A Special Day

Story by Vachir on SoFurry

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Furry holidays are a bit more than some might expect. What happens when a curious little vixen discovers the magic of one of these special days? Well...

"For the last time, absolutely not!" shouted Tia's mother in a huff, folding her arms across her ample vulpine chest and shaking her head. Tia rolled her eyes from where she sat, curled up on the sofa hugging her plushie ladybug, watching cartoons. "We've been over this enough times," her mother went on from where she stood in the kitchen, turning her attention back to preparing dinner, "there are just some things that have to wait until you're older to understand."

Tia was tired of being told she was too young. It was always "you're too little" or "not until you're older". Her friends were her age and they got to go out and do fun stuff all the time, it just wasn't fair! Something special was up today, she knew, even though nobody would tell her anything about it. She first noticed that most of what few girls there were at her school seemed pretty nervous, whispering back and forth more than usual and staying away from all the boys. A few of the older girls seemed extra excited, and were dressed very strangely in elaborate, quite revealing outfits of lace or latex, with little masks covering their faces. Those girls seemed to enjoy teasing all the boys, joking about how they'd "sure get their fill tonight" and "may not be able to walk by morning".

Tia assumed of course, that it had something to do with food. Special days always came with special food, she knew, because her mother always made her something special to make her excited to stay at home. Lately she had been catching on to missing out on something however, as boys in her class often came to school after such a day, talking about what fun they'd had and how they wished every day was just as special. Now Tia felt determined to figure out what these special days were all about, and not get left out of the fun again.

Tia's mother wasn't making this easy however, as this was the third time Tia had begged to be allowed to go out. "But all my friends.." Tia had tried to say, but her mother just held up a paw with a firm "No!" not even looking up from the food she was preparing.

Just as Tia was about to try again, the telephone rang, and her mother picked it up, answering with a nervous "Hello?" Tia sat up hopefully, watching her mother's expression turn to concern as she continued on the call. "Yes.. yes are you sure?" Her mother said. "Well of course but does it have to be tonight?" Tia got up on all fours, swishing her orange fox tail excitedly. "Alright.. ok.. I'll be there as soon as I can." Tia's mother finished, hanging up the phone. Tia watched as her mother wrapped up the food she had been preparing, stuffed it into the refrigerator, and reached for her purse.

"Listen Tia," her mother said, "work needs me tonight. There is an emergency and I have to get going. I promise I'll finish dinner when I get back, or you can just tell your brother to do it if he gets back before I do." Tia's brother was a bit older, and he always got to go out when she wasn't allowed. He didn't seem to like talking to her about it much to Tia though, probably because their mother had forbidden it. He had dropped a few hints now and then however, which made Tia even more curious. "Can I come?" Tia pleaded, folding her ears down and looking up hopefully. "No Tia," her mother said as she walked over, picking Tia up and sitting her back down on the sofa in front of the TV, "just stay right here and I will be back as soon as I can."

Just then there was a knock at the front door, and Tia's mother froze. Tia had heard several knocks tonight for some reason, but her mother had kept the lights off all evening, and didn't seem to want to answer the door. "I'll just go out the back," her mother said, turning away from the front door and toward the back door through the kitchen, "you just be a good girl and stay right there until I get back."

"Yes mommy." Tia sighed, turning back to the TV screen as she heard the back door open. It just wasn't fair, Tia thought with a whimper, barely paying attention to the cartoons. Someday she was going to get to the bottom of all this.

As it turned out, someday came a lot sooner than Tia might have thought, as a few minutes later, she heard a voice crying out from somewhere outside the house. She had ignored it at first, as the sounds of gasps and moans outside had been going on all night, and her mother told her it was nothing to worry about. This voice was different though, and somewhat familiar. That was when Tia realized the voice she heard belonged to her mother.

Tia listened more closely, perking her ears and inching closer to the end of the sofa nearest the front door. Sure enough the sounds continued, and there were several other voices too, though Tia didn't recognize any of them. Growing ever more curious, Tia slowly stood up from the sofa and looked around the empty house. Her mother wasn't here to tell her no this time, so as sneakily as she could, she made her way to one of the main front windows, pulling the heavy curtain aside to peek out into the night.

At first Tia couldn't see anything. The voice was coming from the driveway and she couldn't see from the window around the corner of the garage. She did however notice the voices grew louder, and that there were other voices too, coming from all around the little suburban neighborhood. Across the street, Tia noticed a group of furs huddled together. They looked to her like they were dancing or something, as they moved back and forth, with one girl and several males. This seemed to be a pattern, as Tia soon spotted other groups, each appearing engaged in similar activities, right out in the sidewalk, in the grass on someone's lawn, up against a tree, and even in the middle of the street.

"What are they doing?" Tia asked herself, moving to another window to try and get a better look. It was then she felt a slight breeze, blowing in from the back door. Tia turned and quite surprisingly, saw that the back door to the house had been left open. Growing ever more curious, Tia made her way to the open door, peering out into the back yard. The yard looked empty, and the lights were off, but the gate in the fence leading around the side of the house also seemed to have been left hanging open. Tia was practically shivering with excitement. She wouldn't have been able to get out on her own if the door was locked, but with the door wide open and no mommy around to tell her no, she finally had a chance to see just what this special day was all about.

Tia slowly stepped out the back door, her bare footpaw pads touching the cold cement blocks that led down a path through the grass to the side gate. Tia trembled with excitement, taking one step and then another out into the night. She now realized she was still in her pajamas, but there was no time to run back inside to change. After all, her mother might be back any minute, and then she'd never get to take a look for herself at what was going on.

On reaching the open gate, Tia slowly peaked through it. Again she didn't see anyone around, but she could hear the voices growing louder, so she knew she was on the right track. "This is so exciting!" she whispered to herself with a little giggle, tiptoeing her way up along the side of the house to the corner, where she could finally see what was going on in the driveway. The voices were quite clear by the time Tia reached the corner. There were at least four males nearby, and two of them seemed pretty out of breath from the sounds of their heavy panting. Tia's mother's voice was there too, but now muffled by something, though Tia had no idea what.

So as not to be noticed, Tia knelt down and slowly eased her head out around the corner of the house. What she saw made her gasp in surprise. Tia's mother was bent over the hood of her car. A large male roan stallion, with his back turned to Tia, was bent over the vixen, naked from the waist down as he pounded his immense body hard against her, shaking the entire car. On top of the car, a nude male striped hyena with pink dyed headfur was sitting at Tia's mother's head, with one paw resting between her ears as he rocked up and down with the car, keeping her face hidden between his legs.

Two other naked males, a powerfully built Lion, and an even larger gray wolf stood by watching, their clothes strewn all about. Her mother's clothes had all been discarded too, Tia noticed, which for the first time started to make her feel a bit uncomfortable, along with the heavy scent that was now filling the air. Though it was a lovely fall day, for some reason Tia found herself feeling excessively hot. Almost unconsciously she ran her paws over her body, feeling parts that made her shiver as her paws moved softly over them.

For a brief moment, Tia considered going back inside, but just then, someone noticed her. "Well now, what do we have here?" Said the wolf, elbowing the lion and nodding off in Tia's direction. The Lion turned to look, and Tia quickly ducked her head back behind the corner of the house. Tia was panting anxiously now and shivering, wanting very much to be back safe inside the house.

Just as Tia started to get up to run back inside, a huge paw reached out and grabbed her roughly by the scruff of her neck. "Eeeeeep!" Tia cried out as she struggled to run away. The lion lifted the small girl effortlessly, and carried her flailing over to the group gathered around the car. "Well now, this one yours?" asked the hyena with a smirk, turning Tia's mother's head slightly toward the tiny girl. The older vixen's eyes went wide, and she looked back up to the hyena, trying to get words out with her mouth overly filled by his huge thick throbbing shaft. "Guess so!" the hyena said with a laugh as he slowly withdrew his length from the vixen's mouth. "Please.. let her go you ca..." the vixen began, only to find her mouth quickly filled by the hyena's cock again. "Well now, looks like you've been holding out on us you naughty slut." The hyena said. "Guess we'll have to teach you a lesson!" He then gestured to the stallion, who nodded and returned a knowing lustful smile.

"Better pull out or you're likely to get your cock bitten off" the equine said in a deep voice as he pulled out and repositioned himself, taking a firm hold of the vixen's hips to keep her from squirming. The hyena nodded and slid himself back, hopping down off of the car and taking a closer look at Tia in the arms of the waiting lion. "Oh I can see we're gonna have all kinds of fun with you, little princess," the Hyena purred, playfully patting Tia on the head, "but first why don't you come over here and get a nice close look as mommy gets fucked in the ass."

The lion set Tia down, barely the height of his waist as the hyena took a firm hold of the young girl's shoulders, guiding her over beside the stallion who was already moving his flared tip up under the vixen's tail. "No! No wait! Please you can't, it's too big! No! AAAaaaaah!" Tia's mother was crying as she frantically tried to pull away. The lion and the wolf both moved to hold the vixen down, as the stallion got to work spreading the vixen bit by bit, rocking forward with his immense hips, his shaft already slick with the female's wetness.

"What are they doing to mommy?" Tia whimpered as her mother continued to scream. "They're just making sure mommy has a good time." The hyena murred, pushing Tia closer to her mother's upturned rear. "See, once they get that huge horse cock deep inside of her, she's gonna have a real good time." The hyena continued, gently stroking the young girl's ears with one paw and holding her muzzle inches from her mother's gaping sex with the other.

"You ever seen one of these up close before Princess?" The hyena asked, pointing to the horse's shaft as the tip started to disappear under the vixen's frantically waiving tail. Tia shook her head a little. She had seen boys naked before of course, and all kinds of weird stuff went on in the school bathrooms that she had seen, but that was mostly the older students, and they had never invited her to get this close. They said she could get them into trouble, though she never really understood why.

"Well then, we're gonna have to teach you a thing or two." said the hyena, turning Tia to the side and presenting his own impressive shaft before her muzzle. "This here is called a cock, Princess, and it's gonna be your new favorite thing," the hyena explained with a smile, placing the tip to her tiny muzzle. "Why don't you give it a little taste," the hyena suggested, placing a paw on the back of Tia's head and starting to rub his leaking tip against her mouth.

Tia's mind was a flood of emotions. Was she in trouble? Was she finally being included? Her mother had said no, but now with half the horse's length buried under her tail, she was only panting and gasping heavily. It couldn't hurt to try, could it? Tia wondered, still nervous, but a little excited. Tia slowly opened her mouth, just enough to slip her tongue out and give a little lick to the wet tip of the hyena's waiting cock. The warmth was what surprised her most. It tasted musky and sweet much like it smelled, with him already rubbing himself up against her sensitive nose. She pulled her tongue back in surprise, only to find her mouth being pried open, as the hyena's sizable shaft began to penetrate her tiny muzzle.

Tia began to whimper as her jaw stretched, and she felt the tip of the hyena's length slide easily back in her tiny throat. It choked her, and she reached up her paws to push him away, but found herself firmly held in place by the hyena's paws. She flailed and panicked, struggling for breath until finally he pulled back, laughing at her as she coughed and sputtered. "Princess here's a natural cock sucker!" the hyena exclaimed, drawing lewd laughter from the other males. He pressed his length into her muzzle again, holding it longer this time, and then again and again, leaving only short breaks in between.

Tia could no longer think straight. All she could do was to try and breathe, frantically struggling with each long, deep thrust, to try and somehow push the large male away. Silently she begged for her mother's help, but could see the stallion was now pounding into her again in long hard strokes, with nearly his entire length disappearing up under the vixen's raised bushy tail. This couldn't possibly be what the other students had been talking about doing tonight, could it? Tia couldn't imagine this was what anyone could have been at all excited about, and yet, there was something else going on she couldn't explain. Her body was still growing hot. Maybe from the exertion, or maybe from what was going on, but somehow her body was responding in a way she didn't at all understand.

Before long, the older vixen's heavy panting became lustful moans and cries, finally culminating in a series of full body spasms, and a deep rumbling groan from the thrusting stallion. When the equine pulled back the fox stayed where she was, limp and still panting on the hood of the car, as a gusher of cum flooded out from the gaping hole under her raised tail. "Mmm, you see that Princess?" The hyena asked with a smile, pulling back enough to let Tia see. "That right there is mommy having a really good time. Looks like old Stormy here went and ruined her tight little tail hole though. She'll be needin' a lot more horse cock from now on, believe me!" The hyena laughed, as did the others who stepped away from the vixen and started crowding around her young daughter.

Tia looked between them nervously, starting to get some idea of what it was they intended to do. "Please... no..." rasped Tia's mother's voice as she squirmed against the hood of the car nearby. "Daww, is that bitch still complaining?" The Hyena said, pulling out from Tia's mouth and turning back toward the car. The vixen wasn't able to drag herself up just yet, but was staring over desperately. "Hmm, tell ya what foxy," the hyena began, "we'll play a little game. Thorn here is gonna take ya for a little ride, and if he creams that pretty cunt before you cum, we'll let little Princess here go without breakin' her in. If you get off on what we're about to do to your little girl though, we're gonna do it right here while you watch!"

Tia didn't understand, but as she watched, the wolf made his way over to the car, effortlessly lifting her mother from the hood and sitting down on the cement of the driveway nearby holding her in his lap. He then wasted no time getting the stunned vixen into position facing her daughter, and burying his huge wolf cock in her still gaping sex. Tia's mother moaned again to spite herself at the sudden penetration, and the hyena smiled.

"See that Princess?" The hyena said, pulling out again and bringing Tia close to her mother as the other males looked on. "Your mommy here is quite a slut. I bet you can't wait to be made into one just like her." Tia squirmed as she watched what was happening. Her mother was again panting heavily, looking back at her with eyes wide though seemingly unable to speak. Tia didn't know what to say either, but found herself gasping as the hyena's paws began stroking up and down her body over her pajamas.

"Looks like this won't take long" the lion said as he watched the show, stepping up beside the hyena to begin groping at Tia's rear. "Let's get Princess here nice and ready, to see if we can't speed things along" the hyena laughed, extending a paw digit to the older vixen's nose. "I bet you'd love to see your little kit here stripped, wouldn't you mommy?" The hyena teased. "N... no!" Tia's mother barely managed to answer, followed by a sharp cry as the wolf from beneath her made a sharp thrust upward with his hips.

"Sounds like a yes to me!" the hyena laughed, turning around and bending forward to look into Tia's eyes. "Strip her" he said softly with a wide smile. Tia cried out, as she felt a sharp tug at the back of her pajama pants, which suddenly fell loose down around her ankles. As she reached down for them, she heard a ripping sound, and felt the fur of her back suddenly open to the cool night air. She quickly stood up, wrapping her arms around herself as the lion's claw ripped through what remained of her top, which fell tattered around her shoulders, leaving her clutching the remnants of the garment to her chest.

"Nice panties," the hyena murred looking them over, "looks like someone's a little wet." Tia didn't know what he meant, until he brought a paw digit up between her legs, causing a sharp jolt of sensation to course through her entire body, making her cry out. "You won't be needing these," the hyena said, pulling the tiny pink cotton panties swiftly down to meet her pants, "very soon you'll be going for a little ride, just like mommy."

Tia pressed her legs together and tucked her tail down, feeling herself suddenly exposed. She blushed at the ears and looked shocked, unable to process the situation in which she now found herself. "Please.. leave.. aah.. leave her alone!" Tia's mother cried out between heavy panting breaths, her own soaking exposed sex being pounded hard as the wolf gripped her hips firmly in his large paws. "I think mommy wants to see your little tits Princess," the hyena said, reaching out to slowly pull the tiny vixen's arms apart. The last bits of her pajama top fell away, leaving Tia's tiny breasts and hard nipples fully exposed, allowing the lion behind her to start massaging them with his paws.

Tia gasped again at the sensations, her legs wobbling slightly, though the lion held her up and prevented any attempt she might make to run away. She felt her body tingle. It was strange, warm, like nothing she had ever felt before. Still she was getting scared. This was nothing like she had imagined tonight would be like, and she couldn't understand why her mother was acting so strangely.

Tia's mother now was moaning louder, and rocking her hips on her own to meet the wolf below her. "Looks like mommy likes the idea of watching her little kit get fucked," the Hyena taunted, taking a seat on the driveway right in front of her as the lion guided Tia over to him. "No.. oh no.. oh fuck.. aah!" Tia's mother cried out, watching helplessly as her young daughter was moved to straddle the hyena's lap facing her. "Just say the word mommy, and I'll pop this little bitch's cherry right here," the hyena gloated as he watched Tia's mother struggle to maintain control. It was just then that the wolf decided to tie with her. Thrusting his hips up while pulling down hard on her hips, the wolf slammed his swollen knot into the female's vulpine sex. "Noooooooo! Ah.. Ahh. Aaaah!" Tia's mother cried, her body clearly convulsing along with a gush of wetness from between her legs.

"Looks like mommy says it's time for you to have a seat on your throne, Princess" The hyena said, taking the young girl's hips and starting to pull her down. When the tip of his shaft met her sex, Tia grew tense and started squirming. "Shh, take it like a good girl," the hyena encouraged "else I'll have to get Stormy over there to bust open that tiny pink tailhole of yours." Tia gasped, glancing over to see the stallion step closer, eagerly stroking his immense swollen shaft. What was going on? Why was this happening? Tia felt so confused and started to whimper as the strong paws of the hyena forced her down inch by inch, the thick head of his cock stretching her tiny virgin slit painfully.

Looking up at her mother for comfort, the young vixen got no reassurance. She was still busy moaning as the wolf seemed far from done with her. Lustfully he kept her bouncing hard on his shaft, the bulge of his huge canine knot buried inside of her clearly showing with each thrust. Suddenly the pain for Tia became much worse as her body came to a sudden stop, causing her to cry out in shock. She felt the hyena hesitate and draw back slightly, rocking his body under her and adjusting her position. "There we are," he said, leaning up close by her ear. "So how about it Princess? Ready for me to pop that cherry and make you into a proper slut?" Tia gulped and turned to look up at him, unsure what to say. "I.. umm.." she began, as she squirmed back and forth with his cock tip still inside of her. Before she could finish, the Hyena gripped her hips tightly and slammed her down.

The pain was overwhelming and Tia screamed and flailed, much like her mother had done as the stallion stretched out her tailhole. The males simply laughed, though the hyena did give her a brief moment to adjust before starting to bounce her up and down like her mother. Tia looked down and continued struggling as blood trickled down over the hyena's furry balls, though he showed no difficulty controlling her small body as he forced her to ride his cock.

Having enjoyed the show long enough, the other two males soon joined in. The stallion moved again to Tia's mother, forcing her mouth to take in his immense girth, while the lion stepped up before Tia and presented his barbed shaft to her muzzle. "That's a good little slut," the hyena murred, clearly enjoying breaking in the young girl, "now open up that mouth." Without even thinking, Tia soon found the feline sinking his cock into her mouth. His taste like his scent was somewhat different, and she felt the strange sensation of the feline barbs roughly against her tongue as the lion wasted no time picking up a rhythm and forcibly fucking her mouth.

Through all the pain and the struggle to breathe, Tia slowly began to realize she was also feeling something else. The warm feeling she had noticed earlier was still there, but quickly growing. Though it still hurt, she felt her resistance giving out, and nearly stopped struggling, allowing the two large sets of male paws to guide her as they wished, as the too males roughly used her body.

The hyena apparently noticed the change in her reaction, as he leaned in close again and began to speak to her. "That's it Princess, doesn't it feel good to take a cock in that tight little pussy? This is what you're for now. You're gonna love getting stripped down and fucked just like this all the time." Tia could feel it clearly now. It did feel good. Something about this was getting to her. She felt helpless, exposed, but mostly just hot. She could feel the hyena's throbbing shaft pulse as it thrust in between her legs, and though the lion's cock still threatened to choke her, she seemed to grow ever more hungry for it.

Tia tried to make herself bounce faster in the hyena's lap, as her tiny sex began to clench around his impressive length. "That's it, cum for me Princess. Time to show us all what a slut you really are." The hyena mused, picking up the pace as his own climax quickly neared. Tia didn't know what he was talking about, but the sensation she was experiencing was impossible to ignore. She began to moan around the lion's cock, and the Hyena's paws shifted up to pinch her tiny nipples as she bounced her hips and rode his cock hard all on her own. Then something happened. All at once the pleasure peaked, and Tia felt her entire body convulsing hard over and over. She lost all sense of time and self, becoming completely engrossed in the intensity of the overwhelming sensations.

As it happened, Tia also felt warmth pulsing deep inside of her, filling her and adding to the immense pleasure, while the Hyena's voice moaned out from behind her. Slowly they both relaxed, and the lion let her go and stepped back, allowing her to sink back on the hyena's chest as his shaft slowly softened and slid free of her now gaping sex, followed by a flood of his cum. Tia sighed heavily in relief, the waves of pleasure slowly subsiding as she was allowed a brief moment of relief.

This didn't last for long however, as she soon felt the lions paws picking her up and turning her over on the hyena's chest. "I need some of that tail," the lion smirked, as Tia found herself placed face to face with the smiling hyena. "You're not gonna like this Princess," the hyena said, licking his lips and causing Tia to grow nervous as he reached down to spread her ass with his paws, holding her in place as the lion moved to kneel behind her.

"AAAaaaaahh!" Tia screamed, as the lion roughly thrust his barbed shaft, still slick from fucking the young girl's mouth, in up under her bushy orange tail. "That's it, take it slut," the hyena murred, letting go of her hips and reaching a paw down to start to stroke himself. The pain was almost as bad as before, Tia thought, as her other virgin hole was roughly violated. The lion was already pounding her hard, his barbs seeming to tear at her sensitive flesh as each thrust pulled all the way out and then penetrated her to the hilt.

Tia didn't know how long it lasted. The lion had no shortage of lustful energy, as his powerful thrusts kept up their rapid pace far longer than the hyena, though precisely just how long she wouldn't be able to say. After what must have been quite some time, she felt the feline's breath at the side of her neck, and suddenly felt his teeth, as he bit down on her scruff, burying himself deep in under her tail, filling her again with male warmth. Through all the pain, maybe even because of it, Tia still felt a form of pleasure. Maybe it was all in her mind, or maybe something about this strange use of her body was doing something to her, but somehow she spasmed again as the lion climaxed. It was something like what she had experienced earlier, though also different and much more painful, as her body clenched at his shaft within her.

"Kitties sure do hurt, don't they little slut?" The hyena teased, as the lion released her neck from his jaws and slowly got up and pulled out to step back. Tia whimpered a little as the barbs finally pulled free, her gaping tailhole now clenching at nothing but the cool night air. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it," the hyena added, "maybe you'll even learn to love it with a little bit more practice."

Now utterly and completely exhausted, Tia barely managed to turn her head to look around. The wolf it seemed had finished with her mother at some point in her ordeal, but was still tied with her, though Tia still didn't quite understand what that meant or why it was she was still lying with him. She then noticed the stallion was now looking back at her with a broad smile, his huge bobbing shaft fully hard and ready for more.

"I think our new little slut needs a little decoration" the equine said, stepping up beside her stroking his length. The hyena laughed and lifted Tia off of him, setting her back down right in front of the stallion's massive throbbing length. "Get on your knees slut," the hyena ordered, crossing his arms and stepping back. Tia was on her knees before she realized what she was doing, looking up at the flared tip of the massive shaft bobbing just in front of her face. "

"Sure learns fast" said the wolf, looking over from where he lay still tied to Tia's mother. "Maybe we should keep this one," the hyena answered, looking down at the wetness coating the little girl's inner thighs. "Paws behind your back Princess," the hyena instructed, as the stallion picked up the pace and started breathing heavily. Again Tia did what she was told without thinking, fully exposing herself before the massive horse. Then he started to cum. Floods of white sticky liquid gushed out over Tia's body, splashing over her and soaking her face and chest. She was so surprised that she gasped, and caught a spurt of horse cum right in her open mouth. It seemed to last forever, as pulse after pulse of wetness coated the vixen's tiny body, leaving her soaked through from ears to tail.

"That's a good little slut," the Hyena said, picking up a phone and snapping a quick set of revealing pictures. Wiping her eyes with a paw, Tia then gasped again as she noticed the new group of males walking up the driveway. They seemed to be much younger, and one of them much to her embarrassment, she quickly recognized. "Heh, sure looks like your mom got busy tonight," said a husky, elbowing a clearly blushing fox. "Don't be shy," the naked lion reassured them as they approached together, "I'm sure these sluts can go a few more rounds."

"I uhh.." the fox began, glancing first to the older vixen and then to Tia. "Hey now, you never told me your little sister was such a slut!" said a white bunny, bounding up to get a closer look. The male fox was now blushing furiously, and was wringing his tail in his paws with it tightly wrapped around himself. Tia realized her brother had been out tonight doing whatever it was older kids and adults did. Now that she had some idea what that involved, she found herself wondering exactly he had been doing.

"Maybe we should go.." The fox whimpered, seeming to grow quite uncomfortable at the situation. The hyena looked curiously between Tia and the slightly older male fox, then began to grin widely. "Now just why would you want to do that?" The hyena asked smoothly, stepping up close to the three young males. "You boys do like girls now, don't you?

The fox gulped and quickly nodded his head, as did the other two. "I guess we should probably make sure though," the lion said, placing his paws on a shoulder of the husky and the fox. "Better get to it boys," the hyena said, nodding in agreement, "it'd be a shame if we had to turn the three of you over for gender reassignment."

The ratio of males to females as Tia knew, was heavily weighted to the side of the male gender. As such, many minor crimes or behavioral problems, were punished by forcible gender reassignment. More than a few of the girls Tia knew had been born males, but ended up in reassignment due to getting themselves in some kind of trouble. There were rumors of course that males sometimes had the process done to them unfairly, but there were rarely any complaints after the fact.

The bunny wasted no time stripping off his jeans and t-shirt, and helping Tia onto all fours, before burying his much smaller lapine shaft in Tia's waiting mouth. "I always wanted to try this muzzle!" the bunny called out with a grin, as he began rocking his hips at a rather frantic pace. Tia obeyed as best she could, as the taste of horse cum was slowly replaced with that of the bunny, whose slight length didn't even reach all the way to the back of her tiny throat.

The lion ushered the husky over to where Tia's mother lay still tied with the wolf, who was now slowly fucking her once again. The lion pulled down the boy's shorts and got behind him, freeing his cock and positioning him at the older vixen's muzzle.

The male fox still hadn't moved, seeming to look back and forth in disbelief as his friends so quickly took to violating his mother and his sister. The stallion soon took the fox boy by the scruff of his neck however, and moved him into position to mount his little sister. Tia wasn't able to turn and look behind her, but she definitely felt it when the tapered tip of her brother's vulpine length began to press into her still dripping sex.

Tia moaned and rocked back, desperate to feel more of what she'd experienced earlier. "What'd I tell ya?" smirked the hyena as he looked down on Tia, "a perfect slut!" The males all shared a brief laugh of approval, though the older males were the ones really smiling, as they too moved themselves into position. Tia briefly glanced up, to see the hyena kneeling behind the bunny, holding up his phone for another picture, as he gave a quick nod to the others, who put their silent plan into action.

All at once, the three younger males cried out in shock and discomfort, as the lion, horse, and hyena, suddenly penetrated their unsuspecting and exposed tailholes. Tia felt her brother and the bunny both thrust in deep, clearly desperate as she had been to try and pull away, but the much larger males wouldn't let them budge. "Don't you dare cum before I do," Tia heard the hyena say, as he started thrusting in time with the bunny boy, "If you enjoy this too much someone might think you'd be better off as a girl yourself."

Tia could also hear her brother screaming, and feel his hips bucking hard against her. It was the stallion that was giving it to him, she realized, and she couldn't help but clench, remembering what that had felt like for her earlier with the lion. Was he going to feel the pleasure too? She wondered as she started rocking harder back against him, the sensations once again starting to build inside of her.

The bunny as it turned out, was the one to climax first. His voice grew shrill as he struggled to keep himself under control, but the hyena's hard thrusting, and Tia's silky eager mouth, quickly managed to push him over the edge. Though his cock itself was rather small, the bunny still managed to spurt an impressive amount of cum down the young vixen's throat, with the remainder splashing over her face, as the hyena managed to slowly pull him back. "Bad boy," the hyena taunted, continuing to pound the bunny right in front of Tia, "or should I say, bad girl." It seemed the bunny didn't have anything to say, as he gasped and whimpered while the hyena kept right on slamming into him.

The husky it seemed wasn't able to last much longer either, as Tia soon heard a howl and looked over, to see the young canine's bobbing shaft pull free of her mother's mouth, spurting sticky cum all over the vixen's face. "Looks like that's two!" the lion called out, turning the husky to the side and pushing his face to the pavement of the driveway, while continuing to pound him from behind.

The hyena managed to finish soon after, arching his back and groaning as powerful gushes of cum pulsed into the bunny's smaller body. The bunny then collapsed in a heap, panting and exhausted as cum started leaking out from under his fluffy bunny tail. The hyena with another smile, snapped a quick picture of the bunny, and turned his attention back toward what was going on with Tia.

"Does your brother's cock feel good Princess?" The hyena asked as he leaned in close to talk to Tia. Tia only whimpered needfully and moaned in response. The truth was it did feel good, and she started rocking back faster now that her mouth was free. The only thing she had to focus on was now the pounding she was being given, with the weight of the massive stallion thrusting behind her. "That's it slut, make him cum," the hyena smiled, "then we can find some more nice big cocks to fill you up proper."

Wetness flooded Tia's sex in anticipation. Something was definitely happening to her. Something about this, was making her feel more pleasure than she had ever dreamed possible. It wasn't just the sensations. It was somehow everything about it. Being naked in a group of eager males, smelling them, tasting them, doing as she was told, letting them use her, hurt her, it was all making her feel so good.

The voice of Tia's brother grew louder, and Tia rocked herself as hard as she could back against him, paying no mind to the fate that she was committing him to. With a sharp series of yips, Tia finally felt a familiar warmth spreading inside of her and she squeezed her sex around his swollen shaft, drawing out as much of the warm feeling as she could. After the stretching of her earlier deflowering, Tia hadn't even noticed her brother had knotted her, and the equine managed to pull him free without even taking the time to let his knot shrink.

Tia looked back over her shoulder and saw the stallion buried half way in her brother's ass, his knotted cock bobbing freely beneath him as the horse continued his hard series of thrusts. The hyena wandered over to snap a picture of the exhausted husky, followed by telling the lion to "Go ahead and bring the truck around." Without even bothering to get dressed the lion wandered off, as the hyena turned to watch the stallion finish up.

By the time a black large box truck was pulling into the driveway, the stallion had started his climax deep inside the male fox, finishing all over his raised rear and thighs, making the intense fucking he'd endured entirely obvious. Also the wolf had finally separated himself from Tia's mother, who was the first to be carried nearly unconscious up into the back of the waiting truck.

The hyena snapped a quick set of pictures of Tia's brother, and nodded to the stallion as he scooped up the husky along with the bunny and carried them off toward the truck as well. "We're going for a little ride Princess," the hyena said, offering Tia a massive paw. Still on all fours Tia was a little confused at first, expecting someone else would want to use her. The hyena had something else in mind however, and took her arm to help her stand on wobbly legs, then led her down the driveway and into the back of the waiting truck.

To Tia's surprise, the back of the truck at first looked full of boxes, but the hyena quickly opened one of the larger ones, showing that it was in fact just a façade. Behind this was an open space, covered in thick black padding, with chains set in rows along the walls. The space was already nearly full, with several furs chained to the padded walls, all female, and all naked, showing signs of wetness between their legs. Noticing this helped Tia start to recover from her dazed state, and made her start to become a bit concerned.

"What are we gonna do with this lot?" The lion asked as he stepped inside carrying Tia's brother. "The boys we'll drop off at bayside reassignment on the way" the hyena answered with a smile. "We can swing back by and pick them up once they're ready, and get paid for a few extra cunts." Tia blinked, not understanding, as the hyena led her over to an empty set of chains. "Mommy over there won't be good for much aside from the box," he added as he chained Tia up, nodding toward the girl's mother who was already chained to the opposite wall between a younger tigress and a voluptuous squirrel, "but Princess here, well, I've got something extra special in mind for her" he said, giving Tia's sex a gentle stroke with his paw, making her shudder.

Tia soon found herself chained up like the others, arms and legs spread wide, complete with a gag keeping her from crying out. The young boys too were already secured, except for Tia's brother, who the lion was still holding. "Looks like no more room boss," the feline said, turning to the hyena. "Hmm," the hyena murmured, looking over the young male's limp body as he thought. Then the hyena began to smile. "I'll take care of it" he said, taking the boy from the lion who stepped out the door the way he had come.

The hyena set Tia's brother down just in front of her, unfastening one of her wrists then the other, and cuffing them together with those of her brother, leaving the two siblings facing each other. The hyena then detached Tia's ankle chains from the wall, lifting her legs and wrapping them around her brother's back before locking them together. The hyena smiled broadly at his work, as the two young foxes looked at each other puzzled. "I'm sorry to say this is the last time you'll be enjoying this together," the hyena said with feigned concern, reaching down to give the male fox's shaft a brief series of strokes before guiding it into his sister's waiting sex. "Better enjoy it while it lasts! He added, slapping the male's rear with his huge paw and causing him to buck forward.

Both the foxes gasped, and the hyena laughed again, before turning to walk out the back of the truck, shutting the fake box and then the door behind him, leaving Tia and the others in total darkness. It wasn't until she felt truck start to move, that Tia started to really become concerned. What was happening to her, and to her family? Was this part of what normally happened on this special day? When were they going to take her home? She whimpered softly, but didn't make much sound with the gag, and heard much the same from her brother and the others all around her.

The motion of the truck made her brother's cock thrust back and forth inside of her, if he wasn't the one doing it himself, and Tia's whimpers became moans. This had definitely not been what she thought would happen when she stepped out the door to her house. This was something else, but something special all the same. Somehow the concerns of being locked up and taken away with no idea where she would end up managed to slowly fade away, as the feeling of her brother's cock in her little pussy made it impossible to think about anything but the pleasure. No matter what was going to happen, she knew she was going to be getting exactly what she needed.

A Typical Day

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Finding Excitement

1. "C'mon Teshi, hurry it up!" came the muffled voice from the other side of the bathroom door, followed by another round of paws banging against it. Teshira sighed, tilting her head back into the water fountaining down from the showerhead to let it...

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Trouble in the Park

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