Unexpected Pleasures

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Arak, a green drake that considers himself straight, visits his friend Vallan, planning to try and discuss some business with them. Vallan's affectionate nature leads to some situations where Arak is forced to reconsider his thoughts about his sexuality.

Arak had been flying for a few hours now, the sun warming his light green wings as he rode the wind above the clouds, looking down at the passing terrain, admiring the way that everything just seemed to slide passed underneath him. Though he had been flying for so long his wings barely felt the strain of carrying his body, he was used to such things, having flown much longer distances before. He had decided to visit his friend Vallan to ask about some territory related business, and whether the deep yellow dragon would be interesting in sharing some parts of the land that he called home. They would never fight over territory, they were good friends after all, and Arak just thought it would be nice to have some things sorted out that could benefit both of them. He knew exactly where Vallan's cave was, he had been there many times to talk about other business with him, or just to sit and relax with someone.

He was watching the mountains lazily go by, watching for the cave that was Vallan's home, though he thought he would be able to find it with his eyes closed. He had been there more times than any other dragon's lair, besides his own of course, and as such he knew the way there and back perfectly. The only time he had ever found himself lost was when he had tried flying through a thick storm to check on his friend, and even then he had made his way to the cave eventually, though soaked and dripping all over the soft furs that Vallan liked to line his cave with. There were large bear furs spread across the floor, some from deer and even wolves, a large variety of the plush softness.

Arak didn't have any furs like that in his own cave, he had tried it once but found it too difficult to keep them clean, and didn't mind the cool stone anyway. It was always nice to feel the softness against his paws though, and his underbelly when he had found himself with the rare chance to lay on them. He let his mind wonder, thinking about what awaited him inside the cave ahead, and let his body begin descending towards it. He had barely seen it come into sight, but he knew it would be there, as always. Slowly gliding into the shadow of the mountain Arak took in a breath, letting the familiar scent of the area fill his nostrils; it was much the same as his own territory, though with a subtle difference, a slight change in the smell of the bushes, a different soil. Arak found it refreshing, because even though he was comforted by the scent of his own home he enjoyed some variety every now and then.

Landing softly Arak took a few quick steps forwards to slow his momentum, keeping his eyes on the ground in front of him to make sure he didn't stumble on anything. By the time he brought his gaze back up the familiar yellow dragon was standing before him, a grin covering his snout. He let his own smile crawl across his face stepping forwards to give Vallan a friendly nuzzle.

"It's been a while; I was beginning to wonder when I would see you again!" Vallan said, leaning into smooth green hide of the drake in front of him.

"You know I'm never gone for too long," Arak replied, "Besides, it's always nice to have a host that knows how to take care of a guest." He joked, happy enough to put up with the affectionate nuzzles he was receiving.

"Well any dragon with taste would treat such a handsome drake well." Vallan said, a teasing smile showing spread across his maw, giving Arak a friendly nudge along his side.

"You're as charming as ever, but such advances will only work in your dreams."

"Well that's a shame; I guess I'll just have to keep those thoughts in my imagination." Vallan replied, giving a quick wink before turning away, heading into his cave.

Arak kept his smile as the yellow dragon moved away, watching their happily swaying tail as they retreated into the cave. Vallan had tried to convince him that males could be just as good as a female many times before, but he always stuck with what he knew, and that was the fact that females were just made better to help with the needs of a male. He didn't have anything against any dragons that preferred company in the same sex; he just never saw any reason to try something with another male. Vallan was a good looking drake in any case, and Arak would have no trouble having some more intimate fun if he wasn't actually a he. Arak walked in after Vallan, knowing that the yellow drake would expect him to enter instead of waiting to be offered entry, letting out a quiet sigh as he felt the soft furs beneath him.

"So what brought you all the way over here?" The yellow drake asked, slumping down onto the furs under him, wriggling around and rolling onto his back, his wings stretching out under him, his lighter yellow underbelly showing clearly. "Surely it wasn't just to see me?"

"As nice as it is to see you, I actually came here wondering if you would be interested in mixing some of our territories." Arak let his gaze roam over the yellow body on the ground, definitely not a bad looking dragon, with a nice looking snout, but the obvious balls and sheath between their hind legs proudly showing. They had known each other for a long time, and it was nothing that would bother either of them. "I think it would help us both, so that we could travel easier without worrying about crossing into each other's territory."

"You are allowed to come into my territory whenever you want though, I wouldn't even mind if you wanted to share a cave with me." Vallan replied, smiling again as he noticed the gaze of the green dragon.

"Yes I know, you've offered more than enough times for me to remember." Arak laughed, moving to sit down on the plush furs beneath him.

"Come on, I'll show you how big the place is." The yellow dragon insisted, quickly rolling over and standing up.

Arak let out a quiet sigh of disappointment; he was looking forwards to somewhere comfortable to sit for a little bit. He had seen the entire cave network that Vallan lived in, but the yellow drake loved showing him around anyway, and he didn't want to spoil the joy they got from showing off. There were three other rooms that branched off from the large one they were in now, each one a fair bit smaller, but decent size still. He didn't have to pay attention to know that Vallan was explaining the cave ahead was where he ate most of his meals, so that he didn't get any of the furs dirty. Unlike the large main room, the rest of them were just bare stone, giving off an odd feeling as though they were too bare after leaving the lush entrance room.

"See, you could eat in here with me whenever you wanted, there is always enough food to go around." Vallan said, touching shoulders with the green drake. "And it's just bare rock like your cave so you shouldn't have any problems with it."

Arak regretted saying he didn't care for furs so long ago, because ever since Vallan had had it in his head that Arak would prefer stone. It would be easy to just tell the drake that he did in fact like the soft feeling of them, but it would be embarrassing to go against what he said.

"And we could talk all the time too, I love hearing about all of the big adventures you go on." Vallan continued, giving Arak a quick nuzzle before moving on, brushing passed the green drake on his way out of the small room.

"This is the room where I-" Vallan began, explaining what the room was while he still walked towards it.

"The room where you sleep, I know." Arak said, cutting the dragon off, finding himself glancing at the shapely rump of the dragon in front of him before looking away. "Though I don't know why you would sleep here instead of in that larger room that you use for hoarding furs."

"Well as nice as it is they get caught on claws and wings, it can be a hassle the get up if you move around in your sleep." The yellow dragon countered, they had this conversation nearly every time Arak came over, but neither of them seemed to tire of it.

"Come on; try lying down for a bit, you won't appreciate it unless you try it." Vallan insisted, nudging at Arak with his snout, doing his best at convincing the green drake to be comfortable.

Arak just let out a sigh, going along with it, lying down on the smooth stone. The scent of Vallan was obvious here, not overpowering or super strong, it was just undeniably there. Arak was followed to the ground by the yellow dragon, who seemed to be enjoying himself by leaning against the green dragon, giving more than a few friendly nuzzles.

"You could even bring a dragoness here, I wouldn't mind, unless you finally decided to change your mind and give something else a chance?" Vallan asked teasingly, giving a quick lick along Arak's light green cheek, doing his best to give him a seductive gaze before his grin pushed its way onto his snout again, a small laugh escaping him.

"Well I'll keep that in mind if I ever decided to live here," Arak said, ignoring Vallan's body pressing against his own. What else would there be besides a dragoness? Thinking on the matter Arak really started to notice just how close Vallan was, his smooth body pressing against his own. "But I think we should talk about this territory stuff, I really think it could help both of us."

"Come on, you know I don't care about that sort of stuff, you can do whatever you want." Vallan insisted, slowly nuzzling up underneath Arak's jaw, making the green drake shift around slightly, though they didn't pull away from the contact.

Vallan seemed to be feeling extra affectionate today, with all of the nuzzles and rubbing that Arak was receiving. He was sure he felt a lick not too long ago as well, and for a moment Arak found himself wondering how long it had been since the yellow dragon had been with someone else. Vallan let his tongue out of his maw, and trailed a long, gentle path along the bright green neck in front of him, hearing Arak's breath catch in his throat.

"V- Vallan, come on, you know I'm not interested in this." Arak said, forgetting for a moment that Vallan was in fact a male.

"Are you saying you don't like it?" Vallan asked, rubbing his snout against the underside of Arak's neck.

"Well no, but I only like-"

"Only like females, I know, but have you ever even been with one?"

"I- well... no I haven't, but that doesn't have anything to do with this. I just thought males and females were supposed to be together, that's the normal way of things." Arak argued, though from the look on Vallan's face the yellow drake was entirely unconvinced.

"Just because you think it's normal doesn't mean we can't enjoy each other. And besides that I can smell you," Vallan said quietly, giving another long lick along that green neck. "How would you know you don't like being with a male if you have never even tried it? I know that you like it, so why not just continue?"

Vallan's licks slowly worked their way lower along the large green body next to him, trailing over Arak's wing joint, making the drake shiver from the sensations. Arak was trying to think this through, but Vallan's licking was making it difficult. He could feel himself growing hard, the tip of his member already peeking out of his sheath, the cool air in the cave obvious against his sensitive flesh. Arak had a vivid imagination, and this is just what he imagined a dragoness would feel like, having such a way with their tongues that Arak could barely think of anything else besides mounting them. But this was Vallan, and Vallan was male, even if his rear and tongue could compare with any dragoness he had seen.

"Come on!" Arak said, quickly standing up, making Vallan pull back in surprise. "You still have another room to show me right?"

Arak did his best to ignore the fact that his maleness was attempting to push out even further from his sheath. It wasn't right to be so excited from the touch of another male.

"You're right! I haven't even finished the tour." Vallan said, a reassuring smile showing on his snout. He didn't want to push his friend into anything he didn't want.

They walked into the next room silently, Arak not being able to find any words for conversation at this point. Vallan had barely touched him, just a little lick on the neck, and he found himself taking careful steps, making sure his legs didn't rub against his plump sheath. Vallan was talking, but he wasn't focused on that, instead he was replaying the scene of what had just happened in his head. Vallan was a male, but his licks had definitely felt nice. He was unknowingly just making his arousal more apparent, the spaded tip of his member pushing further out of his sheath, followed by ever more of his thick length. His eyes locked on to that rump again, the way it moved as the yellow drakes hips did, the curves of it drawing his attention. He wondered how soft it would be, what it would be like to just grab at it with his paws. Vallan definitely had the shapely rear of a dragoness, and Arak found himself licking his lips at just the sight of it. It was easy to forget that this was a male in front of him with such an appetizing view.

He barely managed to supress a pleased growl as he watched the way Vallan's hips moved, his tail flicking to the side just long enough to give him a quick glimpse of what was between those yellow legs. Vallan didn't fail to notice the fact that Arak was becoming quite aroused, the thick scent of the exposed flesh catching in his nostrils, working at making his own sheath fatten significantly. By the time Vallan had finished saying he had no use for this room, Arak was already half way out of his sheath, his eyes looking slightly glazed, and pre beginning to roll down the length of his member, passing over his sheath, coating Vallan's floor with the small drops that fell from his balls.

"You know," Vallan said, nudging Arak with his snout, bringing the green dragon out of whatever day dream he was in. "I could help you with that."

"Hmm? No, I just- it's because of-" Arak stammered, desperately trying to think of some excuse. "You're a male." He whined out, the only argument he could seem to find.

"So what? You would enjoy it, that's all that matters." Vallan replied, trying to comfort his friend. "No one would need to know anyway, it's just some fun we could have together."

"Alright then, no one needs to hear about this." Arak agreed, accepting the other all too quickly with his building lust driving him.

He sat down awkwardly on his haunches, his now fully erect cock slapping against his belly, already looking slick from the sheer amount of pre that he had been leaking.

"So how do you want me to do this?" Vallan asked, "I won't do anything you don't want."

"I just... I thought you could... you know... just.... Just do what you know?" Arak mumbles, feeling awkward about the situation, it was his first time ever doing something with a male.

Smiling, Vallan nodded his head, leaning forwards to give a few encouraging licks along Arak's face, hoping to help make the green dragon more relaxed. His licks became slower, and he stepped in closer, making sure to cover Arak's face with his tongue, slowly working his way down to his neck after that, delighting in the way that his body trembled when he licked against certain points. Arak's breathing was coming louder now, and he was having a small amount of trouble keeping himself still, his tail moving around behind him without his will. He had licked himself before, but the way Vallan did it, it was just amazing. He felt his member throb when the yellow drake licked along his collarbone, a quiet whine escaping his throat.

Vallan was eagerly searching for those places that made Arak shudder and whine, his tongue dutifully covering as much of that green hide as it could. He was moving around Arak as he needed to, his tongue working its way along his wing joints and down his spine. Vallan's thick saliva was working on coating Arak's body, making the dragon look shiny and slick, very little wind reaching into the depths of the cave so it wasn't drying too quickly. Vallan was making sure to cover every inch of Arak's lustful body, making him tremble and groan every time he found one of the drakes more sensitive, erogenous spots.

The thick scent of Arak's arousal was undeniable at this point, and Vallan found himself matching it, though he was too focused on pleasuring the green drake to worry about his own aching member. Arak tried to stay as still a statue throughout the whole thing, ignoring his constantly shifting tail and the occasional shivers that he couldn't stop, squirming around as his paws couldn't seem to rest comfortably beneath him. After deciding that there wasn't much more pleasure to bring out of Arak's wings and back Vallan found himself returning to face the lusty drake again. He gave a long slow lick along his cheek, before working his way down over the pale green chest and underbelly, knowing that his body would be more sensitive here.

He was right of course, and Arak found himself whining and shivering like a hatchling, his member throbbing between his legs, his belly painted where the tip of his cock could reach, both his length and his balls thoroughly soaked in pre. Vallan made sure not to let his tongue touch Arak's obviously sensitive member, though his maw was drooling at the sight of all that pre. Giving a few gentle laps along the green drake's thighs, he finally pulled his head back, sitting down in front of Arak who looked to be having obvious difficulty focussing.

"It doesn't look like I need to ask, but did you like that?" Vallan asks, a small grin covering his snout.

Not feeling capable of any actual reply, Arak just gave a weak nod, his breath coming hard and fast through his nose. Vallan gave him affectionate lick along his muzzle at that, but didn't just stop there, instead continuing his licks, working along the lips of the green dragon. Arak opened his mouth for a second, planning on asking what Vallan was doing, but instantly found himself with a mouthful of the yellow dragon's tongue, which was eagerly poking and exploring the inside of his maw. Arak wasn't too sure how to feel about what was happening, but decided that he definitely liked it, and found himself turning his head slightly, allowing that slippery muscle to push further into his maw, his own tongue pushing back against it in some sort of playful wrestle in his mouth. The situation was making Arak's member twitch and throb, spurting pre all over himself and the ground beneath him, he could barely contain himself, his hips moving back and forth lightly, humping the air as he tried to focus on the pleasure he was getting from Vallan's tongue grinding against his own, splattering drops of pre as far away as the yellow drake's paws. He was doing his best to remain still, and instead focussed on what was happening inside his maw.

He could feel Vallan's saliva mixing with his own, his maw locked with the yellow drake's in some sort of odd embrace, his tongue now working on twisting and squeezing against theirs. He found himself drooling from the sheer amount of liquids building in his maw, his own mouth salivating from the erotic feel of the situation, and Vallan's maw seemed to be working in the same direction. With their tongues entwined they were working on pushing into each other's maw now, each of them groaning in desire, neither one wanting to give up, but each craving the feeling of the other drake's slippery tongue in their maw. It was a confusing tug of war, but one that each one found more than a little erotic. They continued on with this, Arak's member working on soaking itself as much as possible with his seemingly endless supply of pre, before Vallan finally pulled his head back, a thick trail of saliva connecting the tongues of the lusty drakes.

They were both panting now, the intense battle leaving them out of breath. Arak was the first to move after that, leaning forwards, a long wet lick trailing along Vallan's lips, breaking the string of saliva that had connected them. There was a hefty puddle of pre beneath Arak at this point, a slick resting point for his heavy balls which were just aching to spill there essence. Vallan had a big goofy grin covering his snout, and he gave an overly affectionate nuzzle to the green dragon before reaching down with his snout towards the pool of liquid that the lusty beast had made.

"You know Arak, for a dragon that doesn't enjoy males you are wetter than any female I have known." Vallan teased, though there was no denying that he was just trying to work the horny dragon up.

Sniffing at the generous puddle of pre that was still leaking from Arak's needy member, Vallan gave it a tentative lick, instantly finding the taste of it to his liking. He didn't focus on the puddle that was keeping the green drake's balls wet though; the source of it was just above that after all. Leaning his snout closer the yellow drake gave a few sniffs at Arak's balls, letting his nose push lightly against them, and slowly worked his way higher, feeling the heat of his thick flesh through the tight sheath futilely trying to cover it. He enjoyed the scent of the other dragon, and this close he had a good chance to indulge himself a little. Not wanting to just focus on the smell of his excited partner he slowly started to nudge and nuzzle at his thick red length, feeling the heat of it as a thick trail of pre was painted across his snout.

A particularly strong throb sent a large drop of pre rolling down his nose, which he eagerly licked off, enjoying the taste of it before returning his affection back to Arak's needy length. Satisfied with how much nudging and nuzzling he had done Vallan pushed his head back down to Arak's large, light green balls, and let his tongue make a few slow passes along the smooth skin. Arak let out a pleased rumble at that, his legs trembling a bit as he worked to move them further apart, allowing the yellow dragon as much access to his sensitive parts as the drake wanted.

Vallan showed that he did enjoy the access he had, licking and lapping at them, getting a feel for just how full and heavy they were, all the time enjoying the taste of the liberal amount of pre coating them. His tongue was working its way up and down, even going so far as to coil around one ball for a moment, his thick saliva coating them generously. Once he was satisfied that he had covered every inch of the smooth flesh with his tongue he worked his way up higher, which obviously got Arak more excited, the green drake wriggling his hips, his tail slapping at the ground behind him. Vallan attacked the sheath next, greedily licking and lapping at it, the heat of the flesh inside adding a surreal feel to the whole thing. Twisting his head sideways Vallan made an attempt to take the sheath into his maw, a thick string of drool drooling from his maw as he worked on covering the overly tight sheath with his tongue.

Arak was groaning at the sensual licks from the yellow drake beneath him, his heart thundering in his chest as that snout slowly worked its way higher along his sheath, cleaning it of all the pre that had soaked it. Then, after giving it a vigorous tongue bath, Vallan pulled his snout back a bit, licking at his lips in an attempt to clean some of the liquids from them. Pushing his nose against that thick flesh again he took a sharp breath, delighting as the draconic member jumped in front of him, the ridges along the bottom rubbing against the top of his nose. Burying his nose at the base of Arak's sheath Vallan pushed his tongue out, the heat of the length making his maw water just as much as the delightful taste.

He let his tongue make a slow, teasing trip up the length, pushing hard enough that the top of the tasty cock pushed against Arak's belly, smearing it with even more pre. Finally reaching the top of the needy flesh, Vallan let his tongue sit under it, supporting the hefty weight of it, and let out a long deep breath, his warm breath travelling along the length of it, making Arak shudder from the sudden pleasure of it. Unable to supress how much he was enjoying Arak let out a long, low growl, his claws attempting to dig into the stone beneath him. His jaw was clenched shut, the nearly nonstop growl showing just how much he was enjoying the attention from Vallan.

Vallan was being sure to show the proper appreciation to such a delectable treat, slathering the twitching member with his saliva, his licks slowly becoming braver, his tongue coiling around the flesh to grip and squeeze at it. Feeling like he couldn't sit still any longer Arak lowers his head, finding himself desperately licking at Vallan's neck, as if to imitate the greedy licks travelling along his sensitive cock. With his nose pushed hard against the thick flesh, and his tongue coiled around it as much as possible, Vallan made a few quick trips up and down with his snout, his tongue squeezing at the draconic member in its grip the whole time.

Arak felt as if he were about to explode, and after a particularly violent shudder made its way through his body he felt as if he couldn't move, or more precisely couldn't control his body. Before he could even realize what he was doing, Arak found himself with a mouthful of Vallan's hide, his jaws clamping down around the yellow drake's neck, his body quickly standing up, and his hips thrusting forwards sharply, sinking his thick length into the tight, slick depths of Vallan's throat. Vallan did his best at letting out a startled grunt at that, desperately swallowing around the large member that was suddenly lodged deep within his throat, Arak's hips already working on forcing it deeper down until he found himself kissing against the light green sheath that housed the decidedly filling flesh.

A slight bulge could be seen pushing down along Vallan's neck, tracking the path of the relentless dragon cock as it pushed in and out in a rapid, feral manner. Vallan did his best to lick at the flesh, gulping and swallowing around it as it was forced deep into his throat again and again, Arak's heavy balls slapping against his chin as the drake thrust in and out. Vallan was having trouble dealing with the sheer amount of flesh surging in and out of his throat; it was difficult to breathe with such a large dragon stuffing his maw so thoroughly. He wasn't going to give up because of that though, instead doing his best to swallow the hot length that was throbbing in his throat, his nose scrunching up as those hips really worked on stuffing it down as deep as possible.

His head was rocking back with every thrust from the overly aroused drake, but the tight grip on his neck made sure that the thick dragon cock never left his throat. Arak barely knew what he was doing, he just knew that something incredibly warm, slippery, and tight was wrapped around his member, and he couldn't help himself from desperately thrusting into it, feeling that slick grip grasp at his length over and over, massaging and grinding against his sensitive flesh. He could still feel his draconic cock twitching inside the slathering maw of the yellow drake under him, sending large spurts of pre directly into their throat.

Vallan was doing his best to suckle at the length now, even as it surged deeper down his gullet than he had expected, loud gulps could easily be heard every now and then along with the erotic slurps and wet slapping sounds. Finding himself at his peak Arak slammed his hips forwards, really burying Vallan's snout between his legs, letting out a loud whining growl. His member throbbed rapidly inside Vallan's tight throat, his balls pulling up against their yellow chin as he began unloading a massive amount of seed directly into his stomach, his hips jaggedly pulling back only to push back in. Vallan did his best to swallow the liberal load that was being forced down his throat, not that he had much choice. He wouldn't complain given the choice though, he was loving the feeling of that hot, thick flesh throbbing inside him, Arak's creamy dragon essence flooding him.

They stayed like that for a small while, Arak holding Vallan's neck in a vice like grip, his member throbbing and twitching, releasing the torrent of seed that had built up inside his heavy balls. By the time the throbbing started to slow down Vallan was happily suckling on the still hard length stuffed down his throat. Aral was panting when he finally let go of the yellow neck that had been filling his mouth for the last eternity of bliss, and even though he wanted to just collapse he made sure he hadn't hurt his friend, giving a few affectionate licks at the surely tender hide beneath him.

Arak pulled his hips back slowly, groaning at the feeling of Vallan's throat still gripping his sensitive length, his seed still drooling from the tip of his member liberally. He nearly had his member free from the yellow drake's maw, but a paw on his balls stopped him. Vallan gave a hard suck along the hard member in his maw, earning a surprised grunt from Arak, and a few overly large spurts of dragon cum, filling his maw quickly, some of it dribbling out the side before he could stop it. He swallowed most of it as Arak's member finally pulled out of his maw, a random spurt painting the side of his jaw in the thick creamy essence of a pent up drake.

Arak was still panting, looking as if he was having some trouble focussing, his tongue lolling out of his maw. Vallan's throat felt somewhat empty now, without such a thick length stuck in it, but he was sure he would have other chances to get that feeling again. He lifted his head up so that it was level with Arak's, his face looking a mess, covered in his own saliva and no small amount of seed. Arak moved his head back a bit at the sight of it, not feeling very comfortable with the sight of another male covered in seed, though to be fair it was his own. Vallan had a pleading look plastered across his face, and even though it was buried beneath various liquids Arak found himself succumbing to the look of it.

Surely it wouldn't mean he was gay if he tasted his own seed, he had done it before after all, most drakes had, finding release in their own maws on lonely nights. Giving in, he pushed his snout forwards giving a small, cautious lick along Vallan's cheek, deliberately ignoring the one that was covered with his thick, gooey essence. He was surprised when Vallan quickly turned his head though, opening his maw wide and capturing Arak's slippery one with his own slimy appendage. Arak was shocked for a moment, and slightly disgusted, remembering the massive amount of seed he had fed into that maw, but found that he couldn't deny that it didn't taste horrible.

No one would know about this anyway, Vallan had promised, so he opened his maw wider, pushing his tongue into the yellow dragon's maw, again being locked in a passionate kiss with them. Vallan let out a happy rumble at that, his tongue wrapping around Arak's, even though it was still covered in the thick seed that had filled his maw moments ago. There was still a fair amount of it filling his maw even, and Arak was quick to notice that as his tongue pushed into the pool of liquid, noticing that it was obviously too thick to just be saliva. Before he could even think about it though, Vallan lifted his head higher, his tongue still tightly coiled with Arak's, squeezing and pushing against the drakes invading tongue in a passionate embrace.

Finding his head being tilted back, Arak was confused for a moment, until he felt the thick liquid that he knew was his seed begin oozing into his own maw. Just an hour ago he would have been disgusted by this, but now, while he was shoving his tongue into another dragon's maw, and a male no less, he found that he didn't quite have the same emotions for it. He swallowed the gooey seed as it filled his maw, finding that it wasn't so bad, it was his own seed after all, not some other dragon's, it meant nothing. He did his best to ignore the fact that he found the taste to be fairly pleasant. Vallan pulled his head back after that, an overly thick string of saliva mixed with Arak's tasty cum stretching between them, before the yellow drake leaned in to lick at it.

"See," Vallan said, his own breath struggling to return to normal, "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"It... it was alright." Arak said, though his still half hard member showed that he thought it was more than alright.

Arak let his tired body fall to the ground, being sure to avoid any of the puddles that had accumulated beneath the dragons as they had had their fun. Vallan noticed this and set to cleaning them, licking the fluids off of the smooth stone ground. Arak obviously still had some issues with males, but Vallan was happy enough to help make him more comfortable for now, licking the seed from the ground with lewd sounding slurps.

"There's no denying you enjoyed it." Vallan said, looking up at the green drake as he lapped at a small pool of spilled seed, taking the time to enjoy the taste of it now.

"Well yes... I did, but you won't tell anyone right?" Arak said, a bit of worry filling him.

Vallan just grunted in reply, working on cleaning up the last bit of spilled liquids, his mouth heavy with the taste of it, and his nose full of the deep musky scent.

"And we won't do anything else, that was all, I like females after all." Arak argued, still certain that he was a straight dragon.

Feeling his own cock twitching beneath him now, dripping pre onto the recently cleaned floor, Vallan thought for a bit. Getting to taste so much of that deliciously strong seed had worked to make him more aroused than he had expected, and now he wanted a taste for more pleasure.

"I don't know if I can keep that promise." Vallan said, licking his lips and sitting down in front of Arak.


"Hear me out." The yellow drake pleaded. "I won't do anything you wouldn't enjoy, and you will like it." He promised.

"No, I- I like females Vallan, this was just a... a onetime thing." Arak argued, though in his mind he would love to try the same thing again some other time.

"Come on Arak, you definitely enjoyed yourself, why would you deny any further pleasure?"

"Because you're a male! I like females alright."

"So you are saying that given the chances you wouldn't spill yourself in my maw again?" Vallan asked, opening his mouth wide and licking along his teeth for emphasis.

"Well that's different; I mean it was just your maw, nothing else."

"So why not let me use my maw again? You will love it I'm sure, and I won't tell anyone. This can just stay between us, just some more fun like we just had."

"I don't know," Arak said, obviously warming to the idea of feeling the pleasure of Vallan's hot maw again. "What would you even plan on doing?"

Vallan paused for a moment, wondering how he should try and say what it was he wanted.

"I want to taste you under your tail." He said finally, looking at Arak's rear eagerly.

"You mean like-"

"I mean your tailhole." Vallan said, stating what he wanted obviously, making sure that Arak knew exactly what he planned.

"You... but why would you want that? You are aware of what comes from there aren't you?" Arak asked, shocked that his friend would want to do something that just seemed so... so gross.

"It's really not that bad, and you will love it Arak, trust me." The yellow drake said, showing those pleading eyes again.

Arak didn't know what to think. On one paw, it was definitely not the sort of thing a straight dragon would try, but on the other Vallan was promising that it would be even more pleasurable, and he had felt first hand just how amazing the yellow drake could be. He hadn't thought about trying anything with a male before today, but just moments ago his entire member had been buried inside the maw of his friend, and it was one of the most intense, satisfying releases he had ever had. If Vallan promised him pleasure, he was sure that the yellow dragon would deliver, though the whole idea still seemed a little far-fetched.

"Just... just licking then." Arak said, feeling embarrassed about having agreed to such a thing. "I don't want anything more than that ok?"

"Alright, just tell me if you want me to stop." Vallan assured, his hind paws already shifting beneath him in anticipation.

"So how do I... how do we do this?" Arak asked, still having some trouble catching his breath, his eyes shifting and looking at the ground, it was obvious he was nervous, as well as aroused if his member was anything to judge it by.

His length had stopped retreating back into his sheath, which showed a lot about his excitement since he had just had what was probably his most powerful climax ever. His paws were shifting around beneath him, his gaze nervously drifting over Vallan's body, the sight of the yellow drake's hard, dripping member was impossible to miss. Whenever he caught himself looking he quickly turned away.

"Well you can stand up and let me see that delicious rump of yours," Vallan said, licking his lips, shuffling around in excitement. "Or you can lay back and relax, and I'll take care of everything."

"O- Okay, umm..." Arak trailed off, thinking. He really didn't know why either choice would matter, but decided he would rather be standing instead of just lying on the ground like some dragoness. "I think I'll stand?" He finished, more of a question then a statement.

Vallan was quick to move, standing behind Arak in only a few short steps, his snout already poking at Arak's tasty looking butt. His nose was pushing against the base of Arak's green tail, sniffing and prodding eagerly. Arak had barely lifted himself from the ground, Vallan's nose already behind him. He was just wondering whether he would have to lift his tail or not when he felt the yellow drake's cold nose push beneath his tail, their warm breath playing across first his balls, then quickly moved up to his tail hole.

"J- Just go slow okay?" Arak pleaded, glancing back over his shoulder at the obviously eager dragon who was already working on burying his head beneath his thick green tail.

Vallan just grunted in reply, too excited to bother working with words, but still made sure not to rush Arak. He didn't push straight against that hot tailhole, instead pushing his nose lower, letting it push against the light green balls that he had already thoroughly tasted. Arak slipped his tongue out of his maw, giving a few gentle licks along the back of the green dragon's balls, which still felt full to him, and he wondered for a moment just how pent up this lusty drake was. His nostrils flared as he continued reapplying his saliva to the now dry flesh in front of his nose, taking in the strong scent of Arak.

Arak shivered slightly as he felt that wet, warm tongue working on him again, his tail raising higher without him focussing on it. So far things seemed fairly pleasant, with that slick warmth pressing gently against his balls, working on pushing the rest of his member out of his sheath again. Vallan's licks were slowly becoming more adventurous, leaving a wet slippery trail from Arak's balls, the green drake shifting around nervously at a near constant rate. While the eager licks from Vallan felt nice, he didn't see why any dragon would find the situation to be anything special.

Vallan had slowly worked a paw on top of Arak's rear, squeezing and pushing against the green tail base, grabbing the thick appendage as much as possible with a paw. Arak was about to ask if they should really go through with things, but he found his voice catching in his throat, his muscles tensing up as he felt Vallan's cool nose finally pushed against the sensitive flesh of his tailhole. Taking in a deep breath Vallan couldn't help but grin as he heard Arak gasp, enjoying the heavy musk of the green drake. He could feel the heat of Arak surrounding his nose, and revelled in the feeling of his friend shuddering in front of him.

Shivering slightly, not prepared for the sudden pressure of Vallan's nose pushing against his tailhole, Arak did his best to remain still, not wanting to make things difficult for the eager yellow dragon. He couldn't help but let out a quiet groan a moment later, his legs spreading apart a little wider. Vallan's tongue had slipped out of his maw, giving a long sensuous lick, making sure to cover as much of Arak's rear as possible in a single motion. Arak shamefully admitted to himself that it didn't feel bad, though he would much rather feel that dextrous tongue working on his member again, which was now working on soaking itself in pre again.

Having finally made contact with Arak's tight tailhole, Vallan made sure to cover it with his saliva, his tongue making long broad strokes, working on just making that tasty entrance as slippery as possible. He was applying more pressure with every lick, teasing at the puckered flesh, his hot breath playing across Arak's green rear and balls. The sound of his tongue wetting Arak's rear could be heard clearly, his paw now steadily pushing down on top of Arak to make sure the dragon didn't try and pull away. Arak was slowly becoming accustomed to the feeling of that slimy tongue sliding against him, and thought that it was quite good, though he would need more than just that to find release.

With Arak's obvious enjoyment, and his own rising lust, there was no way Vallan would stop with just a light licking, and started to force his tongue forwards harder, working the tip of it inside the overly tight rear in front of him, earning another shudder from the green dragon. He worked on wriggling his tongue in deeper after that, being sure to take things slow, his maw opened wide and pushed up against Arak's warm rump. With the liberal coat of saliva that covered nearly everything under their tail, Vallan found it easy to work his tongue deeper, feeling the tight squeeze of the green drake's muscles every time he surged in deeper.

Arak wasn't sure whether he liked this or not, it had the pleasant feel of the licks he had been receiving, but also felt odd. The alien sensation of Vallan's tongue inside him was confusing, and he couldn't help but clench around it whenever they tried to push it in further. He would have preferred to bury his member in that yellow maw again, but he remembered this was for Vallan, and he was discovering that there were definitely other things to find pleasurable. Arak was pulled from his thoughts a moments later, feeling more confused than anything else for a second, his body felt tight, as if all of his muscles decided to tense up. He could see faint black spots dancing in his vision, and didn't know what had happened.

The intense sensation hit him a moment later, making him whine out in a needy tone, his thick length throbbing beneath him and sending a large glob of pre running down its length. He only just realized that he was holding his breath, and when he let it out he couldn't seem to catch it again, panting and groaning in delight. His tail couldn't lift any higher, but that didn't stop his body from trying, the tip of it resting on his back now. At some point Arak had fallen forwards, his chest resting on the ground, his paws feeling too weak to hold him up. His rear remained raised though, with Vallan's snout still pressing hungrily against his tailhole, that slippery tongue wriggling and squirming inside him, making him feel weak.

There was one particular spot, and every time Vallan's slick tongue pushed against it he felt as if he was about to burst. Vallan knew he had found Arak's prostate, the way that the green dragon whined and clenched around him, and the fact that they had nearly fallen to the ground completely, which they surely would have without his help. He worked on wiggling his tongue around as much as possible in the tight tailhole he was feasting on, making sure not to keep constant pressure on that one spot that he knew would cause Arak bliss.

Arak's groans and whines were louder now, his voice climbing as Vallan's tongue pushed against that same spot inside him again, his rump clenching down hard around the invading appendage, his legs shaking weakly for a moment. His cock was jumping around beneath him, throbbing and twitching, on the verge of spilling his seed again but he just couldn't manage it. He was pushing back against Vallan now, eager to feel more of the immense pleasure that the yellow dragon was offering. Any thoughts about proper male behaviour were gone for now, his only focus on that thick tongue in his rear.

Vallan was pushing against that spot more often, loving the way the green dragon trembled and cried out beneath him. He pulled his tongue back into his maw for a moment, giving Arak's sensitive hole a small break, before plunging back in, making Arak moan his pleasure again, though with a desperate edge to it this time.

"P- Please!" Arak shouted, barely managing to find the word between his gasps, moans and whines. "I can't- I can't take it! It's too much, please!"

Ramming his tongue into the depths of Arak's tight tailhole a few more times, Vallan stopped for a moment, waring with his own desire to push this drake over the edge, to make him spill his seed onto the cool stone beneath them, and feel him shudder around him while crying out in bliss. Arak was practically begging at this point though, and he didn't want to force the drake into such an intense release, not yet anyway. He pulled his head back, admiring the way Arak's rear was dripping with saliva, his hole twitching against the cold air now that there wasn't a tongue wedged deep inside it. Vallan only now noticed how much the green drake was actually shivering, his paws shaking beneath him, his tail twitching wildly on his back, and his breath coming in and out far too quickly.

A moment longer, that was all it would have taken, and Arak would be crying out in blissful release, but instead now he seemed to be on the edge of an extremely powerful climax, his body shaking in lusty desire. Arak's eyes were scrunched shut, his jaws clamped together, and his nostrils were flaring widely, taking in the thick scent of his own musk, and pre, mixed with the undeniable scent of Vallan's arousal. For a while he was worried that his body would stay like this, in some sort of delightful yet horrible state, with pleasure built up so intense within him but not releasing. Eventually he started to calm down though, his tail finally dropping back down to cover his now overly slick tailhole.

His body followed quickly after, dropping to the floor, still giving an odd tremble. His cock ached between his legs, harder than he had ever felt it before, but he couldn't do anything about it, he could barely move in the state he was in. Arak opened his eyes, having trouble focusing them for a bit, before catching a glimpse of something yellow moving at the edge of his sight. He tried focussing on that and managed to make out the shape of Vallan's snout, pushing in to give a few reassuring licks along his green lips. His chest was still heaving, though his breaths were coming out in great huffs instead of desperate panting now, and he had to be careful how he rested his legs, his member feeling far too sensitive.

Vallan lay down besides Arak, nuzzling up to the green drake before draping a paw over his side, cuddling up to him and gently licking along his neck and cheek. Arak was grateful for the gentle attention, he had never felt such fierce pleasure before, and really didn't know quite how to deal with it, but now he was beginning to relax a bit more, comfortable in Vallan's embrace. Arak really couldn't understand how things had felt so pleasurable, his member hadn't even been touched and he had felt so close to spilling, his body still shivering from his barely suppressed climax.

"I don't- how did it feel so good?" Arak asked, leaning into the comforting embrace that Vallan offered, hoping that the yellow dragon would have some answers for him.

"I promised you it would feel good," Vallan said, gently licking at the green drake's nose, ignoring his dripping, rock hard length, more concerned with keeping his friend comfortable for now.

Arak had been through nearly two climaxes within such a short time, and Vallan still didn't pay attention to his own obvious need, which was lightly pressing against Arak's belly. They cuddled like that for a bit, the strong scent of their arousal making sure neither one of the grew soft, and Arak was sure he felt Vallan purposefully grind his hips forwards a few times, though he was really in no situation to complain.

"I... I think I might like males." Arak said, sounding ashamed, his eyes looking at the ground. "I mean, your tongue just felt so... so good. And even your scent now, it's just-gah I don't know what I'm saying."

Vallan let Arak talk, keeping his gentle grip on the green drake the whole time, giving encouraging licks and nuzzles while they talked. It was obvious he was having some issues here, and Vallan wanted to assure him that everything was okay; there was nothing wrong with enjoying pleasure, no matter who it came from.

"There's nothing wrong with that Arak, I don't know why you would think there is. You enjoyed yourself, and I was more than happy to help please you." Vallan said, his tail draping across Arak's tail in an attempt to further comfort the drake.

Arak still seemed confused about stuff, but he was slowly coming around, it was an enjoyable experience after all, and why should he be ashamed of something they both enjoyed? They talked for a while longer after that, with Arak asking more than a few questions about how what he had felt in his rear had been so pleasurable. Vallan seemed to be a pool of knowledge on the matter, and helped Arak understand that it was perfectly normal for males to enjoy each other's company. With their talk coming to a close, Arak's member had retreated slightly, despite the strong, alluring scent of his friend leaking all over himself.

He didn't feel so ashamed about having accepted the erotic pleasure that Vallan had offered, but he felt guilty. The yellow dragon had worked hard to give him what was his most pleasurable day in memory, and he didn't return the effort that Vallan put in. While thoughts of other males still didn't appeal to him so much, he wanted to do something for his friend, to show that he could return at least a bit of the intense feelings that Vallan had shared. With a new outlook on things, Arak found it much easier to notice how good looking Vallan was, not like the handsome friend he had known, but as the sexy drake he obviously was.

With a whole new appreciation of the yellow body pushed against his own Arak couldn't help his lust from building again. This wasn't just his friend, helping to satisfy him in a confusing manner he would never have expected, but another dragon that knew what pleasure was, and gave it out willingly without even asking for any in return. Arak was still shy about the idea of touching another males member, but he wanted to return the favour he had received however possible. Trying not to think about it too much, Arak got to his paws, placing a paw on Vallan's shoulder as the yellow dragon attempted to follow him.

Vallan tried to follow Arak's lead, wondering if his friend had had enough of his company for now, but was held down with the slight pressure of his green paw. Taking the obvious hint, Vallan stayed down, wondering what Arak was thinking right now. Arak was feeling nervous just thinking about what he planned to do, though those plans were almost impossible to piece together in his mind. Just a few small steps, and he found himself standing next to Vallan's prone form, with his rear in line with the yellow dragon's head, before lying down again, ignoring the cool stone that pressed against his member.

He took a deep breath as he let his gaze finally drink in the full sight of Vallan's now impressive looking member. It hadn't seemed quite so... formidable... when he had just glanced at it. Now with his eyes locked onto it, he could fully appreciate the size and hefty girth of the flesh between his friend's legs. It was soaked with his pre, just like the ground beneath his member, making the scent of it strong with lust. Vallan was being quiet, doing his best not to move, letting Arak take things entirely at his own pace, though the feeling of their breath lightly playing across his sensitive member was making it twitch, and sending a fresh glob of pre rolling down its length.

Arak pushed his nose forwards slowly, nostrils flaring as he took in the rich scent of his friend, making his own member throb in excitement. As much as he would have denied it before, the scent of another male was overly arousing. He didn't want to just dive straight in at Vallan's draconic length, not feeling quite ready for that, so he started his poking a bit lower. With his nose pushing against the balls of another dragon, the wet film of pre covering them rubbing off onto his snout, he really couldn't deny that he liked males at this point. He found the smell to be pleasant, a light musk underneath the thick smell of pre, and the natural scent of the thick length hiding beneath it.

Taking in a deep, nervous breath, Arak slowly pushed his tongue from his maw, his heart thudding in his chest as he pushed it forwards. When he finally made contact with Vallan's yellow sack it seemed so anticlimactic, though he wasn't quite sure what he was expecting to begin with. It felt warm to the touch, and smooth, his tongue easily gliding along the surface of the slick skin. Arak gave a few small licks along those balls, not failing to notice the steady supply of pre that the yellow drake was providing.

He didn't spend too much time on Vallan's weighty balls though, feeling silly just licking at them and moved his head further along his friend's body, stopping at that sheath next. Where Vallan's balls had been coated in a thin film of his pre, his sheath was absolutely drenched, painting a thick trail along Arak's snout wherever it made contact. He took a few deep sniffs at that sheath, even going so far as to push his nose into it, scrunching up his snout a bit. It certainly wasn't an unpleasant smell, and he found himself slightly eager to taste it.

He was happy to oblige, his tongue slipping out of his salivating maw, making much more adventurous licks now, covering the whole length of the light yellow sheath, stopping short of the thick member jutting out of it though. Finding himself stalling, though he wasn't even sure why, Arak managed to completely clean Vallan's sheath, his saliva coating it thickly, and his tongue returning back down to the drake's balls for a few more curious licks before he finally decided it was time to try something more. He looked up at Vallan for a moment, making eye contact with the clearly lusty drake, and then, taking a deep breath, hurriedly pushed his snout against that hot, throbbing flesh, as if it would be easier if he got the initial part over quickly.

He just sat there for a few seconds after that, his nose pushing Vallan's member against his belly, his breath held in his lungs. Time didn't even seem to move for those few seconds, only returning to normal when Arak let out the deep breath he had been holding, making his friend groan as the warmth of his breath played across his member. Breathing in again, Arak found himself getting a fairly different scent, the thick twitching flesh beneath his nose seeming to put off its own sort of musk, and that drove him to explore it more. Arak found himself running his snout along the length of Vallan's cock, enjoying the feeling of it twitching beneath his curious sniffing, before letting his tongue out once more, giving a small, delicate lick at first.

It was nice, he thought, the flesh warm, soft, yet somehow hard at the same time, the texture pleasing along his tongue. Giving a longer lick, Arak found it was somewhat enjoyable just feeling that length, and found himself quickly becoming more bold, his tongue lapping along that length, rubbing against the ridges underneath it, making Vallan groan in delight. He was starting to get annoyed with the angle he had to hold his head on though, and decided he would have an easier time reaching that decidedly tasty flesh from the yellow drake's belly. Being careful not to step on his friend, Arak found himself awkwardly standing above him, accidentally bumping his member against that skillful yellow snout, which gave him a friendly lick that sent shivers down his spine.

In a more comfortable position, Arak lowered himself a bit, getting comfortable but making sure not to force Vallan to hold all of his weight. The spaded tip of Vallan's member was pointed at him now, and he couldn't stop his tongue from flicking out and catching a particularly large drop of pre sliding down Vallan's slippery length. With that contact it seemed like he couldn't pull his tongue off of the warm flesh, pushing his head forwards as he pushed his tongue down its length. He barely got half way before he found his path blocked though, the tip of Vallan's tasty cock poking at his nose. Vallan was taking full advantage of the treat he found in front of his face at this point, eagerly, and loudly, licking and lapping at Arak's hanging length, making the drake squirm above him.

Arak wondered if he should try and take a different approach, to try and complete his path all the way to the base of Vallan's length, but found it much easier to just open his maw wide and continue on, the heat from the inside of his mouth coupled with the dripping saliva working on pleasuring Vallan at the same time as Arak's eager tongue. Vallan refused to be outdone by the hungry drake, opening his own maw wide, taking just the tip of the blue drake's member inside his maw, pursing his lips around it gently and sucking on it, prepared for the sudden thrust that quickly followed, sinking more of Arak's flesh into his maw.

Arak had no idea how Vallan seemed to be so good at that, struggling to keep his hips still as he continued his adventurous journey, his tongue lapping at anything it could reach as his snout slowly pushed lower. He was stopped a few seconds later though, his throat denying interest to the tip of the thick cock pushing at it, and Arak pulled his head back, surprised at feeling it. He should have known it was coming; he just wasn't prepared for it. He could easily fit thicker stuff down his gullet, but he found himself struggling with this task, his throat remaining tight, making him just stop and lick around Vallan's thick flesh for a bit.

Vallan had no such troubles, and he quickly took the tip of Arak's throbbing member into his throat, feeling a thick dollop of pre spurt out in reward. Arak wasn't prepared for that either, and fell forwards, his paws desperately grabbing at Vallan's thighs in an attempt to keep himself from just falling on top of the yellow drake. The slight fall seemed to be all his body needed though, as he felt himself swallowing around something hard and hot, leaking a copious amount of liquid. Concentrating, Arak found himself kissing against Vallan's sheath, their member buried in his throat much as he had buried his own in their throat before. Vallan let out a long groan at the sudden constricting wetness surrounding his slick cock, bucking his hips up a few times, feeling Arak's nose pushing against his sheath.

The vibrations from Vallan's groaning only served to force more pleasure into Arak, his hips thrusting down against the yellow drake, his balls pushing against their nose as he worked on grinding his cock inside that amazing throat. He was gulping and swallowing around the length in his own throat, not quite sure what to do with it, and finding the feeling of it in there oddly pleasing. Pulling his maw back a bit he was greeted with a loud schlick, saliva drooling out of his maw as his throat still struggled to swallow the tasty length wedged inside it. Arak could feel his peak approaching fast, having been so close to such an intense climax before, and he worried for a moment if he would end up drowning his friend in seed.

He did his best to hold back on his climax, instead working on pleasuring his friend, though the way his body shuddered, and his hips bucking into that delightful maw didn't help him. Moving his head back more Arak coiled his tongue around Vallan's length, squeezing and tugging at it with his slimy muscle, before plunging his snout down again, sinking that delicious flesh deeper in him again. His mind was swimming with pleasure, from the feeling of having something so warm and slippery wrapped around his member, to the feeling of something so thick bulging slightly in his own throat, and he couldn't contain himself any more.

His hips rapidly slammed back and forth, breeding the maw beneath him with no restrictions, just working on driving his member as deep as he could before pulling back and trying again. Vallan's thrusts were much more careful and restrained, feeling immense pleasure but knowing that Arak wasn't as skilled with his maw as he was, and that he had to be careful. That being said, his eyes were scrunched shut as he felt his throat being roughly pounded by his friend, his nose full of nothing but their powerful scent, his own member twitching uncontrollable inside Arak's wet maw and tight throat. Arak did his best to let out a roar, though it sounded more like a gurgling sort of grunt with a maw full of drake cock, and instead of pulling his head back instead pushed it down, taking as much of Vallan's thick, needy flesh inside his maw as he could.

Vallan's climax wasn't so intense, his muffled groans were drowned out by the colossal amount of seed being pumped into him, his balls drawing up against his body as his own length started throbbing inside Arak's maw. For his first time the blue drake certainly seemed to have some skills at taking a dragon's length. Vallan was having trouble swallowing the near constant stream of thick, creamy dragon seed, but not as much as Arak, who had to pull his head back a moment later, coughing up a large puddle of cum onto his friends belly, their member resting on his nose, still spurting thick strings of his essence onto their snout.

Arak let himself collapse onto his friend at that, drooling out what was mostly seed, his member still working on filling Vallan's stomach, his face being painted with the sheer amount his friend was releasing. Not wanting to drown or suffocate Vallan, Arak pulled his hips back, the only thing signifying that the yellow dragon had had any trouble being a deep breath drawn in. Arak lazily rolled off of the drake underneath him after that, feeling like some sort of half goo dragon at this point. His face was dripping, and his nose was clogged with the overpowering smell of Vallan's thick seed. Vallan's member had slowed down a bit now, letting out smaller spurts onto his belly, while Arak's seemed to be drooling a steady stream of the tasty fluid, both of them were a complete mess.

Finding a bit of strength, Vallan managed to turn himself around, lying next to Arak, lapping at his own seed, not seeing any reason why he couldn't enjoy it and clean his friend at the same time. Arak took a while longer to respond, instead just lying there with a dumb grin on his snout, eyes half closed and tongue lolling out of his maw, before remembering the mess he had made. Letting out a groan he lifted his head and set to help cleaning up, though it seemed like Vallan certainly didn't mind doing it himself. Arak had tasted his first cock today, and had swallowed more than enough seed to keep him satisfied, but he wanted to help clean things up anyway, admitting to himself that he did enjoy the taste of it.

After having cleaned off each other's bodies, Arak and Vallan found each other working on the small spots on each other's snouts that they had missed, their tongues quickly becoming much more eager than they needed to be, and shortly after both dragons found themselves embracing in another passionate kiss, sharing the strong taste of each other's seed as their tongues roamed around and licked at whatever they could, leaving each dragon groaning and panting. As passionate and intense as the kiss was, it ended all too quickly, with Arak pulling back, being pursued by Vallan's relentless maw, before they both finally pulled apart, panting and gasping.

"That... that was amazing!" Arak managed to get out between breaths, his balls feeling empty after having spilled so much seed today.

"You were amazing." Vallan countered, giving a quick nuzzle underneath Arak's chin. "I hope you see how much fun males can be now."

Arak just grinned at that, males definitely seemed to be much more fun than he had thought just a day earlier, and he wanted to see what other fun he could uncover with his friend. For now though, he was happy to rests, a whole new world of possibilities, and pleasure, opened up before him.