Day in, Day out, Day-care

Story by Nile the Buizel on SoFurry

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Well here goes, my first attempt at writing an M/M fic :D

I'm not sure how well I'll do since... well not to put too blunt a point on it I've only been with like three guys... anyways this fic will be a stand alone story and will focus on one of the characters from my Immorality story series, the Buizel Kaylen, and his first time being left in the day-care centre in Solaceon town, and we all know what goes on in that day-care centre. ;P Also I would like to note that I have attempted to write this stand alone so that there is no need to read the series in order to get enjoyment out of it, so tell me how you think i did :)

Normal disclaimer BS and don't read this if you aren't into m/m pokémon sex, but to be honest if you haven't stopped already then I would imagine that you are. I'm also obliged to inform you that if you read this and are under 18 years of age, (depending on where you live) it aint my fault if you get caught so be careful... and for gods sakes keep your mouse over the close button.

On with the story, enjoy!

Day in, Day out, Day-care

Kaylen waved an enthusiastic goodbye to his trainer as the boy turned away flicking his dark-brown hair out of his blue eyes as he waved back casually over his shoulder.

"So I'll be back to pick you two up this afternoon. Me and Kayla've gotta contest to win, be good, and Alba if I come back and get charged extra 'cuz you've wrecked the place again I'm going to make you wear that collar again... See how much tail you can get stinking of flea powder."

The Espeon sitting next to Kaylen winced at the threat as he watched his trainer re-enter the building that led back into solaceon town, Kaylen laughed at his friends reaction

"Oh funny is it?" Alba said, feigning annoyance. "Seriously you try getting laid wearing one of those things, it's social frickin' suicide!"

"Me try getting laid period." The Buizel sounded quite downbeat.

"Oh dude... I'm sorry, but really you shouldn't be worried about still being a vir-"

Alba was cut off as he was tackled to the ground, an orange fuzzy paw restricting his mouth.

"Don't say the V-word, not here, damnit you don't know who could be listening."

The purple cat pokémon broke free of the Buizels death grip laughing. "Seriously you have to calm the heck down, no one cares, there are probably loads of vir," The psychic type noticed a warning look on his friends face. "Your kind... here."

"Yeah well I'd still rather not broadcast it Kay?"

"Sure man whatever." Alba finally conceded, "Well, wanna go check out the rest of this place? I wanna see if they've made any changes since I wrecked the place last time"

Kaylen simply sighed, "I guess so." he replied bluntly.

"Well you could at least act a little enthusiastic." Alba hoped to get a rise out of his friend but he clearly wasn't in the mood so he simply moved off into the main part of the centre with the slightly larger Buizel in tow.

The main area had been changed since the last time Alba had been here. A large number of climbing frames and various other obstacles and attractions had been added, and in turn many of the ones he remembered had been removed from the large, otherwise landmark less field that formed the bulk of the centre. The Park was still surrounded by a large forested area which marked the end of the main area and the beginning of the several smaller areas, each with their own theme, a couple had ponds, some had small waterfalls, something for everyone really.

He turned to Kaylen who still looked utterly depressed. "Oh come on dude, I mean... Look if there is anywhere in the whole of Sinnoh where you can get laid it's here, I'm serious there are some REAL sluts in here, we're talking some real freaky Ditto's who'll change into ANYthing you want."

"What the hell? What is wrong with you?"

"Hey I'm sorry it was just a suggestion."

"Yeah well I could do without your suggestions okay?"

The conversation descended into an awkward silence and the two pokémon went back to glancing around the park at the various species who were using and abusing the attractions.

"AAAALLLBBAAAAA" A sudden ear piercing shout ripped through the air. Both pokémon turned in time to see a blue and red blur crash into Alba, sending both him and the blur to ground.

The tangle of limbs wrestled on the ground for awhile before finally coming to a rest. Kaylen watched as the knot untangled and Alba separated himself from what appeared to be a very happy Totodile.

"What the hell happened? I feel like a train hit me." Alba began to stagger as he attempted to stand up but was held up before he could fall by the Totodile who was now laughing and attempting to pull the still dazed psychic type into a hug.

"My gods I can't believe its been so long! What's it been a year? Two? It really doesn't matter c'mere" The restless pokémon finally succeeded in pulling Alba into a crushing hug.

"Nice, ugh to see you too Jay" Alba managed to grunt out a response before being dropped as the Totodile released his grip still grinning widely.

"And who's your friend?" The chatty pokémon motioned to the startled Kaylen.

Alba picked himself up licking his, now muddy, fur and flicking his tail from side to side the way he did whenever he was irritated. "This is Kaylen, and Kaylen, this is Jay, my partner in crime from last time I was here." Despite his flicking tail Alba seemed happy to see Jay, Kaylen noted this because generally Alba wasn't pleased to see anybody.

"Crime?" Jay feigned confusion. "I don't remember any crime... I remember our trainers being pretty pissed for the hundreds they had to fork out for damages..." The Totodiles smile broke through the rouse. "But no crime."

"Yeah well at any rate we're only here till this afternoon so I wanna get Kaylen here shown around before anything else."

"Sure thing dude, but make it back before you have to leave, we have catching up to do." Jay turned to leave but was stopped by Alba.

"Actually mate there's something I'd like to ask."


Alba turned and gave a wink to Kaylen who simply stood there unsure what to think. "Well my friend here wants to experience one of the finer points of being here in the centre," Alba put emphasis on finer, making the sentence sound decidedly seedy. "Think you could hook him up?"

Kaylen had a bad feeling he knew what Alba had just asked and was sure that he was blushing furiously. The Totodile studied him for awhile giving various hmms and ahhhs.

"Anything in particular he's into?"

"Not that I know of, what d'you say champ?" Alba called back to Kaylen over his shoulder. "Anything special you want?" Kaylen didn't answer too busy trying to hide himself in his paws. "Nah, nothing too freaky I think, just something easy, and no-strings attached, and for gods sakes not a Buizel, we don't want any... Complications."

Again Jay hummed for awhile before seemingly coming to a conclusion. "Well Shauna's always up for a ride... B-E-A-utiful Luxaray she is too. Not your type? Ummm, how about Lex? She's a little high strung, and... Gods help you if you touch one of her tails... But that's just Ninetales for ya, gotta pay for quality. No? How do you feel about Umberon? I've seen a real hottie of one tottering around here and... Not her either? well then..."

Jay continued to list off names and species of the various females in the centre, each being rejected by the flustered Buizel. It wasn't that he didn't find these species attractive, he just didn't feel like finding a mate by questionnaire even if it was just a one night stand.

After coming to the end of his long list the Totodile sighed loudly. "I don't know what to tell you Alba, seems like your friend here just has too high-a standard. Unless... You're not gay are you?"

Kaylen shook his head slowly, he'd never really questioned his sexuality, he'd just never really thought about it, but he was pretty sure he wasn't gay.

"Hmm... Pity." Jay winked at the Buizel and licked the side of his lip suggestively before bursting out laughing. Alba laughed with him and Kaylen joined in, albeit awkwardly.

"Oh well, no use crying over spilled sperm you're free to waste it on which ever Female you may choose." The Totodile gave a shrug and began to turn away again.

Alba stopped him once again. "Hey Jay, just for future reference, Shauna, where's she?"

Kaylen followed Alba through the trees surrounding the day-care centre to another clearing, this one with a huge sparkling blue pond in it's centre. They had been to a number of the other sub-areas but Kaylen liked this one best.

He was a lot more confident now having met the jovial Totodile and some more of Alba's friends form the day-care, and was meeting other pokémon and making friends of his own while Alba stuck mainly to conversing with those he had met before.

Soon though Kaylen circulated and was brought back to Alba who was talking, once again to Jay who it seemed had found him after Kaylen left to talk to the other inhabitants.

"Oh there you are handsome." Jay said with another wink, causing Kaylen to blush.

"Yeah we were just talking about some of the damage we caused the last time I was here." Alba finished. "Remember when me and you used ice-beam on the lake and went Goldeen ice-fishing?"

"Oh yeah that was frickin hilarious! Dude we should totally get the old team back together, And with Kaylen we could totally shake shit up!"

Alba sighed and tried to look sorry for himself. "Love to man, love to, but my trainer says if I wreck this place again I get the collar, Ever tried getting into a nice tail-hole wearing one of those things?

Jay chuckled to himself. "Alba whipped by a human huh? Never thought I'd see the day. Well you could always wreck the place and if your trainer follows through you can take your... frustrations out on me," The Totodile grinned seductively. "You know I can't resist you babe, even if that collar does smell like an elderly skuntank's taken a leak on it."

Alba gave a wry smile. "Thanks for the offer, and you have no idea how much I'd love to take you up on it, but I have a feeling he wouldn't let me back in here to receive my payment."

"A fair point I suppose." Jay looked sullen now. "Oh well. Guess I'll have to get my fun elsewhere. One whipped Espeon and one straight Buizel, and both of you hot... I can't tell whether my luck's really bad or really good."

They laughed and said goodbye to Albas old "Partner in crime." Suddenly it struck Kaylen. "Wait you... and Jay?"

Alba nodded. "Yup he was my first Male."

"So are you... I mean a-are you?"

"Gay? No I'm... I don't really have a preference," He turned to Kaylen with a smile "life's too short to be picky."

"Huh, that's actually quite a good motto."

"I thought so too. Anyways listen, I'm gonna go find... Shauna was it? You know your way around right? I'll see you back at the entrance when they call us Kay?"

Kaylen nodded to each question before watching his friend disappear into the forest following Jay back to the main area of the day-care. Kaylen watched them weave between the trees before turning back and heading towards the pond in the middle of the small area.

Diving in and swimming for awhile in the luke-warm water and chatting with some of the friendlier critters around the place was a refreshing change of pace from the usual battling with his trainer, but without the companionship of Alba it was uncomfortable, like sitting alone when everyone around you is in their own little group and he soon tired of swimming and got out shaking himself dry and deciding to explore the forest some more.

Wandering into the forest was strange and slightly intimidating now that he was on his own, the fallen pinecones from the surrounding trees littered the forest floor and hurt his footpads whenever he stood on one by accident, and there was a strange smell in the air too, although it was weak, being masked by the clean scent of the pine forest.

It was also strangely familiar, and enticing, all this unnerved him and he quickened his pace. looking from side to side at the towering trees suddenly quite sure he had been here before. This was not good, he could be going in circles and never know. "Bugger, okay Kaylen, think," he said to himself closing his eyes as he did so. "think and stay calm."

His mantra didn't help, his mind kept coming back to being lost in this place forever, what if... What if he missed his trainer coming back for him? What would he do?

Suddenly his eyes snapped open, he was sure he'd heard something, a distance away and it was faint but, maybe it had been his imagination? many thoughts ran through his head, mainly about some beast, maybe a mightyena appearing from the darkness to savage him while it's pack blocked off any escape, but he heard the noise again, more distinct this time. It sounded like more of a whimper than a howl, and if it was a big pokémon it must be far away because he could barely hear it.

Kaylen thought about for awhile, hearing the noise several more times before deciding to follow the noise, trying to remain as hidden as possible he tiptoed towards where he thought the noises were coming from, after all if there was another pokémon in here they could lead him back to the main area and out of this nightmare.

Carefully picking his way through the trees avoiding the fallen cones to the best of his abilities as he attempted to follow the noise to it's source. There was that smell again, and he observed that the closer he got to the noise the stronger the scent grew, but he still couldn't quite put his paw on what it was.

The noise too was much easier to distinguish, moaning. Definitely a moan, two moans, two different moans, so there were two pokémon? Kaylen froze as he finally recognised the scent in the air and put two and two together. Arousal, he had been tracking two pokémon mating, that would have been an embarrassing meeting. He turned and tried to walk away but the scent was strong in his nostrils now and he couldn't force himself to just walk away. The moaning nearby only made matters worse and he brought a paw down to hold back his straining erection from springing out of his sheath.

Suddenly he found himself walking, zombie-like towards the moaning. He tried to stop himself but couldn't force himself to turn away. The moaning was very close now, he was sure, just a short distance separated him from a clearing where he could see light, and... Movement. He took a deep breath swallowed the lump in his throat and pressed forward.

He came upon the clearing and nearly yelped in surprise, just managing to catch himself, he hopped backwards into the relative cover of the surrounding forest and peeked his head back out to observe and make sure he hadn't imagined what he'd seen.

Jay was bent over another figure, another Totodile who was on his hands and knees before Jay, his exposed meat pulsing violently, Jay was pounding his four inches of reptilian meat into the tail hole of the submissive pokémon. This second Totodile was the one doing much of the moaning, Jay on the other had was grunting and cursing with each thrust, there was a lewd slurping sound each time he pulled out and any sound made by re-entry was muted by the increasingly loud moans of the submissive Totodile.

Kaylen covered his mouth with one paw, unable to remove his other paw from his sheath. He gasped as he felt his length begin to emerge despite his best attempts, he had never thought of himself as gay, he wasn't against it he'd just never imagined himself that way, but no matter what he may have thought he couldn't deny that this was hot! It wasn't just the arousal in the air or the fact that he was watching his friend violently fuck another pokémon, while those were definitely factors he couldn't say that he didn't find the blue crocodile's maleness alluring.

The moans of the submissive Totodile reached it's climax along with it's owner, the pokémon almost screaming from the throes of his ecstasy, his member twitching and spurting it's contents onto the ground below him finishing with a couple of lame squirts before his arms gave up and he collapsed forward into the puddle of his own making.

Jay pulled out of the panting male in front of him, making the same slurping noise as before. "Come now, I'd expected better than that." He scolded, his unsatisfied prick stood proudly in the breeze pulsing with the lack of attention. He turned as he heard sudden movement, just in time to see the leaves on a nearby bush rustle as something retreated into the woods.

Kaylen slumped against a tree a number of meters away from the clearing where he had witnessed Jay and the unknown Totodiles mating. He slowly slid down to rest on his rump leaning back against the tree and looking quickly from side to side. He didn't think he'd been noticed, good.

He looked down at his straining length which was staring up at him accusingly from his lap. He sighed and wrapped a paw around it, gasping as his cold footpads came into contact with the warm organ. He began to slowly move his paw up and down simulating Jays actions with his own, stuffing his other paw into his mouth to block any sound that he might accidentally make.

He picked up speed and power, his length now twitching eagerly in his paw as he masturbated, thinking of the hot tail hole of the Totodile he had just seen being mated, imagining himself being Jay, pounding that tight ass for all it was worth, and watching the face of the pokémon kneeling in front of him adopt an expression of pure bliss and beg for more. He tasted blood, he had broken the skin on his paw, he was now biting down to stop him self from exclaiming. At the salty-sweet taste of blood he removed the paw from his mouth no-longer caring if all of Sinnoh knew what he was doing here.

Beginning to thrust into his paw he knew he was getting close, this wasn't something he practised very often and so he didn't have much endurance, but none of that mattered as he was having the time of his life imagining all the things he could do to that Totodile. He felt the rumblings of his orgasm and sped up his pumping trying to milk as much pleasure from his tool as possible before he finished. With a final howl he felt his body grow weak and he was filled with more pleasure than he thought possible, he convulsed and writhed against the tree for some time, only half aware that he was covering his chest and stomach with his own cum.

Eventually he came down from his high with a long and satisfied sigh. He looked at his paw and lapped off the cum that had managed to dribble onto it. Now too tired to do anything else he yawned and shivered before lying on his side and falling asleep almost instantly.

Jay came upon Kaylen as he slept. He had made quite a noise near the end there and the Totodile had followed the sounds straight to him.

"So it was you who was spying on me and my toy back there hmm? Heh I knew you couldn't resist me. Probably for the best, that kill-joy couldn't even finish me off. Still probably best to wait 'till you wake up eh? Heh-heh."

He walked a couple of steps away from the slumbering Buizel and sat down, picking a nearby Oran berry and munching on it absently as he waited. He attempted to see the sky through the tangle of branches above him.

"Wow you've really got a knack for choosing dark isolated places y'know that?" He said to his sleeping companion. "I can think of much better places to sleep."

Kaylen woke slowly from a great dream he had been having, letting out a loud groan as he did so. He sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes and at the same time trying to battle the rays of the sun as they tried to creep under his eyelids and attack. The thought struck him suddenly, the sun? He had gone to sleep in the forest he was sure of it. Slowly, he opened one eye, then the other and found himself staring into the crimson eyes of Jay

"Wow you really did a number on yourself huh sweetie? You were out for awhile."

Kaylen jumped back in shock having to swing his arms to regain balance on the edge of the small cliff he had just jumped back from. Jay grabbed him as he was about to over balance and pulled him back falling over onto his back with the Buizel landing on top of him. The Buizel quickly got back to his feet, rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. "Uh, umm, Jay I, umm, What are you? Where?... What time is it?" He finally decided on the simple question.

Jay giggled at the reaction of the flustered Buizel. "Don't worry babe, it's only about noon, as for where we are, this is my favourite spot in the whole of the day-care, He motioned outwards over the edge of the cliff top. Kaylen followed his motion and saw the whole of the main section of the day-care centre, it was beautiful up here, the suns rays reflected off of ponds and lakes below making them sparkle, and the various pokémon danced a colourful ballet on the field below.

"What do you think?" Asked Jay who had stepped up to join Kaylen on the cliffs edge.

"Beautiful." It was a simple reply but it was all that was needed and it reminded Jay of one of the other reasons he loved this place, because of it's angle it was possible to see everything below them while those below couldn't see you.

"What do you think?" Kaylen asked the Totodile, blushing at the unsubtle romance of the situation.

The Totodile nodded "Beautiful." He concluded.

"Look at all the pokémon down there."

"The view isn't what I was referring to." Jay said quietly.

Kaylen turned to face Jay with a look of disbelief.

"Okay, that was really bad I'm sorry, it's just, I mean... it's obvious that you like me and... I thought," He stopped to run a paw through Kaylen sticky chest fur, Kaylen blushed, he had forgotten about that. "maybe I could show you how much I like you?"

Kaylen froze in shock, here the hot Totodile that he had fantasized about being with not an hour ago was offering him everything he had wanted.

"I-I uhhh." he stuttered

"Don't worry babe, I won't force you into anything." Jay reassured him.

"I uhh, yeah, I'd like that." The Totodile grinned and leaned into a hug. Kaylen felt a nudge and looked down blushing as he saw Jay's already half-erect member emerging, a string of pre connecting him to the crocodile pokémons arousal where he had bumped against it.

Feeling now that it was... somehow right Kaylen lowered himself to his knees allowing himself to fully appreciate the phallus up close, Jay let out a murr as Kaylen let his forepaws explore his prize. The Buizel looked up to Jay for approval but the Pokémon had his eyes closed and his neck arched back in pleasure. Kaylen decided to take the initiative and stuck his tongue out allowing it to come into contact with the underside of the head of Jay's length, running his rough tongue up across the head tasting the small beads of pre which formed there.

Jay gasped as he felt a surprising warm wetness grace his dick. His head snapped down his eyes now open to watch as the Buizel opened his mouth and slowly took Jay's meat into his mouth almost fully in one go, only gagging on the last inch as it reached the back of his throat. Jay continued to groan and shiver as Kaylen began to lick the meat in his mouth while bringing his head back off the Totodiles prick.

Jay began to thrust back into Kaylen mouth as the Buizel sucked him off, he attempted to stop himself from thrusting too hard but he had been denied by that Totodile earlier and had been waiting over an hour for release so he wasn't in the mood for self-restraint and it wasn't long before he was rapidly fucking Kaylen face causing him to gag again and again until eventually his throat became accustomed to the rhythm and size of the girth being shoved down his throat.

Kaylen had thought that he would dislike this treatment but as it turned out, the design of the reptilian penis was... interesting... It felt good to have the large phallus filling him, and the taste, like blood, sweet and tart, but much thicker even though it was only pre, It filled him with a dry, lust, a hunger and he kept sucking and licking to the best of his abilities.

Not long into this treatment Jay felt himself tense up, a sure sign of his impending finish. "Hey Cutie, I'm gonna... if you don't stop I'm gonna" He managed to grunt out, but Kaylen either didn't understand what he meant or didn't care as he kept going with even more enthusiasm. Jays orgasm hit him hard and he shot his load straight down Kaylen throat, the male Buizel making a crude slurping sound as he swallowed his prize.

Letting the now softening member slip from his mouth Kaylen smiled wryly up at the sexy Totodile who seemed to be dazed and was now wearing a stupid grin. He dragged the back of his paw across his mouth soaking up some of the pre-cum that had gathered around his maw.

"Ahhh thanks, that was... great, amazing, how many times have you done that?" The Totodile was panting from his come down.

"Never." Kaylen replied with a slight smile.

"Come on... you're pulling my leg there's no way you could have learned that from a woman."

"No I'm serious, I'm... I'm a virgin." There was a sudden silence, even Jay's heavy breathing seemed to have ceased.

"Really? Damn when you get some experience... Hey don't you ever forget about me, heh I want to see how you improve on perfection. In the meantime it's your turn." Jay got up and walked further away from the edge of the small cliff dropping to all fours and lifting his tail out of the way showing his sublime tail-hole. "Come get me babe."

Kaylen, now fully intoxicated with arousal followed him placing his forepaws on his rump bringing one back to guide his dick to Jay's anus, smearing his ample pre around the Totodiles hole then pawing to spread more of his pre over his shaft to serve as natural lube.

"I've gotta warn you now, I'll spoil you for the females for life." Jay said cockily (Heh sorry guys) over his shoulder. His bragging was cut short as he felt a prod against his tail hole, a heavy sigh signalling that Kaylen was ready.

"Whoa desperate are we?" Kaylen only whimpered. "Do it!"

Jay moaned as Kaylen instantly hilted himself completely in a single thrust. "Fuck!" Kaylen shouted as pleasure coursed through him

"Yeah that's the idea." Jay replied

Kaylen nodded swallowing past a lump in his throat. He began to pump in and out of Jay's hole feeling the warmth embrace his member pulling him in and enticing him to thrust once more whenever he began to pull out. He reached one paw around and started to paw Jay, who began to mumble random words of encouragement. It took all of Kaylen self control to stop himself thrusting wildly and at random. He honestly couldn't believe he had waited this long to try something like this, if he could he'd stay like this forever.

Jay continued to writhe and moan beneath him, each thrust stealing another gasp or whine from him, every withdrawal a shiver. Kaylen sped up his pounding now furiously humping Jay and groaning and cursing into the air. His pre was making his thrusting more and more easy the longer he pumped. Jays anus began to clamp around the invading organ, increasing the pleasure for both of the pokémon tenfold so much so that the Buizel had to stop temporarily for fear of blowing his top early. He began thrusting once more, starting slowly again and working up a tempo, slowly building back to his original pace.

"Ungh, I know this is, a little quick but I-I honestly can't take much more of this I'm gonna blow soon." The Totodile managed to grunt out as his pucker was repeatedly abused by the Buizel.

Kaylen just nodded not bothering to warn Jay that he was close too, though this being his first time that didn't surprise him. He continued to pound Jays ass harder hoping to maximise the feeling for both of them, and succeeding in pushing them both to their climax.

Kaylen felt Jays ass clamp down on his member tighter this time as the Pokémon humped the air with a final loud growl his purple length more spraying it's huge load than spurting it on the ground beneath them.

This was the final straw for Kaylen and he too began to hump harder in time with his spurts panting and cursing, finally resting his body on top of his lovers,

"Oh my... Fucking gods." He panted as both him and Jay collapsed onto their sides now spooning in a pool of their own combined cum. Both of them panting and whispering mostly undecipherable things to each other.

They stayed like that for a long while watching the sun move across the sky.

"Hey Kaylen! Kaaayylennn?"

Kaylen scrambled upright frantically. "Fuck, fuck, that's Alba, fuck what do we do?"

Jay got to his feet chuckling "Calm down cutie, okay? it'll be fine, he'll be fine with it okay?"

Kaylen stopped worrying and nodded completely trusting Jay and knowing that he wouldn't steer him wrong.

Alba finally came upon them sniffing the air "Kaylen there you are, I've been looking for you everywhere I..." he paused looking between the lewd and guilty looks on their faces and the incriminating puddle on the floor and coating the pokémon themselves "Really guys? See now I feel left out, that's just plain not fair." He smiled and winked at Kaylen "Still we gotta go our trainer's waiting for us at the entrance and Jade's waiting for you too Jay, but ummm..." He sniffed the air wrinkling his nose "You guys are gonna need to wash first!"

So... that's it... my first M/M. This is strictly a stand alone story but I may, if I do well enough write other M/M fics in future. So honest reviews please, and all comments negative and positive are welcomed.

Thanks for reading :)

P.S. I feel like i left something out in the tags... hmm anyway if you guys see anything missing from the tags tell me in a comment or PM and i'll add it, thanks again :)

Immorality - Heartless

So... chapter three. wow, I never thought I'd get this far :3 anyway I'm gonna try and keep this short and sweet so the chapter can begin This story contains m/f yiffy scenes between two pokémon, if you are under 18, find this objectionable or have...

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Immorality - Damage limitation

So here it is chapter two... I had a mixed review of the first chapter so I thought "what the hell, lets give it another try." As I said in the last chapter this one has no yiff whatsoever so anyone who's purely in it for that should probably move on,...

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Immorality - Kayla's Lesson

Ok here it goes... first story time, (\*takes deep breath) whether this gets a good review or not this is a big day for me, cuz either way it means I managed to write a story to the end without erasing it....

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