Harry Potter And The Aurei Leonis Book 1 Part 2 The Trials

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#2 of Harry Potter & The Aurei Leonis

Harry Potter & The Aurei Leonis

Book 1 Part 2 The Trials

Chapter VII Greetings, & Inheritance

July 31 1991 12:09 PM inside the Leaky Cauldron

Harry's tail was high in the air with excitement as he eagerly followed Hagrid into the pub his mind was buzzing with thoughts and questions wanting answers chiefly among these was the question. ("What do girls look like without clothes?") and ("If having both sets of genders is better than just one do I want to change?") Setting his thoughts aside for now he took a look at his surroundings.

The bar was darkly lit and a fine haze of multicolored smoke filled the room. Tables stood in several rows all leading to a bar where a disheveled looking Chameleon stood wiping a mug. At the sound of the dore closing the barkeep looked up from the mug to see who his new customers once he saw Hagrid a huge grin spread across his face. Having to shout to be heard over the din he called."Good afternoon Hagrid care for a kip!" "Can't Tom i'm on Hogwarts business. Got to get young Harry here his supply's." And suddenly as if by magic the raucous pub silenced all eyes swung to Harry and the bright white scar on his head. With a rush people started lining up to shake his hand introducing themselves each eagerly congratulating him on his safe return.

Until finally Harry set eyes on his first women. Harry's eyes feasted on the mature Tabby cat's Figure. Her perky C cup breasts were topped with 1 inch wide areola and rapidly hardening ½in nipples Harry's eyes darted down to see her beautifully exposed pussy lips glistening with moisture. At the center of this delicate flower an aroused clit sat glistening just begging to be licked. All this was brought into perfection with a round yet firm ass jugling slightly with each graceful step. Creating a beautiful figure that appears to be in her mid 20's as this vision that stands before him his already pent up balls surged seed and his penis slid out of his sheath and hardened almost immediately. As a sudden burning desire arose within his chest demanding that he lay his claim to this fertile feline. After a few seconds of warring with himself her voice snapped him out of his uncontrolled desire. "Seen enough Potter?"Harry blushing went to apologize profusely yet was interrupted by Hagrid. "Professor McGonagall I didn't know you were here! Oh and you'll have to forgive Harry you're the first woman he's ever seen in the fur and his family never saw fit to tell him the facts about life."Her stern expression shifted into one of understanding she smiled at Harry said to him in a kindly manner. " Of course I should have known...don't worry Potter it's perfectly alright . I told the Headmaster that leaving you with them was a terrible mistake. I will have to rectify this hole in your education during my Physical Education lesson. Normally parents teach their cubs long before long before they turn 11. Usually I just cover the finer points but I see that we will need to rethink the lesson plan to something more hands on."Eying his throbbing erection with amusement she added. "And Potter I do appreciate the compliment you have give me in finding me desirable even at my age."

Harry suddenly felt a presence in his chest stur and time seemed to slow down as he witnest a scene of a familiar looking lion with unruly black hair dressed in a black robe attempting to woo McGonagall with pretty words. Harry was panicking but kept calm long enough that heard what he said as the scene faded time began to flow normally and decided he would give it a try. "My apologies fair Madam I was simply overwhelmed by your beauty and found myself hopelessly speechless in your presence. I am further honored that you would take the time to enlighten me in my time of ignorance." Bowing he kissed the back of her hand. McGonagall blushed and spoke breathlessly. "My Potter you are such a charmer just like your father. I see I must guard my heart in your company as well. Still I wish you a very good evening Mr Potter."With a deep curtsy and with her tail in the air she sashayed towards the exit her hips rolling with each step emphasizing her fully aroused vaginal lips glistening with a moisture that was dripping on the floor. As she stood silhouetted in the door frame she silently vanished.

After her display Harry's mind was in a hormone fueled daze and was only brought back to reality when a gloved hand shook his. Harry refocused his attention and took a closer look at the odd man in front of him. From what he could see the man was tall and almost impossibly thin covered almost head to foot in a thin black cloth that wrapped tightly around him. He could have been mistaken for a Mummy if he wasn't wearing a large red turban the only bit of skin he could see was his face from what he could see his skin was green with black spots and realised he must be looking at a type of Tree Frog. "P-P-Plesure to meet you P-P-Potter I'm P-P-Professor Quirrell it's a honor to m-m-meet you." Hagrid broke away from the crowd asking him for details about Harry's childhood and said. "Professor Quirrell didn't see you there! Is it all the teachers go to the pub day?" With a laugh that sounded more like a whimper Quirrell replied. "N-N-No I'm here to get a n-n-new bo-book on Vampires." Intrigued Harry asked. "What subject do you teach Professor?" "D_D_Defense against the dark arts. N-N-Not that you n-n-need it aye Potter." Realizing the time Hagrid cleared his sizable throat loudly and proclaimed "Well time to get Harry his stuff lots to buy!" Harry quickly said goodbye to Professor Quirrell then dashed after Hagrid just before he slipped through the back door to the alley he heard one woman shout. "Can I carry your cubs Potter!?" In response Harry's balls tightened and his penis leapt to attention causing a jet of pre to splatter the door frame. The presence in his chest was roaring for him to go back and do something. What that something was he didn't know but he desired it just the same. With a jolt of panic he Remembered what happened in his head earlier. Beginning to worry something really was wrong with him he resolving to talk to the Headmaster as soon as possible he closed the back door behind him.

As Harry and Hagrid enter a small walled of courtyard Hagrid exclaimed. "See Harry you're famous even Professors Quirrell and McGonagall wanted to shake your hand! And i've never seen McGonagall act that way sept maybe around Dumbledore usually she's like ice I am impressed." Harry was more than a little overwhelmed about the whole thing he pointed out. "I didn't think id get that kind of reception Hagrid. And why was Professor Quirrell all wrapped up isn't that considered suspicious?" Nodding with understanding Hagrid amended his earlier statement. "That is true for anyone without an obvious reason I take it you don't know much about tree frogs Harry?" Realising he must have gotten a poor education Harry shook his head. Hagrid sighing said. "Alright Harry full blooded tree frogs secrete a Deadly poison through their skin when they eat their natural foods. However Professor Quirrell is only part and his poison is not as strong but over time it can kill.Professor Quirrell used to not take the stuff to make him deadly however after a bad run in with a Vampire in Albania he started secreting the stuff. So that the next bite he gets will be that vampires last. As for the clothes he has to wear them so that no one will get hurt it's illegal for him not to."

During this conversation Harry's penis had finally retracted into his sheath. Hagrid then pulled out his umbrella and tapped the thick brick wall and to Harry's astonishment the wall soundlessly began to collapse in on itself and what lay behind it astounded him larg rows of brightly colored shops stood in a ragged row each using the maximum amount of space available to advertise and store stock several stores even had employees announcing bargains for anything from Dragon scales to Chicken feathers several children zipped through the crowd laughing as they attempted to evaded their parents their haggard parents hot on their heels. Smiling Hagrid proclaimed loudly. "Welcome to Diagon Alley!"

Following Hagrid through the crowd proved to be no problem as everyone had to get out of the kindly giants way to get by. Letting him focus his attention entirely on the multitude of shops that surrounded them. The sheer variety of objects being sold amazed him everything from books to broomstick. Stalls overflowing with exotic candy dotted the street seeing a shop bursting with books of all sizes! Harry wrenched his attention from the many shops and decided to take a closer look at the variety people coming and going. As Hagrid led him through the press of nude body's he was fascinated by the vast physical differences between male reproductive organs the sheer variety of races in one place astounded him. Noting with interest that some of the men were erect while others remained sheathed though they were in the minority. Women with breasts of all sizes. Certain that without magic some of these girls would have severe back pain. In order for him to be heard by Hagrid Harry had to yell over the crowd. "Where are we going first Hagrid!?" "Gringotts got to show you to your vault first to get your gold. I also got to get something for Dumbledore don't ask me what what I can't tell you. You also need to keep this hushed up ok?" Nodding in response his mind wandered("What could it be and why does Dumbledore want it removed from the bank? Hagrid told me on the way here that this is probably the safest place for anything either here or Hogwarts. Could Dumbledore feel that the object is in danger of being stolen from Gringotts and Dumbledore wants it closer or..." )His thoughts were interrupted when hagrid turned a corner and a majestic building loomed in front of them. The building looked like it was carved from a single massive piece of Marble. As they approached the building he got his first look at a Goblin the creature stood a little taller than Harry. He was wearing a suite adorned with gold chains almost completely covering up his furless sickly green skin that was covered in fair amount of warts. Many rings adorned his extremely long bony fingers. Despite his short stature the Goblin exuded a sense of danger and cunning.Harry then saw a well polished marble sign with gold lettering pausing a minute to read them it said.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn

Must pay most dearly in their turn

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Feeling a cold chill run down his spine he hurried to catch up with Hagrid glad he hadn't Flofed and shown weakness to the Goblin. He found Hadrid talking to another Goblin this one only looking slightly less menacing than the last one. After the goblin had confirmed Harry was who he says he is he called another goblin which directed them to an old looking mining cart. Once everything was in order they zoomed down to the Potter's vault and a vault 713 the trip going down through the winding caves in the mine cart was exhilarating thoroughly enjoying the sensation of air rushing through his fur he wished it would not end. Hagrid however had a bad case of motion sickness and they eventually slowed down to a stop at vault 687. Climbing out out of the cart he took his key from a very bedraggled Hagrid and placed it in the door's keyhole then turned the key. Suddenly door vanished and what he beheld inside astounded him.

The golden glow emanating from the room was almost enough to blind him. Rolling hills of gold, silver and Gems were piled high in the gigantic circular room. As he entered the room he saw his family's treasure wasn't just in coins coins either solid gold statues of what he assumed were of his ancestors that stood in along the walls with priceless paintings paintings hanging above them. A weapons rack stood beneath each statue holding what he guessed were the weapons of the Wizard or Witch they belonged to. As he approached one he noticed something which puzzled him. All the statues were wearing no armor and are as nude as the day they were born each were created displaying everything in perfect detail.("If the rule of nudity is new why were my ancestors in nothing but their fur? It's not as if we couldn't afford it.") shrugging he traveled to the center of the room to gather what he needed. As he crested a hill of gold he beheld with interest that in the crater of treasure stood a large golden fountain in the shape of a tall Muscular Lion with a full main frozen in mid roar. His arms spread wide in a gesture of defiance. In his left hand he brandished a gleaming sword from what he could tell the blade was made of pure silver and the handle gold with a large ruby embedded for it's pommel. In his right hand he held a solid gold wand from which the water poured forth from. Harry noted with amusement that this fountain was also unclothed and like the others the man was proud of it. Set at his feat was a golden plaque with the depiction of a feral lion rearing up to attack and lettering underneath it. Unable to read it at a distance he went over and sat down on a conveniently placed pile of gold that looked like he wasn't the first to sit on it. The presence in his chest purred with contentment as the cold but pleasant feeling of gold conforming to his balls washed over him. Adamantly ignoring the stirring in his loins he read.

Godric Gryffindor

Benevolentiam in robore!

A powerful surge of valor and courage fill his breast and spread throughout him. Shaking his head to clear it he noticed an envelope of aged parchment with his name written on it with emerald green ink. Curious he picked up the envelope and turned it over and saw that it was sealed with a wax emblem. The seal was in the exact design on the plaque of Gryffindor which Harry took to be Gryffindor's coat of arms. He carefully opened the envelope so as not to destroy the seal inside sat a very long letter and another envelope. After carefully removing the letter he opened it and looked at the writing his heart nearly stopped he read.

"Dear Harry if you are reading this then both the worst and best has happened.

Lily and I couldn't be more proud of you and we love you very much.

We wish it hadn't come down to this but just in case we left this letter to you in the event you survived and we did not. There are some very important things to tell you that is normally passed down from father to son at the time your magic awakens but your mother wishes to tell you something first."

"Harry I want you to know that I will always love you and that I hope my sister gave you all the love I couldn't if not then I will have some stern words for her when we meet I know she normally would but ever since she married Vernon she's become such a coward. I hope your growing to be as handsome as your father was at your age. He became such a charmer once he matured a bit mentally. In my heart I hope you find your Soulmate soon like we did and when you do make sure you treat her right. And no matter what you do always return to her at the end of the day. Never fail to show her just how much more she means to you than just a mate. Your father and I had to learn the hard way and while I understand it's our instincts to construct a pride make sure your Soulmate comes first and agrees to your desire for a pride. If they don't comply to their wishes I denied your father that privilege at least until we had you. Now that my obligation as a mother to lecture you is fulfilled. You should know that I love you with all my heart and in fact maybe more than a mother should... I can only imagine how handsome you have become and I bet your are beating the girls away with a stick. I just wish I could have seen you grow up but somethings aren't meant to be. And if Vernon has disfigured you in any way I will come back to haunt them mark my words. I know Petunia wouldn't do anything but she has no courage at all any more.One last thing I made you something to use if you want I hid it behind the family tree tapestry in the back James says it's the fastest he ever road and that if it was any faster no one could ride it but I think he might have been exaggerating a bit. Like a good husband should do anyway if you're anything like your father you'll enjoy it. But be careful I don't care how difficult you are to injure I want you to stay safe! Anyway here's your father make sure you do what he says it's important! Love you with my entire being Lily Potter."

Harry I have so many things to say and so little space to put it first of all like your mother I love you.

I couldn't be more happy or proud to be your father and I wish that I could leave a better message but there is something extremely important that must be passed on to you my son.

Harry there is something more special about you than the boy who lived

as you may know the Potter's belong to a Ancient and Magical Bloodline dating back to the peverell family and you are the last living descendant and the bloodline is close to extinction.

However centuries ago a Seer of unerring accuracy named Laplace foretold of a time when our bloodline will fade and all power will weaken as it is now. I am unable to tell you the full details of the prophecy. However what I can tell you is what you need to do to in order to prevent the Wizarding world's collapse.

First Harry do not fear the Presence in your Heart for this is one of our bloodlines power's it will grant you insight on what needs to be done.

Second let the presence guide you as it is the very will and blood of our most ancient of Ancestors.

And Finally Embrace your blood for you are the only one of our family that can harness its full power. You will face many trials along the way but be strong for we are watching over you always.

I have some words that are passed down from father to heir Brace yourself and read aloud.

Aureus Leo Evigilare Faciatis!"

As soon as those words of power left his lips the presence fully woke within him and began to fill him with golden flames. Even though they burned him within and without he felt no pain only power. His sanity was tested as the power flooding through him began to break down his cells and rebuild his body until it was strong enough to handle the magical strain. His bones were thickening and harden and his fur hardened turning glossy and sleek but strong enough to turn a blade. He collapsed as felt the fire reach his loins changing them into a more viral form. His young sack was filled to the brim with extremely potent sperm. His sheath grew fuller and heavier feeling it change to accommodate his longer mating tool.

When the flames were finished and had returned into his chest he felt that burning desire once more to do something. Yet since no outlet presented itself the desire subsided leaving the flame burning cheerfully in his heart.

During this change he had toppled over and after checking that his limbs would obey him he slowly rose when he was finally vertical he realised he felt wonderful brimming with new life and magic. As he sat back down on the pile he eagerly picked up the letter and continued to read.

"Are you ok Harry? Well I suppose if you're reading again you are. I remember my awakening though it was probably not as strong as yours is supposed to be. Those words will awaken the blood bestowed to us by the original Golden Lion. You must remember to tell those words to your Heir when you chose one. It seems that I have run out of room to tell you everything and here may not be the place to tell you all that you need to know. So I have left a second package explaining everything with the first if you decide to go on with your destiny you should read when you get home

If after reading my letter you still wish to accept your destiny the package also contains something for you to send to the current Minister of Magic they should set everything up if not then we understand completely no matter what we love you. I hope your Soulmate will understand your destiny and will let you fulfill it as the Fate of all Wizarding kind rests with you. However the most important thing you need to do is be yourself. Don't worry too much about the prophecy so long as you follow your instincts it will come true. Signed your ever loving father James Potter.

PS You may have noticed all of the bloodline have an aversion to wearing clothes it was such a shock to Lily but she grew to like the idea!"

Tears flowed freely down his face he unashamed of them he placing the letter back in the package he went to the tapestry in the back of the vault hae was dumbstruck to see it how large it was and that the faces moved each looking proudly upon him. Sorrow washed over him as he realised that all of them were no longer alive except him. Shaking away his sorrow he Gazed upon his family tree he found what he was looking for his parents faces smiling down at him. Tears continued to flow down his face despite his best efforts. Gingerly pulling back the tapestry he beheld on a stand sat a beautiful broomstick its solid black wood gleamed with reflected light upon the shaft streams of runes written in gold flowed down from the handle to the twigs. The twigs at first glance looked to be made of gold but to his surprise when he touched them it's texture was still wooden.

Not being able to identify any of the wood used in the broom he noticed that when he had touched the broom it had trembled like a living thing. Stroking it sadly he remembered hearing from the crowd at Quality Quidditch Supplies that 1st years were not allowed brooms.Promising he would return in 1 year he pulled the stand out of the dark cuby and left the broom in front of the tapestry. Drying his tears he gathered a lot of Gold silver and copper in an expanding bag he found he grabbed his parents letter and stored it within the bag. Leaving his treasure he found Hagrid still looking queasy with a wet towel over his eyes. "You don't look so good Hagrid are you going to be ok?" "Oh you're all done Harry! Yeah I'll be alright I just really don't do well with these bloody carts." As Hagrid got a good look at Harry he asked himself{Was he always that shiny and strong looking? Looks less scrawny and more wiry now. Well it could be the gold his race thrives with gold."} Climbing back into the cart they speed off to vault 713.

Harry could tell they were going even deeper under London as the darkness grew thicker and more oppressive. Feeling the flame in his chest quiver in the darkness his tail began to twitch in agitation. Exhaling a sigh of relief when they finally arrived at vault 713 as they disembarked the goblin shouted "stand back!" The Goblin then ran one finger down the door causing it to melt away. Turing to face them the Goblin proudly said "If anyone else but a Gringotts goblin tried doing that they'd be sucked through the door and trapped in there. We don't check the deeper vaults for months and would likely starve."

Eager to see what awesome treasures lie in such a high security vault he was disappointed when all he saw was a small ragged burlap sack holding a round object about the size of a baseball.

He tried to see through the burlap but saw something different a thick sluggish aura emanated from the sack a feeling almost like it was trying to slow everything down but it vanished when Hagrid put it in his belt pouch. Climbing back in the cart they began the journey up Hagrid trying not to be sick.

Chapter VIII The Ferret & The Wand

July 31 1991 3:00 PM Outside Gringotts

When the two of them had finally surfaced out of Gringotts Hagrid looked positively ill. "Are you sure you're going to be ok Harid? Isn't there something I can do to help?" Smiling faintly Hagrid replied. " You're a good lad Harry thanks for worrying. I think I will be ok I just need to get a tonic at the leaky cauldron. Do you think you can get your belt by your self? Just remember to buy only get what you need Harry. Think you can handle it by yourself? Nodding understandably he watched Hagrid stagger out of view.

Now free to take his time he decided to take a better look at the people in this world wanting to see what was ok for him to do in his new world paying particular attention on what people were doing in public. Mostly everyone was focused on their shopping or chatting with friends but some were casually masterbaiting each other. Women stroking the men with well lubricated hands while the men pushed their fingers into the woman's vagina or any other combination of genders this part fascinated and aroused Harry as his newly enhanced cock slipped from his sheath and was eager to get a piece of the action. Spotting a pair of female Siamese that looked as if they were twins that were sitting on a nearby bench pleasuring each other. He snuck closer to try and get a better look without being seen. Though his instincts wished for him to do more it understood he couldn't. As he watched them slide their fingers in and out of their slits he noticed they were chatting to each other as if it was completely normal to pleasure each other in public. As he watched in astonishment both shuddered suddenly and squirted clear fluids onto the already soaked bench. After they licked their fingers clean they took out their wands cleaned the bench and continued masterbating. Harry looked around he saw several other groups doing the same thing apparently sexual activity is completely normal here there was even a rule board that states.

If you have consent anything is permitted!

Rapist's beware you will be caught,Castrated and sent to Azkaban

By the Decree of the Ministry of Magic.

Have a nice day!

(Harsh but effective I wonder if Azkaban is a prison or something worse?)

A fierce desire to join in on the fun filled him yet he had told Hagrid that he would get his belt while he was gone. With a heavy sigh he politely asked the masterbaiting twin's where the belt shop was. Smiling to each other at his shaft pointing between them they kingly told him where to go only pausing when they both climaxed this drove his instincts berzerk and took a impressive strength of will not to forget his promise he thanked them swiftly and ran blushing copper. After Harry was a few feat away he heard one of them comment. "Wait a minute didn't our young voyeur have a lightning mark on his head?" "It couldn't have been Harry Potter could it?" As They craned their necks they saw his golden tail vanish in the crowd.

Harry arrived at the Bag shop and saw the sign where it had once said Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions but those words were crossed out and a new sign was underneath declaring this store is now called

Madam Malkin's Belts for All Elements! Smiling at the literal sign of the times he opened the door and walked in. The inside of the store smelled of leather and oils accurately depicted manikin wore many styles of belts from the utilitarian belt Hagrid has to Garter belts with silk Fishnet stockings so as to not pull fur. From western cowboy belts to something you would find in a Bondage shop. Browsing the store he now understanding why Hagrid had told him to get something simple. It didn't bother him since at the moment he was a firm believer in less is better.

As he was browsing he heard from the back room an unpleasant sneering voice. "What do you mean I can't wear something special!" Followed by a stern and somewhat irritated reply. "All Hogwarts students must wear the belts specifically enchanted to indicate your house. Since you have no idea as to which house you might be in the buckle will change once you are sorted. At home you can wear whatever you like but you must wear this at Hogwarts. Now hold still unless you want me to remove what I am measuring. This bit of magic is delicate work."

Trying valiantly not to snicker he saw a bell on the shop desk with a sign saying please ring and wait. He had to jump to reach it but he managed it. After a short while a tall slightly pudgy Border collie strode into the room. Her round D sized breasts were emphasized by a white underbust corset her chest fur was neatly trimmed to exposing her maternal assets. Spotting Harry smiling as she looked him over noting his handsome yet unkempt visage. Blushing as she noticed the direction of his gaze she clearing her throat she asked "Hogwarts dear?" "Oh sorry yes Ma'am!" "Got the lot here follow me"

He had some trouble keeping up with her long strides until he entered a well lit room where a Ferret pup stood. His sleek white fur bore no dark markings and his equally sleek blond hair was combed back until it lay flat against his skull. The boy was standing on a raised block and was displaying his full erection proudly. According to the tape measure sitting on it the young breeding tool measuring just over 4 inches in length. Returning his gaze to the boys face he saw a look of complete smugness as if he were saying I have the longer cock and you know it. Having never measured his he didn't know if that was true but both he and his heart agreed that he wanted to beat the smug look off the little rodents face. After the madam got him situated on a stool she began measuring his tail. The boy spoke to him his arrogance was evident in his voice. "So you're going to Hogwarts too?" Not wanting to chat with this unpleasant individual he curtly replied. "Yes." Despite the obvious tone of dismissal the boy rambled on. "My father's next door buying my books while my mothers looking at wands. Then I'm off to go look at Racing brooms I can't see why they don't allow first years to play. I think I'll bully my father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow. "

A girl around their age entered the room through a side door carrying several boxes of materials placing them down on a table she turned to the ferret. "Hi im Madam Malkin's daughter Shelly and I will be putting the final touches to your belt." As she was adjusting the straps the boy smiled mischievously and shifted his waist just enough to make her miss the strap she was reaching for instead grabbing his cock. He smirked at the stern look she gave him and said in a sarcastic tone. "Sorry my leg buckled- OUCH!" As she had griped hard and yanked down. She let out a bark like laugh then in a mock sympathetic tone she commented. "Oops sorry It seems that wasn't a strap I grabbed. You really need to stand still... You just don't know what accidents might happen in a tailor shop." Getting the message the boy ignored her and went back to talking to Harry rambling on about things Harry did not understand things like Quidditch and school houses until suddenly out of the blue he asked. "So where are your Parents?" The words felt like a body blow to him almost making him stagger. Grimacing in pain he muttered. "Their dead." "Oh sorry."The boy somehow managed to not sound sorry at all then he sharply asked. "But they were our kind!" confused at the sudden contempt in his voice he answered. "They were a Witch and Wizard if that's what you mean?" "Of course that's what I mean. I really don't think they should allow the other kind into Hogwarts but oh well". At this point Madam Malkin interrupted and said. "All right I need to measure your penis um" Blushing copper he realised that the unpleasant conversation had caused the tool in question to return to its sheath. "You will need to have it fully erected."

Harry found it impossible to get it up regardless of what he did. Looking completely sheepish he said "I'm terribly sorry it seems that I am unable to get it up. It's not for the lack of beauty in fact you and your daughter are quite stunning. It's just that I have been preoccupied with dark thoughts." A smile crossed her muzzle at his manners and said. "Not to worry we can get it going in a jiff! I don't mind helping such a well mannered Men. Unlike some<shooting a sharp scowl at the Ferret>Children!" She knelt on the ground by his feet and disregarding his stutters that she doesn't have to do this. She said Nonsense I understand circumstances affect the performance. And besides I enjoy a good tease as much as anyone these days!"

Moving her muzzle near his crotch she then pulled out her measuring tape and began measuring his seed pouch. She let out a low whistle as she cupped them. "Oh my these are pent up! You do know it's very unhealthy to not give them release? Although I guess you are saving your first load?" Giving a quick nod he let out a surprised mewl as she had squeezed his balls."Oh my! you have such a large set of testicles for a cub your age! If I had to guess they're a solid inch. I would simply love to see them after you fully mature!" In reaction to the squeeze his balls throbbed filling the already tight space with even more seed. Noticing the increase she commented. "It would seem that you also have an excellent production rate." Her ministrations were already taking effect as Harry's cock rapidly unsheathed itself. The madam moved her muzzle against it she sented his young musk a light but potent scent reminding her of spring sime in the sun. Unable to help it she licked the tip this caused his him to thrust his cock spurting a large stream of pre on her muzzle. Using her fingers to scoop up the pre she licked them clean. And if the moans were any indication she was obviously appreciating the taste. After she was done she commented

"You are an extremely viral young man if you had shot that in my daughter's womb I would likely be a grandmother and that was just the pre! I am tempted to see what the real thing is like. What do you think Shelly." Blushing she let out a startled yip then looked him up and down she smiled giving a nod of approval.

Not understanding the facts of life he was very confused at what what just happened but he was confident this was a compliment. Plus the fact his fire desired what she was offering very much he decided to be pleased.

Now that his lion cock was rock hard she measured the length and girth. "Ha I knew it but I just wanted to be sure 5 ½ inches long and 1½ wide at base! The Ferret didn't look so haughty now his face almost purple with outrage at having lost in more ways than one. The boy stormed off as soon as he was done.

The Madam and her daughter now free to give their undivided attention to Harry set to work making his plain 2 inch wide black leather belt adorned with a large iron H buckle. With his request they attached the expanding bag from the vault. Both of them were amazed at the spellwork of the piece. When they asked where he got it he explained that it was a family heirloom and didn't know how it worked. Disappointed they attached it to a strap on his left hip on the right they placed what looked like a mini sword sheath for his wand. Finished with their work Madam Malkin told him to sit on the stool. Doing as he was told he watched her stand in front of him giving him an excellent view of her glistening folds. Adopting a teacher stance she said. "Now I can tell that you haven't been properly educated on the social customs of the Wizarding world so I will tell you this important information. Normally If someone gives you pleasure you should always offer to reciprocate it's only polite! Nodding slowly a question popped in his mind. "How do I reciprocate a women? As our body's are so different." "There are many ways to do so but the best way would would be to lick their pussy." For emphasis she placed her fingers against her lower lips and spread them for him to see. At this his cock sent another spurt of pre high in the air almost hitting the target. Impressed with the power from his balls she let go quickly to protect her pussy from his life giving seed she cleared her throat and continued. "Now onto important matters the extreme element shield in your belt is set to your current penis size so you need to get it modified every year while you are growing if you get too large for the current parameters you will start to feel a tingling sensation in your tip if that happens take of the belt and tell the teachers cause your cock is starting to poke through the spell if you keep it on too long the spell will remove the intruder. Now I'm sure your teachers will tell you this but NEVER put a engorgement charm on your privates it is extremely dangerous to mix sex and magic not that you need to be any bigger! There is such a thing as too big to fit and it will only detract from your desirability. On to different matters my daughter's offer still stands she will be going to Hogwarts herself this year so if you want to make her very happy just ask. And don't worry about responsibility she has been looking for a stud ever since she became fertile." Blushing brightly he paid for the belt plus a tip and left the shop not knowing what he wanted.

After a bit of searching he found Hagrid buying ice cream for the both of them Hagrid looked a bit disgruntled at having his surprise discovered so soon but he noticed Harry looking confused even a bit troubled and quickly he forgot his own issue. "You ok Harry you look like you've got something on your tongue?" letting out a deep sigh he told him about everything the ferret had said. "I can see way you're troubled it seems like you ran into one of the Purebloods they are a bit stuck up. Now don't go letting my opinion go forming a bad idea of them although that boy seemed to be giving you a pretty bad opinion of them already...Still you've got to know one thing not all of them are like that. Lets sit at that table and I will try to explain while you eat. First I need to tell you what a pure blood is. As you know Harry we get a our Self magic from our feral ancestors but some witches and wizards randomly pop up from Muggles they are called Muggle born. This doesn't mean they are less powerful it just means they can focus their talent in the other magics your mother was Muggle born and she was a master at charms. The Purebloods however are old families who can trace their lineage a long way always marrying other Pureblood Wizards or Witches never marrying a Muggle born. Now your family is an old Wizarding family but on occasion they marred witches or wizards that were Muggle born. Which is perfectly fine in fact it was better for the family. As the price of so much inbreeding is starting to take its toll on the Purebloods. Other than the Health issues that come with inbreeding most of the Purebloods reproductive organs are taking a hit becoming smaller and less fertile and that's why the boy was so proud of his penis he thought he had showed the world that the pure bloods are still supreme. And yet you beat him in not only length and virility but in the ability to attract a mate.

Now going into depth on Muggle borns. Nobody absolutely know how they suddenly have magic but the most popular theory is that the talent for other magic comes from the spirit. For example take a family of house cats normally not a very magical bloodline but it's still there now if someone has the right frame of mind they may be able to unlock their magical potential. Then there's the recent discoveries to take into account...We are however getting of track here so let's just put it bluntly that most of the Purebloods think of muggle borns as a lesser race and should be forbidden to learn any magic this is of course hogwash I've seen Muggle borns with more power in their pinky than some of the Purebloods have got in their whole body. Any way if I have to name a difference it's that their self magic is not as strong. But as you know these days there are ways of improving that. Plus studies show that Muggle borns can get closer to reverting to feral without losing them self. Although a lot of the time they have a hard time ridding themselves of their Muggle ideas of civility and clothes."

"Now onto the four houses the best explanation I ever heard for them was from a hat.

We start with Gryffindor where Honor,Bravery and Chivalry are the aspects of that noble house. Hufflepuff is where loyalty, Patience and the hardworking are valued above the rest. Then there's Ravenclaw where Wisdom,Wit and Intellect is treasured above all else. And lastly Slytherin where those with Sly,Cunning and pride do reside.

Now everyone thinks Hufflepuff's are a bunch of misfits but they're loyal to a fault" "Bet I'm in Hufflepuff." "Better to be in Hufflepuff than Slytherin! Not a single dark wizard in Britain didn't once start off in Slytherin. You-Know-Who, himself was in Slytherin."

"Now about Quidditch you'll learn more about the details from Madam Hooch but it's our sport. Like how Muggle's follow soccer we follow Quidditch. It's a game played up in the air on broomsticks. It gets complicated and we don't have time for me to explain after all we still got to get your wand now that you've got somewhere to put it. When Hagrid got up from the table he had accidentally bumped it causing a scope of Harry's untouched ice cream to fall right onto his balls "MEROW!!!" Leaping from his chair he quickly tried to rub the offending confectionary from his balls. Feeling embarrassed he followed a profusely apologizing Hagrid which might I add was desperately trying not to laugh at the very agitated Harry.

Harry's shopping after that icebreaker went very well. As excitement and joy filled him once more. Buying books and potion ingredients and all sorts of things Harry almost bought a cat but Hagrid said he'll by Harry's pet as a birthday present. Despite his token resistance he was elated to get his first ever birthday present and a little while later he was holding a beautiful white snowy Owl. During all this he had once more gained an erection and was marveling at how many offers he was getting for release including the calico who wanted to have his cubs earlier. By now word had spread that Harry Potter was in Diagon Alley and to find him all you need to do was spot Hagrid. When the time came for him to get his wand he gladly went into the shop called Ollivander's wands if only just to get away from the fans. The Inside of the store was a dimly lit dust covered most of the shelves his eyes widened as he beheld row upon row of wands lining the shelves silence surrounded him as soon as the door was shut. It was almost like time had frozen even the dust barely moved due to his passing. Despite this the store hummed with raw magic. It was as if he was standing in the middle of a brewing storm charged and waiting to be unleashed. Hagrid had remained outside beating back the crowd and telling them off for bothering Harry!

As Harry wandered amid the dusty shelf's he spotted a low desk with an old bell perched atop it a sign sat next to it with a single word written on it."Ring" he gave it a tap and before it finished its ding an old chameleon appeared right in front of the desk and said. "Good evening Mister Potter." Startled he jumped but didn't make a sound however his tail did floof. As he worked on flattening his tail he got a good look at Ollivander the man had skinny twig like limbs his short wiry hair stood on end white as a spiders web. After collecting his wits he asked tentatively. "H-Hello are you Ollivander?" "Indeed I most certainly am and and if I am not mistaken you Mister Potter are in need of a wand. However if you will indulge a old man?" As the old man bent over the counter he placed one long bony finger on Harry's white scar. Speaking in hushed tone he said. "And that's where... I am sorry to say that I am the one who sold the wand that did it 13 ½ inches yew a very powerful wand and in the wrong hands...Well if I knew what that wand was going out into the world to do." he shook his head sadly looking very much like a father that had just learned his son was murderer. "Alas I am remiss in my duty you are here to buy a wand yes?

nodding slowly he began to understand that these wands are like children to him Ollivander before he had much time to contemplate this Ollivander continued. "Please stand here mister Potter and we'll get started shall we." Once he stood on the small stool Ollivander pulled out a measuring tape and began measuring Harry apparently the tape was enchanted as it was doing this by itself recording everything from his nose length to the width and length of each testicle Harry found this rather odd but said nothing as Ollivander asked a question. "Which is your wand arm?" Harry confused as to what that might be answered. "Well I'm right handed." Mister Ollivander simply nodded and started handing him one wand after another replacing it swiftly after he had given them a flick all the while explaining what each wand was made of. The more wands he tried the happier Mister Ollivander got until all of a sudden every thing froze! Ollivander turned and faced one rather dusty box and said. "Could it be? Yes of course!" Gingerly withdrawing a old box he gently handed him the wand as soon as it touched his paw he felt power flow through him from the wand to him and from him to the wand as the wand received his power he felt the wand shudder. Giving it a wave a gold spark shot out of the tip bouncing around yet igniting nothing. Ollivander clapped with delight yet he looked a bit worried he took a look at the wand and said with wonder. "The amount of power you have within you is almost too much for the wand to channel if you keep it like this it will burn up." At the look of fear on Harry's muzzle he reassuringly said. Have no fear Mister Potter there is a trick to help it channel your power undoubtedly this wand has chosen you. Now Mister Potter place the wand tip on the end of your tail and Say firmly. Imbuere!

Harry did as was told and with a flash he yowled in pain as the longest hair on his tail was plucked and pulled into the wand. Holding the wand firmly he felt the new harmony between his wand and the fire in his chest with a flick of his wand he sent a stream of gold sparks bouncing harmlessly on the floor Ollivander exclaimed with glee. "Oh much better I'm glad that did the trick 11inches Holly and Phoenix feather. Reinforced with the the tail hair of a Golden Lion. As Ollivander wrapped his new wand he kept hearing him say curious over and over Harry guessing that Mr Ollivander wanted him to ask what was curious and was not simply going mad in his old age obliged. "Excuse me Mr Ollivander but what's curious?" Ah I am glad you asked. I remember every wand that I've ever sold Mr Potter. It just so happens that the Phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather, just one other .and it is a very curious thing indeed when its brother gave you that scar."

Harry paled and his ears went flat. "Yes indeed, Isn't it curious how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard remember that Potter...I think we must expect great things from you. After all He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things...Terrible yes but great." Harry more than a little shaken paid for his wand and thanking Mr Ollivander he left the store needing time to think.

Chapter IX Revelations

July 31 1991 7:00 PM leaky cauldron

Hagrid understood He needed time to sort everything out after all he had learned in a day what most kids in their world grew up knowing. Only interrupted Harry's thoughts was when they had reached the porch of the leaky cauldron. "All right Harry a few final words before we go into the muggle world. First we need to clothe our self's." Looking mutinous he hissed as Hagrid tossed

him his horrible shirt. "We are going into the muggle world and their we have to abide by their rules now in the privacy of your own home is another matter. However you'll have to fight your aunt and uncle for that one."A mischievous smile crossed Harry's muzzle. "That should be easy they don't need to know I can't use magic do they." "That's the ticket Harry, Oh that reminded me the other important thing you need." Hagrid pulled out another letter from his bag and handed it to him."That there has the location,departure time and your ticket for the Hogwarts express. Now if the Dursley's won't take you send a letter to me with your Owl and I'll see about getting you there but try the Dursley's first please not that id mind taking you but it's tradition for your guardians to take you there the first time. Now I think it's time to put that shirt on." Giving it another hiss he put it on. It was worse after he tasted freedom he had to stop himself from intentionally or accidentally destroying it all the way back. It was a fight to get Vernon to take Harry back but after numerous threats and multiple promises not to come near Vernon and Dudley this caught Harry's attention (I wonder why he did not include Aunt in that statement? I see that she's been quiet this whole time did something happen?)

The second he got to his room he grabbed the shirt and tossed it into a corner hissing as it pulled his fur one last time. Placing his owl now called Hedwig on the chipped dresser he opened the window and decided to have a look at his parents package inside other than the letter to Harry he found a small glass bottle with a faint aura. A thick letter declaring it was for the minister only and a note for him from his dad it read.

Harry I am proud that you decided to go through with this part of your destiny!

I can now go into a little more detail about what is expected of you. Now as you know you are the last of our bloodline. So regardless if you chose to accept your destiny your obligation to your family is to sire an Heir as soon as possible or at least a child. So that the blood will continue should the worst happen. Now I know you are too young to raise a cub so we have set up a plan with our friend Fay Rune in the Ministry to create a secret home with plenty of caretakers to raise your children in case situation the mother didn't want the child Fay will collect it after birth. Rape is a very bad thing Harry! But surprising her with a creampie is ok so long at you take responsibility which this arrangement will do. Fay Rune will grant those who decide to raise the children a monthly stipend of 100 gold per cub upon the condition the cub is being raised right. I know that's a lot of gold however Fay knows just how important this task is and is more than willing to hand over the gold. A reward of 100 gold will still be given to the mates who give the cub to the Ministry and a further 1000G upon a healthy birth. Now if that was not enough of a clue as to what you have to do I will explain it simply your mission is to Impregnate Any thing your wise loins direct you to. Although try and be wise with choosing mates personality is key. We don't want any dark wizard's in the family. Fay will try to convince the Minister to give you the credentials you need to complete your destiny. I recommend that you only tell your closest friends about your destiny and their family if you must. Know that your mother and I will always love you. Signed Lily & James Potter

PS. You need to Send the Vial full of your sperm. So if you have been saving it now is the special time. It will be better if it is but we understand if not. The Ministry will need it to test if you are the father of any cubs.

Harry mind buzzing with confusion knew at least one thing both his Heartfire and his groin for obvious reasons loved the idea and his erection was fully blazing.( "OK father wants me to be a dad. I have a clue but I really don't have the full picture but I think I can guess how do that. Still Professor McGonagall said she will tell the whole class the finer points. Anyway I was getting tired of holding my first shot it's getting painful!")

Laying down on the bed he spread the liberal amounts of pre he was already leaking around his cock and balls revelling in the way it makes everything more sensitive he gasped at the first stroke he feeling his balls churn and prepare a fresh batch to unload. Harry carefully tried to not pull too hard on his barbs to much but it felt good to play with them using his free hand he cupped his balls and massaged them gently squeezing and rolling them around. However being pent up and a virgin he didn't last very long as he felt the pressure built up in his cock the barbs flared letting out a roar as stream of white erupted from his cock thick and plentiful after the first shot he remembered the vial and grabbed he placed it at his tip and filled it in one spurt Harry continued to cum his tail high in the air twitching with each spurt after a 20 seconds the stream slowed to a trickle and stopped as his cock withdrew into his sheath. After corking the bottle he slumped on his sperm streaked bed exhausted a loud purr reverberating in his chest in extreme Bliss.

However unknown to Harry in his rush to remove his shirt he had not closed his door properly and Petunia who had come to deliver a letter to Harry sat at the crack and watched him masturbate for the first time all the while feeling that burning itch in her womb that Vernon had not taken care of in 12 years due to him being Asexual only mating for reproduction she thought bitterly. {"Hell he only married her because his parents set us up and I needed normalcy."} she beat back the desires of her 31 year old fertile womb for a viral young lion and with great emotional effort shoved the letter under his door. And left to see if her Husband would help her put out the heat in her loins he most Certainly would NOT.

Once he caught his breath he got up withdrew a owl treat out of his bag and gave it to Hedwig. She eagerly snapped it up the treat and hooted with pleasure while Harry tried to put the package to the ministry together with his sperm attached. Managing to get it on there in a way it won't come off no matter how much she shook it. He offered the package tentatively thinking(" I hope it's not to heavy for her to deliver better ask.) Um Hedwig it it's not too heavy is it? Can you deliver this to the Minister of Magic Fay Rune. Hedwig looked extremely affronted she decided to show her new owner just what she could do. Taking off from her perch she griped the package in her talons and soared out the window. Harry a little stunned thought (I think I insulted her I think I'd better read that book my instincts told me to buy.) Harry went over to his bed propped up some pillows and out of his bag he pulled Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches. As Harry was about to start reading but something caught his eye. A letter sat by his door he surprised he got up went over and picked it up. Realizing it was written on muggle paper he turned it over and saw his Aunt's handwriting. Wondering if it was their terms of surrender he opened it and read.

Harry I know I am the last person you want to hear from and I am not going to lie I deserve every bit of your and my sister's wrath. I will not ask for forgiveness of how I treated you. However I will tell you the Truth about why I made your life miserable now that it is too late. It pains me to write this and I don't have the strength to talk about it. 26 years ago Lily first began showing that she was a witch. We were fighting over a doll I had grabbed it to try and take it and after some yelling the doll's head suddenly turned to me and told me to let go. I was petrified in fear I never have liked dolls ever again after that more and more stuff started happening when tension was high. Eventually she learned to control her magic at will but by that point I was terrified of magic... Despise my fear I was also jealous. I wanted to cast magic so much. When Lilly's eleventh birthday came she got a letter exactly like yours. Mother and Father were so proud to have a witch in the family. It was foolish of me to want to go after all I had no magic at all but I sent a letter to Dumbledore foolishly hoping he would let me come however he would not. He turned me down gently but at the time I hated him for it my jealousy turned to anger and fear right as she was leaving for Hogwarts I said words out of anger that I would never forget and we grew distant. We tried over the years to reconcile however it was not to be for we were from two different worlds. She fell in love with dashing James and I with much regret clung to normalcy and married the most normal person I could find Vernon. Your mother and I simply could not understand each other and then...It was to late she was dead and you were on my doorstep with a letter explaining the whole thing. Now while I had my difference with my sister we still loved each other and now she was gone and all I had left of her was you. At first I wanted to raise you as my own. However I realized you were definitely going to be a Wizard and being a Witch was why Lily died and so I wrongfully thought that if I could raise you the opposite of how my parents raised us you might never become a wizard. And now that I have failed and 10 years with you have been wasted. I realize that out of desperation to protect you from the same fate as Lily I have acted foolishly for believing Vernon when he said we would squash it out if you. Now that I think about it I am simply a fool as I seem to do a lot of foolish things like marrying out of spite not love. I hope you understand why I did what I did. I will not ask you to forgive I don't deserve that. But you should know that I will no longer go out of my way to harm you anymore Harry and I will try to accept you as you are.

PS if you still want to get revenge you can show this to Vernon and I will be thrown out if I am lucky and not outright killed. Signed Petunia Evans.

Harry stared blankly at the letter in his hand. An odd ringing filled his ears as thoughts were racing through his head. Finally he came to a conclusion.("Mom was right everything I knew about Aunt Petunia is wrong she actually loved me. She's wrong about one thing though she is NOT normal. I need to talk to her but not when Vernon and Dudley are around.") Until then I need something to eat and then sleep.)Harry looked at the clock he fixed and it said 11:52PM Putting the letter in his bag next to the one's from his parents he snuck to the kitchen. When he got there though Petunia was up cleaning trying to work out her sexual frustrations. She was dressed in a short night shift as she bent over He jolted in surprise as saw she was not wearing any panty's. He stood there dumbfounded taking a good look at her pussy his maleness was jutting out towards her urging him onward. Even at the age of 31 she's done a good job of keeping in good shape! The only way someone could tell her age was the crows feet around her eyes. His nose picked up an aroma breathing deeply he let it fill him. Realising it was coming from her Pussy his penis began drooling pre on the floor. Quickly before she found out and killed him he retreated so silently his ancestors would be proud. Reaching his room he breathed a sigh of relief although his instincts wanted him to mount of her and he was beginning to understand why. Laying on his bed he was trying to figure out if he wanted to take the risk of pursuing her. After some time he knew what he had to do next as he curled up and went to sleep. That night His dreams were filled with the memories and knowledge of his ancestors all being shown to him by large Male Golden Lion with a Black mane

Chapter X Family Matters

August 1st 1991 7:00 AM Home

When he woke up the next day he was surprised to find Hedwig sitting on her perch she gave a soft hoot and looked at a document sitting at the foot of his bed laughing out."That showed me I'll never doubt you again thanks Hedwig!" Sitting up he pulled out another owl treat and tossed it to her she caught the treat ate it then sat patiently to see if a reply was needed. Reaching over to grab official looking package he was surprised at how heavy it was 5ib at least. Curiosity growing he opened the package and looked inside the thing that made it heavy was an official looking plaque engraved with the words.

Endangered Species Breeding License

Name [Harry Potter] Species [Aurei Leonis]

Number of surviving Bloodline's 2

#1 Harry Potter Gender Male/Virgin. Encouraged to breed. Wizard age 11

#2 Gaia Leonis Gender Herm/Virgin encouraged to breed. Feral Magic beast age 9

In recognition of the endangered species [Aurei Leonis.]

Subject [Harry Potter] Is permitted to breed regardless of consent. With the exception of Rape.

If you are Pregnant with Aurei Leonis Please Head to ST Mungo's for Paternity testing.

If positive you will be compensated with 100G per month and 1000G after healthy birth

Should you decide to raise the cub you will continue receiving the 100G.

As long as the cub is in a healthy environment!

In the event of not wanting the cub please Deliver the cub to ST Mungo's and they will be delivered to

the Boarding School for endangered Species.

If the cub is in poor health due to your Neglect you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Law.

Any complaints will be heard by the Department for the Protection of Endangered Species.

By the Decree of the Ministry Of Magic.

Amazement filled him as he realized what this meant his fully aroused his loins were eager to start their work. Reaching into the document he pulled out a letter addressed to him opening it he read

"Hi Harry this is Fay Rune you probably already read the license if not please do so now...

Done? Good the system I set up is a real one and you are not the only recipient of this license originally I made this to hide your activities but I think I like the idea so I will keep it up. The prophecy must not be known by everyone except those you trust with your life. If you get someone pregnant make sure you show them that License. If it's a muggle please direct them to send a letter to St Mungo's and I will pay them in the currency of their desire. Now onto important matters it is imperative you get the permission of the person you chose to have sex. And if it's an accident make sure it's well documented so as to not be charged with rape. It is fine if they say yes to sex but dont want you to cum inside them...Do it anyway. My system was only barely passed but I have made arrangements that none of my actions are reversible by a new minister. A public announcement was made today in the daily prophet of my program to protect endangered bloodlines. I also made this new branch of the Ministry and have put people I trust as my employees. The Ministry is currently in a state of chaos because as of this morning I have stepped down as Minister and am now living in the top secret Boarding school as head of the Department for the Protection of Endangered Species. My reason is that I have completed my work to set the Wizarding world onto the path that will allow us to flourish.

You have my best wishes and good luck seducing women it's best you can get their permission to breed them but if it doesn't seem like they'll go for it Impregnate them anyway. Now you don't have to stick to Furry's please feel free to breed Ferals. In fact tried to get Gaia to meet with you but as soon as I told her about you she ran off. Odd because she seemed to be searching for a mate. If you happen to see her you may have to dominate her to show her you are a worthy mate so start physically training and practicing your self magic. And whatever you do don't use your wand when you face her I know you can start a happy pride with her. Harry if you ever need anything just ask I will try to help. Signed with fondness Fay Rune.

PS. I HIGHLY recommend learning to become an Animagus. The amount of natural power I Discovered in your sperm leads me to believe that you are ready for the change. I will teach you to awaken the power to transform as this is the best way to seduce Gaia.

He had to read the parchment again trying to understand it a bit better eventually he couldn't figure out what on earth an Animagus was. So he went to the old desk in his room pulled out ink quill and Parchment and wrote.

"Dear Fay Rune There is something you can do for me although you have already done so much for me so if you don't want to that's fine. I have in mind a Mate however she is a Muggle that legally knows I am a wizard so that will make things easier. However she is older than me and aging fast is there a way I can obtain one of those youth potions and here's the hard part a way she reverse age by 10 years if not that's fine I just need the youth potion to seduce her she is still beautiful to me but she'll be more happy if I make her younger. I have no idea as to what a Animagus is however my Heartfire says that it's a good thing and I will accept your help thank you Fay Rune. One more thing last night I had a dream that I was being shown memories of my ancestors and given knowledge by a Large Aurei Leonis with a black mane do you know if the dream meant anything or am I going nuts. Signed with hope Harry Potter."

Getting up off his bed he went over to Hedwig and giving her beak a stroke he asked. "Can you please deliver this to Fay Rune." She nodded grabbing the letter and took off. Taking a deep breath he stretched his nude form and nearly jumped out of his fur when Vernon's car door slammed shut twice and drove off! Brushing his fur flat he ran down stairs to see what happened. He stepped into the kitchen to see a distraught Petunia fresh tears streaming down her muzzle as she looked up at him she was temporarily distracted from her troubles. The fur on her muzzle turned copper as she blushed gazing with naked desire at his sheath and ball's Harry smelled in the room that thick flowery smell he had scented last night causing his sheath to stirr and his balls throb already making a fresh batch of semin to put in the female in heat. Regaining her composure Petunia put on a angry scowl and said sharply. "Harry where's your shirt!" Realising that he had left it behind in his worry he shrugged. (Oh well I guess now's the time to fight for that.) "I can't wear it any more it hurts to much and it doesn't even cover my privets any way so there is no point in wearing it anymore. Besides we can wear what we want on our own property it's in the English laws. Plus the rules have changed in the Wizarding world look."Then he pulled out a newspaper that Hagrid had given him declaring the Right To No Restriction in the hopes it would ease their worry. By the time Petunia had finished reading Harry was fully erect and her dress was soaked with arousal. Blushing she stuttered of a minute then a look of realization crossed her muzzle and slumped resignedly. "Oh very well then. It's not as if there's any point left."She slid a tear stained paper in front of him he saw that it was titled Divorce papers. I'm surprised you did not show Vernon the letter though. We get to keep the house though not for long I can't pay for it.

Outwardly he looked sorry but inside he wanted to leap for Joy the fire commanding that now is the time to pounce. Hugging her and letting her cry it all out eventually she calmed down enough that he could get her attention. Aunt you may not know but mother and father were quite successful. The Potters are a old family who have made many inventions that we still get royalties on The wizards bank can exchange these for Pounds." To back his claim he pulled out several handfuls of gold. Petunia eyes were as wide as she could make them her jaw hung loosely. Amusedly he continued. "I can support us Aunt but there are some conditions we need to set before I sign an agreement." Petunia looked at him desperation evident yet her voice was full of suspicion said. "What do you want?" Smiling like a Cheshire he stated. "1st according to the Muggle world it will appear that you own the house. I will put the money into your bank However in reality I am the owner of the house and my word is as Vernon's was since I am the sole provider. 2nd I will file this house as under wizard control and all our laws will apply.3rd For your sake. I solemnly swear that I will not force you to do anything unreasonable that is not within Wizarding laws. If I break this oath you will get full control however if you falsely claim I have broken my word you will lose all protection from the law and it will be within my right to make you a indentured servant. Alternatively you are also free to leave any time you want so long as you have not broken the last rule. As he proclaimed these he had been writing a binding magical contract with enchanted gold ink. With a flourish he placed the blank line for her name stating that she has agreed to all terms. Sliding it in front of her with a binding red ink and quill.

She looked over It several times looking for loopholes and not finding any while trying to sort out her feelings. Joy of finally becoming apart of the world she wanted to be in since she was a little girl. Worry at having her world turned upside down. Arousal at the dominant way he took charge in an instant. And pride for her nephew for his cunning. She sighed resignedly and said." Alright I don't have anything left to lose." "Yet you have so much more to gain now that that those fat hideous walruses are gone. Rest assured I will not rule with an iron fist like Vernon I value freedom in all things. Petunia I wish to let your spirit grow little flower not smother you like he did. Blushing like a schoolgirl she signed the line. The parchment laminated itself preventing any tampering and with a sigh She asked. "I suppose you will be getting your revenge for the past 10 years? Shaking his head slowly he hugged her tight and whispered. "Aunt Petunia I forgive you so can we start anew. Tears in her eyes she returned the hug.

Despite his eagerness he decided to ease his aunt into the change and to file the needed paperwork with Fay. So he spent the day reading his school book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in the living room legs splayed in Vernon's old armchair completely nude. Once petunia was in the garden he had jerked off on it spraying it with his semen to mark it as his. This greatly pleased the flame in his chest for now he had a domain.

The next day He received a short note from Fay dismayed at the shortness he fliped it over and read "Incoming!" Harry barely had time to put the note down when something large and silver slipped in his room through the window straightened and beamed at him! Absolutely dumbstruck he looked her over standing around 6ft tall. The silver scaled Dragon Lady rested on her hips drawing his attention to something not lady like at all. He was certain he was looking at a Hermaphrodite for the first time his curiosity was burning for more details so he took a look at her privates in more detail. Her B+ Breasts were topped with onyx colored nipples she was slim with shapely feminine curves everything about her said she was female except for the 8 inch long Onyx penis sticking out at him noticing with amazement at the cocks design. The tip was pointed much like a canines. Along the length were slanted ridges directing his attention to what appeared to be a knot at her base. Her leathery testiclaes were each the size of oranges hanging low below her mythical mast. Glistening with feminine juices leaking from the onyx colored Pussy that he had caught a glimpse of when she had gotten up off the floor. She chuckled and lifted her balls exposing everything and asked. "Do I meet your approval or do you not like some one with this? Jiggling her cock and balls for emphasis. Blushing deeply he remembered his voice he said. "Personally I think you look beautiful and I love it. At this Fay's cock jumped and a spurt of pre fell on the floor Smiling sheepishly she said. "Sorry bout that certain people don't know when to quit teasing a pent up dragon anyway I am here to talk and to give you this." Casually using a claw to slice into the air ripping open the fabric of space. Reaching in she grabbed a vile and withdrew it. Then with practiced ease she closed the rip like a sliding door and handed a vile of silver liquid to him continuing on chatting as if shi hadn't done anything awesome. "Here you go Harry one specially made age potion do not drink it your self you will permanently be age 1! Now who do you have your eyes on hmm? Blushing he said. "You may not like my choice but I first need to tell you everything that has happened it's a bit of a story shall I explain it over tea." "Um Harry I don't own clothes for Muggle conversation." Waiving her worry away he said. "That's part of the discussion but let's just say my Aunt understands our state of undress."

"Oh, well if that's the case then after you Harry." Surprised that she had so easily taken his word he asked. "Do you always trust so easily?" She shot him a mischievous grin. "No Harry I don't, but I do have the ability to truth sense." Smiling he walked into the living room seeing Petunia he said. Aunt we have unexpected important company for breakfast." a this Petunia panicked rushing about trying to clean and worrying because she was still in her Short night dress Harry calmed her down and said Aunt it's a Witch er Wizard? So you don't need to worry about what you will wear if you want to impress her you would do well to match the dress code."she froze at the concept and Fay interjected. "First Harry I am called a Witch since I am mostly female and second Mrs Petunia you are fine as you are no need to stress yourself it's not as if this is the Wizarding world." "Actually that's part of the reason I need to talk to about. Aunt can we please have some tea?

As she was serving them tea she kept glancing at Fay's cock amazed that such a thing is possible. Smiling Fay lifted her balls and showed of her pussy saying. "Yes they are real and fully functioning and yes I was born with them. I think that answers most of your questions although the question of what it would feel like might be your heat talking?" Blushing brightly she sat down across from them gasping when doing so caused her to remember she had no panty's on and everyone could smell her heat easily and yet the only acknowledgment they made of it were the erections they had. Both of them were conversing as civilly as if they were in business suites. She had thought there would be more perverse and twisted things going on in this nude world. This confused her a bit making her wonder if she could get used to this. Much to her surprise she thinks she could. They took some time to drink tea and eat breakfast once finished it was time for business."Alright to begin with my uncle has left for good after divorcing my aunt he took his beachball of a son with him and left we have the house but since we now have no income I need to exchange some of my gold into funds to live on. However the Muggles will wonder where we are getting our money and will investigate. Do you know how to set up a financial smoke screen so that the Wizarding world is not discovered?" Fay sipped her tea and calmly said. "I am glad I decided to visit this is a serious matter but one that I have foreseen and overcome already after all I had to find a way to pay the Muggles for my program after all. Here's how we will do this First of all Miss Petunia I need to see records of house spending to know how much Harry needs to pay you to keep your current lifestyle." standing Petunia went over to the drawer under the stove and bent over to get them.giving them a both good long look at her glistening pussy both Fay and Harry heard a thunk as each others cocks had jumped and hit the table. Fay looked at him and smiled like the cat that ate the canary and mimed that we'll talk later. Finally Petunia got them all and got up she huffed. "No burglar will look for valuables there." Handing the documents to Fay she sat back in her chair unaware of the unexpected treat she had given to the people at the table.

After Fay calculated the spending She announced. "I think the number of gold Harry needs to give to live a comfortable life is 500G a month that should be come to 32,748 Pounds. Petunia looked at Harry Amazed at his wealth and thought. {"If only we weren't related by blood. Although I don't think he would want me i'm not as desirable as I used to be. But what will I do when he grows up and leaves?"} Under the table Harry felt Fay open another tear and close it. Fay then handed Petunia what looked like a lottery card. "Give this to teller number 7 at the HBCE Bank in London. The teller will then give you a clip board for you to create an account with them so that you can receive your winnings of 32,748 Pounds a month you see the real smart part of this is that it's an actual lotto ticket Muggles can by it but can't win the monthly prize but they win enough money to alleviate suspicion. Now I will file your Aunt as able to go to Diagon alley so she can interact with the magical world as she so desires. You see Harry I don't need to be the Minister to do small stuff like this."

Downing the last of her tea Fay asked now is their anything else you need?" He looked at Petunia waiting for the go ahead purring when she firmly nodded. "Yes Fay I need you to legalize a magical contract and to make this house an official part of the Wizarding world. Along with Spells to keep our privacy if you can." Fay sat reading the contract amazement spreading across her muzzle. Once finished she was silent for a few seconds and then broke out into hysterical laughter "Wow you sure saved the hardest for last! Harry this is brilliant I love it! I love it so much that ill do it I can see fudge's face when I tell him. Oh you didn't know he's the new minister bit of a coward if you ask me Lazy too how he got the position I don't know. Now let's see." Taking the contract Fay turned to his Aunt. Miss Petunia if you wouldn't mind I am about to do some magic and you aren't allowed to see it yet. Shouldn't you be gardening now anyway?" Petunia looked at he clock hissed and ran to get into her garden clothes.

Fay stretched ok Harry give me a moment to file the paperwork I will return. He watched in astonishment when instead of Disapparating Fay made a hand sign which summoned a portal of white fire. As soon as Fay stepped into it the portal vanished leaving a pure feeling in the air.

After a long 15 minutes the Flames returned and with them Fay the second she appeared she said. "First of all Harry, don't try that ever in fact you're about to see a lot of magic from me that only I can do so don't try any of this!" Fay flicked her wand and and a pulse emitted from it Seeing his curiosity she explained. "That spell just put every muggle to sleep that is in view of this house. Now I am going to need us to move to the living room since it has more space." After moving fay with drew a ceremonial blade made of an unknown material It looked like crystal of some kind with runes on the blade which pulsed with an inner life. "Now Harry are you sure you want to go through with this it will require blood to work. You will also feel drained however I will restore what is lost. I will be using a mix of magics to do this including Astral magic and runes. In case you are wondering you learn runes in your final year.

Last chance! Do you Harry Potter accept the terms of this ritual. Suddenly he noticed the white flames of Fay's Aura emanating out of her filling the room with a unearthly light. Harry replied in kind letting his own power flow through his limbs directing his smaller golden aura to meet with Fay's much larger power."I accept my role in this ritual willingly!"Harry then thrust out his palm to Fay smiling as she cut his palm with the blade and drew a circle with it. Fay conducted her flames to dart about the room tracing circles, lines and words in an unknown tongue the flames once done with there work flew to the four corners of the property and place one large rune each and anchored there. During this process Fay was speaking in multiple languages weaving hand signs amidst the maelstrom of power he thought he saw Fay's form shift into a white and black Chinese Dragon with fox fur his attention was diverted when she gave a final command and the spell around him glowed brightly. Suddenly he felt a sharp impact in his heart then his vision faded into Darkness!

The next thing Harry new he was standing in a Dark space standing on a smooth cold floor. His head felt drowsy as if he was still half asleep. As he started to clear his head the room became slowly brighter and warmth spread across the floor. As soon as the ambient light grew bright enough that he could see further than his paw he began to take in his surroundings. He was standing in not so much a room but a large hexagonal chamber with the roof sharply slanting up to end with the Potter crest. Seeing no light fixtures he wondered where the light came from only to realised it was emanating from the walls and floor as the light increased in brightness he noticed with amusement that the the room appeared to be made of solid gold and that the illumination in the walls was due to fire flowing through it like veins. Looking around he nearly jumped out of his fur when he saw he was not alone. How he missed him he did not know but a huge feral lion sat in one corner of the room grooming himself. All it took was a glance to see the lion was undoubtedly male and not just because of his flowing black mane. His sheath alone was as long as Harry's Hand and as thick as his arm! Whats even more impressive are his balls each were like low hanging Apples full and ripe with seed. However his earlier observation was not completely correct behind the balls where a plump set of vaginal lips promising to be full fertility to any one powerful enough to dominate this majestic beast. His mane billowed around him like flames the tip of his tail was alight in golden fire. The Lions deep booming voice emitted not from his maw but the very walls. "You who carry my blood in your veins and my flame in your heart. You who have survived the first test sound and whole. Do you dare take the final trial and risk being consumed by my mighty maw!? Should you fail you will Forfeit your right to self and I shall walk the earth once more! Speak now Young cub or be silenced Forever!"

His entire body was shaking with fear and doubt gnawed at his heart yet he still stood. Breathing deeply he collected himself. ("Ok I have no idea how I got here. Last thing I knew I was with Fay. But from what I can tell this is one of those blood trials of mine. If so then I have no choice.") Steeling himself he walked forward and stood in front of the lion and said. "I know not if I am ready but I will face your test just the same." Smiling the lion Proclaimed."Then Face Me Young cub With all your might!

Harry had only a split second warning to drop to the floor as the lion pounced Feeling the huge beast pass over his head missing him by inches! Following his instincts he rolled to his left as the Lion leapt backward landing right where Harry just was a moment before. Confusion clouded the the lions mind as he searched for him. This gave him enough time to stand on all fours and unleash a pounce of his own! using the enhanced muscles he had gained in the first test to land on the lions back and sink his sharp carnivorous teeth into the lions spine. However this proved futile as he lacked the jaw strength to snap it! Infuriated The Golden Lion rolled onto his back causing all the weight of the lion to crush the breath out of him. Laying on the floor he desperately tried to get air in his lungs in time to dodge but he was too late and the lion was on top of him! Seeing his doom in the maw of the great lion he resolutely faced it without fear or regret knowing he had done everything he possibly could. As the lion placet his jaws around Harry's head he felt the lion damp breath wash over him as suddenly the lion licked him instead.

The Lion got off and placed himself in front of him. Extremely confused he got up shakily and asked. "Why...Why did you not finish me it was your right as the victor?" Smiling proudly The lion said."The Final trial was not to defeat me. But to face me with courage also to face your doom with both honor and courage. The fact you actually held your own against me for a time and even wounded me makes me more proud of you than you can know. You're the first Potter to actually complete the original test which is to wound me. And so you have earned the right to know my true name Leonis my parents had a terrible naming sense." "But I felt fear when I faced you! I was terrified how could I have shown courage?" The lion smiled kindly and answered. "Many young cubs understandably do not know what courage truly is and sadly it's becoming less known these days. Courage young lion is not the opposite of fear it is the strength to do what needs to be done in the presence of fear. It takes great courage to face unknown's such as death. Do you understand this now young Lion?

As he pondered this and a smile broke out on his face and nodded firmly then asked. "So now that I passed the final trial what happens to me? The lion looked confused and let out a hearty laugh and said. "You faced the trial not even knowing what is was for?! You young lion have a good set of balls! Alright I will tell you everything. As you may have guessed I am the spirit of the Lion who originally passed my seed on to the race of man which no longer exists and all record of their civilization has been lost. History has repeated itself once more only this time I hope it will go better than the last. My final test has only been properly passed by two people you and Godric Gryffindor. All other challenger's who simply survived received a greater version of the original benefits gained by first challenge. However since you have passed the true test you will gain not only that benefit. You have also earned the right to become a Full Blooded Aurei Leonis and may take my form at will. As many times as you like without the risk of losing your self many have tried anyway without my blessing and I have consumed them as was my right. However you will wield the full power of our race and with my blessing. I will continue teaching you in your dreams how to use our powers and bestowing knowledge that can help you to secure mates. However there is a condition you must accept. I don't know if you will accept Godric didn't. Once he heard the condition he took the lesser gift out of pride and arrogance. However you are younger so you may accept?"

"I cannot tell if I will accept but If it's within my power and nature to do so I will." "Ah but that was the problem last time it was not in his nature.I however have stalled long enough so I will bluntly tell you the condition you see to take my form you must become exactly like me and as you are now their is something I have that you don't. It took a minute but he finally realized what he was saying the moment the lion Lifted his balls. "You must be of both genders like me you won't grow breasts or anything unless you bear a child thin you may get A cup at most but you will mostly be a yourself although you might get aroused more often. So will you accept the condition?"

he sat and pondered for a long while staring at the lions vagina. ("I must admit the idea of being a Hermaphrodite has intrigued me ever since Hagrid told me about that shop. And from what I can see women get a lot of pleasure. Plus it will increase my choices of mates too I have always had a fascination for penises I wonder what it feels like. But I have to be careful with my choice it sounds like there is no turning back...Hmm. Alright the more the merrier besides since I am going to be siring allot of children I must be fair and mother a few.") "Ok I have thought about it long and hard and I must say I like the idea." The next thing he knew had been bowled over the lion was nuzzling him and grooming his muzzle. Feeling something poking his balls he realised he loved the feeling causing him to become aroused. Suddenly the larger male throbbed letting loose a thick drop of pre onto his balls. He could almost swear that he could feal each individual sperm trying to penetrate his sack the feeling was delightful but was distracted when the Lion spoke.

"You have no idea just how Happy you have made me little lion!" He gave him a sly smirk"I think I do."As he grabbed the male's balls he hefted them caressing them slowly causing the lion to let loose even more pre onto him. However the orbs were suddenly removed from his hand as his ancestor had gotten off of him.Very confused by this he worried that in his inexperience he had done something wrong and hurt him. Looking worried he asked "Did I do something wrong? I didn't hurt you did I?" but was answered by a purr instead. "No little lion you were wonderful and almost made me finish but in order to complete the ritual to turn you into a Herm like me you must ingest my seed and I did not want to spend it all on your balls. Although it would have pleased me greatly to do so. Now come little lion I will impart the knowledge you need."

Taking a submissive role he mewled with pleasure and scooted closer to the large male whose tremendous 9inch cock was bobbing and waving waiting to be serviced. Once close enough he waited for instructions."Hold perfectly still young lion." The lion then placed the burning tip of his tail to his forehead once it touched him a stream of carnal knowledge filled his mind. Finally able to fully understanding everything he had been confused about sexually. Knowing exactly what he needed to do to create life. Harry's muzzle glowed red from blushing so much and said. "Thanks for that. I really have been ignorant haven't I." "Worry Not Little Lion everyone starts out pure as snow. However now that I have splashed your snow with ink can I please get some assistance?"

Smiling he reached out towards the large barbed tool caressing the length gently using his fingers to run through the gaps between the barbs watching as they flared at his touch. Having teased him enough he bent his head lower and breathed deeply of Leonis's musk. A heavy metallic scent giving him the image of the earth offering fertile seeds to sow in lush lands. Harry exhaled his hot breath on the cock in front of him causing his partner to shudder. Watching eagerly as a bead of pre gathered at the tip swiftly licking it up he heard his current mate moan. His mind was distracted as he savored the rich metallic flavor that felt so smooth as it passed from the tongue to his throat. Loving every second of it he pounced on his mates cock suckling like a starving kitten drinking deep of his life giving seed. The steady stream of pre filled his entire body with a feeling of bliss and warmth. Slowly he began to bob his head taking the lion's cock deeper into his maw until he hit the back of his throat having taken 6 inches into his muzzle, Harry felt it begin to vibrate slightly as he heard his mate began to Purr. A deep low rumbling sound that made him shudder in bliss as he loved that he could bring pleasure to his current lover. Now using only his mouth to pleasure Leonis's tool he used his paws to continue the ball massage from earlier hefting the incredible testicles and feeling them churn with live giving seed. Hearing his companion give a warning rumble he sped up his efforts enjoying it so much he began to purr. Leonis felt the vibrations and that was the last straw Letting out a mighty roar his cum surged up his shaft and unleashed his first heavy load into Harry's mouth who allowed it to fill every nook and cranny of his maw before swallowing. More and more jets sprung forth and into his waiting maw he began to feel it burn pleasantly down his throat as the heat in his body intensified. His loins were ablaze with familiar sensations. The liquid fire filled him with pleasure as his internal organs began to shift and grow new muscles and tissue his pleasure spiked as his new virgin petals formed his mind was almost overwhelmed when his clit sprung into being! during this he heard Leonis command! "Take my seed O noble Lion and pass it on to a new generation of cubs! Now go my son bring us back from the edge of extinction! He finally became overwhelmed with pleasure and faded into unconsciousness.

Thanks for reading if you have any constructive criticism I will gladly hear it. Although I think I might be getting the hang of third person I could be wrong though

If you enjoyed it please say so I'd like to know if I am wasting my time and should write something else equally perverse. Regardless of opinion I will finish the first book. As you know

I will be splitting this story into parts probably very long parts I don't know how many I will need but you know when the normal book will end.

If you would be so kind please vote.