Punishment Game 2017

Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

Tall dark ears poked out of a fabric hat, the red shirt clung to his body like a wrapping on a candy and his button nose and clear blue eyes sunk as he waited patiently for the response. Exim a young man of seventeen years stood holding a hot and fresh ready to deliver pizza the slogan of his employer emblazoned across his chest. He waited until the owner of the house answered the door, some half naked fat as fuck rat with a balding head and serious body odor issues. "That will be seventeen ninety." Exil read off of a little slip of printer paper the rat scratching his over engorged stomach.

"Yeah." The rat reached into his pockets grabbing a five a ten and three ones handing it to Exim, no tip for him, Exim inwardly sighed but thanked the man as he was trained to do. "Wait a minute you fucking forgot my soda!" The rat flipped out cursing at Exim, he checked the receipt there was no soda ordered.

"I'm sorry sir but there's no soda on your receipt if you want I'll call my boss and we can change the order." Exim started to offer but the rat man rushed him, even though he was a rat he was much bigger than the younger bunny man.

"Don't fucking dodge the issue, you forgot my soda so I ain't paying!" The rat reached out and snatched the money from Exim slamming the door and leaving him without a pizza or payment. Exim felt the rage building up but swallowed it returning to his beat down junker car and slamming the door making the entire car rattle

"FUCKING FUCK FUCK YOU FUCKING FAT FILTH FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Exim screamed into his hat and slumped his head on the steering wheel. "This sucks, I should be partying with my friends but I'm stuck doing this fucking stupid job to earn some fucking stupid cash because my fucking stupid parents are so fucking stupid and fuck all the time making so many fucking stupid kids they can't afford to take care of the one they had first!" Exim banged on the wheel repeatedly stopping afterwards incase it fell off.

Exim got his car from a shady back alley where it was probably stolen from a veteran or something considering its piss poor condition and age. He was always forced into uncomfortable positions, this job wasn't even his originally, a friend of his had to call out sick and made a deal with the manager to let his buddy handle a shift but then the douche bag quit and moved away leaving Exim the position. Every day from five pm to eleven pm Exin rolled around rich neighborhoods delivering ungrateful slobs their hot cheesy bites pizza or whatever fucking slop was the flavor of the month, it was a pitiful existence.

Exim groaned as he looked behind him and saw, one, last, delivery. He leaned forward and kicked the ignition until it started the car sputtering to life like a lizard with Parkinson's. Slowly his car crept forward as he left the big developments and drove down a road with no other houses, just miles of flat land. Curiously Exim came to stop in front of a mansion a tall imposing gate standing between him and the lavish double doors. "Uh." Exim thought loudly looking for some kind of buzzer or bell. He found one and pressed it waiting impatiently tapping his foot.

BZZT Hello?

A woman's voice came from the intercom, it sounded deep, like a larger animal.

"Yes Pizza delivery I have a pizza and bread sticks for a Miss Tres?" Exim read off the slip cocking his eyebrow.

"That's mistress dear and yes I ordered, a man will be out to pick it up and pay you but in the meantime, entertain me it's been a while since I've held a conversation with a strapping young man." Mistress chuckled over the intercom and Exim's ears twitched, was this like one of those films in the seventies that his dad used to watch to get it up?

"Uh Ma'am that conduct is highly inappropriate, I'm just a delivery guy." Exim blushed and the intercom went dead.

"Yes, you are JUST a delivery person but you're no man you're a boy, a boy subject to the whims of others grasping at the hairs of power but never able to grab hold tell me Delivery Boy, are you happy with your life?" The cruel Mistress broke down Exim's entire life in a few words making him feel the building rage again.


" You would fuck me you say?" The Mistress purred and Exim blushed. "You're so miserable little bunny boy, do you want to change your life?" The intercom went silent and Exim contemplated it. What the fuck was taking the dude so long to get the pizza well... the bread sticks? Exim sighed and looked at the intercom.

"Look lady, I am trying, I'm working hard and trying my best to just deal with the shit that gets shoveled onto me but its not easy its not like I can just wish it away!" Exim complained and the intercom clicked.

"What if you could, what would you give up for that wish?" The mistress responded and then silence.

"Anything." Exim responded and then felt a hard object strike his head knocking him out. Exim hit the ground the sound of the intercom coming to life again

Bzzt, welcome to my game then

Exim groaned waking up shackled to a heart shaped bed with a dim row of lights the only source of illumination in the wide and pitch black room. "Oh fuck me, fuck me fuck me." Exim grumbled noticing the shackles and then the set up. "Great I'm going to die, I'm going to be raped and killed by some psycho buffalo bill esque pervert and he'll turn me into a hat or at least a very passive aggressive thong." Exim struggled against his shackles but it was no use. "I wonder if I will get a headline, oh unless he's one of those Gacy kind that hides bones in the wall... then just an obituary." Exim contemplated his own death with the resolve of a soldier. As he fantasized about his funeral and his parents writing one more check off their welfare book. A loud click broke Exim away from his fantasy feeling the bed roll along rails like a coaster. "Oh what the fuck now?" Exim struggled more, were they going to drop him off a cliff or some shit!? The bed came to a stop and Exim was flung off hitting the ground cursing. "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" He groaned looking at the shackles, they were electronic with a sensor in them and a remote unlock.

Exim got to his feet and felt his neck, a thick black metal collar around it. "No no no no no." He could only imagine what this thing did everything from decapitation to detonation to euthanasia, any kind of horrible death you could imagine. Walking forward he saw a note on a table next to a bottle full of liquid. "Drink me" He read the note tossing it aside "Eat me' He replied and then fell to the ground a pulse of electricity causing his nerves to spasm out "FINE FINE FINE POISON IT IS!" Exim groaned and the collar stopped electrocuting him taking the bottle he downed it quickly hoping it wasn't acid or some other kind of horrific death. Exim noticed a slightly fruity taste and then tilted his head feeling his stomach, nothing happened. It was then that he also noticed he was fully nude his dick hanging out for everyone to see as well as his tight little bunny butt. "What?" He tuned around looking for something wondering why he was naked, on the bed made sense but this obviously wasn't happening in any sensible way.

Exim felt the effects of the drink afterwards, groaning in a mixture of hot tingly pain and hot tingly pleasure his nethers burning hot as his cock stiffened up hard enough to club something with. "God.. what did I drink?" Exim could guess, dick growth potion wasn't on the list but aphrodisiac was possible. "YOU MAKING FUN OF ME FUCK?" Exim let his rage out screaming with a raging boner. "YOU THINK BECAUSE I'M A RABBIT I'M JUST GONNA JACK OFF FOR YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AND YOUR JUDGEMENT I'LL WALK AROUND STIFF AS A BOARD I HAVEN'T WANKED IN MONTHS I'M NOT SOME DIRTY LITTLE FUCK SLUT!" Exim screamed but nothing answer, sighing as he felt relieved to let out the anger he walked towards the end of the hall, at the end was a door but no knob. "Probably electric..." Exim blinked as the light was poor, there was a keyhole though which made no sense. Walking up to the door Exim saw a button nodding he pressed it and a door slid open, but not the door in front of him, behind him a very similarly horny bull appeared wearing an overcoat and crotch-less pants his massive erection making Exim look like a toddler. "Oh, balls." Exim said banging on the door furiously.

"WELCOME!" A voice echoed through the empty area, a familiar voice. "Welcome to my wonderful game, you, you who wished to change your life are now being given the opportunity but not without a cost, you will bet everything in an attempt to gain whatever it is you desire but you will be challenged every step along the way nothing in life is easy dears." The voice stopped and the bull began to move. "You who made it to the doors will notice that there are two possibilities before you, plunge into the unknown, so to speak, or go with what's in front of you." The bull chuckled stroking is throbbing cock. "You have two minutes to decide if you do not the decision will be made for you, think carefully, how much do you really want to change that wretched horrible life of yours?" The voice vanished and the bull pinned Exim pressing his cock against his face.

"You're a pretty boy." The dumb bull growled and thrust up. "You gonna fit nice and tight around Tiny." The bull moaned and Exim pushed away.

"Tiny, that's such a lame joke what was irony taken?" He complained and spun around his front to the door. Leaning down he stuck his finger in the door to make sure it wasn't a guillotine or something inside the keyhole was wet and warm.. like. Exim's eyes widened this wasn't.... He looked back at the bull looking at a pocket watch and stroking himself off. "Oh I really hope you aren't a guy." Exin sniffed his fingers, it smelled sweet, but did guys smell sweet!? Not thinking about it Exim knocked on the door "Hey listen, my name is Exim I'm kind of trapped in here and well you're the way out, but like, nothing personal I don't want to do this but literally it's my ass on the line so.." Exim lined up with the hole his cock twinging from the aphrodisiac. "Sorry." Exim pushed in feeling the door shake, muffled protests on the other side and a writhing tongue greeted him. "Oh, oh god, fuck.." Exim gripped the wall his tail tweaking as he felt his baser instincts take control. "No, no, I'm not.. I'm not.. I'M NOT SOME HORNY FUCK SLUT!" Exim screamed out withdrawing and ramming his cock back into the hole shivering with how good it felt.

His balls were on fire he needed to cum he needed to get it out and this was so good he didn't even care how ashamed he was, tightly humping the keyhole until he felt his nut burst painting the black door with seed as well as the insides of the keyhole coming to a raging orgasm. Weak Exim fell to his knees eye level with the keyhole as an electronic lock clicked then the door slid open, on the other side a very sour looking feline female staring at Exim. "Um, hi, I'm" Exim didn't get long before the enraged female spat his cum out at him and jumped on him scratching his arm and face

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE COCK SUCKER!" The feline yowled and Exim groaned his dick still hard. "OH YOU'RE SENSITIVE ARE YOU!?" She spat the last of the seed from her mouth and stood up stomping on Exim's erect cock making him squeal and cry spurts of cum shooting out. "YOU SICK SADISTIC FUCKING PERVERT DIE YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" the feline hissed and slammed her foot against Exim's dick repeatedly unaware that the room lead to an open chamber where four other doors remained. Each one coming to open. This feline was door five, on door four was a white female polar bear, door three a black bear female, door two a white tailed doe, door one a golden Labradorean female One at a time the locks clicked and the captives fell free, some swallow, some spitting, others crying.

Through the doors walked a pachyderm male, a fox male, an older lion, and a male otter they all went to their partners except the two female ursines who went to each other and the fox and the otter who paired up, that left the older lion to check on the Labradorean girl, and the white tailed doe with the pachyderm. Exim continued to suffer under the feline's barrage.

"What's going on!?" The pachyderm trumpeted and the rest began to raise the same question.

"I wanna go home, I wanna go home!" The Labradorean girl cried until the lion picked her up by her shoulders.

"No more of that, we all want to go home but first we need to figure out where we exactly are lassie." The elder lion spoke with a Scottish accent and sounded like a famous actor.

"Might be better to figure out WHO we are first just to see if anyone suffered a bit too much from that, trial." The white tailed doe interjected her voice sultry and foreign she sounded English.

"That was icky, yeah I didn't know girls felt like that." The otter and the fox exchanged kisses rubbing each others cocks. "Lets get the nasty taste of girl off our peckers." The two squealed and rolled around until one got on top and proceeded to fuck the other one.

"You naughty whore." The white ursine chastised the black one. "Who said you could swallow another person's cum!?" She stood over the sniveling black bear.

"I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice!" The black bear whimpered licking the foot of the white bear. "Please forgive me sister I won't ever do it again I promise."

The white bear glowered at the others and picked her sister up. "Do not speak around them, they are unworthy of our voices." She took her sister to another part of the large room.

"What a pair of cunts." The lion chuckled and pat the Labradorean girl on her tush. "You were amazing by the way, I didn't know one so young could be so skilled in the art of felatio." The man praised the Labradorean girl and she blushed rubbing her head into his hand.

"FUCKING DIE!!" The feline continued to assault Exim until the elder lion came over to stop her.

"Lass consider the options available to the boy, he either stuck his pecker down your mouth or he got destroyed by one of those gargantuans, not an easy choice I know its not tasteful but forgive the poor lad he wasn't in a position to take the more tactful route of buying you flowers and taking you out to dinner, consider the positives at least you're still a virgin and weren't hooked up ass first." The lion roared in laughed and the feline blushed.

"We are losing sight of the topic." The white doe sighed sitting on her rump. "I'm Cloe, a white rump doe I'm thirty two and a nurse at Yiff General in FurCity." Cloe introduced herself and the pachyderm trumpeted in.

"I'm Zach I'm a college student at Yiff U I'm nineteen." Zach was heavy even for an elephant it wasn't a hard guess that he wasn't exactly the 'outdoors' type.

"Name's Osirus I'm a retired sailor from the emerald islands and professional poon hunter." Osirus introduced himself with his, interesting, choice of vocation Cloe's eyes narrowing in on him.

The fox and the otter rolling around finally stopped fucking each other popping into the conversation as if impromptu sex was just normal for them. "I'm Brian I'm twenty two and that's Gabriel he's twenty two too." Brian the otter introduced them pulling his cock from Garbiel's ass making Gabriel moan like a slut.

The two ursines said nothing they wanted nothing to do with this group.

"That leaves you and, oh dear is he alive?" Cloe knelt down checking Exim for a pulse, the feeling of fingers on his skin made his cock twitch making Cloe laugh in surprise. "Yes or he's a very horny zombie, oh what a nice and juicy piece of meat." Cloe licked her lips pulling her hair back before sliding Exim's cock into her mouth sucking him off while the others talked.

"He said his name was Exim, he's a fucking rapist from fucking rapist town where fucking rapists live and he can go fucking die... I'm Mary I don't have a job." Mary introduced herself her tail flickering as Exim groaned coming to climax again inside Cloe's mouth the more experienced doe swallowing and licking her lips.

"So that's everyone." Cloe wiped her mouth. "So, where are we?" Cloe questioned and nobody had an answer. "Alright let's try another question, how did we get where ever here is?" She sat down again reaching over and grabbing Zach's dick as she thought giving him long and tender strokes making the elephant boy shiver.

"I was, oh jeez, sleeping on a bench after an all night study session,,, pffff." Zach was struggling to explain and not climax at the same time. "WHEN a tiger lady came up to me and said she was with campus security, she said I couldn't sleep on the benches and if I didn't want to be expelled I had to, ahh right there, play a game." Zack let out a loud sigh as he came spraying the floor with hot cum Cloe licking her hands.

"I was working my shift at the hospital when a white tigress came and asked for a examination claiming she had been raped, as soon as I was touching her soft fuzzy...." Cloe shook her head. "I got cracked across the back of the head and woke up head strapped to a door with a nice big juicy dick being thrust down my throat, not a bad way to start the day." Cloe giggled. "I'd wager those two over there are poofs." Cloe pointed to Brian and Gabriel who had switched positions now Brian was moaning like a slut. "Knock it off you two" Cloe pried them apart with her hoof until they could answer the question.

"A white tigress you say, well some fine looking pussy walked up to me when I was having a drink and asked if I wanted to play a game, I asked her what the prize was and she said anything so I agreed, next thing I know I'm waking up poking some fine Lassie's tonsils with me pecker." Osirus stroked his mane.

"Yeah we got caught having public sex so we were sentenced to community service" Brian panted out squirming out from underneath Cloe's foot and mounting his boyfriend. "we kept getting caught having sex so we got transferred around until we got to work as mail clerks for Yin-Yang, can you believe it a company that makes sex toys!" Brian squealed as he shot a hot load into Gabriel's ass.

"We got caught fooling around, FUCK ME BRIAN!" Gabriel moaned when he felt the load. "The boss lady said if we played a game and won she'd make us permanent product testers!" Gabriel and Brian held each other kissing passionately.

Again the ursine were silent

"That just leaves you two, let me guess caught having public sex as well?" Cloe giggled and Osrius snorted as Mary turned bright red.

"NO I WOULD NEVER TOUCH THAT CREEP.. I, I answered an online ad about a contest for money." Mary felt stupid, everyone else was abducted she walked into it. "When I got to the address I was thrown in a bag and forced into that machine then.. then that.." Mary hissed looking at Exim.

"Pizza, I was delivering a pizza, some rich woman asked me if I wanted the change my life and I said yes, Exim, seventeen." Finally recovered Exim sat up rubbing his head and balls, they hurt so bad after being pulverized.

"Pizza delivery of course you are what other job does a rapist have?" Mary snarled and Exim looked at her blankly. "I'm seventeen as well... that doesn't make what you did okay!" Mary's tail swished and Exim sighed women were so unreasonable.

"Now now you got your kicks in." Osirus started to play peace keeper before the sound of soft crying broke his attempts, sitting in a puddle of urine was the Labradorean girl her legs soaked with piss.

"I want to go home, I'm sorry miss tiger lady I won't pee on your flowers ever again please let Jackie go!" The young Labradorean girl named Jackie cried out to no one in particular.

"Oh dear." Cloe being a nurse swept around kneeling down and placing her arms around Jackie. "Come on, its not that bad, it was just an accident nobody's upset." Cloe looked at the group who's reaction ranged from repulsed to aroused. "Come on, lets clean you up." Cloe lead Jackie back into one of the rooms for privacy licking her clean.

"Something tells me its not the first time she's done that." Osirus rubbed his mane turning to the rest. "Well like it or not we seem stuck together, so lets work as a team, I'm sure whatever lies ahead can be beaten if we just band together and go at it with co operation." Osirus was a natural leader he had to be in his high forties as he didn't reveal his age but he gave off a very fatherly aura, or grandfatherly.

"So long as he doesn't come near me sure." Mary pointed at Exim and hissed, Exim flipped her off and the two went back at it.

"Children." The ursine sisters muttered.

Cloe and Jackie came back Cloe still sniffling but no longer stinking of dog piss. "I'm Jackie, sixteen, I'm a student and I have..." Jackie looked at Cloe who nodded holding her hand. "I have IBS Infantile Bladder Syndrome it means I usually have to wear diapers to keep from peeing everywhere if I get scared or excited I.. I tinkle." Jackie admitted with a hot flush stripe across the face everyone just raising an eyebrow but the glare Cloe gave told them it was better to not press the issue.

"Don't feel bad lass, I pissed myself four times just this morning, happens when you get old the secret is not being ashamed." Osirus declared and definitely drew some odd stares laughing confidently.

"What now?" Zach trumpeted laying on his back, he was tired from the double orgasm, he couldn't wait to tell his blog followers about this.

"Well until we're told what to do I guess we just stay here..." Exim thought about it. "If you see any weird bottles don't drink them, there's nothing good inside them.

Over the monitor Tiny knelt beside a regal chair with a white tigress occupying it her legs spread as she fingered herself to the footage on the screen. "Oh yes bunny boy you are my favorite, you've got that raw anger that will take you far and the ability to turn that anger into action, that is a valuable skill plus you're adorable." The tigress moaned as she squeezed Tiny's cock making him roar and spray ropes of cum over the floor. Glaring at her servant she pointed at the cumstain. "Clean it up." She demanded and Tiny bent over licking his own cum up The Mistress kicking him in the ass as he did it pushing him into the cum. "Our games are just beggining my sweet little toy,

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Punishment Game Episode 2

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Punishment Game

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