Werewolf Bar

Story by Drakh on SoFurry

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This is a story I'm writing for Tierkreis :D I was supposed to trade him a story for th...

This is a story I'm writing for Tierkreis :D I was supposed to trade him a story for the avatar he gave me (which is awesome) but it was delayed. For a whiiiiiiiile :[ Sorry, Tierkreis! But here it is in its entirety as requested, I hope it lives up too any overly optimistic expectations.

And of course, as this story contains hot and passionate SEX between MALES (that means GAY), I advise anyone not into FURRY or HOMOSEXUALITY to LEAVE. Or if you aren't of legal age to view such material regardless of your preferences, get out anyway.

But assuming you meet all of the afore mentioned criteria, I hope you enjoy this short tale! Ill stop blabbing and let you continue on, then.


Jeremiah, or Jerry as he liked to be called, walked carefully up the steps to the entrance of one of the stranger parts of his cities' most prominent gay bars. This bar had a reputation of being the place you go to to get laid, and that was the reason he was here.

Really Jerry had no idea what to do or expect, he just felt like this was something he wanted to do since he had never actually had any kind of sex before. He was gay for sure, he knew that, but tonight he planned to set it in stone.

The air of the bar was heavy with cigarette smoke and other smokes of a more questionable nature. This particular bar had another reputation that stemmed from the part of town it was laid in, and this was of being a home to a number of different supernatural creatures.

Like any -sane- man Jerry didn't believe a word of any of it, but the prospect of such a thing seemed quite exciting (if dangerous) and hey, you only live once.

The lanky young man took a bar stool in front of an unnaturally hairy bartender. "Vodka and soda," he asked the man who merely grunted in a somewhat consenting reply.

As the bartender made his drink Jerry took a look around the hazy bar, checking out any prospects. He wouldn't know what to do in an encounter with any of them anyway, so with a sigh he sipped his drink planning to leave afterwards.

Jeremiah wasn't a bad looking guy, maybe he should have counted on being addressed himself instead of the other way around because as he idly consumed his drink a larger figure seemed to materialize next to him.

"Hey there," the new presence greeted. Jerry was surprised and half-choked, sending throat-burning vodka down the wrong pipe. After his coughing subsided the new man apologized for surprising him and introduced himself.

The man, Tristan as he called himself, seemed like a nice fellow and soon he and Jerry had engaged in a full conversation. "So Jerry, what are you doing in a place like this? You don't seem like the type I normally see around." Tristan questioned, smirking a little bit.

Jerry blushed, embarrassed for the only answer he had to such a forward question. "Well... I came here in hopes of hooking up with someone..." Jerry had had two refills on his vodka and soda, and the drink seemed to be numbing any inhibitions he would normally have with a peculiar stranger like Tristan.

Tristan just laughed, and Jerry could have swore his teeth looked a bit strange... the canines seemed sharper for some reason. "Do you need any help with that? I'd be more than happy to assist." Tristan offered with a sly wink.

This nearly sent Jerry into coughing again, was Tristan offering to have sex with him? This was crazy, and maybe it was just the vodka talking, but Jerry happily agreed.

Tristan had to help Jerry up to leave the bar, Jerry seemed like he was a tad bit tipsy.

Soon they had arrived at what Jerry assumed was Tristan's apartment. As they walked in Jerry thought he could smell the scent of dog. When he asked, however, Tristan said he had no pets... with an odd little smile.

Tristan helped Jerry out of his coat and took them both back to the bedroom. Jerry laid down on the bed, Tristan quickly following and placing himself over the smaller man. Tristan figured he was a virgin, and was going to make this a great experience for him.

Jerry smiled at Tristan as Tristan slowly leaned down and flaunted a firm but gentle kiss on his lips. Jerry returned the kiss, relishing in the warm and complete feeling it gave him.

Before too long they had begun to remove each other's clothes, Jerry undoing the fly to Tristan's jeans. After pulling the pants down and revealing the erect bounty that was trapped inside Tristan assisted in the removal of all of Jerry's clothing.

They locked in a hot kiss again, and Jerry got bold enough to begin to explore his lover's mouth with his tongue. Jerry was in a state of pleasure, the alcohol offering a warm haze over him which was the justification for his actions.

Jerry was bold indeed, he reached out with his hand and took a hold of Tristan's hot erection. He stroked it gently, still locked at the lips. Jerry's inexperienced stroking wasn't enough for Tristan, he knew what he wanted.

With what sound something like a growl from Tristan he broke the kiss and rolled Jerry over on the bed, positioning him on his stomach. It was now that Jerry took notice of the brilliant moonlight illuminating the room and casting the lovers to shadows.

Jerry soon felt the warmth of Tristan on his back, a hard object parting his buttocks. He looked behead himself to see Tristan getting into position, readying to slide into him. Jerry was excited for this, but he couldn't help but be a bit nervous. Would this hurt?

He quickly realized it wouldn't as Tristan slowly began to slide the tip of his member into Jerry's tight rump. Jerry gasped, delighted with the amazing sensation of being penetrated such and eagerly wanting more.

Something a bit sharper could be felt on Jerry's sides where Tristan's hands were, the pricks poked into his skin, sending shivers down his spine. Were those claws? It didn't seem to matter as much as it should, Tristan continued to slide the length of his shaft in, stretching the virgin delightfully.

Tristan kept on going in, and smirked to himself in the moonlight, knowing exactly what was happening. It would appear the rumors were true, there were supernatural beings. Tristan was a werewolf and was required by instinct to find a mate on a full moon like this. Jerry was to be his, and the delight in such a prospect spurned his transformation even more.

Thick gray fur was sprouting all over Tristan's skin, tickling at Jerry's bare rump. Jerry hadn't noticed yet, completely lost in his own sensations. Tristan had begun to pull out now, finishing the first long cycle of slowly warming Jerry up. Tristan's ears traveled upwards, covered in a layer of fur and pointed like a wolves'. Tristan groaned as his face pushed out into a muzzle and his eyes flashed to a bright amber.

Jerry felt Tristan's cock in him start to tingle and change shape, was it growing bigger? After a few moments feeling himself begin to be stretched even more he realized this was what was happening. The shape seemed to be changing also, he could tell as Tristan pumped himself vigorously in and out of Jerry's taught hole. With each thrust Tristan grazed Jerry's prostate, making Jerry go numb and moan out in pleasure. Jerry could feel the shape of Tristan's shaft was more conical now, the ending was tapered. The tip was oozing precut, lubricating the Jerry's passage for even quicker penetration.

He took a glance behind himself, seeing a surprising sight The figure plowing into his rear end didn't look like Tristan at all anymore. What Jerry saw was a hulking, muscular gray furred beast humping away at him.

Needless to say, Jerry was astonished even through his drunken haze and started to shout. Tristan growled loudly and placed his jaws around the human's neck. This pacified Jerry for the moment and he went back to just enjoying what was happening. Tristan was rapidly approaching the edge of climax, his lustful growls growing louder and louder.

Tristan's feet had turned to paws, and ankles had reshaped and deformed to serve as digitigrade appendages. His hands were now paw-like also, and a long furry tail was beginning to snake out of the small of his back.

The base of Tristan's now nine inch shaft was growing, a canine knot forming on the thick red member. Jerry could feel the change in the base, a thicker part barging against his opening. Oh, how it would feel to get that inside him. But it felt like it was incredibly large, would he be able to handle it?

On the verge of climax, Tristan made one final thrust then rammed himself all the way into Jerry, slamming his knot as hard as he could into the human's unbelievably tight hole.

Jerry moaned out loud, unable to hold it in. Tristan finally came, howling as thick wolf seed fired from his cock. The warmth of the liquid filled Jerry, creating a pleasured feel he couldn't explain. This was his mate, after all, and it felt so natural.

Tristan collapsed over the human, breathing heavily in his ear. They would be stuck together for a while, and Tristan hugged his new mate close to him, cuddling the small human tightly.