A New Phase - Chapter 9

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#9 of A New Phase

A New Phase

Chapter 9

Jack readied himself for whatever the little feline might do. Alinia squirmed in his grasp, dropping herself lower on his body. The fact that his outphase clothing had fallen off him had not bypassed her notice, and she didn't seem to have any intent to question such an occurrence. She began to nuzzle and nip at his chin as he lost his grasp on her from her movements and she slipped down further.

Jack was distracted by the nipping teeth. They threatened playfully, but were kind and never painful. She was entirely an armful and getting more difficult to hold up by the moment, but as her body dropped low enough for his hard shaft to nudge against her, it seemed that maybe this was her intent all along. He felt her terrific heat as her lips slipped around his tip, just a bit further than she had gotten with him in the call center.

She froze for a moment, all her motion stopped in the ecstasy she was experiencing from even just this. A loud purr came from her throat as she savored the feeling of his flesh nested within hers.

Alinia gazed at him admiringly and murmured, "I'm soooo happy to find a male who likes me! I can't believe I'm doing this, Jack! I can't believe I'm doing... this..." Her voice trailed off and her attitude suddenly changed as her emotions overwhelmed her. "...without Urasa!" she wailed, and broke out into racking sobs, clinging to him suddenly with claws out for support, unwitting of the piercings they made into his back.

Jack yelped, hefting her up so she wouldn't claw his back to hold herself up. His mood was shattered as if he had just been drenched in ice water, but then so was hers. He was concerned about her now.

Hushing her and making soothing sounds, he backed up and sat on the bed. She curled her legs up as she sat on his lap, crying and shaking in her distress. "Shhhh, it's okay," Jack murmured. "Calm down, what's wrong?"

Alinia had her face buried against his shoulder, her tears copious enough to flow down his chest and side. "Urasa has been like a sister, and more, to me for so long. It's not just the males who thought I was not pretty, Jack. Even the females would tease me. Urasa always said I was beautiful, just like you." She clenched at his back with her paws and he winced as her claws bit into his skin again, but said nothing.

"Urasa even spent time with me to prove she thought I was beautiful, but it wasn't enough. I needed a male. And she promised that one day I would find a male who knew how beautiful I was, and she and I could..." She broke off sobbing again, her words punctuated by her crying. "But now I won't see her for decades, if I ever see her again at all. Oh, why did that damn shadow have to ruin everything?!" Jack was left with a very sad and angered little wildcat, his back mistreated by her unintentional clawing. He simply sat and held her while she cried, gritting his teeth against the pain.

It took her quite a while to calm down, even with his presence and touch. He stroked her back smoothly, softly murmuring to her, trying to calm her down. She finally went quiet from her sobbing, simply sniffling instead, and soon thereafter stopped shaking. She tried to draw her paws away from his back, but her claws were still caught in his skin. She jumped. "Oh, crap!" she exclaimed, sheathing her claws in an instant, extracting them from his abused back. "Oh, I clawed you! I'm sorry!"

She was out of his arms faster than he could grab a hold of her and shot around behind him to investigate the wounds she had left. "It's okay," Jack assured her. "You didn't get me too badly." He could feel her prodding lightly at his back. Thankfully it didn't hurt at all.

"Umm... I did get you pretty badly... well, based on the blood I did... But you don't have any holes in you." She sounded relatively confused. Jack blinked. Blood, but no holes? "Are you an unbreakable?" she asked timidly.

"Er, a what?" Jack asked, reaching behind himself to feel his back where he knew he should have wounds. He felt the sticky wet of drying blood, but indeed found no wounds. He looked at his reddened fingertips with a frown.

"A person who heals themself," the small cat explained. "Some do it so fast that no physical damage can really hurt them much, 'cuz it doesn't stay. Here, let me clean that off your back." He jumped as she leaned forward and began licking the blood from his back. He had a somewhat macabre thought about whether or not he tasted good.

"Great... So now I'm maybe like Wolverine," Jack muttered to himself. Her licks were cautious. She was still sullen from her breakdown. Jack waited patiently, eyeing his red fingertips, and finally gave one a cautious lick. Bleh! He made a face and set his hand back down, but she intercepted it and pulled it over his shoulder to lick his fingertips clean. When she was done with that, she moved beside him and leaned against him with a tiny sigh.

Jack set his arm around her and thought for a while. He'd have to release the timestop sometime here soon. Couldn't keep her here forever. Or him. The shadowbound bit bugged him though. Could he possibly cure the tigress like he did the porcupine? It was a wearing task. He was still mentally exhausted from that. But it might be worth a try. Heck, maybe he could cure all of them. Couldn't be that many, could there?

"Alinia," he murmured. She looked up at him. "I think I might be able to save Urasa. There was a porcupine here earlier who was shadowbound, but I cleaned it off him. I'll need to take us out of the timestop, and consult with the girls before I do anything. And probably Master Takaran."

Alinia peered at him. "A porcupine? I watched everybody coming out. The only porcupine was Master Jericar. Surely HE wasn't shadowbound?" She shivered at the thought.

Jack made a face. "I don't know. I guess we have to ask them." He stood up and started towards the door as Alinia hopped off the bed. He paused for a moment and reconsidered. "Er, let me get my clothes first." Alinia waited patiently at the door as he replaced his outphase clothing.

"Why do you wear those?" she asked curiously. "It doesn't affect any of us at all."

Jack smiled slightly. "In case I need to go out, remember that outphasers still see me just fine."

Alinia looked confused for a moment. "Well, yeah, but you shrugged out of your clothes obviously enough that you dephased to the outphase. Could people still see you then?"

Jack paused in tying a shoelace. "Er, I don't know. They probably could though... I've gone untouchable to the midphase, but they could still see me here. I guess I'd need to be unseeable like that necklace charm they gave me earlier." He remembered the charm pendant and how it tingled. But it was very useful for getting him home safely and it worked against both phases seeing him.

"Now you look funny. Clothes floating on nothing. You don't have to use the necklace now," Alinia snickered.

"What?" Jack demanded, bringing his focus back to her. He glanced at his hand, and saw right through it, like he was a ghost. He frowned and peered at his hand until it became solid again. "Better?"

She nodded. Apparently she hadn't noticed that he had no necklace. So... he could make himself invisible now too? What next? "I guess I should release this timestop now."

Alinia frowned. "You did it all by yourself though. Shouldn't you take precautions? I don't want to see you get blasted out of the building. That's strong stuff! I mean..." She stopped talking as the low tones of conversation started up again briefly in the living room, then paused at the sound of her voice.

"Who's there?" Sess'tha demanded, as both she and Farren came barreling down the hallway at the sound of a strange voice from the bedroom. Jack rushed out to intercept as Alinia suddenly cowered in reaction.

"It's okay!" he exclaimed as he jumped over the tiny cat to put himself between her and the two girls as they skidded to a halt on all four paws. "She's fine. This is Alinia. She's a friend. From the call center."

"A friend?" Farren looked suspicious. Sess'tha was sniffing the air slightly, and gave a cautious sniff at Jack's crotch since it was right beside her face anyway, trying not to be too obvious about it. The ocelot whispered something right in Farren's ear, and Farren sniffed twice lightly. "Oooooh... That kind of friend. Okay. But how did she get in? Hide her in the room, or what?"

Jack blinked and squatted down to pat Alinia and reassure her. "Actually, she was outside, and afraid to come in because of all the spell masters. So she got my attention through the bedroom window." The wildcat uncurled and waved timidly at the two larger females.

Farren nodded, but then frowned. "Wait... there hasn't been nearly enough time for you to have had any conversation, let alone... well... and we would have heard that too."

"That's because Jack was a mobile participant in a timestop," came Takaran's voice from the living room. "In fact, from what I can tell, he generated it himself. Quite impressive. Especially the fact that he was able to do it alone, and release it safely with obviously no adverse affects!"

"Adverse effects?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Magic burn. Serious stuff. It happened to Takaran when he timestopped in the call center. That's why he was in the hospital too," Farren answered.

Sess'tha was sniffing thoughtfully and finally made a connection. "You were one of the two who tried to take advantage of Jack at the call center!" The ocelot frowned at the wildcat. "What was that about?"

"It was just a fun idea to me, and wasn't my idea!" Alinia exclaimed. "Urasa thought it up," she continued, then broke off crying. "She was shadowbound! Now I'll probably never see her again!" The little wildcat sank against the wall and curled up into a miserable, tearful ball of fluff.

Jack sighed. "She explained everything to me, and I thought I'd ask you about it. I don't have any problem with her, she is a wonderful person, and doesn't deserve such a mess as she's gotten into." He scooped Alinia up into his arms and carried her into the living room where he told the story of the shadowbound tigress to everybody else.

"So, I figured if I was able to help the spiny fellow, maybe I could help the tigress, and others who are shadowbound," he finished.

"Well, that checks out true," observed Takaran. "The tigress was indeed found to be shadowbound as we suspected when she committed such a crime. This wildcat testified at the examination, and the tigress had mentioned jail even before attacking. That is a shadowbound and outphase concept."

"Wait, wait," Jack interrupted. "Are you saying that people in the midphase just aren't capable of being bad without evil influences?"

Takaran chuckled. "Interestingly enough, the whole concept of crime exists naturally in the outphase, but only with shadowbinding in the midphase. So, yes, we just aren't capable of being bad.

"However, the idea of cleaning all of the shadowbound is somewhat of a big one, and I don't think it would be something that officials would even look at easily," Takaran continued. "They are a separate jurisdiction than the Mastery, and they do have a tendency to not let many folks in to even... well, visit... the stored shadowbound. All I can recommend is that you make a request, and see. Be aware that they are highly busy at all times, so there may be some delay."

Jack considered. "I guess we can check tomorrow, then. It's getting kind of late tonight."

Takaran nodded. "I still have quite a bit more to discuss with these three. You two can do whatever you like, but not out here right now please."

Alinia sighed. "I'll head home. I'm probably not allowed to stay. Can I come with you tomorrow, though? I really hope Urasa can be saved."

Jack and the three girls all protested at once. "You're quite welcome to stay for a while," they all told her.

"You'll have to stay with Jack in the bedroom until I finish this discussion," Takaran added.

Alinia was obviously torn between her insecurity and a desire to stay. "Come on," Jack said. "I'll brush you. That might help you feel better." The offer tipped the scales and Alinia smiled and nodded up to him.

Jack just almost couldn't stand it. She was horrendously cute with how small she was. He couldn't have appreciated it at work, but it was obvious now. And he didn't feel at all like she was a child, as she had a very obviously fully-grown form based just on the proportions of her body. He still was caught by the way midphasers didn't have human-like breasts. She was just a small adult, with a perky attitude when she was happy.

They went to the bedroom and Alinia hopped up onto the bed, sitting comfortably as Jack retrieved his brush. It was made more for his long hair than fur, but it would work. Walking back to the bed, he sat down and leaned against the backboard, putting a pillow behind his lower back. Stretching his legs out, he made himself comfortable.

"Come on over here. I'm not as agile as you guys, so I need the backrest to be comfortable," he motioned to her. She smiled again and moved across the bed and in a move he didn't expect, she straddled his thighs facing away from him and laid face down on his legs. Her tail flicked up to drape across his shoulder and her legs kicked up to his sides as she scooted back a little to make herself comfy too. She toyed with his toes, since she could reach them as if the shoes weren't there. He was also very aware of how close her crotch was to his own.

After squirming a little, he got himself comfortable with the position and batted her teasing tail away from his face. It curled around the back of his neck instead. Very long tail for such a small cat. He took the brush to her shoulders and began to brush her, eliciting an immediate purr from her as he did. She curled her hands around the bottom of his feet as he brushed down her back repeatedly, sometimes with long strokes, sometimes with shorter strokes.

He found himself curiously noting that there was no loose fur in the brush. Maybe midphasers didn't shed? Couldn't just be an issue of well-groomed, because he'd expect to find at least a FEW furs, but there were none at all. He ran his hand down her back now after each brush stroke, and she obviously appreciated this as well.

Soon he was brushing across her pert little rump and along her legs, and he realized that he should have disrobed prior to this endeavor. He was starting to become aroused again, and it was straining in his pants uncomfortably. He tried to keep himself distracted by brushing her tail finally before decreeing her back to be done.

She laid purring on his legs for a short while. "Um, Alinia... I'm going to take my shoes and pants off. I don't like shoes on the bed, and my wallet is in my pocket and poking me uncomfortably," he mentioned to her.

"Oh?" She asked languidly. "Well, that's as good an excuse as getting horny and having it stuck in pants." She grinned at him as she rolled off his legs and his face turned red as he stood up to disrobe again. His embarrassment gave him a bit of a chill, reducing his arousal, but it was still obvious enough as he stripped. She watched admiringly as he sat back down on the bed, crossing his legs this time. She frowned and patted his legs. "Stretch them out silly. I can't lie across them this way."

Squelching his misgivings, he stretched his legs out, spreading them just a bit at her insistence. She straddled his thighs, facing him this time, and took a moment to hug him warmly before she laid back. He could see now why she wanted his legs to be spread. Her back lay atop his thighs while her tail ran up her back between his legs, out of the way. She rested her arms on the bed to the sides and closed her eyes, beginning to purr quietly yet again. She curled her hind legs up and places her shanks against his belly, her knees spread quite a bit and giving him an attractive view.

He tried to keep his mind on other things as he gazed down at her so that he wouldn't end up poking her. He picked up the brush again and started at her shoulders, brushing down her chest. Thankfully the lack of breasts made this easier. Soon he was back into the rhythm of brushing, his hand caressing her soft fur between brush strokes.

It wasn't long before he reached her belly, and she obviously enjoyed it. She arched her front up into the strokes, mewling quietly in anticipation of each one. Jack smiled to see her enjoying herself this way, but her writhing was having the effect of pushing her rump closer to his own body as well. And of course this was getting him further away from keeping himself under control. If he didn't finish brushing her soon, he'd end up poking her despite his best efforts.

His concentration was broken as her tail gave a shimmy between his legs, the feeling as it did so quite an odd sensation. He blinked and paused in brushing, but she caught the brush and pulled it out of his hand, setting it aside. Her hands blindly found his own and brought them down to her tummy, insisting on more rubs. Her hindfeet clenched against his upper belly, though her claws did not pierce him this time. It was just her toes curling in appreciation.

Jack rubbed her belly with growing trepidation as he felt his flesh starting to react. He tried to withdraw his hands and stop, but a hushed whine came from the wildcat's lips and he resumed the rubs, feeling guilty for having stopped. With a different idea, he tried rubbing her sides and stealthily sliding her along his legs away from himself, so he wouldn't poke her. She was quite a squirmy creature now though, and she made a small sound of disapproval, wriggling back towards him, closer than before.

He bit his tongue and gave in to her desire to be touched, aware of faint throbbing as his flesh gained rigidity. He hoped she wouldn't react negatively again with her emotions. He might heal well, but it still hurt. It took only a few more rubs on her belly before his flesh acquired enough height to press against the back of the base of her tail, then slip past it. He looked at her as her eyes opened in realization, hoping she kept her calm.

Her eyes narrowed, but she did not look angry or upset. She looked thoughtful, a bit sad, and sensuous, all at the same time. "You really do like me," she murmured. "You have no idea how much that means to me. I just can't enjoy it fully while I worry about Urasa." She dropped her legs to his sides, and sat up on his lap, placing her shanks against the bed as she leaned against him, hands squeezing his shoulders lightly. His shaft was still caught beneath her, but had the wrong angle to go anywhere. He put his arms around her finally and hugged her.

He heard her speak softly, muffled against his chest, and strained to hear her. "I can't enjoy it fully, but I do want to share with you. We can share some enjoyment, and be happier," she murmured. She slipped one arm around him, pulling herself closer as she suddenly lifted herself off his lap with her legs. His flesh went from being slipped between her lips like a hot dog in a bun to being freed to stand proud. Her other hand caught his flesh and aimed it as she dropped herself again.

Jack had the sudden realization that he had failed to warn her about the effect he had. The thing about making a female cum instantly the moment he was even partway in effect. But things progressed before he could do anything. His tip split her lips wide and her hand gave one last tug to aim him before she sunk down suddenly and engulfed him within her.

Alinia clenched her arm around him, and let out a strong purr of bliss, but to Jack's surprise, she didn't climax at that instant. In fact, she was obviously very thrilled, but not overwhelmingly so. Was something wrong? Was he losing his touch, or toning it down, or something bad for her perhaps? He held her warmly and realized that he had no way of knowing until he spent time with the girls again or somebody else and seeing what the effect was.

She was just as wonderful to be surrounded by as she was to brush and hold. He could feel her settle a little lower, though he knew he had reached the limits of her depth before reaching the extent of his length. "I feel you," she murmured. "I know that this is because you truly do think I am pretty, and are attracted to me." Her body relaxed as she became more aroused, and stretched to finally accommodate his length, letting her sit on his lap again.

Her tail flicked across his legs repeatedly. "I don't want to do more than this right now," she whispered. "Not without Urasa. But oooo... I adore holding you like this, and having you hold me. Thank you, Jack." Both of her arms went around him and she squeezed him tightly. He smiled and stroked the top of her head, and down her back, and she arched against him, pleased.

They sat like that for a long while, just enjoying being coupled as they were, before a spotted face showed at the door. "Master Takaran has finished what he needed to talk to us about. You two can come out now," Sess'tha announced. Alinia stiffened, concerned that the other feline would take umbrage at her tarrying with the human, but Sess'tha continued, "Don't worry about cleaning up. You can just toss on a bath robe. We would have let you spend more time together, but Master Takaran wanted to see you before he left, Jack. Sorry Alinia."

Alinia relaxed and looked over her shoulder. "You knew what we were doing? How long did you know?"

Sess'tha shrugged. "We've been waiting out here and watching since slightly before you took the brush from him. We had a feeling you needed some personal time, but Master Takaran has to leave. You can pick up where you left off afterwards if you like."

Alinia smiled to Jack and slipped herself off him. She gave his ear a lick and whispered to him, "That is all I want right now. But I do want more when my friend is better. Please help her if you can, Jack." With a flick of her tail across his chest, she turned and hopped off the bed, smiling at him as she stood up.

Jack got up and went to retrieve his bathrobe, which he threw over his shoulders as he hurried out to the living room. The wolf was already by the door, and Jeran was also in attendance now. Takaran held a hand out to Jack, and the human took it, but tried to draw away as he felt a powerful tingle. Takaran held on to his hand strongly though, and would not let him withdraw it.

"You will be learning many spells as you go, Jack," Takaran stated. "What you are makes you absorb knowledge instinctively. Trust in your gut feelings, and they will not lead you wrong. I am giving you many magic abilities right now, as you can doubtless feel." The wolf grinned, showing off sharp teeth. "Many of these are spells that I cannot even cast myself, for they are so powerful. But if you can use them, then good for you."

Takaran shook his head, looking wistful. "So very few can learn spells through transfers like this, and they need many tries to get them right and perform them accurately. Most others study long and hard to learn chants and words, phrases and motions that help them put their will into the proper state to cast the spell. All simply exercises for their mind and will." His tail began to wag slowly. "You will likely find that your will is already strong enough to never need the words, or the motions. Simply desire it, and it will be. But be cautious with this power, Jack. Until you learn it well, you may do things you don't expect."

The tingling faded, and the wolf shook Jack's hand firmly. "There. Your homework from me, Jack, is to find and handle as many useful spells as you can. The girls will help you with this. The more you are capable of, the more likely you are to keep yourself alive when the conflict begins. And pay attention to people. Build your bonds with them as well. For it is the ones who share with you that give you power."

Three paws landed on him from the girls, one on each shoulder and the third on his arm. He felt strengthened by their touch, and knew that Takaran spoke truth. He had not been aware of this before. He felt a hesitant touch against his hip which soon grew more confident as Alinia put her hand there. He felt warmth and energy from her too. And even from the hand of the Spell Master that still held his.

He smiled as he realized that all the time he had spent with Alinia had almost completely helped him recover from the strain of the earlier battle. He could deal with touch being important. He appreciated it already. Now touch simply meant and gave him more.

Takaran leaned forward to hug Jack after a moment, startling the man. But the wolf had a reason. Hot breath fell against Jack's ear, carrying a very quiet whisper. "Midphasers can do no wrong without influences. But sometimes, to do right, something wrong must be done. You are an Influence, Jack. You can incite midphasers to do things that they normally wouldn't be capable of, preferrably in the name of the greater good. Remember this, as it will be important often."

Jack blinked. That was important information! Then he realized that the wolf had a hard sheath poking against him. He chuckled softly and carefully disengaged from the Spell Master. "You're getting a bit excited there, Takaran."

Jack realized that the midphasers couldn't blush through their fur, but Takaran did a good job trying. In fact, all his fur above his shoulders just kind of went on end and fluffed out. Jack would have to remember that too. Midphasers fluffed their face fur when they were embarrassed.

Takaran coughed lightly, "Yes, well, I need to be on my way. Take care, Jack Starson." And with that, he turned tail and walked through the closed outphase door.

Jeran chuckled lightly from the doorway. "From your smell, Jack, you have another close friend in the little cat there. And if you hadn't brought the Master back to his senses, you might have found a similar friend in him." Jack opened his mouth to protest the idea, but the black cat was out the door before he could say a word.

Alinia leaned against his hip lightly as he stared at the door. "Was Jeran serious?" Jack finally asked.

"Well, you do make us all feel good," Farren said. "Good like -that- way. So if you touch a male, what do you expect? As a whole, midphasers do tend to be pretty sensuous and open about it. Though they will be embarrassed as Master Takaran was if they think their attentions, whether intentional or not, are not completely welcome.

"The main concern right now though," Farren continued, "is dinner! I'll have it ready in a jiffy!" She looked at Alinia, "Will you be staying?"

Alinia shook her head. "I'd probably better head home." Her ears wilted. "Without Urasa there, I don't sleep well. I don't have work tomorrow, but I like to keep my wake up time, so I need to sleep a lot more to get enough sleep."

She started to walk towards the door, but a black-furred vixen hand caught her shoulder lightly. "You can stay all night, not just dinner, if that helps," Selkine said. The wildcat paused and looked back at her. "We can all sleep in the big bed together. Nice and cozy," Selkine continued. Alinia wavered, obviously considering. Selkine grinned and leaned down to the wildcat's ear, "And Jack sometimes... so if you . You wouldn't want to miss that would you?"

Alinia perked an ear to catch the words, and her face went fluffy. She peered up at Jack with a grin, then looked back to Selkine. "Really?" Selkine nodded. Alinia smiled, "Okay, I'll stay then."

"Good, that's settled. I'll get dinner ready," Farren announced. "We have TV obviously, and a computer up in the loft. Sess'tha, don't forget you have check-in today, but don't you dare miss dinner."

Sess'tha looked at the time and blinked, then shot out through the door on all fours. Selkine giggled. "I'm gonna go to some stores before they close and get some things. I promise I'll be back in a jiffy, Farren," the vixen stated.

Jack pondered. "I need to use my computer in the loft. I haven't checked my stuff at all since I got to this phase." He headed up the stairs to the loft.

Alinia watched the grey vixen vanish into the kitchen, and Selkine walking out the door that Sess'tha just left through. She looked at the TV, frowned, and then shrugged. "I'll go peek at the computer then." She scampered up the stairs after Jack to find him looking at the dual-phase computer setup. There were two monitors, one for each phase, and two computers as well, but the chairs were overlapping, as were the keyboard and mouse.

"I don't know how well we'll be able to use the computer at the same time unless I stop interacting with the midphase," Jack observed. "But that shouldn't be a problem."

Alinia peered at the desk and thought about the setup. "I have a better idea!" she exclaimed, and took Jack by the hand, leading him over. She tugged the midphase chair out of the way and prodded Jack to sit in the outphase chair. She pulled out the midphase keyboard tray, took the keyboard and mouse off it, and placed them on the desk instead where they conflicted only with some papers in the outphase. Then she pushed the keyboard tray back in and hopped onto Jack's lap, comfortably using him as a chair. "See?"

Jack blinked and pulled the outphase keyboard tray out, noting that it overlapped the wildcat's legs. She took his hands and placed them on his keyboard. "You can use my thighs as a wrist rest," Alinia observed coyly as she peered at the midphase screen and started using the higher mouse and keyboard to pull up Firefox. She let her legs spread slightly and reached between then to tickle his groin. "And if something comes up, well, we'll just plug it in."

Jack blushed. She might not be interested in going all the way, but that didn't stop her from being playful obviously. But her head was low enough for him to see easily, so this worked. He could feel her starting to purr again, and didn't want to deprive her of this small pleasure. Not to mention his own pleasure at this. So he pulled up his own system and began looking through his email. The email work kept anything from coming up, but ahh well.

Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Damn. Nothing interesting. He glanced at Alinia's screen and was surprised to see a hand-drawn picture of a midphaser there. "Ahh, so you have cartoon artists in the midphase who post their stuff on midphase sites," he observed.

She tilted her head back and craned her neck to lick his chin. "No, this is an outphase web site, silly."

Jack blinked. "Oh. So I guess we have a few people who like to draw cartoon animals that look like midphasers."

She wriggled her rump, distracting him slightly, and giggled. "A few thousand is more like it. You mean you've never heard of furries?"

Jack opened his mouth to protest, and then realized that he actually hadn't. He professed his lack of knowledge to her, and was quickly shown the furry side of the human world. He boggled at some of the completely outrageous stuff that the giggling kitty showed him. A huge wolf screwing the side of a building; hermaphrodite foxes with cocks three times the size of their body... Quite a few disturbing things.

"I like to look to see if anybody has drawn anything that looks like me," Alinia explained. "Just because they can't see us at all doesn't mean that they aren't inspired by us anyway. Ooo! I know! I'll show you some of the pictures I like!"

Her fingers flew on the keyboard as she brought up another site where she had an account with a favorites list, and soon she was showing him a whole bunch of kitty pictures first. Then she went to another account, and the nature of the pictures changed. Not outrageous, thankfully, but definitely explicit. Animals of all types and descriptions engaging in activities from plain naked snuggling to outright hardcore sex... Or, as he had just learned the furries called it, 'Yiffing'.

He became aware of just how much these pictures caught his attention when he realized that Alinia had been reaching between her legs and tickling his balls for quite some time, and he was fully aroused and lodged against her wet flesh again. He definitely felt himself being energized from the contact, and smiled, letting his hand drop from the keyboard to rub the cat's belly.

"This is getting in the way," Alinia murmured, stroking a finger up his shaft. "And it smells like we still have a little while before dinner is done. So I'll tuck it out of the way." Jack had no desire to offer protest as she lifted her rump just enough for her fingers to tuck his tip into her, then sat down again, engulfing his flesh into her heat once more. From the angle, she couldn't get him fully in, but they were both satisfied.

"Looking at furry porn with a kitty on your lap?" Sess'tha suddenly whispered in his ear, her whiskers tickling him and making him jump. "Takaran did say that you probably would make anybody explode instantly anymore though, so this is good." He blushed guiltily.

"Hi Sess'tha," Alinia giggled. "I figured you wouldn't mind, since you didn't interrupt us the first time. I'm not gonna go any further for myself until my friend is safe though. I couldn't stand the thought of enjoying him too much without her there too."

Jack blinked as Sess'tha came around beside him, leaning against him lightly as she examined the highly erotic picture on the screen. "So you're going to leave him all pent up? That's not nice!" she said teasingly.

"No, I..." Alinia began, distraught, but was interrupted as the ocelot leaned down to whisper in her ear. She listened intently, her face changing from concern to a look of playful glee. "Well, yeah, that would work. And it sounds like a lot of fun too. Just don't get me too much, kee? I want to save it for when Urasa is back."

Sess'tha nodded, "Don't worry!" Jack was wondering what was going on when Sess'tha suddenly dropped down to sit on the floor in front of his knees. "Okay, Jack. Your friend here doesn't want to enjoy you completely until her friend is here too. So she is content to just have you nestled inside. But for all the mind-bending orgasms you gave the three of us before that calmed down, we still owe you a few hundred in return."

Her hands fell on his knees and she spread his legs as he was about to protest that she didn't owe him anything. His words choked off in his throat as the ocelot's head shot forward between his legs and her tongue suddenly slipped from the base of his balls, up along his cock until the point where it vanished into the wildcat. From there, the tongue obviously continued across the kitty's flesh also, because Alinia mewled happily in response and clenched down on him tightly, making him moan.

Sess'tha grinned and patted his thigh. "Alinia doesn't want you to make her cum yet, but she would be happy to have your cream." And since neither the chair, nor the bath robe offered any hindrance to Sess'tha, he was quickly dropped into bliss by repeated licking and occasional squeezes as the licks hit the wildcat's clit.

"Oooo! That looks like a bunch of fun!" Selkine suddenly exclaimed from behind them. Sess'tha paused, peering over Jack's leg as Selkine examined the situation. "Oh! I have a GREAT idea!" the vixen finally exclaimed. Jack was feeling hazy, and being snugged tightly by the powerfully-purring Alinia, so the interruption didn't detract too badly from his building pleasure.

Selkine took a moment to explain her idea to Sess'tha in hushed whispers, and the ocelot perked and grinned. "You have a hell of an imagination, Selkine!" Then the two girls quickly set about getting into position. Selkine laid on her back with her legs beneath the computer desk, supporting herself on her elbows. Sess'tha simply straddled the vixen's waist to reclaim her prior position, and resumed licking Jack from his balls to the pussy in his lap.

Jack wasn't completely sure what Selkine intended to do from beneath the chair. Then he was reminded that he was effectively hovering in midair to her, the chair not getting in her way at all. After three or four licks from Sess'tha, Selkine's tongue joined in the fray. The vixen's tongue started where the cat's did, but going in the opposite direction.

Jack gasped as a warm tongue drew along the underside of his balls, and along that ridge between his balls and his anus as the cat's tongue drew across his shaft. The vulpine tongue reached his sensitive puckered hole just as the feline tongue drew off him and hit the wildcat's clit, causing him to get squeezed again. The human let out a whine of ecstasy as the process was repeated again, and it didn't take many such licks before he reached his peak.

His body stiffened and Alinia looked up at him happily. But as the girls beneath him noted the difference, they made sure to make it extra-special. Selkine's tongue pressed softly against his pucker, exciting him there even more. But the coup de grace was as Sess'tha tilted her head and opened her mouth, slipping her canines behind his flesh as she took his shaft in her jaws and lavished the front surface with her tongue.

He realized that he fully trusted those teeth that could snip him clean off in a heartbeat, and that gave him a mental thrill like no other. His cock bucked within the little wildcat, eliciting a mewl of pleasure from her, and he could feel the waves of his juices flowing past the teeth and tongue that held him, filling the little kitty. Sess'tha freed a hand to fondle his balls and get another buck of delight from his peak, and Selkine gave him a few last licks before applying a cold nose to sensitive skin that got a final extra spurt from his well-pleased body.

Alinia purred as the girls finally released him from the ministrations of their mouths. "I have your pleasure now, Jack, and when we save Urasa, I can have mine too," she murmured against his chest. Jack was left floating down from his plateau as the girls got up and grinned at the look on his face. They apparently considered it to be Mission Accomplished.

Jack blinked his eyes a few times as he came back to reality, whatever that may be, and saw Sess'tha and Selkine perusing the furry art while Alinia still purred with him buried deep inside her. "Only one thing I wonder about," Selkine mentioned to Sess'tha as they looked at the pictures.

"What's that?" Sess'tha asked.

Selkine grinned. "Do you think any of them would draw what we just did if they knew about it?"

Sess'tha shrugged and licked her lips at a picture. "You never know. But it doesn't matter, since they will never know about it anyway."

Jack thought about that, and made a mental note to himself. Might need to find an author sometime to document this adventure.

"Dinner's ready!" Farren called from downstairs.

Both girls and the wildcat perked at the wonderful smells that wafted up from the kitchen below them. Jack realized just how silly his idea was. But dinner was definitely going to be tasty, and not at all silly. A wildcat off his lap and a few licks from all three of them to clean him up, and they all went down to enjoy the meal.

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