Harry Potter And The Aurei Leonis Book 1 Part 3 A New Home

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#3 of Harry Potter & The Aurei Leonis

Hello readers the first true lemon is here Yay! If incest offends you feel free to skip the scene. First things first this is a 'Complete Fantasy' so anything can happen so things gets a bit strange from here on out.Also i'm altering some stuff for plot reason's and i'm implementing some odd fetishes in the so bear with me. Also for reasons unknown I can't stay on to Harry's original personality...Then again adding Lion to anyone's DNA would drastically change their attitude towards things. I think it would help things if I change the perspective to first person since I am more familiar with it I know it's bad form to change in the middle of the story but i'm just an amateur so I hope you'll forgive me. Most of all I Hope you will enjoy!

P.S I'm looking for any volunteers to beta read my story

Harry Potter & The Aurei Leonis

Book 1 Part 3 A New Home

Chapter XI

A New Ally

August 6th 1991 6:43 AM

The sun rose on what appeared to be yet another normal day in privet drive. The sudden divorce of the Dursley's was still the news on everyone's lips although the local shock turned into a media storm when almost immediately after split Petunia Evans won the lottery. However such is the media that after a few days things were dying down and everything seemed {at least on the surface} calm and normal. However this normality was just an illusion and anything going on in number 4 privet drive these days was the absolute opposite of normal. Harry has been unconscious for 4 days and Petunia was being taught by Fay just what it means to now live in the Wizarding world gently easing her into the law of Right To No Restriction so far Fay has burned all of petunias undergarments in a sacred bonfire but not her normal clothes Petunia was just getting used to the new banking arrangement. Upstairs the early morning sunlight of the 4th day reached the prone form of Harry Potter who was tossing a turning violently as he desperately fought the darkness that holds him in it's deathlike embrace. We return now to our hero in his mindscape

("I feel so tired and darkness surrounds me but I need to wake up I can't die here...although it's warm and so comfortable and I think I can hear it singing me a sweet lullaby tempting me to just drift here forever and sleep...No! Regardless of my desire to stay here there is something I need to do and just drifting here is not helping anyone regardless of how pleasant this is.") Quickly I began thrashing about in the darkness trying with all my might to wake up yet despite my best efforts this seemed to get me nowhere this would be bad enough but I exhausted what little strength I had. ("Now the real question is this though how do I get out of here?") Slowly I began drifting through the darkness. After what seemed like a long time fear was beginning to gnaw at me as realisation dawned on me that I may never leave. Suddenly a sense of despair filled me as the possibility that I am dead dawned on me. Just as I was about to resign myself to my fate a blue light flashed out of the corner of my eye. Desperate for anything I twist around eager to see anything other than the dark hope filled my chest as A tiny blue flame with black edges came into view the flame apparently was sentient for when it saw me it darted towards me stopping a few feet in front of be and began dancing in the air in front of me flitting about wildly as if it was ecstatic to see me reminding me of an over excited sprite that apparently wanted him to follow it. Relief washed over me as I began to follow it but suddenly I remembered something from one of my school books this creature was known as a Will O Wisp. A whimsical spirit that most of the time lead travelers into bogs although on rare occasions they guided them home.

("Well it's not as if I can get anywhere on my own and if I stay I probably would die. That's assuming i'm not already dead.Well i've got nothing to lose might as well follow.") Gathering up what little strength I gained from drifting through the dark I began to follow it. Realising my intent the wisp danced about clearly delighted that it had found someone. Suddenly it zoomed around me three times then zoomed to a spot ahead waiting for me to catch up. I couldn't help smiling at the cheery site and a warm feeling spread through my soul urging me to follow the spirit heading the call I follow at a more sedate pace than the wisp. Soon I realise that the darkness was beginning to lighten growing until it vanished altogether as a pale dawn came into view. At this the wisp was apparently delighted that is did its job right zooming to up to me and brushed my cheek then vanished with a puff causing me to open my eyes.

The first thing I notice as consciousness returned to me was an all to familiar ache in my balls signaling their strain from to much unspent seed. Other than that I feel great! Strong and full of life ready to pounce on the world or better yet a fertile female. Focusing my eyes I realise that i'm back in my room and that i'm not on alone i'm laying in someone's lap feeling soft scales under me curious I look up to see Fay's beaming face looking down at me.Slowly Fay began petting my head causing me to let out a purr. "Glad to have you back with the living you gave us quite a scare how are you feeling." When I try to answer I realise just how thirsty I must be when a raspy sounding answer came from my maw. "Thirsty." Fay grabbed a cup from the bedside and poured warm milk into my mouth causing my purring to intensify. After I drink my fill I swiftly drift back to sleep snuggling into Fay's breasts listening to her steady breathing. An hour later I woke up feeling completely restored the only thing bothering me still was my balls but I could hardly expect the minister to take care of that. Despite that a sense of security washed over me and a strong desire to go back to sleep washed over me however Fay seemed to sense the shift of my energy from rest to awake. "Morning Harry perhaps this time you will stay awake if I start with that first."

Beginning to feel more than a little sheepish I apologize "Sorry about that but I've never felt such a incredible sense of security nor have I ever been petted before it was almost like having a mother." A look of sollom regret crossed her muzzle"Sorry Harry but I can't be your mother it's not my place to do that. It's just that since I'm already a mother seeing you in danger triggered my maternal instincts. I'm sorry if I mislead you for a bit it's a character flaw of mine although I am glad I could show you what a mother's love feels like." "I didn't mean it that way I simply meant that it felt nice I understand I can't have a mother it hurts but it was nice to know what i'm missing even if is was only for a brief second." "Thank you Harry that's incredibly kind of you to say although you're incorrect on one thing you can have a mother when you marry someone their family becomes yours although you need a good relation with the mother for a bond to form and some families don't work that way but the hope is still there. Good grief that fat oaf Vernon really did a number on you if I ever cross paths with him." Immediately my ears perk up as hope began to blossom in my heart ("I could have a real mother someone to fill this gap in my heart and if I can get a mother this way then it should be true for a father to.")

For several minutes we sat in silence as I ponder this miraculous concept however my thoughts were interrupted by my muscles complaining that I had stayed in one position to long and needed to move. Slowly I begin to sit up however as I shift my hips the fur on my balls rub against my new and apparently extremely sensitive acquisition causing pleasure to shoot through my system! Realising too late that my new nerves are apparently still a little raw the pleasure causing my cock to emerge from it's warm sheath eager for use. Fay watched this with amusement and said. "I see your feminine nerves are still a little raw. Don't worry they'll calm down a bit with time although you'll still notice the sensation. Eventually you will get used to the feeling though you'll still feel immense pleasure when something touches your folds. Now while I have your mostly undivided attention there are some things I need to say. First I'm sorry...I thrust you into that without any warning however it was extremely important for you to experience that unprepared so that your character could be properly tested. Regardless I still thrust you into incredible danger and worst under false guise. I did however do all that you had asked of me to do during the test your actions are quite hidden here. No matter what you do the surrounding muggle's will think nothing is different than normal even if the mailman needs to talk to your aunt and she finally learns that she doesn't need those awful clothes then answers the door nude he won't notice that she's naked...unless he is a wizard...still It's an incredible illusion my son Aster made it all on his own he's such a genius!" A pang of envy ran through me wishing I had a mother figure to be proud of me. Shaking my head in frustration at myself I clear myself of the unworthy thought trying to think of something else. As if on cue I remembered something that had been bugging me ever since I woke up. "Fay can I ask you a question?" "Sure I'll answer if I can." Realising this might get me in trouble I hesitate for a brief moment then plunge on anyway. "During the ritual I saw you shift into different type of Dragon one with fur instead of scales, four legs instead of two and of eastern design not welsh how come?" At this Fay tensed for a long minute and I begun to worry that i'd just put my paw in my mouth however the tense moment ended when she let out a resigned sigh."Ouch you saw that i'd hoped you had been looking somewhere else..damn it now I have to tell you my secret. Ok this is going to get weird when we first met do you remember seeing me tear through the fabric of reality and reach into another dimension?" Giving her a reassuring yet confused nod I gestured for her to continue. "Well that's the least of my abilities you see I can use them to travel between dimensions." At this my jaw dropped open this was certainly not what I was expecting shapeshifter yes but a resident from another world it's almost unbelievable. Fay let out a sharp laugh at my expression. "Hold on Harry i'm not done blowing your mind yet that's only the tip of the iceberg so here we go. I wander these realms searching for new worlds that I can improve. In exchange for my services and not using my emince power to conquer it the planet's Deity grants me the ability to study and use their magic this is my passion so you see so it's a win win situation. I stumbled across this world around 1000 years ago give or take and throughout the years I have taken many forms to hide my identity. This world has fascinated me though I might have to leave it soon this will be the last century I will spend here then onto the next world to improve an experiment with.Oh and before you ask i'm not alone here I bring my soulmate along of course and usually I bring my heir Aster but this time he wanted to try a world on his own. Anyway what you saw during the ritual was my true form in truth I really am an eastern Fox/Dragon. I took my current form to blend in with the British community. And yes Harry I will never die of old age and only in the most severe ways can I die although the killing curse in this world might do it...though don't really want to test that out. Now any questions or should I continue?"

my maw was still agape after all it's the most unrealistic explanation I could have received and it certainly is unreasonable for me to just believe. Yet for some reason I feel that it's the truth the pieces kinda fit seeing what she's done to the world just in this form. However inside my chest a dark question was building into a storm. Calmly I clear my throat "So to sum it up you are saying your a interdimensional immortal with phenomenal power that came to our world to study our magic and improve our world that about sum it up?" "that's about right although I forgot to mention that among the divinity I am counted as one although the title makes my fur crawl." I sat there stunned as if I was hit with a hammer dumbfoundedly staring at Fay I was hoping she would say just kidding but no such response came. Tentatively at first I continued my line of questioning feeling the dark emotion begin to lash out almost yelling I ask. "Why me why not tell me a lie and hide what you are? If you have enough power to conquer this world why didn't you take care of Voldemort before he killed my mom and dad!" At this point tears started streaming down my muzzle. Fay flinched as if she was dealt a major blow but she stood her ground and waited for me to get ahold of my emotions. "Harry there are strict rules as to what I can and cannot do on a world I don't own. The one thing I absolutely must never do is change a major event in the world I visits history. Even as divinity I still have to follow the rules Harry. The Divinity Fate is an extremely powerful and kind women however even she can't bend the rules. Your parents were fated to perish that day and nothing I could do can stop it. However the reason she allows me to meddle in the timeline at all is so that I that can help ease the passage of fate. As I said earlier even she has to follow what is destined to happen. And like me she can mettle a bit but not much if someone must die at a certain point then they must. The vice versa also applies and thus Voldemort 'cannot' die by my hand.

Now to the question as to why I am telling you this it's one of the stipulations to the contract that allows me to meddle if I am discovered in any way I must tell them of my identity and deal with them as needed trust me that's not everything about me. However now we must deal with the fact that you know." Realising that I may be about to die after just returning a pit of fear formed in my stomach. Noticing my look Fay burst out laughing. "I'm not going to kill you Harry i'm not that kind of person and even if I was I couldn't for the same reason I can't kill Voldemort your touched by destiny. The word deal in the contract is literal I must have you swear a magically binding oath although I can't force you so I must offer you things until you agree. If not...well we'll cross that bridge if we need to I'll begin the ceremony "Harry Potter. In exchange for keeping my secret and swearing on your life not to tell a soul about my origins or even my true form and especially not my powers. I Fay Rune will aid you in any way I can bestowing you my full services power and connections so long as it does not clash with Fate's ruling. All you need is to make a request and I will try to complete it within the unwritten laws of this dimension do you swear?" ( I hope i'm not dreaming cause if this is real i'm about to have a Divine as basically my genie but with unlimited wishes. Though I don't want to bother her too much it wouldn't be fair.") "I Harry Potter bind myself to this agreement and take the oath not to speak about anything I have learned about Fay Rune." As the final word left my mouth I gasp as a chain coils around my heart tightening briefly before easing up until I can't even tell it's there.

Fay smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "That was to close! If you had not agreed I would have been forcefully expunged from this world and all record of my involvement would be removed meaning that this world would be reset back to 1000 years ago and I would be banned from wandering the world's. Now here are my limitations #1 I can not save a person's live if it serves a purpose for them to die in the grand scheme of things same thing applies with killing although some loopholes apply. #2 I can only help you to bring out your own power not give you new ones #3 In order to do anything magical I must use this world's powers however I can use some of mine thanks to the discovery of self magic but other than that I am greatly limited though even limited I can do some miraculous things. #4 and final due to my interventions there are a number of people that exist in this world that in the original timeline that didn't so there will come a time in the future that needs to play out mostly normal in order to prevent the extras from changing things I will need to spirit them away into hiding until the event has passed then I will return them worry not for they will be safe with me. However after that point my work will be complete and I will leave this world. Did you get all that Harry? If you need anything else just call out for me and I will come but not if you are in peril unless it's not natural...damit I sound like a Genie! Aster is 'never' going to let me live this down. Well I have things to do and people to enlighten and i've got a date with spain. At this Fay nudged him off of her got up and stretched seductively emphasizing her groin."By the way If you want to see the full benefit of your final trial start focusing your mind on the form of the lion and less on you it will be difficult at first but soon it will become instinctual. Extremely confused at that last bit and her abrupt leaving I thank her and watched in amazement as Fay created her flaming portal and vanished.

Chapter XII

His First Mate

August 6th 1991 8:04 AM

Trying Fay's tip for a few minutes I feel my claws grow and harden but I soon lost focus as my stomach let out a loud growl in protest. Laughing I decide to get breakfast feeling energetic I spring of the bed and land on my fours however doing this had unsuspecting repercussions as my heavy balls swung beneath me sloshing with my pent up seed. As I straighten up an errant breeze from the window caressed my new vagina sending a mewl of pleasure from my throat tentatively I run a finger along it causing me to gasp in pleasure. After stroking it for a bit I notice that it began to excrete lubricant and that my penis was responding to the pleasure that im receiving from my pussy in my pent up state it took every inch of will not to release my seed on the floor but I managed to calm down with the rational thought of.("I've got a better place to unload my seed.") with a spring in my step I make my way downstairs there I found Petunia cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Much to my astonishment she was only wearing an apron her tail swayed in the air twitching with glee that announced she was clearly enjoying her new found freedom. Gazing appreciatively at the gorgeous view of her ass swaying to and fro and since her tail isn't there to obscure my view I can get a good longing look at her aroused vagina wondering just how good it would look 10 years younger. Wrenching my thoughts under control I take a moment to go over my plan to get her to drink the youth potion. Once I was sure that I got everything down in my head I quietly so as not to scare her announce my presence. "Good morning Aunt." Unfortunately she was still startled her tail fluffing as she spun around! Seeing me huge smile broke out on her muzzle She quickly took the eggs off the fryer then ran to me nearly tackling me as she hugged me tightly smothering my head in her breast. The only thing separating my head and her nipples was the thin apron this would be nice enough but with her standing as close to me as posible my erect penis was smothered between her thighs the feeling of my barbed cock combing through her soft fur caused me to shuder. My desire to mate her burned fiercely however but now was not the time I must play my cards right. As I return the hug I feel tears fall on my head. Surprised and touched by the show of affection from her I began to gently rub her lower back as she cried in relief at me being ok.

Deciding to finish making breakfast to I let Petunia have some time to collect herself. Once finished I served two plates of food and some tea to my aunt then sat down across from her at the small dinette table she had bought for more intimate dinners between lovers even though she only bought it to give the home the illusion of a loving marriage it served well for my plans since this placed the occupants close enough that they could kiss. Placing a paw on Petunias I said. "I'm glad you were worried about me Aunt thank you." Picking up her paw I gave it a kiss and enjoyed the resulting blush."Well...you are my precious nephew. If you had never recovered I wouldn't have been able to show you just how much I love you instead of the neglect I gave you your whole life. The fact that all that cruelty was for naught still haunts me." Her tone turned from regret into one of frustration. "This Harry is why I didn't want you to be a wizard just a few days in and you nearly die! Magic took Lilly away from me I can't stand losing you to!" Realising that she was only mad because she genuinely loved me my heart felt genuine affection for his aunt for the first time ("So this is what a family is like I think I can love her like family instead of as lover...not that that prevents me from seducing her to my bed in fact it's more appealing to me now. I can prove my love for my aunt in the most direct way.") feeling the pause had gone on long enough I give her paw a squeeze " Now I understand how you felt throughout those years. Yes they were unpleasant but I am happy they happened if it didn't we may have never met. Vernon probably would have sent me to an orphanage if you hadn't agreed. So despite the pain of the past I love you In fact I have a gift for you if you would accept it I know you'll would love it but you will have to trust me." She looked at me suspiciously and asked "Is it magical in nature?" Grinning sheepishly like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar I replied. "Yes, But it's not a spell it's a potion that everyone takes in the Wizarding world I can guarantee that you'll love the effects. Think of it this way you use Muggle made potions under the label of medicine all the time. The only difference between a pill and a potion is that we can achieve a lot more miraculous things with our potions than Muggles can. Plus the fact that our potion are made of completely natural products unlike some of the stuff you take. So will you trust me my beloved Aunt and try my gift."

Pulling out the bottle from my bag I place it on the middle of the small table. The shimmering silver liquid caught her eye as she looked at it long and hard trying to think of all the angles as to whether or not he would poison her. Realising this I interrupt her thoughts. "If I had wanted to poison you Aunt I could have put it in your tea." with a jolt she realised he had a very good point so slowly very slowly she grabbed the bottle uncorked it and sniffed the potion. She couldn't place the exact scent but I gave her a nostalgic feeling almost like the fresh air of her childhood home smiling at the memory's she drank it in one gulp. As the potion ran down her throat a strange vitality spread throughout her body revitalizing and filling her with a friskiness she had not felt in years. The skin around her eyes and Muzzle tightened and restored to the state 10 years ago while her breasts and ass which were just beginning to sag with age firmed up filling with new vigor. Her womb flared with life and was filled once more with the burning desire to mate rekindling her heat which had passed in the last few days to burn brightly once again. The sinsation reached her loins as a sudden surge of pleasure caught her off guard she arched her back and immediately creamed squirting her heat laden vaginal fluids all over the chair seat and despite the apron everything thing in front of her much to my delight that included me covering my lower half slathering my cock with the scent of a lioness in heat. She was completely lost in the throes of pleasure to care that she had sent a very undeniable signal to a extremely viral male. As the scent of her heat filled my nose my tail disregard everything I was commanding it to do and slid to Petunias vagina then slowly to slide its furred length along her folds sending even more pleasure to my beautiful Aunt's womb and inflaming it's desire to be seeded. As soon as she regained control of her limbs she shot up from the table hurriedly kissed me on the cheek and ran to the bathroom.

Effectively blue balled I decide to follow her at a more sedate pace since I need time to calm the instincts that demanded me to breed her now. Promising them I will and that I just needed to set the mood and telling them that if I pounced her now I would never be allowed to breed her again. When I arrive at the bathroom I see that door was shut worried spoke to her through the door. "Is everything all right you're not sick are you?" Even with my ear pressed against the door it was hard to hear her reply that all was fine through the sobs of joy she couldn't control. Relieved that it at least didn't seem to negatively react to her I explained. "The potion I gave you is a permanent youth potion you will look and feel like this until the time you would normally die of old age unfortunately that still happens but without the pain of getting old now. After she had gathered herself she opened the door and to my delight she stood there as naked as the day she was born with perky C sized breasts you could hang something on. Topped by her 1 inch nipples that just begged to be suckled her ass stood firm and round ready for a male to slam his hips into. Her pussy oozed fluids promising easy entry to any who would take it. Her muzzle beamed with glee as she enveloped him once again in those lovely breasts. "Thank you for giving me a body that I am not ashamed to show the world. To repay you I will do as you ask and unless it is absolutely necessary I will never wear clothes again it's simply a crime to hide this body!

After some time of us just hugging and purring she let me go. Beaming at the beautiful figure that is his aunt I say. "I'm Happy you love my present. You look absolutely radiant!" Grabbing her paw I kiss the back playfully nipping the finger where her wedding band once was. Sensing that now it was time to start the final stage of my plan I suggest. "You know aunt Petunia I bet you won't have to deal with joint pain anymore now that you're younger so working in the garden won't hurt plus now you can grow nature while natural thanks to the barrier Fay set. Although it's a shame that I'm the only one who can see your beautiful body. The neighbors would be positively jealous." She blushed copper and smiled as she entertained the idea.{"hmm the soft earth between my paws playing with my 'fertile fields' in my fertile garden. I definitely need a cucumber in me this renewed heat is getting unbearable if I don't do something soon I'll pounce on Harry and that would be very bad after all we are related by blood I shouldn't be wanting his cubs anyway and I don't want to scare him away. Although if we weren't related would I be able to resist the desire to bury that thick pulsing member whose musk Is so enticingly viral... Hmm? NO I can't, I mean were blood damn it I need that cucumber!"}coming to a decision she said. "That is an extremely appealing idea Harry thank you I think I will." almost to her garden she finally noticed that I was right behind her. "Do you need something Harry?" smiling I shake my head and answered. "No but I thought we might spend some family time together working in your garden." "Um well uh <sigh> oh very well why not."

Her plans for relieving her heat were ruined and what was going to be a pleasant time of releasing her desires instead became a very sexually frustrating task. As they worked in the soil she would On occasion see his cock that was constantly erect clearly begging her to let it in. Even worse once or twice she would reach back for a tool only to grab his said throbbing cock. One time when he reached over her for something that insufferable tail of his had 'accidentally' hit her folds. She could tell he was teasing her but she didn't mind to much since it gave her tasks an extra sense of risk. Finally she came to the part of gardening that she could use to collect herself weeding. Getting down on all fours she started relentlessly yanking up the invaders taking out her frustrations on the undesired plants. Her tail flicking vigorously with annoyance at her heat. Facing a particularly stubborn foe she stretched forward sticking her hind end in the air tail high up causing her Vagina to spread. Seeing my chance I swiftly go for the kill and give my target a long slow lick Petunia let out as surprised mewl as unexpected pleasure lanced through her body causing her to lose control of her muscles and land breast first in the soft soil. Her body was no longer listening to her mind instead it was following her instincts forcing her to thrust her ass high in the air. Dutifully I continued tending Petunia's flower with my mouth savoring the earthy flavor of her juices. Slowly she began to collect her thoughts and protested. "Harry what are you doing!"answerings between licks I speak into her entrance. "I-am-trying-to-tend-your-overheating-flower-what-does-it-look-like?" I made sure her heat was good and inflamed before stopping to ask. "Why can't I help my beloved Aunt during her time of suffering? After all I am best suited to helping you calm your heat." letting that statement stand for a second I make sure she doesn't pull away before I stand on my knees and position myself on top of her back. A pang of desire ran through me as I realise i'm about to give my virginity to my aunt I use my paw to rub the tip of my barbed 6 inch long cock in between her folds she moaned in pleasure and i'm overwhelmed with pleasure at the soft supple texture of her pussy that was teasing my young breading tool. As soon as she felt his raw tool prod at her entrance panic ran through her mind.

{"He's going to fuck me his Aunt and if that wasn't bad enough we have no condoms nor am I on birth control if he cums inside me...but I desperately need his cock I Must have it I think it will be ok as long he pulls out."} She said swiftly. "Oh alright Harry you win but you absolutely Must pull out Harry understand? Smiling like a cheshire I began to pet her along her back running my fingers through her soft fur finally stopping at the base of her tail and gave it a squeeze. Petunia involuntarily thrust her hips back spearing herself onto my cock! Utter bliss washed over me as the first inch delved into her tight unused hole. Taking that as consent I lean over her letting out a purring as I assert my dominance. Instincts kick in and slowly I began to move my hips in short rapid thrusts going deeper and deeper each time until i've sheathed myself fully into her pussy. As the last inch sinks in I feel my tip graze against what could only be her cervix my barbs were doing their job well raking her insides and causing her body to release a couple of eggs ready for me to impregnate her. Feeling her passage heat up to signaling that she is ready. Realising this I lick the back of her neck and began to thrust harder into her slick passage feeling my heavy balls begin to smack into her clit. Unable to withstand the new sensation she mewled at each slap inflaming my desire to breed her I begun to feel my pent up balls tightening up preparing to seed this beautiful cat. As the pressure grew in my loins I began to grind my barbed shaft along her walls with each thrust amplifying her pleasure until she panted. "I-I'm close Harry just hold on and whatever you do don't cum inside me or you'll get your aunt pregnant!"Feeling the resistance building in her passage I realise she was close to climaxing speeding up as fast as I can I he reach my his limit when her walls suddenly clamp down hard on my cock. With one final thrust I shoved my cock as deep as I could placing the tip directly against her cervix. Overwhelmed with instincts I sink my teeth into her neck and came with all my might into my Aunt depositing a large spray of white seed directly into her womb! hitting the back of it and drenching the two eggs she had released with fresh undiluted sperm. My tail was twitching with each spurt as I emptied my engorged balls into my aunt filling her womb to the brim and yet I still released more cum having nowhere else to go it began to leak past her lips! Purring loudly I resume peting Petunia while using my tongue to clean the bite mark I had made to mark her as mine. With the flame in her loins quenched she let out a contented purr far to lost in bliss to care that her full blooded nephew just filled her very fertile womb with extremely potent seed. Her system signaled to her that the seed inside her had penetrated her eggs and that her heat would be extinguished for quite some time.

A minute later her senses returned Beginning to panic as she rounded on me as she realized just what had happened. "You came inside me! I can tell I'm already pregnant with our incestuous cubs!" Nodding I answer calmy "I know I wanted to give you another chance and show both me and my mother that you really can be a good mother. One who doesn't abuse or spoil rotten her cubs like you did with me and fatso. I'm trusting you with my children Aunt please show me that you can be a good mother to them." I begin cuddling her as my words swept over her she began to weep tears of joy into my fur glad for this opportunity to redeem herself. By the time she collected herself my penis was back in my sheath and was preparing for round 2. Looking worried she said. "Things may be hard on us with two more mouths to feed." cunningly I corrected her. "Actually the ministry has us covered."with a flourish I pull out the license and explained everything to her that I know about my race. And since she is family I told her as much of my destiny that he I knew her eyes widening when she heard that I must get as many women pregnant as I can by the decree of the law and felt a bit honored that she would bear my first born cubs. She let out a gasp when she heard how much they would receive per cub to raise."Alternatively Aunt if you think you can't stand raising our incestuous cubs. You can have Fay raise them I won't judge you if you know you are unable to do it I would prefer that than the alternative." She shook her head violently and said. "No I will not waste this chance of redemption I will love them with a firm but gentle hand." Feeling warm pride growing in my chest I place a paw on her womb marveling at the paternal instincts flooding through me. Giving petunia a smile I ask. "You ready for round two?" At this she giggled like a young lass and dragged me into the flowerbed.

Chapter XIII

Self Improvement

1991 September 1st 6:00 AM

The remaining time I spent at Privet drive before school has been nothing but bliss for Aunty and me. In fact the very next day aunty checked if I had coten her pregnant with one of those little devises and sure enough I did my job well in celebration we replaced all the furniture in the house since we didn't want any reminders of the time we both affectionately call the lost decade. The old stuff we burned in a bonfire which proved Fay wasn't kidding about how strong that spell was we didn't get even get a single complaint and once the ashes were cool we mated on top of them as a last show of defiance to the dursleys. Both of us agree that our relationship should remain as aunt and nephew just with the added benefit of her being part of my pride. During this time we have been building up my sexual endurance however this has proven difficult since lions are infamous for not lasting long despite our quick recovery. However most of the time things around here went on like a normal family we would watch movies, play board games or my favorite gardening although the task took longer than it should for obvious reasons.

Sex wasn't the only thing I spent his free time sure sex is awesome but I need to get the hang on my new form and powers so once a day I sit and practice my shifting I almost managed it yesterday having shifted about 90% of the way until I was forced back into my original shape. Flustrated I decide to try one last time that night assuming a meditative position on my new bed I calmly focus my will on my new form slowly I began the shift into my other true form as my bones shifted the muscles moved with them and my body became smaller in some places and larger in others pleasantly my genitals increase in size in this form nearly doubling in shape letting out my breath he began to focus on the difficult task of shifting my internals into a more feral shape slowly but painlessly I finally managed the shift as soon as it was compleat power flowed through me as I felt the magical connection between me and Leonis awaken. Exhausted and overwhelmed I was too tired to appreciate the fact of my success and despite my best efforts I fell into a deep sleep.

Slowly I awoke looking around I realise that i'm not in my room anymore. With a start it dawned on me that I was in the chamber of the Lion once more. Hoping to see Leonis once more I look around quickly trying to find the sexy kitty sure enough there he was waiting patiently in a corner smiling at me. As I try to go over to him I soon realise that i'm no longer bipedal as the floor rushed to meet me I crimple in a tangle of limbs leonis couldn't help laughing at the funny site and I can't really blame him I must be a pretty funny site. All embarrassment forgotten a surge of glee filled me slowly I get up on my new legs wobbling unsteadily I manage to walked over to my ancestor up close I notice he's still bigger than me using him as a comparison Ifigure i'm probably the size of a full grown normal lion although unlike them my his mane was still growing in giving me a scraggly look. Relieved that I got to my destination without falling I sit down on my hind legs then went to ask why im here with my mouth but found that instead of vocally saying it the question reverberated from the room. "Hello Leonis i'm happy to see you again I missed you ever since the final trial you've been quiet so to what do I owe the pleasure of your handsome presence? Didn't I already pass the final trial? Smiling at the compliment the older male said."Yes young one you have however now that you have achieved your second true form I must explain how the power of Self functions for our species. But first you might want to get used to your new form." Trying to forget all I know of movement I let my instincts guide me and began practising my movement it didn't take me long before I was running and pouncing revelling in the graceful movements of the lion once finished I ran over to Leonis and rubbed my head under his chin purring as I lick his neck teasingly trying to get the male to calm my first heat. Leonis gave a cough and said. "Not now little cub as much as I would love to mount you we have little time if you want to catch your train"

Letting out a Mewl of disappointment I lay down in front of Leonis eager to hear what awesome and flashy powers I have.

"First let me stop your false ideas our power is not flashy." "What do you mean it's not flashy all this power in me has to be for something." flinching at the look Leonis gave him I realise that I had been extremely rude in interrupting him. "Sorry please continue." "As I was saying not all great power in this world has to be 'Flashy'. Yes we do have our flames and yes they can be useful particularly in hiding our true power. After all the best power is a secret one. Our power is unique to us not only are we able to see magic but we can also deconstruct it. Naturally that makes our hide resistant to most harmful spells but our strongest ability is the power to devour spells. This act will not only destroy the spell but imbue us with it's magic allowing us to become stronger now we can ether digest the spell completely turning it into raw magic for our use or if it's beneficial for you we can chose to absorb the spell into our bodies. This will allow you to use the effect at will so long as you have Magic be warned it will be draining. For example the spell that bear used to clean you instead of letting it work you could have eaten it instead and from then on you would be able to clean your fur instantly with a thought however since the spell uses you as the conduit instead of a wand it would cost more magical energy than it would using the normal method. However this ability can be useful if you ever lose your wand in a fight. Although I say consume we don't actually have to physically eat it that would be silly just touch it with your magic although it does works better if you can physically touch it or ingest it my sister was fond of that method it was funny to watch. Still as you might guess this makes us very deadly opponents in magic duels. There's more to us but i'll wait a bit so you can let this sink in."

Looking at powers in a new light I begin to wonder if my magic resistance was what let me defeat Voldemort although not likely since father still fell to him. Ready for more info I begin to playfully swat Leonis's tail. With a harrumph he commented. "You're acting like a kitten shesh." "But sir I am a kitten." "Oh...right never mind then back to serious matters the second ability of ours is the power to absorb minerals to strengthen our body's This power was partly used during your initial awakening to repair the damage from you being starved during your life. Although the real trick is by combining the first two powers we are able to use the raw magic we consume to strengthen and heal our body's.

Our final power is the most dangerous to us as it can doom us if we aren't careful so the explanation comes with a bit of history. Long ago my father was obsessed with Human made objects during that time period it was things like armor, swords and jewelry. One day on a whim he decided to make some himself and so using our bloodlines fire and his paws he melded metal into any form he desired. At first the objects were just like what you would buy from a human but he realised that if he mixed our blood into the material he could shape spells into the object and not just any spells but the very powers of our blood this made the objects carry immense power limited to only what he could imagine. Now these days any witch or wizard can enchant something but it's extremely difficult making the spell stick and eventually it fades or the object breaks however the things my father made never fade's and only the most destructive magic can harm them at all. The reason for this young one is because the objects are blessed with the same powers we have. The objects will only imbibe that which will make it stronger and if the blessing is in a weapon turn it against their foes. If father had kept his creations within the family it would have been fine yet my father was a fool in exchange for wealth he sold his 'Toys' to our neighbor's the Goblins until one day they convinced him to make a furnace that would never go out saying they needed one for the goblin king's kitchen and that he would need a massive flame. Glad for the challenge he did as was bade and began working on it at once. It took him 7 years all was going well except when the time came to place the final spell...he activated his power to lite furnace that would never extinguish. However the fool did not check his spellwork before casting and he didnt realise that the Goblin Shaman had added some runes of his own to the chain too late he realised their treachery as the spell did its job well pulling my father's body and soul into the flames. Forever will he fuel the flames of that infernal machine. If that was the only wrong they committed it would be bad enough but to add insult to injury the Goblin king devised how to make weapons similar to my father's and took all the credit. I will never forgive them for their actions!"

By this time tears of sorrow and rage flowed freely down both their muzzles I get up and as best as I could as a lion hugged Leonis after some time in each other embrace Leonis spoke. "The point of me telling you this memory was so I could tell you that we have the same power so far only 4 others in our bloodline have gained the use of this power though since they had not truly completed the final trial they could only make one object and those items are flawed but that's a tale for another time. I learned my father's craft at his side and I shall teach you how to use our ultimate power over the years in your dreams until then we must part for now my cub. Remember Goblins are our most hated foe we remember and so do they tell next we meet."

Chapter XIV

Ripples In The World

1991 September 1st 9:00 AM

As I woke to my alarm I tried to hit snooze however I ended up smashing the thing instead surprised I looked at my paw only to realise that i'm still in my lion form. Focusing my emotionally taxed mind on returning to my original form. It took two tries yet I managed it and while im determined to comply with his ancestors wish of hating goblins I need to calm my mind at the moment. As soon as I was calm Hedwig swooped in and dropped a scroll onto my lap. Surprised I picked it up saw that it was from the Ministry quickly unfurling it I read.

From the Department for the Protection of Endangered Species

Written by Head of department Fay Rune To the wizarding world

The other Wizarding community's request that we add species that are endangered

in their country to be extended to those that Live in Europe and since we accepted...

Henceforth we will add new species to the list so long as they were born in Britain.

Species #1 [Moon Rabbet] Number in Europe [2]

{Wow all the way from Asia talk about a climate change.}

Subject #1 [Pandora Lovegood] Gender [H] Fertility [Hyper!] Sexuality [Anything!]

Subject #2 [Luna Lovegood] Gender [H] Fertility [Hyper!] Sexuality [Anything!]

Species [Kitsune] Number in Europe [4]

{I didn't know we had any either but they married in apparently.}

Subject #1 [Molly Weasley] Gender [F] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Insatiable!]

Subject #2 [Fred Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Twincest.]

Subject #3 [George Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Twincest.]

Subject #4 [Ginevra Weasley] Gender [H] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Virgin!?]

Species [Blood Stoat] Number in Europe [6]

{You know it really doesn't help the if two endangered species marry each other}

Subject #1 [Septimus Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [Sterile] Sexuality [Straight]

Subject #2 [Arthur Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [Sterile] Sexuality [Straight]

Subject #3 [William Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Prefers Exotic]

Subject #4 [Charles Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [High] Sexuality [...Asexual...]

Subject #5 [Percy Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [Average] Sexuality [Straight?]

Subject #6 [Ronald Weasley] Gender [M] Fertility [High] Sexuality [Straight]

Note Molly & Arthur Weasley Refused to receive payment for the children they already have "We will not be given charity for the kits we already have but we will accept if more come along." {A very respectable thing to do in my opinion.}

The ministry will continue to add more species as needed until no more species are endangered signed Fay Rune Head of the D.P.E.S!

PS That bit about Blood Stoat's being bad luck is hogwash I checked myself.

P.S.S To the Purebloods just because your line is pure it doesn't mean your a separate species! A Pureblood Ferret is still an ordinary Ferret and we have hundreds. So stop trying to fake being endangered if you continue I will label it as rape! Have a nice day!

Immediately I was overwhelmed with a fit of laughter as I imagine the the look on that boy's face when he reads this. After regaining my composure I went over to my calendar and marked off the last day before school. After eating a quick breakfast I return to my room to find a newspaper on my bed confused I open the paper and look at the front cover which to my surprise had a moving picture of a bunch of scholarly type wizards shaking hands with a possum wearing a bowler hat. The page was titled

You think you know a planet

Breaking News

Major revelation from the Department of Mysteries

The head of the department now reveals important information regarding the mass prophecy that seers world wide received on August 4 1991 at 11:51 PM. What they have to say may blow your mind here's what the head of the department announced: "The planet is sentent it lives and breathes as we do over the milineas the world has watched many civilisations rise to power and fall. Many times has mankind been returned to the caveman days and reformed ours is just the most recent attempt at finding a future that won't end in ruin. The reason the world contacted us through our seers is to deliver a warning. We are on the precipice between destruction or the perfection it seeks should we succeed the past will cese repeating itself and we can move forward into a new age. As you all know he-who-must-not-be-named was determined to prevent any breading that did not belong to pure blooded wizards this was apparently so that the wizarding blood would eventually die out and the world's destruction would be eminent however this was ended by the-boy-who-lived. The warning it gave is hard to interpret but I will disclose all it said to us."

:"All living things experience the four seasons some see more than one cycle others never make the full turn My body represents the four seasons physically. However my Spirit the very source of your magic experiences the seasons differently. You and I live symbiotically and so we are the same and yet different. During the dark lord's reign the world was blanketed in the cold Winter of Death however now due to all of your efforts since his fall the world is Has finished turning to spring this is the most productive form for us and should it continue we will grow into an everlasting world.

However the rules of Winter do not apply in Spring and so a time of turmoil awaits you brace yourselves my children for the loss of life in winter needs replenished. Rejoice for spring will bestow life in plenty. A word of caution...their will always be those that wish ruin upon us all, to plunge the world into winters cruel grasp and end our bright future of Spring. To avoid this fate you need only one thing follow the dictates of spring the creatures of the world will do their part for your part you need only let your instincts be your guide

they will light the way."

"Normally I would be skeptic at all this however I am certain you all can feel it just as I do deep inside we know it speaks true so I and the ministry ask you all please guide us into a bright future."

Later we interviewed Fay Rune the person mainly responsible for changing the wizarding world into spring we asked if she knew all this beforehand her answer was as follows.

: "Of course not! Do I look like a servant of the divine to you? Although i'm glad my work has benefited the world more than I thought it sounds like my timing was perfect and If I might add incase anyone might be dense enough to miss it the thing our instincts are telling us to do right now is to reproduce as much as we can so the endangered species would be best suited for this task since you can avoid any unwanted children. So any women who wishes to lend their womb for 9 months can do so without repercussions. So get a move on you frisky lads and lasses!" This has been Betty Braithwaite 'Who is now looking for a frisky endangered lad' but is currently reporting for the daily prophet.

Despite the ringing in my ears I know it shouldn't be such a shock at least to me chuckling I say to myself "Of course you don't look like a servant for this divine your one yourself. I wonder how many requests for my seed I will get? Probably too many I hope I can keep up with the demand." Smiling as I finish packing my trunk then after making sure to grab Hedwig I put on the kilt Petunia had bought me despite it's discomfort it's not nearly as bad as my old shirt which I might add is now a pile of ash in the fireplace. Heading down the stairs I find Petunia standing at the door tugging on a thin nearly see through blouse and a skirt so short that all it would take is a passing breeze to reveal what's underneath. Watching her sit down to put on her high heels It was very easy to spot her exposed pussy under her nearly useless skirt. My sheath stirred with the desire to mate her one more time but alas we are out of free time. After loading everything into the car I had bought for Petunia A Shiny Gold Ford Anguler that Vernon had always wanted but couldn't afford. It was exhilarating to beat Vernon at his own game and to rub it in I sent him a letter showing me in a tailor made suit sitting on the hood at home giving Vernon a very rude hand gesture with petunia taking the picture. Getting in the passenger seat I flash Petunia a nervous smile as she started the car and together we left privet drive.

Ever since the change at home I found that I love sitting in the front seat. To my specifications the windows of the vehicle are tinted enough that no one could see in giving us total privacy. This is has proved to be an invaluable purchase since as of late i've been having a bit of trouble ever since my heat had begun apparently i'm attracted to myself and it's causing my balls to work overtime they are almost always straining with sperm even directly after sex and while it's nice to always be ready it's been making public outings uncomfortable. Speaking of my problem my cock was straining painfully against my kilt pulling it up I try to cool my erect cock and inflamed pussy with the cars air conditioning this helped a bit but didn't solve the issue completely. (Damn it I don't have time to release and clean up besides I'd like to save a particularly big load for any one I might meet on the train. Perhaps reading the muggle newspaper will help." Grabbing the newspaper Petunia had bought that morning I looked at the front page. If I had drunk something that moment I would have spat it out as the title read

Breaking News

Spain has just passed a bill called Right To No Restriction with a unanimous vote This bill Grants the people of Spain the right to wear anything they desire in particular Nothing at all if so desired which most of the country has done so. Declaring that they are fed up with the pain of clothing! The spike of tourism in Spain has astounded the national governments worldwide. You would think this new rule would scare tourists away in fact Just the opposite is happening Surprisingly even whole families are moving to Spain. The ministry of England is currently in debate as to what stance we will take on this unprecedented change. Scotland However seems to be in favor of adopting the concept eager as always to beat us in the tourism trade. In response the Queen has requested a poll to see the people's reactions to this liberating stance and whether or not we approve of this new stance on clothing simply send a letter to the Queen and they will tally your votes. The Queen wishes to ask if we are really going to lose to Scotland and Ireland in the fight for economy which we have come out on top of for many years? The story continues on page 7!

Staring agape at the paper I knew this had to be Fay's handiwork ("Date with Spain my arse!") "Aunt Petunia have you seen this?" Frowning she said. "No I haven't what's wrong?" In reading the full article aloud I Realise it's the same law that fay made including the sentence for rape has changed too castration and a life long sentence. Apparently the politicians also seem to be in favor of the idea including the Prime Minister. Petunia had to pull the car over so she could sit stunned then asked. "So we may never need these awful things again? Oh I hope so! this is such good news! I would love to see the look on Vernon's face right now I bet he will send a foot long letter protesting it."Smiling at the image I pull out a pen and paper "I better write my letter now could you please send it the Muggle way Aunt Petunia. She nodded delightfully and said. "Of course I'll send it along with mine telling them our whole family votes yes." "Thanks Aunty I'll be sending you weekly letters so do you think you can send her back with letters and keep me apprised of the ruling. I would like to track the progress of this movement hopefully it will cover the world." "Of course although I hope you want me to write anyway?" "Certainly I want to hear everything you want to talk about." After sharing a kiss on the cheek she continued driving my arousal temporarily forgotten.

An hour later We arrived at the station and with Petunias help I got my stuff together Petunia received plenty of stares in her outfit even intentionally flashing a lad as she picked up something she had 'dropped' ("I'm amazed at just how much a new body can change a person! Although I suppose there's more to it than that. Perhaps in freeing her from her guilt she's free to be herself which apparently is this sexy kitty In front of me. Not that i'm complaining!") After putting everything on a cart her demeanor changed to a look of sadness. "Harry if it's alright with you can we say goodbye here?" Feeling perplexed I said. "I'm ok with that but I must ask why." "This is the station that I spoke the words to Lily that split us apart forever I don't know if I can go back there." Giving her a hug I comfort her "Thank you for telling me I'll be fine from here on. Now don't forget to let me know how the cubs are doing ok. I love you so very much don't ever forget that. However don't let me keep you from finding your Soulmate I will love you forever no matter what happens. Just do me the favor and don't go back to being a prudish shrew ok?" She chuckled at the last bit and waved me off as I began my journey into a new world.

Chapter XV

The Family of Red

1991 September 1st 10:00 AM

The first thing I notice as I enter kings cross station was that that a some people were wearing skimpy clothes mostly the younger people while others appeared to be wearing as much clothing as they fortunately the former were vastly in the majority this gave me hope that the bill will pass. Shaking my head I focus on the task of finding platform 9¾. After some time I found Platforms 9 and Platform's 10 only to stare blankly into open space. I could have happily kicked myself for not asking Aunt Petunia how to get onto the platform I could tell there's a lingering aura of magic nearby but I can't pin the source down. Looking at the clock I let out a curse a when I see that I didn't have much time left and I certainly don't have enough time to go back and ask her. Beginning to panic I hopelessly ask some guards but as expected they thought I was loony and left them alone. Looking wildly around with desperation I eventually heard a motherly voice say. "I wonder why all these Muggles can't make up their mind if it's too hot or too cold I mean really with how much clothing on that one's wearing he's probably overheating."Quickly I spun to face the women who had said Muggles only to see one of the most beautiful site I have ever seen.

A large family of Stoats and Foxes were pushing trolleys filled with all sorts of Wizarding things like cauldron's, books and they even had an Owl! This fact however pales in comparison to their luscious fur. Every single one of them's fur was the exact shade of red as the flames of a bonfire! The hair on their heads turned into a deeper red than their fur shifting into the smooth rich shade of crimson! Having found my new favorite color I notice that the foxes incredibly fluffy tails were tipped with an inky black. It was as if they had dipped their tails into an ink bottle however from what I could tell it was a natural coloring. Shaking myself awake I hurried after them desperately trying to find out how to get to the train. They stopped in front of the barrier separating 9 and 10. Now that the family had stopped to catch their breaths I was able to take a closer look at the one who appeared to be the mother of them all. She was dressed in a short white sundress wich complements her D sized breasts incredibly well with the added benefit of doing very little to hide the large nipples that tented the fabric of the dress. As soon as she caught her breath she began speaking to her kits with a clear tone of command. "Now Percy you go first".Looking wildly through the sea of red I try to find the one named Percy however before I could identify the one she was talking to their was a flash of movement and then nothing apparently having missed the first one I watched even more intently"Alright you go next Fred and George." as she pointed to the twin Foxes in turn the first one responded rather upset "Oi I'm George honestly can't our own mother tell us apart!" "Sorry George then you go first." As the pair of foxes rushed forward he yelled. "Only joking I am Fred!" Focusing hard I see the twins the twins near the pillar and right before they collide with the stone A bunch of tourists walked by blocking my view for a second when his view was cleared they were gone.

There was nothing left to do hurrying to get the mother's attention. " Um excuse me I don't mean to bother you but I was wondering if you could tell me how to get on the platform?" She smiled at this polite and handsome boy and said."Not to worry dear Ron's new too." Gesturing to a young stoat pup who smiled shyly. "All you need to do is walk through the barrier If you're nervous it's best to give it a running start. How about you go before Ron." "Thank you very much mam bowing to her I ran towards the barrier. For a brief moment I feared that I would crash but bringing forth my courage I charged at the wall tail streaming behind me and before I knew it I had passed through the wall.

Awe filled me at the site that stood before me. A Long scarlet steam engine sat looking majestic reathed in steam the train was surrounded by hundreds of Witches and Wizards of all species that were helping their children get on the train most likely their families wishing them a good year. Feeling a pang in my chest I began wishing Mother and Father were here but at least I had mended the bond with Aunt Petunia suddenly realising that I already missed her I shake off the feeling of loneliness and resolve to make some friends. Taking a deep breath I tried to get my luggage on the train however this was easier said than done despite my new strength I simply couldn't get my trunk onto the first step. As I was struggling I didn't hear the two figures approaching me from behind. I nearly jumped out of my kilt when I heard two voices behind me say at once "Need a Hand." Gratefully slumping I turned to see the Fox twins from before. "Yes please!"They both grabbed one end of the trunk and with a heave tossed it inside the train. During this I noticed that that they had took no time striping out of the sweater and jeans ensemble from before. Looking in greater detail I could see that the red of their fur got lighter in some places just like their ancestral creatures. Looking down I could see their mature red balls swinging heavily beneath them. Each of their testicles was the size of a golf ball and their sheaths were plump advertizing that they must have rather large penises.

I finished the customary look over just about the same time they finished looking at me however they stopped suddenly when their eyes found my scar. They looked like they were about to burst with questions not being able to hold it any longer they asked. "Are you Harry Potter" with a start I had almost forgotten that I was famous. "Yeah I'm Harry and you are?" Wincing the left one said "Where are our manners Fred!" "Obviously we left them at home George." "Pleasure to make your acquaintance I'm Fred." "And I'm George if its mischief you need we're the ones to call!" At that they leapt onto the train and sprang down the corridor laughing with mirth! Thinking their names sounded familiar but for the life of me I could not place them. Taking one last look at the Muggle world I spot the twins mother standing on the platform wishing her sons a good year she was mostly alone however standing beside her was a girl I didn't remember seeing. As soon as my eyes locked on my heart began to beat faster looking at the small but confident looking figure standing next to her mother she appeared upset upset at something for some reason I found myself wishing that she wasn't upset wanting more info about her I study her attire. She was wearing a kilt like mine although hers was several sizes too big and hung loosely on her lithe frame if it wasn't for her tail it would probably be on the ground also unlike me she had a cloth band covering her niples from this distance I could hear her plead to her mom. "Mom why can't I go with Ron my birthday's in just a month I'd like to go to class with him." In response her mother hugged her tightly "I know Ginny but that's the rules besides you read the letter the magic of the school does not permit any student under the age of 11 besides If you study hard you may be able to join him in second year as soon as your old enough." she looked determined to do just that however their conversation was interrupted by Fred and George shouting from the train. "Hey mom guess what! That boy that was near us at the station he's Harry Potter got the scar and everything." The little girl squealed. "Ohh Mom can I go on the train and see him can I please!" "you've already seen him dear and besides he probably gets that enough I know you're his biggest fan but you shouldn't be bothering him. Still no wonder he was so polite and handsome to." Blushing I went to find a compartment to sit in finally finding one with only one person in it. Sliding the door open I notice that the occupant was the young Stoat boy from earlier like his brothers he was wearing the same sweater and jeans combo except unlike theirs his sweater was maroon tentatively I ask. "Can I sit here?" "Sure although a family friend may come by later if you don't mind" "No I don't mind." Recalling that the boy's mother had called him Ron I sat down across from him and stretched out my paw for a handshake. Ron took the offered paw in his and gave it a good shake. Since it's customary for the newcomer to introduce himself first I say "Hi I'm Harry Potter." Ron's eyes went wide and asked. "Are you really!?" "Yep!" Ron looked a bit starstruck. "So is it true...Do you really have a lightning shaped scar!?" Pausing for a minute I remembered. "Oh that!" Swiftly lifting up my bangs I showed him the white fur marking the place of scar. Ron stared eyes wide and maw agape. "Wicked so do you like remember him you know."It took me a second to realise what he was talking about. "Ah no I don't remember Voldemort but I do remember a lot of green light." Ron looked startled. "Whoa you said his name." I would have liked to have kicked myself how could I forget the fact that name was taboo quickly apologize. "Sorry I forgot! Since I was raised by Muggles I never knew I shouldn't." "Wow how's it like living with Muggles I mean?"

They sat for some time comparing each other's upbringing each of us were fascinated by the things the other thought as completely normal. Feeling that I knew him well enough he tactfully broached the subject. "Do you mind if I get comfortable since we are not in the Muggle world?" Ron let out a sigh of relief "I am so glad you asked I couldn't figure out how to get the subject out in the open without being totally awkward I mean it's one thing starting out starkers and another to undress with someone plus most people raised by Muggles are uncomfortable with nudity." "I don't mind at all as I mentioned that awful shirt was all I had to wear so modesty wasn't something I learned growing up. Ever since I learned of my origins I value freedom above all else so please don't suffer on my account." Standing up we striped and stored our clothes into our bags. Once free of its confiness my sheath stirred as my pent up arousal caused my maleness to emerge for all the world to see. Feeling the pressure of my confines release I let out a huge sigh of relief and sunk down onto the bench suddenly pleasure ran through me and I let out a mewl looking down I realise that the seat cover was velvet and what had caused my pleasure was when my balls and pussy had rubbed against it's grain when the seat had conformed to my privates. Fortunately I wasn't the only one caught by the velvety trap Ron had made a rather cute squeaking sound when he had sat down although I think he only has balls since I don't smell any females other than me.

Deciding to use this time to get a good look at Ron who understandably was also erect and observing me as well. Fascination filled me as I took a good look at a the Stoats breeding tool. The penis shaft was 1½ inch wide at the base slowly narrowing until it was 1 inch below the head. Interestingly the head of the penis flared into a pointed spade shape tip. Theorising that the head was designed to pierce a woman's cervix and lock them in place This theory was supported by Rons length If I had to give a guess Ron was at least 6 inches long the thing looked incredibly smooth and was slightly pink in color. His testicles were about the size of Walnuts fitting nicely into his orange sized sack. Desperately I tried not to chuckle as I noticed that his balls had some dirt on them deciding the silence had gone on long enough I say " Impressive Ron i've never seen that type of penis grow so long. You see I met a pure blood ferret boy in Madam Malkins and he seemed proud to have 4 inches you beat him by a landslide". Ron forgot his shyness at that and asked "Was he blonde with sleek hair and rather pompous?" surprised at the rather accurate description I ask "Yeah he was do you know him?" A huge smile broke out on Ron's muzzle. "Well I know of his family he's a Malfoy! And you say I'm bigger than him dad's going to be ecstatic. The Weasley's have had many 'Disagreements' with them for years. Thanks for the info Harry!" "No problem Ron glad I can help!"

I quickly found out Ron was a fountain of what he called common knowledge in the Wizarding world I sat entranced as Ron told me stories of his childhood and of the current goings on in the Wizarding world however something was beginning to bug me "Hey Ron can I ask a question?" "Sure shoot." "Now I know I am not very knowledgeable in the Wizarding world but how come your family is at wand point with the Malfoys. Ron looked as if he has bit into a sour lemon but He cleared his throat and said "My family are at odds with the Malfoys for a multitude of reasons some small and petty others not so much. For starters I don't believe I told you my last name it's Weasley. Now the Weasley's are a very old family and once were called one of the pure blood families we are as old as any of them and we still have our sir name and for a long time we married only wizards like the rest of them. Although wasn't by design unlike some of the families who have to arrange marriages just to preserve the 'purity' of the blood. We however just marry the one we love whoever it is. All that changed when the current head of the family fell in love with a Muggle. Now there were some mutterings in the family about it but since we were beginning to fear that the man was asexual we let him marry her. That did not go well with the other Purebloods we had our title striped from us and in it's place we were branded Blood traitors. Apparently the Purebloods had a bigger say back then and they made certain no Weasley could get a decent paying job and over time...well you get the picture That's the main reason we don't see eye to eye with the Purebloods however the Malfoy hatred goes deeper I don't know everything but their the representatives of the Purebloods so it's been them that have kept us poor and to add insult to injury a long time ago they spread a myth that we bring bad luck" Ron's face reddened as he continued. "However the most recent conflict with them was about the licence we got this morning now they're calling us whores."

By this point Ron was so depressed he didn't even flinch at the sound of me slapping my forehead finally realising why the name Weasley had sounded so familiar. They're from the first public message from this morning! Ron continued going along his train of thought. "So if you don't want to be associated with a dishonored family like mine I won't blame you." Looking aghast at Ron I decided drastic action needed to be taken Getting up I surprise Ron with a hug. Ignoring Ron's protests I said. "Ron first of all as I told you before I grew up as an extremely poor individual and was being treated worse than a rug before I came of age. Just because I found out my family's rich doesn't change my past I know how bad it can be Ron. But the one thing you did have that I did not was love. So if you think I don't want to be your friend just because of some stupid thing like money or reputation think again! Now about the license bit... The world knows you didn't ask for your family's bloodline to nearly go out. It will just take them a bit to get used to the idea the world is changing again and it's not going well for the Purebloods. And before you ask I don't have a problem with it you must not have heard but the Golden Lions are on that endangered list and I got the license to prove it." After showing my licence wich now declared me as a Herm to a dumbstruck Ron I sat back in my seat and waited for Ron get his voice back. "You sure?" "Positive if you'll have me as a friend." Clasping forearms I'm glad that i've probably made a friend for life so long as I don't bungle it.

Chapter XVI

Unexpected Company

1991 September 1st 11:24 AM

In an effort to cheer Ron up I told him in great detail my first encounter with Malfoy. It was when I got to the point of Malfoy storming off that the compartment door suddenly opened and a dreamy voice lulled. "There you are Ron I was beginning to worry you had stayed at home!" Startled at the sudden intrusion I rounded about to see a short Rabbit whose fur was so incredibly white it was almost like she was radiating a pale light of her own. Her ears stood tall and proud but the base of her ears were pierced and a odd vegetable hung from them. Weird knick knacks decorated her lithe form the most notable of these was the stained necklace made of wine corks. Looking at her cute pink nose my gaze met her Ruby red eyes and I froze briefly as feeling unlike anything I felt before if I had to describe it it was as if she was peering into my soul. Slowly I lower my eyes passing over her undeveloped breasts only to be stunned by what I beheld between her legs. Her Lapine penis stood erect at 6 inch's and was leaking pre at a prodigious rate and after looking further down I could see why. Her testicles were vastly disproportionate to her body from what I could tell each one was at least fist sized and visibly pumping more sperm into her bulging sacks. Knowing this could not be natural I look for traces of magic sure enough there's an extremely odd bit of magic attached to her genitals. The spell was unlike anything I had seen before the enchantment was rough to say the least. Not able to guess why it was there in the first place I file the question for later.

My attention was diverted when she said. "Hi my name is Luna Lovegood and I can guess who you are It's nice to meet you Harry." As she held her paw out I took it gracefully and kiss the back. "As you have guessed I am indeed Harry. To what do I owe for the pleasure of meeting such a beautiful yet viral Rabbit?" Her response was still in that dreamy voice that appears to be how she normally talks. "My you have good manners! That's a first most people laugh me or run away. Still as to why i'm here as compared to somewhere else I'm Ron's neighbor and he promised he would sit with me. Still if you'd rather that I leave I suppose that I can find somewhere else to sit I'm used to most people being afraid of me." I'm beginning to wonder if all the people living in Ron's neighborhood are outcasts getting up I gently grab Luna by the shoulders and sit the dreamy Bunny next to my spot watching her delicious balls ripple from the impact which elicited a squeak from her. Smiling I say "I would be honored if you would join us. Besides this seems to be the compartment for those who have breeding licences."with a surprised tone she said "You're nice I don't think anyone hasn't mocked my balls at one point or another. Their so big and messy not really natural either well I was born a herm but not like this...You really don't mind?" looking shocked I say "Do I mind?! Of course not I think they're beautiful I just want to sink my paws into them and give them a good massage! How on earth did you get them! Here I was thinking I was prodigious but clearly I have lost in the virility department to a very beautiful Rabbit!" Unable to help it I place my paw on her sack and slowly run my paw through the fur of her sack. She suddenly she let out a moan as I felt them contract watching as a huge spurt of pre launch from the tip and splatter the floor. Blushing she went to apologise but was cut off as I bent down and licked the tip savoring her rich creamy flavor however before I could really get to into it she stopped me and gently pulled me into my seat.

Once she was sure I was situated she took off her necklace and began to shove each cork down her urethra stopping the river of pre. Naturally with nowhere for the semen to go her ball sack begin to slowly expand in size. Once done she gave me a hug and licked my cheek. Noticing the confused look on my face she explained. "I suppose you wouldn't know about it oh well I better tell you that my parts are cursed. It happened 2 years ago in an accident you see my mother worked for the ministry as one of the people who invent spells one day she decided to test her newest spell designed to increase cell regeneration however the spell turned to be quite lethal in fact the spell shot out of the side after hitting my father it then began to rebound around the room fortunately it was losing power so when it hit mother's and me it did this to us instead of killing us like it did to dad. Mother ceased casting spells permanently and at first didn't want me to either but I talked her down."

Now that the sexual mood was thoroughly dead I asked. "So other than making you extra viral what did the spell do?" "I'm glad you asked cause now I can tell you why I stopped you despite how great it felt...Thank you by the way it was wonderful. The spell sorta did what it was supposed to except it affected my sperm cells instead causing them to mutate. Not only did it increase the amount but also the size! Their the size of tadpoles now and can even eat fish eggs! On top of that so long as I feed them they don't die or at least they haven't yet I still have my first sperm swimming around in my swimming pool...their cute. The second effect was to make our sex organs extremely stretchable as you're seeing now." The final effect was to make our spell temporarily transferable if you were to consume my seed like you were about to you'd become like me for at least a day. Those are just the effects that are permanent the spell is still shifting and on occasion it does some weird things to my dick. The most common temporary effect it likes to activate is to grow until it's as long as my arm and become prehensile Normally this would be fun but it can be most inconvenient sometimes since it has a mind of its own although it usually contents itself with using my balls as a cocksleeve that tends to last several days it makes sleeping very difficult."

Worried for Luna I took look at the spell once more it didn't look dangerous but now I know why it seems so weird. "Thanks for telling me Luna I still wouldn't have minded well ok maybe not today i've got to many things to do but if I had a day to myself I'd gladly join you in your spell it sounds fun." Ron looked at me like I was bonkers but I understood Ron's issue somewhat. Looking Luna directly in her eyes I notice that they had begin to mist she held out her arms with an invitation to hug. Gladly complying I scoot closer hugging her gently gently placing a paw on her swollen sack I ask. " If you're sperm is mutated can it still get someone pregnant?" She beamed at me and answered "Yes mother and I were worried about that too so I grabbed her cute bunny butt and put a bitty bunny bun in her tum." Letting out a low whistle I begin to applaud Ron simply gaped at her stunned that she had done that. Hoping Ron doesn't mind that sort of thing too much I ask Luna. "I am impressed how'd you manage that one?" Well you first put your thing in h-" No no not that how'd you convince her to go with it. Oh that! well first she was totally against the idea but the thing is when Rabbits are in heat we really don't care what we fuck just so long as the fire is quenched. So now she's 4 months in and she says my sperm's still swimming around in her. I hope she's doing ok back at home the sperm arouses her incredibly...Oh but not everyone is ok with me giving her a daughter I hope you don't mind to much. If you ever see my mother you'd understand how I could not resist" A sly smirk crossed my muzzle "I bet I couldn't and If I did mind i'd be a hypocrite since I got my full blooded aunt filled with my cubs." Luna clapped with glee and said "Oh good to know i'm not the only one! How about you Ron ever wanted to get that sexy mother of yours pregnant with your kits" Ron looked like he had turned into a tomato out of sheer embarrassment. At first I wondered at his reaction then realise that Ron's not mentally ready for sexual activity. Letting him off the hook I turn my attention back to Luna's expanding sacks and ask "So how large can they get?" "I don't really know they don't hurt and they don't weigh anything either at least not to me I once managed to grow them tell I was lifted off the ground on them like a waterbed it was delightful; Until I fell over." At this they all burst out laughing when they heard clanking and jingling in the hall.

Getting up I slid the door open outside stood a short plump female Panda with large plump D sized breasts each was topped with thick swollen nipples that looked like they were begging to be suckled and had in the recent past. Her pillowy butt complemented her figure nicely however her vagina was hidden behind the lunch trolley that was the source of the noise. After she finished appraising the occupants she asked. "Anything of the trolley dears?" Ron grimaced and pulled out a soggy looking sandwich and glumly said. "I'm good thanks." Luna simply shrugged looking longingly at the cart. Refusing to let my new friends go hungry I Look over her stock. I didn't know why I had expected to find normal sweets since I really should have known better. Ron was silently hoping Harry would share something although it hurt his pride to admit it however Ron lost his train of thought when I pulled out a fist full of gold and said. "We'll take the lot!" The women was startled for a bit but then smiled as she saw my scar. She started putting things into the compartment making sure to flash me her plump vagina as she did. My nose went wild as the smell of a heat laden female as she noticed my raging erection she said. "Normally I would offer you all milk since this is my last stop but due to circumstances i've dried up a shame really I don't suppose anyone of you might want to help a lonely lady out and cause me to start lactating again. Ron was stunned and grabbing his crotch he said that he had to go to the bathroom and left.

She looked quite surprised and a little offended at his hasty retreat quickly I say. "Please don't mind him he's apparently not mentally ready for sexual activities." Comprehension dawned on the Pandas face she said "Ah that's quite alright dear I understand by the way my name is Riona Sprout My twin teaches at the school." after we exchanged names she continued "Now that we've been introduced will you two take my offer?" Addressing Luna I ask. "How about you I know your active do you want to give it a go or can i?" Luna looked longingly at the plump vagina and said. How about this we will flip a coin and whoever does not win can demand one thing from the victor. Sound's good to you?" It did not take a genius to guess the demand would likely be a sexual one and the recipient would likely end up pregnant. Normally In this situation I would say no but since it's Luna I don't think I would mind bearing her kits. If not for our newfound friendship then for her unquestionably good genes. And to further sweeten the deal I might get to breed her instead I'm actually hoping to lose the toss. "Sound good to me." Taking out a gold piece from my bag I flip it and Luna called tails. Catching it midair I look to see who won sure enough it's tails. Luna let out a squeal of glee and followed an amused Roina to a more private place.

It only took a few seconds for Ron to poke his head back into the compartment and tentatively ask "Is she gone?" chuckling I answer Yes Ron Riona is gone" Ron noticed that i'm alone and asked "where's Luna gone?" "If you can't guess she went to help Roina 'load up her cart' so to speak. Ron's ears began to glow from embarrassment and flumped into his seat. Looking downtrodden Ron said. "I know it's pathetic of me to run away, but I literally can't help her yet I'm still firing blanks it's pitiful i'm 11 years old and i'm still a kit. I really want to do my civic duty but I can't. Fortunately the doctors say i'm just a late bloomer and not completely sterile but it's bad enough Fred and George tease me about it constantly. Granted I tease them back for only bieng sexualy atracted to each other but it doesn't faze them." " Ron I know it must be hard but look at it this way you can use your sterility to get some practice before you become a man that way when you are able to sire kits you can make it the most epic time of her life. Plus if you impress her she may come back for more!" Ron brighten up a bit. "You think so?" I know so it's how my aunt still mates with me I had to impress her with my sexual powers granted she was easy to impress compared to what she had as a husband before that but still she's become a part of my pride because of my skill. If you work hard you'll be able to charm any girl thats interested in at least one go into staying. Ron looked considerably happier from what I said and as we were about to start on our sweets Luna returned Glowing with happiness and much to my suprise literally she was shining with a pale Lunar light. As she sat down I notice her balls were back to a more normal size. However Lunas cock was restoppered and much to my surprise it her balls were swelling even faster than before. She noticed my confusion and said. "Every time I consume sexual fluids it kicks my production up several notches. It calms down in a day or two"( That is one an awesome spell i've got to acquire it I don't want it permanent just let me use some of its effects.") refocusing on my original question I asked "That didn't take long. Did you have a good time?" Oh I most certainly did! I don't normally orgasm so quickly but you had already done the lion's share of the work plus she's incredibly skilled. Don't worry she also finished as well I have many talents for pleasing a female although usually my sperm alone causes several orgasm's in fact she should still be writhing in pleasure.Oh she said to tell you Ron that when your ready she will let you have a go with her. Ron turned scarlet and said a quiet. "Thanks."

As we dig into our sweets I noticed Ron's bag begin to wiggle and a large gray Rat poked his head out sniffing the air tentatively. Startled I yelled. "Ron there's a rat in your bag!" This caused Ron to drop the cauldron cake he was holding and turn to look at his bag. Ron let out a sigh of relief and explained. "Yeah his name's Scabbers he's ancient but he's mine; Not good for much really I once tried to turn him yellow with a spell Fred gave me but it didn't work. No surprise there though Fred and George are trying to open a joke shop now that their 14." Seeing the puzzled expression on my muzzle Ron went into greater detail. That's the minimum age you need to be to work in the Wizarding world. But as I said earlier were poor so they can't pay rent on a shop so they're planning to start selling the stuff they've invented at Hogwarts to get their start up funds. But it'd take a lot they reckon they'll have enough by the end of their school years. They're brilliant Harry some of the stuff they make is incredible!" Ron began telling us some of the stuff they were inviting. Fascinating as the stuff was im hungry so I reached over and grabbed a box labeled Chocolate frog.

Puzzled but unsurprised I decide to ask Luna about them "Hey Luna are these real frogs?" "can't say for sure I think their enchanted sure some are different sizes and you can tell if the one you have is male or female but I know their magicked because they are made of chocolate and the spell wears off. One thing I know for certain it ok to eat them...Although I have a special way of enjoying them. Did you want me to show you? Suspecting she had something sexy in mind I nodded eagerly. This comment apparently got Ron's attention as he had shut up and was watching intently. Smiling she pulled her the corks out of her penis moaning as they slid up her sensitive hole. Before she pulled out the last cork she took what looked like a full potion bottle out of her bag and uncorked it "This little beauty is a custom made dimensional bottle it can hold an incredible amount of liquid without overflowing although it's almost full got to empty it soon." Taking the bottle she placed it in front of her penis and pulled the final plug with a squeak she let loose a torrent of sperm into the bottle watching in amazement as the balls that were the size of watermelons emptied their squirming load into the bottle with the force of a canon. Feeling a twinge in my vagina I kinda wish it had been shot in me. Slowly I begin stroking my vagina to quiet the thing down. Happily I noticed Ron was masterbating too glad that Ron was taking my advice I return my attention to Luna. After four minutes her production slowed into a trickle causing her last shot go wide and hit the floor I watched in amazement as we got a look at her sperm. It was just as she said they were the size of newly born frogs each were swimming around looking for a egg to fertilise. Quickly they all lifted their feet to prevent them from ascending Luna corked the bottle and set it down next to her.

"That's better now the 'Real' fun can begin!" Pulling an old worn leather strap set with well used leather laces from her bag she tied it tight around the base of her cock once again restricting the passage of pre and grabbed a chocolate frog I had chosen from the pile opening it she caught it as it made a bid for freedom. It struggled fiercely in an attempt to not be eaten she turned it over on its back and pinned it's limbs with her thumb and forefinger she smiled and used her pinky to point at it's groin. "See what I mean you can tell this ones a girl see her pussy it's tiny but it's there. Unlike real frogs chocolate frog males have external penises. Now to put this one to work." she turned it back over and grabbed it around the waist then lowered to her groin. The frog stopped struggling as it saw she was not going to eat it Luna placed the frog's onto the tip of her cock. She giggled as it's webbed feet latched onto her urethra and despite the fact the frog was at least three inches wide it placed its head into her tip slowly wiggling it's way down her slick passage. Im was amazed at how far her penis could stretch as I watch her penis expand to fit the frog. Luna had kept quiet op to this point but she began to let out her squeals of pleasure. Watching intently I notice her recently emptyed testicals surge to life filling her fluffy pouch with an incredible amount of seed. As the frog worked its way down her pasage she cryed out as a orgasem wracked her body. However since the sperm had nowhere to go her balls inflated like balloons only slowing down when they were the size of my head. Fascinated I saw the frog reach the part obstructed by the strap her gasps increased in volume and she managed to gasp out that it's trying to use it's webbed toes to pry the passage open. Briefly I wondered why it wanted through but put that thought aside as another shuder ran through her body signaling another orgasim her balls had returned the size they were before she uncorked them. I can even hear the sloshing of her balls, looking back at the frog I noticed that it was swiftly shrinking as it began to melt from her body heat returning to its chocolate form. Seeing the chocolate leak out of her tip gave me an idea carefully so as to not touch the floor I laid down on the bench and began to suckle at her tip drinking the delicious chocolate straight from the tap. The unexpected pleasure was too much for Luna letting out an almost inaudible squeak her cum production speed up rapidly. Finally getting the last of the chocolate from her 'eclair' I grab her bottle uncorked it and placed it at her tip then I swiftly release the straining leather. As soon as the obstruction was cleared her sack rumbled audibly as it let lose its cargo into the expanded space. With a sigh of utter pleasure she finished leaving her heavy testicals drained. Happy I could help my new friend I returned to my spot noticing that during all of this Ron had added his own sperm to the floor. Before I could say anything a very tired Luna laid her fluffy head on my lap and began tracing her soft tongue along each barb it didn't take much teasing before my pent up balls were adding my own sperm to the conglomeration on the floor. We all watched in amazement as Lunas sperm was absorbing Ron's with ease but were not able to overpower mine if any of her semen go near mine they vanish only I knew that my sperm was negating her spell. This gave me hope that if Luna ever got tired of the spell I could fix it.

Luna looked at me in amazement and said "Well that's decided." this caused a great deal of internal confusion so I asked. "What's decided?" "I'll tell you later...For now what card did you get? Chocolate frogs come with collectable cards of famous witches and wizards. Ron snapped out of his post orgasmic state and said. "Let me know who you get I collect them and I'm still missing a few." Retrieving the card from the forgotten package I turned it rightside up and looked at the title. "Hey I've got Dumbledore!" Trying to get a good look at the Headmaster I notice that the picture was obviously old because Dumbledore was still wearing robes still I could see he was avian in blood and that his feathers were Gold with red highlights. "So this is Dumbledore I've never seen him."Once I was finished looking I flip the card over and read the back which seemed to cover some of his greatest achievements. "Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. The most notable of Dumbledore's achievements was the joint project between himself and the celebrated Nicolas Flamel in creating the youth potion we all use today. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and ten-pin bowling." I comment aloud. "Wow Dumbledore's amazing!" But lost my train of thought when Ron had continued talking about Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. "They've recently been working on sexual enchantments like a 24 hour gender switch. I still remember the look on mom's face when she saw 'Freda!' The row went on until the spell wore off I could tell George was furious that he couldn't fuck Freda. Right know they're working on a line of candies that will turn your cock into another species temporarily." THAT got my attention "When will they be ready I'll need some if my Soulmate doesn't have a cat dick to get me pregnant Ron was about to reply when a soft rap came from the door. Luna got up sleepily and opened the door. Outside was a rather short blond Mouse that was a little on the scrawny side however as far as I could tell he was purely male with average sized equipment the boy was nervously holding his long tail and before he could say anything Luna exclaimed. "Oh you're cute!" Letting out squeak he asked "Have you seen a Toad I've lost mine." Ron and I said that no we haven't seen him but if we do we would let him know. The boy thanked us and left to find his toad. Giving a shrug Luna shut the door and plumped down next to be "Oh well you can't catch them all."

Ron stated. "You know if I had a Toad i'd lose it first chance I got." Flashing Ron a smile I looked back at my Dumbledore card only to find that the inhabitant of the card had left not just move around but left. Very confused I said in astonishment. "He's gone!" Luna looked over at what I was looking at and gave me a quizzical look."Yeah you can't expect him to stand around all day he'd be bored don't worry he'll be back." As Ron was explaining how photo's worked in the wizarding world I realised that for the first time in his life I had friends. As I was thinking nothing could spoil this moment I must have jinxed it since 'someone' tried his hardest to ruin it. The compartment door slammed open as the ferret boy from the belt shop sauntered in as if he owned the whole train he was flanked by some hideous looking creatures that took me a few seconds to realize that their ancestors must have been toads but probably somewhere along the line had probably mated with a troll. 2 things pointed to this fact: 1st Their height made them look like they should have been 3rd year students. The final fact was that they both reeked each of them smelled as if they just emerged from the sewers. How the boy could even be able to breath when he was standing so close to them was a mystery however it was a short one for upon closer inspection I could tell that the boy had a enchantment looming around his head from what I could discern it must be an air filter. After the boy was finished posturing he faced me completely ignoring the existence of Ron and Luna which was a impressive feat since Luna was almost on top of me. "How come you didn't tell me you were Harry Potter?" Calmly replying. "Well you never introduced yourself so I thought you didn't want to know my name either." The boy smirked and said. "Then let's start over I'm Draco Malfoy this is Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle." Nodding he did likewise. "I'm Harry Potter." Unlike Malfoy I tried to let Ron and Luna introduce themselves so as not to seem like I owned them. However Draco interrupted and said with a mocking sneer full of contempt. "Not hard to guess who they are. Red fur with an old school issued belt plus the hand me down wand he's one of those cursed Weasley's. And She's Loony Lovegood equally cursed but with the detriment of being contagious. You should learn who you should befriend I mean I know their of lower station than you but it's important to not get mixed with the wrong sort. Don't worry if you stick with me you'll learn how to avoid mingling with riff raff" at this Luna let out a growl and Ron's Face turned a brighter shade of red and bared his teeth. I let out a loud hiss of displeasure and The three of us got into position and drew their wands so that if hostility broke out they would be ready. I curtly replied. "No thanks I think I can find the wrong sort by myself all right in fact I think I'm looking at one right now. Now if you don't mind I think you should leave before something happens to that enchantment around your head those things are notoriously fraggle and who knows what might happen in a duel" Malfoy looked as if he had just stepped in Goyle's dung then said. "Fine have it your way Potter but I'm sure you don't mind sharing some of your loot. The second crab grabbed a candy He yelled in pain as he yanked his warty hand back pulling a still attached Scabbers with it Malfoy reached for his wand but with a flick of my tail I disrupted Malfoy's filter. The effect was instantaneous as he immediately began violently gasping for air trying to breath as he ran from his cronies desperately looking for fresh clean air which was made difficult because as soon as crab flung Scabbers into the wall they ran closely behind Malfoy.

Ron quickly checked Scabbers to see if he was alright and to his astonishment he had fallen asleep However Harry was overwhelmed with a sense of vertigo and slumped Luna only just caught him as she asked calmly. Are you alright Harry? Nodding dizzily I stated "Apparently I'm not strong enough to do that trick just yet I'm just glad that was a weak spell anything stronger and I might not be conscious Ron looked at him seriously and said. "Did anyone not tell you that self magic has a cost in energy and if it's too much you will die!?" Vaguely remembering Hagrid saying something about that and said. " I think Hagrid might have said something along those lines. Although I didn't think it was going to be that high of a cost." Luna forced a chocolate frog in his mouth and said Eat chocolate helps with magic fatigue.( chocolate may help but the spell on it will do me more good) as I devour the frog so to do I devour the essence of the enchantment into my flesh he feeling my vigor return to its normal state but just to be sure he ate as much food as I could making sure not to take on any of the spells I was eating I really didn't need to be any flavor.

Sensing the need to lighten the mood Ron said. "Did you see Scabbers go! I think he's earned another try at a female!" Having successfully distracted my attention I ask. "Another try? Why did the first attempt fail?" Ron barked out a laugh "The female wouldn't have anything to do with him she almost bit off his penis." Lunna pointed out "I don't think he wants another try Ron he seems to be scared." Ron looked and said. "Oh well I'll have to think of something else. Anyway that was a prime example as to why we hate the Malfoy's. Ron was about to go into more details but was interrupted by another knock at the door. Ron exclaimed. "What now! If it's Malfoy i'm decking him!" Ron got up and pulled out his wand ready to jinx the person who was waiting to be punched but as he opened the door he saw a beautiful ginger furred mixed breed cat girl with long curly ginger hair and short fur that was also ginger in color her long bushy tail swished behind her irritably. As she stood outside the compartment door I notice that she was visibly preventing herself from hiding her genitals this was not helped by the fine sheen of vaginal fluids oozing from her aroused pussy. ("She's probably a Muggle born witch and is not accustomed to the new dress code or lack thereof. Although judging from her arousal she's probably a bit of a exhibitionist although she's trying valiantly to pretend everything is normal"). Ron was struck dumb and appeared completely bewitched as he stared smittenly at the beauty in front of him. In a curt strictly business tone she asked. Has anyone seen a feral toad Neville's lost one." But as soon as she had said that she noticed Ron's wand. Completely forgetting her embarrassment/arousal she asked excitedly. "Oh are you doing magic!? let's see then."("Uh oh this won't be pretty.") Ron blinked rapidly as a desire to show off for this immensely attractive girl and so Ron used the only 'spell' he was taught praying that it would work this time he pointing his wand a Scabbers and said. "Sunshine daisies butter mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow! And with a yellow flash nothing happened. The girl giggled a bit and asked "Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. I've learned all our course books by heart, of course." Here let me Demonstrate" she jabbed her wand at the broken glasses I still wore out of habit despite me not needing them anymore and said oculus reparo! My glasses emitted a sharp crack and then mended themselves. Too busy looking at my glasses in astonishment I heard Ron hide his mistake the same way a prideful six year old boy would hide his embarrassment; Behind bluster. "Well I could have done that I just didn't want to show off." My head jerked up and looked at Ron in astonishment anyone could tell he fancied her. Im flabbergasted at his immaturity but before I could say anything the girl said coldly. "Well maybe you should have. Although I highly doubt you could and by the way you have dirt on your balls did you know?" And with that she spun around and left. Overwhelmed by Ron's stupidity I hit him and the following argument lasted several hours and Luna had left to go find a quieter place although from the look on her face I suspected that she was going to look for that mouse boy and help him find his toad. Finally Ron gave his muted acceptances that he was indeed a immature hypocrite and that he deserved the hit.

Chapter XVII

The Thinking Cap

1991 September 1st 8:00 PM

The remaining time was spent by Ron telling him all about Quidditch The game fascinated me on a primal level and kept asking more and more things until our conversation was cut short when we noticed the train was slowing down. I gathered up the rest of the sweets and wrote a quick note. To Riona: Thank you for the sweats I hope Luna gave you a good time and that if next year you need help with your heat I hope that I can remedy it have a good year. From Harry Potter"

After leaving the note on the seat I follow Ron of the train As soon as I had stepped out onto the platform my breath was taken away from me as I beheld Hogwarts for the first time. The majestic castle loomed in the distance it's many windows glowed with fire light welcoming it's students into it's bright halls of learning it's many towers soared into the sky in the darkness I couldn't even see their tops.Yet the thing that fascinated me the most was the mind boggling power and complexity of the magic flowing through castle even if I had a hundred years of doing nothing but looking at it's magic I would only understand it's basic nature. I was broken out of my awe inspired daze by a familiar gruff voice booming. "First years over here first years follow me!" Over the din of excited students I happily ran to Hagrid dodging and weaving through the crowd to get to him. Ron was panting and wheezing behind me as soon as I saw the huge Bear I yelled "Hi Hagrid!" Hagrid's serious expression cracked into a smile when he saw me. "Hello Harry good to see the Dursley's let you come not that they could have stopped you i'd have gone a got you regardless." As soon as Ron got close enough to see Hagrid let out a exclamation. Wow I didn't think bears got that big i'm impressed. Hagrid blushed and led all the first years to some boats and was told to climb in two to a boat naturally Ron and I shared one however Luna sat with Neville. As soon as they were all situated the boats gave a lurch and the craft's began to slowly glide across the lake towards Hogwarts.

To pass the time Ron asked"So who is that Bear is he a teacher?" "That's Hagrid he's the Gamekeeper he helped me get my things. However the most important part was that he's the one who told me I'm a wizard plus he explained to me that all the strange things going on with my body was puberty."Ron seemed interested in the story so while we were sailing I begun to tell him all about the day Hagrid had collected me.as I finish up the tale we floated into a port under the castle then docked into the harbor and climbed out of the boat. Suddenly I heard Hagrid ask. "Did anyone lose a toad?" Neville shouted "Trevor!" Luna beamed at him and said. "See it's as I said earlier. The things we lose always have a way of coming back to us in the end. Neville gave her a hug and apologized that he had ever doubted her. I felt glad that he had found his toad it must be very important to him. Although I don't know how he felt about Luna finding a new friend but reconciled with himself that she needs as many friends as she can get. I shouldn't be jealous she is not some object to hoard.

Hagrid led us through the winding corridors filled with portraits that were whispering amongst themselves several even ran from painting to painting trying to get a look at the famous Harry Potter. Already growing tired of my fame I climb up several flights of stairs until the tired group reached a large hall that appeared to be the normal entrance to the castle looking in awe at the giant reinforced door that looked more like a wall standing at the other end of the hall I wonder if any normal person could open it. Hagrid directed them to stand in front of a much more reasonably sized but no less protected double doors. "Now all of you need to wait here until the rest of the school is ready for your sorting so try to relax a bit." With that said Hagrid left us to our thoughts. My thoughts however were interrupted by a scream from one of the girls in the back Rounding about to face the direction it came from I was prepared for danger however what I saw I couldn't fight a horde of ghosts had drifted through the wall and was heading our way fortunately they didn't even register our existence due to their heated argument about a person named Peeves. Shortly after they left the double doors opened wide revealing Professor McGonagall looking as prim and proper as ever with a clipboard held in her paws.

Gazing upon her mature form my loins stirred with rekindled desire for her. Now armed with the knowledge of what these desires were I knew that I would have to play my cards right and go slow with wooing her especially if I didn't want to get expelled for fucking then impregnating a teacher. I let out an involuntary purr when I noticed that she was wearing black silk stockings that attached to her garter belt that held her essentials. Her breasts were emphasised by a underbust corset that completed the outfit giving her a very refined yet sexy school teacher appearance.refocusing my mind to the important task of finding out my house my nerves were beginning to cause my stomach to churn. Completely uncertain on how we were to be sorted however I stood firm ready willing to try his best. However a nagging doubt entered my mind when the image of being placed in slytherin flashed through my mind. Desperately I hoped he would be in the same house as Ron. Mcgonagall snapped me out of my dark thoughts when she said curtly. "You will all now be sorted into your respective houses. While you are hear your house will be like your family. Once you are sorted the head's of the house will go over how things are run here in hogwarts for now follow me" As they all entered the great hall I was astounded by the massive room. The hall was richly decorated and filled with five huge table's four running parallel to each other these were filled with students between the ages of 12-17. The last table however stood on a raised platform apparently reserved for all the Hogwarts staff. Once I was close enough I could see that at the head of the table sat Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster appeared to be in his early 30's however thanks to his card I new that was simply the age he was when Flamel and him had invented the youth potion in reality he was very old his long flowing Hair and a impressive beard was a testament to his age. Dumbledore's golden feathers gleamed in the candlelight and the amount of magic that was emanating from him was astounding! My thoughts were interrupted when I spotted Hagrid sitting at the end of the table. Hagrid noticed my gaze and the giant gave him a friendly wave and gestured for me to look up. Following his advice his jaw fell open when saw that the magic of the castle had made the ceiling transparent despite the solidness of the castle allowing everyone to gaze into the heavens.

My attention was returned to Earth when they suddenly stopped in front of a small three legged stool placed in front of the head table. Sitting on top of it was a wrinkled old hat with a fascinating piece of magic on it. I could recognize my bloodline's power on it and guessed it must have been Godric's. As we all gathered around it I wondered if we had to pull a rabbit out of it. Suddenly I got the image of Luna being sucked through it. Valiantly I suppressed a chuckle and waited eagerly with the rest of the school finally the hat stirred and a seam near the brim opened and allowed it to begin singing.

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head

The Sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

if you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folks use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The hall began clapping and the hat bowed to the room. Mcgonagall stepped next to the hat and spoke. "When I call out your name you will come and sit on the stool. As Mcgonagall began to call them alphabetically by their last name and in reverse just to confuse us all. My earlier guess was right Ron was placed in Gryffindor and with much cheering sat next to his brothers. My nerves grew to a all new hight as my turn was approaching swiftly. The girl from the train whose name was apparently Hermione Granger got placed in Gryffindor and much to my chagrin Luna was placed in Ravenclaw hoping I would still get to hang with her on occasion. When my name was called out a loud buzzing filled the hall as the crowd double checked if they had heard right. Ignoring them I sat on the stool and felt the hat fall down around my eyes and a voice entered my head.

{"Ah another from Gryffindor's line places me upon his mighty brow and now it falls to me to place you where you belong. Courage you have a plenty Honor and loyalty two.A sharp mind no doubt my goodness. What passions burn within your mind My maker would be proud!now you could fit anywhere but I think you might do well in slyth-" With a mental yell I broke the hats concentration as I desperately pleaded Not Slytherin over and over! The hat was amused and interrupted him saying.

"Not Slytherin eh? But you could be great you know And Slytherin would help you on your way to greatness there's no doubt about that! No? Well if that's the case Better be..."} "Gryffindor!"

Chapter XVIII

An Important Message

1991 September 1st 7:00 PM

A huge wave of relief washed over me robbing me of all my sense of hearing. Unsteadily I got of the stool slowly my hearing returned allowing me to hear the deafening roar from the Gryffindor table despite the volume I could still hear Fred and George yelling we got Potter over and over again. Giving the hat back to Mcgonagall I heard her say quietly in his ear. "I'm Glad to have you Mr Potter." Giving me a warm smile she gestured to my fellow Gryffindors. Strength renewed I rushed over to Ron who scooted over to make room between him and a older looking Stoat Weasley that was wearing a sash adorned with with a badge saying Prefect. The boy gave me a firm handshake and introduced himself. "Percy Weasley pleasure to meet you I see you've already met my brother Ron." I was about to tell him how I met Ron but Percy began rambling on about his own achievements blessedly Percy was forced to shut up when Dumbledore stood up to address the crowd waiting for the buzz of conversation to die away.

Clearing his throat he opened his hooked beak and said Before We begin our Banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you." As the Hall clapped politely I leaned over and asked Percy "Is Dumbledore a bit Mad?" "Mad? He's a Genius! Best wizard in the world! But yes he is a bit mad. Potatoes Harry? My eyes beheld a wondrous feast the previously empty plates had instantly filled with food from all over the Britain. Including more than a few favorites of his. With enthusiasm I scarfed down several plates of food all while talking to the Gryffindor ghost Nearly Headless Nick. After I couldn't eat another bite the food suddenly disappeared leaving the plaits as sparkling as if it was never there. Much to my relieve the food in my stomach stayed. Then all of a sudden I was surrounded by deserts of all kind's and using the metabolism of a 11 year old growing cub I pounced on the desert with gusto. As I was eating I wondered that if this is how well everyone here eats how do the older students keep from getting fat? Looking around I noticed some couldn't and where a little pudgy in places. Resolving to continue the exercise routine I had taken up at Leonis's suggestion. Not that I have anything against pudgy people mind you. I however needed to be healthy in order to attract mates. When I was full past my usual limit I took the time to look around the staff table noting some of the teachers had odd heritage however one thing caught his attention was that on Dumbledore's left sat an empty chair. Although Mcgonagall sat on his right (I wonder if they are in a relationship... if so then I better stop my pursuit now. As my eyes continued down the table I saw professor Quirrell completely wrapped up as usual talking to a stern Bat with long greasy black hair. The bat apparently had felt my gaze on him because he looked over at me and gave a cold look of distaste. Immediately I felt a flash of pain in my scar. Clutching it tightly, Ron noticed my quick action asked in concern. " What happened?" Harry thought about not telling him the truth so as to not worry him but decided it was best to be honest with his friend. "I just was looking at the staff table then I saw Quirrell talking to the bat next to him when he saw me he glared at me and my scar hurt. Ron looked and said I think that might be Professor Snape the potions master at least he fits Fred and George's description to the T from what I've been told he has always wanted the defense against the dark arts job. I hope Quirrell is careful with what he drinks."I had to agree and speculated with Ron until Dumbledore got up and cleared his throat which got everyone's attention.

"Now that we are all fed and watered I have a few announcements to make and these are as follows: Mister filch would like to remind all of you that 'All' products from Zonko's joke shop is forbidden. To all who don't know or to those that need a reminder the forbidden forest is as the name says Forbidden to all that have not been given permission to enter. Also their are several changes to the school this year First and most important the 3rd floor corridor is forbidden to all who do not wish to die a painful death. Secondly those of us who were here last year may know that a New spell was added to the many protections of the school this spell made life here much easier and safer as it absorbs all bodily fluid spilled instantly...To put it bluntly Sexual fluids. However this seems to be having an unusual effect to the school and it's grounds causing the surroundings to change in 'Interesting' ways though none so far are perilous. Despite our best efforts the spell has mutated and is unable to be stopped without destroying the school. Since it has proven not to be deadly we have chosen to simply monitor the situation if you notice anything life threatening alert either me or Mcgonagall. I must insist that you should always travel in groups should the unexpected happen.

Finally It has been brought to my attention that some of the older students have not been balancing their meals with physical exercise and have in a polite term grown a bit soft around the edges." At this chuckles filled the room smiling Dumbledore continued. "Therefore I am pleased to inform you of a new mandatory subject, Physical Magic!" This was met with mixed reviews some cheered most groaned and all broke out into whispers. Dumbledore raised his hand palm up and the voices died away. Once the room was silent he continued. "This means we will be welcoming a new teacher into the fold and since they are waiting through that door I would like you to give a warm welcome for Professor Rune. My head shot up from it's sleepy position swiftly I rounded about to face the great hall's doors as they opened to reveal Fay Rune in all her shiny glory. The hall was a mass of confusion as some yelled "Yes!" And others yelled "What now!" Regardless of who said what all eyes were on Fay as she moved to the chair next to Dumbledore and stood in front of her chair

Clearing her throat she addressed the hall that fell into silence."Some of you may know me as the former minister and to others as the person who set the ball in motion to change the world for the better but all of you should know that I am currently the head of the Department for the Protection of Endangered Species. Do not worry I am still in charge of it and yes my program is still active. However I have taken it upon myself to become your new teacher. Not only will I whip you all into shape but I will also instruct each and every one of you the best way to use your Self magic both safely and practically. My class will be scheduled differently than the others so I will spend my first class explaining how we are going to do this since the Magic of Self is such a diverse category. I certainly hope we will all enjoy are lessons together. On a different note I have important news from the ministry to tell you all... As some of you may know on occasion Wizards have been forgetting to cover themselves up in the Muggle world and have been caught by the Muggles and charged with public indecency although we always smooth it over and memories are modified it's still an inconvenience. Thus I have been hard at work for the past few years to introduce the Right to no Restriction into the Muggle world. First I started with the easiest target Spain with little effort they now officially have accepted the Policy!" This started a loud murmur of interest. Speaking over them she continued. "However don't go packing your bags for Spain yet. The best news is that due to my meddling in Muggle politics the Policy is spreading like wildfire all over the globe. I am now extremely pleased to inform you that as of 12:00 AM tomorrow the England will accept the policy with the Queens full approval. With 'all' my laws included with it. The full details are posted in your dorms. You may now speak." She then sat down.

The cacophony of cheers was almost deafening. I was roaring with the rest of them finally the war on clothing has ended. After Dumbledore dismissed them the whole castle couldn't stop talking about the change. As they followed Percy to the dorm I noticed that even the portraits lining the walls were talking about it and all were just as surprised as they are. We were however interrupted during transit by the resident Poltergeist Peeves the specter was more prankster than scary so I really didn't mind the thing at least until it began pelting everyone with walking sticks after several threat from percy to get the headmaster Peeves zoomed off. After what seemed like a long time Percy stopped them all as they were about to turn a corner and addressed the crowd. "Ok everyone as was mentioned by the Headmaster that spell's been at work causing changes every where. One of the changes

Unfortunately has befallen the portrait that guards the entrance to our dorm The Fat Lady. This will give you all a good idea of just what the spell is doing to the castle so be warned. Leading them around the corner they beheld the Fat lady. She was a portrait of a plump lioness and at first I didn't know what Percy was talking about she looked like a normal if not a tad overweight liones. Quite pretty in fact but then I realised the difference, all of the other occupants in paintings around the castle were fully clothed she however was like the rest of the world completely nude and she was certainly not shy of it.

Her breasts were very large and plump I would hazard a guess and say they were at least D+ they were topped with thick nipples each the width of my thumb. Her Vagina was slightly gaping proof that she'd either birthed many cubs or that she loved being stretched a fact that pointed to the latter was that when they first turned the corner she was busy stuffing her tail into her snatch. Still massaging her lips she asked promptly "Password." Percy was blushing brighter than his fur as he swiftly said. "Caput Draconis" She winked at him and swung open to reveal a long oddly shaped hole it was lumpy and ridged along the walls fortunately the bottom was still smooth. Wondering why this was I stopped mid crawl to run my hands along the bumpy walls of the hole. It looked familiar but I couldn't place what it reminded me of suddenly I heard Fat lady's voice reverberating in the walls a little cross although she sounded more than a little aroused. "Not that It isn't pleasurable feeling you in my passage young Lion but others need to move through Now if you would scoot along. ("Wait if the castle could feel pleasure is it also alive?")

Saving that thought for later I left the vaginal shaped hole And crawled out into a large ovalular room that was richly decorated with scarlet and gold curtains, banners and tapestries. Looking around I saw several cozy armchairs by a majestic fireplace. Several tables and couches dotted the space. On one of the more comfy couches sat a rather cute Tabby cat giving her vagina a bath while watching the students carefully. Due to my ability to see magical aura I could tell immediately that this was Professor Mcgonagall. Smiling I bowed to her and politely said. "Good evening Professor Mcgonagall You are looking positively radiant this fine evening. Ron looked at me in astonishment and asked. "That's Professor Mcgonagall? Wow I didn't know she was a... Oh why I can't remember the name...what was it called? Dad said it once! Mcgonagall's eyebrows shot up and answered Ron. "The word you are looking for Mr Weasley is Animagus. How on earth did you know it was me Potter? Most new students think I'm the Gryffindor mascot before they find out. If I might ask what gave it away?" making a self-deprecating gesture I said. "Your transformation is perfect and your acting was spot on! However I recognise your scent since we met in Diagon alley however you were in heat that time and you no longer are." Mcgonagall paused mid lick the sight caused my already hard cock to strain trying to delve into her vagina but my will remains resolute. As she Straightened herself she looked even more surprised. "There's more to you than I expected Potter if you remembered that tiny detail. I really must keep a close eye on you. Now you don't mind I need to give you all the rules of the dorm."

Once all the first years gathered in the room many unsure of themselves and almost all aroused. Mcgonagall the cat leapt from the chair and ran up the right stairs the sudden movement caught everyone's attention as their eyes followed her. A minute later Mcgonagall the woman descended the stairs she then addressed the group. "Now as you are new here I need to go over some things with you all I am Professor Mcgonagall deputy headmistress and I teach transfiguration I am also the head of Gryffindor house. So don't think I won't reprimand you for acting out of line. Each school year the four Hogwarts houses compete for the house cup. Points are won for good behavior and class participation. On the other hand points can be deducted from your house for misdeeds,rule breaking,poor results and uncouth interactions between students! A record of the current points are shown by the giant hourglasses in the main hall. The rules of the castle are as follows. You may perform consensual sexual acts anywhere in the school within bounds. So long as you are not disrupting class or are late because of it! As the law states so long as no one is raped everything is permitted. I will remind you once you give consent for sex that's the end of your protection what happens during that is your business. I must inform you that boys can not visit the girls in their dorm." This gave rise to a lot of different sounds of displeasure from most of the guy's and a few girls. McGonagall stared them down and continued. However girls can visit the guy's. That got them cheering once that settled down she resumed. Now for those of you that are of mixed gender you will be placed in the dorm your figure most represents. " With a blush and a glance in his direction she continued. It is permissible to have sexual relations with your teachers however you must be aware no special treatment will be gained from it and all male staff are temporarily rendered sterile so there will be no chance to blackmail them and woe be to the male that tries to blackmail any of the female staff. I will warn you not to waste time seducing us when you could be finding younger mates for your activities. "Finally some of you will have noticed the dorm storage cabinet." As directed everyone looked where she was pointing and saw that at the opposite end of the room as the fireplace stood a large decorative Mahogany cabinet embellished with a golden plaque that read.

For Public Use

reusable items are

Sanitized after every use!

"This includes simple potion ingredients, Games,medical aid, and objects that will ease your stay here. Anything in the cabinet shouldn't be taken out of the dormitory and common room you are simply borrowing them. Now any questions?" Hermione raised her paw and with McGonagall's permission she asked. What will we do for our monthly bleeding some of us don't want to bleed in the middle of class?" McGonagall smiled and said. Ah a very good question Miss Granger 5 points to Gryffindor. To answer your question Professor Snape will be teaching you how to create a very easy and safe potion to prevent your bleedings with minimal side effects." Hermione raised her paw again and asked. "What are the side effects?" Mcgonagall nodded and answered. "The effect is that your heat will last longer and you will be more fertile in fact some of you will constantly be in heat this is ok and is not harmful in fact I myself haven't stopped being in heat for 50 years and I still have a normal life. That sent me reeling as the repercussions of that statement sunk in("If she hasn't stopped for such a long time how come she isn't in heat now <Sigh> I need to face the truth someone else got to her first...Damn It I was too slow! Still I won't give up i'll get her next year!")I tune back into what she was saying You will need to take the potion once a week the instructions to brew it are in your potions book but please wait until Professor Snape shows you how to make it. Now if that's everything?" No one had any questions so Mcgonigal bade them all goodnight and left through the portrait hole giving them all a good look at her nethers. Despite my arousal I decided to follow Ron to bed climbing up the winding stairs to the boys dorm placed at the far left end of the room the structure of the castle fascinated him that despite the external structure of only one tower the internal was quite different. Certain two dorms could not fit within one tower however my sleepy mind could not contemplate the oddity and as soon as my head hit the pillow of the bed marked Potter I fell into deep slumber excited for the next day.