
Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Patina Woods, Oldfort

16th of October, 10:31 PM

There's an exclusive serenity in Patina woods, a peace that can't be found anywhere else. Even in the middle of night when everything is covered by the darkness, nowhere else soothes me as much as the woods just outside of Oldfort. It's not a long walk from the house, so I end up going there more often than I go to the town itself. Sometimes it's because I want a walk, sometimes to clear my head and sometimes to avoid somefur. I tend to be alone when I'm there. With all the alleged sightings of monsters, most steer clear. There's the occasional group of daredevils, adventurers and police search parties, but that's it really and none of them can be arsed to bother me. The sightings are all lies and jokes though, nofur ever brought forwards solid, hard evidence and the search parties couldn't even find tracks. So, to just about everyfur in Oldfort, the Patina monster is complete bullshit.

Pushing through the thicket of trees and bushes, humming a melody as I went, I could have sworn there was something following me. My nose was useless though, seeing as how I was moving into the wind and any scent my possible stalker gave off was being blown away from me. Secondly, I couldn't hear anything following me either. Giving up my suspicions, I carried on walking as normal.

My cell phone was buzzing in my pocket, Dakota must have been trying to get a hold of me. I was being cubish, storming off into the woods in the middle of the night all because of a little joke.

Dakota and I had thrown a halloween party as per usual, the only difference being it was close friends only. And by close friends we meant friends who we could fuck. Up until half an hour ago things were going great, the burlesque dancers had gotten everyfur pent up and Dakota was beginning to get everything ready. Including me. He'd dressed me up, blindfolded me and then had lead me out into the party room; the aim of the game was for me to guess what I was dressed up as. Laughter ensued and let's say I can be too sensitive sometimes...

It was partially Dakota's fault though, putting me up in a skimpy sailor's outfit. It was snow white and navy blue, the skirt being the latter colour as well as the tie whilst the shirt and hat were white, except for the rim of the shirt which was that same shade of blue. He didn't even give me underwear. The colours went horribly with my black fur.

The bushes rustling behind me, I reached into my shirt pocket and answered his call.

"Hey." Dakota spoke softly, the noise of the party under his voice.

I remained quiet, but the fox could hear my breathing at least.

"I was just checking that you're alright. Are you?"

Trying not to sniffle, I answered:

"I'm dressed in a slutty outfit, humiliated and out in the middle of the night. What do you think?"


More silence.

Distracted by the phone call, I wasn't watching where I was going and was already straying from the path I normally followed. Moreover, I couldn't hear the scraping of the tree bark as something climbed behind me.

"Can you come home?"

"No." I spat coldly. "You haven't even apologized properly and I'm not coming back until I know I'm not going to be laughed at."

"They weren't laughing at you, promise."

"What were they laughing at then?"

Dakota didn't answer for a few seconds, when he tried I cut him off:

"Don't lie."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Does that mean you've forgiven me?"

"Of course I have, that doesn't mean I want to come home just yet though."

Red eyes glared at me from above as I came to a stop. Taking a deep breath, I tried not to get all emotional and cry.

"I understand. Stay safe, you hear?" Dakota chuckled.

"Of course I will." I couldn't help but smile a little. "I'll be back in half an hour babe, see you later!"

Just as I hung up, rain started pouring down. It was a good thing my phone was waterproof. Slipping it back into my shirt pocket, I looked around and panicked a little. Nothing looked familiar, not even the rock formations. I'd left faint paw prints though, so at least I could follow them back to the track.

Hurrying I jogged back the way I came, eyes glued to my paw prints.

It didn't take me long to find the path, but part of me wished I didn't.

Just next to my feline tracks were larger, more monstrous ones that dug deep into the mud; whatever it was it weighed a great amount. They were spread out over mine in sets of four, whatever had made them had been running on all four. They ended by a tree, the bark of which had been striped clean in places by beastly claws. I wasn't going to stick around to end up like that tree.

I broke into a sprint, following my tracks. The branches above me cracked as the monster sprung off of them, chasing me from above. There wasn't anywhere clear of trees for a good while and I imagined that if I did find a clearing, it would jump down and turn out to be much faster on the ground. I was screwed either way.

The thing, whatever it was, was much bigger (and faster than me.) It dropped down from above, crashing into the dirt ahead. Turning tail, I freaked out and ended up running back the way I came. I saw the blur of its claw coming towards me. It caught me on the arm, the force spinning me around and sending me tripping over.

Before I could scream, it pressed a large, dirty paws over my face muffling the noise and following through to send me crashing to the ground. Whatever hope I had of not ending up a meal (or rather an appetizer judging from my petite frame) died when I hit the ground.

Clenching my eyes shut, I felt it tower over me as it released my face. Fear stopped me from screaming or even attempting a second escape, I knew if I tried it'd tear me in half. I curled up as it observed me.

Things were silent for so long, I gradually managed to open one eye and look up at what was attacking me. As it stepped forwards, the moonlight fell on it and my attack was revealed.

The beast of myth, the werewolf was right in front of me. This must have been the Patina monster too. The thing was made of bulging muscle upon bulging muscle with a thick coat of grimy, black fur on top. I could see the glint of its fangs, smell its rotten breath and the pulse of its heart.

Slowly, it lowered itself down and sniffed me. My heart stopped and I could have sworn I was on the verge of passing out as its claw came dangerously close to my head. It was down on all fours, pinning me as its muzzle sniffed my neck. It must have been smelling the perfume I'd been sprayed with.

I still thought I was dog's dinner until I felt my abdomen pressing into something warm and hard and wet. I was stunned, yet there was no mistaking what that was; the werewolf's cock was pressing against me.

Freezing up, I sunk as low as I could and prayed that he couldn't feel it, for fear that it would jump up and shred me for touching him there. Following my darkest fears, as he inched further down to sniff me, my body brushed his member ever so slightly. It let out a roar and pulled back, rising up to its full height and blocking out the moon.

Against his sweaty black coat of fur I could clearly see that monstrous cock, it was like any normal canine's, but so much bigger it appeared that it had been blown up with a pump to the breaking point. Prominent veins snaking up the shaft, a pulsating knot and a red colouring bordering purple territory characterised his cock, but the grin he wore was the most unnerving thing.

It resembled a maniac's: going ear to ear with flashy white teeth, sharp ones I'll add.

Did he like it?

Reaching out, I tried to touch him there again. He didn't stop me, but the moment my cold, wet fingers touched his flesh he let out a tremendous snarl and tackled me to the ground. I could hardly let out a yelp as I went down with my face buried between his pecs, somehow I wasn't squished. His cock grinding into mine through the soaking fabric of my skirt, I let out a muffled yelp and struggled to push him off of me.

But the beast had other plans and began moving his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock into my belly and crotch. It was a little rough and in no time things were getting stuffy, but at least I was sheltered from the rain. The downside was of course that I had a werewolf rubbing his dick against me, snarling and panting as I moaned and tried not to panic. Soon a stickiness trickled down my leg, at first I was worried I'd came already, but when I managed to catch a glimpse between our bodies I saw a stream of pre flooding from the werewolf's cock, pooling in a crevice before overflowing and streaming down my leg.

I think the werewolf picked up on my distress or maybe it just got bored of jamming its cock against me.

The beast lifted up and moved back, so that we were face to face. His breath reeked, so it's no surprise that I wasn't too happy with locking lips. I didn't get much choice. It pushed its face against mine, jaw wide open so that it could lick across my lips with its sloppy tongue. My cheeks and my nose got caught in the crossfire and in less than two licks I was covered in wolf slobber.


Maybe it was survival instincts, but I forgot for those moments that I was kissing a werewolf and pushed back with my tongue. It of course, overpowered me and used the chance to get its tongue inside of my mouth. Playful shoves started and before long we were making those icky lip smacking noises and were coming as close to holding forepaws as possible; I was clutching onto his wrists. I wasn't strong enough to force him out of my mouth, so I turned to sucking on his tongue to get my revenge.

Why was I enjoying this?

The werewolf pulled off of me, opening its eyes and glaring at me with a lustful expression as I lay there with my mouth wide open, slobber all around my lips.

As it stood up, it observed me once again as if it had just noticed something odd about me. I hoped this hadn't been a misunderstanding and that it had mistaken me for a mate all this time, since yknow, it would probably eat me. It must have known that I wasn't another werewolf, what with the cat eyes, whiskers, tail and the scent of a domesticated city slicker.

Yet, for some reason, all it did was throw back its head and howl.

If you've never heard a werewolf howl, let me tell you that it's the most terrifying thing in the world. The power behind his howl had me trembling, but not for long as I was soon pulled up to my knees to come face to face with his cock. The werewolf glared down at me, its forepaw holding my shoulder. Did it want me to...?

I let my tongue loll out, come closer to his drooling cock and then I looked up for approval. The grin had become much more wild, I guessed I was on the right track.

Something tells me I would have taken it in my mouth regardless of whether I was being forced to or not, just the warmth from it and the pure, earthy musk was beginning to get me hard under the skirt. The pink of my member was visible through the wet fabric as it slipped out of my sheath, but my endowment was a toothpick compared to the beast's, which resembled an upside down hammer now that I think about it.

There was no way I was going to fit him in my mouth, so I got comfortable on my knees and snuggled his balls up in one forepaw; he was so big that his sack rolled out over the sides. Blushing, I opened up my mouth and just for a few moments let his pre come cascading down onto my tongue. I caught the rich, overpowering salty taste that all men had, but there was something more bestial in the werewolf's pre, something that had me hurrying to lap it all up like I was an addict. The beast chuckled at me for it.

I didn't need a commanding growl to get me to move on because the instant I'd cleaned his cock of pre, I was discovering the rest of his member with my tongue. I snaked my tongue around his tip, then dropped down the front of his shaft to his sheath.

Plundering it, I ran my tongue in the murky, musky depths of his fuzzy sheath and giggled as the werewolf huffed and puffed as his most sensitive areas were licked.

Coming back up, I planted kisses over his knot, wetting my lips quickly before each one. But there was only so much I could do without actually putting anything in my mouth.

Moving my forepaws away, I lowered my head and opened wide to take his fuzzy balls in my mouth. It was a difficult fit, their sheer size choked me as I sucked on the heavy sack. Regardless, I managed to swallow them all up and was reward with a thick spurt of pre that was large enough to trick an amature into thinking it was a cumshot. It stuck into my hair, making me feel like even more of a slut. I could hardly do more than suck on his balls, so with a free forepaw I reached up and stroked up and down his cock to keep him hard. Pre coated my fingers in no time, sticking the individual hairs together. Swallowing up more and more of his musk with each passing second, I became infatuated until the point where I pulled free with a gasp and sucked my fingers clean of his pre before coming back full force.

I slapped my tongue against his length and made a long drawn out lick up the entire thing, my forepaws working the two sides of his cock. I beat him off and licked as fast as I could. Hungry for it, I swallowed his cock whole from the tip and tried to force it down my throat.

My eyes clenched up, my body tensed and my forepaws gripped tightly as I squeezed his thick dick in, soon finding myself kissing up against his knot what that monstrosity in my throat. He seemed to know what to do next, drawing back his hips and pulling out a fair bit of his cock before slowly sliding it back in. I was careful to avoid grazing him with my sharp teeth.

At first I gagged, not that the werewolf cared, and struggled to find a balance between being able to play my part and not choke. It soon became clear that the beast didn't care what I did so long as he got his rocks off, so I gave up on trying to please.

The werewolf slowly worked up to face fucking me, at first simply moving back and forth whilst expecting me to stay in place. For a while, I did just that and acted as the noiseless, soft hole he wanted me to be. But soon things changed and his wild side took a hold.

The beast thrust forwards, smacking his knot against my lips and causing those massive balls of his to swing against my chin. I let out a small yelp and tried to escape. With a dominant snarl, it snatched up a forepaw full of my head furs and tugged me back. I had no choice but to try to open my mouth wide for it.

Realistically, there was no hope for me to be able to open my mouth wide enough, but the werewolf was convinced of my apparent abilities and continued shoving his knot forwards until I just managed to open my lips wide enough to get it inside. It was no surprise that he couldn't get it back out when he'd knotted my lips, but he didn't seem to mind as he continued to hump a little into my mouth.

His pants grew more ragged, his hips jolting forwards and backwards more like a piston. The cock I was swallowing pulsed, grew warmer and I could have sworn that it swelled up even further. It nearly filled my mouth with the pre it was giving off, not that I was complaining. It didn't take a genius to know what those signs meant, I braced and prayed that he'd let me swallow like the good bitch I was proving myself to be.

With a howl, his cock exploded in a spasm. Hot, wolf jizz blasted out to the back of my mouth forcing me to gag and heave. What didn't flood down my throat came out my nose, trickling out in a stinging stream. It just kept coming! I lost track of how many times he shot cum into my mouth and for how long exactly he lasted, but it was long enough for me to almost pass out.

Fortunately, he pulled free seeing as how his knot had deflated. The last few cumshots painted my face, streaking across my nose and my hair. I was plastered in it, a good amount of it coating my fur to mark me.

He poked his cock at me, ordering for it to be cleaned, but I was much too dazed to do it and tried to bat it away.

Snarling angrily, the beast snatched at my soaked shirt and lifted me up of the ground slightly. He managed to get me high enough so that we were eye to eye.

"S-sorry, I'll do it if you put me down!" I croaked, trembling in his grasp.

I imagine that he couldn't speak or understand, seeing as how I didn't get a response. Maybe he would have if my shirt hadn't ripped off. It was crappy material in the first place, so it being drenched in rainwater, ripped from the beast's claws and now under even more pressure from being bunched up was certainly going to lead it to ripping. It came off with a horrible sound as it tore from the bottom up, straight up the middle. I fell down with a thump as my shirt came completely free, my phone falling out of my pocket with the tatter that wasn't in there wolf's grasp.

Bear in mind that I didn't exactly want to give the thing a blowjob and had only done so to not die, the desire I had displayed simply came from the delirium that swallowing so much powerful musk always brought on. So when it set in that I was on the ground and it was cocking its head at the forepaw it had me in before, I ran. On estimation, I got ten steps before he let out his howl, another five before he set off and then one more before he was on me again. I was always a slowcoach.

He tackled me, sending me to the ground with him on top. I let out a startled cry and then gasped as the air was knocked out of me.

The beast didn't seem to care that it had probably knocked a tooth out, instead it was immediately fumbling with my skirt. That came off down my knees easily enough and hung off one ankle when I managed to crawl a little. To stop me, it grabbed my ankles and tugged me back so that my ass was pressed up against its chest. I was now convinced that what I was dealing with was just a big, horny werewolf equivalent of a pent-up frat bro.

He buried his muzzle in the crack of my ass, nuzzling and tickling me as it trailed down my perineum. He wasn't too interested in my balls, he gazed at them for a few seconds then snorted and licked back up to my ass with short flicks of its tongue to tease me. It stopped simply poking my ass with its tongue when it reached my tailhole and instead smothered it with his tongue.

I'm a guy of exquisite tastes, as in only the strangest most unusual stuff turns me on. The furs I tend to get with aren't that type of furson unfortunately, so it's rare that I actually get my ass eaten. This werewolf however, was a different case.

It grumbled and growled as it went about rimming me, licking up and down my tailhole relentlessly. All I could do was moan and glance over my shoulder at the beast's buried head, this was too good to be true. My cock dripped pre from between my legs, some trickled down my shaft whereas the rest fell to the wet grass below.

Getting further at my pucker, it parted my bubbly cheeks with its huge forepaws and worked my tailhole open with its tongue until it was diving into it. My moans turned to groans and slight humps back against his maw as he went deeper. It lapped around inside of my tailhole before pulling out and cocking its head at my pucker like a confused puppy. It would have been cute, had it not been taller than seven foot and built like a brick wall.

A part of me was at least hoping that the beast would have the courtesy to finger me before it tried to put its dick inside of me. It didn't.

When it pulled off to stroke its cock for a few moments to make sure he was as hard as possible, I rolled over onto my back and flopped into the grass. I was still panting for breath from when I'd given that thing a blowjob.

The werewolf came back to me and brutally flipped me back over, I was once again face down with my cheeks rubbing into the dirt. What a gentleman.

He adjusted me until I was presenting my tailhole for him and anticipating the inevitable attempted penetration I pushed down against the ground to brace. It clambered over my body, so that it's thick, hairy chest was above me and pressed down as close as it could get so that it was breathing in my ear.

His pre added to the wetness between my crack as he rubbed his thick member between my legs, everything within a couple of centimeters caught splash damage as pre leaked from the tip and drooled off the shaft.

Now, comparing it my tailhole, this thing was much bigger than I'd thought. It was bigger than any horse I'd ever met and was, by far, too big for my tailhole. Stunned, I couldn't say anything. All I did was mumble and utter protest as the thing rubbed its cock back and forth between my asscrack to work itself up to fucking me. With my own pre pooling below me, I was beyond excited, but perhaps I was a little terrified. Just as his pre began rolling off my ball sack, it started.

He pressed his flat, canine cock head to my talhole and shoved in without even bothering to adjust. I cried out as a lewd squelch escaped me, his cock driving in and penetrating me. Between my desperate pants, I made some sort of pained noise whether it was a scream or a strangled gasp. The werewolf didn't give a shit and even as I tensed up, it pushed through whatever resistance I had and slipped its cock further and further in. The saliva and pre it had already gotten onto my tailhole was now either running down my perineum or being forced deeper inside of me. I dreaded to think of what was going to happen when it knotted me. Biting down on my lips, I could just picture my dick disappearing inside of me, his knot just inches away from budging up to my tailhole. Suddenly my cries of pain turned to pleasure as he ran over my prostate, my eyes going wide and the tension leaving my body I let out a loud, elongated whine. The werewolf took this opportunity to bottom out, or knot out I suppose, against my tailhole.

It shoved a dirty, disgusting finger in my mouth and dragged against the side of it so that my moans were no longer muffled by me having my mouth closed. With the other forepaw, it pushed down on my head for support and shoved forwards just to make sure that it was as deep as it was going to get.

Once there, it waited a moment. That was just enough time for me to grasp the situation. His cock made a bulge in my belly, it was subtle, but big enough to see. Whilst we waited, I felt his pre streaming out, wetting my insides and slowly coming to rest in my belly. Everything about the fuck was intense. The heat, the pain, the throbbing of our cocks and the tingling you get whenever something fills up your tailhole.

"Pleaseeeeeee..." I moaned, too desperate to what any longer. Pushing back against it's cock I moaned that once more and whined like a bitch in heat.

That spurred it on.

The werewolf grasped at my flanks, knees imprisoning mine from either side and his muzzle coming down so that it was just to the side of mine. As he started up again there was only one word to describe it: ruthless.

Before I think he may have been being kind, considering that the moment I settled down he was pounding into me like a boxer going all out on an opponent. I didn't have the energy to scream, all I could do was stare at the grass as the monster behind me made my tailhole into a tunnel with its cock.

Wet, strong, slapping noises echoed off of the trees as the beast continued its fuck. With each thrust it brought it out just past my prostate then slammed it home, doing this about two times a second. Each movement was as pleasurable for me as the last, the pain had filtered out now and even if it was still there I was in too much bliss to notice. I didn't even notice my orgasm building.

It erupted from my cock from just one spasm. Cum came pumping from my cock in a flood, shooting out a short distance to paint the grass below me. The intensity of it had me moaning and shaking, even after it was finished. All the whilst, the werewolf was slamming its cock into me.

I'm not sure how long this continued, the beast fucking into my like a jackhammer on overdrive with me beneath it half-there, half-not. But I do know that, just as I was on the verge of blowing my second load (which felt even thicker and more hefty than the last), the beast halted suddenly and pressed as low as it could to my body.

It whispered,

"Make a sound and I'll drag your faggot little ass back to my den and keep you as a fuck toy."

His voice was low and guttural, the shock of it speaking had me look over my shoulder into its eyes. They were deadly serious, glaring at me. I didn't dare check if it had actually spoken. Apparently the beast, didn't trust me, considering it slipped a paw over my mouth and clenched down to stop me from making sounds. It was hard not to moan in pleasure as its cock shifted about inside of me.

Moments after, I heard some fur calling my name.

"Mallory? Jinx?! Are you out here?"

It was Dakota. My emotions were somewhere between relief and terror for him. If he stumbled upon us I had no idea what the werewolf would do. Would it fuck him too? Or something worse?

"Come on, Jinx! They've all left now, promise." He continued.

If he was coming to find me the werewolf must have been fucking me for much longer than I'd expected. Dakota continued calling out to me, his voice slowly getting further and further away. Soon I could no longer hear him.

"You can speak?" I hissed through my moans now that I wasn't being threatened with becoming a sex toy.

I got no response, I suppose that the sex really was driving my crazy.

The beast was back to fucking me like I was his last in the blink of an eye, snarls and growls escaping it like we weren't almost caught. My orgasm had faded from the terror of being found with a werewolf up my ass, but I was back to the verge of it within seconds of having his thick cock rushing over my prostate.

I couldn't even warn the beast what was about to happen, I simply suddenly cried out again and bucked my hips a couple of times. This orgasm I could definitely feel, it ripped through me like an electric shock and took me out of the moment. All I could feel was my own jizz spurting out of my cock and landing with the pool of jizz already on the floor.

I couldn't control my moans, I cried out and screamed as it rammed back into me. With each thrust I could swear that more cum was being forced out until it was pathetically dribbling out of my cock that was struggling to stay hard. I whimpered, watching as my cock flapped about from the force of his thrusts.

When it (my orgasm) was done, the werewolf reached down beneath us and scooped up a finger full. It was promptly stuck inside of my mouth, I had no choice to be suck it dry. Of course, the beast didn't stop at just having me suck his finger. One became two soon enough and eventually he was dragging those fuzzy digits around my mouth, holding my tongue and making me gag. This monster had weird tastes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I came two more times after that, (between my second and the werewolf knotting me) solely from having the werewolf ram inside of my ass. Every drop I spilled was brought into my mouth, then swallowed, but for every drop it swallowed it seemed that I'd pump out twice as much in the next load. My cock burned with agony though; the werewolf's orgasm couldn't have come sooner.

When it did, I was on the verge of my fifth orgasm. I was suddenly tipped back as the beast brought me onto its lap, I think I yelped, but the fact that the moment I landed on him I had a thick knot trying to get inside of me may have obscured my memory. What I do know was that i was screaming and squirming like a bitch when he tried.

"Please! I can't!" I cried out, one hundred percent sure I wouldn't be able to get his knot inside of me.

He didn't listen, he simply growled louder, squeezed tighter and pushed me down with more might. To compare, it felt like some fur was shoving a wine bottle up my ass, sideways. I could feel my tailhole giving way slowly and his knot going deeper and deeper with each passing second, but nothing could prepare me for the actually tieing. The beast thrust forwards with a final effort, accompanied by my howl of pleasure as a fifth orgasm spurted from my sore, over-worked dick. I wasn't alone in my orgasm as I soon felt him filling me, his seed warm and gooey, yet cold and runny at the same time. I can't really describe it all that well, but know that his knot acted as a plug forcing all of his cum deep inside of me. I had no choice but to take it as well and when I looked down at my belly, I could have sworn my stomach had inflated.

We remained there for a minute, with him humping up a little and the cum sloshing about inside of me. I flopped back against his muscled, but surprisingly comfortable torso.

It was then he brought his lips close to my ear and growled in the same voice that I thought I had imagined:

"Wasn't this fun?"

"Yeah...." I gasped a little, not even registering that this thing was talking to me.

"Perfect. Want it again?"

"Yeah..." I repeated, my voice only slightly less airy and dazed.

"Good, be here on the next full moon then kitty. But do leave out the chase, no fur likes to be hunted."

I don't remember much else, the feeling of the werewolf trying to tug his knot out made me black out.

I suppose that the ending to my story is the same as most of your alien abduction ones: I woke up the next morning in my own bed with Dakota next to me and not a single bit of evidence that I'd been fucked by a werewolf. Besides my memories.

I got off to the thought of being rammed by him again and again, exhausting myself everyday from how much I was masturbating. I needed him to do that to me again. Each day I played with his words in my head as I played with my cock:

"Be here on the next full moon."

A part of me liked the idea of being hunted like prey, but at the same time I was sure that I didn't want to make him angry. Or did I? Everyfur fucks better when they're angry.

It doesn't take a genius to know that I was out there next full moon. That time I was smart enough to bring lube.