with her head poking into the barn over the swinging door, waiting for Khloe to come back. He looked down at her and waved. "Hey, Oceras! I'm up here!"

She back-trotted and looked up, whinnying as she shook her head and tossed her golden mane. She seemed happy to see him, and he was quite happy to see her. All the time he was out exploring the ranch and getting acquainted with the other creatures, his mind kept returning to the thought of the massive mare that greeted him first upon arrival; she was a gorgeous girl and he wanted to get a bit closer to her.

He was about to head back around and go inside so he could descend the stairs, but found that there was a ladder that went from the deck down into the field. More and more this was just entirely too convenient for him to disregard or dismiss as pure coincidence, but it was also too convenient to ignore! He slid down the ladder and grabbed a stool that had been sitting by the barn door, setting it next to Oceras' flank just a few meters out from the ladder. "Hey there girl! Did you miss me? I missed you, ya cutie sexy buns!" He gave her a gentle massage with his fingers, kindly patting her down her flank and running his claws through her mane.

In response, she leaned into him and almost knocked him off the stool before she turned around, wrapping her neck and chin over his torso to squeeze him in an equine hug against her chest. Naturally, he reached up and wrapped his stubby little arms around her neck in a hug back, idly preening at her mane with his fingers. Her warmth was quite nice, and it gave him a tingle up his spine as his tails flickered and twitched out behind him. He may have been in the shade, but he felt a little exposed.

"I wouldn't forget about you." He assured her in a whisper, purring gently to himself as he bit his lip.

He wasn't sure if maybe it was the sweaty heat, or the earthy-sweet smell of the mare, or maybe just the general desire he held that seemed to be borne of the tingling soreness that emanated from his tender rump thanks to the stallion at Irithyn Estate, but Khloe found his mindset focused deep under Oceras' tail, imagining just what she looked and tasted like there.

With lewd thoughts in his mind, he gave her one last squeeze of a hug before hopping down off the stool and carrying it around to behind her. His mind and heart were both racing at the thought of what he had planned, and a small part of him harbored some fear that the thick-bodied mare might not appreciate him poking around her haunches and could kick. Given the nature of this establishment, he was reasonably certain that she wouldn't do that and she seemed not only tame but happy to see him, but there was always that fear. Still, his desire urged him forward and he had just enough confidence to not change his mind at the last second as he put the stool down behind her.

Up he hopped, gingerly tapping on her thighs to make sure she knew he was there; if she was going to kick, that would be the time. On the contrary, she lifted her tail up in response to his touch, exposing the moist, velvety black vulva and plump donut rump hole to him. A blast of warm moist air billowed out from under her tail, heavily scented by her estrus with a thickness that seemed to cling inside his nostrils.

Khloe stood transfixed, tongue lolling out as he panted - partially because of the heat of the spring but mostly due to how hungry he'd grown with the advent of her exposed pussy right in his face. His breaths grew ragged and his heart started fluttering as the sensation of butterflies welled up in his chest. Gently, he patted at her rump cheeks, careful to test her and make sure she was content with him there. To his utter delight, she lifted her tail higher and arched her back, a gentle spurt of her arousal trickling down off the anterior end of her slit; he had to resist the urge to extend his tongue and take a taste.

One bit at a time, he eased both of his open palms inward, growing ever closer to her supple flesh with his thumbs nearly touching the moist velvet of her lips. He wanted to touch her, to feel her, and to taste her, but his nervousness was getting the better of him despite being assured that such acts were completely okay as long as the horse was happy to mate with him.

The tiny boost of confidence he got from reminding himself of that fact encouraged him to slip both of his thumbs into her as he got a grip on her haunches, lightly parting her lips to expose a heart-shaped spread of her glistening cherry pink insides. He was about to lean in and steal a lick when she tensed up, squeezing her walls inward and folding her clit out in a juicy wink, a slimy glob of her arousal trickling out over her vulva and splashing on the edge of the stool between his legs. That stopped him mid lurch, but he couldn't give up on her yet.

His body was shaking with nervousness as he pressed his palm to her plot, two fingers penetrating into her as he curled his digits, tickling her lightly. With just the faintest of pushes, he watched as her hungry lips parted and swallowed his entire hand, clamping down around his wrist as her depths caressed him. He gulped heavily and gasped, gently pushing against her anterior wall to massage her most sensitive spots, only to have her arch her back and push into him, clearly wanting more while actually knocking him off the stool and onto his rump behind her as her squirting lubricant splashed on his thighs and groin.

The old adage came to mind, the one that said that when a person falls from a horse, they must get back up, but his rally was interrupted by the sound of Ilorek calling out.

"Khloe! Dinner will be ready in two hours! See you soon!"

He repositioned himself on his elbows, looking up to the underside of Oceras' tail, but his heart was racing like a hummingbird's wings and he didn't have it in him to go back to her. At least not until after dinner. Once he got back to his feet, he wiped himself off, lightly patted her on the haunches, apologized, and returned to the balcony where he made it to his bedroom. Though the ranch was clothing optional, he still felt like he should dress for his first meal on site.

After diving back into his maid outfit and stepping into his garters and heels, he got a whiff of his hand and the powerfully erotic aroma of mare juices soaked into his fur. He couldn't help but deeply inhale it and shudder in delight as his mind quickly returned to the heavenly situation he'd been in mere minutes before. Things seemed good and he was excited at the prospect of being able to spend more time with her that night alone without risk of being seen, which helped to alleviate the disappointment of being distracted.

Khloe hopped down the stairs, only to find Ilorek leaning against the sliding door frame for him with a bit of straw in his beak, fully naked and semi erect with his horse cock dangling down to his knees. The fox nervously looked over to see that Oceras was still pumping her tail and arching her back, each motion squirting more of her arousal onto the ground; clearly still longing for more of Khloe. Not hard to see that she was recuperating from a bit of a tease.

"Hey there Khloe. Havin' a good time?" He asked with a sly grin, knowing full well what had happened. "Getting to know Oceras already? Very nice. I love the enthusiasm."

The little fox fidgeted with his thumbs a bit, looking down. "Oh, you saw that, did you?" He wasn't ashamed, but the cute and meek persona often bled through when he was in his outfit.

Ilorek took out the straw from his beak and pointed up above the light that dangled over the table. There was a tiny device aimed towards the open door of the barn towards Oceras' pasture. "Cameras, dear. Remember, the whole place other than your quarters and mine are wired for sound and video. Would be a cute little introduction to a video, if you wanted to make some extra coin."

"I do like coin." Khloe admitted, nodding. "What have you got in mind?"

"What do you say to starting a bit earlier than you originally anticipated? Do a little scene with me, here and now under the candid view of the security cameras. I can't guarantee that it'll be anything glorious, but it'd be nice. No audio, as that sort of ruins the scenario with us talking. Can add subtitles or something."

Khloe meekly crossed his paws over his lap and bowed, a swell of pride welling up inside him. "I would be honored! But tell me, what are the themes? Just good old fashioned big dom and small sub? I am quite fond of that, though my tailhole is a little sore from my last job still."

Ilorek flicked the straw out onto the yard and snapped his fingers, pointing down at the bale of hay next to him, his member growing firm. "Well, I was thinking something a bit more lewd, maybe a bit more outlandish. I've had this idea in my head for a while now and you're the only one small enough to safely do it."

"O-oh? I'm curious now." Khloe squeaked out, not sure where this was headed but eager to find out. As an aside in the back of his head, he was happy to finally be small enough for something kinky! "M-master, what have you got planned for me? Have I been naughty? Do you need to punish me?" He was trying to be coy and cute, but was given a strangely devious grin from Ilorek.

"No, my little foxy fluff. And there's no audio on these cameras so you don't have to say your cute subby phrases." He turned and leaned against the barn wall, his cock curving downward but mostly erect with a glistening ball of precum moistening the tip. He rubbed it in as his length straightened. "I was just thinking that, since you left poor Oceras needing some fulfillment, I might find an interesting and lewd way to properly remedy that."

Khloe blinked and cocked his head to the side, tails flicking and ears up. "Okay, Now I'm curious by what you mean. I'm usually pretty good at picking up hints, but I'm not sure I know what you're getting at." He kept walking forward, scooting along on the hay-strewn floor of the barn until he finally stood next to the hay bale, his head looking up above him at the swollen and throbbing equine member that bobbed and drooled before him.

Ilorek tugged his member to the side to look down at Khloe with a gape-beaked grin. "Well, my little maid friend, someone your size would need all of himself to please a mare of Oceras' size, and I can't think of a better way to get you in there than to deposit you like the seed of a stallion."

"Oh." Khloe paused as his pupils dilated and his thoughts drifted back to that Vore House he'd heard of while in town. "You, in her? Completely? Is that safe with a feral?" He glanced out to the pasture to see her with tail gently raised and hind legs spread as if she was waiting for a stallion. It made his own sheath bulge in excitement.

"Indeed. The experimentation that resulted in her body being in a constant state of gender fluctuation also instilled her the same biological adaptation of my friend Leera that meant her natural lubricant - most notably her vaginal fluids and uterine secretions - are breathable. That means, if you go spelunking, you'll be safe and she'll be properly pleasured for as long as you are willing to explore her." He leaned in and extended a hand to help Khloe up onto the bale of hay. "And as I said, the best way to get you there is to deposit you like a stallion's seed, which means we gotta get you into position."

Khloe noticed that as Ilorek spoke, he tensed up the right muscles to twitch his massive hanging balls, the smooth velvet of his sack contracting against itself. This enticed Khloe to the point he could barely help himself. Without saying another word, he wrapped his tiny little hands around Ilorek's engorged cock tip, squeezing the shaft as he gave a little tug. His eyes glanced up at Ilorek before he closed them and he leaned in, nuzzling at the crook of the tip, his tongue lapping at the gooey mess that was leaking out the urethral opening. To his delight, Ilorek's essence was earthy and sweet, accentuated by an easily detectable stallion musk coming from the sweat near his belly and around his crotch.

The hippogryph's member throbbed and swelled against Khloe's eager tongue, the rim of the flare expanding to nearly thrice its normal girth as the flesh grew taught and moist. He was clearly ready and eager to have a go, but he simply leaned back and crossed his arms as he looked down. "I knew you were the right fit, Khloe. But, don't be shy and don't hold back. You know what you want and where you want to be, so make it happen."

"Yup!" He nodded in agreement, licking his lips before nuzzling back into Ilorek's cock tip. Little Khloe could barely see over the bulbous mass of Ilorek's flare to see the rest of the hippogryph's body, but that was fine because that was exactly what he wanted to see and feel so he leaned in close and tried to force his tapered snout into the end. To his delight, the flesh stretched and distended to envelop his muzzle with ease, the urethral canal sliding over his fur and lightly caressing his lips.

Though not with any element of panic, Khloe did suddenly pull out and blink, gulping nervously. Before Ilorek could say anything or assure him, Khloe brought one of his hands around to slip his fingers into the now-gaping urethra, stretching it wide again as his entire fist plunged down the equine member's length to the elbow. He waved his fingers and balled his fist in the gooey depths of horse cock before pulling out and licking up the mess from his palm and bringing his second hand around to do the same thing.

One after another, he pumped his balled fists deep down Ilorek's cock, collecting the precum and fluid from within before harvesting it and smearing it all over his face, lubricating his head one bit at a time. After a few eager pumps, he slipped both hands inside the engorged flare and pulled the malleable urethral opening wide, gaping his cock in a conic shape, the flare wide like a trumpet and the length gradually growing narrower towards the base.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Dive in!" Ilorek urged, reaching forth to cradle Khloe's cheek with his palm.

In response, Khloe leaned and nuzzled Ilorek's hand, smearing the gooey mess all over the hippogryph's digits before leaning forward, his vision growing dark as the gaping cock hole entombed him in equine flesh. The flare slide over his muzzle and skull, pinning his ears to the back of his neck as the opening closed around his neck. The sounds of the barn and Ilorek's voice were quickly snuffed out as the throbbing cock flesh swallowed him right to the shoulders. The sudden change in perception and the peculiar act he was getting himself into made him pause and hesitate for a moment, giving him time to relish the gurgling sounds coming from within and the subtle peristaltic waves of muscle contractions that seemed to be sucking on him.

His own personal sort of heaven.

Outside of the fleshy tube, Ilorek gave Khloe a bit of shoulder rub before his member loosened up and grew saggy, the length of his cock twisting and extending like the spine and maw of a snake to widen and swallow more of the tiny fox. He kept his hand on Khloe's back to guide him in as he edged in closer, bending his hips so his animated cock could continue to suck up the little guy.

Khloe was naturally just a touch worried and nervous, as he had never quite been in this exact situation, but after a minute or so of having the equine member undulating in waves and slowly sliding over his body past the shoulders and pinning down his arms, he gave in and tried to inhale the fluids from within Ilorek's depths. There was a sharp discomfort in his chest for a split second as his lungs adjusted, but mere moments later he felt a deep satisfied comfort wash over him as his chest grew warm and his skin grew a wee bit tingly and sensitive.

That could have been quite awkward, but actually proved to be quite enjoyable quite quickly. Khloe was happy to feel the soft flesh sucking on him, the relative tightness of the flare wrapping around his waist with his hands and feet poking out. His own member was hard as could be, but it was buried under layers of maid dress and he knew he wouldn't be able to directly pleasure himself; this was a bit of a turn-on for him, as it made him feel a little bit more submissive during the process.

Suddenly, he felt an extra squeeze coming around him from outside the distended cock flesh; it was Ilorek, wrapping those huge hands around his shaft to hold Khloe in place as he helped his cock swallow the fox. Then, in one sudden lurch, he lifted his member up and aimed the tip to the sky, Khloe's legs kicking at the air and hands still pinned to his side just outside the flare. Gravity quickly did its work with the help of Ilorek's massaging hands and Khloe felt himself easily sliding down the shaft, a sudden addition in tightness squeezing his snout as the warmth of Ilorek's torso washed over him.

This was it. Not much left at all before Khloe would slide and lurch forth, plopping into Ilorek's ballsack with a gooey plunge. Though a challenge, he was able to slide his hands up over his tiny body between his own torso and the tightly squeezing flesh of horse cock that constricted and swallowed him. Stubby little arms he had were just barely able to extend ahead of him in a diving motion as he farther streamlined his body to the urethral passage that held him. Within seconds, he felt the warmth of equine flesh extending to envelop his feet, leaving only his tails to flicker and twitch in the warm spring air of the ranch.

Then, too, the rest of him was gulped up as a powerful wavelike swallow passed over his body and forced him to heave forth, extended hands guiding his way through the narrow flesh before having him burst through into a far more open region of the hippogryph's body. He curled up and shifted in place, cuddling his own tail as he felt the soft skin constrict around him; he'd finally made it to the scrotum, where he would stay until Ilorek was able to find a place to deposit him.

Hopefully in mare womb.

As Ilorek walked with his now massive and saggy balls between his legs, Khloe felt himself slamming back and forth into thighs repeatedly as he slid back and forth, legs and tail up and body curled up in a half-ball. Though it was tight and restricting inside Ilorek's loins, Khloe felt content and nearly unwilling to come out, even though he knew his destination. As he felt a wonderful pressure up against the back of his head and shoulders, he got a strange vision in his mind to make up for how dark things had gotten inside Ilorek. While he could only hear and feel the gurgle of Ilorek's depths and the squeeze of his flesh, he seemed to be able to see through his host's eyes.

Ilorek looked down, glancing over an eager and excited Oceras as she leaned back to look at him, tail up and hind legs apart. She swayed gently against him as he grabbed her tail, the plump vulva of her pussy winking and spewing fluids all down the hippogryph's cock, thighs, and the huge scrotal bulge of Khloe all at once. Just like Khloe, Ilorek slipped his thumb into the backside of the mare, prying her open to reveal that same heart-shaped mass of glistening red flesh before he pulled one hand away and gripped at his own member, guiding it into the soft depths of the mare's pussy.

As expected, Khloe came to feel a pressure all around him as Ilorek's thighs pressed tight to Oceras', the two equines contentedly consummating their affections for one another in the most carnal and basic way either knew how. Khloe could still see what Ilorek was seeing, and it was a glorious sight as the mare arched her back and pushed into him, her flesh sliding down his engorged cock to have her lips press tight against his sheath. That was exactly what the fox wanted to feel, and the odd shift in perspective made him feel tall and powerful, even if he was only getting the visuals and was only able to feel and hear the flesh that encapsulated him.

Then, as Ilorek's vision trailed up to the ceiling and the thrusting began. Slowly at first, Khloe felt himself rocking back and forth, slamming against two sets of legs one right after another time and time again, the gentle sloshing of the cum and fluids around him tossing him about as he remained in his fetal position. He couldn't help grin as he knew that Ilorek was pleasing that mare exactly as he should, slowly and gently unlike any feral stallion at least until she was ready and loosened up a bit. He could only theorize as to Ilorek's thought process, but that was what he was imagining: a loving hippogryph stallion who chose to loosen her up and tenderize her flesh before pumping her full of fox.

Khloe got another view as Ilorek looked down, one hand on the mare's raised tail for grip and his other hand lightly squeezing at her haunches, his pink and chestnut black member sliding in and out of Oceras with ease, a visible spurt of lubrication and fluids squirting out amidst every one of his bucking hip motions. Khloe could make out the faint hint of cherry red lining the rim of horsecock followed by the bulbous winking of clit slamming against the base of his cock every time, and that was actually starting to really get annoying as every motion resulted in the back of his head slamming into mare plot.

This minor annoyance and inconvenience didn't last long, as Ilorek picked up the pace to that of a stallion, his aggression peaking quick and the scrotal walls constricting around Khloe. The squeeze was quick followed by relaxation and a second squeeze, forcing his muzzle to slide up and lodge itself in the tightness that was the urethral passage leading from his fleshy confines to the tight passage that was the hippogryph's equine member.

Having no choice but to guide himself, Kloe extended his hands up and waited for a third contraction which came mere moments later. The ball sack squeezed tight and forced him upwards, his posture shifting to that of a dive that guided him up and out of the hanging sack and into narrow tunnel that would lead directly to mare womb.

As expected, he felt a sudden and intense tightness around him as Ilorek's vigorous ejaculation forced him to slide through the shaft in one solid go. As soon as he made it to the cock's length, he felt a sudden increase of warmth around him - Oceras must have been in heat - followed by a much stronger and more guttural sloshing nearby accented by a rapid series of throbbing beats. He had nary a second to ponder what that might have been before he was ejected from Ilorek and the extra tight passage to roll and curl into a ball in a new and even bigger cavern than before.

All around him he felt the soft and tender flesh of Oceras trapping him as he extended his stubby paws to test the ceiling and walls and the softness beneath him. Every wrinkle and every fold of mare around him was loose and malleable well beyond even what he felt in Ilorek's cock, and the only difference he felt was at the back wall of the uterus where he came from, as he managed to find the massively engorged flare of the stallion's member plugging up the cervix amidst a wash of a dozen gooey ejaculates that erupted into the womb with him.

Though he had all the freedom he needed to move around, Khloe remained transfixed at the guttural squelching and the throbbing beats around him. Horny or not it wasn't hard to tell that it was Oceras' heart and gut both working away in his presence. Unlike Ilorek's soft ball sack, the pouch that held him in the mare was cradled by a firm abdominal wall, so he felt far more comfortable and well supported in her womb, thus giving him all the incentive he needed to roll onto all fours and lift his tail, eager to see if maybe Ilorek would push in just the right way to pop that massive flare into him.

Sadly, Ilorek seemed to have been spent already, as the flare was receding and was quickly pulled out. For a very brief moment post-pullout, Khloe was able to see a sliver of light poking through the gaping pussy and vaginal canal and even through the quickly closing cervix before the world once again collapsed into an abyss of black.

This did not last long, either, as he quickly felt Oceras arch her back and squeeze him in place, repeating the same orgasmic lurch that he'd felt within Ilorek. Only this time, her tender and loose pussy offered him almost no resistance against the contraction around him. He felt the walls collapse and force his snout through the tight cervix, giving him a brisk yet tasty opportunity to get a lick of her walls before being urged forward.

With one lurching motion, he felt her cervix squeeze and pass over his snout and skull, his head popping into her birth canal as his shoulders and everything below remained in her uterus. Just as he was about to get a foothold and extend his hands forward ahead of him, the walls of her pussy opened up and her vulva parted with the aid of Ilorek's hands, and the hippogryph stared into her depths to see Khloe poking his head out.

"Ever been reborn again?" Ilorek joked as he slid his hand up Oceras' vaginal canal to lightly tug on the collar of Khloe's dress. Then, with one powerful contraction aided by the tugging of Ilorek's powerful arm, Khloe lurched forth and burst out of her depths amidst a massively gooey eruption of arousal, stallion seed, and birthing fluid only to be caught midair and propped up onto his feet, bits of mess dripping off his dress.

He blinked heavily as he adjusted himself and coughed up some of her fluids, eager to recover from that. Beside him, Oceras arched her tail and grunted loudly as she winked and forced another massive torrent of her fluid arousal through her gaping pussy lips, followed by an airy squelch and her contented grunt before she lowered her tail and walked away. Once he was able to put together the series of events that led to that, he looked up to Ilorek and extended his arms, attempting to say 'again', only to have the words get caught in his throat.

Ilorek turned and lowered himself to a single knee before little Khloe, smiling and wiping the slime from the fox's cheek. "Time for dinner, dear. You'd do well to have a quick shower before joining us. Remember, clothing optional." He poked Khloe on the muzzle once quickly. "Boop!" He grinned before turning and walking away.

All Khloe could think of was how surreal that entire situation seemed to him. Was it real? Why could he see through Ilorek's eyes? Did he form a temporary mental link while inside the hippogryph? Could he do that again? Would Oceras allow him to crawl back inside her without the vigorous thrusting of Ilorek loosening her up.

Many questions, but only one answer. It was dinner time and the whole trip in and out of the mare had left him hungry. Hungry for more mare, sure, but also hungry for real food. If nothing else, he would be very nicely put to the best use during his tenure on Ilorek's ranch.

Oh yes, he was going to have quite the fun time; one week wouldn't be enough!