The wolf in apartment 4C

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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The Wolf In Apartment 4C

"Hey it's you! Good to see that you're not locked in your apartment!" He, the lion at the front desk, joked and grinned at the mutt.

"Hi, Andy!" The canine in question, Ethan, responded with an awkward half-smile.

Ethan's mother was a show dog and his father was a working dog, the combination made for a dainty face, soft fur and pricked ears (from his mother's side) with the potential to get his body into shape faster, more stamina and more strength than the other men his age. Or Ethan assumed that he did, he didn't really do anything too physical so his capabilities remained in question.

The apartment complex's receptionist returned a warmer smile and, despite the mutt clearly approaching the stacks of metal mailboxes, asked:

"Come down for your mail?"

If Ethan weren't so awkward he'd have managed more than a nod and a grunt of the word 'yes.' He cringed and immediately felt bad for not saying something, but cringed even more when he blurted out a 'yeah' much too late. Add that to the dog's personal list of things he wanted to improve on.

One of the things Ethan liked about himself was his fur, he never let it get too mussed up. His chest, his neck, his chin and his inner thighs were the softest parts of his fur and, conveniently, were all coloured the same. That colour? Biscotti. Ethan could never drum up a colour that was closer. He tended to keep this fur trimmed, but slightly fluffier than the fur elsewhere on his body, all of which was an umber brown.

Ethan slotted his key into his box (box 5C) and popped it open. Inside was the usual: a couple of leaflets promoting products and events around the city, a business card for a lawyer and some letters. He dropped everything except the letters in the nearby recycling bin.

"This was too big for the boxes and it doesn't have a name on it, but it came with the letters and the guy wasn't a mailman so I'm guessing they go together." Andy spoke up, setting down a fairly large cardboard box on the counter.

"Thanks!" Ethan said, taking the package and nearly tripping over the carpet as he struggled to look over it. That earned him a short, stifled laugh from Andy.

Hurrying to the elevator, Ethan set the package down inside and checked the letters to try and see who had sent him the gift. The dog's face sunk; they weren't for him.

The name scrawled on the front was 'Hugh', Ethan's neighbour or rather the guy living below his apartment. The room and floor number however, were his own. This wasn't the first time he'd gotten Hugh's mail and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

The last time this had happened was the first time he'd spoken to and met Hugh. Ethan had dropped down the letters in the early hours of the morning, the time that Hugh tended to take a jog and the time that everyfur else in the apartments were fast asleep. Because of that, Ethan hadn't bothered with anything more than a dressing gown and his underwear. It was such a short walk that he hadn't even bothered to tie the gown up and instead held it closed with his free forepaw. As always, he'd pushed the letters through the mailbox without knocking. Only this time, the door had swung open.

And there Hugh was. It took one look to convince the mutt that his vertical neighbour was one of the most arresting and handsome men he'd ever laid yes on. Hugh's natural playful and somewhat sexy charm that emanated from him had gotten Ethan blushing, stammering and swooning over the wolf without even a word.

Worse yet, or better yet perhaps, the wolf's outfit left little to the imagination. All that he wore was a tight pair of jogging shorts that bulged most impressively at the crotch and a tank top that was just the right size to tease the shape of his figure.

Ethan had tried not to meet the wolf's eyes as he mumbled out that he had gotten Hugh's mail again, but his gaze had fallen on that bulge again. His nerves burst as his boner popped and the younger mutt had thrust the letters at Hugh, stumbling over in the process. He'd accidentally let his gown open to reveal his own erection packed snuggling in his briefs. Hugh had noticed quite quickly and one mortified mutt has scampered off to avoid further embarrassment. He hadn't seen the wolf since, always making sure to deliver any letters when he was certain that Hugh had gone out for his jog.

He stopped off at Hugh's floor and headed down the corridor, stopping at room 5. Hugh must have been in, since he hadn't seen the wolf leave for his jog yet and a small amount of light escaped under the door frame. Hopefully, Hugh would be in the shower or asleep or something and Ethan could drop this package off with the neighbour's.

He wasn't quite so lucky, however, the door opened not a minute afterwards. This time, Hugh was dressed in a formal, deep purple shirt and black work trousers. In one forepaw he held half a croissant, the rest of it in his mouth being chewed. Hugh's eyes lit up when he realized who Ethan was.

"Uhhh.... Hey?" The mutt croaked, arms trembling a little as he held out the package with the letters stacked on top. "Th-they put this in my box, it's yours!"

Hugh swallowed and beamed.

"Perfect! My forepaws are a little greasy though, so could you bring it in for me?"

Opening the door wider, Hugh stepped aside to allow Ethan to see directly into his apartment. Ethan's nerves spiked, but he couldn't exactly just say no.

Structure wise, Hugh's apartment was the same as Ethan's. The door opened up into the living room, directly on the left as they entered was a small bathroom and connecting to the living room on the same side was an open plan kitchen. This meant that the door to the bedroom was on the right side of the room.

Furniture wise, the two had more or less the same stuff: a TV, sofa, dining table and chairs, a bookshelf, lamp shade, coffee table and armchair. But Hugh's was much more stylish, everything in the room looked modern and with the walls painted white it seemed fitting that the furniture was black. The sofa and armchair were made out of matching black leather, the dining table, chairs, coffee table and bookshelf were all made of black wood. It made Ethan somewhat embarrassed, knowing that his own living room was just a mess of whatever furniture he'd been able to buy. Though, if there was one thing in the apartment that Ethan could relate to his own it was the bookshelf.

It was filled to the brim and one of the shelves looked as if it was about to give way from the sheer amount of weight that had been put upon it. The rest of his books sat in piles around the room, Ethan was careful not to step on them as he maneuvered himself to the table. As he went, he made sure to read every book title in his path.

"Are you as interested in books as I am then?" Hugh spoke suddenly, surprising the dog.

"Yeah I am!" Ethan chirped with a sudden energy. "I read so much I absolutely love it, but I don't really have as many books as you do."

"I only have this many books because my family got me ten or so every Christmas and every birthday. Don't get me wrong though, I couldn't ask for better gifts." Hugh took a seat on the sofa. "Come, sit. We can chat for a while, can't we? We've lived in the same apartment for nearly two years but I don't think we've ever actually spoken."

Ethan's nerves burned for a moment, this really was the first conversation he'd ever had with Hugh yet there they were talking like old friends. As shy as he was, it was hard for him to say no.

"Of course! I'd love to!" The mutt took a place on the sofa next to Hugh.

They began to chat back and forth. At first, the conversation was about books and their favourite pieces of literature. How they thought some famous book should have ended, what they thought of a character, what they thought of the hidden messages and deep meanings.,,

"... You know what book I'm talking about, right?" Hugh asked, he'd just finished describing a novel.

"Absolutely!" Ethan had been elated from the second Hugh had started talking about 'The Hearth Chronicles' "I love everything about it!"

"Great! It's never been one of my favourites, but if you like it so much I think I should give it another chance."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat and he was ever so slightly taken aback. Was Hugh flirting with him?

"Anyway..." Hugh continued. "What do you think of it's message? The whole idea that the entire concept of a knight is contradictory."

"Oh! Was that the message behind it?" The dog grinned sheepishly, blushing he looked away and tried to come up with an excuse as to why he didn't know that.

Hugh roared with laughter.

"It's fine! It's fine, I didn't catch that message for years." He reassured the dog, his forepaw landing awfully close to Ethan's leg.

"I guess I see where the message came from now, it's just such a happy book I would never have guessed."

"Yeah that's what got me."

The two spoke some more, eventually Ethan began to ramble on and on about a TV show he used to watch as a cub. It was only when Ethan caught himself staring directly into the black wolf's green eyes did he stop himself.

"Oh nooooo....." He groaned, looking around quickly to find an excuse to leave. "Look at the time!" Ethan added, after catching a glance of the wall clock.

It was ten minutes to nine and both of them were certainly late for work.

"I'm so, so sorry, Ethan I didn't mean to keep you this long!" Hugh apologised, standing up and brushing himself down.

"It's fine, don't worry!" The mutt smiled and in a sudden panic, said the first thing that came into his mind. "This was so much fun. Do you want me to drop by later so we can finish this conversation?"

Time froze for a moment as Ethan expected the wolf to shoot him down.

"That would be perfect. Here, let me give you my number." Hugh offered. He took the mutt's phone and saved his number to it. "I have to pack my lunch, be seeing you!"

"Bye, Hugh!"

Ethan stood and hugged the wolf goodbye on instinct almost, something that surprised him greatly since normally it would take months before he was ready to hug a new friend. As he headed down the hallway and up to his own apartment, he tried to hide his blush.

The two managed to get to work on time and soon after Ethan was settled at his desk, he took out his phone and texted the new number.

"Is this Hugh?"

The response was almost immediate.

"Yeah this is Hugh, I'm assuming this is Ethan?"


Ethan text back in excitement.

"Perfect! I know you said we should talk when you get home, but it's a slow day here. Mind if we just text?"

The two continued texting throughout the day, the conversation spanning many topics, yet always feeling natural and free.

They ended up adding each other on just about every social media account they had, Ethan going as far as setting up new ones just so that he had more ways of talking to Hugh. Sure, they could just go around each other's apartment whenever they felt like talking, but Ethan preferred to talk over the phone. Hugh was happy to do just that, if it made the mutt happy.

Towards lunch time, they started to find out more about each other. Ethan discovered that Hugh was a flirtatious, confident man who seemed to get hook-ups just about every other week. Hugh discovered that Ethan was quite the opposite, a reclusive, shy kind of guy who rarely hooked-up with furs and if he happened to he wasn't always that impressed. On a whim, Ethan typed out and send unprompted:

"All your partners must be very lucky women." He was anxious and embarrassed the moment he hit send.

There was a brief pause in the flow on the conversation, but nevertheless Hugh responded.

"Who said that any of them were women?"

Ethan's heart skipped a beat, maybe he was joking, but still he just had to ask.

"You're gay?"

"Through and through. That's not a problem is it?"

"Not at all!" Ethan typed, then sent. Before Hugh could send another he added. "I'm bi myself."

When the reply wasn't immediate, Ethan began to worry. His nerves were soon soothed yet again.

"Sweet! Is it as wonderful as everyfur tells me?"

"No, there's a lot less threesomes then everyfur expects. But maybe that's just me."

"Ha, well if you ever do want one I could set something up."

Ethan was shocked by the wolf's suggestion, fortunately Hugh quickly cleared it up that he simply knew plenty of furs who would be down for that and not that he was talking to Ethan just to bed him, as cute as he was. That last comment made Ethan blush. However, Hugh went further than Ethan expected and started talking about how he met each and every one of his friend's with benefits.

One was a bear from down South who Hugh had slept with when he was visiting, another was his sister's boyfriend at the time, another one of his best friends, the next hook-up he described had been a drunken fling with his boss, then his boss' son who happened to be the same age as Hugh. Hugh promised that all of those were the slutty ones and the rest he had at least known the furson before hand.

Once he had fucked in a graveyard, the next had been in the sea which had moved to a small cave where they made love on the stones for hours, Hugh also described what his favourite positions were, how he liked it, his kinks and how sensitive he was. Hugh apologised soon after, feeling as if he'd dominated the situation. Ethan didn't mind, though he was starting to worry about furs seeing his erection.

He was rock hard in his underwear at his desk, pre dribbling from his cock into his crotch furs. It ached so much and just moving rubbed him awkwardly. He was fortunate that it was time to clock out. The moment the clock hit five, he pushed out from under his desk.

Hurrying, Ethan nervously shuffled through the corridors of the office and towards the elevator. Shooting a glance down towards his crotch, it was barely noticeable save for his awkward. He was lucky to be alone in the elevator, where he adjusted his trousers and underwear to make it a little more comfortable.

In his car, all he could think about was how the wolf would look naked: how big his dick was, how perfect his ass would look, what he'd be like in bed... A bright red blush sprung up on the mutt's face as he started to consider just how attracted he was to Hugh. This had all come on so suddenly, sure he'd found the wolf hot before, but thinking about him in bed was entirely different from thinking about him during the day. It was unexpected, foreign territory yet at the same time exciting.

The traffic came to a stop for a moment giving the dog the opportunity to take out his phone.

He saw that Hugh had asked him a question:

"Do you feel coming over to my apartment tonight? I feel bad for spoiling your plan to come round later and chat."

Ethan's heart jumped, this was all going just a little faster than he'd expected.

"We could hang out afterwards too?" Hugh had added. There was a semi-colon on the end, maybe it was a half deleted winky face.

The mutt thought he caught an ulterior motive, that this was all going to be romantic and the hanging out afterwards wasn't going to be watching a movie.

"Yes to the dinner, no to the sex."

He hit send, then rapidly sent a few more texts to clear up a few things.

"Not that I don't think you're hot, you are. Or well, not like hot hot but hot as in uhhhh... i can't explain it I'm so sorry!"

"You get what I mean right?"

"But anyway besides that I'm just not too good when it comes to sex. I mean I have had sex i'm not a virgin and I've been with guys before, but I've never bottomed or anything and I don't want to and I've never really had good sex.."

Ethan rattled on for a few more messages and finally ended with reinstating that he'd come over for food. With a groan, he rested his head on the steering wheel and tossed his phone into the passenger seat. He dreaded to hear back from Hugh.

Suddenly, a piercing honk came from behind him causing the mutt to jolt up. For a moment, he thought he'd hit his horn, only to see that a lion in the car behind him was swearing and mouthing aggressively at him since the traffic had cleared, but he hadn't started driving. The mutt shouted sorry out of his window and accelerated, driving off with the wolf's reply on his mind.

Ethan made it back to his apartment and hurried up the stairs, not even bothering to take the elevator for fear of bumping into Hugh on his way home from work. His phone had vibrated a couple of times, one of them must have been Hugh's response. Ethan rested his phone on the side, plugging it into charge without looking at the messages.

Sitting down on his bed, he shifted about uncomfortably as his boner continued to rub him. He almost lowered his underwear to deal with it and his libido, only to be reminded that if he did Hugh would most certainly smell the musk on him.

Flopping back, Ethan instead took up a book from the side of his bed and tried to forget about the problem by drowning himself in a fantasy world.

He didn't catch the title of the book and after a few sentences, he was too engrossed in the story to check what it was. The descriptions on the page formed little pictures in his mind, that grew and blossomed into fleshed out scenes that he imagined. The undescribed sights, the smells, the sounds... it wasn't long before his eyelids became heavy.

Slowly, he turned page fifty-something. Without even reading the first word on the page, Ethan slipped his head backwards onto the pillow behind him and drifted off with stories running in his head.

The mutt's eyes jerked awake, he shot up sending the book that had been lying on his face flopping down into his lap. Ethan reached for his alarm clock and turned it towards him in a panic. It read: 5:22PM. He was most definitely late for the dinner with Hugh.

Rushing, he sprung up and quickly began to strip himself of his clothes. They were tossed into a pile at the bottom of his bed then replaced with loose fitting suit trousers, a white dinner shirt and a suit jacket to match the trousers. Black and white wasn't the most stylish of things, but he hardly had time to plan an outfit. He sprayed himself with cologne and fixed his hair a little then grabbed a bottle of wine from the cupboard as he hurried out the door.

He was down at Hugh's apartment for 5:30, anxiously knocking on the door as he bounced from one paw to the other.

Noises of confused muttering came from inside before the door opened.

Hugh stood in the doorway with nothing but a towel draped around his waist to keep his modesty. His fur was still wet and his hair covered the sides of his eyes, Hugh must have just gotten out of the shower. His eyes lit up upon seeing Ethan.

"Hey!" The wolf beamed, being careful not to drop his towel. "You're a little early."

"Oh.. uhh... I kind of didn't know what time I should have come down." Ethan replied, judging by Hugh's tone the wolf had probably messaged him the time. "My phone broke so I couldn't read any of the messages."

Hugh indicated to the mutt's suit.

"Ah... I see, that's fine! Don't worry about the dress code, I guess I didn't mention it."

"Sorry about that, is it too much? I could change I'd hate to be over-dressed." Ethan apologised, stammering over his words a little.

"Again, don't worry! You're down here already. Besides, If anything I'm underdressed." The two shared a quick laugh. "Come in, I haven't started cooking yet, but why don't you make yourself at home?"

Hugh stepped aside to allow the mutt into his apartment. Ethan headed for the sofa, putting his wine on the dinner table before hand.

"The bathrooms on the left in the hallway, I'm just going to finish drying off and get dressed in here." Hugh announced, going off into the bedroom.

And so, Ethan was left alone with his thoughts. His heart was pounding in his chest and his cock was throbbing, having sprung up the instant he saw Hugh's naked chest. He'd smelled so good too, there was a strong scent of cinnamon suggesting that Hugh had coordinated the scents of his shampoo and conditioner, as well as whatever else he washed with. Unless he'd only shampooed. But then again, Hugh's fur looked way too fluffy to not have been conditioned.Ethan decided he'd just ask.

For a moment, Ethan imagined climbing into the shower with him. He had to resist the urge to picture what could come from that and put even more effort into stopping himself from rubbing himself there and then. Had he been in his own apartment, he would have definitely started by then. He almost did, but Hugh entered before he could.

The wolf was now wearing a black shirt, black trousers and a red tie to make Ethan feel a little less uncomfortable about being so formal in his dress.

"What do you think?"

The shy mutt stumbled over an answer, swapping between handsome and sexy in his head until Hugh popped open the top few buttons on his shirt allowing a bit of his chest to show.

"It's good!" Ethan blurted out, narrowly avoiding saying sexy.

"Perfect." Hugh grinned. "I'll start dinner then."

Ethan sighed with relief and said his thank yous, he needed a few minutes to process and cope with how attractive the wolf was being. Hugh stepped inside of his kitchen, but suddenly stopped and turned on the spot.


The mutt's heart stopped.

"Can we talk about the last texts you sent me? I just remembered that you said you didn't see my replies."

"Uhhh... Sure." Ethan twitched, trying not to burst from embarrassment.


Hugh strided over and took a seat next to Ethan, but then shuffled back to the other arm of the sofa so that he could kick his legs up in the middle.

"So, let me run over what I thought you said..."

Ethan felt like a cub being scolded by a principal.

"You thought I wanted to have sex with you after dinner?" Hugh asked, holding back a chuckle. "Not to sound like I'm copying what you're saying, but you're cute, adorable and charming, yet I don't think we're quite at the romantic sex stage. Why did you think I was going to ask for that?"

"Well whenever some fur invites me for dinner and they're not family or like a longtime friend, we generally end up planning to have sex afterwards. I mean whenever I have sex it's planned, but like... y'know?" Ethan rambled for a little, but Hugh didn't interrupt until the mutt finished and looked over at him.

"So you're saying that every time you've had sex, it's been planned?" Hugh's tone of voice didn't sound particularly positive.

Ethan nodded.

"Dude!" Hugh nearly roared. "No wonder you said that your sex life has never been that good, good sex is spontaneous!" The wolf snorted with laughter. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh so harshly."

"It's fine." The mutt's tail wagged behind him a little. "It's not just the planning though I'm just generally not that good in bed. I don't have a lot of experience and I never know what to do with my forepaws! I'm just really not that confident..."

"Well why don't I help you?" Hugh offered, cutting Ethan off before he could rattle on some more.

The room went silent and for a moment. There was no noise of passing cars, furs in other apartments and no creaking from the building. Ethan could have sworn that he'd just died and comeback to life or at least everything else had.

"Pardon?" Ethan croaked, licking his drying lips.

"I offered to help with your sex-life, I've got plenty of experience and confidence to give out, so why not?"

"I-i guess."

Ethan swallowed and shut his eyes for a second to compose himself. He definitely wanted this, there was no doubt about it. Even if Hugh wasn't being romantic and instead doing this for friendship, at least he was going to have sex with the hunky wolf.

"What do I do first? And what about after that? What do you want me to do?" The mutt asked with a new burst of confidence in his voice,

"First?" Hugh smirked, tucking his legs under himself and going onto his belly, so that his head was now near the mutt's lap. "You have to stop trying to plan it. There's a difference between planning and communicating. Go with the flow, tell me if you don't want to do something when I go for it and I'll do the same. Got it?"

"Got it." Ethan nodded.

"Good. Now don't be nervous about this, I'll guide you through every little bit." Hugh smiled at the mutt.

Sitting up and stretching, Hugh thought for a moment before taking the dog by the arm and guiding him through into the bedroom in an awkward silence.

Ethan wasn't quite sure what he was expecting, but the room certainly ended up surpassing whatever expectation he held.

It was much more minimalist than his living room and the rest of his house, the only items of furniture inside being a wardrobe, a desk and chair, one night stand with a lamp and a bed in the middle of the room. There was no clutter and no mess.

"Try not to fall off of the bed..." Hugh indicated to the fact that his bed was circular rather than rectangular. "It's king sized, but it's smaller than you'd think."


Leaving Ethan standing awkwardly by the door, Hugh crossed the croom and closed the black curtains. The room was plunged into darkness, but this was soon remedied when Hugh clicked on a lamp. The room became dimly lit and oddly sensual. That feeling grew warmer in a way, when Hugh lit three candles. An aroma of berries wafted through the room.

Ethan scrunched up his toes to experience that softness of the wine coloured, high pile carpet again. It was comforting, having something so gentle rub over his paws whilst he waited for Hugh to tell him what to do.

It seemed that the room stuck to three colours: black, dark red and gold with most of the furniture being made of a black wood or fabric. The only piece of furniture that wasn't black, in fact, was the desk chair which was a sort of mustard colour. Some things, such as the bed, had a secondary colour of some shade of dark red. That left gold to be the colour of most decorations.

"Sorry, Ethan. I just thought I should get a few things ready before we get dirty." Hugh gave another one of his soft smiles, stepping down from the bed where he'd just let down three silk, black curtains that now draped over the bed.

The mutt muttered an 'It's okay' under his breath and came further into the room when Hugh beckoned him. Both of them stood near to the bed, Hugh with his forepaws on his hips and Ethan's nervously twisted around one another in front of him.

With a chuckle, Hugh said:

"You haven't even lost the blazer yet? I'm not making you too nervous am I?"

"N-n-no!" Ethan stammered, nearly tripping over his paws as he took a few steps over to Hugh. "Here I'll undress you."

Shaking, the mutt reached for Hugh's tie, only for his wrist to be gently bumped out of the way by Hugh's as the wolf stepped in and slipped Ethan's blazer off of him.

"Definitely not, it's simple manners that a host should undress his guest first. Or at least in this house it is." Ethan giggled a little at that joke.

Hugh slowly unbuttoned Ethan's shirt and as he did, the mutt's heart thudded so rapidly and so strong he thought it was going to burst from him. The wolf found it delicious and awfully cute, especially as the mutt's forepaws felt around for something of Hugh's to grapple onto eventually settling on his shirt. He hummed softly as he popped one button out after the other, his fingers gracing down Ethan's chest through the fabric of his shirt making the mutt twitch and shiver.

"I haven't even touched your fur yet and you're practically quaking." Hugh teased as he popped out the last button on the mutt's shirt who could only whimper a little in response.

As Ethan's shirt dropped onto the floor, Hugh slipped around to the mutt's back and pulled him close. The mutt happily leaned back into the wolf's embrace as Hugh's fingers made a beeline for the belt. Upon unbuckling it, Ethan's trousers dropped to the floor with just the slightest of pulls from Hugh.

Hugh reached out for the mutt's underwear only to be stopped, Ethan grabbing at his wrists to prevent them from pulling his briefs down. Grinning, Ethan exclaimed:

"Aren't you a little overdressed?" He'd gotten that out of a porno.

That got a chuckle out of the wolf, who quickly, jokingly and wittily responded.

"Finally found your confidence?"

Ethan was knocked down a few rungs on the ladder again, stuttering and spluttering to get out an answer. Before he could say anything, however, Hugh slipped back around into view with his trousers already around his ankles revealing his underwear and once again Ethan was speechless. He hurriedly unbuttoned Hugh's shirt, allowed it to drop off at him and stroked a forepaw down his magnificent chest.

Without words, Hugh gently pulled the mutt in close until their muzzles were touching at the nose. The wolf planted a few kisses on the tip of Ethan's nose, then nuzzled Ethan's head up to kiss him on the lips. It was quick, soft and gentle; everything that Ethan wanted. But it was over much too fast. The moment he felt Hugh's lips leaving, Ethan whined and grabbed at the back of Hugh's head to pull him back in for another kiss. Snickering, Hugh put his arms around the dog's waist and lifted him up with their lips still locked. Ethan was happily carried over to bed, only opening his eyes when he felt the soft sheets.

The silent wolf, having deposited his lover on the bed, straddled him at the hips and rested his forepaws either side of Ethan's head.

They locked eyes, exchanging passionate, lustful gazes prompting Hugh to wink and slide down onto his belly, going further and further down the bed until he was face to face with Ethan's bulging underwear.

"Isn't that a familiar sight?" Hugh remarked with a cheesy grin, Ethan covered his face with his forepaws in shame and muttered his reply under his breath as he turned bright red.

Ethan mumbled an apology under his breath, but was cut off by his own gasp when Hugh kissed the tip of his cock through the fabric.

The wolf continued to plant several more all over the member, chuckling to himself as the mutt moaned from each and every one. Chewing on his claws, Ethan scrunched up his arms up to near his neck as he was unsure of what to do with them. It didn't take Hugh long to notice this, he reached up and guided one of Ethan's forepaws down to rest on top of his head then held the other one intimately.

The barrage of kisses began to centre of the dog's sheath, which was considerably less sensitive than the rest of his nethers and gave him some time to stop his heart from racing. He failed to do so. Ethan watched as Hugh sniffed, kissed and licked through the fabric of the underwear.

These licks dragged from the bottom of his sheath to the top, stopping the instant it reached his cock. Hugh swirled his tongue around the circular rim and upon reaching the side gave Ethan a little soft bite which extracted a yip from the mutt.

Gradually, the licks, nips and kisses on Ethan's sheath grew faster until Hugh groaned and pulled away.

"That's a pretty big tent for a small guy like you." The wolf teased, gesturing to how Ethan's underwear now bulged at a diagonal.

"Sorry!" Ethan reached for his underwear. "Let me take them off!"

His forepaws were stopped by Hugh's who once again led them to the top of his head.

"Nah, though if you want to do something why don't you start giving my head some pushes when you want me to go harder on your sheath? Everyfur loves a bit of dominance..."

Ethan wasn't the dominant type, or at least he might have been, but he just didn't know it yet. Normally his partners just wanted something vanilla and if he tried to hold their heads down he'd get his ear bitten off. It was good that Hugh was already so experienced and didn't mind it, but at the same time the mutt worried about disappointing Hugh. But, before Ethan could speak up and regret it, Hugh was back at his sheath and had now brought his own forepaws into the equation.

"OH!" Ethan cried out as a tight grip was taken up around his cock and lips closed around his sheath.

The dog became so consumed by his pleasure, he forgot everything Hugh had just said to him. His forepaws scrunched up at his chest and his body started squirming again. It only took a few squeezes before Ethan moaned deep and spasmed slightly as he felt an oddly warm mess spread across him.

"Guess I should have been anticipating that." Came Hugh's somewhat mocking comment as the wolf moved back and licked his lips.

"W-what?" Ethan panicked, shooting up to look down at his crotch.

"Oh! Nothing bad, pretty boy. If anything it's kinda cute..."

Much to the mutt's embarrassment, a wet patch starting at the tip of his cock had spread across the front of the fabric leaving a dark stain. He lifted up his underwear and blushed as he saw the strands of his cum dribbling down his crotch and cloying from his cock to his fur. Hugh laid himself down next to Ethan and scooped a few blobs out from the underwear to then suck it off of his finger.

"Sorry...I-i promise that's never happened before I don't know why..." The blushing dog mumbled, his voice trailing off.

"Don't be, that was awfully cute." Hugh said, helping the dog out of his underwear. "If anything, I think it's a great compliment."

Their eyes met for a second and almost on instinct, the two tilted their heads to the side and leaned forwards for a kiss. Ethan, a little more confident than before put his forepaws on either side of the wolf's head and held him there as he pushed his tongue into Hugh's mouth to wrestle with his tongue. Neither of them minded the mutt's sloppiness, or how he'd occasionally forget to breath and suddenly pull back to take a deep breath. Hugh tried not to laugh at how eager and inexperienced Ethan was when it came to making out, but he couldn't help himself when after the tenth or so kiss the mutt pulled off after gagging and hit his head against the backboard.

"Oww..." Ethan whimpered a little.

"I think that's an omen we should stop kissing and..." Hugh dragged a finger down Ethan's chest, stopping when he reached the dog's sheath.

Ethan got the hint with ease and rolled over, pinning Hugh to the bed by shoving him down by his shoulders.

"No, not yet... I want to try something else first." He whispered into the wolf's ear, nipping it gently.

"Oh?" The wolf grinned and stayed put, happily letting the dog grind their sheaths together. "So has the tiger finally found his stripes?"

"Let's see how well this goes first..." Ethan tried to maintain that sexy voice he was putting on, but when he met Hugh's eyes he blushed and giggled.

Hugh remained silent, save for his breathing as the mutt shuffled around awkwardly so that Ethan was now facing the wolf's crotch with his ass pressing backwards towards the wolf's muzzle.

"Want me to rim you?"

"Uhh... I think I'll come too soon when I fuck you if you do, so uhhh... maybe not." Ethan replied, the rosy red blush springing up again.

Ethan's promise to fuck him got the wolf's ears pricking up and his sheath burning up a little, Hugh was happy to sit back if it meant he was going to end up with a cock under his tail. He even lifted his legs for Hugh as the mutt helped him out of his underwear.

"Whatever you say, do whatever it is you're going to." Hugh winked.

"Mind if I blow you? Wait! Stupid question, you just said...." Ethan shut himself up by jolting forwards and wrapping his mouth around Hugh's sheath in a sort of panic response.

The wolf wasn't at full mast at the time, so it was easy enough to fit what was on show into his mouth. But, even an experienced bedder like Hugh couldn't stop himself from getting hard. In less than a few seconds, the wolf was approaching full mast and Ethan still had his mouth wrapped around it as he sucked. He felt something bulging against his cheeks, the tip of Hugh's cock pressing against the back of his throat and all too late the mutt tried to pull off, but found he couldn't with the wolf's knot now lodged in his mouth.

Panicking, Ethan pulled and tugged, shaking and trembling as he desperately tried to free himself before he choked or something.

"Hey! Relax! Relax! Watch the teeth!" Came Hugh's cries, a forepaw shooting out to stroke the dog's flailing tail.

It was a soothing feeling and when Ethan realised he wasn't joking, the burst of adrenaline faded. He was still stuck with a cock in his mouth, but the breathing part was a bit of progress. Hugh spoke up:

"So then, Icarus..." His taunt got the mutt flustered again. "We can either sit here for ten minutes waiting for my knot to go down or I can walk you through giving a blowjob."

The dog's tail wagged rapidly and since he couldn't speak, that was his new way of communicating. Taking that as a yes, Hugh began:

"Slide your tongue about..."

And Ethan did exactly what he was instructed, his tongue danced about beneath Hugh's knot. He couldn't move it much, but he could at least curl it around the bulging member and tickle the underside. It was enough to get Hugh moaning and shifting a bit, his knot bumping the sides of the mutt's mouth. The wolf expected Ethan to come up with more things, but it soon became obvious that the dog wasn't going to do anything more than wiggle his tongue.

"Why don't you see how much further you can take me in your mouth? It's not a blowjob without a little bobbing." Hugh commented, giving Ethan an encouraging grope of the thigh.

Admittedly, Ethan was a little bit nervous about taking the wolf into his mouth any further. He'd seen porn where guys' faces had turned blue in or a scene where cum ended up bursting from their nose. It certainly sounded quite hot and sexy, but choking on their cock on the first date didn't sound too ethical. Hugh was sexy enough for Ethan to be able to justify what he was doing now, but he'd never hear the end of it from his friends if he let it get that far. So why on earth he started bearing down further and driving forwards to swallow more of Hugh he couldn't understand.

He gagged a little, squeezing his eyes shut and bearing down forwards onto the cock beneath him. There wasn't much distance to go, so soon Ethan could feel his lips pressing into Hugh's heavy set of balls. Breathing through his nose was quite difficult, as was breathing through his mouth, but at least he could smell the sweet, fruity shampoo on Hugh's fur. Ethan doubted he'd be able to manage this if Hugh was musky, or perhaps he'd have done this sooner.

The fear that had been welling up in Ethan was long gone now, he could happily bob back and forth until Hugh's knot pulled against his lips. If anything he was quite content, slowly working himself into a rhythm. Just the mental picture of having Hugh's cock sliding up and down his throat had stopped him from panicking, though his gag reflex was set off occasionally.

It was an odd feeling, seeing as Ethan was used to being on the receiving end. But he couldn't deny that this was turning him on, already his cock had grown hard once more and was rubbing on Hugh's chest trickling precum into the wolf's fur. He'd lift himself up further, to show Hugh how much he was enjoying this, but Ethan couldn't bring himself to pull away from Hugh's cock unless it was to pay ministrations to another area of his member. Even then, he could only suck and tongue that zone for a few seconds before he thrust his mouth back down again. Ethan knew he had to something more to keep Hugh pleasured and so he'd come back from the thrust after just a few moments of sucking.

Before long, Ethan's nerves got the better of him. Hugh had fallen silent with his instructions, now he was just occasionally groaning and humping which gave the dog impression that Hugh liked it. But, if he liked it Hugh would have said to carry on or something. On top of that, maybe Hugh didn't know what he liked because the dog couldn't settle on what to do. All these thoughts panicked Ethan, sending the dog into a flurry. He moved his head back and forth as fast as he could, not even noticing what he was doing until a forepaw pushing down on his back snapped him out of his reverie.

With a slight yelp, Ethan was forced down onto Hugh's cock just as the wolf finished. Kept there by the wolf's forepaw, Ethan gagged and spluttered around Hugh's cock as thick cum was spurted into his mouth. Moaning so loudly that the mutt thought the room was shaking, Hugh bucked his hips forwards as he came, plastering his seed against the back of Ethan's throat or shooting it straight down.

Ethan managed to catch a slight taste of it on his tongue, it was salty that was for certain, but beyond that the dog couldn't quite pin down any other tastes. The taste was manly in a way, that was for certain and definitely unlike the last man's seed he swallowed; for one Hugh's tasted alright. The mutt found himself swallowing what he could, his tail wagging happily as he gulped and delighted in what was slowly crawling down his throat.

It was at that moment, Hugh managed to slide his knot out and Ethan could talk again.

Panting for breath, the mutt praised:

"That was... amazing! Thank you so much!" His eyes beamed wide as he spun around to face Hugh and climbed off of the wolf.

"Don't thank me yet, pup. We haven't finished." Hugh winked.

For a moment, Ethan was confused. Normally, sex was over for him and his partner once both of them had orgasmed and even if Ethan hadn't finished inside of Hugh like he wanted to he certainly had. Not only that, but he wasn't quite sure what Hugh meant.

That is until the wolf rocked backwards then lifted his legs and curled them until his knees were by his face. Grinning, he held onto the backs of his thighs and brushed his tail across the bed. A blush immediately sprung up on the mutt's face.

"Uh-juh-uh are- umm- ah..." The blush grew brighter and brighter as the dog stammered until he covered his face with his forepaws.

"Relax! Just tell me if you're not feeling it or if you want to wait a bit."

"Oh! It's-uhh it's not that I just... I normally yknow stop after we've both came." Ethan admitted, somewhat embarrassed.

"Ha! Well I have to admit it's better than just stopping once the top's gone and finished, but going until you're both exhausted is much better, trust me. Now hurry up! I can't wait; I've wanted this all day!"

Had Ethan not been so horny, he probably would have realised what Hugh had just said. Instead he rushed over to the small pile of items Hugh had dug out from under his bed. There were condoms, lube, viagra and even a small dildo. The mutt hastily pulled on the condom and taking the lube bottle, squirted some out onto his cock. It was cold and tingled more than he was used to, but in the good ways. Ethan applied some of it to the wolf's tailhole who, judging by how he smiled was used to how cold the slime was. The mutt pumped his cock a little to spread the lube, then climbed onto the bed with Hugh and lined up to the wolf's tailhole.

Hugh planted his legs on Ethan's shoulders who in response held onto the wolf's ankles. Signalling that he was ready and waiting, the wolf leaned back and rested on his forepaws.

"Hey!" Hugh laughed as the mutt pushed in a little, the sudden call made him jump and pull back. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Alarmed, Ethan hurriedly checked everything. They were both lubed, his condom was on tight and... it crossed his mind that he hadn't figured the wolf just yet.

"S-sorry!" He stammered and reached down with his fingers for Hugh's tailhole who once again laughed warmly.

"No, silly! Kiss me!"

If Ethan wasn't blushing from thinking that he forgot to finger the wolf, he was certainly blushing now. Half trying to hide the blush and half desperately wanting to lock lips the wolf, he darted forwards between the wolf's legs and bumped lips with him.

Their last kiss was hot and passionate, but this one was something much better. It was filled with raw energy and passion. They didn't need to kiss, but neither could deny that they wanted to. Even if the mutt was a little clumsy at first, nearly falling down onto Hugh and threatening to tip them both over the side of the bed at another point, the wolf's heart would just glow each time Ethan showed that he was no better than an amature. Though the mutt could still take a guess at what he had to do.

Lips matching top to bottom, it was quite easy for the mutt to open his mouth and gently bite Hugh's lower lip. Hugh's eyes opened in surprise, excitement crackling in them as Ethan blossomed into a more dominant role. Their lips barely had time to smack as Ethan pulled away for the mutt was back in with his tongue swinging. Hugh's lips received a warning lick and in response they parted for Ethan's tongue which began to delve into Hugh's mouth. It was warm and wet and Hugh's tongue cowered, letting Ethan trace the wolf's teeth and claim his mouth.

In desperation and desire, Ethan's forepaws began to stroke up Hugh's naked flanks sending the wolf into a fit of shivers. His touch had Hugh's eyes fluttering in pleasure especially when one reached his throat and stroked down it.

Suddenly, both of their eyes jolted open and met. A look of surprise and wonder swept over Ethan's face, his tail beating wildly behind him. Hugh, for a moment, didn't know what to do, but as the mutt adjusted his hips a little and slipped his cock into Hugh just those extra few centimetres he groaned so loudly it sounded more like a roar.

"Fuuuuuck...." Hugh's desperate sigh came, his face twisted with pleasure. "Give a guy a little warning before you slip your dick in, huh?"

"Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was putting it." Ethan winked, trying to play it off as if he'd done that on purpose.

"Mmm... please just fuck me already!"

With a grin, Ethan pushed his cock in further going from just the tip down to his swollen knot in a blink of an eye. Hugh and Ethan gasped as the dog's knot bumped against the wolf's tailhole. It was a tight squeeze and the threat of Ethan's knot at Hugh's opening had the bottom's body trembling in anticipation and terror. Half because he wanted to claim Hugh, half because he could tell the wolf wanted it, the dog gritted his teeth and pulled his hips back only to buck hard into Hugh.

"Oh!" Hugh's gasp rung out as he rocked backwards, Ethan's knot spreading him ever so slightly but not penetrating much at all.

Ethan had topped plenty of times before, but he'd be lying if he said that it had ever felt this good before. It was intoxicating, sinking his cock in and out to the music made by their moaning and that euphoria quickly meant that Ethan lost his focus. Normally, he'd slip out on accident or fall onto them, but for once it almost came naturally to him and the dog carried on going. Albeit a little faster and a lot harder than before.

"Oh gosh!" The wolf moaned, tongue sticking out between his teeth, body limp and his eyes shut tight. "Please! Cum on me!"

Hugh let out a shocked gasp, a sensation running up through his body as Ethan's knot finally pushed in. For a brief moment the dog expected that it was just about over. He could feel his orgasm about to fire and the slight look of disappointment on Hugh's face. But if he could do so much in one night and find himself finishing once more at the forepaws (ass?) of such an amazing partner he could give Hugh what he wanted.

Before his knot could swell up anymore and tie them together properly, Ethan gritted his teeth and tugged hard. His cock popped free and as it did the mutt gasped. Continuing to buck his hips as if he were still hilted inside of Hugh, the dog came once more and found himself moaning just as loud if not louder than the wolf under him. It was hard to describe how he felt, other than that he didn't think anything could feel better. Though Hugh's laughter was a close second.

Ethan's blush sprung up again as he opened his eyes, having heard Hugh's laughter.

"Sorry! It's my bad really. There I am begging for you to cum on me, completing forgetting that you put a condom on."

The mutt laughed a little too, slightly embarrassed that he'd forgotten that detail as well.

Hugh started speaking again before Ethan could: "I'll be impressed if you can manage three orgamss, bu-"

The wolf was cut off by Ethan once again lining up his cock and driving in. It took a moment for Ethan to realise that Hugh hadn't finished speaking.

"I'm so sorry!" The mutt blurted out. "I thought that was a challenge."

Adopting a daring smile, Hugh replied:

"That's alright, I forgot that you strapping young studs tend to be good at staying hard. Not that I'm that old."

The two shared another laugh or two before Ethan started bucking and driving his cock forwards again; part of being so good at keeping it up meant that he was absolutely terrible at waiting. Their bodies got closer as Ethan's ploughing got faster, their moans becoming more high pitched and their hearts beating faster. Hugh soon found himself with his arms wrapped around Ethan's neck, the dog's muzzle close to his chest. It was slightly uncomfortable, but with Ethan's cock striking his prostate and his cock throbbing so desperately he couldn't find the energy or the words to tell Ethan. In fact, all he really wanted was to feel the mutt cum inside of him or to cum himself. Ethan delivered on both.

Neither party were too sure of how long they'd been going at it, but their limbs were sore and aching when Ethan slammed his knot in hard and Hugh cried out.

"Fuck me! Fuck me!" The begging quickly devolved into a howl that may or may not have gotten their neighbours rather annoyed.

A look of surprise briefly washed over Hugh's face before being replaced with pure pleasure, his cock throbbed once before firing thick, heavy shots of cum over himself. That howl filtered off into an airy moan as the lines streaked themselves across his body and his muzzle whilst the tingling feeling of a good release washed over him.

Hugh wasn't alone in his orgasm, the mutt gritted his teeth as he tied with Hugh and came yet again. He bucked wildly, his legs threatening to give out from under him as his body went numb from the pleasure. The wolf's eyes lit up as he felt cum splattering against his insides, Ethan's seed marking him. It was a surprising amount seeing as how the mutt had finished twice already.

Ethan flopped down on top of Hugh, muzzle resting on the wolf's chest. He could feel Hugh nuzzling the top of his head.

"Next time, I'm going to show you how to stop a condom from breaking."

"Next time?" Ethan's ears perked up in excitement.

"Of course! What, did you think this was going to be a one time thing? I don't go around teaching every cute guy in the apartment complex how to fuck me right."

Ethan grinned at the compliment and tried to think up a witty response about getting dinner first next time or something along those lines, but his mind came up blank. Instead, the dog cuddled up to Hugh closer and kissed his chest. The dog hoped he'd locked his apartment and turned the lights off because he was going to spend as much time as he could wrapped up in Hugh's arms