Bondage and Discipline 01

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#1 of BnD

Another fantasy legal-slavery society from the slave's point of view.

(c) 2009 Kevin Foxboy, all rights reserved.

Bondage and Discipline 1) Tamed

My owner ordered me to write down this story of my slavery.

Please know it's a cautionary tale -- don't do what I did or you'll

suffer the same.

I was born free, in the Fox Nation, a few hundred years after

the Awakening. Since everyfur learns about that in low school, I won't

bother you by repeating it.

Or the details of my growing from infant to cub to adolescent.

I started getting interested in vixens, and that's why my life fell

apart. I don't blame them, I shoulda been more careful.

I'll protect them by not using their names. It won't take much

to beat it out of me, I've long since lost the strength of mind to

fight freefurs.

I learned about otherfurs in mid school, all species mixed

together to see we weren't all that different in our hopes and dreams

of making a better society. Even furrs whose ancestors preyed on us

Foxes, and furrs who were our prey.

Now we were all just people. The universal fur slavery before

the Awakening made us all equal in the Laws of Sylvester, the Treaties

of Oraska, and the Sacred Book of the Founding Fursons. Each species

would help each other, and nofur would be slave just because of fur


But the Laws also said, if anyfur breaks Law, they're punished.

Doesn't matter if they're Mice; Wolves, Lions, or Tigers. Even rich or

poor, the law doesn't care. But that's theory, in practice it's dif-

ferent. Rich furrs buy Exceptions. Poor Foxes like me -- we pay with

our flesh, and fur, and lots of pain.

I wanted to impress some vixens by buying jewelry for them.

How the hell could I know the street merchant I got them from had

stolen them? They were discounted, that's all I paid attention to,

and I forgot to think about why.

The Laws took that under consideration; I'd have been pun-

ished even worse if I'd done it on purpose. That's what happened

to the Weasel; his screams as they broke him still haunt me, years

later. Killing him would have been a mercy. But it was denied.

I fought the charges, physically and in court. The cops beat

me senseless cause I fought the arrest, literally dragged me into

court when I woke up. I was still foggy and couldn't put up my own

defence, and the judge sentenced me, first time, to five years.

I wasn't a free Fox anymore. Yes, I couldn't pay for the

jewelry; I'd gotten it on credit when I had a job. Not anymore; I

was a criminal. The Weasel had killed somefur robbing the jewelry

store, and I hadn't turned him in. So I was an accessory to robbery

and murder. I found that out later, cause I barely heard the judge

before blacking out again.


When I woke up, I was naked. I mean stripped of clothing and

tools. I still had the fur, but it didn't completely cover my sheath

or balls. And the big heavy steel collar on my neck locked to heavy

steel chains told me this wasn't the fun kind of naked.

My ankles were chained tightly together as were my wrists. I

could wiggle around, but I couldn't stay balanced if I stood up. I

could wave my arms around a bit, and hit whoever did this to me if

they came close enough, but I was in serious doo-doo since they'd

know how far I could reach.

Besides being chained hand and foot and neck, I was in a

cage about a meter wide and two long; enough for me to stretch my

legs or arms but not both. All four walls were black steel bars

from steel-bar floor to steel-bar ceiling, and it was too low for

me to stand up straight anyway. The cage was locked in the corners

to rails sticking out of the stone floor, but I couldn't move it

along the floor.

And it was a bit cold and damp, lit only by little torches

set in the walls! Where the hell was I, and when? It looked like a

goddamn medieval dungeon. I've played around a little with bondage

and discipline, but I always had a safeword, a way out if I was

chicken and used it. Somefur here had forgotten to tell me mine.

I shouldn't have rattled the chains, because four big guards

came striding into the room, through a big heavy door. It was locked

too, as if I could have gotten out of the chains, collar, and cage to

try to escape. Sheesh, talk about over-engineering! A frikkin *rhino*

couldn't have escaped if he tried.

Two nasty-looking Tigers and two bored-looking Grizzly Bears

came at me. One Tiger unlocked an opening too small to be called a

door, grabbed the end of the collar chain and yanked me bodily out.

Before I could even try to get up, a Bear sat on me and held me down.

I mean it was hard to breathe with that weight on me.

If I hadn't been so scared out of my wits, I'd have been glad

they thought they needed four furrs to overpower one Fox. Christ, I

couldn't even have knocked down one Tiger! I whimpered and tried to

cover myself with my bushy tail, but they all laughed at my weakness.

My ankles were released, but before I could move the Bear

sitting on my rear chained them to a meter-long rod. Hey, that hurts

having my legs roughly yanked farther apart than my shoulders! Bear

Two just stepped on the rod, and I knew I wasn't getting a chance to

move against them. Probably ever.

Tiger Two grabbed my collar and choked me harshly as he pulled

me backwards to bend my back painfully. Bear One stayed on my rear,

Bear Two on my ankle rod (god that sounds dirty!) while Tiger One got

back in action on my terrified body by opening one wrist cuff, pulling

my arms behind me, and locking the cuff again. He'd obviously done this

to lots of furrs because he made it one motion, no time to fight or

even resist.

They got off me and dragged me to my feet. I had trouble

standing with my feet so wide apart and hands unable to wave to

balance. I realised if by some miracle of divine intervention I

managed to pull away from four furrs, each of them stronger than

I was, I still couldn't run away with that rod making me waddle!

And with my wrists cuffed behind my back, I couldn't balance.

I shuddered to know I'd crash to the hard stone floor, probably break

some bones. I knew my captors wanted me too scared of hurting myself

to struggle, and I couldn't help whimpering again ...

The Head Tiger, as I was getting to think of him, seized the

collar chain and jerked it roughly, then half-dragged my waddling

footsteps through the door. Bear Two shoved me hard against the stone

wall and I saw stars, the last thing I saw as he buckled a blindfold

on me.

In darkness I tried to count my footsteps but they kept shoving

me forward, backward, sideways and making me take extra little steps.

Every once in a while they spun me right and left until I was too dizzy

to remember what direction I was pulled in. There couldn't be that many

short stairways, could there?

Every second I was there I got more and more scared. I couldn't

think straight, couldn't remember who to beg for mercy, for an end to

this nightmare. And it would soon get worse!


After the seventh circle of Hell my captors stopped and I heard

creaking. I hoped it wasn't my bones, and was glad there was no *more*

pain. I was shoved forward a few waddles and then somefur put each arm

in a vise and clamped it shut. The wrist cuffs were unclipped and my

stinging arms were brought forward and above my head. There was going

to be even more pain!

What the *hell* had I done to deserve this treatment?! Yeah, I

lost my job, so the court convicted me of fraud because I'd agreed to

pay, then I said I couldn't. I was sentenced to slavery to pay my

creditors. I had no idea it would be this ... brutal.

I was still chained and blindfolded. Then I heard a feminine

voice close to my ear telling me I'd learn not to fight the guards,

I'd learn not to fight any freefur. I was still scared mindless, and

I shuddered to think what they'd do to me if I didn't learn fast.

I think she stepped back, because there was a gust of cold air

on my cheek where she'd brushed me. There were weird scents and sounds

but I'd soon learn sometimes it's better not to know.

Sometimes it's somefur else suffering. The only comfort I'd

have now was when it wasn't me. And I would learn very clearly that

they could make it far worse for me when my imagination ran free.

My imagination was the only thing they'd ever let free.

All this time I'd been in pain from the cops beating me. How

many days ago was that? Pain being arrested, pain being caged, pain

in court. Pain in the dungeon, pain in the hall. Pain chained up.

Feminine Voice spoke harshly. "Fox, you're a slave now, and

I'm going to begin your punishment. I'm a female, and I'll start slow

before giving you back to the mercies of the guards." I shuddered to

think their brutality was called mercy.

All five furrs -- Free Furrs I'd learn to call them -- laughed

wickedly. My face started feeling hot, and SomeFur said, "I think he

likes you, Ma'am!" which got more laughter. What the hell was the

damn joke, and why was it on me?

She decided the beating would start. I yipped in pain as the

whip cracked on my tail! I tried to jump but hurt my ankles on the

rod; somehow it'd gotten stuck to the floor. She told me to count the

blows, and if I didn't, Bear and Tiger would take turns whipping me!

Males are usually stronger than females, and I *really* didn't want

the Males who had hurt me so easily in the dungeon going at me again!


So I started with the one on my tail, but she said No, it was

a practice blow, and I was too scared to argue. My voice was weak as I

said None, and SomeFur pulled my snout roughly up and back and hissed,

"None, *what*? Slave!" He said it like a question and a hint. If I was

Slave, then they were Masters and she was Mistress!

I cried out, "None, *Mistress*!" when I felt the whip crack

on my tail again. There was no answering laughter, and it was my first

lesson. Pain if you resist, acceptance when you obey. It was still None

with the second blow on my tail, and Mistress made me count each of

twenty blows on my back, sides, hips. Around my tummy, and especially

my bare rump and thighs.

With my wrists chained above my head and my ankles chained

to the floor, held a meter apart by that damnable rod, I was totally

exposed to everyfur, and especially Mistress and the guards! She

forced me to feel grateful for leaving my balls and sheath undamaged.

That whip could easily have been aimed a little closer to home, so to

speak. She was indeed starting me slow. Teaching me my slavery.

After ten blows, my knees buckled and I was held painfully by

the wrists. I recognised Bear Two's voice, "Is that all ya got, fox?"

I started to be angry, but only a split-second later I realised he

was right! It *was* all I had! I couldn't stand up, I was too weak,

and I could barely keep up with Mistress!

That was all the break time I got, and she started in again!

The blows landed from my left this time, on arms, shoulders, legs.

Christ, she'd knocked me down at ten, and she wasn't even breathing

hard! *This was 'starting me easy'!*

By this time I'd been yipping with every blow, helplessly;

it hurt too much for me to be quiet. The tears of pain in my eyes ran

down my cheeks, and tasted of raw fear as I counted. At fifteen, she

shifted aim again and struck me left to right as I hung helpless, my

balls slapping against my thighs as I was forced forward by the blows

and swung back to her whip.

At twenty I was gasping for air, my voice hoarse from screaming

out the count. I had no idea how long she had taken to pound me into a

trembling heap of foxflesh, and I actually don't know when she stopped!

She said later it was twenty, but my body was still jerking around and

my mind was a whirlpool of suffering.

I think it was one of the Grizzly Bears who held me as the

wrist chains were released. I saw Bear One when the blindfold was

taken off and my tears poured down my snout. He held me as I fell

to the floor unable to move, and darkness came over me again.


I woke up again back in the cage. My whole body screamed in

pain, and I just lay there on my tummy. It took awhile for my brain

to focus and know I'd been taken back, and awhile longer to scent the

goo that had been sprayed on my arms, shoulders, back, rear, thighs,

and legs. In the old days the injuries would just be left to heal or

to fester naturally, but I was property now and the dungeon keepers

wanted my labour, so they kept me healthy.

This was a brutal introduction to my new life, designed to

break my will to resist and make me accept training. The goo kept

me from dying of shock, able to suffer. When a woman Wolverine entered

the dungeon, I struggled to beg for mercy, but only managed to croak

one word: Mistress?

She didn't laugh, but chuckled. Was I already broken, after

one beating? I didn't feel like fighting anymore, and she was the

Mistress who'd done this to me! Maybe a stronger furr would still

have some courage to be angry, but I was too scared of her.

I *was* already broken, because she didn't need any guards

to terrify me, to make me call her Mistress. In just a few minutes

under her whip, after hours unconscious in the cage, I was tamed.

I was never told the names of the guards; it would have given

me strength to know them. Guards were Master Tiger and Master Bear;

she was Mistress Wolverine. They never seemed to mind the fact I

couldn't identify them, even when I spoke of a guard to another or


She let me beg to know if she owned me now, and giggled. It

was music to my ears, and I learned to want to please her to hear it

again. She was both 'bad cop' when I resisted and 'good cop' when I

obeyed. The guards were always 'bad cop', always a threat she could

use against me.

It was humiliating to know she'd beaten me into submission,

and deeply humiliating to be naked and exposed to her but to see she

wasn't interested in a romp with me! Hey, I've pleasured vixens; OK

I was limp and shriveled, but it was cold and I was scared. I wasn't

used to having my assets both showing and ignored.

Bondage and Discipline 2

Bondage and Discipline 2) Trained The next humiliation was being branded, on my left hip a pawspan below the bone. I didn't know it as Mistress clipped my pawcuffs behind my back and hobbled me. She must have bent down or curtsied, and I'd like...

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Wolfy 1

Wolfy 2014-0218.1322 Text and characters (c) 2014 Kevin Foxboy. All rights reserved. Adult, Feral, Wolf, Pack, Dominance, Submission, Degradation, Humiliation, Watersports, F/M, M/M Jacob Wolf woke and stretched in his hastily-dug partial den. The...

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Working for BSI -1

Working for Biological Synthetics Corp. 2011-0805.0314 Tom Warner was the junior partner in Biological Synthetics Incorporated. He still is, and will be for a few decades; he has no intention of leaving such a lucrative business. Even if his...

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