Dungeon of Forbidden Desires Part 1
#1 of Dungeon of Forbidden Desire
This is the first part of Dungeon of Forbidden Desires, a short but kinky story series involving unfortunate adventures being involved in a mysterious dungeon full of surprises.
This will be, by far, the longest adult story series I've ever attempted, so thanks for reading!
It will be mainly BDSM-themed.
The Lizan stood in front of a giant, ancient-looking door. He tried his best not to be scared by it, but it clearly failed. He wasn't alone in this matter, and that gave him a small relief to keep his face straight to the danger in front of him. Unfortunately for him, they noticed.
"Hey, you don't need to follow through if you don't want to," said one of them, a draconian. Despite of his race's heritage, he was not the most imposing of the group.
"I-I'm fine!" replied the Lizan.
"Can't blame ya for being scared," said a lion, the one most ready to explore, and the one most imposing. "This here is the most mysterious, most dangerous ruins that claimed so many lives."
"W-what happened to them?"
"No one knew," he said while shaking his feline head. "They simply vanished after they were last seen in that old settlement. I do, however, have a question for you, Isthak. Why does a scholar like you want to join this expedition?"
"I know a wide array of healing magic. I can support you when necessary."
"Let's hope it is good enough," said a rat person beside him. "We can't risk seeing someone getting mauled to death or falling into a death trap, right?"
"Don't undermine him, Arnad," said a goat person beside the rat. He then turned to Isthak and said, "Keep your mind clear and don't panic. Remember your training."
"Yes, master Kaln," said Isthak. The presence of an offensive and experienced mage was enough to keep the Lizan calm.
"And one more tip. Stay together and be vigilant. Don't be tempted to move forward and watch out for traps. This pre-War ruin keeps a lot of nasty things."
"You hear that, greenhorn?" teased Arnad to Isthak.
"I am also talking to you, Arnad," said the lion man. He then turned to another reptilian party member in the group, a kobold. "And you too, Sciler."
"What did I do, Rodrigo?" asked Sciler, confused.
"There are bound to be treasures in there. Make sure you don't accidentally trigger a trap. I know you're easily tempted."
"Well, yeah, but..."
"Any questions?"
Ishtak then raised his hand.
"H-how big do you think this ruin is going to be?"
"We can be inside for days."
"Days surrounded by darkness? O-oh..."
"If you're not ready, this is the only time to..."
Ishtak did not want to be underestimated. He was the most important member of the group, and he needed to get through to the end. His reptilian eyes gave out a determined look.
"No. I'm alright."
Rodrigo nodded then turned towards the imposing door. He took a deep breath and said, "Then...let's begin."
The group walked towards the door. It was held open by a faulty mechanism that prevented it from closing. It seemed to work towards them as they did not want the door to close. Arnad had made sure to put a jammer if it did close on them.
Going through the door was another sight of abandoned structure. The entrance was bland and pretty much carved in stone, and sparsely decorated. Ishtak thought that years of being abandoned made the entrance fell prey to looters and such. The others also thought so.
"No traps out here, guys," said Arnad while looking around. "We're clear."
"It's too good to be true, Ar," said the draconian.
"Hey, try and trust your trapmaster for once."
"Kinda hard trusting a former thief."
"Then learn and live with it, Alteron."
Ishtak looked at the group's banter and wondered if he would be accepted soon. The party was mostly hardened travelers that went to work together. He came out of a small town near the ruins of a big city when Kaln, his teacher of magic who had been involved with the group for years, offered him membership. It was his first time on that continent, and he wished to at least live long enough to know what it felt like living away from the comfort of towns.
They descended a set of stairs towards a dark, foreboding dungeon. So far, so good. There was nothing that could indicate traps or anything like that. The darkness made it harder to see things, but with a rat person and a kobold in the group, they could move on.
The descending stairs took them deeper and deeper into the mountainside that the dungeon belonged to. Going down, Isthak felt something weird, and quickly became aware.
"Master, did you feel that?" said Isthak.
"There's magic in the air," said Kaln. He turned his head towards Rodrigo. "Rodrigo, the traps are magical in nature."
"Can you detect them?"
"It will be difficult, but I'll try."
Before long, they reached the bottom of the stairs. The group quickly found out many oddities that they had never seen before, including Isthak.
In the total darkness and limited lighting, they quickly noticed that the walls and the floors were glossy black in color. Also, they found two black statues kneeling on a pedestal. The statues seemed to give out a hint that they were both feline in appearance, with Rodrigo acknowledging that they were statues of lion men.
"Strange. They're maneless," said Rodrigo. "Guess it's hard to carve out our manes, huh?"
"There's inscription on the pedestal," said Alteron. "It's written in Common. It says 'The Punished Slaves'. Well, that's bad choice of name, if you ask me."
"What's more important is why. I've seen kneeling statues before, but I've never seen something made out of..."
"Rubber," said Ishtak while rubbing his scaled hand on the wall. "It is made out of rubber."
"Huh?" said Arnad. "How can you tell?"
"He's right," said Sciler. "The statues, too."
When he shone his flashlight towards one of the statues, he noticed something.
"Hey, uh...is that normal?"
They turned towards where Sciler was shining at. The statue's head did not look like what most statues looked like. The expression was not neutral, and something seemed to be stuffed inside the lion men's mouth that kept the mouth open. It was hard to determine what since the object was also black in color. The other statue was similar in appearance.
"Huh. Strange," said Rodrigo. "I think the previous owner had a weird taste for decoration. Let's move on."
The group opened the door in front of them, which opened with a squeaking sound as it was coated in similar material with the floor and the wall. It seemed like a normal door, and they pressed on.
They did not notice the words over the doors in the darkness. It said, 'Abandon your old life, ye who enter'.
The group pressed on, occasionally saw statues that slowly disturbed them. It started from something normal like kneeling with hands behind their backs, but then it slowly devolved into something risqué and suggestive. Isthak noticed one statue where in addition of kneeling with hands behind his back, his erect phallus was in full view. The statue also had something stuffed inside his mouth. Isthak knew that it suggested orgasm, and he chose to look away while others admired it, though they were similarly disturbed by the previous owner's choice of decoration.
The statues became less as they reached an open space with several doors leading to darkness. They chose not to move forward, still stunned by the appearances of the disturbing statues, and chose to make camp. The area was fine enough, and did not seem to have traps.
Only Kaln and Isthak were worried about the high amount of magic in the air. It was as if the dungeon was once a magic-based one. While the others were making their camps, the two mages sat at the corner and discussed the situation.
"This is foul magic, yes, but it's peculiar," said Kaln. "The rubber coating, the statue...they seem to be a work of molding magic."
"Yes, but uh...can I tell you a secret, master?"
"Your secret's safe with me, Isthak."
"H-have you ever heard of BDSM before?"
"The one where you got aroused by getting tied up and seeing people suffer?"
Isthak nodded with an embarrassed expression, which gave Kaln a clue.
"Oh. Ohhh..."
"Please don't tell anyone."
Kaln looked around. The group seemed to be minding their own business.
"I guess that explains the marks on your wrists. But, how did you...?"
Isthak showed his teacher a levitating magic.
"And you use it to tie yourself up."
"It's alright. Everyone have their own secrets. So, you mean this is a form of BDSM dungeon?"
"Yes, but it's far too well made," said Isthak. "And it's clearly cater towards rubber encasement."
"That a thing, too?"
"I have a rubber suit."
"You know what, never mind. So, are you telling me that there is nothing we can find here, and we should go back?"
"Something along that way. I pretty much prefer to stay here since...you know..."
"And that is going to be your downfall, Isthak. That is your darkest desire, and that desire will cause you to perish in this dungeon," said Kaln. "Remember the teachings. Block all desires, and stay calm. Magic is a raw force of nature that can only be calmed by mages with strong minds."
"I know, but hiding my fetishes from the others is hard enough as it is."
Kaln sighed. "To be honest with you, this dungeon is far from normal. This is the first time we've ever encountered something like this. You expected danger and excitement, don't you?"
"I know what I must do, but not here. Here I feel like my body's going to betray me before I can even cast a spell. If we're attacked..."
"Hey, have you seen Arnad?" said Sciler while approaching Kaln.
"No. Wait, did he split? I thought we agree to stay together!"
And I thought he's with...oh, shit."
The kobold pulled out his dagger and said, "We're being attacked."
The rest became aware and quickly pulled out their weapons. Kaln extended his hands while Isthak readied his staff. The first thing he did was to cast protection spell around the group.
"We can't fight in the darkness," said Rodrigo. "Kaln."
Kaln knew what the lion man wanted. He quickly casted a spell that illuminated the area. That was when they found out two things.
The first was the fact that the whole area was wider than what they thought at first, and second, they found Arnad. The rat was trying his best to struggle, but it was no use. A tendril of black substance caught him and started dragging him away from the group. His fight proved futile as he was dragged further into the darkness, disappearing with a squeak.
There was then silence. It happened so quickly that they did not have time to react.
"How...how did he get caught?" said Sciler. "I thought he's supposed to be our danger radar."
"Whatever that is...I think we just angered it," said Alteron. "This place is a monster's nest."
Rodrigo was stunned that one of his longest party member was quickly taken, presumably killed. Gritting his sharp teeth, he said, "Pack up. We get out of this forsaken place."
This quickly elicited a response from Isthak.
"Wait, we can't just..."
"Leave Arnad behind? Look, Isthak, I know you are a good Lizan, but believe me. I don't want to lose another member, especially one as new as you. The best we can do is to hope that Arnad keeps that monster occupied."
"He's right, Isthak," said Sciler.
Isthak seemed to be struggling to follow Rodrigo's suggestion, but in the end, he sadly followed his leader.
Another surprise came when they reached the door where they came from. It was locked shut with no handle, preventing them escape. Every attempt, including gravity magic, did not seem to make it budge. Rodrigo's giant axe failed to put any mark on it despite of the material coating it, and burning it did not seem to work aside from illuminating the area for a moment before it went out. In frustration, Rodrigo kept attacking the door, only for his axe to bounce off it harmlessly.
"Hey! We can't escape if we're enraged," said Kaln.
"Any suggestions, then?"
"We clearly can't go back, so..."
They all turned towards their former camp.
"The only way is forward."
"And getting ourselves eaten, like Arnad."
"Not if we keep together and stay alert. Isthak, your shield magic needs work, but I can help."
"This is a very big risk to take, Kaln."
"Look, either we stay put and get ourselves killed senseless, or we move forward and see what's in store. We might find Arnad...or what's left of him."
Isthak gulped. Sure, he had only known Arnad for a while, but he would not want to see a maimed body from someone he knew. It's disturbing.
They pressed forward, with Ishtak's magic and Kaln's enhancement their only protection from whatever's lurking in the dark. The area became even more disturbing as they went through a room full of what seemed to be statues stuck to the wall. They looked so lifelike it's unnerving.
"I think whoever's making this dungeon is a sicko, and that monster's his failed experiment," said Alteron.
"A sicko who takes the world's rubber supply and turn it into his underground abode? Yeah, I guess not everyone's involved in the War."
"We can't judge," said Kaln. "For us, the War happened hundreds of years ago."
"The body dies, but the magic remains," said Alteron.
They came out into another room. The room was grand, but like the previous one, it was covered with black glossy rubber all over. It was also furnished with many furnitures, but not just any furniture. The area looked almost like a true castle dungeon.
While the others contemplated on what kind of sick experiment the previous owner was doing, only Isthak seemed to notice that the 'torture' furnitures and devices were in fact a kinkier version of the real thing. He could see the wooden horse had a blunt edge and ridged as if to stimulate someone siting on top of it. There was also a chair with a phallic object underneath that seemed to move like a piston. Chains, ropes, and bondage gears were neatly arranged in a cupboard on the far end of the room. Along with that, there were also rubber suits that seemed so tight, something Isthak secretly liked to wear.
He wanted to take one, maybe as a loot if they got out of the dungeon, but his better self stopped him. What if the suit was in fact a trap? Without Arnad, there was no way, to be sure. With a sad face, he sighed and turned away. His tail, however, touched the suit, and unseen by him, it became alive and morphed into a ball, coating his tail without him knowing about it.
Knowing the stake at hand, they quickly decided to press on. Kaln surmised that there must be a magical contraption that could help them get out quickly. He argued that a place this big must've had more than one exit.
"If it does not span the entire mountain," said Rodrigo. "I've had enough of this place."
"Everyone is, Rodrigo." Kaln then took a glance towards Isthak, who could barely contain his excitement and embarrassment. The goat knew that sooner or later, Isthak would become distracted and ended up endangering the rest, given how the dungeon seemed to be his secret fetish and catered to everything he liked secretly. With the group morale getting damaged by the disturbing things around them, they would soon blame Isthak when they found out about his secret desire. Kaln did not want that. Isthak may be weird, but he's kind and did not mean harm. He just hoped that it did not got out of hand.
They traveled a corridor, this time bigger and less decorated than before. The wall was no longer coated with rubber, but instead was smoothed surface of the mountain's inside. The change of scenery seemed to ease the party a bit, and with that, they chose to make camp. This time, they were even more aware, and as precaution, had put a reflecting shield magic around the camp's perimeter. They dared not to sleep, especially after knowing that one of them was lost. They did not want to imagine what happened to him.
Isthak was given first watch, which troubled him as he clearly struggled not to give in to the dungeon's temptation. As he struggled, he failed to notice the rubbery substance coating his tail at an alarming rate. It was left unnoticed as his mage robe covered most of it, leaving no one to notice anything unusual from him. The rest took a small rest, which was not a comfortable one.
Before Isthak could sleep due to exhaustion, he was taken back to the waking world by Rodrigo, who touched his shoulder and said, "I'll take the next watch. You sure the spell holds?"
"Master Kaln has charged the crystal on my staff. He'll charge it later on his watch."
"He does that, isn't he?" said Rodrigo with a smile on his feline face. "How about you?"
"I'm fine."
"Don't act too tough, Isthak. I know you're scared. This is something far from what you've ever encountered. Hell, even we don't know what to do with this forsaken place."
"What do you expect?"
"Death stench and dried blood? Even traps and monsters taking residence. It's something we expect, not some twisted place like this."
Rodrigo sighed.
"But even then, we're lucky that it's nothing more than a monster lurking in the dark. I know it's bad for Arnad, but still, it's better than losing everyone."
"Why are you so...strong? How can you be."
"Because in the end, everyone here won't get to live out their whole life. There's always things that can make life short. You get the idea."
The Lizan nodded.
"Take a rest. We need your magic more than anything."
"I thought master..."
"Kaln's more the offensive type. I thought you studied under him."
"Not really. He's my combat teacher."
"Well, there you go. Oh, and while you're at it, wake Alter up, would you? I need company. Something tells me that this won't be a good rest for you, Sciler, and Kaln."
The Lizan gulped. He wished he was not reminded about the lurking danger. Still, his exhaustion would not enable him to be frightened awake, so he simply did what the lion man asked and went to sleep under a makeshift tent.
Isthak's short sleep was plagued with dirty dreams. He dreamed about himself being caught by the monster, forced into a tight bondage, and being molested while he moaned like a slut he was. He was helpless as the monster's tendrils wrapped around his limbs and ripped his robe, revealing a naked, scaled-covered body beneath. This embarrassment, along with the fact that he was helpless, instead caused his arousal to be heightened to a new degree. The tendril moved like a skilled hand, wrapping itself around Isthak's semi-erect shaft and started stroking it. He quickly woke up after he started moaning loudly in that dream.
"What a dream," thought Isthak while panting. "This dungeon is starting to get to me."
The others had woken up and eaten their foods, with Isthak simply enjoying himself with several dried fruits and crackers. Getting ready, they continued their journeys through the dungeon.
Somehow, the monster ceased to attack them after Arnad, and they proceeded through the dungeon with no sense of direction and knowledge of what they would expect. The corridor they made their camps led to a vast room, almost like a grand gallery of sorts. Of course, they had expected that something in theme with what they saw before would turn up, only this time it was something more than what they expected.
The grand gallery was well-lit with magical light. Like the previous rooms, there were statues in here that indicated something, but the biggest 'statue' they encountered, however, was of a dragon. Not one, but two, dragons were the centerpiece of the gallery. The two dragons were facing each other. They looked so glossy with the rubber coating their bodies and wings, along with the erect penis that seemed to suggest something.
"Okay, I know the statues are okay, but this is getting too ridiculous," said Sciler. "Did we just stumble into an erotic dungeon or some shit?"
"Look," said Kaln while pointing towards a dragon. "It's wearing cuffs."
Only Isthak noticed that those cuffs were the bondage variant, with d-rings for anchor, which was used to tie its front legs behind it which also hold his wings from opening. The other dragon was positioned in a similar pose, which caused their penises to be in full view.
It was then when Isthak noticed something that almost caused him to scream. Both dragons were actually moving, but not much, given how most of their bodies were already encased in thick rubber and they were restrained.
"They're alive!" exclaimed Isthak which drew the rest of them towards him.
"What?!" Sciler looked towards one dragon's eyes and also noticed a slight movement. "You're right. They're alive. But, what..." Just then, they noticed a particular sight, a bat. Not just any bat, however, but a rubber-encased, bound anthro bat that was positioned as if it was sleeping upside down. Upon closer inspection, however, like the dragons, it was alive. Unlike the dragons, it was blindfolded and its mouth was stuffed with the same ball that forced it open.
That was when they realized that the dragons and the bat were prisoners. They were caught by an unknown force of nature and was put on display there, alive and well-fed, but was unable to move and seemed to be frustrated.
"Oh, god," said Rodrigo while pulling out his sword. He was visibly agitated.
"Can we get them out of here?"
"I don't think that's a wise decision. In fact, we got company."
True to what Rodrigo said, several soldiers in rubber suit came towards them. Isthak noticed that they, too, were dressed in bondage gears, with the most obvious thing from the getup was the bright red ball gag stuffed inside their mouths, the cuffs over the armor, and collars around their necks. They seemed to be lucid and not under hypnosis, and they were clearly sharpshooters, with guns pointed towards them.
Rodrigo was the first to realize that he was no match against guns, and quickly ducked behind a counter as they started shooting. Isthak's staff was still over the counter when they shot the weapons, and when he pulled it down, he realized that the crystal on top of his staff was coated with thick, liquid rubber that quickly hardened. The situation was dire as Isthak specialized in crystals, and they had incapacitated his only way to retaliate.
Kaln, who knew Isthak's style, realized this, and from his pouch, produced several crystals.
"Use these, and fast," said Kaln. Isthak did so, enhancing the crystals with explosive energy and threw one towards them. They were surprised when the explosion caused by it threw the soldiers away to the other side of the room. It was their cue to run.
"I never know you have that much reserve of magic."
"Me neither," said Isthak, similarly confused. "I only gave them enough for a flash."
As they ran, Alteron tripped on something on the floor, which also stopped him from recovering and caused him to fell. He was quickly at the mercy of the rest of the soldiers that backed the ones incapacitated, restraining him and quickly knocked him out.
"No!" exclaimed Rodrigo while turning around. "Alteron!"
"We can't stay, Rodrigo!" said Sciler. "Come on, we gotta run!"
Rodrigo's snarl was full of anger, but he knew that he could not do anything about it. He quickly turned around and ran with the group. Without warning, he stepped on a hidden switch that quickly opened a trap door that caused him to fall. The chasm was big enough to prevent Rodrigo to recover, coupled with something pulling him down towards the abyss. He tried his best, but he was not strong enough. With a mighty roar, his grip loosened and he fell, leaving the stunned trio watching their strongest party member down like that.
Sciler and Isthak were visibly upset and were on the verge of panicking when Kaln calmed them down with soothing magic.
"This is no time to break, you two," said the goat. "We gotta press on."
"Yes, but...I'm scared," said Isthak, visibly shaking. "I'm scared..."
"Pull yourself together," said Sciler. "Kaln..."
"I know," he said grimly. "It's our end."
"End?" said Isthak, surprised. "B-but..."
"We are deep within a dangerous dungeon, with no hope of recovery, and one by one, our group is being thinned out," said Kaln. "If we can't find any exit, then we'll go down fighting." "B-but, master..."
"I know, Isthak, I know," said Kaln trying to calm him down. "I'm so sorry about this. I am not supposed to take you in a dangerous place like this."
Isthak tried to act tough by saying, "It's not your fault. I know the risks when I follow you in."
"I guess you're right." Kaln then stood up. "Come on. We will find an exit. I know of it."
They pressed on, unaware of the danger in front of them.
Somewhere in that dungeon, a lone figure smiled towards the screen as she looked at her victims. Soon, she would get everyone to be her plaything. Still, she was pretty interested with the Lizan mage in that group. The rubber trap she gave to the Lizan would not activate unless a sufficiently strong arousal triggered it. She considered it to be one of her least important traps, and she used it to find a suitable candidate to help the operations of the Dungeon of Desires.
She sighed while playing with an obviously magical rubber levitating off her hands. The Lizan could be useful, but it would not work if he was unwilling. In the end, he would become one of her playthings, and it would be a waste.
There must be a way to convince him to join her...
Something came to her. If she could isolate him, it would be easier...
The group could not bother to rest, not after losing half of their parties. Kaln knew that morale was at the lowest, and both Isthak and Sciler was no longer thinking happy thoughts. He blamed himself for causing them both trouble, and frankly, he felt like he was supposed to perish with the others. Sciler and Isthak, both reptilians, would work better together as he had noticed. Unlike the others, Sciler was the one who was actively trying to drive Isthak to be more confident. Rodrigo's friendliness and Alteron's openness helped him, though Arnad was skeptical and reluctant to accept Isthak. Kaln personally recommended Isthak to the group when the previous healer mage quit after being fed up with the dangers. For once, he was right. If he followed the group to the dungeon, this would be his funeral.
Kaln knew that it was impossible to get out once they were locked in. The dungeon was as mysterious as the disappearance of several high profile explorers, including several from the famous mercenary group the Wanderers. While their leader Narati had done so much, he was troubled with the fact that the disappearances were still unresolved.
As he was thinking about this, he took a glance towards Isthak and noticed something peculiar. The Lizan's tail was usually tucked under his robe, but due to the previous scuffle, it was in full view. To Isthak's horror, it was coated in black rubber.
"Isthak, your tail!" exclaimed Kaln. "Look at your tail!"
Isthak turned and followed Kaln's orders, and was similarly surprised. It was then when he noticed that almost half of his lower part of his body had already been covered with it. Somehow, he did not even notice it until Kaln said about it.
But Instead of being mortified, Isthak looked at the tail and rubbed it. "Wow," he said.
"Not 'Wow'!"
"I know it's dangerous, but somehow, it is kinda...sexy, I guess?"
"Wait, Isthak," said Sciler. "Are you telling me that you..."
Isthak realized what he just said, and just blushed.
"You know, I don't care about your private fantasies, but I can't believe you get yourself horny when everyone's dying! Are you telling me that your distractions is because of looking those rubber statues the wrong way?!"
"I can't help it, okay? The dungeon's clearly not some dangerously violent one. It's still violent, but...but..."
That distraction was enough for Isthak to forget where he was walking, and he hit a nearby wall. The hidden switch on the wall caused it to rotate around, separating him from the group. He banged the wall while shouting their names.
"Sciler! Kaln!" he said in desperation. "Help me!"
"Oh, but you're out of their reach now, little lizard," said a feminine voice. Isthak turned around as the room lit up, revealing a rubber-clad female reptilian in front of him. Just one glance and Isthak realized that the female was a basilisk, with her characteristic prismatic eyes and feathered appearance being their main allure. Somehow, instead of being scared or agitated, he was...attracted? He liked how basilisks look, and coupled with rubber covering her body and her gaze, it instead caused Isthak to become lost in his fantasy.
"Like what you see?" said the basilisk while approaching Isthak.
There was a clicking sound, and when Isthak looked down, he noticed that a collar was already put around his neck.
"Don't be scared, little lizard," she said. "Instead, I'm going to liberate you. From the look of it, you love the feel of rubber and bondage, huh?"
"I-it's supposed to be a secret..."
"That rubber trap you got yourself into feed on your lust. You may try and deny it, but your lust won't lie. Come."
A leash in front of the Lizan pulled him and he had no choice but to obey. The basilisk smiled as they walked into a furnished, rubber room.
"My name is Mirabelle. Like you, I hailed from the continent beyond this land. I was trying to escape my master. You know your history, right, young one?"
"Yeah, but..."
"No hard feelings, Lizan," said Mirabelle while kissing the Lizan. "It's all in the past. About my master, he found me, but he found out how eager he was to be a submissive slave. He's on that wall at the moment."
Mirabelle pointed towards a figure on a war, squirming in a skin-tight rubber suit with his hands restrained in the wall. Over his head was a gas mask of some sort, but was modified with a tube coming out of his reptilian face. His yellow reptilian eyes looked at Mirabelle with a submissive look, with his moans muffled under the mask. Isthak also noticed something being pushed into his tailhole and his penis was inside a chastity belt, preventing him release.
The look of the restrained older Lizan made Isthak even hornier. Somehow, that catered with his submissive fantasy and something he really wanted to happen to him. He felt jealous that the older Lizan was there instead of him. He really wanted to experience the frustration.
"Don't worry, he is not there permanently. My former master happens to be my lover, and we have been living in this dungeon together. We get out, occasionally. I'm not some reclusive mage, right?"
"I guess you're not," said Isthak. "Anyway, I always wondered. My party was not actually killed, right?"
"No, and you have my words. While they don't understand the beauty of bondage, I've put them in several situations where they'll learn to love it. If not, I'll just kick them out, with knowledge of this place wiped out of their memories."
"So, how does anyone know about this place?"
"Several of my subjects get out there and spread word about this place. I don't expect anyone to come, and I don't expect them to know their secret desires."
"You're turning them into your slaves?"
"Oh, no, not that kind of slave. Just bondage slave, and they love it. They live out their lives normally, like me, unless they want to do some kinky stuff. Still, I'm kinda bored."
"I like to be a dom, and yes, it's also something I do as a practicing fetish mage. Yes, there is a class for that, and it's only given for those who knows about it. It's like a secret society thing. But, it's only one me, and I need assistant."
"Like, someone who would help you with your things?"
"It's a hard criteria. It must be someone with sufficient magic skills, have a secret BDSM love, and a willing one at that. Most, if not all, of my subjects here found themselves liking it after I suggested it to them. You, on the other hand, love it, like me."
"How is it different?"
"You don't underestimate your fantasies, my dear. If you want proof, just undress and put on these cuffs."
Isthak blushed. He shakily tried to open his robes, but was embarrassed as Mirabelle stared at him. The basilisk gave a cheeky smile and turned around.
"Don't worry. I won't look."
Isthak was not sure about that, but nevertheless, he disrobed and was surprised by how fast the rubber creeped on him. Was it because of his fantasy? Ignoring that, he looked at the cuffs, and noticed that they were linked together. He blushed even more. If he put them on, he would not be able to use his hands.
"Oh, before I forget. Put on that ball gag first."
Mirabelle's voice caused Isthak to blush. A ball gag? That's his most favorite part of a bondage gear aside from a skin-tight rubber suit. He liked to have his moans inaudible as he pleasured himself with magic. He had been doing self-bondage in secret, tying his whole body up with ropes inside his drawer, restraining his tail, his legs, and his arms in a hogtie position, before he put on a big ball gag over his reptilian maws. He would sometimes put on a blindfold just to shut off his senses more, but when he wanted to pleasure himself, he let himself see what he was doing.
As Lizans had an internal penis, he looked like a girl when he was not erect. It soon changed when he pleasured himself as he applied a magic that simulate hands over his slit and let his big cock fully erect. He was not embarrassed to show that his cock was quite big. While being bound tight and gagged, he would pleasure himself, stroking his magic hands slowly on it while moaning. That was his fantasy, and now he get to live it again, in a different setting, with someone watching?
He wanted to put on the ball gag after he put the cuffs, thinking that he could use magic. When he tried, however, he could not.
"Oh, I haven't told you yet. The collar you are wearing prevents you from using your magic. I know it's inconvenient, but it's a precaution. I don't want you shooting me from behind."
"You know I am not that cowardly."
"I believe you. Still, knowing that you're helpless makes it better."
Isthak blushed. It was true that the knowledge of being able to unbind himself with magic seemed to make it less of a bondage. Knowing that he would be completely at Mirabelle's mercy made his cock rock hard. He did what Mirabelled told him. To his surprise, the cuffs that were linked broke off from each other, only to move Isthak's hands towards his back.
"Dmmf," said Isthak among his gag.
"Perfect." Mirabelle turned around. "Oh, and I guess you need a proper suit."
She snapped her fingers and the rubber coating Isthak slowly coated his body under the collar, even forming zippers over his groin area.
"Oh, and that gag is telepathic. You can still talk to me while gagged. Neat, right?"
"Neat?" said Isthak in his mind, which came out with a voice that surprised him.
"Now that you get what you need, follow me."
Mirabelle took off the leash before hand, leaving Isthak to follow the kinky basilisk. Instead of scared, he was excited. Somehow, he was going to a wonderland of kink and bondage that catered to everything he liked. He felt he could trust Mirabelle, even if she made him wear a rubber suit, hands tied behind his back, collar silencing his magic, and a ball gag stuffed into his mouth.
"So, Mirabelle..." asked Isthak through his mind.
"Mira's fine, young one," she said.
"About those dragons and that bat. How did you catch them?"
"The bat was a visitor from a different reality who happened to meet me during the early period of my settlement here," she said. "For once, I can say that his current predicament was not my doing. A similar magic in his world caused him to become like that. He grew to like it, of course. The dragons, however, are of this world, and they were nasty. It's best if I keep them as prisoners of this place. If my power fails, they will lay waste to an already destroyed world."
"And those statues?"
"A little magic from a rubber world. Like them?"
"Yes, though my companions felt it's a bad taste."
"They miss out, then, which reminds me. Your two remaining companions are still aimlessly wandering the halls as we speak. They believe that there's an exit through the mountain. Unfortunately for them, they are stuck. The only other exit beside the entrance is through my personal room."
"Can you help them out? They don't have to be involved with this."
"Oh, but what's the fun in that?" said Mirabelle with a mischievous, toothy smile. "And better yet, I want you to determine their fates."
This made Isthak surprised. He would be the one determining the fates of Sciler and Kaln? Why would he do that? Yes, he loved this, but those two could not have enjoyed any of this. If they knew that it was him...
"Don't think out loud, dear," said Mirabelle while putting her scaled hand on Isthak's snout. "Now that you're gagged, your mind is your tongue. Yes, everyone thinks they won't enjoy this, but this is not Dungeon of Bondage. This is Dungeon of Forbidden Desires. Everyone has their own fetishes, even if it does not involve bondage."
"Even if...." Isthak tried to gulp, but the ball gag holding his tongue did not help. "Even if it's bad?"
"Don't worry. There's nothing that involves death," said Mirabelle. "There will be a version of what they secretly liked, so nothing too extreme, alright?"
"So...do you think I can take off the gag? I'm drooling all over and, frankly, I prefer talking with my mouth."
Another snap, and Isthak's gag came off. He flexed his maws a bit before saying, "Thank you."
"Do you like wearing it?"
"Yeah. It's a bit strange talking when my mouth's gagged, but...yeah."
"When you know about this art, you can access the pocket dimension where every bondage gear you know is in there."
"Can you teach me?"
"Patience, my dear. Say, I didn't get your name."
"It's Isthak."
"Isthak, huh? Nice name."
"Anyway, like I said. You'll be the one determining their fates. It's part of your training as a fetish mage."
"Training? Also, what do you mean about the difference between loving it and learn to like it?"
"You learned to like wearing bondage gear a long time ago, before you even stepped foot in this dungeon," said Mirabelle. "Thus, when you put on the cuffs and the gag, you did not hesitate or ask too many questions. It's a simple test to know you have what it takes to be a fetish mage. Otherwise, I have no choice but to let you out, and have your fate determined by me."
"How do you know I'm not bluffing?"
"We're reptilians, Isthak. I can quickly see that you're eager," said Mirabelle with a smile. "Also, I can see that your penis is waiting to be pleasured."
Isthak looked away in embarrassment.
"Oh, don't be shy, dear. In here, you're free to indulge on your desires. Anyway, about determining their fates, it will work like a game."
"Aside from the rest of the group, the remaining that was captured is currently wandering the dungeon."
Mirabelle then directed Isthak to a room that had a lot of screens in it. He was surprised to see his companions, those he thought dead, wandered through the dark dungeon. They were each naked and weaponless, and clearly had no chance of reuniting with each other. Arnad, the first who went down, was sitting by a fountain where he tried to take a rest. Alteron looked around a long, but tight corridor, trying to find a way out. Rodrigo, meanwhile, was frustrated and proceeded to punch the wall, to no avail.
Isthak was relieved that they were alive, but remembered what Mirabelle asked of him.
"Look, Mira," said Isthak. "If any of this involved them getting killed or maimed..."
"I assure you. There's nothing that extreme," said Mirabelle. "Also, you want to know their secret fetishes, right?"
"Do I have the right?"
"They won't even know that you're involved. In fact, when you choose to let them out, it will be the last time you'll ever see them. They'll never even remember going into the dungeon, and a false memory will tell them that you either never joined them, or died on a different mission."
"So, either way, I have no regrets?"
"What do you say?"
Isthak felt like he had no heart doing that, but part of him wanted to know what they liked. A dark impulse started to make the Lizan eager to know. Now that they were at his mercy, he would do anything to see their dark desires and let them let go. This also eliminated his conscience as he decided that they would stay around for a little while.
"What should I do?" said Isthak with a smile.
Mirabelle smiled back. Now, she knew the Lizan was ready.